#Brian Delate
olafkardanadam · 1 month
+Hiçbir şey gerçek değil miydi? -Sen gerçektin. Seni izlemeyi bu kadar güzel kılan da buydu.
TheTrumanShow, 1999 🎥
"Bir dönem çok ÖZEL bir arkadaşa sahiptim burada tanışmıştım onunla sinema filmleri animasyon çizgi film şiirler şarkılar kitaplar akla gelebilecek her şeyi onunla çok güzel yaşamıştım ve O Muhteşem insanı çok özledim."
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ratleyland · 6 months
Criminally Underrated 90s Movie.
Going against type; Jim Carrey proved to everyone that with the right script... HE CAN REALLY ACT!
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camyfilms · 1 year
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We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented. It's as simple as that.
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bonniehooper · 2 years
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Endless List of My Favorite Movies
The Truman Show (1998)
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bitsmag · 2 years
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heavenlycinema · 3 years
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The Truman Show (1998)
Peter Weir Dir.
“In case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night.”
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scenesandscreens · 2 years
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Buffalo Soldiers (2001)
Director - Gregor Jordan, Cinematography - Oliver Stapleton
"These were my guys. Fighting the dull fight. Soldiers with nothing to kill except time. They know that war is hell, but peace... peace is fucking boring."
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rick-is-fine · 5 years
The Truman Show, directed by Peter Weir, 1998
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lalaalola · 5 years
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Bizler dünyanın gerçeklerini, bize sunulduğu kadarıyla kabulleniriz. Olay aslında bundan ibaret.
Her şey nasıl sona erecek?Rozetini beğendim, ben de bunu kendi içimde çok merak ediyorum.
Birisi bana yardım edebilir mi? Çünkü içimden geldiği gibi davranıyorum!
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verobatto · 5 years
Chuck, Happiness vs Drama
Visual Narrative meta.
Supernatural 14x20 meta. Moriah.
Hi my friends! How were you? I have here the fifth meta about 14x20 Moriah episode! And is about Visual Narrative too.
I was seeing the colors and the pink following the color coded Chuck (light blue and white) so... I was wonder what this has to do with that... And that lead me to episode 14x15 (Peace of Mind) with the FAKE HAPPINESS TOWN ruled by, what I had to put now, was Chuck mirror.
Ok, no more introduction, let's start this...
Faking stories. Faking Happiness.
Writers lie, and in Peace of Mind, the CHIEF managing a town and playing with their minds, faking Happiness for everyone, compared with Chuck who manipulated the story of TFW since the beginning, what was real and what was fake?
If you recall the way Sunny defeated his father, she used fake Happiness too and created in his mind an emotional prison for him.
It caught my attention we had this scene in Mirror Universe, pay attention to wardrobe and colors of the two people that are about to enter on that place...
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Gif credit @magnificent-winged-beast
You have happiness guy side by side with God lady there (bc... Colors) with black pants.
First point: It could be Castiel and the reminder of HAPPINESS WILL LEAD HIM TO THE EMPTY? (back color)???
But the light blue and white could be God too as we learned so...
Second point... Are they settling the end of God the same way the psyquic ended??? Into a fake happy dream built by her daughter??
Because we don't had just that clue, but this one too...
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Pic credit @weirddorkylittlediana
Chuck with salmon/pink color behind.
But... Let's put Chuck aside here... And let's check on Castiel, bc, he seems to be the target now...
Castiel on the sight
When the episode started, we had this shot of the camera...
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Gif credit @frozen-delight
Look how Castiel is positioning in the center of that hole. Just as this were a machine gun or something... And he is the target ... But again this other time...
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Pic credit from my friend @weirddorkylittlediana
Castiel is on the sight, right there... Is he being targeted??? By who? Chuck (as my friend @emblue-sparks pointed in her magnificent meta about Chuck and real life here) or is being targeted by the Empty, as we know already...
The "spying holes" and "The Truman/Winchesters show"
If you recall the Truman Show, was a movie that talked about reality show... Here is the resume.
"The Truman Show is a 1998 American satirical science fiction film[4] directed by Peter Weir, produced by Scott Rudin, Andrew Niccol, Edward S. Feldman, and Adam Schroeder, and written by Niccol. The film stars Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, adopted and raised by a corporation inside a simulated television show revolving around his life, until he discovers it and decides to escape. Additional roles are performed by Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, Natascha McElhone, Holland Taylor, Ed Harris, and Brian Delate."
Source The Truman Show Wikipedia
As you can see, this is so accurate with Supernatural and what Chuck had been done till now by writing Dean, Sam and Castiel's stories, putting them on differents challenges or danger, facing situations and drama, just for the good of the storytelling.
So that should felt like discovering you were a show, just the same way Truman discovered he whole life was a lie, a show.
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So... My friends ... Spying holes... The whole Dabb's era...
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Gif credit @whiskeycherrypie
And so many others...
So... Spying on them Chuck???
More color meta miscellaneous
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And this is the last one here... This pic is from my friend @weirddorkylittlediana too.
Look at the graffiti behind Castiel... Mostly the colors. We had a discussion with my friends @weirddorkylittlediana @agusvedder and @emblue-sparks , we had differents reading of this...
Sarah said... If yellow is JACK too, then is important he is fixing the plumbers there isn't? Don't forget we are at the Hell's doors here... Interesting observation...
Then the colors behind Castiel's head... Are blue, yellow and red (TFW colors with Dean in red and the yellow separating them... Remember in that moment they were mad at each other...)
Then Agus said that light blue and red were Cas and Dean being happy then down them black color representing the Void who will take Cas with him... You know what Agus... I don't like that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I said light blue plus white is God with red is Dean being by his side with the plan to kill Jack, as we saw.
We had having fun babbling about a graffiti 🤣🤣🤣
Puppy 1 is Jack?? Adorable... And black yeah there he is the Empty waiting for his entrance!
To conclude:
This was the last one ( I hope) from my METAS about 14x20. The visual narrative, as you could learn, plays a very important role in the storytelling.
The apparition of Chuck as "the new villain", there's specs too about Chuck not being our Chuck but another one... Idk who... My husband says maybe the Empty??? I'm babbling again... Please stop me!
There's a PARALLEL between this episode and peace of mind, if you want to check my friend's meta @poorreputation how she compared Heaven with the town on peace of Mind is here and @drsilverfish wrote that comparison too here. So there was call back to that and the pink color linked to Chuck.
Castiel is targeted, could be mostly by the Empty, but entering Chuck in the game, could be him too.
Thanks to everyone for reading this!! C-u around!
Buenos Aires April 29th 2019 10:49 PM
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @mrsaquaman187 @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @agusvedder @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @castiellover20 @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @cheerstofandomfamily @drsilverfish @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @hippyatheart80 @anarchiana @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 years
The Truman Show (1998) Review
The Truman Show (1998) Review
Truman Burbank believes he has a perfectly normal life working as an insurance salesman but everything has been a whole lie from the moment he was born. Everything within his entire life has been live on a 24/7 TV show with actors!
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daveexaminesmovies · 7 years
Review - The Truman Show (1998)
Review – The Truman Show (1998)
Welcome to Simulated Reality Week: Day 5. The second film I’m reviewing today is The Truman Show. Now, it wasn’t terribly long ago that I reviewed this film during a rewatch of every Jim Carrey film. I initially gave it 97% in my first review, but that was before I had my current rating system. So, I wanted to see how that would compare to my original score because interestingly enough, my scores…
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bitsmag · 2 years
Seriado da Netflix revive roubos inacreditáveis da Bling Ring
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Nick Prugo, Alexis Neiers e produtoras de Pretty Wild falam sobre os crimes  Se fosse escrito em um roteiro, ninguém acreditaria. No final da primeira década dos anos 2000 as redes sociais ainda estavam engatinhando, a mídia de fofoca tinha uma força monstruosa e os programas de maior audiência na TV eram os reality shows.  O culto à celebridade e às marcas de luxo era enorme, principalmente em Los Angeles, a meca da cultura da fama. Alguns dos nomes mais em evidência na época eram Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Rachel Blison, Orlando Bloom e sua esposa, a super modelo australiana Miranda Kerr, além do ator Brian Austin Green, então casado com Megan Fox.  Essas celebridades de grande projeção foram as vítimas escolhidas por uma gangue de adolescentes de classe média que se especializou em roubar residências de famosos. A gangue recebeu o nome de Bling Ring pois furtava roupas, jóias e dinheiro de residências de famosos as quais eles invadiam com relativa facilidade, apesar de grandes aparatos de segurança. A gangue Bling Ring atuou entre outubro de 2008 e agosto de 2009. Por vezes faziam selfies postadas no Facebook e no MySpace usando roupas, jóias e relógios, produtos dos roubos que cometiam.  O seriado documental da Netflix, Bling Ring: A História Por Trás dos Roubos, revive a saga surpreendente desses adolescentes de mente e expectativa de vida deturpadas que conseguiram por alguns minutos serem tão famosos quanto as celebridades que eles roubaram. A história foi contada num artigo da revista Vanity Fair, escrito por Nancy Jo Sales, The Suspects Wore Louboutins, publicado em 2010. Esse artigo serviu de inspiração para o roteiro do filme Bling Ring, a Gangue de Hollywood lançado em 2013, dirigido por Sofia Coppola que escalou Emma Watson no papel de Nicky, personagem inspirado em Alexis Neiers. Essa é uma das personagens mais inacreditáveis do caso, mas no filme é retratada apenas parcialmente, portanto essa parte é o que há de mais inédito no seriado da Netflix. Criada nos sets de filmagem do seriado Friends, Alexis é filha de Mikel Neiers que foi diretor de fotografia da série. A mãe, Andrea Arlington, ex-modelo, se separou do pai quando ela e a irmã eram crianças e desde então a família teve uma existência bastante errática. Adolescente viciada em oxycodona, já havia participado de um filme, a comédia Frat Party, além de um videoclipe de Marilyn Manson. Tudo isso aconteceu ao mesmo tempo em que ela se envolveu com Rachel Lee e Nick Prugo, os primeiros membros da Bling Ring.  Na semana em que Nick foi preso, confessou e delatou seus comparsas, Alexis estava gravando o piloto do reality show Pretty Wild, produzido pelo canal E!, o mesmo que levou as Kardashians ao estrelato. Não era pouca coisa, era justamente o veículo que poderia levar Alexis e sua família ao estrelato.  As produtoras do reality, Amber Mazzola e Gennifer Gardiner, fornecem os momentos mais enigmáticos do seriado. Enquanto estamos nos perguntando como a nossa sociedade chegou onde chegou, as duas, tal qual aves de rapina, riem das retratadas no reality, mãe e filha vivendo a situação da prisão e julgamento de Alexis.   Na engrenagem do entretenimento os “jornalistas" de sites e revistas de fofocas, os papparazzi e os produtores de programas reality show são o fundo do poço da falta de princípios. Literalmente vivem da desgraça alheia. São os espíritos de porco que regem a orquestra de dramas do mundo das celebridades (e sub-celebridades), dramas esses muitas vezes fabricados, como as produtoras fazem questão de mostrar.  Apesar de revelar pouco além do que já havia sido noticiado sobre a Bling Ring, o seriado Bling Ring: A História Por Trás dos Roubos mostra a realidade torpe por trás da busca pela fama e isso já é um dos trunfos do documentário. Vale ainda ver ou rever o filme de Sofia Coppola que está em cartaz na plataforma HBOMax. Vale lembrar que faz parte da trilha do filme o hit Super Rich Kids de Frank Ocean. https://youtu.be/AGeWZu-3aYc Seriado da Netflix https://youtu.be/NcE2fj-EtJY Filme de Sofia Coppola Read the full article
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Título Original: Sudden Death
Año: 1995
Duración: 110 min
País: Estados Unidos
Director: Peter Hyams
Guion: Gene Quintano
Música: John Debney
Fotografía: Peter Hyams
Reparto: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Powers Boothe, Raymond J. Barry, Dorian Harewood, Whittni Wright, Ross Malinger, Dorian Harewood, Kate McNeil, Michael Gaston, Audra Lindley, Brian Delate
Productora: Universal Pictures
Género: Action, Crime, Thriller
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andrew123456me · 4 years
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Happy birthday! Brian Delate (Movie Actor), 71 years old. Happy birthday! I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true. https://ift.tt/2USBvZb
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