#Buffy the Vampire Slayer
spuffygifs · 2 days
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When you're The Slayer and there's a new, potentially dangerous threat in town you need to investigate, but also you make time to stop and chat with the local vampire who used to be your nemesis but has lately just been a nuisance, and who has certainly not been hanging around your house all night, he was just out for a walk.
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PRO TIP if you figure out any free periods that you have that buffy doesn't, you can go to the library and actually have a really normal experience
Sometimes? But like you’ll still have to deal with:
Buffy’s weird friends hanging out with the librarian.
one of my friends walked in on the librarian fencing? With the air? And when he noticed her he just sort of threw it under the table and acted like nothing happened.
Another walked in on him and Ms. Calendar HEAVILY making out. He described it as “the type of thing you’d see if you opened the janitors closet during fourth period”
the librarian reading the weirdest books known to man.
also only half the books in the library aren’t weird cryptozoology shit.
Sometimes one enters the library and has a normal time. I did this morning. Today was a good day :3
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whisksandslits · 23 hours
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michaun · 3 days
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It’s not her. She’s gone. Where’d she go?
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dailybtvs · 3 days
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 1.04 — "Teacher's Pet"
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ofteaandsparrows · 15 hours
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Textposts 2 Part 1
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clarkgriffon · 1 day
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER 4x09 | “Something Blue” 
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theartintrying · 2 days
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recently i started watching buffy and i wanted to make a little something because i am now o b s e s s e d
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elysianholly · 1 day
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Fuck, marry, kill?
The best ships do all three.
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monsterblogging · 2 days
Every time an undead character declares with their very own lungs and lips that they cannot resuscitate someone with CPR because they "have no breath," then it must follow that within this context, the word "breath" actually refers to something akin to vital force, which has fascinating implications for how the human body and medicine work in this world.
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tobiasinthehawk · 3 days
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They’d have the craziest beef
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phanchester · 16 hours
Just as it was written by @amazingphil with no additional edits
Chapter 1: Lunar Fusion
The moon hung low in the sky, its eerie glow casting long shadows across the abandoned streets of Sunnydale. Oz had finished his show at the Bronze and rather than going back to his dorm he found himself prowling the alleys, his senses heightened by the full moon’s pull. It wasn’t fully out yet but he could feel the primal draw of the wolf within. He could feel the beast within him stirring, yearning to be unleashed. But there was something else tonight, something that set his instincts on edge.
The vampire had always been a wild card, unpredictable and dangerous. But there was a magnetism between them, a primal attraction that Oz couldn’t deny. And tonight, under the watchful eye of the moon, that attraction would lead them down a path neither could hve foreseen. 
Oz found him lurking in the shadows, his eyes gleaming with hunger. There was a hunger in those eyes that mirrored Oz’s own, a hunger for power and control.
Without a word, Oz moved closer, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Spike,” Oz breathed, his voice low and husky with desire. “What are you doing here?”
Spike smirked, his fangs glinting in the moonlight. “Just out for a stroll, love. Fancy some company?”
Oz hesitated for a moment, the beast within him urging him to run. He knew Spike could kill him instantly without setting off the government chip nestled in his brain, but there was something about Spike, somethin that drew him in despite the danger. 
With a nod, he stepped closer, his pulse quickening with anticipation
“Sure,” Oz said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Why not?”
They entered a graveyard and Spike started to point to graves of nobles he had killed over 100 years ago.
“That one owed me bloody money”
“He tasted delicious”
“He was hot and also tasted delicious”
Oz couldn’t help but notice Spike was only pointing out the graves of guys he’d killed but this talk of another guy being hot awakened something he had himself too. Oz’d experimented with a few guys but it had been a while since he’d felt that draw, was it the moon, was it Spike’s charisma? Was it both? Something was pulling him towards the 150 year old vampire.
They reached a clearing and the moon got even higher in the sky
“Getting a bit prickly hamster boy?” Spike grinned.
“I have an hour or so left” Oz repleid.
“Shame to ruin those jeans when you rip out of them”
As they turned towards the mauseleoum, Spike shoved Oz hard into the wall and started kissing him. Oz was startled but kissed back but it wasn’t his human side in charge - he had started to change. And with that, as if called by the moon Oz’s transformation into his wolf form had begun
Before he got too hairy, Spike lunged forward, his fangs sinking deep into Oz’s neck. The pain was intense, but so was the pleasure as Oz felt himself being consumed by the darkness. 
But as Spike drank the band members blood, something unexpected happened. Oz felt his body contort and twist, his bones shifting and reshaping themselves into something new and terrible. When Spike finally pulled away, Oz was no longer just a werewolf - he was something more. 
He was a VAMPIRE WOLF, something new, something exciting..
His fur was now a dark shade of midnight black, sleek and shimmering in the moonlight. His eyes shone a fiery gold. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, brighter than the moon. And his fangs were longer and sharper than ever before, gleeming with a deadly beauty. 
“What… what have you done to me?” Oz gasped, his voice a mix of fear and wonder. 
Spike grinned, his eyes burning with triumph. 
“I’ve given you what you’ve always wanted, mate. Power. Strength. Immortality…I guess with a furry twist”
Oz howled up to the full moon as his eyes turned crimson red. This new form of evil was consuming him. His still bare back started to split and deep crimson wings sprouted from between his shoulder blades.
“Oh bloody hell what is that” Spike shreiked as Oz’s new wings started to flap
And as the moon shone down upon them, casting it’s eerie light over their twisted forms, Spike and Oz embraced their new existence, bound together by the primal forces that had brought them together.
Before they could share another moment…
Oz took flight.
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bangelgifs · 1 day
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 3.17 | Enemies
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Dusk Spoilers
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vampswritings · 2 days
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meant for each other fr
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