#Basilosaurus cetoides
cmaidaartworkblog · 10 months
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I shared this to Twitter like a month ago but forgot to share it here, this is an update to my Basilosaurus bust that I first rendered in 2017-18, which I then remeshed and repainted between last year and this year. Compared to the original render, this one has all its teeth, the skull more closely matches the fossil material, the face is fleshier, and the coloration, while similar to the original version, has been redone from scratch with new brushes and patterns. Basilosaurus cetoides was an Archaeocete whose fossils were first found in Louisiana, which, during the Eocene epoch, lay partially beneath the Gulf of Mexico. It had a long, narrow body that reached up to 66 feet long, a proportionally small head featuring multiple kinds of teeth, and vestigial hind limbs. Members of this genus are also known from northern Africa and other regions that were once submerged beneath the Tethys Sea, and also from Peru and possibly even New Zealand, a wide geographical range that demonstrates its success as a top predator in the oceans of the Late Eocene. This mesh was rendered in Sculptfab and SculptGL, with these screenshots being taken in the latter program.
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ephssis · 6 months
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 Basilosaurus cetoides, he goofy
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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Basilosaurus (meaning "king lizard") is a genus of large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale which lived during the late Eocene, approximately 41 to 33 mya. First described in 1834 from vertebrae, a partial jaw, teeth, a humerus, and rib fragments by Richard Harlan. He originally thought they belonged to a giant aquatic reptile, hence the suffix "-saurus", Ancient Greek for "lizard". The animal was later found to be an archaeocete prehistoric whale, which prompted attempts at renaming the creature, which failed as the rules of zoological nomenclature dictate using the original name given. In 1904 fossils were later found of the second species throughout Egypt, Western Sahara, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, and Pakistan. Fossils have also been unearthed in the southeastern United States and Peru. Today there are 2 valid species B. cetoides & B. isis. With B. isis reaching 50-60ft (15- 18m) long & 7 tons (6.5 metric tons) in weight, and B. cetoides reaching 56-66ft (17-20m) long & 6.5 tons (5.8 metric tons) in weight, basilosaurus was one of the largest, if not the largest, animals of the Paleogene one of the largest animals known to exist between the K–Pg extinction event 66 mya and around 15 mya when modern whales began to reach enormous sizes. Although it likely lived around the globe, Basilosaurus was particularly abundant in Tethys Ocean. It was the top predator of its environment, preying on sharks, large fish, sea turtles, crocodilians, and other aquatic mammals, such as the primitive sirenian Protosiren, the early semi aquatic elephant Moeritherium and the dolphin-like Dorudon, the later which of which seems to have been their predominant food source.
Art Belongs to the following creators:
Basilosaurus and Nautilus: Fabienne Brockmanne
Basilosaurus Pair: Paleoguy
Basilosaurus in Ecosystem: Paleoguy
Basilosaurus: The7thSea
Basilosaurus with Calf: Gabuded
Basilosaurus Pod: Pavel Riha 
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newlabdakos · 8 months
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(temporal range: 41.3-33.9 mio. years ago)
[text from the Wikipedia article, see also link above]
Basilosaurus (meaning "king lizard") is a genus of large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale from the late Eocene, approximately 41.3 to 33.9 million years ago (mya). First described in 1834, it was the first archaeocete and prehistoric whale known to science.[2] Fossils attributed to the type species B. cetoides were discovered in the United States. They were originally thought to be of a giant reptile, hence the suffix "-saurus", Ancient Greek for "lizard". The animal was later found to be an early marine mammal, which prompted attempts at renaming the creature, which failed as the rules of zoological nomenclature dictate using the original name given. Fossils were later found of the second species, B. isis, in 1904 in Egypt, Western Sahara, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, and Pakistan.[3] Fossils have also been unearthed in the southeastern United States and Peru.[4][5][6]
Basilosaurus is thought to have been common in the Tethys Ocean.[7][8] It was one of the largest, if not the largest, animals of the Paleogene. It was the top predator of its environment, preying on sharks, large fish and other marine mammals, namely the dolphin-like Dorudon, which seems to have been their predominant food source.
Basilosaurus was at one point a wastebasket taxon, before the genus slowly started getting reevaluated, with many species of different Eocene cetacean being assigned to the genus in the past, however they are invalid or have been reclassified under a new or different genus, leaving only 2 confirmed species. Basilosaurus may have been one of the first fully aquatic cetaceans[2] (sometimes referred to as the pelagiceti[9]). Basilosaurus, unlike modern cetaceans, had various types of teeth–such as canines and molars–in its mouth (heterodonty), and it probably was able to chew its food in contrast to modern cetaceans which swallow their food whole.
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If you don’t vote, you’re not a real Basilosaurus fan
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saritawolff · 3 years
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And one more whale, the freakishly long Basilosaurus cetoides. One of the top predators, if not THE top predator, of the Tethys Sea, Basilosaurus was the largest animal in the Paleogene at up to 66 feet long. It preyed on sharks, marine mammals, large fish, and other cetaceans like Dorudon.
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fromthedust · 3 years
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Basilosaurus cetoides skeleton - 15–20 m (49–66 ft) -  Basliosaurus (sometimes called Zeuglodon) was a large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale from the late Eocene, approximately 41.3 to 33.9 million years ago. The Basilosauridae family went extinct at the end of the Eocene, leaving no descendants — modern cetaceans evolved from different land dwelling mammals.
Basilosaurus, unlike modern cetaceans, had various types of teeth – such as canines and molars – in its mouth (heterodonty), and it probably was able to chew its food in contrast to modern cetaceans which swallow their food whole.
Basilosaurus fossils have been found in Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia New Zealand, and Antarctica
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noneun · 3 years
Tutti sappiamo che balene e delfini sono mammiferi...
...ed è anche risaputo che si sono evoluti a partire da animali terrestri, per poi riadattarsi alla vita acquatica. Dico riaddattarsi perché chiaramente tutti noi mammiferi abbiamo come antenati i pesci ossei. Quindi in un certo senso i cetacei sono pesci mutanti che sono tornati negli oceani.
Ma da quali dei vari ordini di mammiferi si sono evoluti balene e delfini? Grazie alle moderne tecniche di biologia molecolare, in particolare comparando i codici genetici, è stato possibile negli ultimi anni determinare che i parenti più prossimi dei cetacei sono gli artiodattili, ovvero ungulati con un numero pari di dita, cioè ippopotami, maiali, cammelli, giraffe, cervi, antilopi, bovini, pecore, capre... Tanto prossimi che l'antenato comune è esistito circa 64 milioni di anni fa, mentre la famiglia degli ippopotami si è separata da quella dei cetacei circa 53-54 milioni di anni fa. Recenti studi hanno indotto gli scienziati a istituire un unico ordine chiamato Cetartiodactyla (dall'unione di Cetacea e Artiodactyla). Di seguito un albero filogenetico che mostra le famiglie e come sono imparentate:
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Per quanto riguarda l'evoluzione, si è scoperto in Pakistan il primo ungulato classificabile come cetaceo: l'estinto Pakicetus inachus, animali terrestri delle dimensioni di un lupo, che vissero circa 53 milioni di anni fa.
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Già 48 milioni di anni fa viveva invece l'Indohyus major: delle dimensioni di un procione ma molto più pesante, già adattato alla vita semiacquatica.
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Ambulocetus natans, ritrovato in uno strato di sedimenti risalente a 48-47 milioni di anni fa, era sicuramente anfibio e lungo 3 metri. Aveva già zampe adattate al nuoto ed una coda che usava per nuotare muovendola verticalmente, come tutti cetacei moderni:
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Sempre attorno ai 47 milioni di anni fa, vissero i rodontoceti, Rodhocetus kasrani e R. balochistanensis:
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Anche loro erano anfibi, e avevano grandi zampe che potevano supportare il peso anche fuori dall'acqua. Alcune ricostruzioni gli attribuiscono già una pinna caudale, ma non è chiaro se ce l'avesse.
38 milioni di anni fa, invece, vissero i basilosauridi e durontidi, cetacei che ormai vivevano interamente in mare. I basilosauridi, quando furono scoperti, furono scambiati per rettili, da cui il nome traducibile con lucertola imperatore. Il Basilosaurus cetoides poteva essere lungo dai 15 ai 18 metri, ma nonostante le dimensioni simili a quelle di una balena la sua alimentazione era diversa: mangiava altri cetacei, pesci ossei, pesci cartilaginei (quindi anche squali), granchi e calamari:
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Il Dorudon atrox, lungo 5 metri, poteva essere una delle prede abituali del Basilosaurus, ma era anch'esso un predatore di pesci e molluschi:
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Fra i 33 e i 14 milioni di anni fa visse lo Squalodon calvertensis. Il primo cetaceo con un organo per l'ecolocalizzazione, era lungo 3 metri e possedeva un corpo simile alle focene. Anche questo fu scambiato inizialmente per un rettile, in particolare per un genere simile a quello dei dinosauri iguanodonti.
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Oggi dividiamo i cetacei in Misticeti (con mascelle provviste di fanoni, cioè le balene) e gli Odontoceti (provvisti di denti, ad esempio i delfini).
Delle prime balene, vissute fra i 39 e i 29 milioni di anni fa, si hanno i pochi resti fossili del Llanocetus denticrenatus: frammenti di cranio e di una grande mandibola dai quali è stato possibile calcolare che il solo cranio fosse lungo 2 metri. Nonostante fosse privo di fanoni, gli studiosi ipotizzano che filtrasse il cibo in maniera analoga:
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Un antenato degli odontoceti era invce il Kentriodon pernix, una specie di delfino primitivo vissuto circa 12 milioni di anni fa, lungo circa 2 metri, cacciatore di piccoli pesci:
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Sono stati ritrovati fossili di cetacei estinti ancora più simili a quelli attuali ma la trasformazione evidenziata da queste ricostruzioni paleoartistiche è chiara
Un particolare interessante che si nota riguardano le ricostruzioni è la scomparsa delle zampe posteriori, che però non scomparvero veramente: in realtà esistono ancora, invisibili, come loro vestigia all'interno del corpo, collegate alle ossa pelviche ma non alla colonna vertebrale. Hanno perso quindi completamente la loro funzione motoria se non per l'inserzione dei muscoli dei genitali. Altro particolare visibile nella sequenza delle illustrazioni è la migrazione delle narici che si sono trasformate in sfiatatoi.
Fonti: Wikipedia, TimeTree, Nobu Tamura paleoart, Encyclopaedia Britannica.
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werewolfetone · 2 years
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Paleoart of ancient cetaceans that I like but that also makes me uncomfortable!
(Rhodocetus kasrani / Ambulocetus / Basilosaurus cetoides / Ocucajea (top), S. muizoni (bottom) / Georgiacetus vogtlensis / Aegyptocetus / Peregocetus / Rodhocetus / Janjucetus)
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reneg661 · 3 years
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Is a genus of large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale from the late Eocene, approximately 41.3 to 33.9 million years ago (mya). First described in 1834, it was the first archaeocete and prehistoric whale known to science. Fossils attributed to the type species B. cetoides were discovered in the United States. They were originally thought to be of a giant reptile, hence the suffix "-saurus", Ancient Greek for "lizard". The animal was later found to be an early marine mammal, which prompted attempts at renaming the creature, which failed as zoological nomenclature dictates using the original name given. Fossils were later found of the second species, B. isis, in 1904 in Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, and Pakistan. Basilosaurus has a possible record in Seymour Island in Antarctica as well. [unreliable source?] Basilosaurus is considered to have been common in the Tethys Ocean. It was one of the largest, if not the largest, animals of the Paleogene. It was the top predator of its environment, preying on sharks, large fish and other marine mammals, namely the dolphin-like Dorudon, which seems to have been their predominant food source. Basilosaurus was at one point a wastebasket taxon, before the genus slowly started getting reevaluated, with many species of different Eocene cetacean being assigned to the genus in the past, however they are invalid or have been reclassified under a new or different genus, leaving only 2 confirmed species. Basilosaurus may have been one of the first fully aquatic cetaceans (sometimes referred to as the pelagiceti). Basilosaurus, unlike modern cetaceans, had various types of teeth–such as canines and molars–in its mouth (heterodonty), and it probably was able to chew its food in contrast to modern cetaceans which swallow their food whole.
Art (c) reneg661
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julieschulerart · 3 years
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In 1840, fossil showman Albert Koch bought up all the mastodon bones in one Missouri farmer’s field and built them into a fearsome, exaggerated specimen called a “Missourium”. Again in 1845, he bought up bones of the prehistoric whale Basilosaurus cetoides. Bones of the whale were often turned up by slaves working the fields in the south and were sometimes used to make furniture or the foundations of houses.  He built parts of six different whales into a massive sea serpent he called “Hydrargos sillimani”, or Hydrarchos, that was first exhibited in a New York salon.
Koch’s fossil mounts frustrated early paleontologists. Koch sold his sea serpent to Prussian King, Friedrich Wilhelm IV, who exhibited it at Berlin’s Royal Anatomical Museum over the strenuous objections of the scientific community. A second Hydrarchos was built and sold to Colonel Wood’s Museum in Chicago. It was lost in the Chicago Fire of 1871. The Hydrarchos in Berlin was mostly lost during World War II, but some parts remain in the Humboldt Museum.
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mspaleoart · 4 years
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Basilosaurus cetoides
Late Eocene (41-34 Ma)
Bluuughhhhhhh. I forgot the clocks were going to move forward last weekend, and my schedule is completely off-kilter. But after slamming most of a big cup of coffee, I'm here to talk about a really cool whale. The Eocene was a great time to be a mammal. After taking their first shaky steps into the limelight during the Paleocene, mammals took over the world in the Eocene. Whales were among the most immediately successful groups, and Basilosaurus was one of the earliest whales fully adapted for marine life. It had a fusiform body and a powerful fluked tail, with its forelimbs adapted into flippers. They ranged in size from 15-20 meters, making them not only one of the earliest large whales, but possibly the largest animal in the Paleogene period.
It's no secret that I love taxonomy, so let's talk about it!
There are two species of Basilosaurus: The type species, B. cetoides and the slightly smaller B. isis. ‘Basilosaurus’ means ‘King Lizard,’ which is weird because, you know, it’s a whale. It’s called that because its discoverers thought it was some kind of sea serpent thanks to its weird body proportions. After the realization it was a whale, the name Zeuglodon was suggested as a replacement. However, since Basilosaurus was the first name given, it had priority, and Zeuglodon became a junior synonym. It gets wackier. Another junior synonym is Alabamornis. This means 'bird from Alabama,' and was given to what was thought to be a big bird's shoulder bone in 1906, but was actually a pelvis of Basilosaurus. And on the less scientific side of things, in 1845, Dr. Albert Koch unveiled the skeleton of a giant sea serpent he called “Hydrarchos,” which would have been really cool if it wasn't really fake. It was probably two Basilosaurus skeletons stuck together, but we don't know for certain because it was destroyed in 1871 by the great Chicago fire. 
Despite looking like a modern whale in many respects, Basilosaurus was still weird. Compared to modern predatory whales, it has a proportionally longer body and neck. Its head was smaller, with no room for a melon (the adorable name for the hearing organ toothed whales have in their foreheads). It had a smaller brain too, and probably wasn’t as social or intelligent as say, an orca. Its flippers also had a functioning elbow joint, like sea lions. It was probably best at swimming in two dimensions near the water’s surface, rather than diving.
Perhaps the strangest thing, though, is its pair of tiny hind limbs and pelvis disconnected from the vertebral column. Some whales today have tiny, vestigial hind limbs, but they're reduced to a few useless bones hidden beneath the skin. Basilosaurus' back legs were recognizable as such, and were used for... something.  Maybe holding onto each other while mating, almost certainly not for biking.
This animal was widespread throughout the Tethys sea, the ancient waterway between Gondwana and Laurasia in the Mesozoic. As Africa and Eurasia moved toward each other, it was beginning to split in the Eocene, but it still covered swaths of land in shallow, warm sea. The two species of Basilosaurus have different teeth, and probably fed on different prey. B. cetoides typically ate large fish and sharks. B. isis, though, is known to eat Dorudon, a smaller basilosaurid whale. Specimens of Dorudon have been found with bite marks in the skull, attributed to Basilosaurus, and the damage done to the skeletons around it suggest B. isis hunted by delivering a fatal wound to the head before tearing the body apart with its jaws, which sounds metal as hell.
Basilosaurus has always been a favorite mammal of mine. It has a certain elegance and beauty I've always admired, the first of the cetacean giants. Although I'm not a particularly religious or spiritual person, there's something magical about seeing such a huge animal swimming in open waters. I hope I captured some that mystified feeling with this drawing. I first saw Basilosaurus in the second episode of Walking with Beasts, wherein a pregnant B. isis has to find food at the beginning of a climate crisis. WWB constitutes a good 70% of my Cenozoic knowledge. It probably won't be long before I've drawn every mammal featured in it, and I swear I'm not doing that on purpose. Mammals aren't really my strong suit, especially not whales, but I had a lot of fun drawing this. And part of the point of this blog is to teach myself about groups I otherwise don't really study, so I guess you could say I did a good job of that.
Riley Black, 2009 – The Rise and Fall of Alabamornis
Gingerich, 1998 – Paleobiological Perspectives on Mesonychia, Archaeoceti, and the Origin of Whales
Voss, et al. 2019 – Stomach contents of the archaeocete Basilosaurus isis
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moszeuchreets · 4 years
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Name: King Lizard Scientific Name: Basilosaurus cetoides Diet: Carnivore Date: Late Eocene (41.3 to 33.9 mya) Size: 5 to 20 m (49 to 66 ft) long Weight: 60 tons (132,000 lbs) Location: USA, Egypt, Wadi Al-Hitan.‭ ‬Pakistan Additional Information: When it was named by Richard Harlan, it was first thought to be a marine reptile. It was until it was studied by Richard Owen that he confirmed it to be a mammal, so it was proposed to have its name changed to Zeuglodon. However, due to the name being officially registered, the name wasn't changed, so Zeuglodon became a synonym, instead..
Image Source: https://prehistoric-earth-a-natural-history.fandom.com/wiki/Basilosaurus?file=BasilosaurusInfobox2.png This image shows a Basilosaurus that featured in BBC's Sea monsters and Walking with Beasts.
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polyandsexpositive · 4 years
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Marine fossils found in south west Alabama. This entire area was a shallow sea and these fossils date back to 80 million years ago. The area I was exploring is most famous for several Basilosaurus cetoides which have been found there as well as megalodon teeth. #fossil #paleontology #southwestalabama https://www.instagram.com/p/B6bs_JphPhe/?igshid=nhfvhsmrryw2
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johnetteinwood-blog · 6 years
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jodiworrell5-blog · 6 years
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