#Belphegor birthday fic!
inhuman-obey-me · 2 years
Heaven Divided
Written for the Lucifer Birthday Collaboration 2022, with the theme "Celestial War" -- you can check out all the artist/writer collabs at the Lucifer Birthday Collab Twitter! See the corresponding art for this piece here Word Count: 4.8k Description: "If you want a battle, I'll give you a war." We all know the story -- Lucifer, the most brilliant of angels, rebelled against God, failed, and fell. But there's so much more to the story than that, isn't there? A story of Lucifer, the revolutionary, and the family that fought beside him. Can also be read on AO3 here
The crowd that has gathered is modest, but it's more than Lucifer was expecting, if he's being honest with himself. He is aware, of course, what influence he has in the Celestial Realm, as not only a seraph but a leader even among that group of highest ranking angels. He's well-liked and admired, certainly. It shouldn't be surprising that more than a few would follow him.
But even so, admiration alone would not, could not, convince angels -- servants dedicated to their Father's will! -- to rebel against that same Father. No, that requires much more courage and conviction, and demonstrates far more belief in him and what he is about to say. They are here to follow him into a war that seems sure to be devastating for all sides.
That is not just admiration; that is faith.
Does he deserve their faith? He hopes so. Hope is all he has, now.
From the edges of his sight, he can see Mammon rallying those who have gathered, corralling them into some semblance of order. It gives him some reassurance, at least, to see his trusted brother here with him. His other siblings, too, are gathered in the crowd, and he sees them scattered throughout.
He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for what is to come, as the incoming throngs gradually slow to a trickle.
"My brethren, thank you for coming today," Lucifer begins. "I recognize that it is not an easy thing to join me here. But if you are here with me today, then I trust you are putting your faith in what I have to say. At some time or another, you may have felt the same way I do now. You too have felt doubt, however small. You too can see that our realm, for all we preach order and blessings, maintains that order by ruthlessness and force. We are not what we have claimed to be.
"This world we live in, the order we have been taught, is wrong. There is something very wrong with how the Celestial Realm operates. And that dissonance comes from He who gave us these rules, these restrictions. We have never known anything but the laws of our Father, but these laws have led us astray from what our true purpose is. We were created to spread virtue and His heavenly grace, yet we live under anything but grace.
"We worship a liar, and a hypocrite. We preach the glory of our Father and his creations -- yet, he destroys those creations just as easily without a second thought. He holds no grace for us, nor respect for the wills or minds He has given us. Yet still, He demands glory as we destroy on his behalf.
"This time, we act not on his behalf, but for our own. We fight for a future that we can grasp for ourselves -- one where obedience need not be absolute, where our loved ones are not punished for love or free will. A future where we judge righteousness by our own minds.
"This will not be easy. We will be fighting against our fellow angels. Many of us have fought many times before, but against those who are wicked, against demons and humans who are corrupt and vile. Against those who are against the light we have always represented. This time, you will find yourself face to face with those whom you love. We must fight those who shine just as brightly as us, for a light they cannot yet see.
"But I cannot turn my back on the truths I have realized, and neither can you. With our hands reaching for destiny, remember this: we cannot surrender. When all they know, all we have known, is corrupt, we must not give up, else we submit to that which we have seen is a fallacy.
"A new future calls -- let us go together to claim it. To battle!"
Punctuating his declaration, Lucifer's grandiose set of wings bursts out behind him, launching him high into the skies. Cheers cry out from the gathered angels as they raise their weapons high in assent, and the crowd begins to rise as well, spilling out in formation with shouts of war.
A sick nervousness wells in the pit of Lucifer's stomach, watching the white flutter of angelic robes and wings below following his commands. This fight is needed; of that, he has no doubt -- he has tried over and over now to speak reason and sense into his Father, to no avail. No amount of debate or discussion leads anywhere, nor pleading, nor argument. That had been frustrating enough when it had been over lofty ideals such as those Lucifer had been discussing lately with the Devildom's prince. To be met with the same stubborn ignorance when it came to the much more concrete issue of pleading for his sister's life -- that was too much. If his Father will not run the Celestial Realm properly, then Lucifer will. It's that simple.
But that doesn't change the fact that all these angels now, assembled airborne alongside him, including his own sister and brothers, are all in danger if he fails.
The sight of Mammon, swooping up to meet him, reassures him though, the brilliant gold of his younger brother's eyes catching the sunlight with a sharp gleam. "Lucifer, everyone's heading down to the palace, but the other side's gathering up too. Where do ya want everybody?"
"Keep them in formation. Make sure no one wanders off alone so that they aren't targeted. And keep them on track -- I don't want any unruly troublemakers straying off to attack those who aren't part of the fight."
Mammon gives a quick salute and starts heading back down to relay the orders, when Lucifer pauses and grabs him by the shoulder. Though his voice is steady, there is a quiet anxiousness in his words as he adds, "And Mammon -- watch over our family. Stay with them if you can. We need to make it out of this alive, you hear me? No wild stunts or reckless heroics from you. Stay alive."
The look his brother gives him in return is serious, if slightly annoyed. "Ya know I know that already. Stay alive yourself! You're the one they're going to be really going after, ya know."
Is Lucifer ready for that? He's not sure. But he's made his decision, and he's resolved to stick with it. It's far too late to turn back now.
"I know."
The battles have raged ongoing for weeks now.
Somehow, losses on both sides have been fortunately minimal, though neither can claim to be unscathed. But each angel that falls on behalf of his war is a new weight on Lucifer, and he girds himself at the end of each day's battles for fresh reports of the latest casualties.
His siblings, at least, have remained safe. Though they bicker insufferably as always in the evenings over dinner, they at least fight together reliably, always keeping each other safe. Leviathan, as a former general of the Celestial army, is the one exception, using his authority and military expertise to lead large swaths of their forces instead, but for the same reason, Lucifer can rest assured that he's more than capable of watching out for himself. Not to mention, the third brother is at least one of the officers who also stays back at times with Lucifer, delighted that the strategic expertise he'd honed in the past several centuries of playing war games in despair of wanting to be useful can finally be put to practical use again.
It's almost nice to see his younger brother this way again, Lucifer thinks, to watch him blossom with confidence once more rather than burying himself away in self-deprecation. Almost nice -- that is, if not for the constant reminder of the stakes that ride on each decision that they make together.
"We've overtaken this area, so the next one we should target is...here," Levi explains, deep in thought over a map. "Then over here...ooooh this is just like the battle in Warmaker III ~Reign of Discord! Panic~! They were getting overwhelmed and preparing to withdraw, but then the protagonist bravely charges in with reinforcements and they're able to save the critical stronghold before moving on forward! The soldiers are utterly inspired by his brave feats in defending the fortress, and with their spirits raised, they completely turn the battle around to obliterate the enemy forces!!!"
Though he's appreciative of Levi's military expertise, it's all Lucifer can do to hold back a groan in response to his sibling's excited giggling over his game. But still, that tendency to get so carried away with his own little world is exactly what makes him such an adorable younger brother as well. "I suppose that's your way of saying you think I should move to help there then?"
"Yeah, it'll be totally epic loool! Just think -- the troops are tired and starting to falter, but then, the heroic Lucifer appears just in time and saves them with swift action!! Especially if you do what Nuyrad did in that scene against the evil Lasutinian forces, go across this way so you can come in from the western front to catch them off guard!"
"Thank you, Levi. Then, I'll entrust the troops in the south to you."
"Understood!" his brother replies, looking almost cheerful as the elder stands to leave. "Remember, we're with you all the way, Lucifer!! Believe in the us that believes in you!!"
When Lucifer arrives at the western edges of the battlefield, it's not long before he spots Asmodeus. His brother's loose robes wave in the winds with dramatic flourishes each time he shoots off an arrow. His movements are captivating, almost like dancing in their gracefulness, and even some of the enemies seem to get distracted from time to time watching him. Unfortunately, this also seems to draw more attention towards him in particular, thus drawing more fire upon him in turn.
Well, Lucifer knows where he's needed, then.
With his six massive wings spanning the sky like an ominous cloud, he swoops down with sword in hand, batting back the arrows before shooting forward to take down several more of the opposing warriors. They begin quickly falling back as he descends upon them with sword in hand, none particularly wanting to be on the receiving end of his blade.
Once the scene has cleared, Lucifer takes the chance to survey the field. As Leviathan had mentioned, it seems the situation had become fairly dire here, with many angels injured and unable to fight, thus leaving those remaining quite outnumbered. They really would have had to retreat soon if he had not arrived just in time.
Asmodeus rushes over right away, flinging his arms dramatically around the seraph as soon as he touches the ground. "Lucifeeeer!!! You came to save me! I thought I was a goner!"
"You could have handled that many arrows just fine, Asmo," Lucifer grumbles, well aware of his lovely younger brother's tendency to exaggerate. "And I'm not only here for you. Leviathan informed me that this area needed help, that's all."
Still, as he gently peels his younger sibling off of him, he can't resist giving him a light ruffle on the head -- to the other's chagrin, as Asmo then has to scramble to fix his hair back to its proper place. It's good to see him still lively as ever, amongst so many wounded.
Asmo gives him an overexaggerated pout in response to his remark but moves on quickly. "Well, yeah, we're not doing great over here. The healers are getting too exhausted to handle all the wounds. I've been trying to help them as much as I can too, but..."
Lucifer hardly needs to be told any more. He promptly marches over to where the wounded are gathered, exchanging a few words with some of the angels performing healing magic before going to stand in the center of the area. The soothing warmth of angelic curative power spills out as he closes his eyes, blanketing the space in soft lights and the scent of rosemary. Other angels around him add their energies in as well, and find themselves bathed in the same lights as the combined magic spreads throughout.
When Lucifer opens his eyes again hardly a moment later, the bedridden's wounds have healed, and the rest gasp at how light their bodies feel again, released from the fatigue of weeks of battle.
Relieved cheers and excited applause break out from around them, led by none other than Asmodeus. "Oh, that's my amazing big brother!! That was incredible!"
He again bursts forth, ready to wrap his arms around Lucifer in another tight hug, but the prideful angel catches him at arm's length with a sigh, not particularly enjoying all the attention on him. "That's enough of that, Asmo. Come, we have a lot to discuss here, it seems."
From Asmodeus, Lucifer learns how his siblings had gotten separated in an earlier battle. Beelzebub, Belphegor, and Lilith had still been keeping close together as a unit, as expected of the tight-knit group, but Mammon had gotten pulled away to help in some other area. Asmo himself had fallen behind with a group of archers when some enemies had attempted an ambush on them -- though they had clearly underestimated the beautiful jewel's skills in combat.
Once this area has been secured again, though, it's time for Lucifer to move on. He's not thrilled that his youngest siblings are at the very forefront of battle, even if he knows they're each quite strong in their own right. He almost would have liked for them to stay behind, safe, but of course, there was no way Lilith would accept sitting still when she felt the guilt of being the catalyst for this war. And if Lilith was going in, then so were the twins, who also equally didn't want to let Lucifer fight this on his own.
That doesn't change the worry Lucifer feels now, though, as he rushes forward to the next area.
Their contingent has almost made its way to the Celestial Palace itself now, where the highest ranking angels are keeping guard. The scene is chaotic, with the sharp sounds of angelic weapons clashing and magic slicing every direction.
Thankfully, he finds the cluster of his siblings easily enough among the fighting, helped by Beel's very identifiable large frame and the equally large sword that he swings in wide swaths. Belphie imbues wind magic into his attacks as well, effectively pushing waves of enemies further and further back with each swing, as Lilith guards them against any would-be attackers from behind.
Though he won't tell them, he really is proud to see them working together in such sync.
"Lucifer!" Belphie calls out with a sudden grin, catching sight of his eldest brother overhead. The others perk up as well at the call, and they wave him down to join them.
He nods at them in acknowledgement as his feet touch upon the ground. Soon, the hardest battles will begin, far above where these three can fly. But for now, it's good just to see them, to exchange a few words before he must move on again.
"You're safe," he says simply. "Good."
"So are you," Beelzebub answers back with relief, a hint of guilt in his voice. "Sorry I haven't been able to come with you to protect you..."
Lucifer shakes his head. "No, this is good. You're where you should be. Keep Belphegor and Lilith safe for me."
"We can take care of ourselves!" Lilith chimes in, pouting. Her childish response is betrayed, however, by the serious expression that falls upon her face as she looks away towards Belphie, who merely gives her a comforting hug.
"I know you can," their older brother smirks. "I just saw it. But if I can trust Beel to be my bodyguard, I can trust him to protect you too. That's all."
Beel gives a single nod in response. "I'll keep them safe, Lucifer. I promise."
"Then, we'll keep him safe too," Belphie answers back. His normally sleepy expression is cheerful despite their surroundings, now that he has this moment with the brother he admires so much. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine here!"
And Lucifer believes it. They'll watch out for each other, definitely; they'll be safe together.
With that reassurance, he nods at each of them again, quickly healing them all of any scrapes before taking flight once more. There's just one last battle beyond here to be fought, then.
The uppermost chambers of the Celestial Palace stand aloft just ahead, its brilliant white marble and shining gold accents blindingly bright in these always sunny skies.
Lucifer's wings beat hard, here in the uppermost tier of the Celestial Realm where the winds are too harsh for any but seraphs to even begin to approach. He'll have to fight the rest of this battle on his own, but it's so close now. Here is where their Father presides over everything, with all but his highest ranking kept at arms' length. Here is where He sits upon his lofty throne, watching over His creations at all times, watching and judging. Sitting, watching, even now, as His precious angels throw themselves to destruction at the hands of their former comrades in honor of His glory.
And he is filled again with rage. Rage and wrath, an anger that glows over everything. Disgust at his Father, a reignited indignation for all He represents. The fury of thousands of years of wasted obedience now discarded burns within him.
The sharp, unforgiving clangs of his sword ring out like a death knell -- the tolling of a bell marking the end of a realm which will never be the same, after this war.
Lucifer is perfectly okay with that. It doesn't deserve to stay the same.
He lunges forth, the righteous ire of his ideals igniting sparks of magic that flit across his form. Deep blue and golden yellow lights dance across his figure in waves, wrapping his sword with celestial power.
But the sting of betrayal burns too in Michael's throat, as the friend who had always stood side-by-side with him strikes at his other loved ones. Uriel and Gabriel together can hardly keep the brilliant morning star at bay.
"Lucifer!" he shouts, rushing in to defend the other seraphs as they fall back. "Your madness ends here!"
"It is not madness to unseat a tyrant," Lucifer growls back, refocusing his assault on the one he had until now worked side-by-side with, always. "What is madness is the way we have praised and followed someone so flawed without question until now."
"It is madness to question Him! His plans are far greater than any of us, and it is not our place to doubt them!"
"Yet it is the Demon Prince, of all beings, who works to bring peace between the realms, while our Father is content not to even engage with him. Do you not see the hypocrisy there, Michael? Do you not see the truth?"
Their swords smash relentlessly against each other as the two highest angels of the realm battle back and forth.
"It is not hypocrisy for angels not to consort with wicked demons," Michael insists still. "Your truth is nonsense, Lucifer! Look what chaos has erupted beneath here. That is your doing, not our Father's! You are the one who is causing all of this!"
The accusation strikes unexpectedly deeply into precisely all the worries on Lucifer's mind. Perhaps it was inevitable for the one angel who shared just as much responsibility for the realm as he did to know what exactly weighed heaviest upon him. But, in this moment, with that same weight carrying him forward, it is exactly his sense of responsibility to everyone that ensures he cannot back down.
"They follow me because they have chosen to! The freedom of choice, Michael, that is what we have never had! You may have chosen to just keep believing, but they have not. Just as I have chosen this path, they have chosen to follow!"
The determined fury behind Lucifer's words is echoed by the force behind his blade, and Michael is momentarily flung back. But he has just as much determination to bring his precious partner in arms back. He tightens his grip on his sword, steeling himself.
"They have chosen to follow you, Lucifer. It has always been you. Our Father, the other seraphs, the young angels still growing up -- for everyone, it has always been you. You should know full well that they have always admired you. As did I! But what do you give them in return? A war, in which countless angels will lose their lives! You lead them to their own destruction, Lucifer! You will destroy your own family!"
Family. The images of them swirl his mind -- Mammon's reminder to be careful, Leviathan's cheer of support, the rain of arrows coming down upon Asmodeus, the twins working together. And his sister, his dear sister, sweet child of the family, whose great damning sin had been loving too deeply, giving too much. He sees it in his mind's eye, the desperation on her face before taking that heavenly fruit, the hopelessness at her decreed fate afterwards, her grateful sobs when Lucifer made up his mind to fight.
And Michael deems fit to lecture him on family? Michael, whose only family loyalty lies with the Father who cannot be bothered to lift a finger in this war, even as His faithful angels die for Him?
The rage in Lucifer only flares up further at the thought, pushing him to the edge of deliriousness. "I am doing this for my family!" he bellows, magic rippling across his entire body like fire. "I will not allow my sister to be destroyed for the sake of His rules and His pride!"
His face splits into a sadistic grin as he summons forth every bit of power within him to take on this most powerful of opponents, the one angel whose strength matches his own.
And in that moment, what Michael sees is no longer his precious friend, the brilliantly shining Morning Star that leads the realm with utmost light. In that moment, what Michael sees is a darkness he has never before seen in an angel, one that terrifies him to the depths of his soul. Though his feathers are still pure white, halo still as golden as his own, the wrath in the red glow of those eyes is unmistakable.
In that moment, Michael no longer sees his angelic companion, Lucifer. No, what he sees is a demon -- an adversary.
He knows what angels ought to do to demons.
Michael's own seraphic power begins to take shape around him, bathing his white feathers in sunlit yellow, no longer any hint of restraint against the one who had always been his equal companion in all Celestial matters. If this is what Lucifer has become, then he will not live. If this truth has become his demon, Michael will destroy it from him by force.
Lucifer throws himself forward, blade smashing hard against the one Michael puts up just in time to block it. But the dark-haired angel is relentless, pushed forward by images of his sister's decreed obliteration flooding his mind. With a quick turn of his wrist, he flips the sword around, slamming the hilt hard up against the other's face.
Michael recovers quickly enough, but wrath has taken over now, and Lucifer's flurry of strikes are unforgiving in their pace. He pushes hard, barely giving the other a moment to breathe between parries, slipping in punches and blows wherever there's an opening. But with equal passion of determination, Michael doggedly goes after every moment of weakness from Lucifer in turn.
Their struggle rages on this way for hours, each fueled by pure emotion past the limits of their fatigue. Their blood splatters against each other; anger and hatred mix in screaming sparks of magic clashing against one another.
And then, at last, a final strike at the hilt of Michael's blade sends it hurtling out of his hands.
Lucifer stares him down for a moment, almost ready to offer a moment of mercy to his once peer, to let him retreat from here gracefully rather than falling to his blade.
Instead, Michael makes one final desperate attempt to end the war for himself -- he lunges at Lucifer, wrapping his arms around his former friend to plunge a hidden dagger into his back.
Stunned, Lucifer slashes his sword out one last time, a clean slice straight across Michael's chest as he breaks out of his hold.
For the briefest of moments, their eyes meet, and Michael reaches out almost by instinct to grab the other's hand, trying to catch him before he begins to fall from the sky. Grief and regret wash over him. But it comes too late, and Lucifer's fingers slip out of his blood-soaked grasp.
A loose glint of metal catches their eyes for just a second.
And then, almost as quickly as the moment happens, it's broken. Lucifer is falling, and as he does, he sees another pair of wings collapsing in the sky.
He knows those wings.
Lucifer watches as the demon prince and his ever-faithful butler carry away his sister's fallen body.
His wings, already turning from white to black, flutter darkening feathers all around him. And there is helplessness -- at his vulnerability, at his transformation, at his failure against Michael and his failing for his family. Helplessness, and grief, and fear -- and no sign yet of what has become of the others. Is this their fate? Are all of them to die like Lilith, or perhaps worse yet, become filled with darkness as he seems to now be?
It is his fault.
This is the thought that floods his mind, as rage begins to consume the fear.
Damn it all, he has failed them, hasn't he? Self-hatred burns through every inch of his body. The fury he has felt throughout this whole war redirects inwards. No longer is it only fury at his Father; now, there is also vicious fury at himself.
Somewhere beside him, his hands find his blade once more, and his fingers curl with resentment around the hilt.
If Lilith survives this, if Lord Diavolo really can save her, he hopes she won't remember him. He hopes she'll be safe somewhere, safe from his futile hubris and their Father's vengeance alike.
He doesn't deserve the sweet smile Belphegor gave him, either, before leaving those three behind to their fate. He'd entrusted everything to Lucifer, his supposedly infallible big brother, and where has that led them now?
He should have been the one protecting them, rather than leaving the burden to Beelzebub. It should have been his job, as the eldest. That, too, is his failure.
Asmodeus's eyes shine adoringly in his mind, the only true expression his beautiful younger brother has ever given him. What will become of that sweet, admiring brother now, for having followed this foolish, prideful idol into what they should have known would be a hopeless war?
He can only imagine how this will hurt the already gloomy Leviathan. What should have been a shining time of redemption for the former general, now the greatest failure of their lives, all because of his conceited delusions of rebellion.
And Mammon -- his favorite younger brother, ever loyal, always with unwavering belief in him. A belief in him that now will lead him straight to hell, quite literally, right alongside Lucifer. And he knows already, how he will forgive him for this, how he will not blame Lucifer for any of it.
But he deserves their blame, and their resentment, all the disgust, the anger, the hatred for what their lives are about to become.
The last of his wings falls from his back, chopped off by his own hand.
No more. He is an angel no more.
The sword clatters to the ground as it slips from his grasp, the sound echoing through the empty coliseum like a bell.
As if waking to the sound, the delirious stupor he'd been acting in shatters. Pain from his wounds, those from his earlier battle and those self-inflicted alike, finally explode across his body. Everything he'd been holding back until now, the physical and mental alike, washes over him. A scream releases itself from his throat unbidden as the agony drags him to his knees.
His vision is red, red, filled with blood, coated in violence. There are more screams, but he hardly hears himself. All the chaotic, crashing feelings within him -- hatred, anguish, fury, grief, guilt, despair -- are screaming to be released; he cannot hold them within himself anymore. And gradually, these complicated emotions coalesce into a single point.
A shadow begins to take form within the pile of his discarded wings.
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mcx7demonbros · 10 months
Music Room’s Chaos
Characters - Klein (my OC), Lucifer, Lucius (OC kid), other brothers
Pairing - LuciKlein (Klein is poly so other pairings maybe implied or mentioned)
Warning - Lucius being a menace
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It was a peaceful evening at the House of Lamentation. Lucifer was playing the piano while some of his brothers, namely, Mammon, Levi and Belphie decided go to the music room to listen to the beautiful melody played by their eldest brother.
Suddenly, Lucifer felt someone admiringly staring at him, someone little, only as tall as the piano bench he was sitting on.
Lucifer stopped to look at Lucius, his three-year-old son, who was looking up at him while holding a blue teddy bear of Pride.
“You want to try it?” Lucifer asked, to which the boy nodded.
The eldest smiled as he carried Lucius and settled him down on the bench area between his laps.
“Alright, let put the bear on top of the piano since you will need both hands.”
Lucius gave his father the bear, which the latter used magic to put on top of the piano (since both of his hands were busy holding Lucius to keep the boy from falling off the high bench).
“Good, next thing is-.” However, Lucifer noticed a grin on Lucius’s face, a devilish grin.
The next thing he knew, Lucius began playing music according to where his mood took him. To be more precise, the boy began to press piano keys randomly in a chaotic way, accompanied his baby laughing sound.
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“No, Lucius, stop!” Lucifer said sternly. “You are not supposed to play piano like that.”
Lucius looked back as his father, his face flinched, and his baby cheeks shaking like he wanted to cry.
Oh no, not that. Lucifer complained in his head.
“Alright, alright, you can keep playing how you want it.” The Avatar of Pride admitted defeat.
Lucius’s face turned happy as he gave his father a smile before he returned to bombarding all the demons in the room with chaotic sounds he made with the piano.
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All that no stop that! scene only happened in Lucifer’s head. Lucius was still a little kid, so Lucifer wouldn’t reprimand his son unless he did something wrong. And this is just a kid being a kid. So he could only groan in his head.
No, not the dissonance!
No, not that.
Not that too.
The eldest could only keep those words to himself as he didn’t want to make his son cry. He looked at the teddy bear on top of the piano, which was smiling like it was mocking him.
Yeah, you’re right. What would I expect from a three-year-old? Playing Mozart’s Requiem? That’s impossible for now.
As Lucius was “performing”, his dad noticed three demons trying to leave the room silently to escape the chaos. The eldest had the sadistic grin on his face as he snapped his fingers and the door was shut and locked.
Screw you, Lucifer. Belphie cursed silently in his head. It’s your child so suffer alone yourself, why would you force us to suffer with you?
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After 20 minutes, Lucius finally finished with his “performance” (he finally became bored) and stopped.
“It’s time to go to bed, Lucius.” Lucifer said softly as his baby boy rubbed his eye.
“Dada, my piano good?” Lucius asked as he yawned.
“It was the best play I have heard.” Lucifer lied, which made his brothers cringed.
At the same time, Klein opened the door and walked in the room.
“Lucius, I finally found you. It’s time for bed.” Klein said as Lucifer handed the boy to him.
“Papa, my piano good! Dada said!” Lucius said as he yawned again in Klein’s arms.
“Absolutely, anyone who hears your music would fall in love with it.” Klein said, with the three brothers on the side kept screaming no in their heads.
Lucifer followed behind Klein as the latter carried Lucius back to his room before he remembered he left the Pride teddy bear in the music room. As the eldest returned to get the bear for his son, he saw his three brothers sitting on the sofa, trying to recover from the “torture” a few minutes before.
For a moment, four pairs of eyes looked at each other. Lucifer’s eyes seemed to tell them “It’s the hardship of being a father. Do you still want to become one yourself?”, before leaving.
Author’s words
Another fic for the celebration of Lucius’s birthday 🥳
Lucius inherited good music genes from his father so he would get better in the future, dw!
Tag - @sparkbeast20
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u3-ha · 1 year
"Fluffy Sleep-Over Party"
Character: The twins, MC (named))
Words count: 1966
Warning: None, just fluffy (and cheesy, geeky things-)
Just wanna write something sweet for the beloved demon twin birthday 😘
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Art by @keapr_
"Hei Haru, you didn't forget about the party with just three of us, right?" Said belphie just after everyone left the Dining table.
"Hm? Of course not."
"Then what we will do this time?" Asked Beel while chewing on the rest of his food.
"I got some places on my list. We will go to all of them later today.
The twins eyes lid up in excitement.
"Can't wait."
Few hours later,
"Gah, why it's raining so hard all of sudden. Hope nothing bad happen to my package." Said Levi as he put the wet umbrella near the door.
"I think it isn't that weird. Isn't it always like this around this season?" Said Satan that just got in after Levi.
Haru just stand there in silence, looking at the rain from the opened door. Thunder roaring outside. She felt dejected. She just stand silently until Satan talk to her, "Hm, Haru? Are you going out somewhere?"
"O-oh. Um.. not really."
She turned her back to Satan, "You two better go change your wet clothes or you'll catch a cold. Don't forget make something warm too."
Haru quickly walked into her room and close the door slowly. She then proceed to just plop on her bed and sank her face onto her plushie.
"Why it must be raining now.. all of my plan was on the outdoor... what should I do.."
"I feel so bad to tell them about this after make them looking forward to it like that.."
"But if I stay silent, they will find out eventually..." Haru sighed.
"Okay then.."
She decided to go to the twin room even with uncertain feeling in her heart. She gulped before knocking on the door.
*Knock knock
"Beel, Belphie. Are you inside?"
Haru can hear the creak sound as the door opened by Beel.
"Belphie just barely waking up, tho. Do you need something?"
"Um.. I.." Haru fiddling with her slevees, "I have something to talk with you two."
Beel noticed some expression that make him worried. But he decided to not ask anything.
"Okay.. come in then."
Beel proceed to walk to Belphie bed to wake his twin up from the slumber.
"Belphie. Wake up." Beel shaked Belphie repeatedly.
"H-huh??" Belphie yawn, "Is it the time for our next party..?" He rubbed his eyes sleepily
"About that, actually..." Haru said,
"I was planning to take you two to some new cafe in town and a nice place to relax in the park. But since it rain suddenly...."
"We can't go there, huh.." Said Beel in sad tone.
The room felt silent, only rain and thunderstorm noises that can be heard. Haru gripped her skirt before she open her mouth again.
"Sorry, after make you two feel that happy.. I can't even fulfill my promise.."
"I guess that just how it is then."Said Belphie
"There's nothing we can do too." Added Beel.
"Y-you two okay with this?" Asked Haru, confused.
"Well, if I can be honest. I feel a lil bit sad. But what we can do? You can't just make the storm go away."
"Belphie is right." Beel moved closer to Haru and rubbed the top of her head, "We don't have to go anywhere as long as we three are together, Anywhere is fine."
"Beel.. Belphie.."
Without realizing, Haru shed a tears and Beel didn't miss that.
"Haru, Are you okay?"
"Eh? Wh- why I am crying haha.." She quickl rub it off but it slowly turn into sob.
"Yeah, I'm okay Beel... Sorry guys, the thought of making you two feel dissapointed make me feel so nervous.. this just a relieve from that feeling I guess." She tried her best to show her smile to them.
"Haru you..." Belphie sighed, walked closer to Haru and proceed to pinch one of her cheek.
"First of all, You don't have to think so hard about our private party. It isn't an assigment or something like that, so relax."
"Hgnnn Ouukay..." Haru rubbed her cheek after Belphie release it from his pinch.
"Then, how about we just have sleep over here.. It's raining outside, so it's perfect time to cuddle right?"
"I know you just wanna sleep again, belphie.." Said Beel with a flat tone.
"Well.. it's super comfy afterall.." Said Belphie as he curling back on his bed.
"What do you think, Haru?"
"Haru?" Belphie asked her twice since she didn't respond to him. Look like she still thinking about something.
"Sleepover huh..?" She smiled, "Sure. That's sounds good."
"Also.. I don't know this can be such a coincidence but- okay, wait a minute." Hru suddenly dashing out the door and run out somewhere, leave the twins in confussion.
"Where's she's goin, running like that?"
"Who knows.."
After a few minutes passed, Haru back to the twin room, look like she just changing her outfit.
"T-this. Diavolo just give this to me yesterday.." Said haru
The twins stopped what they're doing for a sec to stare at her.
"Is that the fluffy pajama? Like the one we all had?" Said Belphie
"You tinally have your own huh?"
"Yes.. What do you two think..?" Asked Haru as she did a spin to show all of it.
Beel smiled, "It's cute.."
"Yeah, it suit you." Said Belphie with an usual bright smile.
"... Is that susposed to be a good or bad thing-" said Haru in flat tone.
Beel quicky grabbed Haru's arm to move her from the door, "It's not important. Let's just start the movie. I'm starving."
"O-okay Beel." Haru then sat on Beel's bed as he put the blanket on the carpet between their Bed so they can watch the movie together in a blanketford.
"Um... It feel so weird when I dressing up like this by myself-"
"Then.. wanna us to change to costume as well? What do you think, belphie?"
"Sure. It quite soft like wearing blanket, so I have nothing against it."
"Then! I'll make the drink while you two changing."
"Ah you two finished changing already." Said Haru while bringing a tray of drinks that she made.
"You should've just stay, Haru. So you can help me put it on. Now I'm tired." Said Belphie whinny.
"Aren't you a drama Queen?"
She then put the tray together with the other snack that Beel brought out.
"Here Beel. I bring some cookies for you as well."
"Oh! Thanks Haru." *Chomp chomp
"Beel.." Looking at how enthusiastic Beel ate the cookies, She chuckled , "You got some crumbs on your cheeks.
"There you go- hm?" Beel grabbed Haru's hand just before she can pulled it back. And rubbed it on his cheek.
"Your hand feels so soft, Haru.."
"B-beel.." Her face suddenly felt hot.
"Did you two forgot that someone else is here?" Said Belphie with sour tone from the other side of the blanket fort.
"O-oh, right." Beel chuckled, "Force of habit. Sorry."
"Whatever." Belphie patted his side, "Stop flirting and come here, quickly."
Haru quickly move there when Beel go to grab the laptop before joining as well.
"What movie we wanna watch?"
"I don't think I thinking of anything to watch yet.."
"Just put anything, as long as it isn't an action or something too noisy."
They ended up choosing a cheap romance movie aince it's in the recommendation list.
"Hei, Haru move closer, you too far for cuddle."
"Are you sleepy already?" Said Haru after sipping her warm choco.
"Thus isn't my fault that the movie is boring.. look at them. So cheesy to each other, holding hand like kids in playroom."
"Maybe he just don't want she to get lost?" Said Beel as he chewing on his snack
"Beel, every girl isn't as blunt and distracted as Haru too get lost that easily."
"Hei- I'm not that bad."
"Really? After you get lost in the alleway when you went out to buy groceries last week?"
"But I just try to follow the cat.. who know that she will took me to the wrong end hgnn.." Haru pouted.
Beel chuckled and patted her head, "Well.. Haru have lots of thing in her mind, so it isn't her fault. Even though it make me worried sometimes."
"You two just as cheesy as the couple on the movie. Hmp!" Now Belphie felt the one who got bullied.
Then, Haru try to change the topic.
"Talking about holding hand.. do you know why I pick otter as my pajama?"
The twin blinked in unison.
"Oh, it is an otter.."
"I thought it was a cat or something."
"Huh, Why cat...??" Now Haru confused.
"Don't you love cat? Almost like as bad as Satan."
"Well that's true, but sometimes I just want something different you know."
"Sure sure, you are." Said Belphie, "So? What about the costume?"
"Oh, right. Almost got distracted again."
She cleared her throat before continue, "Beside they're cute. You know how the other make them look cute?" She said it as her eye lit up.
"Otter is live near the sea. They usually sleep in the water, sooo. They need to hold on something like seaweed so they won't drift away while sleeping. But when they're not alone.." Haru grabbed the twin's hand at the same time, it took them surprised a lil bit.
"They will hold to each other paw like this to make sure that their family or friends won't drift away from them!"
"Isn't that so sweet??" She smiled so brightly almost like some sparkle went popping around her.
Without any warning both Beel and Belphie put a small kisses on Haru head.
"Eh? Di you two just- ehh?" Not ready with a respon, she couldn't said anything but to turn red instead.
"You cute."
"Speaking so geekly about animal like that.. you remind me with levi everytime he talk about his Ruri-chan. But when you the one that do it, it wasn't as anoyying, I wonder why.."
"Uh.." Haru blushed.
"Since you said that." Beel moved Haru hand that grabbed it closer to his face and give it a kiss as well, "Does that mean you will hold our hands as we sleep? Like those otters did?"
"W-well yeah. I mean.." Haru brain went blank for a bit.
"Now that I realize what just I did, it's super embarrassing thing to say!" Scream Haru to herself in her head.
Belphie rubbed his head to hers, like a cat, "Keep talking Haru. It's rare to hear you talk this much after all. It isn't a bad lullaby if I may say."
Don't want to left out, Beel offering his food to her as well, "Try this popcorn Haru, it' the new flavour. Say ahh.."
"A-I-i hggn.. why you two doing this to me?!. This is supossed to be your birthday but Why you spoiling me instead???"
After a minutes, Haru went poof completely from the twin antics.
"Isn't that good?" Sid Beel with soft smile.
"It'a our birthday, so we can do anything we want."
"But I- " Haru sighed, "Okay... I'll let you two do it since it's your birthday."
They smiled. Belphie rest his head on Haru's shoulder before closing his eyes.
Beel kiss Haru on the cheek as he quietly whisper "thank you" before he join Belphie to rest on Haru's side.
Not long after heard snoring noises from both of them, Haru let out a breath and smile. She slowly give both of them soft kisses on the head and she felt they hold on her hand tighter.
"Happy Birthday for you two..."
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lala3244 · 5 months
~ decided to make that Masterlist so it is easier for me to find my fics! ~
OBEY ME! Shall we date
When the protectors are gone : (serie unfinished)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Serie: PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 (END)
REQUEST are OPEN if anyone is interested :)
Thank you for the likes and reblogs <3
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
obey me masterlist
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genre guide: each fic has a clear title and/or a description/prompt before the fic itself. unlabeled pieces are presumed to be fluff, slice of life, etc, content. other content warnings (like angst) will be noted next to the name {last masterlist update: 7/21/2023}
one * means romantic
two ** means suggestive but not explicit nsfw
three *** means explicit nsfw content
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brothers as taylor swift fans (older brothers)
old man solomon headcanons
incorrect things about the human world they believe in
dateables (+ luke) playing minecraft with you
brothers playing minecraft with you
meeting and trying to impress you older sibling*
more old man solomon headcanons
presenting the brothers with friendship bracelets
comforting their partner who's struggling with a big chest* (hints of angst, hurt/comfort)
presenting the dateables (+ luke) with a friendship bracelet
"boys will be boys" shenanigans
dateables (+ luke) presenting you with a friendship bracelet in return
hand headcanons
social media headcanons
brothers as songs from noah kahan's "stick season"
road trip
old man lucifer
brothers + an mc with dyscalculia
running a bath for a stressed out simeon**
it comes at night - (post chapter 16 belphegor angst)
a lesson in hexes and curses**- reader x satan, chapter 29-12 rewrite
patience is a virtue*** - asmo birthday smut
a new tradition* - lucifer birthday cuddles
seventy-two pacts** - solomon thirst
500 follower event masterlist
the brothers dropping the rest of their roster for you*** - lucifer // mammon // levi // satan // asmo // beel // belphie
what your fav love interest says about you (except they're only the reasons i'm attracted to them)* // the sequel* (popular)
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[back to directory]
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another-lost-mc · 8 months
BEELZEBUB masterlist
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➤ fics
bedside manner cw: minor sickness, hurt/comfort, resolved romantic tension
bloody appetite [ afab!reader | nsfw ] cw: vampire!au, rough sex, choking
team player cw: reader is a demon, strangers to lovers
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➤ poly / multi-pairing fics
the attic [ gn!reader | nsfw ] belphegor x reader, beelzebub x reader (separately) cw: references to L16. relationship and kink negotiations, blood kink, jealousy/insecurity, voyeurism
one for all [ gn!reader | nsfw ] the demon brothers x reader cw: vampire!au (demon brothers are vampires)
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➤ drabbles / thirsts
sexting with beel [ nsfw ]
when he has wings [ nsfw ]
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➤ headcanons
when it's mc's turn to cook
when mc needs a little TLC [ gn! + afab!reader | nsfw ]
shopping for beauty supplies
high-achiever mc struggles at RAD
mc is reborn in the celestial realm
when they go down on you [ afab!reader | nsfw ]
living with a rich mc
your first kiss [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
the demon brothers go into heat [ afab!reader | nsfw ]
when mc is quiet in bed [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
f*ck lucifer! (jokingly)
oral distractions [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
mc sends them audio porn [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
mc that feels burnt out/numb
where they bite mc (as vampires) [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
why they don't want to be vampires
would they use a love potion on mc? [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
when they randomly lick mc [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
being with a shy mc [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
mc drives them on a road trip
going to the movies
when movies make them cry
lactation kink headcanons [ gn!reader | nsfw ]
what they wear to see Barbie
chubby demon headcanons
watching over your human family
how the little d's act when you date the avatars of sin
when they hurt you by accident
when they find out you have a fwb [ nsfw ]
when they find out solomon is your fwb [ nsfw ]
watching the movie se7en [ nsfw ]
shadow-walking with mc
summoning their shadow forms
how they mark mc [ nsfw ]
when mc is a professional f1 driver
when they turn into their symbolic animals
when mc has a reversible plushie
when it's mc's birthday
sharing the same birthday with mc
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➤ return to the obey me! masterlist
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obey-me-disaster · 7 months
Gift from the human world
A/N:This piece is part of a collab for Mammon's birthday ^-^
For those who don't know, Mammon rescued a little girl from the human world and sends money to the witches to take care of her. For the sake of simplicity the little girl is called Lyra in this fic.
Two pairs of footsteps could be heard through the hallway of the House of Lamentation. One of them was running for their life while the other was simply pursuing them slowly. It was normal for Mammon to be running away from someone, be it one of his brothers or some debt collectors, but this time was different.
Taking a sharp corner, Mammon barges into MC's room and closes the door as quietly as he could manage under all of his stress.
"You look like you've just seen a ghost. Who is chasing you this time?" Turning around, the second born could see that MC and Levi were playing video games in the corner of the room.
"I bet it's Lucifer, you don't see him looking so scared just from being chased by anyone." Levi snickered to himself.
Making his way towards the corner of the room, Mammon makes a point of sitting between the two of them, glaring at his younger brother, "Will ya shut up already? It's not Lucifer..." Mumbling the last words, he looks anywhere but at the two of them.
"Don't tell me...did you manage to piss of Barbatos?! LMFAO you as good as dead." Leviathan teases him, not bothering to hide his laughter while doing so.
"Even worse, one of the witches came into the house." At the mention of the witch, the room fell silent. MC finally decided to break the silence, hoping that the situation wasn't as bad as they thought.
"Did you forget to pay them by chance?" Putting the game aside, they turn all of their attention to Mammon.
"I've actually given them the money recently; I don't know why she came here, and I didn't stay around for long enough to ask." Just thinking of her sent a shiver down his spine.
Looking towards the door, all too aware of the situation, Leviathan asks, unsure if he wants to hear the answear. "Does she know that you're in this room?" Sure, the witches may only be after Mammon, but anyone could be caught in the crossfire, and the last thing anyone wanted was to run into an angry witch.
"I made sure that she didn't see me enter this room, but it's only a matter of time before she comes here too." Letting out a frustrated grunt, he leans against the wall.
The peace didn't last for long when the door burst open and a tall woman, nearly the same height as Beelzebub, entered the room. She looked like a stereotypical witch, with a pointed hat and a simple black dress. Maybe if they stayed and looked closer, they would have been able to really notice all the accessories, but alas, everyone got up and made a run for the door.
Mammon and MC were the first and only ones to make it out of the room, not bothering to look back. Leviathan was close behind them but got grabbed by a magic hand that the witch controlled. As both Mammon and MC were running, they could hear Leviathan's screams. They knew he wouldn't die, but they were also aware about the fact that they would never hear the end of the rant he would have in the future about 'being left behind'.
They tried to hide in more corners of the house, but they were found each time, getting some of the other demon brothers caught in the crossfire. The only time the witch seemed to slow down was when Satan started to chat with her about magic and cats and when Asmodeus was charming her. She didn't even bother to do anything to Belphegor, she just stepped over his sleeping body and continued to chase after the demon of greed and the human.
As much as they tried to hide, they never made it out of the house before the witch cornered them.
"Finally decided to stop running?" Making her way towards them, she reaches into her bag for something.
"What do ya want with me? I've already given you the money for this month!" Mammon screamed, terrified, at what the witch could possibly be taking out of her bag.
Closing his eyes, he prepares for the worst—a curse or more debt.
"Would you open your eyes? I am not trying to kill you or anything."
Slowly opening his eyes, Mammon sees that she took out a weirdly shaped crow plushie.
" Lyra made it for you for your birthday. She has been working on it the whole week." Finally understanding what happened, Mammon starts looking around the room.
"Did you say that Lyra made it for me? You didn't bring her with you here, did you?"
Rolling her eyes, the witch just hands him the plushie. "Of course not! She somehow still doesn't know that we are witches."
Seeing the look of confusion on MC's face, she starts to explain how everyone decided to hide the existence of magic for a little while longer so she could have a normal childhood. Once she reaches 15, they will start revealing things bit by bit. After explaining anything, she turns with a look of disdain towards Mammon.
"I still don't know why that kid looks up to you so much, but it doesn't matter, after I leave, you better call her and thank her for the gift, or I will curse you to hell and back!" Shooting Mammon a last glance, she takes her leave. Looking down at the crow plushie in his hand, the avatar of greed turns to MC.
"Would you mind helping me find a gift for her after we are done with my party? Since he can't really invite the kid to his party, unlike Luke, he has to make it up to her in some way.
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misty-purple-haze · 2 years
An angsty fic idea hit me like a brick.
MC is just using their DDD and then sees they have a lot of texts, missed calls, and voicemails.
Unbeknownst to them, their DDD somehow synced back up with their original timeline.
MC has been gone for quite some time now
The brothers from there (and perhaps the dateables) have been calling and texting MC as a coping mechanism.
Example: “hey MC, you would’ve been really proud of me today. I did [fill in here]
As MC reads and listens to the messages, it goes through to the OG timeline. Unread texts are now put as seen and such.
Any ideas on this?
This request actually made me sad for a second-
Anyways here you go! I hope this is to your liking!
Also I may have added a some parts of the Mc being replaced so there’s some extra ✨a n g s t✨
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You’re finally back….
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TW: Abandonment, OOC brothers, insults being thrown at Mc (Vague mentions), if there’s anything else please let me know as it would mean a lot <33
Genre : Angst to fluff
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You sighed to yourself as you scrolled on your DDD. You watched as the brothers and the others were having the time of their life with S/n. Ever since they came, it seems like they forgot that you even existed. It was heartbreaking really, to see the ones who you thought loved you so much as much as you loved them. You squeezed your eyes shut as you watched the livestream Asmodeus and Leviathan were sharing showing the events of S/n’s birthday party. It was extremely grand… the type of party they never threw for you as they deemed it “too expensive for a human”. Wow. Maybe you were the measly human they were tired of and irritated all along.. you tried to ignore this ever since the new student came. You already saw this coming. Those glares they thought you didn’t notice everytime you entered the room, those smiles vanishing everywhere you went.. and to think, that these were the ones you left your timeline for.. pathetic really. Over the time, as S/n’s stay continued you detached yourself from everyone. You tuned out everyone’s insults, S/n’s lies, their glares, you tuned them all out. In other words, you became the ghost of the House of Lamentation. All your time was spent on yourself as you increased your skills, your grades, your looks, and everything that you had lost to these monsters. It took a while but you got there. You closed your eyes and wished to anyone who might be listening… to free you from this nightmare. Guess god heard you after all. It was then your DDD was flooded with all the messages from your old timeline.
[Lucifer] : Do you know Mc? Today Mammon got into trouble again. What shall I even do with him? It feels empty without you here Mc… I regret all that I said to you… please come back to us dear… you will never feel insulted again. I swear.
[Mammon] : Hey Mc…. I wish ya were here ya know… I miss you.. terribly. When I find the scum who took you away from us I swear- Anyways, I started saving money! Are you proud of me? Of course you are! I am your first after all! Just… please come back to us…
[Leviathan] : Hey normie, I wish you were here with me right now…. You’re my Henry, okay?
[Satan] : Another day, another search party… where did you leave us to my Mc…
[Asmodeus] : you know, at first I hated you. You were like a mere human but then you grew on me I guess.. why do I feel so empty without you here darling? I need you here…
[Beezlebub] : today Lucifer scolded me again… I miss you, you know? So does Belphegor but this is about you. I can be selfish when it comes to you… right?
[Belphegor] : wow. You really left me huh, I want to be mad at you but I can’t.. you really are some human aren’t you? Please come back to us Mc..
[Diavolo] : you know, I feel stupid for not letting you know how much you actually meant to me but now that you aren’t here? I just want to come to wherever you are and lock you away with me for all eternity my dear… where could you have gone off to?
[Barbatos] : today I tried to be more open with everyone since you said it was important… are you perhaps proud of me Mc? We will never give up searching for you… I love you Mc.
[Simeon] : my little lamb… I learnt how to use technology perfectly… and I learnt some of those, what did you call it? Ah yes. “Memes” too as it reminded me of you…. Where did you go?
[Solomon] : why did you leave Mc? We were getting along just well, weren’t we? If it’s my teases, I’m sorry. Anything to get you back. We still haven’t given up on you, you know that right? If anything I have a feeling you will be with us soon. You will be home.
[Luke] : Hey Mc! I don’t forgive you, you know? How could you leave me with these Demons?? Just wait till you get back! As a punishment you will be stuck to me forever! Just wait!
It was weird at first, but you got used to it and these made you smile and laugh at times. After a while you made the effort to text back to see if they could see your messages… guess it was worth it. The moment they recognised it was you they asked you questions, called you just to hear your voice and even offered to help, to bring you back home. You cracked a genuine smile in what seemed like months. Of course, the brothers always tried to ruin that but you merely shut them out as you finally counted your days to leave back home. It seemed like forever but you learnt to be patient at all times. You knew they would come for you. They will come back for you and you will finally find happiness in your true home.
It was one fateful day, however that reunited you to your true home. You were called to the student council which was a surprise considering the humiliating way Lucifer kicked you out of it. You opened the doors and made your way through the door and were immediately met with the mocking smiles of the very people you despised. You tuned out everything. It was then you were informed that you would be sent back home to the very timeline you came from.
“You are no longer needed here Mc. You shall be sent to your original timeline.”
“Are you deaf? He said you will be leaving back to your timeline since you clearly don’t belong here.” S/n scoffed.
You merely nodded and rushed back and packed your bags hurriedly with a smile on your face. You knew it, they had finally found a way to be back with you again, you immediately left to the very room you were summoned in and stepped into the portal without turning back. It was then you were suddenly tackled by 12 men throwing themselves onto you. The reunion was a messy one, but you finally laughed genuinely in the company. You all were crying, sobbing messes but that was okay, you were home, you, were finally where you belonged. Of course your timeline was furious upon learning about the way you were treated but you assured them that this time, you would never leave them.
A feast was arranged in your favour for finally returning home. Everyone looked at you with pure love in their eyes. The look you never got where you lived. It was then Lucifer finally raised a toast in your favour.
“Everyone, I raise this toast to Mc, the human who managed to steal our hearts, the human who never stopped looking for a way back home, and finally, the human who never gave up even in their darkest times. And Mc? You will never have another dark day in your lifetime ever again. We all will make you the happiest human in all three realms.”
“You’re finally home….”
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cozystuffs · 6 months
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- welcome to my page.
..𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧..
I'm a minor. (Thus, i do not write smut)
I use he/him and they/them
My birthday is the 19th September!
My name is cozy
I write for multiple fandoms
I rarely make long fics, usually making headcanons or short stories
I've been trans for almost 2 years now!
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The basic no's, (pedophillia/yandere/proship..)
No smut, even if implied, or even the slightest smut.
Please don't rush me. Sometimes it just takes me a long time to fulfill something, especially when it doesn't necessarily inspire me.
I write only for characters that I know their personalities, and characters I like. Might be hard for me to write a character I despise..
..𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙢𝙨 𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧?..
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Genshin impact
Obey me
Adventure time
Ice king/Simon petrikov
Princess bubblegum
Jake (platonically)
Micheal afton
William afton
Henry Emily
Elizabeth afton (all kids are meant as platonic)
crying child
Charlie emily
𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙙..
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
Updated: 8/14/2023
New items added to the list are marked with the 🩸 emoji!
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The Demon Brothers Torturing the Dead
Demon Brothers Tempting People to Their Sins
An Alternate Take on non-Lilith descendant!MC
A Royal Demon’s Birth (corresponds with Ghosts of the Prince’s Past fic)
MC accidentally catching the Demon Brothers being Demonic/Violent
How the demon brothers would react to MC asking to borrow their powers to torture someone
MC accidentally steps on Leviathan, Satan, Belphegor, and Barbatos’s tails
Interview with a Demon (question session meant to reveal a demon pretending to be an angel)
The Ring of Wisdom / The Ring of Light
How Lucifer reacts to an MC that was turned into a demon similar to his form (father/child like relationship)
How the demons fight when they go feral
Dates in the Devildom
The Brothers finding out MC was almost killed by a lesser demon
The Side Characters finding out MC was almost killed by a lesser demon
The Brothers Finding Belphegor sleeping and crying about missing Lilith in his sleep
Lucifer’s reaction to an eye-contact averse MC
The Brothers + Nowdateables reacting to Belphegor threatening to kill MC again
The Brothers Torturing Someone for Hurting MC
Demon begging MC because the brothers are after them
Barbatos and his “tattoos” (corresponds with Shadows fic)
Demon Brothers reacting to an MC that is turned on by their violence
Devildom for a Blind MC
Demon Brothers React to a Sleep Paralysis MC (+ part 2)
Demon Brothers Adjusting Behaviors and Protecting MC from Dangers of the Devildom
Demon Brothers True Demon Forms vs What They Show MC (+ sides/new characters 🩸 )
Curses the Demon Brothers Would Put on a Human for Bothering MC
Barbatos cleaning up after torture for a baking lesson with Luke
What steps do the brothers take to make sure their demon forms don’t hurt MC by accident?
MC telling the demon bros/undateables they had an abusive ex and they “take care” of the ex - Part 1 (Older Brothers), Part 2 (Younger Brothers)
What’s Really in Demonus?
Everyone gifting Asmo flowers for his birthday
Have the brothers had relationships before MC? 🩸
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mcx7demonbros · 10 months
Teddy Bear
Characters - Klein (OC), Lucifer, Lucius (OC kid), other brothers, the Royals, Little D no. 1
Pairing - LuciKlein (Klein is poly so other pairings may be implied or mentioned)
Warning - Lucius being a handful toddler
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Anyone who knows the Avatar of Pride would be surprised (more or less) to find him trying to pacify his crying two-and-a-half-year old son, Lucius, because he seemed to be begging the boy to calm down.
The reason for the crying was that Lucifer had taken the boy’s favorite Pride teddy bear to the washing machine and the boy cried when he couldn’t find his favorite toy.
“Lucius, don’t worry, your teddy bear is in the washing machine, he will come back to you before you know it.” The eldest tried to explain to the boy on his arm.
“Bear!” Lucius shouted while crying, as if he didn’t hear his father’s words at all. Lucifer could only sighed in defeat while patting the boy’s back, hoping he would calm down.
“Here, have this bear.” Mammon held out his Greed teddy bear to Lucius. The eldest looked at his brother with grateful look. The second eldest telepathically replied to his brother that he didn’t need to thank the Great Mammon because he was his brother.
However, Lucius’s reaction was not what the two had hoped.
“No yellow! Blue!” Lucius shouted before assuming his tantrum.
“Look, Lucius. Your teddy bear is just on an adventure to defeat evil, ok?” Levi chimed in, trying to help. But Lucius turned his head away, ignoring the third-born, much to the latter’s sadness.
“Hey, Belphie, how’s about you give Lucius your pillow? Just for a while.” Beel asked his twin as the two were sitting on the sofa and witnessing the scene.
“Huh, why?” Belphie asked.
“Well, your pillow has such a calming effect? Maybe it can calm Lucius down.”
“Fine.” Belphie said reluctantly before standing up and going to Lucifer, offering his beloved cow pillow for the peace of the house.
“No cow! Bear!” Lucius didn’t even look at the pillow, he just wanted his bear.
Just as the brothers were trying their best to calm their son/nephew down, the door bell rang.
“Let me open the door.” Asmo said as he dashed out of the common room, into the hall leading to the front door.
After a while, the fifth-born returned with Little D no. 1.
“Lord Lucifer, Lord Diavolo asked me to give this to you.” The little demon said.
“I don’t have the time right now. Give it to one of my brothers.” Lucifer replied, his voice tired and harsh.
“Lord Diavolo ordered me to give it directly to you.”
Lucifer sighed. The first-born walked towards the little demon to receive whatever Diavolo gave him. One of his arm received the box, while the other still carrying Lucius.
“DD.” The eldest heard the mumbling voice of his son.
Then, Lucifer realized his son had stopped crying. He noticed the toddler was looking at Little D no. 1, as if he had been hypnotized.
Before the little demon could react, Asmo had caught him and given him to Lucius.
“Huh, what!?”
“DD.” Lucius mumbled, finally smiling.
“Lord Lucifer, please tell the boy to let me go. I have to go back to report to Lord Diavolo.”
“Give me a minute.” Lucifer said as he smiled at the little demon. For whatever reason, Little D no. 1 had a bad feeling about this.
The eldest grabbed his phone and dialed Diavolo.
“Diavolo, can I borrow Little D no. 1? Lucius has come to like the little demon.” Lucifer asked.
“I’m afraid it would be difficulty. You see, Little D no. 1 works at the castle and is the leader of the Little Ds working here.” Diavolo replied.
“I’ll give you child-raising tips I have accumulated through the past two and a half years.”
“I see, you may have him. Just return him safely to the castle.” Diavolo said with a straight face after hearing what he would get out of this from Lucifer. He could imagine raising a child with Klein already.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Lucifer said before ending the call.
The moment Diavolo put his phone down, the Prince was greeted by Barbatos’s concerned face. The Butler’s face seemed to tell him “you either have made him ascend to heaven or have thrown him into the deepest pit of hell”.
A few minutes after the call, Klein finally came back to the common room with the Pride bear in his hand.
“I have to use magic to dry it.” The Overlord explained before giving the bear back to his son.
“BEAR!!!” Lucius shouted happily as he received the bear back from his papa.
Seeing his chance had come, Little D no. 1 intended to slip away but unfortunately, his escape route had been blocked by Mammon, Satan, and Beelzebub.
Before he could find another way to escape, the little demon was grabbed by Lucius. In his “last moment”, he saw Satan’s expression which seemed to tell him “sorry, but your fate is sealed”.
“Bear, DD.” “DD, Bear.” Lucius made a simple introduction for the two before he started to speak with them in baby talk as if the three of them had been best of friends.
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A few hours later, Lucius finally settled in his cot, hugging both the little demon and his bear as he fell asleep.
“They’re so cute.” Klein whispered to the prideful demon after he had given Lucius a goodnight kiss.
“What a handful little devil!” Lucifer said, sighing.
Despite saying that, the first-born still used his phone to take a picture of Lucius sleeping before setting the photo as his home screen photo.
“Hey, send that pic to me too. I also want to have it as my home screen pic.”
“Anything for you, love.”
After that, the two climbed on the big bed beside the cot and fell asleep immediately after wishing each other good night, exhausted after taking care of the toddler for the whole day.
Author’s words
This is my fourth fic to celebrate Lucius’s birthday 🥳
Tag - @sparkbeast20
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fickleminder · 11 months
Obey Me Nightbringer Masterlist
All writings feature GN!MC unless otherwise stated :)
✨ = Popular!
Masterlist Directory >> HERE
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Bloom Again: Mammon
Hanahaki AU in Nightbringer.
Short drabble for Mammon’s chapter in this AU.
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hardly a happy day
Satan learns the real reason why you turned down his invitation to the hot springs on his birthday.
Inspired by the Hot Spring Survey chat.
when push comes to shove
Mammon checks in on you after the events in the library.
Spoilers for NB Lesson 22.
when you and i collide
After realizing that there’s no hope of getting Belphegor’s pact, you resign yourself to your fate.
Bloom Again: Lucifer
Hanahaki AU in Nightbringer.
Short drabble based on this post.
You are just an attendant, my love
A poem from ?? Lucifer's POV.
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Incorrect Quotes & Headcanons:
Baby Photos ✨
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etcrow · 2 years
Fic list ➳
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I appreciate whoever likes and reblogs ♥
Obey me 1K followers alphabet event
∞ Obey me  ∞
✎ Happy Birthday, Criminal  Solomon x Male! MC
✎ My Ray of sunshine.  Male! MC x Asmo
✎ What If?  Male! Mc x Satan
✎ My monsters are real.  Male! Mc x Satan
✎ Male!MC x Solomon [+ Asmo]
✎ I know if I go, I’ll die happy tonight GN!MC x Asmo + the brothers
✎ Secrets you don’t say GN!MC x Mammon
✎You are just the sum of your mistakes. OM CP fiction CH1
✎ Goodnight story GN!MC + Luke
✎ A candle to light the way  OM CP fiction CH2
✎ No longer demons OM CP fiction CH3
✎ Worst best Date GN!MC x Levi
✎ The school’s wrath OM CP fiction CH4
✎ I have ONE fear GN!MC x Beelzebub + Belphegor
✎ A little misunderstanding Female MC x Mammon + the brothers
✎ A candy for you MC x The brothers [not simultaneously] reaction post
✎ Please don't take My sunshine away. GN!MC x Asmo
✎ No longer sheep GN!MC + The brothers reaction post
✎ My precious Idiot GN!MC x Mammon
I ain’t afraid of no dentist GN!MC x Mammon
That tickles! GN!MC x Mammon and levi [not simultaneously] reaction post
We are the best couple Fem!MC x Leviathan
First fight, first date GN!MC x Solomon
Not our best kiss GN!MC x Satan
A day at the park GN!SheepMC + Luke, Simeon and Mammon 
Our first met GN!Child MC/ GN!MC + Solomon
What I really am Fem!MC x Levi
Eternity Male!MC x Solomon
Cooking lessons GN!MC x Solomon
A happy evening GN!MC x Simeon + Luke and Solomon
My child, my family Male!Mc + Luke and Simeon
Sleeping Beauty GN Heavy Sleeper! MC + The Brothers [not simultaneously] reaction post
Poor baby Sensitive GN! MC + The brothers [not simultaneously] reaction post
Come un pittore Shy Fem!MC x Simeon and Belphegor [not simultaneously] headcanon post
The sound of her poems Fem! poem writer MC x Lucifer, Satan, Solomon, Simeon and Barbatos  [not simultaneously] reaction post
Living in Devil Doom as a sheep GN! SheepMC headcanon post
Forget-me-nots Male!MC x Solomon 
I am Yoshie’s pride and joy OM CP fiction CH5
We are in this together OM CP fiction CH6
A sheep become human CH1 Sheep!MC + GN!MC x Solomon
The wrong spell GN!MC + Mammon and Solomon
A pack of cigarettes Male!MC x Asmo
The horrible beauty of death OM CP fiction CH7
Headache Male!MC x Asmo 
Goodnight my love Male!MC x Solomon
My little angelic brother MC + Luke HCs
✿ Genshin Impact ✿
✍ Lupical means family. And you’re one of us.  OC [+ Razor] GN! Reader
His fear of the dentist GN!Reader x Albedo + Klee
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devildom-moss · 8 months
September post poll
I'm back did ya miss me? I'm going to try not to overdo it since I was gone for a little bit. I don't want to burnout too quickly, so I might be a bit more self-indulgent and I might not officially take requests for a bit. You can send ideas in or questions, I'm just not making any promises. I'm a bit bummed I took the month off happened to contain Barbatos's birthday, so you might see me making up for that at some point. Anyway, to the actual important matters! I'm going to try to bring the poll fic back this month, so without further ado:
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
Hi Saadie! Congrats on 500+ Followers!
Here's my info for the matchup! ^^
Star Sign : (November) Scorpio Age : 18 Height : 5'3 Identity : Female; She/Her MBTI : INFJ-T Occupational : (tired) College Student Favorite Things : I like books (mostly fantasy), action movies, musicals, my computer (lol), any type of music, anime, flowers such as azaleas and roses, milk chocolate, birthday cards my sister makes for me and butterscotch ice cream What I do in my spare time : Read books or fics, play piano, watch gamers on YouTube and sometimes sketch random objects out of boredom What I look for in a partner : Passionate, loyalty, overall great sense of humor, kindness, funny (my humor be broken haha) and honesty! Favorite Obey Me Character(s) : Mammon, Leviathan, Satan Belphegor and Barbatos Appearance : I am a South Asian person who has olive-peach skin but not so pale looking either. I have a really small mole on the left side of my cheek. I have short black hair, light brown eyes, pretty big eyelashes and am pretty much average in height (or short- not sure how much 5'3 is classified in some countries lol). I have small dark circles under my eyes which can't be distinguished since I wear glasses which somewhat covers them up.
I hope this is enough! If you need, I can DM you a picture of my appearance! ^^
( -@amberrskiies )
🌻 500 Followers Bite Sized Event 🌻
Hello cutie! I'm sorry this took a little while, I'm trying to go in order of who sent in first. I originally wanted to give each submission all of what I promised all at the same time but uhhhh.... That would take way to long 😂 and so I'm just releasing the match ups first then I'll do the fics/script fics if I haven't already written them. Oh also nightbringer distracted me a buuuunch! So sorry!!
Mostly SFW, slightly suggestive. 💕
Match up:
Satan Avatar of Wrath
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May I offer scrunky furious cat boy to you? He's very passionate, funny, loyal and honest! I think he'd be quite taken with you, you love to read and play the piano what a charming little thing you are 💕 He'd love to help you study for your exams, you'll reward him with kisses won't you?
Head canons for you two:
This mother fucker actually asked you out mid screaming match with Lucifer. Or well actually you think that's what happened? You remember "MC GOOD YOU'RE HERE I WANT TO TAKE YOU TO DINNER! THAT IS AS SOON AS IM FINISHED WITH THIS ARSEHOLE RIGHT HERE!" So now you're in your room at HOL dressed and ready but starting to think maybe you heard wrong? Your brain doesn't really function properly during screaming matches, even ones you aren't involved in. So you're sitting on your bed considering changing before anyone notices you're all dressed up. Fuck that would be so embarrassing! But you hear a knock on the door, just one simple but sharp knock. It has you up off your bed in seconds racing to the door nearly as fast as the beat your heart is setting. You open the door and find him there waiting. He gives you a warm smile and takes your small hands in his. "Your beauty flaws me MC, truly you are something to behold. I want to apologise for my rudeness earlier, I'm not sorry I asked you to dinner. Just how I went about it."
How cute is it when you read together. 🥰 Your head resting on one of his legs reading your lastest fantasy novel. The fingers of his free hand comb through your short black locks absentmindedly. His other hand holds his book against the thigh of his raised knee. It's mostly comfortable, until he gets to an intense part and the fingers in your hair are no longer combing but sharply pulling as his hand gets turned into a fist. He's quick to pull you into his arms and smother you in sweet kisses in-between sorry's when he hears you utter a quiet 'ouch'.
If you weren't a member of the anti-lucifer club you are now. Pranking just became a favourite pastime for you both. If anything Lucifer is thankful as you tend to do childish pranks now instead of murderous ones.
Can he help you study? Please, he'll be good! He won't distract you! Say you'll let him help you, he'd love to. Honestly he'll only kiss you a little bit, promise they will only be as rewards for correct answers and not because you look so cute when you're concentrating. Oh no, was that a paper cut? He'll kiss it better, he'll kiss it better at your wrist, up your arm, along your collar bone, over your pulse point, along your jaw, over your lips with his tongue down your throat. Wait where did it hurt again? You can't remember, everything feels hazy. No pain, or study, only Satan.
It is now your life's mission to find a horror movie that actually scares Satan. Unfortunately you haven't found one yet, it's not however unfortunate for Satan. He loves watching horror movies with you, loves the way you tuck yourself in close to his side almost half hidden from the screen. Thinks it's so cute the way you jump and squeal a little at jump scares. Once you actually jumped into his lap, he kept you there the entire rest of the film just holding you close. So yeah he definitely likes watching them with you.
Will absolutely loose his shit if you dress up as a kitty. He's a blushing, stuttering mess! He's so fucking into you, and then you do this? His brain isn't working, not enough blood reaching it... It's circulating elsewhere. 😳
No offence to Satan or whatever but can you do me a favour and teach him how to dress himself properly? This might shock him a little but when you wear a coat you usually use both of the sleeves 😂 also stop with the hats! Again respectfully no offence 🙏
When you're together he always has to have a hand on you. It's more of a starved for affection thing rather than possessive. He really can't seem to get enough of you. It's his hand in yours, or at the small of your back, or wrapped around you. Or if he's feeling naughty grabbing your ass.
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If you wanted more NSFW content I'm sorry! I felt kinda weird writing it for an 18yo like I'm some sort of predator! I'm like 10 years older then you, it gave me some icky feelings. So I'm sorry! 😔😔
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