#Bad is canonically Sapnap's Father so-
manglechanbluh · 1 year
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So I had this urge to represent family trees from the server WHILE sorting everyone by generation. Which was a good excuse to draw everyone’s design ! At first I wanted to make only one with lose interpretation of the canon + hc but like just for the whole Skeppy jr thing I had to do 2 separate version or that I really wanted to do a Sally design but the image of a fish in a humanoid family tree was too funny to not draw
Explaining some of my choices : 
-For the generation classification I didn’t go by age groups because it will be way too complicated ( and too loonggg ) to “””estimate””” every characters age and will add inconsistencies. So I just went with the Middle being the reference for everyone classification. Hope it makes sens
-Also the generation groups just serve as indication, this is why some characters are btw 2 groups. The more a character is closer to the group on top/ bottom the older/ younger they are in their group
-The "couple" line is used for duo and or romantic relationship, so polyamorous, platonic couple ect ect
-For my Sally hc design I do think she is a shapeshifter, I just wanted to go crazy with a salmon lady design ( even tho the hair fins are not fishly accurate )
-The grayish red line "Other" in the canon ver, is for other or inderteminate relation like what’s going on btw inanimate-diamond-block-SkeppyJr and c!Bad or for c!Skeppy possibly being c!Sap dad in the canon since Sapnap did say that c!Bad AND c!Skeppy being his character’s fathers was his favorite hc sooo it could be canon ?? This is why it’s crossed like that
-Cross on pink line is when love is dead :) ( pretty self explanatory )
-Even if I really like the idea of c!Phil being father of 3, in the canon c!Techno really is like an old friends of him this why he has the most change btw the 2 ver
- I really struggled to sort out c!Fundy in the hc version because without thinking I would go "Oh yeah cfundy is older than ctommy duh" but then I really don’t like the idea that Wilbur as a son older than his little brother ssooo It result in this cursed image of c!Fundy being younger than c!Tommy and quite close to Micheal babies generation.
I’m sure it’s way messier than it is in my head, so don’t hesitate if you have question !
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heartkade · 2 years
Post-Red Banquet -> Present Day lore recap!
Lore and arcs summarized for each character who’s part of the Egglore finale, up to present day. Just a basic refresher to know where each character is at currently
*Updated to Ponk’s lore stream “A Helping Hand” so it’ll be outdated for current egglore
Was granted fairy wings from DreamXD
Sam employed her and c!Boomer to work under Awesamdude Inc. She is the bank manager. Boomer and her share a strange connection/familiarity, and became fast friends.
Sam holds what happened at the Red Banquet against Hannah, but she wants to move on since it’s “all in the past.”
Boomer tears off her wings accidentally, they declare each other as enemies and fight. Sam wants them to fix their issues for the sake of the business. She’s upset at both of them for not caring.
Currently: desperate to have her wings back, wants to ask DreamXD but can’t get in contact
Locked the Egg away after the Red Banquet, was still the Prison Warden. On the side, works on Awesamdude Inc. for the bank and Las Nevadas for Quackity.
Big reveal that he can transfer his soul between (possibly artificial) bodies that lay dormant all around the server. He knows c!Boomer from the past.
The whole giant Prison Saga which I’ll sum up very briefly: People die on his watch, he continues getting corrupted mentally by the Warden role. Allows violence, kidnaps and takes lives himself believing it’s for righteous reasons, and everybody escapes from the prison in the end. Very few people trust him now.
Gets locked in the prison as retribution. c!Dream visits every day, breaks down his willpower, and takes a canon life.
Has nothing else to do but throw himself into work with Awesamdude Inc. Regularly doing projects with Sam Nook and Foolish.
Egg Resurgence Arc. He finds out that the Egg is growing in power, realizes his methods to contain the entity didn’t work, and is worried about Bad.
Sam Bucket Saga
Currently: just disturbed by everything.
Post-Red Banquet, moves into the Summer Home to regain Foolish’s trust and heal from egg control, they become good friends, and she later moves out
Confronts Sam for chopping off his hand. Finds out that Foolish went on a date with Sam and breaks off their friendship. Cuts off all ties and lives in a cave for a while.
Later rebuilds their friendship with Foolish.
Confronts Sam again after the prison break for what he’s done. Is disappointed in what Sam has become, when he used to be such an amazing person.
Still lives in a cave, not doing too well & had another bad encounter with Sam
Currently: desperate to get his hand back and went to the Egg for help (egglore finale)
Still unsure of how she got to the dsmp, had gotten amnesia from her ship crashing during a storm.
Accepts that everybody on the dsmp is evil in some way, even herself for killing Antfrost at the Red Banquet. Ant and her mutually apologize. Was still upset at Bad.
Slightly involved in the L’Sandburg War arc
Gets her restaurant exploded. Later on decides to leave, wanting a new start.
Currently: birthday party
Half demon, knows Tommy from childhood. His parents died in an attack on their village, and after many years of traveling he arrives in the dsmp. Tries to befriend Tommy again.
Immediately gets attached to Badboyhalo as a father figure. Views Sapnap as a brother.
Big reveal that they can relive past moments of war and violence as auditory hallucinations. Hears the Red Banquet but doesn’t believe that c!Bad would’ve ever hurt anyone.
History lesson from Eret. c!Dream prison escape happens.
Everybody on the server seems on edge and depressed now, Eryn is upset that he can’t help. Feeling lonely & also scared by the past violence he heard, they hide underground for several weeks until c!Aimsey comes and the two become friends.
Currently: deflecting their emotions but otherwise is doing okay
Apologized to everyone for his involvement with the Egg and Red Banquet.
Continued to work as a prison guard under Sam.
Takes his work vacation only to come back and find that c!Dream has escaped the prison. Sam blamed him for not being there to help.
Ant talks to Bad and they confront Sam for abandoning the Badlands and blaming them when he should be responsible. After more arguing, Ant quit the job and left.
Currently: unknown
c!Seapeekay (C!PK)
Fox that can travel to different dimensions and ended up in the dsmp.
Is given a tour by Ponk and later Badboyhalo. Bad repeatedly loses his memory of meeting CPK during this because of the egg trying to control him. Foolish quickly intervenes and brings the two to the Summer Home. Bad later takes CPK to the egg room, before managing to stop himself and disinfects the two in a panic. (this is one of my favorite lore streams)
One day CPK hears creepy voices, curiously goes to the source (egg room) then passes out.
Starts changing his preferences to the color red & his fur becomes discolored.
Another day when cc!CPK is not at the computer, his character begins unconsciously moving on its own. He goes to the Egg and touches it, then runs away. 
He and Aimsey make a team devoted to fixing things but it doesn’t work out. He decides to destroy stuff instead and his house gets exploded.
Currently: unknown. probably not doing very good
Was not willing to apologize to everyone for his involvement with the Egg and Red Banquet. Trying very hard to repress it out of guilt.
Continued to work as a prison guard under Sam.
Decides to live with Foolish at the Summer Home, beginning the very long rollercoaster ride that is the Roommate Saga. Many arcs are part of it, in order we have:
The L’Sandburg War arc
The DreamXD Statue arc. We find out XD hates Bad for some reason.
The L’Cactusburg Prank War arc. Bad & Skeppy’s house got moved to Ohio.
Dream prison escape, Bad quits his job as a prison guard along with Antfrost.
Egg Resurgence Arc. One part being the CPK tour egg-control thing already talked about above. The other part follows Bad and Foolish trying to find out why the Egg is growing stronger, as bloodvines are growing around the Summer Home & Foolish’s builds.
Bad moves out, ending the Roommate Saga “for now”
Sam Bucket Saga
Currently: friends with Sam Bucket, concerned about the Egg and is gathering people for Puffy’s birthday party
The Egg
Got drowned in church prime by Foolish Post-Red Banquet
Tried to get revenge on Foolish and infect Bad again during the Egg Resurgence Arc
Successfully infected C!PK instead
Was “destroyed” by Foolish but actually just moved somewhere else (has similar properties to an ender dragon egg)
Momentarily stopped by Sam Bucket
Currently: growing more powerful. uh oh.
As for the lore of characters that also have a good chance of being in the finale:
Post-Red Banquet, the Egg was in his head until he drowned it in prime water. They apparently have a long history that Foolish doesn’t remember.
The Roommate Saga & the Las Nevadas Saga happening at the same time
DreamXD Statue arc, became besties with XD and was granted immortality and knowledge of the Death Book.
Egg Resurgence Arc same as with Bad. Foolish used his immortality to destroy the Egg; the action kickstarting the Sam Bucket Saga. The egg moved locations and is now more dangerous.
Roommate Saga end & Las Nevadas Finale
Currently: fixing Las Nevadas with c!Quackity
Was slightly involved in the L’Sandburg War and L’Cactusburg Prank War arcs. Him and Bad’s house got moved to Ohio so they rebuilt it.
Currently: living quietly at his house
Has mostly been planning things with c!Dream after the prison escape
Slightly involved in Las Nevadas Finale
Currently: unknown
Sam Bucket
Was a victim of the Egg long ago. He wanted his dog Francis back and the Egg said it could help
Realized he was being controlled and discovered the egg’s weakness to iron. Buried himself with the Egg so hopefully no one would ever find it again. Now has an extended lifespan and teleportation powers
Badboyhalo rediscovered the egg and got corrupted. Sam Bucket wasn’t able to stop the Red Banquet & could only watch
Could physically appear as a result of the Egg Resurgence arc
Sam Bucket Saga. Is trying to protect people from the egg
Currently: saaaam bucket
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As a former SBI reader/author who moved to DTQK+ I notice a lot of differences between SBI found family fanfics and Munchymc found family stories, so I thought I'd make a list of some of the differences I notice most frequently. (Disclaimer, I am one person and therefore am not the authority on whether or not your story is good/bad or fits into the described tropes. Also I have not read every fic in existence and this is just what I've noticed from broader trends. None of these points are intended as criticism towards either of the two genres and are intended as a neutral comparison between the two.)
SBI stories frequently center around adoption as a core aspect of the story, usually with Phil (and sometimes Techno) adopting Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo or occasionally Ranboo. On the other hand, Munchymc stories seem to center more on the characters coming together as adults and building a friend-group style found family without adoption aspects. A lot of SBI stories have defined roles for the characters. Phil is dad, Kristen is mom, Wilbur and Techno are older siblings (or Techno is a friend of the family who serves a 'third parent' role) Tommy is the baby of the family, you get the idea. Munchymc stories tend to completely ignore this - and if they use it at all it's usually just making Bad the father, Skeppy the other father, and everyone else their kids - but most of the time Munchymc stories tend to put all of their characters on even footing. Age differences are a big thing too - SBI-type families tend to dramatically change the ages of their characters, either for story purposes or other reasons, changing anyone and everyone's ages, usually to exaggerate the adoption and parents and children aspect of the dynamic. Munchymc stories rarely do this, from what I've observed, occasionally exaggerating Bad's age to make him Sapnap's biological father but never to the extent of SBI stories. The way each dynamic treats the baby of the family. In the case of SBI stories, Tommy is often made extremely young, even younger then his traditional age gap between the other characters - he's only 8 years younger then Wilbur but in some fics the author will stretch this gap as wide as they want (the widest I can remember off the top of my head was a 20 year age gap between Wil and Tommy). Usually SBI stories will make Tommy dramatically younger then he is in real life, often playing up the more childlike aspects of his character. In the case of Munchymc, their 'baby of the family' is usually Sapnap, who is hardly, if ever, aged down - unless he's being aged down in a flashback or if he's Bad's kid (or the story takes place when characters are children - ie, a chapter taking place in elementary school). Furthermore, authors on the Munchymc side usually keep ages consistent, and rarely age Sapnap down without aging the rest of the ccs down as well. The way SBI authors treat 'add-on' characters to the family is interesting, too. Characters like Tubbo or Ranboo who are seen as side characters usually have other things going on or are already in established families with parents and siblings (Dadschlatt on Tubbo's end, usually). Munchymc on the other hand usually just accepts 'add-on's' readily - anyone from Karl to Foolish to Quackity to Tommy are readily accepted as members of the family, with no formal 'adoption', they're accepted and treated as equals, as opposed to SBI dynamics, which tend to treat any non-adopted members of the family as close family friends instead of members. Lightning round: SBI tends to lean heavily dsmp canonical, while Munchymc tends to lean rpf. SBI often involves heavy use of fantasy tropes and nonhuman characters, while Munchymc leans more human. SBI stories usually involve only one relationship (Phil/Kristin) while Munchymc stories tend to involve multiple (DNF, Karlnap, Velvetfrost, Skephalo, etc etc) SBI has a more defined patriarch (Phil) who makes decisions for the family as a whole, while Munchymc leans away from that and towards group agreement.
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comradeboyhalo · 2 years
my most unpopular dsmp opinion is that i dont rly believe in the c!happyduo family as a canon dynamic. yes c!sapnap and c!bad are father and son but cc!skeppy does Not seem to want his character to be a dad (unless ive missed him rping as it otherwise) so i dont rly bother speculating on how he’s like as a dad. idrc if other people love it though and im not at all against it. i just personally wont write analysis on skeppy and sapnaps relationship in canon
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
Got bored and wrote a pre-canon You’re Dead oneshot. 
Bad doesn’t realize that his child has a birthday until Sam asks what he’s getting it at one of their “poker” games. 
“What do you mean?” he asks. He frowns at the cards. Drat. Exclusively twos. 
Despairing mildly, he pulls a card from the deck and adds it to his hand. A three! Nice. 
Sam gives him a Look. “For his birthday. A gift. A birthday gift.”
A birthday… right, Bad vaguely remembers having those back when he was human. But that was years ago. Centuries, even. He doesn’t think he got any presents… 
Bad frowns. Next to him, Ponk slaps down a seven triumphantly. Darn. 
“Take that!” he crows, leaning back in his chair dangerously. Bad absently extends an arm to brace the chair and keep it, and Ponk, from falling. It would be very annoying to have to clean brains up on carpet. 
Ant, next in the rotation, sighs and adds to his hand. He lets out another, more drawn-out, sigh and draws again. And again. And again. 
Bad watches his hand move back and forth from the pile on the table to his own cards. 
“Okaaaay,” he says, still on this whole birthday thing. “So when is it?”
Ant flicks his eyes up at him with an amused expression. “What, don’t know your own kid’s birthday? Damn, Bad, are you drunk again?”
Bad gasps, offended. “What? No!”
Ponk nods. “He is. I saw him guzzling moonshine in Sam’s garage before the game started.”
“I did not!” Bad exclaims. 
Sam raises his eyebrows. “What, without me? I’m offended, Bad, I thought we were friends.”
Ooooooh, this is why Bad doesn’t talk with these people that often. He much prefers the company of Sapnap, who does not make fun of his father. Granted, Sapnap doesn’t actually speak, but he’s at least polite about it. He is a polite child, unfortunately (Bad is going to have to train him out of that, but he’s also so cute when he tries to hold the door for Bad at the grocery store, he’s so cute!) 
Bad slumps in his seat and dejectedly crosses his arms. “When you all get to Hell, I am personally going to see that your souls are forfeited to the abyss.”
It’s Ant’s turn to gasp. “Bad! Are you saying that I’m going to Hell because I’m gay?”
“What? No!”
Ponk gasps as well, clearly delighted by the way this conversation is going. “Us, too? Sammy, baby, we’re going to Hell because Bad Boy Halo says we’re going to Hell!”
“Because we’re gay.” Sam shakes his head sadly. “Bad…”
Bad throws his hands in the air, cards clearly on display for anyone taking notes (and Ponk, it seems, is taking notes, shuffling through her hand rapidly.) 
“What do I do for a birthday?” he loudly asks. 
Sam takes mercy on him and shrugs. “Dunno. What does he like?”
“Me,” Bad immediately says. 
“Wow, okay,” Ant laughs. “Ego, much?”
“Besides you,” Sam patiently says, more than used to this after his years working with kids. Bad doesn’t quite appreciate the fact that Sam is using his Talking To Children tone when speaking to him, but whatever, he needs help. 
Bad thinks. Sapnap doesn’t really… express much. He cries a lot when he thinks that Bad isn’t looking, and he crawls into bed with Bad almost every night after a nightmare or five, but he’s also said maybe three words since Bad adopted him three months ago. It’s probably not the healthiest, but Bad is of the personal opinion that these “child therapists” Sam keeps recommending are going to do more good than bad, and Bad would love to keep his child as close to him for as long as humanly possible. Sapnap likes fireworks. Sapnap likes pandas; he hasn’t really let go of the one CPS gave him after the fire happened. Sapnap likes Bad. Sapnap likes… 
“Well…” Bad hums, lowering his hands to cross them under his chin thoughtfully. “The other day I took him to Walmart and he tried getting into the guns.”
“Please get him a gun,” Ponk immediately says. She looks at Sam, who looks very displeased with the idea. “Sam, we’re getting him a gun.”
“We are not getting Bad’s four-year-old human a gun,” Sam emphatically says. 
Ant nods in agreement. “Yeah, wait until he’s five, at least.”
Sam looks vaguely pained. “Ant, please.”
Ant shrugs. “What? Just saying. He should learn how to spell ‘gun’ before holding one.”
Bad sighs. Ant is still, despite all odds, pulling from the card pile. They’re going to need to reshuffle soon. Poor guy, but Bad feels a bit better knowing that he isn’t the worst player at the table. 
“Well, I’m out of ideas,” he sighs. 
“Doesn’t he like stuffed animals or something?” Ant asks. “Get him one. I’m sure there’s a toy store open this late at night.”
“Why does that matter? I can go in the morning.”
“His birthday is tomorrow, Bad,” Sam says. He, too, has turned his attention to watch Ant’s never-ending misery, eyebrows raised in disbelief. “Holy shit, Ant, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know!” Ant despairs. He pulls the final card in the pile and groans, dropping his head onto the table with a thunk. Sam wordlessly pats him on the back. Ponk loudly cheers and gets to work reshuffling the cards already played to create a new draw pile. 
Bad is too busy realizing things to really take notice of any of that. Sapnap’s birthday is tomorrow? Oh, oh, dear. Oh, dear. He may not know Sapnap all that well yet, but he still wants him to be happy. It’s been a rough couple of months for the kid. Bad knows that- boy, does he know that. 
So he tosses his cards towards Ponk and stands abruptly. 
“I need to go,” he announces. He hurriedly goes to the coatrack to get his jacket, not that he needs it. It’s for appearances, really, though everyone in this room also knows that he doesn’t need it. “Sorry, guys.”
“It’s fine,” Sam says, waving him off. “Me and Ponk’ll drop by with a cake tomorrow.”
“We will?” Ponk asks. He yelps as he’s presumably elbowed in the side by Sam. “We will!”
Bad tosses a grateful smile at them. “Thank you, really.”
Sam smiles back, pointy teeth glinting in the dim light of his kitchen. “Get the hell out of here.”
Oh, Bad loves his friends. Really and desperately. It’ll be a shame when they all die, but that’s just what happens in this ditch of a world. 
Bad gets home sometime around midnight, later than he had told Sapnap he would be out. He winces as he sees the time on the wall clock in the kitchen as he creeps through the back door, not willing to risk the squeaky front door when he knows Sapnap should be asleep. 
‘Should be’ being the key phrase, because he turns on the kitchen light to see Sapnap in his pajamas sat in the doorway between the kitchen and living room with his knees drawn to his chest and his eyes wide. 
Bad melts, crossing the kitchen and swooping down to lift Sapnap into his arms. Sapnap immediately buries his face in Bad’s shoulder and wraps his arms around Bad’s neck. 
“Sorry I was late, honey,” Bad murmurs. The bag in his hand is heavy, but he doesn’t mind. “Let’s get you to bed, alright?”
Bad doesn’t know how old his child is, technically. He’s turning four, well, now according to Sam’s records, which Bad checked over while waiting for the toy store owner to open the store again for him. But how old is four, really? He’s so small, Sapnap is. Bad can cradle him in one arm. When Bad drops him into his little racecar bed, the bed dwarfs him. He’s precious. Bad would kill for him. He has only had Sapnap for three months, but he would kill everyone on this planet and then himself if anything happened to him. 
Bad crouches by the bed and swipes some hair out of his child’s face. It’s getting long. They should cut it soon if only because Sapnap keeps accidentally setting it aflame when he’s scared. 
“Happy birthday, pandas,” he softly says. He smiles and digs into the bag and pulls out a stuffed panda almost as big as Sapnap is. Sapnap’s eyes widen comedically and he snatches the bear out of Bad’s hands with surprising speed. 
Sapnap turns the bear around to look it in its little button eyes, holding onto it with both hands. He looks from the bear up at Bad, then back at the bear, then back up at Bad like he isn’t sure he’s allowed to have it. Bad can almost smell smoke. Uh-oh. 
Bad backs up a couple of inches, still low to the ground. “It’s for you! I was going to wait to give it to you in the morning, but you can have it now.”
Sapnap’s eyes somehow widen even further. A weird expression crosses his face. He’s… oh. He’s smiling. Bad hasn’t seen a lot of his smiles, not yet. It’s adorable. Sapnap is adorable. Bad so desperately never wants him to grow up. (But, if he doesn’t grow up, how can he die?)
Sapnap pulls the bear to his chest and beams at Bad, who smiles back as human as he can manage. 
And then any attempts at human fall apart when Sapnap whispers, unsure, “Thanks, dad.”
Bad feels his eyes light up, but Sapnap thankfully doesn’t notice, focused back on his bear. Bad quickly schools his expression and stands to go and ruffle his son’s hair. Maybe he’s crying, maybe he isn’t. 
(He is crying, and he still cries when he thinks about it over a decade later.)
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bigboobyhalo · 1 year
I'm not sure if it's canon or not but it's, like, implied C!Eryn was adopted by C!BBH? Or at least views C!BBH in a familial way. He treats C!Sapnap like their brother, too. I'm not if that's canon or not but, if it is, what are your thoughts on that? Sorry if you've already answered something like this-
okay okay so honestlyyy the headcanon (which it is. a headcanon) that c!BBH actually adopted c!eryn PISSES ME OFF !! I don’t like it ! and ppl treat it like it’s canon just because c!eryn said “this is where bad adopted me after we played tic-tac-toe” on an aimsey stream or something, which is literally not c!eryn telling the truth, it’s a reference to an old stream where bad and eryn played tic-tac-toe and then eryn said “haha we’re kind of like father and son” and then BBH proceeded to vehemently deny it because he already has a child and doesn’t need another. like c!eryn is being an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR and you are all FAKE FANS for not getting the reference to the tic-tac-toe stream !!!!!
also I think it is canon that eryn views sapnap as a brother (I think they were calling themselves brothers during the c!drm prison break stream? before the actual prison break). basically I think c!eryn just really looks up to bad and sapnap (possibly because they’re both demons like he is?) but isn’t actually a part of their family
so like. yeah. I don’t rlly have too many thoughts besides being so so so mad when ppl act like c!bad actually adopted c!eryn cuz they don’t understand the concept of unreliable narrators. like also can you imagine if something THAT huge for c!eryn (literally being adopted when a major aspect of their character’s story is their dead/missing parents) happened OFF-SCREEN ??? it just doesn’t make sense and sucks. headcanons are fine and I can enjoy and respect those but goodness gracious I just wish it wasn’t treated like it’s canon </3
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jacenbren · 2 years
Some random facts about some of my favorite characters in Where Is Your Rider because I'm bored and currently wrestling with writer's block:
Tommy is disgustingly flexible for no goddamn reason. Like even for a cybernetically-enhanced super soldier the ways he can contort his body should ABSOLUTELY not be physically possible AND YET-
Phil wears exclusively sandals, boots, and Velcro shoes because he somehow never learned to tie shoelaces in the 50+ years he's been alive and he's too embarrassed to say anything
Gumi keeps an ongoing list of weird shit she's heard Velvet say over the comns and so far her favorite is the time he accidentally left his earpiece on while cleaning his garage and was just screaming in harmony with the vacuum cleaner
At one point Bad found and repaired a Wii but Antfrost vehemently refused to put the remote's wrist strap on and ended up shattering the TV while playing Wii bowling
Wilbur wrote "Your City Gave Me Asthma" during L'Manberg's early days to cope with the fact that his son and family betrayed and abandoned him (that's right YCGMA is canon in the Wormwoodverse)
Because he has abnormally large canines, Antfrost successfully gaslit Punz into believing he's venomous
On that note, Ant is autistic—he struggles with interpreting sarcasm and social cues along with having a lot of sensory issues and special interests; I might be projecting lol—and bites to show affection (everyone who's lived in the Badlands Commune long enough to gain his trust has fallen victim to this)
Velvet is also autistic—which is probably why he and Ant clicked so well—but nobody can really tell at first glance since it manifests through him being really observant, uncannily good at masking/imitating others' behaviors, and being one hell of a social chameleon
Tubbo really admires Velvet and wants him to be his father figure to get to know him better but he always gets too flustered to try and actually hang out with him
Hannah's weed farm caught fire once and accidentally hotboxed the entire Badlands Commune
Tommy likes to scare the shit out of Ranboo and Tubbo by blasting All Star by Smash Mouth over the Community House's PA system if he happens to catch them making out in there via the security cams
While staying with Sapnap at the Badlands Commune after the pickaxe through the face incident, Quackity pretended not to speak English for an entire month to get out of chores
Purpled likes to graffiti the shit out of his armor and weapons (kinda like Sabine from Star Wars: Rebels)
Sapnap and Antfrost had a brotherly relationship before Dream and George came along
Fundy has asthma
Niki and Quackity are the only ones who have ever beaten Wilbur at competitive solitaire
Velvet once ate about half a pound of Hannah's potting soil because he thought it was cereal and then proceeded to not only CONTINUE EATING IT AFTER SHE TOLD HIM WHAT IT WAS, BUT ALSO FORGET AND DO THE EXACT SAME THING THE NEXT DAY.
Ant accidentally called Bad "dad" once and neither of them ever fully recovered
Techno has a scar on his forearm from Tommy biting him like the feral raccoon child he is
Bad routinely wears socks with sandals
That's all for now! PLEASE send me any headcanons y'all have for the Wormwoodverse characters because I think they're very funny :)
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forgedraptor · 2 years
hot take, but dsmp lore was much more interactive and had more potential when the ccs were allowed to just fuck around and mess with each other.
i think that because of how every cc are afraid of getting cancelled just cz they messed around with characters/or the present lore is the reason why dsmp lore is dying right now
its like every little thing they do, its always being scrutinized and controlled by fans/chat. its annoying because at this point, they cant do what they want and have fun cz they keep being judged by the viewers.
especially the lore fanatics- and i mean the ones that get angryand toxic over a building blowing up, or certain mobs getting killed in chaotic, non lore ways
like, dont you know that lore was created just cz some ccs just wanted to fuck around? and honestly, its the biggest reason on how other content creators could join in on fun lore: through messy, chaotic, random bullshit
like case and point: when people were bitching over michael the pig; yeah sapnap and george were messing around but did you know because of that so many other ccs got involved in that spontanious lore??
you had Sam, Hannah, Eret, Niki, and so much more who had joined in!
and look at Eret, they used the lore oportunity to further her characters lore! if gnf and sapnap havent messed around, then Eret wouldnt have taken michael to safety and had a big impact on them saving michael thing with Tubbo, Techno and Sam!
and it was literally just from gnf and sapnap messing around and having fun! and ccs were able to make lore out of it!
but then, people still got pissed at gnf and sapnap and even threatened to force them out of the dsmp; like they arent the founding fathers of the damn server?? the fuck??
im so annoyed cz yeah loreheads r cool and fun, and i was one of them before too; but if you get obsessive and some of you are projecting too much on the story and actually trying to control it, its getting really annoying and frustrating to even see things happen in the dsmp
why do you think ccs are so relunctant to do lore now? or even go on? yeah, maybe they have other plans but maybe cz in the past, the og(older) ccs just get blasted with scrutinization and keep getting judged and cancelled fr their actions whenever theyre on or just messing around
look at the dteam, they literally made the server and they cant even do anything in it cz everyone/chat is just being douchebags 24/7 when they on it (especially when they damage or kill certain mobs or buildings on the server, even though its literallt pixels and can be replaced/rebuilt)
and another thing was the blatant pick and choose attitude of some lore people do, like that one time people called Ponks lore 'fake/not canon lore' when they literally stated it was legit.
or how many times other creators have been very into lore and did their own thing bt people deemed it 'not good enough' for the story just cz its less professional than other ccs or that its more random
and i cant state enough how Bads egg lore was one of the best, most creepiest lore that helped a lot of ccs join in and mess around, and instead on twitter people shat on it saying it wasnt 'canon' or wasnt 'good enough' cz it felt rushed (it wasnt rushed, some of you just didint give Bad and his friends lore a chance or even tried to understand it) and now Bad doesnt even really feel like finishing it now
and another thing is how some of these ccs who have been morally grey in their characters and have done things in lore that some people dont like, suddenly they get harrased in twitter and in their irl lives, people are acting as if their character is them but newsflash, they are literally acting!
like when the ccs Quackity and Schlatt, Eret, Dream and Sam as well in their own lore. do you know just how many people went to their dms to harrass them and send hate and negativity over something their character did in minecraft?
not in game; but in their in real life interactions on twitter and social media were blasted with harrasment and hate over a fictional character that they made up. over a roleplay.
they are literally just actors in the dsmp, it is not them. and yet some of you have not seen the line that seperates fake to reality and have deemed them as bad as their characters??? what kind of bullshit is that.
some of the experiences they had were horrible, messages like doxxing, hate and kys were literally sent to them just because of a block game. what the fuck. like how can some of you not differentiate the content creators over their characters?
and some of you are also forcing this idea of 'the lore should be better made or fixed' when these ccs were literally doing it fr fun, they had no degree on acting, they arent english majors, not all of them have experience in making detailed and well-rounded storyies, they arent a tv shows with a steady plot. they are literally just friends messing around on a server. cut them some slack. not everything has to be so planned/well made.
so obviously some people do want to do lore, and have, or had the drive before, but because every little thing they do, like just having fun or messing around the smp, or doing their own thing (which was the whole purpose of it btw, just fr friends to hangout) and when they interact with the 'precious builds/characters/mobs' of the server, they get shat on and cancelled on twitter like theyre fucking monsters
its a block game for fucks sake, and some of you are acting like they killed people in real life. its ridiculous and unhealthy.
and now some of you ask why the older ccs dont play on the server anymore
maybe ask yourself again that after rewatching the bullshit, negativity and hate some of these ccs have encountered just from twitter or obsessive lore heads when some of you would deem them 'horrible people or villains' just cz they messed with pixels on the smp and then try to cancel them over a block game
theyve lost their drive because of all the pressure some of you put unto the lore, making it not fun for them anymore.
idk. at this point i personally may have been so into it, but now i just dont give a fuck about the dsmp lore anymore. i care about the ccs and if they are having fun in what they do, and if they dont, then i dont care about it.
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slimeylee · 2 years
For the gacha thing. Can you make c!bad or c!Skeppy? If so thank you. If you can't thank is ok aswell.
yesyesyes i cannnn and i haveeee!!!!
c!bad and c!bad headcanons are first and c!skeppy and c!skeppy headcanons are after :D
warn ;; dsmp spoilers, a few angst related hcs, death mention, something idk how to explain, panic attack mention
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c!bad headcanons
dude you absolutely DO FUCKING NOT want to make bad angry.
he'll throw the sword on his back at whoever makes him mad (and most of the time? he never misses.)
his wings are just as big as himself
he has a diamond headpiece that he keeps hidden under his hoodie, it was given to him by skeppy and he keeps it on so he always has a little bit of his best friend with him
if skeppy loses a canon life then bad loses a canon life (canonically), but bad only loses a canon life when skeppy loses a canon life if they're on the smp at the same time (for example, if skeppy is on the smp the same time bad is on the smp and he loses a canon life, bad will lose a canon life. meanwhile if skeppy is on the smp and bad isnt on the smp and skeppy loses a canon life then bad wont lose any lives.)
bad will purr if shown physical affection
his wings and tail gently flap + wag if hes happy, but if hes uncomfortable he'll whimper
the egg existed years before bad existed, and bad only found out about it not too long ago (the egg sort of grew from the ground, which is why it took over the area its located now)
bad can control his height. if he wanted to be over 20 feet tall he can and if he wanted to be under 3 feet tall he can
when he turns taller than he is (9'6) he sometimes laughs or teases skeppy because of how short he is
hes got a natural form, a full form and a 'human form'
when in his full form he doesnt need to eat, drink or sleep but he can if he wants to
bad was born in the nether and had found sapnap as a baby blaze when he was eleven--and he decided to take him with him
sapnap considers bad as his father meanwhile bad considers sapnap as a little brother
whenever bad is alone he'll have panic attacks, and he finds that reading helps calm him down
he hates when its too quiet but hates when its too loud
bad has Kakologophobia which is the fear of bad words (which includes hearing them, thinking about them, saying them or reading them). he was taught that if you ever swore, your mouth would get washed out with soap and its happened to him before, so he always was afraid of them because he didnt want that person to get their mouth washed out with soap
bad isnt as gullible as cc!bad is. he has trust issues and doesnt believe people as easy as cc!bad does
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c!skeppy hcs
skeppy can shapeshift into other people, objects, etc.
hes not really part diamond, he just wears jewellry and shiny things (almost always is it diamonds) to flex his riches (NOT MY OG HC!!); but with his ability to shapeshift he can shapeshift into objects such as diamonds if he wants
he likes to test people by shapeshifting into things like stacks of dollar bills or a suitcase of cash to see if they'll turn it into the police or steal it for themselves
he doesnt brush his hair and its often very messy
he goes to bad sometimes to help him fix it (bad is basically his personal hair dresser)
skeppy was a huge troublemaker when he was little and became a wanted
skeppy has a slight speech impediment and often stutters at least once or twice every sentence.
skeppy loves anything shiny, doesnt matter what it is he will take it
sometimes he just chills in amethyst caves because he loves the shine and the colour that it gives off
skeppy has a random chest located in him and bad's mansion that he keeps diamonds, emeralds, amethyst, gold, and anything else shiny inside of
skeppy met bad when he was 17, meanwhile bad met skeppy when he was 22. skeppy didnt give bad any decision other than saying "we're friends now, you have no say" and they just became best friends.
after skeppy lost his first canon life, he had became blue skeppy. along with that, he's lost a lot of memory from when he was red skeppy and a little bit from when he was blue in the past
he and bad havent seen each other ever since bad accidently pushed skeppy into the lava.
skeppy, if bad and the egg were falling off of a bridge, would save bad. he believes that bad would save the egg if him and it were falling off of a bridge because he hopped off the smp before he could hear bad's answer
its not many hcs, but this post is kinda long enough
aand so i dont make it longer-
slimey out
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thatoneao3writer · 1 year
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I posted 246 times in 2022
196 posts created (80%)
50 posts reblogged (20%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 212 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#ttau - 165 posts
#ask - 158 posts
#fencer anon - 81 posts
#badboyhalo - 44 posts
#askers hq - 26 posts
#callie - 25 posts
#karl jacobs - 22 posts
#sapnap - 20 posts
#awesamdude - 16 posts
#asks - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 65 characters
#we now have a love nonagon and no dont ask me why we do but we do
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dream: Favorite horror movie?
George: It
Sapnap: Saw
Quackity: Annabelle
Karl: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
~ Quotes☆Anon~
Skeppy nodding along cause he doesnt know what a high school is
22 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
There is some prophecy buried somewhere stating that on the day Bad finally swears, the world as humanity knows it would come to an end.
Sometime after the Crimsonpocalypse, someone finds this. And, seeing as how the last time bad swore was when his father arrived, they have made it one of their main concerns to keep Bad from swearing.
Every time Quackity, Tommy or someone else tries to get Bad to swear, this person gets a mini heart attack.
Bad is extremely oblivious to the reason as to why this person has suddenly started following him around a lot more often.
It's Crumb
Crumb found the prophecy please let's make it Crumb
22 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
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See the full post
28 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
The longest amount of time 5up has ever been able to keep a plant alive was in college. He made sure to check exactly what that kind of plant needed. It had the right kind of soil. He had a little lamp set up on a timer to make sure it got just enough light. He checked its soil every day, watering it whenever it was dry and only when it was dry. His roommate thought he was crazy. It was just a jade plant. They’re pretty difficult to kill. (5up informed his roommate that he was fairly certain that he was cursed).
Somehow, against all odds, 5up managed to keep the darn thing alive… up until the end of the first semester. He wasn’t even sure what he did. He’d stayed up all night the night before studying, and had still been doing fine then. Admittedly, he hadn’t checked it that morning in the rush to get out the door to his physics exam, but… Point is, it was dead by the time he got back. (5up’s roommate now fully believes him about the curse. I mean, how the heck do you kill a jade plant? On top of that, none of their potted plants have been doing so great lately…)
Doc has a fairly sizable hydroponics setup in his lab bunker. Said hydroponics set up is in a room adjacent to the main lab, with a huge (bulletproof, obviously, given the rest of the security in the place) window instead of a wall, so you can see the plants. When the Crimsonpocalypse hit, Fundy’s first sign that anything was wrong was seeing every single plant in the hydroponics room wither and die at once. Then he looked over at 5up. His eyes were glowing subtly and his burgundy sweater had turned grey.
35 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
After Bad and Skeppy got together, the rest of the Titans, HIVE, etc., are left to figure out who won the betting pool. (This much is already canon). It was Karl, but he got so many specifics correct that he was disqualified for using time travel to cheat.
The runner up was Fundy no one knows how
40 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lunareclipsez · 9 months
the ‘make a fist and not a plan’ behind the scenes masterpost
I try not to ramble too much in my author’s notes, so I thought it would be nice to have a big old post that I continuously update with all my little notes about the pieces of canon lore and various superhero media that I’ve drawn on for inspiration for their role in the fic! I’m also adding some notes about any ‘blink and you miss it’ lines that confirm different character relationships, but might be hard to remember with chapter-by-chapter updates.
All characters referenced in the fic (so far! more will be added as they appear) are put in alphabetical order by the name they’re commonly called for my convenience.
Bad: Sapnap’s father and former mentor. Currently mentors Eryn. Powers have yet to be revealed.
Boomer: His power is inspired by Nightcrawler from the X-Men. I thought a sneaky movement ability would suit a bedwars player and someone with a frog motif.
Charlie: The details of his abilities aren’t confirmed yet, but the initial inspiration for his power comes from Ragdoll’s quirk, ‘Search’, from My Hero Academia. He knows a lot of the Essempi’s history.
Dream: Puffy’s former sidekick, currently teamed with George and Sapnap. His power is inspired by Shadowcat from the X-Men. I was very happy when I figured this one out because he stumped me for awhile, since I wanted something that was both strong and interesting. It’s also a reference to the fact that Dream the Minecrafter excels with movement and parkour.
Eryn: Bad’s present-day sidekick (I think the adoptive son dynamic they had in canon was so cute and under-explored so I wanted to draw on it for this fic!). Powers have yet to be revealed.
Fundy: An orphan. Does not like discussing his power.
George: Skeppy’s former sidekick, currently teamed with Dream and Sapnap. George is a wild one because his sotckpiling power reference a fantasy series that I like, Mistborn. He functions like a feruchemist, except he doesn’t need to use metals as a conduit. I wanted something that referenced the ‘canon’ of him constantly sleeping, and I really liked working the drawbacks of this ability into his character! There isn’t a one-to-one correlation, but the parts of his backstory that’s been alluded to are somewhat inspired by Hawks from My Hero Academia.
Hannah: Girl I am so sorry but your Elytra lore was right there... Born with a rare combination of a ‘useful’ hybrid trait (wings that she could use to fly) and a strong power. Power has yet to be revealed in full, but mentioned to be related to plants. Her arc is deliberately written with feminist themes in mind, especially since Hannah the Minecrafter has talked openly about doing the same with her character.
Karl: 🤫
Philza: Tommy’s current mentor. Technoblade was his former sidekick, but we don’t yet know what caused their separation. He’s got the epic bird wings, and I originally considered giving him Hawks’s quirk from My Hero Academia, ‘Fierce Wings’, but it’s kind of an awkward ability to describe without having the manga drawings as a reference, and I thought of something else that suited his story/character better (yet to be revealed).
Puffy: Dream’s former mentor. She is responsible for leading pro-heros as a a collective and reporting back to the Hero Commission. Powers have yet to be revealed.
Punz: A ‘vigilante’ (mercenary) who has ins with both pro-heros and villains. Powers have yet to be revealed (or have they?).
Purpled: Initially aligned with Schlatt. Has the ability to manipulate gravity, and this is somewhat inspired by Ochako’s quirk from My Hero Academia, but I buffed it to make him more OP.
Quackity: Died at the hands of XD, only to be resurrected and enlisted by Schlatt. Can shapeshift into anyone whose genetic material he ingests, and is also able to copy their powers while transformed (it’s not just aesthetic). His power was directly inspired by Toga’s quirk from My Hero Academia, with some tweaks here and there. I liked the shapeshifter headcanon that had floated around the fandom and I think it suits his planned character arc super well!
Sam: The Warden of Pandora’s Vault. Powers have yet to be revealed.
Sapnap: Bad’s former sidekick, currently teamed with Dream and George. His fire-powers are just basic and function via anime/comic book logic (ex: shooting fire at someone will just knock them out and burns only happen when they’re plot-relevant).
Schlatt: A villain who runs a pseudo-cult. Has the ability to bring back the dead, which is a reference to the fact that he was the first holder of the revival book before trading it in the lore. I was really happy to flesh out his backstory and try a new angle out with his characterization.
Skeppy: George’s former mentor. Powers have yet to be revealed.
Tina: Used to follow XD, but it now a prisoner in Pandora’s Vault. Her backstory and powers are directly inspired by Wolverine/X-23 from the X-Men. She’s got both the claws and the healing factor, that we know of. Her role in the story is inspired by the moment where she wrote ‘I want to be a god too’ in chat after seeing the DreamXD statue and her inclusion in the DreamXD fanclub.
Technoblade: Philza’s former sidekick, but now a prisoner in Pandora’s Vault for an unknown reason. Powers have yet to be revealed.
Tommy: Philza’s current sidekick. Has a healing power, but the drawbacks are currently unknown. I came up with his power because I loveeeee the idea of giving super chaotic characters traditionally ‘gentle’ abilities.
XD: The greatest villain the Essempi has ever seen. Currently locked up in Pandora’s Vault. Has the ability to take other’s powers and keep them as his own, and even distribute them to others. The extent of the power he’s accumulated is unknown. Directly inspired by the main villain of My Hero Academia, All for One. Since in canon he’s god of the server, I wanted to incorporate that into his motive and how he’s perceived by others. The whole idea of alluding to strong characters as gods is inspired by their presence in canon, but their lack thereof in this AU.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
crimson devil
by zermira
He’s shaking under the pain of it all, one difficult glance down at his ankle tells him it’s so messed up already there’s probably zero chance of it healing. He can hear the tell-tale sound of Midas’s footsteps dangerously close to the edge of the building, close to him. He reaches over to his thigh, where a slim but deadly obsidian dagger is sheathed and pulls it out. The handle slips into his hand quietly, gleaming in the darkness. Tommy sees his own reflection in it. Damp sweaty hair over storming eyes. His crimson colored mask greets him in the slim body of the knife. This is who he’s become, Tommy recognizes the person well.
In which Tommy, a force of chaos, fraternizes with the enemy and realizes that maybe it's not so bad, and he (secretly) could get used to it.
Words: 5269, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of crimson devil
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Alexis | Quackity, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Sam | Awesamdude
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Ranboo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity & TommyInnit, Sapnap & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Sam | Awesamdude & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Superheroes, Mentioned Dream SMP Ensemble, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Depression, sbi fics beloved, Sleepy Bois Inc as Found Family, Swag, tommy WILL be getting the help he deserves, Recovery, i may or may not have left canon in the garbage oop, girl help, phil is an excellent father, Healing, Crimeboys - Freeform, clingyduo, TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Hugs
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heartkade · 1 year
I have words to say about c!Eryn because I adore this kid so much.
They’re just a little guy doing their best. He’s been trying to find his birth parents this whole time since he was a little kid, that’s why he ended up in the smp. While quick to violence, they care deeply about others and express that in their own unique way. They are also highly affected by emotions. Enough to feel so upset by the depressive vibe of the server post-prison break, that he had to hide away underground for several weeks. It was unbearable how he felt powerless to help make people feel better.
Despite the willingness to hide and deflect his emotions they get lonely very easily and miss having a family, which is why he got attached to c!Bad so quick. A fellow demon who has now become the closest thing they have to a close friend, a father figure, family. And he got close to Bad’s son c!Sapnap too, and views him as an older brother. Even when hearing auditory hallucinations from the past of corrupted egg!Bad’s involvement during the Red Banquet, they had firm belief that the kind, caring c!Bad he knows today would never do anything to hurt people.
This trust was maintained during the egglore finale streams. When faced with chaotic accusations being thrown at Bad left and right, that the demon is leading everyone to their doom again, c!Eryn was strong and never wavered in their belief that Bad is not corrupted, he’s good at heart and only wants to help. He defended Bad the best he possibly could. When they were the last two standing and Eryn considered asking the Egg the burning question of where his birth parents are, he still listened to Bad. The answer was within arms reach, it was the only chance to know the truth, but they ultimately decided not to because he trusted Bad’s judgement even more. That the two of them would go search for his parents after all this is over, no matter how long it takes - together.
Even when they got pushed into burning lava by egg!Puffy and canon died, there was only trust. This kid loves badboyhalo so much.
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damianito · 3 years
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
🌺 c!sapnap?
Something About True Love And Tragedy, But the Platonic Kind, Y’know?
He knocks twice, and rocks back onto his heels as he waits for a response. Hands clasped behind his back and clothes clear of soot and ash for once, Sapnap considers himself downright presentable. Well, he always tries to look somewhat presentable when meeting up with Bad, but this is important.
There’s no sign of life from inside of the house, which is fine. It’s fine. They’re probably just running late, that’s all.
And so Sapnap waits, and he waits, and he waits.
As he waits, he peeks inside a window- just a peek, just a little one. Bad fixed up the place, he notices. It’s all red inside, but he’s probably just going through a phase. It’s a little surprising that Skeppy didn’t make him, like, add any other colors, but Skeppy has also been on vacation for a while now. Which is a bummer, but whatever. Whatever! He and Bad aren’t even married, so he wouldn’t be able to contribute to the discussion. At all. (Sapnap thinks. He isn’t sure. He thought they were married once, but they were very firm in telling him that they were just friends.)
And then finally, finally, Sapnap hears movement from inside the house. He fixes his hair in the window’s reflection and lets out a breath. He’s nervous. He hasn’t spoken with his dad in forever, and this is kind of a big thing to dump on him after months of little to no contact.
The door unlocks slowly. There are more locks than Sapnap remembers, but the server is more dangerous than it used to be. It makes sense.
“What?” is the first thing that Bad asks, more of a flat statement than anything, but he’s probably just tired and grumpy. He always gets grumpy when he’s without Skeppy for too long.
Sapnap goes in for a hug with a smile. His smile flickers as it takes Bad just a second too long to return the hug, but it’s fine.
He tries to say a hello, but what instead comes out is a rushed and giddy, “I’m getting married!”
Bad’s claws, normally gentle when it comes to Sapnap, suddenly dig in just enough to nearly pierce Sapnap’s skin.
“Isn’t that wonderful!” Bad exclaims, and, for whatever reason, Sapnap suddenly feels that maybe it isn’t.
In which Sapnap, freshly engaged to two lovely idiot men, goes to catch up with his father and break the news. Unfortunately for him, Bad’s a little… off, and it’s definitely not his stupid egg cult causing the problem.
Look I know the timelines don’t line up, but I’ve never consumed canon once. Let me have this.
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luffysbasement · 3 years
messy i hope you know with the way the story has shaped up c!dream escaping from prison only to be killed by c!sapnap has an incredibly high chance of happening.
so high in fact i would bet on it if it were possible to do so in las nevada.
honestly i can't wait sapnap lore stream WHEN???
(also how funny would it be if las nevadas had bingo cards for future events like how we made some for events that may occur in 2021 as well)
/rp /dsmp
ASDDFHFKA i mean, logically speaking (this is the theorize-r in me), i kinda feel like if that were to happen, its gonna be a bit anti-climatic for the whole picture, you feel me?
bc sapnap's character is undercooked. theres too little of his lore, too many questionable decisions in the plotline, like:
-suddenly turning on dream and siding with tommy just bc tommy returned his fish? the fish that he got when its just a few of them? with dream and george?
-also when he heard dream say he cut off all his attachments, he didnt bother confronting dream about it? only went and ranted about it in front of george.
-and sapnap has many times in the lore where he's just all over the place when it comes to siding with people. its like he's acting like punz, a mercenery (paid for work) but sapnap doesnt get paid for anything (dont think so, dk for sure)
-not to mention, altho this could be intentional and very plausible in the lore, the way he was so quick to blame destruction (that isnt lmanberg anf the community house) to dream, seen from the recent sapnap lore stream. its mostly sad bc its possible :((( but seeing his character development through that wouldve been nice (and better for understanding him)
and i just asgsjfhks although i made that comic, and its such a cool thought, i feel like its gonna make the whole c!dt lore feel like theres a hole somewhere yknow???
((sorry for full on ranting LMFAO c!dt is my favorite melody i can never shut up about it i am a nerd))
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