#Bunnakit Songsakdina
bunnakit · 6 months
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baeksu-krp · 10 months
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Nome: "Bun" Bunnakit Songsakdina Faceclaim: Ohm Pawat, Ator Data de nascimento e idade: 08.12.1998 — 25 anos Gênero: Masculino Etnia e nacionalidade: Tailandês, Tailândia
Moradia: Jung-gu Ocupação: Cozinheiro, 1987 Rooftop and Lounge Qualidades: Companheiro, Simpático Defeitos: Desmotivado, Preguiçoso User: @bks_bun
TW: Menção a crime, tráfico de drogas e máfias
A vida de Bunnakit é uma história trágica de sonhos desfeitos e uma descida à escuridão. Nascido na pobreza da Tailândia, ele ansiava por uma vida diferente, repleta de buscas intelectuais e descobertas científicas. Impulsionado por sua ambição, ele tomou a difícil decisão de deixar sua terra natal para se aventurar na Coreia do Sul em busca do sonho de se tornar um cientista, durante o ensino médio.
À medida que ficava mais velho, o peso das responsabilidades financeiras forçou Bunnakit a abandonar suas aspirações científicas e trabalhar como lavador de pratos em um restaurante local, onde, logo, cresceu na carreira, chegando até cozinheiro. Todos os dias, ele colocava seu avental e mascarava sua decepção, enterrando seus sonhos sob as pressões da sobrevivência. O restaurante se tornou ao mesmo tempo um santuário e uma prisão, um lugar onde ele aprimorava suas habilidades culinárias enquanto sua verdadeira paixão permanecia adormecida dentro dele.
A desesperação levou Bunnakit por um caminho perigoso, envolvendo-se no mundo do tráfico de drogas. Em seu tempo livre, ele usava uma máscara diferente, negociando substâncias que ofereciam uma fuga temporária e consolo para aqueles presos em seus próprios problemas. O atrativo de dinheiro rápido e a sensação de poder que isso proporcionava substituíam de forma distorcida as conquistas científicas que ele ansiava alcançar.
Mas a escuridão que consumia Bunnakit não parava por aí. Através de suas conexões no comércio de drogas, ele se envolveu com uma máfia, uma organização criminosa impiedosa e violenta. Preso em sua teia de poder e corrupção, Bunnakit era obrigado a cumprir suas ordens, corroendo ainda mais seu senso de identidade e empurrando-o para uma vida de crime. Cada dia, Bunnakit era assombrado pelo conhecimento das escolhas que havia feito. O peso de suas ações, os sonhos desfeitos e a violência que perpetuava pesavam intensamente em sua consciência. A linha entre o certo e o errado se tornava turva, e ele se via preso em um ciclo vicioso do qual não via saída.
No âmago de sua alma torturada, Bunnakit ansiava por redenção. Mas o caminho para a redenção parecia distante demais, obscurecido pela violência, pelas drogas e pelos sonhos desfeitos que o rodeavam. Enquanto ele caminhava na perigosa corda bamba entre suas duas vidas, ele lutava para se agarrar aos fragmentos de seu eu anterior, buscando desesperadamente um lampejo de esperança em um mundo consumido pela escuridão.
OOC: +18 Triggers: N/A Temas de interesse: Todos
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aprilblossomgirl · 11 months
It's just a silly little poll it won't upset me that much, but for now excuse me I need to see the sun outside first, for Akk Pipitphattana is the truest most babiest babygirl for me. No results of any poll that stated otherwise can convince me that's not the case.
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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kowloonhq · 10 months
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Seja bem-vindo, @kwnbun!
Nome: Bunnakit Songsakdina
Faceclaim: Ohm Pawat - Ator
Nacionalidade e Etnia: Coreia do sul, tailandês
Data de Nascimento e Idade: 03/09/1998 + 25 anos
Gênero e Pronomes: Homem cis, ele/dele
Ocupação: Enfermeiro no Pronto Socorro de Kowloon
Bairro: Xīn
Gangue: Yaochi
Temas de interesse: Todos
Personalidade: Bunnakit é uma mistura intrigante de características contrastantes. Ele é assombrado pelo medo de sua família descobrir sua verdadeira sexualidade, o que o leva a tomar decisões extremas para ocultar sua identidade. No entanto, seu amor incondicional por sua filha é a força motriz por trás de muitas de suas ações, despertando um lado protetor e dedicado dentro dele, sempre em busca do melhor para a criança. Bunnakit é conhecido por sua personalidade amigável e gentil, capaz de criar laços significativos com os outros. No entanto, há uma aura de mistério e um toque assustador que o cerca, provavelmente resultado de sua vida dupla no mundo do crime. É essa dualidade intrigante que torna Bunnakit um personagem complexo e cativante.
TW's no Background: Referência a homofobia.
Bunnakit, um jovem tailandês gay e recém-formado em enfermagem, enfrenta uma dura realidade. Preso entre as expectativas tradicionais de sua família e o desejo de viver sua verdadeira identidade, ele toma uma decisão desesperada: concorda em engravidar sua melhor amiga, Ning, para criar uma ilusão de um relacionamento heterossexual. Essa escolha angustiante, junto à ameaça de contatos externos, o leva a se mudar para Kowloon, na China, em busca de uma vida distante de olhares julgadores.
Bunnakit mergulha em um mundo sombrio e desconhecido, filiando-se a Yaochi como uma forma de garantir a sua sobrevivência. A fim de disfarçar sua vida criminosa, ele começa a trabalhar como enfermeiro em um pronto-socorro local. Lá, ele testemunha a dor e o sofrimento dos pacientes, uma dolorosa ironia para alguém que está lutando com suas próprias batalhas internas e contribuindo para que o caos local continue. Cada dia é um malabarismo entre seu papel de cuidar dos outros e a necessidade de manter sua verdadeira identidade oculta.
Enquanto se envolve cada vez mais no mundo do crime, Bunnakit enfrenta uma guerra interna constante. A culpa por enganar sua família e esconder sua sexualidade se mistura com o medo constante de ser descoberto por sua vida dupla. A necessidade de proteger Ning e a criança ainda pequena o mantém preso em uma teia de mentiras e segredos, ameaçando sua sanidade e bem-estar emocional. Mesmo que já fosse envolvido em atividades ilegais há anos, ainda sentia a culpa corroer parte de quem era.
Cada dia é uma luta para Bunnakit, uma batalha entre o amor e o respeito que ele sente por Ning, o desejo de proteger sua família e a necessidade de encontrar sua própria felicidade e aceitação. Em sua busca por redenção, ele se pergunta se algum dia encontrará a coragem de revelar sua verdadeira identidade, ou se será condenado a viver uma vida de segredos, falsidades e perigos constantes.
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
Manner of Death's character's name's meaning
นายแพทย์บรรณกิจ ทรงศักดินา (หมอบรรณ) Bunnakit Songsakdina (Bunn)
Bunna- wings, book, leaf
Kit- business, activity, work, errand, duty
Song- keep one, have, sustain
Sakdina-dignity, status in terms of land
วีรพงษ์ อินคำเวียง (ครูแทน) Weerapong Inkhamwieng (Kru Tan)
Weerapong- brave lineage, warrior
In- Diospyros decandra Lourv or it might short from something, Indra, for excemple.
Kham- gold
Wieng- walled city, town
พ.ต.ต.จิรพัฒน์ ผลประเสริฐ (สารวัตรเอ็ม) Police Lieutenant Colonel Jirapat Phonprasert (Inspector M)
Jirapat- prosperity
Phon- Results, effect, fruit
prasert- wonderful, excellent, best
ทรงศักดิ์ สว่างกุล (อัยการปื้ด) Songsak Sawangkul (Pued)
Songsak- powerful,
Sawang- to be brightly illuminated, to be lighted (oflight) to go up to be bright (with light)
Kul- descending from a good family
เจนจิรา สุขยอด (เจน) Janejira Sukyod (Jane)
Janejira- forever expert
Suk- happy
Yod- peak
 รุ่งทิวา สุขยอด (รุ่ง) Rungthiwa Sukyod (Rung)
Rungthiwa- dawn
เสี่ยปอ Por
Por- jute, hemp (might be shortened from something else)
นายแพทย์ภูมิพัฒน์ บุญชัยแสง (หมอโอ๊ต) Bhumipat Bunchaisaeng (Doctor Oat)
Bhumipat- Someone who is prosperous in the land
Bun- merit, good
Chai- victory, success
Saeng-light, gleam, shine
ทัต Tat
Tat- Given. The word is mostly used as a suffix, such as Brahmadatta, given by Brahma, Devadatta, given by deity.
 สรวิชญ์ พิชิตชัย (สร) Sorawit Pichitchai (Sorn)
Sorawit- great sage, one who has power over all, one who is above all
Pichit- conquer, defeat, vanquish, subdue
Chai- victory, success
 ธัญชนก ชลกระจ่างแสง (น้ำ) Thanchanok Chonkrachangsaeng (Nam)
Thanchanok- One who is prosperous like their father.
Chon- water, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans
Krachang- clearly, definitely, distinctly, evidently, obviously, apparently, brighten, clear, lighten
Saeng- light, gleam, shine
ร.ต.ท.กัญวัฒน์ โพธิ์ประสิทธิชัย (หมวดกัน) Lieutenant Colonel Kanwat Phoprasitthichai (Inspector Gun)
Kanwat-one who is loved and thrives in knowledge
Pho-the bo tree, the pipal tree, the fig tree, Ficus religiosa, the bo tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment, bodhi
Chai- victory, success
ฟ้า Fah
Fah-sky, blue
ภัทร Phat
Phat-good, magnificent, glorious, auspicious
แพทย์หญิงพิมลพร แก้วเขี่ยน (หมอฝ้าย) Dr. Phimonphon Kaewkian (Doctor Fai)
Phimonphon- undefiled, flawless, pure
Kaew- glass, crystal
Kian- change, move, scratch
พล.ต.ต.อนันต์ ปัญญาเพิ่มพูล (ผู้การโต้ง) Police Major General Anan Panyapermphun (Commander Tong)
Anan- infinite, countless, eternal, endless
Panya-wit, faculties, intellect, understanding, mentality, talent
Permphun-increase, enhance, accumulate
Tong-big, overgrown, big rooster
สส.ทรงชัย ธิติโชติ MP Songchai Thitichot
Songchai- The one who maintains victory, the King of the Land
Thiti- Wisdom, Stability
Chot- bright, brilliant
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I want to take a shower with you together. 
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solariconsblog · 3 years
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MannerOfDeath icons
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moonlightfilly · 3 years
#BUN: I can't talk right now, I'm doing hot guy shit
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bunnakit · 4 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
shitfuck i forgot i was tagged in this too, thank you so much @williamrikers !
10) Jim Jaruek {Moonlight Chicken}
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It's no secret I love the "older" men of BL - I am the old man connoisseur after all - and Jim is no exception. Whoof.
9) Arm {Kinnporsche}
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Bas is beautiful and I have a competency kink, okay? Arm is everything to me.
8) Fan Ze Rui {Kiseki: Dear to Me}
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Chen Yi and Ai Di may have been my favored couple from Kiseki: Dear to Me but I also have fucking eyes and the way he climbed in Zong Yi's lap plays on a loop in my head.
7) Chen Dong Yang {Kiseki: Dear to Me}
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Listen, I don't wanna talk about it. I see old man, I wanna fuck that old man, okay? Let's just say I understand what Chen Yi was about.
6) Chan {Kinnporsche}
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Some of you are probably following me from my Kinnporsche brainrot days. Yes, I am still a Daddy Chan fucker to my core.
5) Fluke Gawin {Anything BUT Not Me}
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I'm so sorry Fluke, you are sooo so sexy but I do not fuck cops (there is one exception.) Pisaeng and Saifa could get it though.
4) Bunnakit Songsakdina {Manner of Death}
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This smug little shit. This absolute cheeky bastard. I adore him, your honor. (My competency kink rises once again.)
3) Inspector M {Manner of Death}
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I am a simple man, I see Great Sapol and I lose my mind. To say I'm excited for Wandee Goodday is an understatement. Inspector M could get it on looks alone, but risking his life to stop the corruption in his precinct? We love a man with morals. The only cop allowed.
2) Chef Guy {Bake Me Please}
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Using one of my gifs for this because I didn't like any of the pictures on Google (or they were gifs from moots lol.) Peach and I are built so different because I would have been in Chef Guy's arms from day one. If any man looked at me like this and whispered my name? Fuck all the way off, I'm done. What do you want gorgeous, just say the word. (Do you think if I ask really nicely he'll let me kiss every one of his beauty marks?)
1) Papang Phromphiriya {Anything}
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I don't need to say anything. You all know. I want him to squish me like a bug. I want to kiss him with blood on his teeth. I want to kiss his scar so bad. I'd live in a garage with him and raise our rowdy activist kids.
no pressure tags, sorry if you've been tagged! @kennyomegasweave @poomphuripan @sndrys @callipigio @first-kanaphan @sparklyeyedhimbo @porschesbabydaddy
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spicyvampire · 2 years
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Fuck it. [insp.]
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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Tul Pakorn Thanasrivanitchai as Dr. Bun Bunnakit Songsakdina in Manner of Death (2020)
In truth, if the medical examiner knows the victim, you have the right to let someone else do the autopsy. / I trust your professionalism. 
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spaceskam · 2 years
Manner of Death AKA Bun Bunnakit Songsakdina and His No Good, Very Bad, Literal Fucking Dogshit Judge of Character
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softlofty · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: พฤติการณ์ที่ตาย | Manner of Death (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tan Wirapong Inkhamvieng/Bun Bunnakit Songsakdina Characters: Tan Wirapong Inkhamvieng, Bun Bunnakit Songsakdina Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Sickfic, Kissing, Sexy Times, But not explicit, Character Study Summary:
Bun takes a deep breath in, trying to steady himself, and he walks over to the bed, sitting down on his side and pulling the blanket over his legs. Tan looks up at him, big questioning eyes.
"I'm right here," Bun says, hearing how breathy his own voice is, how much emotional weight his words hold but shoving down any thoughts of this isn't a good idea. He's never been good at pretending with Tan anyway.
Tan nods, almost to himself, and turns his head back into the pillow, closing his eyes.
Tan gets sick, and Bun takes care of him. As he does, he gets a chance to think about the place Tan has in his life, and vice versa.
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itsukishus · 3 years
Just dropped my newest TanBun fic, based on the shower scene of Episode 10! Rated E so please be mindful: tags under the cut. Please check it out! 
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: พฤติการณ์ที่ตาย | Manner of Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tan Wirapong Inkhamvieng/Bun Bunnakit Songsakdina, Max Nattapol Diloknawarit/Tul Pakorn Thanasrivanitchai Characters: Tan Wirapong Inkhamvieng, Bun Bunnakit Songsakdina Additional Tags: Rimming, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Shower Sex, tan and bun share their braincell but it's always horny, adrenaline fueled sex is just their brand at this point, the shower scene from episode 10, Barebacking Series: Part 3 of Manner of Death Summary:
"I want to take a shower with you together."
Oh. Bun exhaled far less steadily and rubbed at the bridge of his nose: if it wasn't for the various forces at work in Viangpha Mork all out for his blood, then he was fairly certain Tan was going to be the death of him. 
Even during all the chaos and corruption around them, Bun can never say no to Tan. He can be quite convincing.
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agmapansa3008 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: พฤติการณ์ที่ตาย | Manner of Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tan Wirapong Inkhamvieng/Bun Bunnakit Songsakdina Characters: Tan Wirapong Inkhamvieng, Bun Bunnakit Songsakdina Additional Tags: Shower Sex, scene addition, thigh fucking, Different First Time To Show, Making Out, Hand Jobs, No penetration, Slippy Thighs Save Lives, And Lead to Completion, Fluff and Smut, I wrote this while tipsy, Tan is pent up the poor guy, Bun knows his power over him, Bun is still absolutely a bottom, Intercrural Sex Series: Part 4 of BL Show Rewrites & Additions Summary:
What Tan didn’t expect, was walking into his bathroom and seeing Bun, gloriously naked and wet under his open shower.
In celebration of the beautiful finale we got, have some smut, I started writing after Bun and Tan’s second kiss and only just today finished xD HAPPY MODday EVERYONE!
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