#But Katar sometimes acts weird with her and doesn't want to misunderstand him...
gotticalavera · 3 years
Everything is the same... But Kataang is Genderbend
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In the end if I draw from them, although they are not all the ideas I have.
Aang feels admiration and friendship for Katara, he is the first waterbender she meets, she considers him a great friend... Will he just be a friend like the friends she had on her travels? Or will her feelings for him change little by little?
Katar was always attracted to her, out of curiosity or the energy it transmits. Aang is like a mischievous wind with him you dance at night. Katar realizes that he is in love with her because of Aunt Wu and her prediction makes him think only of Aang. Feel love and admiration for Aang.
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Katar: Em... Aang
Katar: You are very pretty... even if you are bald.
Aang: Thanks??
*Throughout her childhood she has shaved her head and body to practice air bending. It is the first time she has received a "compliment" of this kind*
Katar would have complications flirting with Aang. Aang is the first girl her similar age who interests him and one of the few with whom he has interacted in a long time. He does not know what to do, and the advice of Sokka (his older brother who has not been related to girls his age) does not help either.
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Sokka: Aaww~! My lil bro got a kiss from his crush. You are a real heartthrob, lover tunnel! 🎶Katar and Aang kissed in the tunnel🎶
Katar: Shut up, Sokka! Stop singing! We only kiss to get out of the tunnel! She don't cares!
His relationship with Sokka is more mocking since he told his that he has a crush on Aang. And when he knows about the kiss, he nicknamed him "Lover Tunnel" to annoy him. Only he uses that nickname when Aang doesn't hear them.
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