hopelessheav · 1 year
E, se ti sfioro, ormai non sento più la scossa Lo sai anche tu che non è più come una volta
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arinewman7 · 4 months
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Who Are These Angels CXXVI
Naoko Paluszak
oil on canvas, 2018
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tintenschreiber · 8 months
CXXVI - Whispers of Love
Like a dream,
You come to me,
And hold me close,
So I can't walk away,
And I breathe,
For it is real,
What I feel.
"Tell me the truth," you say,
"I want to hear it from you."
And I am happy,
And I am sad,
And my tongue is hiding.
"Tell me,
Is it true,
That you love me,
And write about it on Tumblr?
Is it true?"
"Yes," I sing my heart,
To the world,
When I am too shy,
To tell you in person.
Like a dream,
You kiss me softly,
And I dream,
This is real,
Everything that I feel.
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rionas-path · 28 days
Chapter 12
Such Solitude
CXVIII. A soothing wind of silence surrounded her as she wakened. Curled up in the corner of a hallway wrapped up in hides, She blew a breath into the wind, sending fire through flow’s guides Towards the firepit; igniting it with embers hastened. The vivid scenes of last night’s altercation were cleared skies In her mind’s eye, and so much work did her stay now comprise. Howbeit; firstly, she would cleanse the corporeal, sacred Remnants of holy blood on her bare body emblazoned.
CVIX. She stretched out her arms and gathered her bloodied attire Which was haphazardly thrown about. Soon after she washed Them with a rush of rainy wind, wholly with water bedashed While they levitated in midair. Lazily, she’d hire The flow for most of her work, since there was so much about; It’d be a shame if she were to toil hard and work without Relying on the magick’s abundance. She’d only require A lesser amount; this once succumb to her itching desire.
CXX. Donning her uniform and cloak of fur, which was adorned In dazzling tribal marks of her kin; she went undismayed Into the perilous room where the Tsar’s remains still laid Unmoving, empty. Thinking of fighting the tears, to have mourned The passing of her kin-in-kind, yet finding her solitude Too comforting. This ‘loneness granted her with such certitude. She moved him outside and neatly lowered his body malformed Onto the soil; enclosing him in the snowy and icy ground.
CXXI. Tradition dictated a quarter’s moon of wait before The ritual of last rites. Thus, the first stage was put to sleep. Now she would go onward with the cleansing of the tower’s keep. Rushing the lake’s water in a current from the very shore Towards and through the gate, splashing and cleaning off the remnants Of blood which were splattered on the floor, and walls, while wary droplets Bounced off in midair, preventing them from harming the scribe’s lore Or putting out the fire, as it blazed in great, dancing ardour.
CXXII. Alas, this place was still no safe haven or sanctuary; Therefore, she chose an elevated spot as her stronghold. However, the rotting wooden stairs would easily infold She reckoned, and thus, chose to make a decision voluptuary. Taming the flow yet again and forming steps of windy force, Which would act as skipping stones upon a river’s winding course. Leaping between the gusts of wind, she soared up to her new eyrie, Giving full trust into the magick’s muse without need for worry.
CXXIII. A darkened, unilluminated hallway awaited her, With sunlight pouring in flat streams through the leaky rundown walls. With a twirl of her digits, she brightened the abandoned halls, And found a pair of doors on each side of the interior. Without much thought, she chose one as her impromptu bedroom; To boot, she found a ladder stretching upwards in the gloom. In curiosity’s grip, she wandered up. No reason to defer Her exploration of the keep, her indulgence to pamper.
CXXIV. Mountains parted the valley in splendour before her eyes, As the lake below slumbered on, by the Guardians warded. Wind whirled about with the poignant essence of the flow uncharted, Which glanced along one’s senses, even seen make dancing strides In the rising light of the morning sun. The trees that dotted The slopes gently waltzed about, as their pearly gowns fluttered In the breeze. Every so often, she spotted a rustling guise Of lone deer which dug beneath the snow in search of a prize.
CXXV. In a moment of foolish wonder among this reserve Of flow abundant, she pressed her fingers upon her temple And gazed at the lake’s winding tale. Magick gathered with a gentle Sweep about her, instilling a vision into her nerve, Into her mind. Flow whirled in a pulsing, jerking motion On one beat and soothing on the next. She gazed at the formation, The glacier’s recede and advance in the same pulsing swerve Which enraptured the flow and beauty of the peaks did preserve.
CXXVI. Breathing in and out. The blooming of flowers, the falling of leaves, The nature’s cycle. Tears welled up in her astonished eyes As she was faced with the land’s radiance in all its dyes. Alas, the sad melody which all of Outerworld bereaves, Did mark the descent into a darker time. The ice and snow Came down one day and left nevermore, shrouding the world in woe. Still, she remained a maiden fair in her white-blazoned weaves, Though elegant, her solemn and sombre state worn on her sleeves.
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wallacepolsom · 1 year
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Wallace Polsom, Ask Me No Questions CXXVI (2023), paper collage, 17.6 x 24.8 cm.
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jcplana · 8 months
Imaginen … la diversión. CXXVI.
No seguiste la prescripción del griego y no entregaste al hijo pues, también de hierro o bronce, declararía tu ausencia de oro.   Humillado, causa, ha sido tu labor una aspiración de ocultación en la diversión o Excelencia, en la reducción de todo hijo a hierro o bronce en la igualación, en la identificación.   De nuevo contra el texto del griego, creador de mitos, tu empresa no tendría que…
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simologista · 25 days
Episode CXXVI: Adulthood
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Alexandra: Waah! Waah! Waah!
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Just look at this sad face.
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Alexander: She started to cry.
Jennifer: Mmmm... So go to her.
Alexander: Does it have to be me?
Jennifer: I did it for the last three years, now it's your turn.
Alexander: Ughhpf...
...but he couldn't argue with that.
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xenk64 · 6 months
"Me And The Bros CXXVI"
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elblogdelescriba · 11 months
Keops: ¿un tirano?
 Poco se sabe sobre Khufu o Keops en griego, más que nada se lo conoce por su gran pirámide ubicada en Guiza. Es hijo de Esnofru, el primer monarca de la IV dinastía y la reina Hetepheres.
Gobernó entre los años 2509-2483, se dice que la pirámide tardo unos veinte años en su construcción. Se casó varias veces, y dos de sus esposas eran sus hermanas o media hermanas, Henutsen y Meritetis. Su sucesor era Didufri, que gobernó muy pocos años, le siguió en el trono Khafra o Kefren, que construyo su tumba al lado de su padre en Guiza.
Durante su reinado realizó expediciones militares al Sinaí, exploración en las canteras de diorita en el desierto de Nubia al noroeste de Abu Simbel, reforzando la frontera Nubia. Teniendo solamente una pequeña representación de él, en una estatua pequeña de unos 60 centímetros, hecha en marfil, hallada en Abidos.
 Pero su figura se la asociaba con un tirano, a través del relato que tenemos de Heródoto, donde plantea el uso de esclavos, el cierre de templo e incluso ante la falta de recursos económicos para la construcción de su pirámide, llego a prostituir a su propia hija.
“pero Quéope, que le sucedió en el trono, echó a perder un Estado tan floreciente. Primeramente, cerrando los templos, prohibió a los egipcios sus acostumbrados sacrificios; ordenó después que todos trabajasen por cuanta, del público, llevando unos hasta el Nilo la piedra cortada en el monte de Arabia, y encargándose otros de pasarla en sus barcas por el rio y de transportaría al otro monte que llaman de Libia.” (Libro II, CXXIV)
 “viéndose ya falto de dinero, llegó Quéope a tal extremo de avaricia y bajeza, que en público lupanar prostituyó a una hija con orden de exigir en recompensa de su torpe y vil entrega cierta suma que no expresaron fijamente los sacerdotes. Aún más; cumplió la hija tan bien con lo que su padre tan mal la mandó que, a costa de su honor, quiso dejar un monumento de su propia infamia, pidiendo a cada uno de sus amantes que le costeara una piedra para su edificio” (Libro II, CXXVI)
En otro texto antiguo en donde también aparece este monarca es el Papiro Westcar, se encuentra actualmente en el Museo de Berlín, fechado en la época hitita (XVI-XVII dinastía) pero es copia de una de una época anterior, del Reino Medio (XVII dinastía). Su principio está incompleto, pero mide 1,69 metro de longitud y 0,335 metros de ancho y se desarrolló a través de 12 placas que tiene entre 23 y 27 líneas. En el encontramos cuentos fantásticos que se desarrollaron en el Reino Antiguo, contadas por los hijos de Keops a su padre para entretenerlo.
 Con los estudios actuales, se puede observar más bien, una buena economía para poder desarrollar este tipo de construcción sin perjudicar al resto del funcionamiento del Estado. Incluso se llegó a encontrar la ciudad donde los obreros vivían mientras construían la tumba del rey, siendo hombres que integraban la sociedad como campesinos, artesanos, etc. Había calles paralelas, con dormitorios, centro de producción y de elaboración de alimentos como panaderías, y necrópolis donde se enterraron los trabajadores que murieron en el proceso de construcción, cerca de la necrópolis real, donde estaba el rey con su familia y funcionarios.
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auvorelius · 1 year
dies CXXVI — poenitens
Laughable. Pitiful.
Seated at an exquisitely ornate table of marble and glass sits the man, full fisting the fountain ink pen in his hand. Deep within those lines on his face sing a tale of the most disheartening of turbulations; above him, his jailer hisses threats and withholds the plate of, yet again, peasant fodder above his head. How could God have allowed such a beautiful and angelic boy twist into evil incarnate?
Without the propensity for self-reflection from a parental standpoint, how did his son grow to be so cruel?
The man sniffles, his lip quivering, as he gives into the demands of his caretaker to write out his pentanance in a bound journal. The fallen Roman General's penmanship is gaudy, blocky—worse than a preschooler's dictation in crayon.
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
i love reading about the random historical figures and poets and such that you have beef with. i'm sitting here eating popcorn while cheering you on korka <3
Really, all you need to know is that I'm right. Idk if you've learnt about Petrarca (I think in English he's called Petrarch?) but this fucking guy, listen.
So this guy, supposedly, saw a woman once (1) in church and became SO obsessed with her, he wrote a whole book of poetry about her. And, okay, that's not so bad, writing about unrequited love, what sort of writer hasn't? But there's just something so. Creepy about the way he describes Laura. And, well. CXXVI. where he watched her bathe and basically invented the "would you be sad if i died"🧍‍♀️
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hopelessheav · 1 year
Solo quando ci insultiamo e litighiamo Dopo esserci urlati la peggio merda addosso capiamo quanto ci amiamo
Carl Brave x Franco 126 x Ugo Borghetti
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ubros · 2 years
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WIP Time! CXXVI Ready to get painted!
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stirlingmoss · 3 months
CXX ​Abraham was a model, obedient to God, devoted, and not an idolater, CXXI grateful for the favors of God, who selected him and guided him to a straight path. CXXII ​And We gave him good in the world; and in the hereafter he is to be one of the worthy. CXXIII ​So We inspired you to follow the way of Abraham devotedly; he was not one of the idolaters. CXXIV ​The Sabbath was only made for those who differed about it. And your Lord will judge between them, on the day of resurrection, about that whereon they differed. CXXV ​Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and debate with others in the most dignified manner. For your Lord knows best who is astray from the way of God, and knows best who are the ones who are guided. CXXVI ​And if you inflict punishment, then inflict punishment equivalent to the vengeance wrought on you: but if you are patient, that is certainly best for those who are patient. CXXVII ​So be patient; though your patience is only through God. And do not grieve over them, and do not be depressed by whatever they connive; CXXVIII ​for God is with those who are conscientious and those who do good.
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raducotarcea · 3 months
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lcapote1973 · 4 months
La Guarida del Dragón. Esta semana en Docencia en Derecho Civil (CXXVI)
Enlace: http://dragon.blogalia.com/historias/78795
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