#Baroness Blackwater
kitquips · 2 years
blorbo ask time, npc edition! madame koira, the baroness, tak, and lal
Finally!! This was a super fun one, I hope you guys enjoy the lore:
Captain Lal (Hobgoblin Conquest Paladin/Fighter)
18. what dish brings back the best memories for them?
Probably anything that her mother would’ve made. They were extremely close as each other's only family. Her adoptive father was never much of a cook so Lal had to learn fast. Making things her mother would was always a comfort in hard times.
11. if they have a pet or animal companion, how do they spend time with them? if they don’t have one, what sort of animal would they be interested in raising, if any?
Lal has never had a pet because her lifestyle has never really allowed for it. If she were to ever have one, a big dog would absolutely suit her.
She’d have the sort of discipline to have them well-trained, they would give her the sort of uncomplicated affection she really needs, and having a big fuck-off dog obediently at her heel ready to maul anyone who would mess with her just suits her vibe.  
“Baroness Blackwater”(Human Warlock)
24. are they close to any family members?
Once upon a time, it would have been her cousin, who she was practically raised with. However as the Baroness has grown colder and more openly selfish, they’ve drifted apart.
In a sick sort of way the closest relationship she has, familial or otherwise, is probably her son Akrius, despite being his chief emotional abuser through most of his life. They resent the hell out of each other for different reasons, but there is also an innate connection between the two. They both have a mutual respect for the intelligence of the other, as well as having similar mannerisms and vices.
They have a twisted sort of bond where they simultaneously can’t stand each other but also feel like no one else in the world “gets” them as much as the other.
58. how often do they swear? do they mind when others swear?
The baroness has two modes: put-on refinement and her real, unfiltered, personality. The prior would never dream of swearing. Knowing barbs, backhanded remarks, and carefully alluded to blackmail are her bread and butter.
The latter, however, has no such reservations. She’ll happily stand there, sour-faced and chain smoking, enlightening you on all of the “fucking morons” she has to put up with and illustrating their ineptitude with cleverly crude and pointed insults.
9. when in their life were they most scared?
Probably during her first pregnancy, followed shortly by her second. She wasn’t emotionally prepared to deal with having a child and it entirely altered the plan she had laid out for herself.  She essentially only carried through with the birth and upbringing of her son Akrius because of entirely external pressures. She knew as soon as she accepted the responsibility that her life would spiral out of her control and deep down not having control terries her.  
I won’t go too much into the birth of her second child, Adaar… yet. Let’s just say though, she was a taking a risk that would result in two very powerful beings possibly having it out for her. This time though: it was her choice. For the baroness, that was enough comfort to make it slightly less scary.
Madame Koira “Koi”(locathah Wizard[?]/ brothel madame/halfway house owner)
45. what lies do they tell themselves?
“This time will be different”
Koi has the biggest heart for anyone who needs a place to stay and some motherly wisdom/love. This has unfortunately also led to her being a notorious enabler for some of the more unscrupulous people who pass through her door.
A few became revolving figures in her house, staying long enough to cause havoc and overstay their welcome only to come crawling back when they find themselves in a bad position knowing she would accept their apology. It’s well meaning but the people who genuinely want the best for her can only shake their head as she continues to allow these people to take advantage of her.
16. do they value their appearance?
Madame Koi lives and breathes fashion. It was something she would have to discover for herself as fashion wasn’t something she really grew up with among other locathah as clothing tends to weigh down swimming.
Koi is also trangender(MtF), so coming from a species where most surface dwellers can’t easily differentiate between the biological sexes is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, bad actors can’t contradict her when she states that she is in fact a woman, because they don’t know what the biological signifiers are. On the other, ignorant but completely well meaning surface dwellers routinely misgendered her(and probably still would’ve if she were AFAB) which was upsetting to her.
Her love of fashion became her affirmative therapy. She dresses lavishly, oozing femininity to the point where there is absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind. She’ll also happily accessorize her ensembles with ample padding and one of her many elaborate wigs just for the effect. And no one says boo about them not being “real” because… well… she’s a fish. Of course she wouldn’t have natural boobs or hair. Plus who can hate when you rock it like she does??
42. can they dance?
He’s not trained or anything but he is absolutely the sort to just sort of let himself get into it and maybe even drag someone on to the dance floor when it looks like they need it. He’s just one of those people with the confidence and energy to pull off dancing.
43. how much do they know about the world they live in?
Not a lot, really. He’s grown up in goblinoid society his whole life and knows the ins and outs of it well. He’ll be the first to admit though that he signed up for the army just because it was the best option for someone of his standing. He just sort of fell into what was expected of him without really exploring what the options were outside of the society he grew up in. Once he gets his chance to get a taste of it though, he will definitely want more!
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Best Albums of 2019 (Prog)
15. Melodramus - 1+1=1
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USの男女ツインボーカルのProg Metal/Rockの3rd。 リッチー・コッツェンの香りがするギターが自分の性癖にぶっ刺さった1枚。 時折顔を見せるモダンな展開とジャジーな雰囲気にグッと来る。 コレといったラジオフレンドリーな曲は見当たらないが、 ずーっと聴いていられる静と動の行ったり来たりが心地良い。 Prog好きには是非聴いてもらいたい1枚。
14. I Built the Sky - The Zenith Rise
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ここ何年か、毎年のように素晴らしいギターインストがリリースされている。 個人的に自分がギタープレイヤー且つDTMerという事も有り、 こういった作品はどうしても評価が高くなりがち。
Djentyな楽曲には耳からこぼれるほどのフックがねじ込まれ、 極上のメロディを表現するためのテクニックも十二分。 前作までは光るものがあったが音質的にイマイチ評価できなかったが、 今作はその点も劇的に改善されている。 Djentyなギターインスト好きはマスト。
13. Dream Theater - Distance Over Time
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このバンドに関しては今更説明する必要は無いですよね。 前作は世間では賛否両論(主に否が多い)だった気がしていますが、 各々がドリムシに何を求めるかで変わってくる感じのものです。 私個人の意見ではドリムシにはProg Metalを求めている訳ではなく、 一つのProg表現者集団だと思って聴いて居るので前作はすごく良い評価になりました。
今作も安定のドリムシ。何を求めていてもすべてが高次元です。 前作でもそうですがドラムがマンジーニに変わってからは、イカレてる! と思う瞬間は減りました。 まあ��定内っちゃ想定内の出来という感じは否めませんが、 ドリームシアターという信じられないほど高いハードルがある。 という事を忘れてみましょう。普通にめっちゃ良いアルバムです。
もうちょっと冒険してみてもいいのでは?と思うので 次作では外部プロデューサー、特にPOPS畑でも活躍しているような 有能な方のチカラを借りてみるのもアリなのでは?と感じました。
12. Lee McKinney - Infinite Mind
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Born of Osirisのギタリストのソロ作品。 現代のギターゴッドと言っても過言じゃないJason Richardsonが Born of Osirisから脱退した時このバンドはもうダメかもしれない・・・ そんなことを思った時期が一瞬でもあったことを正式に謝罪したいです。 Jasonが居なくてもBorn of Osirisは素晴らしいアルバムを作り続けています。
そしてこの作品。 最近のメタルのトレンドであるサックスを上手いこと使ってます。 メロディの質はオシャレ系のソレで Born of Osirisでの神秘的な雰囲気も少し垣間見える。 テクニカルごり押しではなく、純粋に楽曲勝負なところが気に入りました。
11. Darkwater - Human
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自分の中では今年のProg Powerはこの1枚で決まり。 展開に次ぐ展開。これこそProgの醍醐味。
完成度が非常に高く、どれとっても捨て曲が無い。 メロディの質もキャッチーで、ギターにもフックがある。 所謂メタルメタルしてるハイトーンボーカルではなく、 ロイ・カーン的な中音域での表現セクシーな表現が非常に好印象。
どっかで聴いたことある声だなーと思っていたら、 Universal Mind Projectでも歌ってました。
10. TheNightTimeProject - Pale Season
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ジャンルは何といったらいいのか・・・プログレッシヴデプレッシヴゴシックロックとかそういう感じなのかな? 元Katatonia、October TideのFredrik "North" Norrmanのバンドです。 メランコリックに次ぐメランコリック。退廃的且つ美しく切なげなメロディの連続。 そこにProg的な展開があるのですが、Prog要素は飽くまで味付け。 如何にメランコリックな楽曲を際立たせるか的な使い方をしている気がします。
ギターメロディ、歌メロ共に最上級に美しいです。 派手さは1mmもないので即効性は薄く、じっくりじっくり噛みしめて聴くタイプです。 Katatonia好きな人はマスト。
9. In Mourning - Garden of Storms
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もう何も言うことはない。 私が求めているProg Deathはこういうの! と自信を持って紹介できる1枚。 静と動を行き来し、イマイチ地味なところが最高に刺さる。 ジャケットも美しくて素晴らしい。 Prog Deathを実質卒業したOpethの後を継ぐのは In VainとIn Mourningだと信じています。
8. Wilderun - Veil of Imagination
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今年各所で話題になっていた1枚。シンフォニックな味付けの多いProg Death。 1曲目から14分というエピック。非常に素晴らしい。
雑に言うとBlackwater Parkの頃のOpethを明るくした感じ。 あちこちでOpethとの対比がされていましたが、まさに陽のOpethとはよく言ったと感じました。 静(アコースティックな音)と動で構成される楽曲や音作り等、Opethと近しい部分が散見されます。
アルバムの流れも完璧で非の打ち所がないのですが、 個人的には、こういうアルバムはじっくり一人、暗い部屋でしっとり聴きたいので、 シンフォニックなアプローチがちょっと派手過ぎる気がしてこの順位になりました。
7. Iamthemorning - The Bell
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Post Prog界隈では非常に有名なロシアのProg Rock / Chamber Popデュオ。 優しく囁き、時に力強くなるMarjana Semkinaのヴォーカルは今作も絶品です。 Glebは昨年ソロアルバムをリリースし非常に良い出来でしたが、 この本拠地Iamthemorningでもやっぱり素晴らしい仕事人っぷりを発揮しています。
今まで全作品購入していますが、 クラシカルな室内楽にProgな感性とロックを取り込むというのは 異質な感じがしそうですが、改めて全然違和感が無いなと感心します。
6. Baroness - Gold & Grey
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なんでSilverじゃないんだ?と思ったのは私だけではないハズ。 5thは「金と灰」なんですね。
今作はポストノイズオルタナロックみたいな感じです。 もちろん15曲目みたいな今までのBaronessタイプの曲もあります。
2曲目は何故かMogwaiを感じ、6曲目の冒頭はAlcestみたいな音。 ポストロックのような、空間を感じさせる音が今作のテーマになってるような気がします。
巷では音が悪いと言われているようですが、私はすごく好きです。 ストーナー、スラッジの行きつく先はノイズなのか? と思わせるようなかっこいい説得力があります
楽曲は今までより俄然聴きやすくなり、メタルリスナーだけでなく すべてのロックファンにアピール出来そうなモノ。
5. Borknagar - True North
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このバンドを知らない人のために Prog Viking/Folk/Blackというようなジャンルです。今作で11枚目です。
Borknagarが今後駄作を作ることはあるのだろうか?いやないだろう。 毎回そんなことを思ってしまいます。
再生し始めて2曲目「Up North」を聴いた時、 なんて美しい曲なんだと本当に感動しました。 興味ない人もこの曲だけでも良いので是非聴いてもらいたい・・・
最初から最後までアルバムには緊張感が漂います。 この緊張感は、聴き手の予想を裏切る転調が生み出してると私は思います。 1度転調が登場すると聴き手の脳裏に「次はどうなる?」 という何が起こるか分からないドキドキ感が生まれます。 そのドキドキ感を煽る楽曲配置がまた巧い。
転調から元の展開に戻るときも非常にスムーズで違和感が無く、 この辺が職人技っぽくてすごく好きです。
さすがBorknagar。 今作も多くの人に聴いてほしいと思うアルバムに仕上がっています。
4. Daniel Tompkins - Castles
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現TesseracT、元Skyharborのボーカリストのソロ作。 ほんと素晴らしい。 全11曲。ボーナストラックを含めると13曲。 その7曲目までが本筋なのですが、 8曲目からはリミックスVer.のような曲が収録されています。 8~11曲目までのそのリミックスというか別Ver.というか、 そっちの扱いがめちゃめちゃ巧い。 ただのおまけじゃなくて、キチンと機能している事に驚きました。
ジャンルは一括りには出来ません。曲によっては、 ダブ要素があったり、ロックだったり、お得意のDjentyな雰囲気だったり。
私はこの人の歌声が単純に大好きなんだなと改めて気付いた1枚。 とにかく黙ってSaved (feat. Acle Kahney)を聴いて欲しいです。
3. TOOL - Fear Inoculum
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皆さんご存じProg界隈で最も成功しているモンスターバンドの1つ。 長い事待った甲斐がありましたね。 TOOLの何がスゴイって、
1曲で15分以上ある楽曲が収録されてるピュアなModern Prog。 こんなアルバムがUSチャート1位を取るんだからスゴイ。
そして何といってもCDの収録時間より長いアルバムを作っちゃう所。 CDからDL、その後のサブスクの台頭により、 CD時代の終焉だと言われてます。 売り上げ的な意味でなく、USチャートで1位を取るほどのバンドが、 このCDというフォーマットは限界ですよって言ってるところが最高にかっこいい。 CDの本来の収録時間は74分(79分59秒のもあります)。 それに対してこのアルバムは約86分。 DLやサブスクで配信されている方が本来の意味でのフルアルバムだという事。
収録時間という制限から解放されるという事はProgというジャンルにおいては、 他のジャンルよりもその恩恵が格段に大きいと私は考えています。
今まで収録時間の関係で2枚組になっていたアルバムの流れを止めずに聴くことが出来る。 もしくは収録時間の制限によりアルバムに収録されずにいた曲が、収録される。
収録時間の制限がある中で楽���の長さという今までの欠点(というか悩ましい箇所) そしてその長さとアルバム1枚の流れや展開が非常に重要なProgというジャンルの構造を 最大限に発揮出来る。これからはそういうアルバムが出てきていいんだよという TOOLからのメッセージ、そしてそれは革命的な出来事だと私は思います。
アルバムの完成度や質に関しては期待してた通りの素晴らしいモノです。 このアルバムを皮切りに今まで制限をされてたProgアーティスト達が、 今後もっと自由に表現出来るようになることを期待しています。
2. Leprous - Pitfalls
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もうIhsahnのバックバンドだなんて考える人は居なさそうですね。 前前作、前作とかなり高い評価を得てProg界隈では既に話題の中心の一つです。
今作は今までとは打って変わってかなり「歌」で勝負しています。 1曲目から飛ばしまくり。本当に説得力が違いますね。 圧倒的な歌唱力の前にただただひれ伏すしか無いという状況。
もはやこれはメタルではないと思いますが、 そんなの関係ねえと言わんばかりの全曲シングルカットレベル揃い。 明らかに飲み込んだ、というよりも現代のクラブミュージック(特にダウンテンポやトリップホップ)、 をProg的にやってみた的な仕上がり。 ストリングスも素晴らしく、こっそりとカントリ��的な音使いまで飲み込んでいるのは最高のアレンジ。
現代の雑多なジャンルを貪った結果出来上がった作品という感がすごいので、 なんとなくですが、昔からプログレを愛聴してる人には受け入れられないような気もしてしまう。 それくらい斬新でProgressive。私はこれが今のProgだ!と自信を持って全ての人に紹介したい。
1. Opeth - In Cauda Venenum
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皆さんお待たせしました。私の神様です。 2017年のラウドパークで涙で前が見えないほどに号泣しまくっていた。 そんな私の評価なのでかなり甘くなってしまっているかもしれません。
でも!だとしても!めっちゃ良いアルバム!! Opethが脱デスメタル化してから(Heritage以降)最高のアルバムなんじゃないだろうか? 私はそう思っています。
脱デスメタル化した後のHeritage、Pale Communion、Sorceressでは 徐々にらしさは戻ってきていますが、基本的に70年代のProg Rockへの傾倒が大きく、 ここまでOpethらしいアルバムは無かったと私は考えています。
Svekets Prins(英:Dignity)での優しく囁くような声から粗野なハーシュクリーンへの移り変わり Minnets Yta(英:Lovelorn Crime)でのギターソロ Banemannen(英:The Garroter)で、たとえがっつりジャズをやっていようとも もうOpeth以外の何物でもない。
いやあ本当に素晴らしいアルバムだ。 一瞬たりとも聴き逃せない、Opethらしさの詰まったアルバムです。
ちなみに、今回のアルバムは英語とスウェーデン語の2タイプが存在しますが、 スウェーデン語タイプの方は聴き慣れない言語のせいか、より呪術的というか不気味に聴こえます。 特に4曲目De Närmast Sörjandeなんかは顕著です。 気になる方は2タイプとも購入して聴き比べてみるのもいいかもしれません。
今年はProg好きにはかなり良い年になったんじゃないでしょうか? 大御所が次々とアルバムをリリースし、まさかあのTOOLまで。 Soen、The Flower Kings、Barock Projectなどなど まだまだ良作がありましたが、とりあえずこんな感じになりました。 来年も良作がたくさんリリースされることを楽しみにしています。
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hxndlv · 5 years
If You are looking for inspiration... What shaped My music taste.
Pink Floyd - The Wall
Avril Lavigne - Let Go
Linkin Park - Meteora
Linkin Park - Reanimation
Łona - Koniec Żartów
Paktofonika - Kinematografia
Rage Against The Machine - The Battle Of Los Angeles
Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder
Korn - Follow The Leader
Deftones - White Pony
Flyleaf - Flyleaf
Slipknot - Slipknot
Freestylers - Raw As Fuck
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
Machine Head - The Blackening
HIM - Venus Doom
Breaking Benjamin - Phobia
Behemoth - Demigod
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Trivium - Shogun
Ttrivium - In Waves
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Down - NOLA
Superjoint Ritual - A Lethal Dose Of American Hatred
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV
J.D Overdrive - Sex Whiskey Southern Blood
Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile
Led Zeppelin - IV
Lamb Of God - Resolution
Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I-IV
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
B-Complex - It's Too Musical
Terry Scott Taylor - Neverhood Soundtrack
Aphex Twin - ...I Care Because You Do
Amon Tobin - Foley Room
Amon Tobin - ISAM
Messiaen - Turangalila
Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma
Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue
Nicolo Paganini - Caprices
Debussy - Complete Piano Works
Mozart - Requiem in d minor
Erik Satie - Gnossienne
Autechre - Confield
Animals As Leaders - Animals As Leaders
The Beatles - Abbey Road
Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Gojira - The Way Of All Flesh
Machinedrum - Room(s)
Burial - Untrue
Baroness - Red
Igorrr - Hallelujah
J Dilla - Donuts
Madlib - Shades Of Blue
Megadeth - Rust In Peace
Matmos - The Marriage of True Minds
múm - Finally We Are No One
Clever Girl - No Drum And Bass In The Jazz Room
Low-Pass - Trimutri
Chon - Newborn Sun
Shpongle - Tales Of Inexpressible
Bjork - Biophilia
Squarepusher - Ufabulum
Arvo Part - Magnificat
Ruby My Dear - Form
Opeth - Pale Communion
Ruby My Dear, Igorrr - Maigre
Morcheeba - Big Calm
Hecq - Avenger
Roel Funcken - Vade
Hecq - 0000
Stavros Gasparatos - Expended Piano
Frank Riggio - Psychexcess
Hecq - Conversions
David Maxim Micic - Eco
Thriftworks - Fade
Submotion Orchestra - The Finest Hour
Koan - When The Silence Is...
Carbon Based Lifeforms - Interloper
Sonic Area - Music For Ghosts
BT - This Binary Universe
Enduser - From Zero
Bonobo - Animal Magic
Johnny Hollow - A Collection of Creatures
Gore Tech - Futurphobia
Joanne Pollock - Optimist
Black Label Society - Stronger than Death
Vessels - Dilate
Stone Sour - House Of Gold And Bones
Dead Voices On Air - Did Digger Do Jehovah
Swarm Intelligence - Rust
DJ Hidden - Enclosed
Charles Mingus - The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
Synthamesk - Evil
Globular & Geoglyph - Messages From The Resonator
Man Of No Ego - Blinkers Removed
Periphery - Periphery III: Select Difficulty
Skrillex - Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites
Borgore - Borgore Ruined Dubstep
Psytekk - Crossbreed 2
Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSound
Iommi - IOMMI
Decapitated - Carnival Is Forever
Peja - Slums Attack
52 dębiec - P-Ń VI
Exodus - The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A
GoGo Penguin - Jazz à la Villette
Kid 606 - Kill Sound Before Sound Kills You
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Eminem - The Eminem Show
Bjork - Biophilia
Słoń - Chore Melodie
Limp Bizkit - The Unquestionable Truth pt. 1
Gorillaz - Demon Days
System of a Down -Mesmerize
System of a Down - Hypnotize
Anthrax - For All Kings
Testament -Dark Roots of Earth
Nirvana - Nevermind
Pokahontaz - Receptura
Satanicpornocultshop - Arkhaiomelisidonophunikheratos
Ruby My Dear - A Dada
Igorrr - Spirituality and Distortion
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monstersinthecosmos · 5 years
Music recs of newer stuff for someone (me lol) whose hardest metal is Mastodon and who has an A Perfect Circle tattoo (the 3 Libra's symbol)?
omg!!!!!!!! I’M SO EXCITED TO GIVE YOU SOME RECS. (I’m also basing this on the convo we had in private about Puscifer and Porcupine Tree so HEADS UP ANYONE ELSE READING THIS, CHECK THEM OUT TOO!!!) 
In the A Perfect Circle vein I wanna suggest:
10 Years!
Stabbing Westward!
In the Mastodon vein:
In Mourning!
And then like, since we had talked about the value of not-too-screamy prog stuff and also ABOUT LOUIS FEELS? I wanted to throw these in as well:
The Pineapple Thief!
OF COURSE WE ALSO MUST MENTION STEVEN WILSON, he’s from Porcupine Tree and has produced a bunch of Opeth records OMG! 
And then like, with those general ones out of the way, I also just wanted to take a minute to jot down a few select fav Opeth songs that Extra Remind me of Louis de Pointe du Lac. Just like, I think Opeth is the perfect prog band for me in that like, a lot of times prog music is just like obnoxious white boys shredding to algebra problems and it gets annoying real fuckin fast but Opeth is just, so spiritual and gloomy and wonderful and their music is so much the embodiment of gray rainy days and mist in the woods and their compositions are seriously so brilliant but they’re just so thoughtful and melancholic and beautiful. And since we’d talked about Porcupine Tree Louis Feels I think we need to step it up to the next level, which are Opeth Louis Feels. Cause honestly Opeth is like, the perfect Louis band and idk why more VC fans aren’t obsessed with them.
So here’s just a couple of the MOST Louis from the mid-discography. =D
Blackwater ParkBleakBurdenClosureCoilThe Drapery Falls
Spiraling to the ground belowLike autumn leaves left in the wake to fade awayWaking up to your sound againAnd lapse into the ways of misery
Elysian WoesEternal Rains Will ComeA Fair JudgementFaith in OthersFolkloreHarvestInto the orchard I walk peering way past the gateWilted scenes for us who couldn’t waitDrained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows aheadHalo of death, all I see is departureMourner’s lament, but it’s me who’s the martyrHours of WealthIn My Time of NeedIsolation YearsMoon Above, Sun BelowPorcelain HeartTo Rid the Disease
There’s innocence torn from its makerStillborn the trust in youThis failure has made the creatorSo would you tell him what to do(I have lost all trust I had in you)
WeaknessWill O the WispWindowpane
45 notes · View notes
rjalker · 6 years
The NEW Daemon Book of Daemons list, created 11/25/17. Has yet to be updated.
Under a cut because it. is. LONG. And it hasn’t even been updated yet....
Definitely....definitely use CTRL+F if you’re looking for someone specific.
Once I get back from work and have more time, I’ll finish adding in the fandoms.
Abel Giddeon–Sonraim–Nycitcebus Kayan (Kayan Loris) [Hannibal] Aberforth Dumbledor—Gleda–Capra Hircus (British Alpine Goat) [HP] Abigail Hobbs—Senteron–Mico Chrysoleuca (White and Gold Marmoset)[Hanni] Adam Baylin—Queniv—Lemur Catta (Ring-tailed Lemur) [Kyle XY] Adele, the Reporter—Koran–Ara Macao (Scarlet Macaw) [His Dark Materials] Aegis Perry—Serith–Canis Familiaris (Dalmation) [OC, BSG] Aeryn Sun—Corun–Spizaetus Ornatus (CV: Black and grey) [Farscape] Agdar of Arendelle–Rhysan–Upapa Epops (Hoopoe) [Frozen] Alan ???–Sertellina–??? [???] Alana Bloom—Chayvetz–Heliconius Sapho (Sapho Longwing) [Hannibal] Alana Kalmor—Keyvn–Alienus Wraii (Wray’s Deer)* [OC, Stargate ?] Albus Dumbledor—Delphine–Phoenix Ignis (Fire Phoenix)* [Harry Potter] Alestair Moody—Fraisha–Phacochoerus Merlinuscinerus (Tebo)* [Harry Potter] Alexander Hale—Haersan–Gorilla Beringei (Eastern Gorilla) [OC, BSG] Algar Shaw—Rinvik–Bombycilla Cedorum (Cedar Waxwing) (CV: Silver)[oc..?] Alice Cullen–Syzun–Colinus Virginianus (Northern Bobwhite) [Twilight] Alice—Keircha–Nisaetus Nanus (Wallace’s Hawk Eagle) [Resident Evil] Alrik Johansen—Furoyce–Meposittacus Undulatus (Budgerier) [Frozen] Amanda Bloom—Arros—Canis Familiaris (Samoyed) [Kyle XY] Amanda Gareth—Abner–Cinnyricinclus Leucogaster (Violet-backed Starling) [The Hunger Games] Amelia Pond—Verin—Zenaida Macroura (Mourning Dove) [Doctor Who] Amy Jacobs–Diantha–Puma Concolor (Mountain Lion) [The X-Files] Anastasia Dualla—Zinulfri–Eulemur Flavifrons (Blue-eyed Black Lemur) [BSG] Anastasia Nikolaevna–Corinth–Lepus Americanus (Snowshoe Hare) [Anastasia] Andal Shakespeare–Daryn–Microcebus Murinus (Grey Mouse Lemur) [Stardust] Andrea Palmer—Calor–Carduelis Pinus (Pine Siskin) Andy Jensen—Keon—Ursus Maritimus (Polar Bear) Angela Weber–Luke–Hylomantis Lemur (Lemur Leaf Frog) Anna ???–Karaven–Pluvialis Dominica (American Golden Plover) Anna Wu–Izanul–Iguana Iguana (Green Iguana) Anna of Arendelle—Kai–Lepus Timidus (Mountain Hare) Annabeth Chase—Taris–Felis Cattus (Aegean) Annie Sawyer–Senni–Phalacrocorax Auritus (Double-crested Cormorant) Anthea–Unnamed–Chamaeleo Calyptratus (Veiled Chameleon) Anya Jenkins—Andulan–Syvilagus Aquaticus (Swamp Rabbit) Anya–Roral–Lepus Americanus (Snowshoe Hare) Aqua–Tidan–Canis Aurora (Suicune)* Ariane Setter—Lochir–Barrus Pintiki (Elephant Mouse)* Artemis—Eros–Saimiri Sciureus (Spider Monkey) (Head!Six) Arthur Pendragon—Arsetis–Ursus Middendorfi (Kodiak Bear) Arthur Weasely—Toril–Raphus Cucullatus (Dodo)* Arthur–Taidin–Dolichotis Patagonum (Patagonium Mara) Arty The-Art-Dealer–Crysalzi–Felis Cattus (Nebelung) Ash Ketchum—Tiarmin—Ignismus Turbineoto (Pikachu) Asriel—Stelmaria–Uncia Uncia (Snow Leopard) Asuna (ALO)–Kozo–Buteo Jamaicensis (Red-tailed Hawk) Asuna (SAO)–Kozo–Soloccubuit Draconis (Orange Drake)* Audrey Parker—Delusheran–Polyhonus Savigny (Manuel’s Skipper) Audrey Ramirez—Inxie—Myotis Myotis (Greater Mouse-eared Bat) Augustus Shale—Keris–Phacochoerus Africanus (Warthog) Aurora—K'danin–Mydaus Marchei (Palawan Stink Badger) Baelfire—Haydn–Puma Yagouaroundi (Jaguarundi) Baro Blackwater—Vertessa–Caracal Caracal (Caracal) Bedelia du Mauer—Kerif—Aegolius Harisii (Buff-fronted Owl) Bella Swan–Charon–Arctictis Binturong (Binturong) Belle—Garo–Canis Familiaris (Australian Shepherd) (CV: Red merle) Ben Parker—Zitheya—Dipodomys Agilis (Agile Kangaroo Rat) Ben Stark—Claren–Didelphis Virginiana (Opossum) Beth LeBeau–Sanam–Corvus Corax (Common Raven) Beverly Katz—Kareij–Andorhynchus Hyacinthus (Hyacinth Macaw) Bill Burke–Kala–Phalaropus Lobatus (Red-Necked Phalarope) Bill Weasley—Icris– Panthera Leo (Lion) Bill Williams—Hibraxis–Canis Familiaris (English Coonhound) Billy Black–Azam–Picoides Pubescens (Downy Woodpecker) Billy Keikeya—Iristheo–Ailuroara Araurana (Parrot Cat) (PV: Pygmy) Blaine The-Rudo-Zombie-Creep–Agnigail–Heterodon Platirhinos (Hog-nosed Snake) Bobby Singer—Laris–Sciurus Carolinensis (Grey Squirrel) Bradley—Sethora–Hymenopus Coronatus (Flower Mantis) Bran Snowstep—Syo—Tyto Multipunctata (Lesser Sooty Owl) Brenda –Shaiyan–Eopsaltria Australis (Eastern Yellow Robin) Brian Zeller—Katila—Propithecus Tatteralli (Golden-crowned Sifaka) Brock—Geora–Felis Delicata (Delcatty)* Bruce Banner—Anaephis—Arctictis Binturong (Binturong) Bryce Larkin—Naemai–Oncychoprion Fuscatus (Sooty Tern) Buffy Summers—Hawnu—Panthera Senegalensis (West African Lion) Cady Heron—Adnag–Pterocles Lichtensteinii (Lichtenstein’s Sandgrous) Calvin Coolidge—Kevbe–Turdus Migratorius (Robin) Camille Wray—Oronil–Piranga Olivacea (Scarlet Tanager) Caprica—Ikua–Saimiri Sciureus (Squirrel Monkey) Carlisle Cullen–Vexun–Anhinga Anhinga (Anhinga) [wow] Carly-Anne Shay—Arison–Sigmodon Leucotis (White-Eared Cotton Rat) Carol Bloom—Vannol—Garrulus Glandarius (Eurasian Jay) Carolanne Madris—Charobol–Sericulus Chrysocephalus (Regal Bowerbird) Carson Beckett—Nemain–Oreortyx Pictus (Mountain Quail) Casimir Ravenwood—Daramiel—Fratercula Arctica (Arctic Puffin) Cassie–Alexander–Bombus Griseocollis (Brown-belted Bumblebee) Cavil—Skarenia–Didelphis Virginiana (Opossum) Charlie Swan–Kara–Geococcyx Californianus (Greater Roadrunner) Charlie Tanner—Zoey—Poecile Gambeli (Mountain Chickadee) Charlie Weasley—Aerissa–Draconem Codylus (Sungazer Girdle-tailed Dragon)* Chiana—Kadis–Mycophellia Arcturus (Golden Rynant) Chiyoh–Angina–Panthera Leo (African Lion) Chloe Armstrong—Keradem–Acanthisitta Chloris (Rifleman Bird) Cho Chang—Apophos–Cygnus Columbianus (Tundra Swan) Christine Everheart—Seirtan–Opheodrys Aestivus (Rough Green Snake) Chuck Bartowski—Irijaya–Petaurus Breviceps (Sugar Glider) Ciel Phantomhive—Karonel–Canis Familiaris (English Bulldog) Cinderella—Asher–Pica Nuttalli (Yellow-billed Magpie) Claire Novak–Sanan–Mustela Sibirica (Siberian Weasel) Clarice Willow—Zoretha—Cathartes Melambrotus (Greater Yellow-headed Vulture) Claudette Pelage–Vairgon–Sciurus Vulgaris (Red Squirrel) Claudiaboleyn—Arevaine–Gulo Gulo (Wolverine) Cleo Sertori–Kelmal–Bubo Virginianus (Great Horned Owl) Clive Babaneux–Diana–Rattus Norvegicus (Brown Rat) Clyde Langer—Alorama–Cyanocitta Cristata (Bluejay) Codi Chase-Jackson–Nenaim–Cynocephalus Volans (Philippine Flying Lemur) Connie Sky—Quoresh—Equus Keratus (Unicorn)* Cordelia Chase—Branshen–Felis Chaus (Jungle Cat) Crystal Caultrider—Jekora–Equus Caballus (Shetlaland Pony) Curt Connors—Loraika–Cryptoblepharus Egeriae (Blue-tailed Skink) (PV: Large) Curt Vaughan—Kralis–Otocyon Megalotis (Bat-eared Fox) Cyrus Xander—Cadence–Harpia Harpyja (Harpy Eagle) D'Anna—Celleron–Tyrannus Tyrannus (Eastern Kingbird) Dale Volkner—Eve—Tachyglossus Aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna) Dana Polk—Thertin–Hemiprocne Mystacea (Mustached Treeswift) Dana Scully–Gidd’el–Prionodon Linsang (Linsang) Daniel ???–Sikan–Genetta Abyssinica (Abyssinian Genet) Daniel Fenton—Jaritho—Leiolepis Ngovantrii (-=-) Daniel Graystone—Pahaliah–Felis Margarita (Sand Cat) Daniel Jackson—Kharet–Canis Lupus/Canis Latrans (Coywolf) (Stargate on the Edge) Daniel Jackson—Seteraen–Vulpes Zerda (Fennec Fox) Daniel Osbourne—Traianel–Mustela Furo (Ferret) Daniel Shaw—Lepha're—Nycitcebus Bengalensis (Bengal Slow Loris) Daniel—Kara–Corvus Brachyrhynchos (American Crow) Daphne Blake–Helahn–Felis Cattus (TabShort-haired by) Darrius Gareth—Berai—Nycitcebus Coucang (Slow Loris) David Nolan—Nyoa–Ursus Maritimus (Polar Bear) David Telford—Trariel–Canis Familiaris (Dogo Argentino) Dawn Summers—Harwen—Propothecus Coquereli (Coqurel’s Sifaka Lemur) Dean Winchester—Danali—Canis Arctos (Arctic Wolf) Dean—Dyssebeia–Didelphis Virginiana (Opossum) Declan MacDonough—Kara—Passer Pyrrohonotos (Sind Sparrow) Deichman—Echo—Mephitis Macroura (Hooded Skunk) Derrial Book—Peytrathia–Potos Flavus (Kinkajau) Devin Woodcomb—Cardea–Falco Peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) Diane Beckman—Layan–Sphex Pensylvanicus (Black Wasp) Dolores Umbridge II—Kragis–Rattus Niobe (Moss-forest Rat) Dolores Umbridge—Quaezel–Pantherophis Guttatus (Corn Snake) (CV: Lavender) Donald Sutcliffe–Quaedra–Pelecanus Thagus (Peruvian Pelecan) Donna Noble—Khalia–Lynx Lynx (Siberian Lynx) Donnie Millson–Kidan–Canis Familiaris (Saluki) Doralee–Sherrin–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Samoyed) Doral—Vitavia–Canis Familiaris (Australian Sheppherd) Doug Caltrider—Meyvris–Macaca Fascicularis (Crab-eating Macaque) Dr. Pedanski– –Canis Lupus Familiaris (Pharaoh Hound) Draco Malfoy–Zenderen–Bungarus Caeruleus (Common Krait) Draco Malfoy—Zanderen–Diadophis Regalis (Ringneck Snake) (HPMOR) Draco Malfoy—Zenderen–Bubo Bubo (Eurasian Eagle Owl) Drake Parker—Saravel–Lampropeltis Getula (Eastern Kingsnake) Dreilide Thrace—Vortisera–Psitacus Eritacus (African Grey Parrot) Duane Barry–Calotrix–Styloctenium Mindorensis (Mindoro Stripe-faced Fruit Bat) Dudley Dursley—Saravia–Patagioenas Leucocephala (White-crowned Pigeon) Echo—Nara—Ailurus Fulgens (Red Panda) Ed ???–Kora–Canis Latrans (Coyote) Edward Masen–Tarovi–Micrathene Whitneyi (Elf Owl) Edwin Morgan—Shervin–Phoneutria Nigriventer (Brazilian Wandering Spider) (Torchwood) Effie Trinket—Katira–cheilimenes Lunata (Ladybug) (CV: Gold) (Homogeneous) Eira—Kashik–Lepidodactylus Lugubris (Mourning Gecko) Eldon Stammets—Sharven–Caracara Cheriway (Northern Crested Caracara) Eli Wallace—Tiamat—Phodopus Sungorus (Djungarian Hampster) Elizabeth Mulder–Chozen–Urocyon Cinereoargenteus (Grey Fox) Elizabeth Swan–Noctis–Ninox Connivens (Barking Owl) Elizabeth Weir—Vitalinus–Athene Noctua (Little Owl) (CV: Red) Elize Nichols—Keylis–Mico Humeralifera (Santarem Marmoset) Ellen Harvelle—Edgar–Canis Familiaris (Beagle) Ellen Tigh—Sediel–Canis Familiaris (Bull Terrier) Ellie Bartowski—Cyorin–Somateria Mollissima (Common Eider) Ellie –Barunas–Urocissa Erythrorhyncha (Red-billed Blue Magpie) Elra Farren–Absolus—Spizaetus Ornatus (Ornate Hawk-Eagle) Elsa of Arendelle—Adalof–Tigris Altaica (Siberian Tiger) (CV: White) Embry Call–Golura–Peromyscus Truei (Pinyon Mouse) Emily Young–Cassren–Corvus Kubaryi (Mariana Crow) Emma Gilbert–Vitan–Martes Pennanti (Fisher Cat) Emma Swan—Kaman–Leopardus Geoffroyi (Geoffrey’s cat) Emmet McCarty–Urazen–Quiscalus Quisculla (Common Grackle) Emmett ???–Chena–Atelez Fusciceps (Black-Headed Spider Monkey) Emperor—Daemon–Grus Japonensis (Red-crowned Crane) Eragon Bromsson—Kirteyla–Buteo Lineatus (Red-shouldered Hawk) Eraqus–Stella–Canis Lupus (Grey Wolf) Eric Yorkie–Agara–Myotis Lucifugus (Little Brown Bat) Erica Jones–Vianae–Pholcus Phalangioides (Cellar Spider) Erik Redwood—Korek–Castor Canadensis (North American Beaver) Esme Evenson–Arjan–Ara Macao (Scarlet Macaw) Esmerelda–Djali–Capra Hircus (Alpine Goat) Eugene Thompson—Suderra–Spethos Venaticus (Bush Dog) Evan Lorne—Kerohtzlz–Phalcoboenus Carunculatus (Carunculated Caracara) Evan Moore–Shinon–Petaurus Breviceps (Sugar Glider) Everett Young—Cheyven–Canis Familiaris (Pitbull Terrier) Faith Caltrider—Xinphtanx–Unsettled Faith Lehane—Koschei–Naja Naja (Indian Cobra) (CV: Albino) Farder Coram—Sophonax–Felis Cattus (Physical and color variant large red cat) Felix ???????–Kalrinth–Canis Lupus Irremotus (Northern Rocky Mountains Wolf) Felix Gaeta—Huratha–Mus Musculus (House Mouse) (Cv: White) Finnin Daniels—Aremora–Felis Cattus (Cream Tabby) Fox Mulder–Marluscha–Callithrix Geoffroyi (White-headed Marmoset) Francine Briggs–Fanfir–Felis Grampia (Scottish Wildcat) Francis Dolarhyde–Agni–Dolichotus Patagonum (PatagonianMara) Francis, Old Master of Jordan—Zohariel–Natrix Natrix (Grass Snake) Franklin Hart–Lentia–Picoides Pubescens (Downy Woodpecker) [interesting…] Franklyn Froideveaux–Karan–Felis Cattus (Himalayan Cat) Fred Jones–Rani–Neovision Vision (American Mink) Fred Weasley—Auja–Dendrocitta Formosae (Grey Treepie) Frederick Chilton—Kosaio–Galeopterus Variegatus (Sunda Flying Lemur) Fredward Benson—Varinia–Cricetomys Bambianus (Gambian Pouched Rat) Furlow–Sova–Saimiri Sexcruor (Six-legged Squirrel Monkey) Gadreel–Meraeis–Sturnus Vulgaris (Starling) Gaetan Moliére—Dark–Canis Familiaris (Schipperke) Gaius Baltar—Castellaria—Gulo Gulo (Wolverine) Gaius of Camelot—Cinthereldra–Otocolobus Manul (Pallas’ Cat) Gale Hawthorne—Amireth–Haliastur Indus (Brahminy Kite) Galen—Shizan–Canis Familiaris (Pitbull) Galina “Red” Reznikov–Visata–Prionailurus Bengalensis (Leopard Cat) Garret Hobbs—Izora–Lanius Cabanisi (Long-tailed Fiscal) George Anders—Xiltera–Cerdocyon Thous (Crab-eating Fox) George Hammond—Aedelfrid–Sigmodon Ochrognathus (Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat) George Mendez–Caitan–Larus Canus (Common Gull) George Sands–Lola–? George Weasley—Xico–Dendrocitta Leucogastra (White-bellied Treepie) Georgia Madchen–Alaia–Felis Cattus (Long-haired Tabby) Geppetto—Veraenissa–Tanagera Seldeon (Green-headed Tanager) Geraint—A'eron–Fringilla Montifringilla (Brambling) Gerda of Arendelle–Abrain–Otocolobus Manul (Pallas Cat) Gina Inviere—Cherish–Saimiri Sciureus (Squirrel Monkey) Ginevra Weasley—Jequoa–Equus Caballus (Andalusian Horse) (CV: Light bay) Gita Chandra—Conraim–Manis Culionensis (Phillipine Pangolin) Granny—Ruffin—Canis Familiaris (Russo-European Laika) Gratuity Tucci–Keah–Tragopan Satyra (Satyr Tragopan) Gregory Lestrade—Wilrama—Ursus Arctos (Brown Bear) Gregory Lestrade—Zarania–Falco Macropus (Peregrine Falcon Sub.S) (The Republic of Heaven) Greg—Sorcha–Corvus Caurinus (Northwestern Crow) Grover Underwood—Teydris–Melanerpes Rubricapilus (Red-capped Woodpecker) [Daemon variant] Guy Matthews—Kraelara–Falco Rusticolus (Gyrfalcon) Gwen Cooper—Zapani–Icterus Auratus (Orange Oriole) Gwen Stacy—Sandalphon—Gampsonyx Swainsonii (Pearl Kite) Gwen of Camelot—Adinet–Mustela Nigripes (Black-footed Ferret) Hamish Holmes—Tazani—Hydrictis Maculicollis (Spotted-necked Otter) Hamish of Camelot—Caralan–Canis Familiaris (Greyhound) Hannah ???–Atlas–Aquila Chrysaetos (Golden Eagle) Hannibal Lecter—Stergata–Pyrroglaux Podarginus (Palau Owl) Hans Hubermann—Chofera–Gallus Sonneratii (Grey Junglefowl) Hans of the Southern Isles—Gerda–Actias Luna (Luna Moth) Haresh Chandra—Sitaven–Canis Lepturus (Dhole) Harriet Watson—Yeirna–Agelaioides Badius (Baywing) Harrolir—Ktorid–Praelcara Vestibulum [Daemon variant] Harry ???–Codena–??? Harry James Potter Evans Verres—Inara–Homo Sapiens (Human) (HPMOR) Harry Osborn—Seronna—Strix Nebulosa (Great Grey Owl) Harry Potter—Inara–Felis Cattus/Prionailurus Bengalensis (Bengal Cat) Hector Zeroni–Chain–Civettictis Civetta (African Civet) Helena Bariss—Orosan–Storeria Occipitomaculata (Redbelly Snake) Helena Cain—Aleceronin–Herpestes Ichneumon (Egyptian Mongoose) Helga Sinclair—Amata–Leptailurus Serval (Serval) Henry Mills—Khuera–Crocua Crocuta (Spotted Hyena) Hermann Gottlieb—Mariona–Chordeiles Rupestris (Sand-coloured Nightjar) Hermione Granger—Apralen–Lontra Canadensis (North American River Otter) Hermione Granger—Apralen–Not Settled (Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality) Hillary—Kaizu—Papilo Glaucus (Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly) Ho Yinsen—Ebiki–Upupa Ceylonensis (Hoopoe) Hoban Washburne—Sherem–Canis Familiaris (Yellow spiky-furred mutt) Holden McCrea—Nessura–Lophostrix Cristata (Crested Owl) Howard Stark—Chantho–Panthera Leo (Lion) Hua Mulan—Khan–Equus Ferus (Przewalski’s Horse) Ianto Jones—Marineph–Thamnophis Sirtalis (Red-spotted Garter Snake) Idun of Arendelle–Ausran–Unica Uncia (Snow Leopard) Ignatus, Old Master of Jordan—Musca–Brachyteles Hypoxanthus (Northern Muriqui) Inara Serra—Deytovem–Varecia Variegata (Black and White Ruffed Lemur) Iorek Byrnison—Unnamed—Caelo Ferrum [Daemon variant] Iraia Chase-Jackson–Aegis–Dasypus Novemcinctus (Nine-Banded Armadillo) Irene Adler–Kaidan–Papilio Glaucus (Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly) Jack Crawford—Bersheyna–Canis Familiaris (Bloodhound) Jack Fenton—Shira–Pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax (Red-billed Chough) Jack Harkness—Kylenjo–Peromyscus Polionotus (Oldfield Mouse) Jack O'neill—Teramil–Canis Familiaris (German Sheppherd) Jack Sparrow–Sireeeda–Micrathene Whitneyi (Elf Owl) Jackie The-Rich-Zombie-Lady–Keyja–Nisaetus Cirrhatus (Changeable Hawk-eagle) Jackie Tyler—Zahloh–Trichosurus Vulpecula (Common Bushtail Possum) Jacob Avirda—Herkero–Homopholis Mulleri (Muller’s Velvet Gecko) Jacob Black–Manon–Crotophaga Ani (Smooth-Billed Ani) Jacob—Siervatem–Mustela Furo (Ferret) Jake ???–Leyator–??? Jake Sully—Feyo–Geranoaetus Melanoleucus (Black-chested Buzzard-eagle) Jake Sully—Feyo–Scorpiobattus Volansii (Stingbat) Jake Sully—Hufwetxep—Draconem Volansii (Ikran) Jake Sully—Toruk—Leonopteryx Rex (Toruk) Jake Talley—Bavelai–Panthera Onca (Jaguar) Jake–Funera–Poecile Rufescens (Chestnut-backed Chickadee) James Barnes—Shavee–Puma Concolor (Cougar) James Moriarty–?–Phoneutia ? (Brazilian Wandering Spider)(The Republic of Heaven) James Moriarty–Kemaioz–Podoces Hendersoni (Henderson’s Ground Jay) James Moriarty—Merida—Lophorina Superba (Superb Bird of Paradise) (Homogenous) James Potter—Oromwi–Muntiacus Mintjak (Muntjac) James The-Guy-Who-Hires-Assassins–Vorda–Oreotragus Oreotragus (Klipspringer) James—Lorose–Ursus Arctos (Brown Bear) Jane Porter—Ukoran–Aratinga Solstitialis (Sun Conure) Janet Fraiser—Cerbis–Garrulus Glandarius (Eurasian Jay) Janice –Kritol–Felis Cattus (House Cat) Jared Cameron–Layren–Ahaetulla Nasuta (Green Vine Snake) Jasmine Fenton—Syntaru–Panurus Biarmicus (Bearded Reedling) Jason Everdeen—Cheranu–Canis Rufous (Red Wolf) Jasper Whitlock–Temma–Romalea Guttata (Eastern Lubber Grasshopper) Javier Abano(?)–Rosetta–Galago Senegalensis (Senegal Bushbaby) Jayne Cobb—Dagny–Canis Familiaris (Irish Wolfhound) Jeanne Poisson—Bellopho–Pernis Aviprus (European Honey Buzzard) Jebediah Farnsworth—Cassaria–Canis Mesomelas (Black-backed Jackal) Jennifer Keller—Arelane–Tamias Striatus (Chipmunk) Jesse Aarons Jr.–Vodalaine–Phaethon Aethereus (Red-Billed Tropicbird) Jessica Moore—Kihram–Falco Rufigularis (Bat Falcon) Jessica Stanley–Rocha–Falco Sparverius (American Kestrel) Jessi—Nara—Ailurus Fulgens (Red Panda) Jim Hawkins—Phaeda–Zenaida Macroura (Mourning Dove) Jiminy Cricket—Fenwyn–Buteo Regalis (Ferruginous Hawk) (CV: Light morph) Jimmy Price–Meriana–Ramphastos Tucanus (Red-billed Toucan) Jimmy The-Sketch-Artist-Guy–Hala–Erinaecus Europaeus (European Hedghog) Jo Harvelle—Tidas–Aphelocoma Californica (Western Scrub Jay) Jody Mills—Mehrbrell–Pteropus Alecto (Black Flying-fox) Joe Caputo–Vina–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Cocker Spaniel) John Bennet–Lucina–Canis Lupus Familiaris (West Highland White Terrier) John Casey—Le'kayor–Canis Familiaris (Irish Wolfhound) John Crichton—Braigha–Viverra Tangalunga (Malayan Civet) John Kalmor—Laviya–Pardolotus Punctatus (Spotted Pardolate) John Mitchell–Sefrani–Leopardus Colocolo (Colocolo) John Sheppard—Sahiba—Acinonyn Jubatus (Cheetah) John Smith–Ezianor–Buteo Platypterus (Broad-winged Hawk) (CV: Light Morph) John Watson–Shora–Canis Familiaris (American Staffordshire Terrier) John Watson—Amarisa–Canis Lupus/Canis Familiaris (Wolfdog)(CV: Black) (The Republic of Heaven) John Watson—Kaichara—Aquila Chrysaetos (Golden Eagle) John Winchester—Beryl–Haliaeetus Leucocephallus (Bald Eagle) Joseph Adama—Themis—Thylacinus Cynocephalus (Thylacine) Josh ???–Kaia–Oryctolagus Cuniculus (European Rabbit) Josh Nichols—Akani–Chinchilla Lanigera (Long-tailed Chinchilla) Josh Trager—Taerin—Aegolius Acadicus (Nothern Saw-whet Owl) Joshua Sweet—Archisha–Lepus Californicus (Black-tailed Jackrabbit) Joyce Summers—Raikara–Sitta Formosa (Beautiful Nuthatch) Judy Bernly–Kela–Mustela Furo (Ferret) Judy Burke–Junorth–Aeronautes Saxatilis (White-Throated Swift) Jules Louden—Jorseph–Pardofelis Temminckii (Asian Golden Cat) Juta Kaimanen—Kais–Turdus Migratorius (Robin) Ka D'argo—Okiju–Somniumcustos Leo (Aura Lion)* Kai of Arendelle–Neyim–Alle Alle (Little Auk) Kairi–Jaimin–Ictinia Plumbea (Plumbeous Kite) Kairi—Jaimin–Inanis Saltator (Dancer) Kara Thrace—Altair—Passer Domesticus (House Sparrow) Karina–Vensten–Nisaetus Nipalensis (Mountain Hawk-Eagle) Karl Agathon—Hathor—Gryph Chrysoaglo (Golden Eagle Griffon) Kashekim Nedakh—Chyova–Trichosurus Vulpecula (Bushtail Possum) (CV: Lantean) Kathrn Nolan—Pahvin–Canis Familiaris (English Springer Spaniel) Kathryn Barlow– –Cracticus Hypoleuca (Tasmanian Magpie) Katie Woten—Kora–Surnia Ulula (Hawk-Owl) Katniss Everdeen—Sereven—Grus Antigone (Saurus Crane) (CV: Red wing-backs) Kaylee Fry—Sizaanam–Varecia Rubra (Red Ruffed Lemur) Kendra Shaw—Paridoga–Petroica Goodenovii (Red-capped Robin) Kendra—Rolarshina–Lycaon Pictus (African Wild Dog) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Kevin Tran—Elria–Uroplatus Phantasticus (Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko) Kevin Tran—Ishca—Rhacodactylus Ciliatus (Crested Gecko) Kidagakash Nedakh—Veritam–Gryph Albamare (Sea Griffon) (CV: Lantean) Killian Jones—Keyoana–Laticauda Columbrina (Banded Sea Krait) Kingsley Shacklebolt—Tighea–Lynx Pardinus (Iberian Lynx) Kirigaya Kazuto–Erezel–Gampsonyx Swainsonii (Pearl Kite) Kirigaya Suguha—Sidru–Badumna Insignis (Black House Spider) Kirito (ALO)–Gamasi–Canis Latrans (Coyote) (CV: Black/Grey) Kirito (SAO)–Gamasi–Oculis Fulgeat (Gleam Eyes)* Kristoff Trollson—Sven–Rangifer Tarandus (Reindeer) (Homogeneous) Kyle Trager—Kara—Hyperolius Kivuensis (Lake Kivu Reed Frog) Lacy Rand—Keon–Ursus Maritimus (Polar Bear) Lara Abott—Stertera—Canis Lupus (Grey Wolf) (CV: Sandy cream) Lara—Fronemai—Canis Lupus (Grey Wolf) (CV: White) Laura Roslin—Castor—Galidia Elegans (Ring-tailed Mongoose) Leafa (ALO)–Kaitan–Albiverde Aquilam (Sylph Eagle)* Leah Clearwater–Marak–Stercorarius Longicaudus (Long-Tailed Jaeger) Lee Caultrider—Seraith–Ursus Arctos (Brown Bear) Lee Scorsby—Hester–Lepus Arcticus (Arctic Hare) Leland Adama—Atia—Panthera Leo (African Lion) Leoben—Pantera–Pandion Haliaetus (Osprey) Leslie Burke–Sinza–Mellivora Capensis (Honey Badger) Lewis McCartney–Saighan–Enulius Sclateri (Sock-Headed Snake) Lewis–Vora–Asio Otus (Long-Eared Owl) Liam (Angel)—Herrin–Leopardus Wiedii (Margay) Lilo Pelekai—Keanu–Lasiurus Cinereus (Hoary Bat) Lily Baker—Bellerophon–Felis Cattus (Main Coon Calico) (Supernatural) Lily Evans—Sykoran–Axis Axis (Chital) Lisa Park—Rognar–Bassiscus Astutus (Ring-tailed Cat) Lisesl Meminger—Faerlil–Martes Melampus (Japanese Marten) Lola Abano–Senvan–(Something…green? Possibly a lizard) Lori Trager—Jaynin—Carlito Syrichta (Philippine Tarsier) Louanne Katraine—Hekora–Passer Maobiticus (Dead Sea Sparrow) Lucius Malfoy—Charisaien–Pavo Cristatus (Indian Peafowl) Lucy Householder–Dianne–Caracal Caracal (Caracal) Lucy Jaggat–Likka–Pseudechis Porphyriacus (Red-bellied Black Snake) Luke Smith—Nalani–Trogopterus Xanithipes (Complex-toothed Flying Squirrel) Luke Verres—Uruxa–Tigris Altaica (Siberian Tiger) Luke—Zarial–Canis Lupus (Grey Wolf) Luna Lovegood—Thayratch–Lepus Microtis (African Hare) Lyle Rourke—Bayrosh—Panthera Corbetti (Indochinese Tiger) Lyra Belacqua—Pantalaimon–Martes Martes (Pine Marten) Maddie ???–Kota–Chondestes Grammacus (Lark Sparrow) Maddie Fenton—Jeirlaimatan–Ptilopsis Granti (Southern White-faced Owl) Maison Torta—Whinteru–Francolinus Francolinus (Black Francolin) Major Lilywhite–Kaega–Monodelphis Domestica ( Grey Short-tailed Opossum) Mako Mori—Satoka–Cordylus Niger (Black Girdled Lizard) Malcom Reynolds—Heyvin–Buteo Jamaicensis (Red-tailed Hawk) Marcon—Pratan–Pandion Haliaetus (Osprey) Marco–Ankain–Canis Lupus Familiaris ( Marcus Farren—Ceto–Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris (Capybara) Marcy The-Friendly-Rival–Lunga–Canis Arctos (Arctic Wolf) Margaret Edmonson—Charis–Taxidea Taxus (American Badger) Margaret Foster–Cenid–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Beagle) Margaret Scully–Sheidan–Titanacris Albipes (Grasshopper) Margaret “Peggy” Carter–Clamonth–Haliaeetus Vocifer (African Fish Eagle) Margot Verger—Quaezet–Asio Flammeus (Short-eared Owl) Maria Hill–Alexander–Aquila Clanga (Greater Spotted Eagle) Maria Jackson—Tridelis–Ochotona Dauurica (Daurian Pica) Maria Kunigunde—Thalos–Bubo Scandiacus (Snowy Owl) Marta Shaw—Koris–Sturnus Vulgaris (Starling) Martha Ceris—Cerkeris–Pardocinereus Sexcruris (Llodrin Panther) Martha Hudson—Kai–Sciurus Vulgaris (Red Squirrel) (The Republic of Heaven) Martha Hudson—Meraghen–Callosciurus Prevostii (Prevost’ Squirrel) Martha Jones—Anphor—Luscinia Megarhynchus (Common Nightingale) Martha Shay—Aberathan–Polyhonus Savigny (Manuel’s Skipper) Martha—Cheyna–Corvus Corax (Common Raven) Martouf–Talaina–Lycaeon Pictus (African Wild Dog) Marty Mikalski—Sonoroc–Dendrocitta Vagabunda) (Rufous Treepie) Marvin Webster–Korra–Myrmecia Gulosa (Red Bull Ant) Mary Cambell—Torven–Thalassarche Impavida (Campbell’s Albatross) Mary Cooper—Hylobates Lar (Lar  Gibbon) Mary Malone—Ophiran–Pyrrohocorax Graculus (Mountain Chough) Mary Morstan–Zahaita–Malurus alboscapulatus (White-shouldered Fairywren) Mary Morstan—Kashta—Nycitcebus Coucang (Slow Loris) Mary-Anne Silven–Kourain–Gallus Domesticus (Ayam Cemani) Matthew Scott—Cinder–Canis Familiaris (Doberman) May Bell –Korveth–Sciurus Niger (Fox Squirrel) May Parker—Zifron–Turdus Boulboul (Grey-winged Blackbird) Meg Masters—Frehlen—Xenicus Gilviventris (New Zealand Rockwren) Megan Parker—Anthem–Unsettled Melody Hale—Haramel–Sarcophilus Harrisii (Tasmanian Devil) Melony Puckett—Spero–Not Settled Merida Ravenwood—Duroa–Pseudoscops Clamator (Striped Owl) Merin Hudson–Tomrys–Felis Cattus (Egyptian Mau) (CV: Silver) Merlin of Ealdor—Caelia–Tyto Alba (Barn Owl) Michel Verres—Salendora–Strix Aluco (Tawny Owl)(Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality) Mickey Smith—Jaya–Canis Familiaris (Canaan) Mike Newton–Wendy–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Basenji) Milo Thatch–Isano–Neotamias Ochrogenys (Yellow-cheeked Chipmunk) Minverva McGonagall—Aren–Felis Cattus (Tabby) Miriam Lass—Karchesh–Felis Margarita (Sand Cat) Missouri Mosely—Xorses–Procyon Lotor (Racoon) Missy Hart–Shodao–Paguma Larvata (Masked Palm Civet) Misty—Kennin–Ignemcanem Catella (Growlithe)* Molly Hooper—Janus—Macaca Mulatta (Rhesus Monkey) Molly Hooper—Tobithias–Calopteryx Aequabilis (Jewelwing Damselfly) Molly Prewett—Traynil–Arenaria Interpres (Ruddy Turnstone) Morgan Grimes—Janos–Callithrix Jacchus (Common Marmoset) (Homogeneous) Morgana Pendragon—Theren–Spilogale Gracilis (Spotted Skunk) Mycroft Holmes—Geniv–Columba Livia (Rock Pigeon) Mycroft Holmes—Guinevere—Myrmecobius Fasciatus (Numbat) Mycroft Holmes—Tehayla–Corvus Corax (Common Raven) (The Republic of Heaven) Nakoma—Irin–Halcyon Albiventris (Brown-hooded Kingfisher) Narcissa Black—Abraixen–Mustela Erminea (Stoat) Natasha Romanoff—Emaol–Mustela Leucocephala (Malayan Weasel) Natasha Tolinev—Sairlin—Pyrrohocorax Graculus (Alpine Chough) Ned Rhyerson–Triloa–Daubentonia Madagascariensis (Aye Aye) Neville Longbottom—Varaniel–Martes Flavigula (Yellow-throated Marten) Newton Geiszler—Kara–Microcebus Ravelobensis (Golden-brown Mouse Lemur) Neytiri—Seze–Draconem Volansii (Ikran) Nicholas Rush—Nike—Mustela Kathiah (Yellow-bellied Weasel) Nick Heldschiff—Serling–Leopardus Wiedii (Margay) Nicole Trager—Nyas—Iguana Iguana (Green Iguana) Nina–Trey–Felis Cattus (House cat) Norville Rogers AKA Shaggy–Marsota–Luciola Cruciata (Lightning Bug) Nymphadora Tons—Chaneira–Unsettled (Metamorphmagus) Obediah Stane—Elizabeth–Canis Familiaris (Thai Bangkaew) Oberon (ALO)–Soto–Phoenix Solaurum (Sun Phoenix)* Olaf the Snowman—Nrordri–Praeclara Vestibulum [Daemon variant] Olivia Moore–Vivian–Arctonyx Collaris (Hog Badger) (Homogenus) Oswin Oswald—Kerales–Canis Latrans (Coyote) Owen Flyn–Fairmin–Euoticus Elegantulus (Southern Needle-Clawed Bushbaby) Owen Harper—Coramin–Felis Cattus (Turkish Angora) (CV: White/Heterochromia) Page Eight: Page Eighteen: Page Eleven: Page Fifteen: Page Five: Page Four: Page Fourteen: Page Nine: Page Ninteen: Page Seven: Page Seventeen: Page Six: Page Sixteen: Page Ten: Page Thirteen: Page Thirty-One: Page Thirty: Page Three: Page Twelve: Page Twenty-Eight: Page Twenty-Nine: Page Twenty-One: Page Twenty-Seven: Page Twenty-Six: Page Twenty-Two: Page Twenty-four: Page Twenty-three: Page Twenty: Page Two: Paine–Flurry–Syrmaticus Reevesii (Reeve’s Pheasant) Pane Mellark—Alebera–Bonasa Umbellus (Ruffed Grouse) Paul Lahote–Everecia–Canis Lupus Familiaris (American Staffordshire Terrier) Paulla Schaffer–Kido–Felis Nigripes (Black-footed Cat) Peeta Mellark—Marcuriona–Circopithecus Roloway (Roloway Monkey) Peg ???–Branan–Felis Cattus (House Cat) Percy Weasley—Kaytren– Perseus Jackson—Vyri–Ornithorhynchus Anatinus (Platypus) Pete Shanahan—Kaylen–Canis Familiaris (Finland Lapphund) (CV: Wolf Sable) Pete Tyler—Alecri–Sitta Pusilla (Brown-headed Nutchatch) Peter Bernadone—Syledria–Rattus Norgevicus (Brown Rat) Peter Pan—Shara—(Unsettled) Peter Parker—Brighera–Melogale Everetti (Bornean Ferret-badger) Peter Pettigrew—Tavalah–Lagopus Lagopus (Willow Grouse)(Homogeneous) Petunia Evans—Fenril—Falco Femoralis (Aplomado Falcon) Peyton  Charles–Codin–Sagittarius Serpentarius (Secretary Bird) Phil Dwyer–Sentera–Milvus Milvus (Red Kite) Philip Anderson—Ciprata—Calocitta Colliei (Steller’s Jay) Philip Anderson—Izeah–Canis Familiaris (Beagle) (The Republic of Heaven) Philip Coulson—Sata–Felis Cattus (Maine Coon) (CV: Black) Philomon—Bedraya–Vermivora Chrysoptera (Golden-winged Warbler) Phylis Crawford—Kaeis–Passer Domesticus (House Sparrow) Pilot—Lidaia—Octoalae Caeruleus (Blue-Jewel Hawkmoth) Pinocchio—Arun–Nesolagus Netscheri (Sumatran Striped Rabbit) Piper Chapman–Korona–Falco Rufigularis (Bat Falcon) [CV: Golden] Plutus Thrace—Pharos–Buteo Lagopus (Rough-legged Hawk) Pocahontas–Talaiken–Buteo Platypterus (Broad-winged Hawk) (CV: Dark Morph) Poussey Washington–Kidash–Gulo Gulo (Wolverine) Preston Whitmore–Kizit–Strigocuscus Celebensis (Dwarf Coscus) Primrose Everdeen—Amaranthus–Leptailurus Serval (Serval) Quill Ateara–Tyren–Aechmophorus Clarkii (Clark’s Grebe) Rachel–Tinyel–Sphenomorphus Indicus (Indian Forest Skink) Raleigh Becket—Noma–Tyto Novaeholladiae (Australian Masked Owl) Rani Chandra—Kerachen–Cardinalis Cardinalis (Cardinal) Ravi Chakrabarti–Jina–Leptailurus Serval (Serval) Recon (ALO)–Laitan–Caelo Serpentis (Gliding Snake)* Regina Mills—Corrin–Corvus Brachyrhynchos (American Crow) Remus Lupin—Serthith–Canis Familiaris (Utonogan) Renee Dwyer–Izan–Xema Sabini (Sabine’s Gull) Rhiannon Jones—Lezaoa–Ailurus Fulgens (CV: Melanistic) Rhys Williams—Pangora–Neofelis Nebulosa (Clouded Leopard) Richard Brook—Periphona—Hylocichla Mustelina (Wood Thrush) Richard Woolsey—Berin–Canis Familiaris (Yorkie) Rikki Chadwick–Korvad–Buteo Jamaicensis (Red-Tailed Hawk) Rikku–Ghiki–Sapajus Flavius (Blond Capuchin) Riku–Jaessa–Corperierat Draconemduocrura (Wyvern  Heartless) Riku–Jaessa–Trachypithecus Cristata (Silvery Lutung) Rinaldo Pazzi–Vita–Vireo Bellii (Bell’s Vireo) River Tam—Matarvi–Nesolagus Netscheri (Sumatran Striped Rabbit) Rodney Mckay—Alerenim–Lycalopex Griseus (South American Grey Fox) Roger Parslow—Salcilia—Not Settled Roggir Thrace—Lotra–Hydrictis Maculicollis (Spotted-necked Otter) Romo Lampkin—Catheldra–Stixcattus Cinereus (Grey Catowl)* Ronald Greer—Aravis–Canis Lupus (Grey wolf) (CV: Black) Ronald Weasley—Temoraila–Canis Familiaris (Smooth Fox Terrier) Ronald Weasley—Temoraila–Canis Merlinus (Crup) (Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality) Ronon Dex—Ytaxa–Draconem Vespertilio (Dragonbat)* Rory Williams—Bronwyn–Cygnus Olor (Mute Swan) Rosa Hubermann—Mizanu–Rattus Rattus (Black Rat) Rosalie Hale–Vitravan–Felis Cattus (House Cat) Rose Tyler—Valdr—Pica Pica (European Magpie) Roz Keith–Uvronan–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Greyhound) Ruby–Mawen–Pseudoscops Clamator (Striped Owl) Ruby—Tailen–Elanoides Forficatus (Swallow-tailed Kite) Rudy Steiner—Lohkora–Not Settled Rumplestiltskin—Mifion–Tremarctos Ornatus (Spectacled Bear) Rushor Thrace—Kycaela–Bubo Bubo (Eurasian Eagle Owl) Ruta Skadi—Sergi–Luscinia Svecica (Bluethroat) Ryan ???–Azran–??? Rye Mellark—Mighan–Eudypula Albosignata (White-flippered Penguin) Sally Donovan—Fyeril–Coracias Garrulus (Eurasian Roller) Sally Donovan—Matriel–Felis Silvestris (Wildcat) (The Republic of Heaven) Sally Jackson–Chennoh–Paracanthurus Hepatus (Blue Surgeonfish) Sally-Anne Perks–Keir–Apodemus Agrarius (Striped Field Mouse) Sam Healy–Vitoriga–Columbia Livia (Rock Dove) Sam Manson—Braelash–Dasyprocta Aguti (Red-rumped Agouti) Sam Puckett—Ferus—Canis Signatus (Iberian Wolf) Sam Uley–Shoran–Asio Otus (Long-Eared Owl) Sam Winchester—Kaime—Vulpes Vulpes (Red Fox) (CV: Black) Sam Zironi– –Pentalagus Furnessi (Amami Rabbit) Samantha Carter—Acaicius—Nasua Narica (White-nosed Coati) Samatha Sharp—Baritan–Lithobates Pipiens (Northern Leopard Frog) Samuel Adama—Eris–Circus Cyaneus (Northern Harrier) Samuel Anders—Kayuna—Panthera Onca (Jaguar) (CV: Black) Samuel Lloyd—Khunico–Vulpes Lagopus (Arctic Fox) (Sarah Jane Adventures) Sarah Jane Smith—Brahalin–Buteogallus Anthracinus (Black Hawk) Sarah Reed—Saeilar–Iguana Deicatissima (Lesser Antillean Iguana) Sarah Tennant—Aedin–Felis Cattus (Black and White American Shorthair) Sarah Walker—G'yaril–Troglodytes Aedon (House Wren) Sasha—Jaterez–Passer Moabiticus (Dead Sea Sparrow) Satera Wallaca—Tzurda–Apodemus Agrarius (Striped Field Mouse) Saul Tigh—Kanami–Urocyon Cinereoargenteus (Grey fox) Seamus Finnigan—Ketaya–Vulpes Velox (Swif Fox) Sebastian Michaelis—Aletha–Felis Cattus (Manx) [Daemon variant] Sebastian Moran—Kalo–Panthera Sondaica (Javan Tiger)* Semyon Borisovitch—Fizumel–Corvus Caurinus (Carrion Crow) Seraline Blackwater—Baruna–Hemaris Thysbe (Hummingbird Clearwing) Serkerin—Hfoldir–Praeclara Vestibulum [Daemon variant] Seth Clearwater–Nrorven–Hirundapus Caudacutus (White-Throated Needletail) Severus Snape—Cyraniel–Coccyzus Vieilloti (Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo) Shang Li—Eddara–Panthera Amoyensis (South Chinese Tiger) Sharon Agathon—Dagnam–Civettictis Civetta (African Civet) Sharon Pond—Talmath–Bubo Scandiacus (Snowy Owl) Sha’re of Abydos–Netaiya–Buteo Rufofuscus (Jackal Buzzard) Sher ???i–Atae–Chamaeleo Chamaeleon (Common Chameleon) Sherlock Holmes—Raniel–Mustela Putorius (Polecat) (CV: White) (Homogeneous) (The Republic of Heaven) Sherlock Holmes—Sophrania—Uncia Uncia (Snow Leopard) Sherlock Holmes—Sorkin–Corvus Corax (Common Raven) Sherlock Holmes—Zerkera–Pseudocroeobotra Wahlbergi (Spiny Flower Mantis) Sherman Cottle—Ka'aliel–Corvus Albicollis (White-necked Raven) Sidney Glass—Akiu–Circaetus Cinereus (Brown Snake-eagle) Simon Tam—Estelle–Crotalus Adamanteus (Eastern Diamondback) Simon, Old Master of Jordan—Cerebaton–Basiliscus Vittatus (Brown Basilisk) Simon—Karin–Nephurus Asper (Rough Knob-tailed Gecko) Sir Elyan of Camelot—Akiran–Odocoileus Sitkensis (Sitka Deer) Sir Gawain of Camelot—Cheranoh–Buteo Jamaicensis (Red-tailed Hawk) Sir Lancelot of Camelot—Karamiah–Canis Familiaris (Dutch Sheppherd) (CV: Black) Sir Leon of Camelot—Kisirin–Canis Familiaris (English Coonhound) Sir Percival of Camelot—Madgradeel–Falco Richardsoni (Prarie Merlin) Sirius Black—Amedra–Canis Familiaris (German Sheppherd) (CV: Black) Sloan Bree–Corvin–Cracticus Terraereginae (Queen’s Land Magpie) Snow White—Kaeron–Mustela Erminea (Stoat) Socrata Farren—Kormoran—Terathopius Ecaudatus (Bateleur Eagle) Soo Lin Yao—Choren–Prionodon Pardicolor (Spotted Linsang) Sophia Burset–Hierocles–Tamias Speciosus (Lodgepole Chipmunk) Sophie Verres—Tyracius—Canis Familiaris (Samoyed Dog) Sora–Yddgadeel–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Border Collie) Sora—Yddgadeel–Somniumcustos Capra (Yoggy Ram) Spencer Shay—Clarimantha–Atelerix Albiventris (Four-toed Hedgehog) Stacker Pentecost–Korish–Bassiscus Astutus (Ring-tailed Cat) Stanley Yelnats–Jada–Gyps Fulvus (Griffon Vulture) Steve Rogers—Zoraitha–Felis Cattus (Calico) Steven Trager—Kairina—Allenopithecus Nigroviridis (Allen’s Swamp Monkey) Steven Upshaw—Sarithan–Atelerix Albiventris (Four-toed Hedgehog) Sue-Shaun—Krynen–Corvis Monedula (Western Jackdaw) (Battlestar Galactica) Sugou Nobuyuki—Charit–Batrachostomus Moniliger (Sri Lanka Frogmouth) Suzanne Warren–Chelan–Cordulia Aenea (Downy Emerald Dragonfly) Suzie Costello—Kavarin–Lanius Nubicus (Masked Shrike) Sybill Trelawney—Brizo–Daubentonia Madagascariensis (Aye-aye) Syliva Noble—Thaddis–Tamiasciurus Hudsonicus (American Red Squirrel) Tabitha Pond—Sarjaren–Buphagus Africanus (Oxpecker) Tamara Adams—Balius–Dasyurus Maculatus (Tiger Quoll) Tamara Johansen—Drocheran–Pardolatus Striatus (Striated Pardolate) Tamara—Taddin–Coatl Lentiferus (Vine Coatl) Tara Maclay—Thestor—Vulpes Vulpes (Red Fox) Tarzan—Terk–Gorilla Gaueri (Eastern Lowland Gorilla) Tasha Jefferson–Leonara–Icterus Galbula (Baltimore Oreole) Tatiana Khorza/Corza–Soncha–Melanerpes Erythrocephalus (Red-headed Woodpecker) Teal'c—Keceron–Polemaetus Bellicasus (Martial Eagle) Ted Franklin–Hedwig–Oryctolagus Cuniculus (Tan-Pattern Rabbit) Terin Anders—Rosetaris–Turdus Migratorius (Robin) Terra–Korovas–Aquila Clanga (Greater Spotted Eagle) Tess ???–Abranas–Buteo Swainsoni (Swainson’s Hawk) Teyla Emmagan—Mraycluz–Lepusperegrinus Caelointuor (Athosian Hare)* The Doctor—The Arichamord—Internal The Master—Alduin–Draconem Volansii (Ikran) The Metacrisis Doctor—The Arichamord—Gampsonyx Swainsonii (Pearl Kite) Thomas Foss—Agea—Canis Familiaris (Weimaraner) Thomas Sully—Xura—Aethomys Chrysophilus (Red Rock Rat) Thomas—Kotan–Aquila Clanga (Greater Spotted Eagle) Tiana—Kaeshif–Mimus Parvulus (Galapagos Mockingbird) Titania (ALO)–Kaialania–Pavo Cristatus (Indian Peafowl) Tito The-Guy-In-The-Cerulean-Shirt–Kalari–Atelocynus Microtis (Short-eared Dog) Tobias–Venitas–Lemniscomys Barbarus (Barbary Striped Mouse) Toby–Keyris–Psammodromus Microdactylus (Green Psammodromus) Tom Marvolo-Riddle—Zetraia–Panthera Merlinii (Nundu) (PV: Leopard-sized)* Tommy Brockless—Arebaim–Canis Familiaris (Border Collie) (Torchwood) Tom–Vensana–Leopardus Wiedii (Margay) Tony Costa—Aphor–Acipiter Cooperii (Cooper’s Hawk) Tony Makarios—Ratter–Not Settled Tony Stark—Saria–Falco Peregrinus (Peregine Falcon) Toshiko Sato—Cherubah–Crotaphytus Reticulatus (Reticulated Collard Lizard) Tricia Miller–Matoriel–Passerculus Sandwichensis (Savannah Sparrow) Tristan Thorne—Seraia—Muscardinus Avellanarius Tucker Foley—Cherkish–Carlito Syrichta (Tarsier) Una Stormhold—Kerta–Calocitta Formosa (White-throated Magpie Jay) Uther Pendragon—Arethousa—Strix Nebulosa (Great Grey Owl) Velma Dinkley–Renya–Canis Lupus Familiaris ? Ventus–Jihan–Aegolius Funereus ( Vernon Dursley—Lolita–Atelopus Zeteki (Panamanian Golden Frog) Vincenzo Santorini–Vega–Polistes Dominula (Paper Wasp) Violet Middleton—Feynan–Rattus Norvegicus (Brown Rat) (CV: Mottled brown and white) Violet Newstead–Ahliann–Pheucticus Ludovicianus (Rose-Breasted Grosbeak) Virginia Potts—Chaiten–Turdus Migratorius (Robin) Vivi–Scera–Lynx Rufus (Lynx) Walter Harriman–Sinatra–Larus Atricilla (Laughing Gull) Walter Nichols—Kadiza–Varecia Variegata (Black and White Ruffled Lemur) Wendy Darling—Kadavas—Hypercompe Scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth) Wes Weston—Maris–Sciurus Vulgaris (Red Squirrel) Wesley Wyndam-Pryce—Perrenlial–Strix Seloputo (Spotted Wood Owl) Wilfred Mott—Itzumel–Pheucticus Ludovicianus (Rose-breasted Grosbeak) Wilhelmina Packard—Beshai–Rhinella Abei (-=-) Will Graham—Kali–Panthera Pardus (Leopard) Will Parry—Kirjava–Felis Cattus (Black Domestc Cat) William Adama—Aurelia–Not Settled William Adama—Galeria—Sterna Paradisaea (Arctic Tern) William Pratt (Spike)–Thalia–Mimizuku Gurneyi (Giant Scops Owl) William Turner II–Bana–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Welsh Terrier) Willow Mellark—Kydomis–Phascolarctos Cinereus (Koala Bear) Willow Rosenburg—Allanore—Corvus Corax (Common Raven) Winifred Burkle—Getariv–Hapalemur Aureus (Golden Bamboo Lemur) Winifred Lounds—Kvoris—Ochotona Princeps (American Pica) (CV: Red) Wren Anders—Roparaden–Megascops Asio (Eastern Screech Owl) Xander Harris—Zirena—Hyaena Hyaena (Striped Hyena) Xehanort–Andonara–Attono Equus (Ixion) Yancy Becket–Senna–Tyto Glaucops (Ashy-faced Owl) Yeshua of Bethlaham–Tijaya–Addax Nasomaculata (Addax) Yuki Asuna–Kozo–Falco Peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) Yuna–Korogo–Cuon Alpinus (Dhole) Yvainne—Ameradin–Stella Lucem (Starlight) Zackary Heldschiff—Nemaia–Cyrtonyx Montezumae (Montezuma Quail) Zak Adama—Zarefain–Martes Martes (Pine Marten) Zane Bennett–Zharania–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Pomeranian) Zoe Allenye—Trazivan–Felis Sylvestris (Wildcat) Zoe Graystone—Yuatai—Saggitarius Serpentariys (Secretary Bird) Zotoh Zhaan—Jael–Lucem Pulverem (Jewel Dust Crown)*
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crayonurchin · 7 years
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Day 16
Today was supposed to be ‘Fat’ but I decided to do my own one
Tonight I was lucky enough to go and watch a very intimate speech by a very important woman with the worlds greatest name
Baroness Blood of Blackwater Town
She left school aged 14 to work in a mill until she was 52. All the while, she was the leaderhead of creating the women's committee in the Trade Union and promoting equality for women at work. She was the first woman in Northern Ireland to be given a life peerage, and a seat in The House Of Lords. She’s almost 80 and STILL fighting for integrated education in Ireland, even when she was almost burned to death in her own home for hiding Catholics despite being Protestant 
She’s one of the biggest beacons of strength and equality for woman, and I 100% drew this while listening to her and then gave it to her because I’m still a child and got super happy when she liked it XD
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todaysbiggesthits · 4 years
Odds, Ends
The Leftovers
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TBH Era:
Nasty’s 16-20
16. Daft Punk - Random Access Memories 17. Chromatics - Kill for Love 18. A$AP Rocky - Live. Love. ASAP 19. Yeasayer - Odd Blood 20. Action Bronson - Blue Chips 1 & 2
Larson’s 16-20
16. Lizzo - Cuz I Love You 17. Taylor Swift - Lover 18. Waxahatchee - Out in the Storm 19. tUnE-yArDs - W H O K I L L 20. The Weeknd - Beauty Behind the Madness
BC’s 16-20
16. Youth Lagoon - The Year of Hibernation 17. Disclosure - Settle 18. Kurt Vile - b’lieve i’m goin down 19. Lotus Plaza - Spooky Action at a Distance 20. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City
Bronco’s 16-28
16. High on Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis 17. Violent Soho - Violent Soho 18. Moontooth - Chromaparagon 19. Thou - Rhea Sylvia 20. Alien Weaponry - Tu 21. Elder - Reflections of a Floating World 22. Inter Arma - The Cavern 23. Windhand - Eternal Return 24. MAKE - The Golden Veil 25. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Nonagon Infinity 26. Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology 27. Monoliths - Monoliths 28. Violent Soho - Hungry Ghosts
Code’s 16-26
16. Robyn – Body Talk 17. Colleen Green – Sock it to Me 18. Colleen Green – I Want to Grow Up 19. Kanye West – My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 20. Washer – All Aboard 21. Spook Houses – Trying 22. Alien Boy – Sleeping Lessons 23. EMA – Exile in the Outer Ring 24. PAWS – Cokefloat! 25. Snooty Garbagemen – Snooty Garbagemen 26. All Dogs - All Dogs
Chap’s 16-33
16. Tomberlin - At Weddings 17. Dan Deacon - America 18. Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory 19. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell! 20. M83 - Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming 21. Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs 22. Father John Misty - I Love You, Honeybear 23. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree 24. Lost Under Heaven - Spiritual Songs for Lovers to Sing 25. Titus Andronicus - The Most Lamentable Tragedy 26. Kanye West - Yeezus 27. PJ Harvey - Let England Shake 28. Girls - Broken Dreams Club 29. Robyn - Body Talk 30. No Age - Everything In Between 31. The National - Trouble Will Find Me 32. Girls - Father, Son, Holy Ghost 33. Youth Lagoon - The Year of Hibernation
JD’s 16-57
16. Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour 17. Animal Collective - Centipede Hz 18. DIIV - Oshin 19. Ariel Pink - Pom Pom 20. Beach House - Depression Cherry 21. Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains 22. Kanye West - The Life of Pablo 23. Panda Bear - Tomboy 24. Death Grips - The Money Store 25. Parquet Courts - Wide Awake! 26. Slowdive - Slowdive 27. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell! 28. Radiohead - The King of Limbs 29. LCD Soundsystem - This is Happening 30. Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest 31. Destroyer - Kaputt 32. Grouper - Ruins 33. Parquet Courts - Sunbathing Animal 34. Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs 35. Joanna Newsom - Divers 36. Nine Inch Nails - 3 EPs 37. Earl Sweatshirt - Some Rap Songs 38. The Strokes - Angles 39. William Basinski - A Shadow in Time 40. Todd Terje - It’s Album Time! 41. The Knife - Tomorrow, In a Year 42. Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica 43. Julianna Barwick - Will 44. Eleanor Friedberger - Rebound 45. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream 46. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City 47. Panda Bear - Buoys 48. No Age - Snares Like a Haircut 49. Dirty Beaches - Badlands 50. Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti - Before Today 51. Underworld - Barbara Barbara, we face a shining future 52. Frankie Cosmos - Zentropy 53. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree 54. The Voidz - Virtue 55. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - The Social Network Soundtrack 56. Pantha du Prince - Black Noise 57. Colleen Green - Sock it to Me
Laser’s 16-20
16. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Infest the Rats’ Nest 17. The Black Keys - “Let’s Rock” 18. Electric Guest - KIN 19. Stella Donnelly - Beware of the Dogs 20. Tegan and Sara - Hey, I’m Just Like You
Bronco’s 16-20
16. Blackwater Holylight - Veils of Winter 17. Year of the Cobra - Ash and Dust 18. Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race 19. sunn O))) - Pyroclasts 20. Baroness - Gold & Grey
Chap’s 16-20
16. Field Medic - fade into the dawn 17. Brittany Howard - Jaime 18. Mannequin Pussy - Patience 19. The National - I Am Easy to Find 20. Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride
JD’s 16-24
16. Sui Zhen - Losing, Linda 17. Empath - Active Listening: Night on Earth 18. Gesaffelstein - Novo Sonic System 19. Earl Sweatshirt - Feet of Clay 20. No Age - A Cassette of a Live Ambient Performance 21. Paul Maroon - A Two Song 45 I Bought On Etsy 22. Denzel Curry - ZUU 23. Avey Tare - Cows on Hourglass Pond 24. Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride
From the Desk of
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Bronco’s Brettnacher-Certified Attendance Report
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2019: A Broncospective
This was a year of waiting. Waiting for Tool. And I feel like I treated the rest of the year's music up until that point as thumb-twiddling whilst waiting for the big payoff. This year seemed to be filled with passable hold-over music. And a sense of dread as the months ticked by, that dread that comes with the unattainable expectations I've come to experience as I've grown older. Waiting for something awesome to happen, and then it happens, and it's not nearly as awesome as you hoped it to be. I've come to equate anticipation with dread now...to the point that I do my damnedest to avoid anticipation by pushing everything future out of my mind. So I live in the present now, and I feel totally unprepared every single day. Weekends come and I have no idea what's happening. I really should rethink this strategy and maybe just try not to build up my expectations. Fuck it. Either way, I was dreading the new Tool album. There's no way it could live up to a 13 year wait. Then it came. And it was good. Not redefine my life and realign my soul good, just perfect. It was what we all needed, those of us who have been waiting. One album that definitely wasn't a time-killer during the great Tool wait of nine deen was King Gizzard's 'Infest the Rats Nest.' That easily would have been my number one album this year had it not landed in the same year as Fear Innoculum. I actually had a hard time deciding which one was my number one, but in the end had to place Rat's Nest second. I know these guys have pumped out so many records in the past few years, but I was pleasantly surprised at their ability to sound like themselves while at the same time ripping out a proper metal album.  The subject matter, the riffs, all of it is great. And it's accessible to non-metal folks who want to hear some tasty licks. Lastly, I listened to a lot of hardcore this year too. Unlike any other year, something about it spoke to me. I don't know if it's our current political climate or what, but the indecipherable doomy sludgly stonery spacey lyrics of the stuff I'm usually in to felt like a nondescript blob of meaninglessness (not that I care what their meaning is at any other time). But the hardcore scene felt important. Like something topical was being said (or screamed), and said hard. The sheer anger in the music, I think, reflects the way I feel on a daily basis as I'm inundated with political shit from NYT, WashPo, CNN, etc. etc. etc. News about no news, filler designed to get me pissed off about shit that's out of my control, and designed to push me over the edge when the eventual outcome of all of this outrage is just more outrage that none of the original outrage mattered at all. That feeling of not being heard, the voice of reason being smothered by a sweat stained pillow owned by some bible thumping hypocrite child fucker, is maddening. To the point that all you want to do is scream until you're heard...like Sara Connor at the chainlink fence before Judgement Day destroys the playground and melts her skin off her body. That's what some of these acts have sounded like. And it's scratching an itch. Probably not going to be my jam for an extended period of time, I don't see myself pivoting to this corner of the genre, but like a good enima, this stuff has cleared my brain's bowels for the better this year. Here's to the next chapter, the next decade, and the next Tool album in 2035. Hail Satan, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New (Wave of British Heavy Metal) Year to you all.
From the Bin Bin
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Nasty’s Best Rap of the Decade
Nasty’s Video of the Year
Da Baby - “BOP on Broadway”
JD's Silver Screen Video Staff Recommendations: Long Form Shelf
Solange - When I Get Home
Earl Sweatshirt - Nowhere, Nobody
Thom Yorke - Anima
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New to Code in 2019
Colleen Green - Dude Ranch (cover of full album) Ganser - Odd Talk Felt - Forever Breathes the Lonely Word Duster - Capsule Losing Contact Dungen - 4 Alien Boy - Sleeping Lessons Charmer - Charmer Michael Cera Palin - I Don't Konw How to Explain It
Interloper’s Corner
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Fergwad’s 1-10 of the Decade
1. Tame Impala - Lonerism 2. Tame Impala - Currents 3. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City 4. Beach House - Bloom 5. Kanye West - Yeezus 6. Real Estate - Days 7. Beach House - Teen Dream 8. No Age - Everything in Between 9. Deerhunter - Hacyon Digest 10. Vampire Weekend - Contra
Ferg’s 10 “Call the Fire Department” Songs of the Decade
Tammy Rooney’s 1-10 of ‘19
1. Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride 2. Cass McCombs - Tip of the Sphere 3. William Tyler - Goes West 4. Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains 5. Bon Iver - i, i 6. Strand of Oaks - Eraserland 7. Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow 8. Thom Yorke - Anima 9. Deerhunter - Why Hasn't Everything Disappeared Already 10. Hiss Golden Messenger - Terms of Surrender
From the Desk of Code’s Pal Jon Wotman
Artists spend an entire career and oceans of money in an effort to *shimmer.* I Wonder: shrug, yeah I shimmer so what. It’s not hard. -This, and the lines below, taken from an imagined documentary called “'I Wonder' Speaks” Somehow, despite the fact that in its initial release the recording sounds like a construction project nailed hastily in a tin lean-to (and the hammering was also included in the mix)... I Wonder: you take ecstasy and it’s not like everything drops away clean. There’s blood in there, there’s all the memory and old feelings and shit in your brain that that drugs have to sweep out and they don’t want to leave. It’s messy and I made it messy on purpose. You wanna make something really good, it’s got to feel messy even if it’s got the 90 degree bones of a skyscraper underneath. [Handclap.] It’s not hard. “When I look over my shoulder, I know who’ll be on the other side” effortlessly combines gesture, solidity, and faith in what must be the most romantic line of the decade. I Wonder: Everyone thinks writing about this stuff is hard. It’s not. “… and things’ll get trashy when we get to my place… “ presents sex as both without forethought and deeply premeditated, but, in both cases, without judgement… it’s the most erotic line of the decade. I Wonder: I’m not punning. No fucking way. And shame on your for putting me in this position. There’s some judgment for you. Any closing thoughts? I Wonder: Y’know. 
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schoolofrockgr · 7 years
Οι καλύτεροι δίσκοι του heavy metal
Το περιοδικό Rolling Stone δημοσίευσεμιεα λίστα που κάνουν παρέλαση οι Οι καλύτεροι δίσκοι του heavy metal σύμφωνα με αυτούς και δικαιολογημένα ή αδικαιολόγητα, το πάρτι ξεκίνησε.
To αμερικανικό περιοδικό προσπάθησε, όπως λένε οι υπεύθυνοι, να φτιάξει μια λίστα με ποικιλία, δύναμη και κληρονομιά. Είχε την βοήθεια ονομάτων όπως Ozzy Osbourne, Rob Halford, Lars Ulrich και Corey Taylor ενώ άφησε έξω ονόματα όπως Cream, Zeppelin, Deep Purple, AC/DC, Guns N’ Roses, Kiss, Alice Cooper για λόγους που εξηγεί στο άρθρο του.
Διαβάστε ΕΔΩ περισσότερες λεπτομέριες για τον κάθε δίσκο:
100. Avenged Sevenfold – City of Evil 99. Evanescence – Fallen 98. Sunn O))) – Monoliths & Dimensions 97. Gojira – From Mars to Sirius 96. Kvelertak – Meir 95. Dream Theater – Images and Words 94. Deafheaven – Sunbather 93. White Zombie – La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Volume One 92. Eyehategod – Take as Needed for Pain 91. Naked City – Torture Garden 90. Body Count – Body Count 89. Nightwish – Once 88. Pig Destroyer – Terrifyer 87. Manowar – Hail to England 86. Lamb Of God – As the Palaces Burn 85. Darkthrone – Transilvanian Hunger 84. High On Fire – Blessed Black Wings 83. Baroness – The Red Album 82. Entombed – The Left Hand Path 81. Bathory – Under the Sign of the Black Mark 80. Ministry – Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed and the Way to Suck Eggs 79. At The Gates – Slaughter of the Soul 78. Voivod – Dimension Hatröss 77. Meshuggah – Destroy Erase Improve 76. Twisted Sister – Stay Hungry 75. Morbid Angel – Covenant 74. Venom – Welcome to Hell 73. Scorpions – Blackout 72. Isis – Oceanic 71. Living Colour – Vivid 70. Death – Human 69. Soundgarden – Louder Than Love 68. Marilyn Manson – Portrait of an American Family 67. Queensrÿche – Operation: Mindcrime 66. Deftones – White Pony 65. Faith No More – Angel Dust 64. Godflesh – Streetcleaner 63. Sodom – Agent Orange 62. Sleep – Jerusalem 61. Converge – Jane Doe 60. Melvins – Bullhead 59. Napalm Death – From Enslavement to Obliteration 58. Life of Agony – River Runs Red 57. Emperor – Anthems to the Welkin At Dusk 56. The Dillinger Escape Plan – Calculating Infinity 55. Opeth – Blackwater Park 54. Helmet – Meantime 53. Type O Negative – Bloody Kisses 52. Def Leppard – Pyromania 51. Carcass – Heartwork 50. Slipknot – Iowa 49. Neurosis – Through Silver in Blood 48. Rainbow – Rising 47. Slayer – South of Heaven 46. Mastodon – Leviathan 45. Exodus – Bonded by Blood 44. Mötley Crüe – Shout at the Devil 43. Judas Priest – Stained Class 42. Diamond Head – Lightning to the Nations 41. Kyuss – Blues for the Red Sun 40. Mayhem – De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 39. Pantera – Far Beyond Driven 38. Iron Maiden – Powerslave 37. Black Sabbath – Heaven and Hell 36. Van Halen – Women and Children First 35. Metallica – Kill ‘Em All 34. Black Sabbath – Master of Reality 33. Megadeth – Countdown to Extinction 32. Black Sabbath – Sabotage 31. Slayer – Seasons in the Abyss 30. Korn – Korn 29. Sepultura – Chaos A.D. 28. Celtic Frost – Morbid Tales 27. System Of A Down – Toxicity 26. Alice In Chains – Dirt 25. Metallica – Metallica 24. Rage Against the Machine – Rage Against the Machine 23. Danzig – Danzig 22. Mötley Crüe – Too Fast for Love 21. Metallica – …And Justice for All 20. Anthrax – Among the Living 19. Megadeth – Rust in Peace 18. Tool – Ænima 17. Mercyful Fate – Melissa 16. Dio – Holy Diver 15. Ozzy Osbourne – Diary of a Madman 14. Black Sabbath – Vol. 4 13. Iron Maiden – Iron Maiden 12. Judas Priest – Screaming for Vengeance 11. Metallica – Ride the Lightning 10. Pantera – Vulgar Display of Power 09. Ozzy Osbourne – Blizzard of Ozz 08. Megadeth – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying? 07. Motörhead – No Remorse 06. Slayer – Reign in Blood 05. Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath 04. Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast 03. Judas Priest – British Steel 02. Metallica – Master of Puppets 01. Black Sabbath – Paranoid
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