psithurism-elisheba · 2 years
Casual reminder that all followers of Byleauwe in America have lost their fundamental religious right. Frisian americans have lost the right and law our people have followed for thousands of years. “fan 'e minsken dy't sûnder boete fermoarde wurde kinne, binne berntsjes. It bern kin troch de mem fersmoarge wurde en allinich as it bern út 'e uterus twongen waard” a women's fundamental right to choose is written down there in a centuries old law book. 
LFri 5.1 exempts a Frisian mother who kills her child right after it is born from paying the wergeld. LFri 5.2 states that if any other woman (a non-family member) kills the neo-nate, she must pay her wergeld to the king. It was apparently the right of a Frisian mother (and her family?) to decide whether or not her child was to be reared.96
I’m not saying Frisians currently have the religious right to kill their newborn child, Frisians move with the times and now that abortion is available the murder of a newborn child is no longer permissible. 
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fernthewhimsical · 2 years
As a indigenous West Frisian islander I’m just wondering if you are also Frisian! Baduhenna is a sacred goddess in Byleauwe so I’m curious if you are also a follower of Byleauwe or if you just find our goddess interesting! Thanks 😊
- Tâleja
Hi, nice to meet you!
I do not hail from there but my grandmother and her family does! She eventually moved to the Hague which is where me and parent were born (or close around there anyway). I did always feel a connection with Fryslân and learning Frysk has always been on my to-do list.
I came across Baduhenna when researching deities of the Low Lands because I wanted to connect more to the deities of the land I was born. And she never left!
So, I guess a bit of both!
If you have any sources about Byleauwe or Baduhenna please feel free to share. Or just want to chat, please feel free to reach out
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