oingomyboingos · 3 years
im constantly in a state o f wanting to fist fight the hotel owners on hotel hell. what the fuck. what the fuck. you’re making your employees wait 5+ weeks for paychecks that are supposed to be delivered fortnightly, they make only like $4000 A YEAR, and you spend the entire time standing there looking smug in your shit brown ralph lauren polo talking about your luxury RV and antiques collection so big that it’s stored in four separate shipping crates in the parking lot telling Gordon “well if they don’t like working here they can work somewhere else” bITSH ILL CUT YOU
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> Jake: Answizzle Lalonde.
tipsyGnostizzle [TG] began pester'n golgothasTerror [GT] at 6:53
TG: holy shit jaaaje TG: lizzy *k 
GT: Heh hizzle. GT: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. Howdy! GT aww nah: What be all dis commotion 'bout fo gettin yo pimp on? 
TG: nizzle TG: just yo' basic run o tha M-to-tha-izzill holizzle shit TG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. n also TG: hi 
GT: Ah ok then. Hizzay it be! 
TG: also TG: Bounce wit me. want 2 K-N-to-tha-izzow TG: what d-ya want fo` ur wigglin day 
GT: Im not really abrizzle of tha raddest jargon that tha cizzy kids T-to-tha-izzoss 'bout theze days. GT: Mizzaybe because i live alone on an island? I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. I dizzay knizzow bizzy 'n any caze be you blingin' ta mah upcom'n birthdizzle? 
TG: ys 
GT: I see. Very thoughtful of you ta consida so earlizzle! GT: I dont rappa i cizzle advize wit much specificity but i can all but assizzle you i will find any gizzle of yours ta be totally capizzle! 
TG: eeaauuuuurghh yiznou be so fuckin adorizzle 
GT: Um... *steppin' at kerchief wit perspir'n mitts* 
TG: Y-TO-THA-IZZOINK nabs kerfief an stizzops Rp'n for rizzay of chat TG: i was only bring'n it up so much 'n advance coz TG: of tha end of tha wizzy 'bout to happen and all TG: n then TG: i wizzay gizzy tha cizzy TG, know what im sayin? unless we play dis gizname like a bizzay pusha obviously TG now pass the glock: n all meet up in T-H-to-tha-izzere n gang bangin' TG: which would toytes kick ass TG: *tizzles TG: but TG: if you wiznant 2 know whizzay i T-H-to-tha-izzink.......... 
GT if you gots a paper stack: Yizzy so jus' chill? 
TG: do ya? 
GT: I do want ta kizzy what you think! GT thats off tha hook yo: I always W-to-tha-izzant ta kniznow. Coz you be always smart n sassy dogg. 
TG: bizzy D-to-tha-izzude ^^^ TG and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: nizzle TG: i rizzle diznont think we should 
GT: Should whizzay now? 
TG fo' sho': play tha gizzame 
GT: Whizzy not? 
TG ya feelin' me? tha barnoness wants us ta TG cuz its a doggy dog world: * baroness TG: i diznont knizzow wizzy TG: everyth'n i know about it sez it shizzle be a good game n real important n itll liznet us all gizzet motherfucka n do somethin bootylicious n be bizzay niggaz fizzle maybe eternity? TG fo all my homies in the pen: biznut sizzy took all that n twizzle it somehow TG like a tru playa': all i know be shes bank'n on us do'n dis and if she N-to-tha-izzeeds us ta do dis than its got ta be ta make somizzle fuck'n hoorible hizzle TG: * horbible TG: * whore bible TG: ^ bullseye 
GT: Well... GT: Whizzle bibles notwithstanding i have it on terrific authority thiznat play'n dis gizzay wizzill be incredibly important fo yo bitch ass! GT: You gotta check dis shit out yo. So perhaps youre right mizzle we be pizzart of ha evil plizzay? Bizzy dizzle that also necessarizzle rizzay out that gizzle will come of it in all flavas? 
TG thats off tha hook yo: i guess not TG so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: i just hiznave a bad feelizzle TG wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: maybay im just like dis nizzle ass bitsh twirl'n yarn F-R-to-tha-izzom a shitwizards nappy B-R-to-tha-izzown beard but i cant weed-smokin' mysizzle ta trust a ciznake sellin genocidal alien overlard sea queen TG: * overl yeah yeah baby... TG: n/m that santence chx out 
GT: Agree'. :D 
TG: so wizzy be tha itinerary again 
GT: Intinerwhosit? 
TG: regard'n tha gizzy TG: saggin' 'n what drug deala etc 
GT: Oh. Be there such an itinerary? 
TG dogg: yizzy i think so i think its weed-smokin' like TG: i stizzay wit jane n pimpin' baller 'n tha session TG: Boo-Yaa! then ds br'n me 'n and you br'n hizzim 'n n them jane does you n clozes tha loop 
GT paper'd up: W-H-to-tha-izzere be you messin' dis intel puttin tha smack down? Dizzy you guys make a plan or sum-m sum-m fo all my homies in the pen? 
TG: nah dizzont wory 'bout it TG: d-ya want me ta sizzet u up w the files now 
GT keep'n it real yo: Ooh, theze illicit hacked warizzle whizzay i heartell wizzle recently jimmy pip'n hot off the interclouds? 
TG: ahizzle i lizzle that you wizzay barely even jok'n wit thizzay statemizzle bup yizzeah basically 
GT: Holla! Tha silicon pickpockizzle strikes agizzle! You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg.!! Whom be tha wisa? Nobody. 
TG: ffffffffff <3 TG: k ill send it but 
GT: Yizzy mah nizzle? 
TG cuz this is how we do it: jake 
GT: What? I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. 
TG: jjjjjaaake 
GT: !!!!!?  
TG fo yo bitch ass: yiznoure wizzle one of ur diznumb computa nizzay arent you 
GT: Uh like this and like that and like this and uh... 
TG: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. yizzle be all thinktyp'n at me rizzy now while saggin' sum-m sum-m rudiculous TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. * RUDEdiculous (hi five 2 siznelf) 
GT: Hogswallop! Why would you even T-H-to-tha-izzink thizzle fo gettin yo pimp on? GT, know what im sayin? Thats so stupizzle.
> ==>
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