bulgara · 1 month
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Kaliakra Cape // Bulgaria // Black Sea Coast
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kvetch19 · 7 months
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travelella · 4 months
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Balchik, Bulgaria
Ash Ashley
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telaviv-delhi · 7 months
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Baszki, már a giccset is lopják!!!
Balcsik (Балчик, Balchik) Bulgária: Marton László szobrász pesti Kiskirálylány szobrának bulgáriai koppintása. Bár a bolgár mutáció inkább egy mogorva Kiskirályfiú :)
Tessék, a budapesti eredeti, a Dunakorzóról:
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Balcsik és Dél-Dobrudzsa történetéből, a bolgár-magyar barátság jegyében ( bolgár wiki):
1919-ben Balcsikot ismét elfoglalták a románok . Az 1913-1940-es elnyomások során a román megszállók a város 73 lakosát, a környező falvakból több mint 900 lakost gyilkoltak meg, akiknek nevét a település előtti kertben 2005-ben elhelyezett emléktáblák jegyezték fel.
1940. szeptember 21- én haditengerészeti flottánk erői Asen Toshev ellentengernagy vezetésével partraszállást hajtottak végre, és elfoglalták a várost, a Palotát , Kavarnát és a Dobrudja-part sávját , amelyet a románok nem akartak átadni. Bulgáriába, ahogyan III. Borisz cár megállapodott a Krajovi Megállapodásban (1940), amellyel felszabadították a várost és véglegesen visszaállították a bolgár fennhatóságot Dél-Dobrudzsa felett. A következő hónapokban több ezer bolgárt, menekültet, akiket deportáltak szülőföldjükről Észak-Dobrudzsában, befogadtak és letelepítettek Balcsikba meg a környező falvakba .
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giggle-throughlife · 2 years
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Source: giggle-throughlife
📍Queen’s Marie of România Palace, Balchik
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starsorwhat · 4 months
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0 notes
hotelwedding · 2 years
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Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik
Each hotel has its own parking lot. The car repair service of Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik has good mechanics, spare parts and washing facilities. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-16. There is a filling station open 24 hrs near the Kosharata restaurant. Near the Casino is a rent-a-car service open from .00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-63.
Places of entertainment and night dubs offer pleasant and varied programmes.
Tsiganski Tabor (Gypsy Campj Night Club serves delicious dishes and excellent wines in Gypsy tents to the music of a Gypsy orchestra. Open from 9.00p.m. to 2.00 am.
Koukeri (Masked Dancers) Night Club — an original architectural building; ‘Koukeri’ dances are performed with quaint folk masks. The night club commands a marvellous view of the whole resort Open from 9.00 p.m. turkey sightseeing to 4.00 a.m.
Karakachanski Stan, The atmosphere is reminiscent of nomad Karakachan shepherd settlements in the Rhodopes. It is situated in the forest next to the Kolibite. Open from 4,00 p rh. to 2.00 a.m.
Vodenitsata — an original folk restaurant serving grilled chicken, kebabs, home-made sausages and freshly baked bread. Open from 9.00 a.m. to midnight.
Astoria Bar – a modern night club, open May to October. Interesting floor show, music and dancing. Next to Hotel Astoria. Open from 10.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m.
Caney Night Club — exotic atmosphere, Cuban cocktails, firstclass orchestra. Adjacent to Havana Hotel. Open from 4.00 p.m. to midnight.
Prifon Zarezan Restaurant. An original restaurant with a special room for wine-tasting. Bulgarian cuisine and a well- stocked bar. On the road to Varna. Open from 9.00 aan. to midnight.
Lovna Sreshta in a wood close to the Aladja Rock Monastery serves local game dishes. Orchestra. Open from 9.00 a.m, to midnight.
Picnic — a taverna in the heart of the forest near Lovna Sreshta. Grills and excellent drinks are served. Nightly programmes of folk songs and dances. Open from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The Rocky Monastery
The Rocky Monastery three kilometres from Zlatni Pyas- satsi in one of the most picturesque areas of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is an old monastery carved from the rocks, consisting of an upper and a lower part. The cells are two and a half by two metres. 1 he church is 11.70 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2 metres high. The altar has two alcoves wit mural paintings. The monastery was most probably founded in the 13th-14th century. 300 metres away are the catacombs — cells carved out of the rock and probably used as dwellings by the monks.
The Museum of the Chalcolytic Necropolis (discovered in 1975) is to be found at the entrance of the monastery. It holds old ornaments, weapons and other artefacts.
The Varna Chalcolytie Necropolis, discovered in 1972 on the western outskirts of the city, is an exceptional find which aroused wide international interest The Necropolis dates from the end of the Chalcolytie period, 3,000 B.C By the end of 1976, 81 graves had been found, 25 of them symbolic graves with no skeletons In grave Number One, was a treasure-trove of ornaments, artefacts of solid heaten gold (23.5 carats), 3 bracelets, a rectangular plate, 2 thimbles, 6 rings, 28 round plates, 6 trapezium-shaped and 4 moon-shaped plates, 160 cylindrical beads, with a total weight of 1,091 kg, copper tools, flint knives, a bone knife, 2,095 beads and various ceramic pieces. In graves Number 2,3 and 15 gold artefacts were discovered such as plates, rings and beads. Grave Number 4 contained gold bracelets, plates, rings, beads and other things with a total weight of 1,518 kg, as well as two clay vessels full of gold ornaments.
In Grave Number 43 the skeleton was found of a man about 40-50 years of age with various rich ornaments as well as several hundred gold artefacts totalling 1,516 kilograms and other copper and clay vessels and ornaments. This must have been the grave of a nobleman.
0 notes
metrotravels · 2 years
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Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik
Each hotel has its own parking lot. The car repair service of Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik has good mechanics, spare parts and washing facilities. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-16. There is a filling station open 24 hrs near the Kosharata restaurant. Near the Casino is a rent-a-car service open from .00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-63.
Places of entertainment and night dubs offer pleasant and varied programmes.
Tsiganski Tabor (Gypsy Campj Night Club serves delicious dishes and excellent wines in Gypsy tents to the music of a Gypsy orchestra. Open from 9.00p.m. to 2.00 am.
Koukeri (Masked Dancers) Night Club — an original architectural building; ‘Koukeri’ dances are performed with quaint folk masks. The night club commands a marvellous view of the whole resort Open from 9.00 p.m. turkey sightseeing to 4.00 a.m.
Karakachanski Stan, The atmosphere is reminiscent of nomad Karakachan shepherd settlements in the Rhodopes. It is situated in the forest next to the Kolibite. Open from 4,00 p rh. to 2.00 a.m.
Vodenitsata — an original folk restaurant serving grilled chicken, kebabs, home-made sausages and freshly baked bread. Open from 9.00 a.m. to midnight.
Astoria Bar – a modern night club, open May to October. Interesting floor show, music and dancing. Next to Hotel Astoria. Open from 10.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m.
Caney Night Club — exotic atmosphere, Cuban cocktails, firstclass orchestra. Adjacent to Havana Hotel. Open from 4.00 p.m. to midnight.
Prifon Zarezan Restaurant. An original restaurant with a special room for wine-tasting. Bulgarian cuisine and a well- stocked bar. On the road to Varna. Open from 9.00 aan. to midnight.
Lovna Sreshta in a wood close to the Aladja Rock Monastery serves local game dishes. Orchestra. Open from 9.00 a.m, to midnight.
Picnic — a taverna in the heart of the forest near Lovna Sreshta. Grills and excellent drinks are served. Nightly programmes of folk songs and dances. Open from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The Rocky Monastery
The Rocky Monastery three kilometres from Zlatni Pyas- satsi in one of the most picturesque areas of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is an old monastery carved from the rocks, consisting of an upper and a lower part. The cells are two and a half by two metres. 1 he church is 11.70 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2 metres high. The altar has two alcoves wit mural paintings. The monastery was most probably founded in the 13th-14th century. 300 metres away are the catacombs — cells carved out of the rock and probably used as dwellings by the monks.
The Museum of the Chalcolytic Necropolis (discovered in 1975) is to be found at the entrance of the monastery. It holds old ornaments, weapons and other artefacts.
The Varna Chalcolytie Necropolis, discovered in 1972 on the western outskirts of the city, is an exceptional find which aroused wide international interest The Necropolis dates from the end of the Chalcolytie period, 3,000 B.C By the end of 1976, 81 graves had been found, 25 of them symbolic graves with no skeletons In grave Number One, was a treasure-trove of ornaments, artefacts of solid heaten gold (23.5 carats), 3 bracelets, a rectangular plate, 2 thimbles, 6 rings, 28 round plates, 6 trapezium-shaped and 4 moon-shaped plates, 160 cylindrical beads, with a total weight of 1,091 kg, copper tools, flint knives, a bone knife, 2,095 beads and various ceramic pieces. In graves Number 2,3 and 15 gold artefacts were discovered such as plates, rings and beads. Grave Number 4 contained gold bracelets, plates, rings, beads and other things with a total weight of 1,518 kg, as well as two clay vessels full of gold ornaments.
In Grave Number 43 the skeleton was found of a man about 40-50 years of age with various rich ornaments as well as several hundred gold artefacts totalling 1,516 kilograms and other copper and clay vessels and ornaments. This must have been the grave of a nobleman.
0 notes
travellingbg · 2 years
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Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik
Each hotel has its own parking lot. The car repair service of Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik has good mechanics, spare parts and washing facilities. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-16. There is a filling station open 24 hrs near the Kosharata restaurant. Near the Casino is a rent-a-car service open from .00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-63.
Places of entertainment and night dubs offer pleasant and varied programmes.
Tsiganski Tabor (Gypsy Campj Night Club serves delicious dishes and excellent wines in Gypsy tents to the music of a Gypsy orchestra. Open from 9.00p.m. to 2.00 am.
Koukeri (Masked Dancers) Night Club — an original architectural building; ‘Koukeri’ dances are performed with quaint folk masks. The night club commands a marvellous view of the whole resort Open from 9.00 p.m. turkey sightseeing to 4.00 a.m.
Karakachanski Stan, The atmosphere is reminiscent of nomad Karakachan shepherd settlements in the Rhodopes. It is situated in the forest next to the Kolibite. Open from 4,00 p rh. to 2.00 a.m.
Vodenitsata — an original folk restaurant serving grilled chicken, kebabs, home-made sausages and freshly baked bread. Open from 9.00 a.m. to midnight.
Astoria Bar – a modern night club, open May to October. Interesting floor show, music and dancing. Next to Hotel Astoria. Open from 10.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m.
Caney Night Club — exotic atmosphere, Cuban cocktails, firstclass orchestra. Adjacent to Havana Hotel. Open from 4.00 p.m. to midnight.
Prifon Zarezan Restaurant. An original restaurant with a special room for wine-tasting. Bulgarian cuisine and a well- stocked bar. On the road to Varna. Open from 9.00 aan. to midnight.
Lovna Sreshta in a wood close to the Aladja Rock Monastery serves local game dishes. Orchestra. Open from 9.00 a.m, to midnight.
Picnic — a taverna in the heart of the forest near Lovna Sreshta. Grills and excellent drinks are served. Nightly programmes of folk songs and dances. Open from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The Rocky Monastery
The Rocky Monastery three kilometres from Zlatni Pyas- satsi in one of the most picturesque areas of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is an old monastery carved from the rocks, consisting of an upper and a lower part. The cells are two and a half by two metres. 1 he church is 11.70 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2 metres high. The altar has two alcoves wit mural paintings. The monastery was most probably founded in the 13th-14th century. 300 metres away are the catacombs — cells carved out of the rock and probably used as dwellings by the monks.
The Museum of the Chalcolytic Necropolis (discovered in 1975) is to be found at the entrance of the monastery. It holds old ornaments, weapons and other artefacts.
The Varna Chalcolytie Necropolis, discovered in 1972 on the western outskirts of the city, is an exceptional find which aroused wide international interest The Necropolis dates from the end of the Chalcolytie period, 3,000 B.C By the end of 1976, 81 graves had been found, 25 of them symbolic graves with no skeletons In grave Number One, was a treasure-trove of ornaments, artefacts of solid heaten gold (23.5 carats), 3 bracelets, a rectangular plate, 2 thimbles, 6 rings, 28 round plates, 6 trapezium-shaped and 4 moon-shaped plates, 160 cylindrical beads, with a total weight of 1,091 kg, copper tools, flint knives, a bone knife, 2,095 beads and various ceramic pieces. In graves Number 2,3 and 15 gold artefacts were discovered such as plates, rings and beads. Grave Number 4 contained gold bracelets, plates, rings, beads and other things with a total weight of 1,518 kg, as well as two clay vessels full of gold ornaments.
In Grave Number 43 the skeleton was found of a man about 40-50 years of age with various rich ornaments as well as several hundred gold artefacts totalling 1,516 kilograms and other copper and clay vessels and ornaments. This must have been the grave of a nobleman.
0 notes
foodtravelbg · 2 years
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Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik
Each hotel has its own parking lot. The car repair service of Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik has good mechanics, spare parts and washing facilities. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-16. There is a filling station open 24 hrs near the Kosharata restaurant. Near the Casino is a rent-a-car service open from .00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-63.
Places of entertainment and night dubs offer pleasant and varied programmes.
Tsiganski Tabor (Gypsy Campj Night Club serves delicious dishes and excellent wines in Gypsy tents to the music of a Gypsy orchestra. Open from 9.00p.m. to 2.00 am.
Koukeri (Masked Dancers) Night Club — an original architectural building; ‘Koukeri’ dances are performed with quaint folk masks. The night club commands a marvellous view of the whole resort Open from 9.00 p.m. turkey sightseeing to 4.00 a.m.
Karakachanski Stan, The atmosphere is reminiscent of nomad Karakachan shepherd settlements in the Rhodopes. It is situated in the forest next to the Kolibite. Open from 4,00 p rh. to 2.00 a.m.
Vodenitsata — an original folk restaurant serving grilled chicken, kebabs, home-made sausages and freshly baked bread. Open from 9.00 a.m. to midnight.
Astoria Bar – a modern night club, open May to October. Interesting floor show, music and dancing. Next to Hotel Astoria. Open from 10.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m.
Caney Night Club — exotic atmosphere, Cuban cocktails, firstclass orchestra. Adjacent to Havana Hotel. Open from 4.00 p.m. to midnight.
Prifon Zarezan Restaurant. An original restaurant with a special room for wine-tasting. Bulgarian cuisine and a well- stocked bar. On the road to Varna. Open from 9.00 aan. to midnight.
Lovna Sreshta in a wood close to the Aladja Rock Monastery serves local game dishes. Orchestra. Open from 9.00 a.m, to midnight.
Picnic — a taverna in the heart of the forest near Lovna Sreshta. Grills and excellent drinks are served. Nightly programmes of folk songs and dances. Open from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The Rocky Monastery
The Rocky Monastery three kilometres from Zlatni Pyas- satsi in one of the most picturesque areas of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is an old monastery carved from the rocks, consisting of an upper and a lower part. The cells are two and a half by two metres. 1 he church is 11.70 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2 metres high. The altar has two alcoves wit mural paintings. The monastery was most probably founded in the 13th-14th century. 300 metres away are the catacombs — cells carved out of the rock and probably used as dwellings by the monks.
The Museum of the Chalcolytic Necropolis (discovered in 1975) is to be found at the entrance of the monastery. It holds old ornaments, weapons and other artefacts.
The Varna Chalcolytie Necropolis, discovered in 1972 on the western outskirts of the city, is an exceptional find which aroused wide international interest The Necropolis dates from the end of the Chalcolytie period, 3,000 B.C By the end of 1976, 81 graves had been found, 25 of them symbolic graves with no skeletons In grave Number One, was a treasure-trove of ornaments, artefacts of solid heaten gold (23.5 carats), 3 bracelets, a rectangular plate, 2 thimbles, 6 rings, 28 round plates, 6 trapezium-shaped and 4 moon-shaped plates, 160 cylindrical beads, with a total weight of 1,091 kg, copper tools, flint knives, a bone knife, 2,095 beads and various ceramic pieces. In graves Number 2,3 and 15 gold artefacts were discovered such as plates, rings and beads. Grave Number 4 contained gold bracelets, plates, rings, beads and other things with a total weight of 1,518 kg, as well as two clay vessels full of gold ornaments.
In Grave Number 43 the skeleton was found of a man about 40-50 years of age with various rich ornaments as well as several hundred gold artefacts totalling 1,516 kilograms and other copper and clay vessels and ornaments. This must have been the grave of a nobleman.
0 notes
holidaysbalkan · 2 years
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Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik
Each hotel has its own parking lot. The car repair service of Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik has good mechanics, spare parts and washing facilities. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-16. There is a filling station open 24 hrs near the Kosharata restaurant. Near the Casino is a rent-a-car service open from .00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-63.
Places of entertainment and night dubs offer pleasant and varied programmes.
Tsiganski Tabor (Gypsy Campj Night Club serves delicious dishes and excellent wines in Gypsy tents to the music of a Gypsy orchestra. Open from 9.00p.m. to 2.00 am.
Koukeri (Masked Dancers) Night Club — an original architectural building; ‘Koukeri’ dances are performed with quaint folk masks. The night club commands a marvellous view of the whole resort Open from 9.00 p.m. turkey sightseeing to 4.00 a.m.
Karakachanski Stan, The atmosphere is reminiscent of nomad Karakachan shepherd settlements in the Rhodopes. It is situated in the forest next to the Kolibite. Open from 4,00 p rh. to 2.00 a.m.
Vodenitsata — an original folk restaurant serving grilled chicken, kebabs, home-made sausages and freshly baked bread. Open from 9.00 a.m. to midnight.
Astoria Bar – a modern night club, open May to October. Interesting floor show, music and dancing. Next to Hotel Astoria. Open from 10.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m.
Caney Night Club — exotic atmosphere, Cuban cocktails, firstclass orchestra. Adjacent to Havana Hotel. Open from 4.00 p.m. to midnight.
Prifon Zarezan Restaurant. An original restaurant with a special room for wine-tasting. Bulgarian cuisine and a well- stocked bar. On the road to Varna. Open from 9.00 aan. to midnight.
Lovna Sreshta in a wood close to the Aladja Rock Monastery serves local game dishes. Orchestra. Open from 9.00 a.m, to midnight.
Picnic — a taverna in the heart of the forest near Lovna Sreshta. Grills and excellent drinks are served. Nightly programmes of folk songs and dances. Open from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The Rocky Monastery
The Rocky Monastery three kilometres from Zlatni Pyas- satsi in one of the most picturesque areas of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is an old monastery carved from the rocks, consisting of an upper and a lower part. The cells are two and a half by two metres. 1 he church is 11.70 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2 metres high. The altar has two alcoves wit mural paintings. The monastery was most probably founded in the 13th-14th century. 300 metres away are the catacombs — cells carved out of the rock and probably used as dwellings by the monks.
The Museum of the Chalcolytic Necropolis (discovered in 1975) is to be found at the entrance of the monastery. It holds old ornaments, weapons and other artefacts.
The Varna Chalcolytie Necropolis, discovered in 1972 on the western outskirts of the city, is an exceptional find which aroused wide international interest The Necropolis dates from the end of the Chalcolytie period, 3,000 B.C By the end of 1976, 81 graves had been found, 25 of them symbolic graves with no skeletons In grave Number One, was a treasure-trove of ornaments, artefacts of solid heaten gold (23.5 carats), 3 bracelets, a rectangular plate, 2 thimbles, 6 rings, 28 round plates, 6 trapezium-shaped and 4 moon-shaped plates, 160 cylindrical beads, with a total weight of 1,091 kg, copper tools, flint knives, a bone knife, 2,095 beads and various ceramic pieces. In graves Number 2,3 and 15 gold artefacts were discovered such as plates, rings and beads. Grave Number 4 contained gold bracelets, plates, rings, beads and other things with a total weight of 1,518 kg, as well as two clay vessels full of gold ornaments.
In Grave Number 43 the skeleton was found of a man about 40-50 years of age with various rich ornaments as well as several hundred gold artefacts totalling 1,516 kilograms and other copper and clay vessels and ornaments. This must have been the grave of a nobleman.
0 notes
bulgara · 4 months
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Balchik City // Winter Time // Bulgaria 🇧🇬
6 notes · View notes
kvetch19 · 9 months
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10 notes · View notes
bookingacruise · 2 years
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Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik
Each hotel has its own parking lot. The car repair service of Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik has good mechanics, spare parts and washing facilities. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-16. There is a filling station open 24 hrs near the Kosharata restaurant. Near the Casino is a rent-a-car service open from .00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-63.
Places of entertainment and night dubs offer pleasant and varied programmes.
Tsiganski Tabor (Gypsy Campj Night Club serves delicious dishes and excellent wines in Gypsy tents to the music of a Gypsy orchestra. Open from 9.00p.m. to 2.00 am.
Koukeri (Masked Dancers) Night Club — an original architectural building; ‘Koukeri’ dances are performed with quaint folk masks. The night club commands a marvellous view of the whole resort Open from 9.00 p.m. turkey sightseeing to 4.00 a.m.
Karakachanski Stan, The atmosphere is reminiscent of nomad Karakachan shepherd settlements in the Rhodopes. It is situated in the forest next to the Kolibite. Open from 4,00 p rh. to 2.00 a.m.
Vodenitsata — an original folk restaurant serving grilled chicken, kebabs, home-made sausages and freshly baked bread. Open from 9.00 a.m. to midnight.
Astoria Bar – a modern night club, open May to October. Interesting floor show, music and dancing. Next to Hotel Astoria. Open from 10.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m.
Caney Night Club — exotic atmosphere, Cuban cocktails, firstclass orchestra. Adjacent to Havana Hotel. Open from 4.00 p.m. to midnight.
Prifon Zarezan Restaurant. An original restaurant with a special room for wine-tasting. Bulgarian cuisine and a well- stocked bar. On the road to Varna. Open from 9.00 aan. to midnight.
Lovna Sreshta in a wood close to the Aladja Rock Monastery serves local game dishes. Orchestra. Open from 9.00 a.m, to midnight.
Picnic — a taverna in the heart of the forest near Lovna Sreshta. Grills and excellent drinks are served. Nightly programmes of folk songs and dances. Open from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The Rocky Monastery
The Rocky Monastery three kilometres from Zlatni Pyas- satsi in one of the most picturesque areas of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is an old monastery carved from the rocks, consisting of an upper and a lower part. The cells are two and a half by two metres. 1 he church is 11.70 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2 metres high. The altar has two alcoves wit mural paintings. The monastery was most probably founded in the 13th-14th century. 300 metres away are the catacombs — cells carved out of the rock and probably used as dwellings by the monks.
The Museum of the Chalcolytic Necropolis (discovered in 1975) is to be found at the entrance of the monastery. It holds old ornaments, weapons and other artefacts.
The Varna Chalcolytie Necropolis, discovered in 1972 on the western outskirts of the city, is an exceptional find which aroused wide international interest The Necropolis dates from the end of the Chalcolytie period, 3,000 B.C By the end of 1976, 81 graves had been found, 25 of them symbolic graves with no skeletons In grave Number One, was a treasure-trove of ornaments, artefacts of solid heaten gold (23.5 carats), 3 bracelets, a rectangular plate, 2 thimbles, 6 rings, 28 round plates, 6 trapezium-shaped and 4 moon-shaped plates, 160 cylindrical beads, with a total weight of 1,091 kg, copper tools, flint knives, a bone knife, 2,095 beads and various ceramic pieces. In graves Number 2,3 and 15 gold artefacts were discovered such as plates, rings and beads. Grave Number 4 contained gold bracelets, plates, rings, beads and other things with a total weight of 1,518 kg, as well as two clay vessels full of gold ornaments.
In Grave Number 43 the skeleton was found of a man about 40-50 years of age with various rich ornaments as well as several hundred gold artefacts totalling 1,516 kilograms and other copper and clay vessels and ornaments. This must have been the grave of a nobleman.
0 notes
snowtravels · 2 years
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Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik
Each hotel has its own parking lot. The car repair service of Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik has good mechanics, spare parts and washing facilities. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-16. There is a filling station open 24 hrs near the Kosharata restaurant. Near the Casino is a rent-a-car service open from .00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-63.
Places of entertainment and night dubs offer pleasant and varied programmes.
Tsiganski Tabor (Gypsy Campj Night Club serves delicious dishes and excellent wines in Gypsy tents to the music of a Gypsy orchestra. Open from 9.00p.m. to 2.00 am.
Koukeri (Masked Dancers) Night Club — an original architectural building; ‘Koukeri’ dances are performed with quaint folk masks. The night club commands a marvellous view of the whole resort Open from 9.00 p.m. turkey sightseeing to 4.00 a.m.
Karakachanski Stan, The atmosphere is reminiscent of nomad Karakachan shepherd settlements in the Rhodopes. It is situated in the forest next to the Kolibite. Open from 4,00 p rh. to 2.00 a.m.
Vodenitsata — an original folk restaurant serving grilled chicken, kebabs, home-made sausages and freshly baked bread. Open from 9.00 a.m. to midnight.
Astoria Bar – a modern night club, open May to October. Interesting floor show, music and dancing. Next to Hotel Astoria. Open from 10.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m.
Caney Night Club — exotic atmosphere, Cuban cocktails, firstclass orchestra. Adjacent to Havana Hotel. Open from 4.00 p.m. to midnight.
Prifon Zarezan Restaurant. An original restaurant with a special room for wine-tasting. Bulgarian cuisine and a well- stocked bar. On the road to Varna. Open from 9.00 aan. to midnight.
Lovna Sreshta in a wood close to the Aladja Rock Monastery serves local game dishes. Orchestra. Open from 9.00 a.m, to midnight.
Picnic — a taverna in the heart of the forest near Lovna Sreshta. Grills and excellent drinks are served. Nightly programmes of folk songs and dances. Open from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The Rocky Monastery
The Rocky Monastery three kilometres from Zlatni Pyas- satsi in one of the most picturesque areas of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is an old monastery carved from the rocks, consisting of an upper and a lower part. The cells are two and a half by two metres. 1 he church is 11.70 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2 metres high. The altar has two alcoves wit mural paintings. The monastery was most probably founded in the 13th-14th century. 300 metres away are the catacombs — cells carved out of the rock and probably used as dwellings by the monks.
The Museum of the Chalcolytic Necropolis (discovered in 1975) is to be found at the entrance of the monastery. It holds old ornaments, weapons and other artefacts.
The Varna Chalcolytie Necropolis, discovered in 1972 on the western outskirts of the city, is an exceptional find which aroused wide international interest The Necropolis dates from the end of the Chalcolytie period, 3,000 B.C By the end of 1976, 81 graves had been found, 25 of them symbolic graves with no skeletons In grave Number One, was a treasure-trove of ornaments, artefacts of solid heaten gold (23.5 carats), 3 bracelets, a rectangular plate, 2 thimbles, 6 rings, 28 round plates, 6 trapezium-shaped and 4 moon-shaped plates, 160 cylindrical beads, with a total weight of 1,091 kg, copper tools, flint knives, a bone knife, 2,095 beads and various ceramic pieces. In graves Number 2,3 and 15 gold artefacts were discovered such as plates, rings and beads. Grave Number 4 contained gold bracelets, plates, rings, beads and other things with a total weight of 1,518 kg, as well as two clay vessels full of gold ornaments.
In Grave Number 43 the skeleton was found of a man about 40-50 years of age with various rich ornaments as well as several hundred gold artefacts totalling 1,516 kilograms and other copper and clay vessels and ornaments. This must have been the grave of a nobleman.
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weekendholiday · 2 years
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Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik
Each hotel has its own parking lot. The car repair service of Balkantourist on the turning to Balchik has good mechanics, spare parts and washing facilities. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-16. There is a filling station open 24 hrs near the Kosharata restaurant. Near the Casino is a rent-a-car service open from .00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Tel. 6-53-63.
Places of entertainment and night dubs offer pleasant and varied programmes.
Tsiganski Tabor (Gypsy Campj Night Club serves delicious dishes and excellent wines in Gypsy tents to the music of a Gypsy orchestra. Open from 9.00p.m. to 2.00 am.
Koukeri (Masked Dancers) Night Club — an original architectural building; ‘Koukeri’ dances are performed with quaint folk masks. The night club commands a marvellous view of the whole resort Open from 9.00 p.m. turkey sightseeing to 4.00 a.m.
Karakachanski Stan, The atmosphere is reminiscent of nomad Karakachan shepherd settlements in the Rhodopes. It is situated in the forest next to the Kolibite. Open from 4,00 p rh. to 2.00 a.m.
Vodenitsata — an original folk restaurant serving grilled chicken, kebabs, home-made sausages and freshly baked bread. Open from 9.00 a.m. to midnight.
Astoria Bar – a modern night club, open May to October. Interesting floor show, music and dancing. Next to Hotel Astoria. Open from 10.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m.
Caney Night Club — exotic atmosphere, Cuban cocktails, firstclass orchestra. Adjacent to Havana Hotel. Open from 4.00 p.m. to midnight.
Prifon Zarezan Restaurant. An original restaurant with a special room for wine-tasting. Bulgarian cuisine and a well- stocked bar. On the road to Varna. Open from 9.00 aan. to midnight.
Lovna Sreshta in a wood close to the Aladja Rock Monastery serves local game dishes. Orchestra. Open from 9.00 a.m, to midnight.
Picnic — a taverna in the heart of the forest near Lovna Sreshta. Grills and excellent drinks are served. Nightly programmes of folk songs and dances. Open from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The Rocky Monastery
The Rocky Monastery three kilometres from Zlatni Pyas- satsi in one of the most picturesque areas of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is an old monastery carved from the rocks, consisting of an upper and a lower part. The cells are two and a half by two metres. 1 he church is 11.70 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2 metres high. The altar has two alcoves wit mural paintings. The monastery was most probably founded in the 13th-14th century. 300 metres away are the catacombs — cells carved out of the rock and probably used as dwellings by the monks.
The Museum of the Chalcolytic Necropolis (discovered in 1975) is to be found at the entrance of the monastery. It holds old ornaments, weapons and other artefacts.
The Varna Chalcolytie Necropolis, discovered in 1972 on the western outskirts of the city, is an exceptional find which aroused wide international interest The Necropolis dates from the end of the Chalcolytie period, 3,000 B.C By the end of 1976, 81 graves had been found, 25 of them symbolic graves with no skeletons In grave Number One, was a treasure-trove of ornaments, artefacts of solid heaten gold (23.5 carats), 3 bracelets, a rectangular plate, 2 thimbles, 6 rings, 28 round plates, 6 trapezium-shaped and 4 moon-shaped plates, 160 cylindrical beads, with a total weight of 1,091 kg, copper tools, flint knives, a bone knife, 2,095 beads and various ceramic pieces. In graves Number 2,3 and 15 gold artefacts were discovered such as plates, rings and beads. Grave Number 4 contained gold bracelets, plates, rings, beads and other things with a total weight of 1,518 kg, as well as two clay vessels full of gold ornaments.
In Grave Number 43 the skeleton was found of a man about 40-50 years of age with various rich ornaments as well as several hundred gold artefacts totalling 1,516 kilograms and other copper and clay vessels and ornaments. This must have been the grave of a nobleman.
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