#Bev Shouldn't Draw
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Iced Coffee Week is coming up! I've been wanting to do this for ages, but I never felt like there would be enough interest in such an unusual ship to do a whole ship week. As it is, it will probably just be me clogging up your feed with cringe, which is extremely on brand, though some of my creative friends who also enjoy terrible things are considering participating.
Anyway, some certain ships are having 3 separate events this year, which is really excessive, but if they can have 3, then surely my little trash ship can have one.
I chose these dates because this is the week leading up to my anniversary, and as you know, my husband and I cosplay Oobleck and Weiss, so they are meaningful to me. My OTP, my event, my dumb, self-inserty reasons. 😎 I am hoping the prompts are sufficiently vague. If you're thinking about participating or are just looking forward to consuming whatever weird crap I generate, let me know! Since I am hosting, I am planning to repost other submissions with permission from the artist or share them, depending on the platform. The tags are #icedcoffeerwbyweek and #icedcoffeerwbyweek2020.
Special thanks to @sorinshuto for making the pretty graphic and to @slytherinslittleprincess for making the combined Iced Coffee emblem. I appreciate you both so much! 💙💚
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howdoyousayloco · 2 years
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riley from midnight mass :) its from the opening scene so the angel shouldn't rlly be in the sky there but it looked cool lol. I might draw Bev later this week~
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tisthewoman · 5 years
Why You Shouldn't Let An English Teacher See Movies: a reaction post of IT:Chapter 2
Okay, so I finally saw IT Chapter 2, and I have some thoughts. Some of these thoughts might rub people the wrong way, which is okay, but be warned that I'm not going to hold back here.
As a whole, let me preface by saying that I loved this movie. I will go to see it 3 more times, and I will enjoy every moment. However, objectively… this is not a film that I can recommend to people as a “great film” artistically speaking. Is it fun and Good™? Yes. Did I enjoy it immensely? Yes. Were there some very odd and disruptive writing/direction choices? Yeah. This isn’t a masterpiece, as fantastic as I personally felt it was, and honestly I do not think it topped Chapter 1 in terms of flow, total presentation, or scriptwriting.
I’m going to break down my thoughts by category:
1. Story elements
2. Visuals & Horror
3. Tone
Starting with Story Elements:
I am incredibly torn on this. I LOVED aspects of this film, and was wildly confused by others. As a whole, I think the film began strong. 
The re-introductions to the characters were fantastic, though taking the “historian” thing from Mike in Chapter 1 definitely made Chapter 2 weak in regards to his characterization. He’s a hard character to get right, but it honestly feels a little like they didn’t try, and just used him to progress the story. I could continue, but that is a whole separate Mike Essay. Bev, Ben, Richie, and Eddie were all fantastic. Eddie in particular was taken in a slightly more aggressive angle than traditional for his character, but it worked very well with the way he was established in Chapter 1, thanks to Jack’s interpretation. Bill was a little bit weaker in some ways, but still at his core Bill Denbrough. I unapologetically LOVE adult Stan, and only regret that due to the story, we don’t get to experience him as much as he deserves in the film.
The return to Derry was great, and I still think that the group dynamics are what make this story shine. 90% of what I loved so much in Chapter 1 was the group dynamics, and they are here in SPADES. The group makes sense together, and the cast did a great job, though Eddie’s constant repetition of the word “fuck” seemed a little unnecessary after the second time in the restaurant scene. However, one thing I think the miniseries did better is establish them as “the lucky seven” - they’re not just the Losers Club; they’re held together by fate, and there’s definitely some supernatural elements to that which are not present in the films, weakening their group connection. This is shown most strongly in their moments of conflict in Chapter 2, especially when they want to leave, because their draw to each other doesn’t seem to be present, at least not in the same capacity. It seems weird to feel let down by this considering my next point, but it is what it is.
Some may disagree here, but… I really dislike the decision to include the ritual of Chud in the movie. I disliked it in the book as well, as I think that it unnecessarily complicates things and turns this horror story into a surreal sci-fi story in a way that doesn’t always mesh well. King does both sci-fi and horror well, but I’ve always felt the crossover in IT was off somehow. Also, the lack of connection with this to the first film makes the ritual of Chud seem even weirder in Chapter 2. Mike’s characterization with this gets… odd… and its inclusion is very confusing. I actually said “what the hell are they doing” in theaters when Mike introduces this with Bill. That’s how weird it was for me. My biggest problem was that it makes Chapter 2 a sharp departure from Chapter 1, and failing to achieve the cohesion that the miniseries had is a huge downer for me, considering that the IT reboot is an improvement to the miniseries in so many other ways.
In comparison to the book and miniseries, I think that it was a bad choice to leave out Audra, as it was good closure for the Billverly plotline. Bill and Bev even kiss in Chapter 2 - and then it is promptly forgotten. I’m not necessarily looking for conflict, but Audra was a huge motivator for Bill, and it was much less significant to have his driving force be this random kid that reminds him of Georgie. I get it, but Audra helps show how Bill has grown more strongly and pushes him forward after the final battle. I also wanted a cinematic parallel between Audra and Bev in the sewers and was really disappointed that I didn't get it. I have similar feelings about Tom - yes, Bev obviously leaves him for Ben, but Tom had a huge impact on Bev and her growth. Leaving him out weakens her personal story.
I’m not going to say much about Henry, but the scene where he pops out of the sewers is FANTASTIC. I absolutely did not expect to get that scene (I figured we’d just pop in on him in the hospital), but was glad we did. However, this lost its impact the longer we went on; he was relevant for all of one (1) stabbing of one (1) Edward Kaspbrak, and then died without even putting Mike in the hospital like he was supposed to. A waste of his character.
There are other positives. The connection Adrian and Richie’s stories are great, and I think Richie’s moments of reveal are very well handled. I just wish the Adrian/Eddie parallels had been highlighted as well. Richie and Eddie are fantastic together, and Bev and Richie are also sweet as hell. Besties for the resties, man. In general, I think Richie’s relationship with the Losers is the strongest writing in terms of group dynamics. Putting aside his feelings for Eddie - which do a fantastic job of fleshing him out and showing how multifaceted his character is - he is the one Loser who has strong ties to every other character. Bev’s relationships with Mike and Eddie are weak, Ben’s most relevant relationship is to Beverly, Bill’s most relevant relationship is Mike - you see where I’m going with this. Only Richie’s writing showed the importance of all his group relationships, though some were stronger than others.
Almost every individual scene with the Losers and Pennywise are very enjoyable. The moments where their personal motivations and fears shine are truly the best in the film. While there were some design issues that disappointed me in terms of IT terrorizing them, their stories are great - the apartment scene with Beverly is still poignant, and Bill’s revelation about the day of Georgie’s death made me a little emotional. I’ve already mentioned this in general terms, but the arcade scene with Richie is fantastic.
As a whole, there is a lot of love here, and so much to enjoy. The script writers and the director worked hard on this film, and they tried to do a lot with it - just maybe too much, which caused problems with flow and tone as a whole.
Visuals & Horror
I love horror - I could go on all day about how it’s the best genre. As such, I have a lot of feelings about the horror elements in this film. 
I already mentioned how the ritual of Chud/Sci-Fi elements weaken the horror - in truth, the horror elements were already weak. As a result, sci-fi elements distract from what already has flaws. There are two major categories for this discussion: subtlety and design.
In terms of subtlety, a majority of Chapter 2 was basically hitting you over the head with a Pennywise-shaped hammer. There were jumpscares everywhere, and they were rarely impactful ones. How many times did we get a “Pennywise chomps down on somebody” moment? I was totally engrossed in Adrian’s scene at the beginning, but when Pennywise just takes a bite out of him and it ends, I was honestly disappointed. I do realize this is book canon, but there is something about the presentation in the book - the precise moving of Adrian’s arm, the bite, the smile, the cracking of his ribs - that is dulled in the movie for a lack of a better term. There is just something about this death that fails to hit home. Maybe it’s because Pennywise is more or less out in the open, or maybe because in the book, the bullies see It, too, making it a surreal moment that no one believed except those who were there.
As a whole, the movie has plenty of gore but little suspense. I think I had more interest the less I knew about how exactly people died. Eventually you get sick of the chomping - the unknown is more frightening than a monster with a predictable attack pattern. The missing kids. Betty Ripsom’s shoe and lack of explanation. Patrick’s fade to black. These things made Chapter 1 unsettling, but scenes like Victoria’s death had no other elements other than being bitten to death by Penywise, and that was predictable. 
For an example of what could have been in terms of subtlety, I can honestly say that I was more creeped out by “Mrs. Kersh” slinking around in the background of Beverly’s old apartment than I was by the old woman monster. For what it's worth, the way these monsters move is INCREDIBLE, especially so the more humanoid they are. I love the body language and movements. The earliest example is the headless boy in Chapter 1; the jerking limbs really emphasize their inhumanity, and it still works in this film (Mrs. Kersh at the end of the hall, Betty Ripsom’s legs, etc). This, with the use of humans and their subtle shift to the unnatural in the films, was much stronger than the larger monsters in Chapter 2. 
Another strength is the background details that you might miss. The librarian staring at Ben as he reads about the Ironworks explosion in Chapter 1 is a great example of this, as is Mrs. Kersh peeking her head out of the kitchen in Chapter 2. I would have rather had more small scares like this, rather than the reliance on jumpscares. The pomeranian monster behind the “Not Scary At All” door is essentially just that, and I was WILDLY unimpressed by it.
Returning to the focus of the film, Pennywise the clown is a great villain, but a lot of Its appeal is that It shifts into whatever scares you most. In the first film, this is done well - the painting lady, the leper, the headless boy, and even the way it shifts in the battle at the end. The strength in these forms is that you never know what to expect - and neither do the Losers. Each new nightmare looks and behaves differently. The flute dropping from the painting lady’s hands to announce her presence, the dropped eggs in the library scene… everything about the leper. Even the miniseries did this variety well (the werewolf, the shower scene with Eddie, Mrs. Kersh, etc)
Yet, in part 2, we get… two extra monsters. Which is fair - we already have plenty of material - but they both have the same style of warped features and aesthetic. I think creepy naked old Mrs. Kersh would have been a more disturbing visual than old lady monster turned out to be. Sometimes less is more. Clowns are creepy because they have almost-not-quite-human features… the same can be said of effective monsters (look at the leper, for example, or the painting lady). 
Pennywise in general and Its overreliance on Its clown persona weakens the effect. Eventually, Its presence becomes “oh, there’s the clown again,” especially considering that Its attack pattern has become so predictable. Is It going to drag me into the darkness? Is It going to manipulate me into hurting my friends? Is It going to do some other scary thing to me? No, he’s going to take a bite out of me. Not awesome, but certainly not the Pennywise of the novel or even of the miniseries, whose horror came from the fact that no one knew what happened when you disappeared - or when parts of you reappeared.
There were too many instances where the horror was all about jumpscares and theatrics. Pennywise is all about theatrics, I know, but It went from eldritch horror to dramatic murder clown in this film. In the book, Pennywise is extra as hell, so I wouldn’t be angry if that was the angle taken for the films - however, that is not what was established in Chapter 1, and isn’t actually what is achieved in Chapter 2. If we are going for a more serious, darker tone for Pennywise, I would prefer the eldritch horror we saw more strongly in Chapter 1.
This is the hardest category to explain well, because a lot of this is my personal impression of the film, but I’ll do my best. As a whole, the movie does not flow well, especially connected to Chapter 1, and this is largely because of tone. Some scenes shift too abruptly or push too hard, and I feel as though the writers were trying to capture the same charm and attitude that Chapter 1 achieved with the kids, but struggled because they aren’t kids anymore. The balance between gritty horror and charm is harder with adults, but this is something the miniseries excelled at compared to Chapter 2. In the miniseries, you never feel like you’re watching a new film when it switches to the present day with the adults. In IT Chapter 2, though the movie and story are meant to be a continuation, it feels more distant, like a sequel that doesn’t quite achieve the same mood.
I’ve said that the group dynamics of the Losers really shines in these films - however, it’s also a major problem in Chapter 2, because there are several times where the writers sacrificed the integrity and tone of a scene to fit in some banter. I love the banter, okay. I’m all about it. The banter in the IT movies is my favorite banter that I’ve seen in a fictional friend group, and yes, I’m including Stranger Things and classics like The Breakfast Club or the Goonies. However, when it’s ruining an otherwise impactful scene, it feels wasteful and disruptive. 
A good example is the scene with Richie and Eddie at the doors in the caves. This scene is fantastic - it’s funny without being a gag, and it showcases the brilliance of RichieandEddie. However - and this is a big however - every other Loser’s individual scene is dramatic and dark - tonally appropriate. Richie and Eddie, however, have their moment melding humor with some jumpscares, and though the scene is great on paper, it makes no damn sense compared to the tone of the rest of the damn sequence. There is no logical room for comedic relief here, and it was jarring, no matter how much I enjoyed the scene itself. Tonally, Richie’s one-liners in Chapter 1 made more sense, and the script of Chapter 1 did a much better job ensuring that those tiny breaks in tension do not disrupt the scene or atmosphere. I cannot say that about certain elements in Chapter 2.
The Losers work very well together, but they also have a tendency to get chaotic enough to break the atmosphere. In the book, there is a lot of quiet horror amongst the Losers Club that is disrupted in Chapter 2 by the multiple scenes where they just scream over each other during crucial moments (such as the scene in Jade of the Orient). The quiet fear and understanding amongst the Lucky Seven that made them such a dynamic group of protagonists just doesn't exist here. Every quiet moment is a moment for arguing or freaking out here, and it got tiring, especially when we went right back to individual reflection and exploration after. I use the term “quiet” here quite a bit, but I’m not sure how else to express the atmosphere I’m talking about. Hopefully the point gets across.
This may just be personal preference - I really enjoy subtle horror, as I’ve said. The moments where the Losers watch and take in the terror as it unfolds are important moments and are lacking in Chapter 2. I can’t empathize with the screaming and freaking out, but the dawning horror and realization of what’s happening puts me right in their shoes. Beverly’s slow realization when she’s staring at the picture of “Mrs. Kersh” and her “father” is a moment like this, to put it in context. 
Even more so than the Losers’ attitudes is the lack of the “dawning horror” vibe in the film at large. It is not meant to be an action film, and yet Chapter 2 is constantly go-going. The action is in places more akin to a slasher than the slower supernatural horror this story is meant to be. Chapter 1, with its slow reveals and strengthening group dynamics, hit the intended mood better, and seems further separated from Chapter 2 as a result.
Chapter 1 did a great job with balance - it knew when it was appropriate for the funnies, and how to shift that into the horror elements seamlessly. It also did a great job throwing in Richie’s one liners without ruining the balance of the scene, but Chapter 2 had several instances where it took those quick Richie moments and turns the focus entirely on him, breaking up scenes in a jarring way. An even more disruptive example is the “Richie said it best last time” bit before they entered Neibolt. The entire scene shut down for Richie’s moment, and it ruined the suspense of what could have been a really nice parallel to Chapter 1. We didn’t need the tension broken in many of these instances, and it was difficult to go back and forth. The focus on Richie is because of the positive fan response to his character, which is well deserved in my opinion. However, this could have been done better. 
Tonally, Pennywise’s script also came on too strong. The Pennywise we know and love is a lurker, manipulating humans and taking other forms rather than doing all the dirty work directly. Chapter 2 has moments of this, but more often has Pennywise as an aggressively taunting antagonist. It becomes loud and exaggerated. Part of this can be attributed to rising tension as the Losers return to finish It off, but Its dialogue is hammier than I expected. It’s become almost petty - and not to needle at the Losers, but more because It’s bitter and childish. I don’t know if it’s too much to use the term “eldritch horror” again, but I don’t know how else to describe what we were set up for with Chapter 1 and let down on in Chapter 2.
As a whole, I felt like the film was stitched together in places. After Chapter 1, I felt that I had just had an experience, but after Chapter 2, I actually looked at my best friend and said “I liked it, but I’m not sure what just happened.”
Let it be clear that I love Chapter 2, and will happily rewatch it many times in the future, but I do think that compared to Chapter 1, it is a far weaker film overall. You can watch them together for a similar experience to the miniseries, but it will be less cohesive and will feel like it fell apart a bit the longer it went on. I don’t fault the writers for this entirely, as the second half of this story is a daunting undertaking, but I think removing the sci-fi elements with the ritual of Chud and tightening down the horror aspects/tone would have made this a stronger continuation of Chapter 1. 
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thelazyeye · 5 years
I wish people would play more with how the Losers, in the book any ways, were doing unintentional magic, like at one point Ben says their casting of the sliver ball bearings shouldn't have worked, but it did because they believed it would
The magic in the book was so cool. Especially with the ball bearings and the original Neibolt house scene, where bev fires one out of a slingshot and it causes damage because they believe it will. There’s so many more instances but I’m drawing a blank. 
But yeah. I agree. I’d love to read fics that really draw on it. It’d be super cool, tbh. There are actually a few fics I’ve read that DO draw from the book magic. There’s one in particular, Scream Hello by @gildediris. This fic focuses on the Losers (Reddie centric) only a few years before they’re supposed to reunite and includes things such as the smoke hole and some of the ritual of Chud. Its really good. 
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#RWBYtober Day 3: Caffeine
I have a lot on my plate as usual, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to generate fresh content of my awful OTP.
Things I learned:
1) Drawing cars is hard.
2) Drawing people in cars is hard.
My thought for this piece is that, a few years after Weiss completes her studies at Beacon, she and Oobleck are up in Atlas for some reason, probably for Winter's wedding. Taking a break from all the planning and Willow's socialite nonsense, they "borrow" one of Weiss' grandfather's classic cars and take it for a spin.
The car is heavily based on the Bugatti 252, a convertible manufactured between 1957-1962 and was only available as a prototype. A rare, expensive car like seems like the sort of thing Nicholas Schnee may have owned in his prime, perhaps going on joyrides with Weiss' grandmother when he was actually home. My interpretation of the older Schnees is influenced by the Kennedys and the early '60s style. To reference that, I've given Weiss a head scarf, which is just as well, since Oobleck has taken her tiara so he can be a "supersonic princess in a million [lien] car," a line, of course, from the song "Caffeine." ❄☕
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What's this? What's this? A normal, mainstream ship instead of my usual crackship weirdness? Spoooooooky~~~
Happy Halloween! Jaune does not care for Pyrrha's insanely clever Halloween costume. You may recall this sketch from last year. I've resurrected it, so to speak, and done a digital version just in time for my favorite holiday.
Pyrrha: Boo! I am a scary ghost!
Jaune: Pyrrha WTF? So insensitive...
Pyrrha: I'm sorry...
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#IcedCoffeeRWBYweek Day 4: Coffee ❄☕
She doesn't realize it, but *this* was the moment Weiss fell in love. 💙💚 Looking to the earlier volumes, her sense of humor is a bit...odd... so it works. Laughter can indicate comfort and safety, and that in turn can lead to love. Similar senses of humor are so important in a relationship. My husband and I both have a dumb sense of humor (if you've met us, you know this), so it's only natural that I'd reflect that in our cosplay counterparts (though that is kind of canon, too).
"Coffee" was an obvious prompt choice, perhaps too obvious. It is canon that Weiss likes coffee and has drunk it many times in the show. We also know that Oobleck has been keeping coffee in his thermos and not gasoline, meth, or way too many warmed up 5 Hour Energies, so I think they would bond over their shared love of the beverage. Oobleck does take it to an extreme, making his own custom blends from imported Vacuan beans, but Weiss has a refined palate, so she respects his efforts.
Dumb trivia time (all my headcanons)!
☆ Oobleck has a very fancy siphon in his office (pictured in the comic). It was a birthday gift from Professor Peach.
☆ Both take their coffee black. Oobleck thinks adding cream and sugar "ruins the integrity of the beans." Weiss tends to agree, but she doesn't mind the froo froo drinks on special occasions.
☆ Oobleck hated coffee as a student at Beacon and basically lived on energy drinks. He acquired a taste for it in grad school.
☆ [insert joke about coffee stunting your growth re: Weiss here]
❄: So... How do you take your coffee?
☕: Intravenously~ 👉🏻😎👉🏻
Prompt list graphic by @sorinshuto
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#IcedCoffeeRWBYweek Day 3: Zwei! ❄☕
Cucked by a corgi. 🙃
Let's be clear, 90% of this ship is just Ruby wondering where her dog is. Seriously, Oobleck and Weiss are literally Zwei's two favorite people in canon (even if Weiss had to buy his love with dog treats). You know he ships it. 😏
❄: Sometimes I think you love that dog more than you love me.
☕: That is an accurate assessment.
Bonus dumb stuff:
My husband and I recently started listening to 1984 on audiobook. I don't really like audiobooks since I've objected to being read to since I was 3, but they're easier for him, and I can tolerate them well enough. I am a very fast reader, so the audiobook helps us stay on track together, which makes it easier for us to discuss what's going on.
Here, Weiss is reading simply "84," since I like to think Remnant restarted their entire calendar after the Great War to mark the new era of peace. The actual year 84 is now a few years in the past for her.
And Oobleck's shirt says "Don't Touch My Bread, Government" because it amuses me.
Prompt list graphic by @sorinshuto
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#IcedCoffeeRWBYweek Day 1: Domestic ❄☕
Modern problems require modern solutions. For all his various achievements, this is Oobleck's galaxy brain moment.
My husband and I both HATE made beds. They always make me feel like I'm trapped, so we actually never make our bed at home. 😂 Pillow cases, fitted sheet, top sheet goes at the foot of the bed in case I want to use it, and our separate comforters. Yes, the cats get their own pillow, no, they don't use it because they'd rather use my pillow or just drape themselves over me.
Anyway, that's somewhere Weiss and I probably differ (aside from the fact that she's not real ayyyyeeee). Between having servants make her bed every morning and her sister's military influence, she'd probably love a freshly made bed. Meanwhile, her manchild slob of a boyfriend is of the [correct] opinion that made beds are stupid because you just have to unmake them to sleep. I honestly think Weiss brought this one on herself. What was she expecting??
While I do think this pairing would have very compatible personalities, I'm certain they'd butt heads over chores from time to time, with varying degrees of ridiculousness.
❄: I asked you to do one thing. One. To make the bed!
☕: I did!
❄: Then what's this supposed to be?
☕: Made beds are terrible, so I only made your half!
Prompt list by me, prompt list graphic by @sorinshuto !
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It's my birthday~
Hey so fun fact: this episode aired December 30th, 2017, which was my 30th birthday and I'm still not over it 🙃
I knew Weiss would be fine, but she is my favorite character. At that point, I'd spent the past 2 years drawing her, cosplaying her, running panels as her, pretending to be her on the internet for the Zwei - RWBY Facebook page, and otherwise obsessing over her, so to have her get freaking impaled on my birthday when I was already kinda having a midlife crisis for existing too long was uhhhhh not great.
Anyway, I drew the sketch for this 2 years ago, shortly after that episode aired, but I made the digital version in November 2019 to give to Kara Eberle (Weiss' VA) at GalaxyCon MN. She thought it was hilarious.
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He smooch
Another day, another cursed image. I wasn't feeling well last night, not con crud but I've definitely been feeling crummy on and off since MetaCon, plus a headache. The only cure for that is generating cringe (it doesn't make me feel better; it makes everyone else feel worse lmao), so I drew some Entrapdak kissyface nonsense. Entrapta's really excited about...something...😏
This is a cropped version of a more risqué sketch, BUT if you're a degenerate, you can now see the full version on my new Twitter account, @BevShouldntDraw. I borrowed the name from the IG/Tumblr tag I use for my most cursed images.
I am really loving this ship, y'all, and I can't wait to see where they go with it. Like it or not, I'm going to continue generating more art of these two nerds for the foreseeable future. 💜💙
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Oof, I keep neglecting to post these. You may recall that some unholy force possessed me to draw Maria in a bikini for the June art challenge, so I decided to digitize her for the countdown I'm running over at the Zwei - RWBY Facebook page. After the countdown is done, I'll upload all the art again sans text for your viewing pleasure.
Bikini Maria is equal parts cursed image and body positivity. Appreciate her as you will.
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Entrapta borrowed Mermista's copy of Finding Nemo, and now all she wants to do is TOUCH THE BUTT. Either that or she's been watching too much Bob's Burgers, because those are definitely things that exist on Etheria. 🙃
Yeah so on Sunday, we watched Season 3 of She-Ra, and I was immediately plunged into Entrapdak hell. That meant I had to generate art (and there's already a ton of it... This is like the first time I've been on board for a mainstream ship and I don't know what to make of it lmao). But I prefer to use my powers for evil rather than good, so instead of cute kissyface stuff, here's this nonsense.
Premise: Neither party has had a romantic relationship before, so Entrapta decides to record the data. She is naturally Subject A, and Hordak is Subject B. He's Slightly Miffed at being relegated to Subject B, but he's otherwise charmed by his tiny tech gremlin girlfriend's antics.
Transcript, since it's hard to read:
Entrapta: Day 9: Subject B continues responding positively to contact to the gluteal region, particularly compression.
Hordak: An accurate observation...but must you refer to me as "Subject B"?
Entrapta: Run your own experiment, and you can label yourself however you like~
Definitely expect a digital version in the near future as well as more cursed images of this ship. Such is my way.
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My delightful husband got me a new tablet as an early Christmas gift, so I’m busily creating new cursed art. Rose Garden is gaining popularity, and I’ve seen a ton of Whitley x Oscar lately, so I thought I’d apply my motto: if you can make it worse, do it.
I present to you Ruby x Oscar x Whitley.
Now, if Ruby x Weiss is White Rose, then Ruby x Whitley is Shite Rose. By extension, the three of them are Shite Rose Garden. As far as I know, no one else has come up with this cursed OT3, so I’m naming it.
And no, I don’t actively ship any of this. I just enjoy shitposting. 💙
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He whips his tail back and forth...probably his hair, too, idk. Anyway, I've finished my latest abomination: Tyrian in one of those awful virgin killer sweaters. If you're lucky, maybe he'll sting you, and you'll go blind. If you're not lucky (and face it, none of us are lucky based purely on the fact that this cursed image exists), you'll be around for even more installments of this appalling series. [If you have any suggestions, let me know. Bear in mind that the goal is to draw the "not hot" males of RWBY since this is satire, and I am planning to draw Watts and Whitley next (but I won't tell you who's first or even when I'm doing them, so nyah).] You may be wondering why I chose fuchsia for Tyrian's palette when I stuck to Port and Jacques' existing palettes from the show. Well, Tyrian's sweater is actually tyrian purple, so it works. Where my Homestucks at? Because I know you made that connection already. I also gave him some scars on his back to make him more identifiable, and his stiletto boots are based on his boots in the show. I also decided not to have the arm bandages go all the way down for artistic purposes. As always, you're welcome.
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