#Capitan America civil war
andre-worlds · 3 months
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Trying something new, and I decided to do it with Winter Soldier ❤️💙
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sophiaversion · 2 years
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Capitan America civil war
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susturunbeynimi · 1 year
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Captain America: Civil War
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sadiehasaheart · 10 months
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funkybarnes · 9 months
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“the man on the bridge (...) I knew him”
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javoti5 · 2 months
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worldmusicandcinema · 2 years
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buckymilf · 2 years
When there's a discussion on whether Steve's ending was good or not, there's one thing that actually bothers me, and it's when people say that it was always meant to happen because it was already planned and the entirety of Steve's arc throughout the movies was purposely made to have that ending regardless. Like, that's just not true.
The creators confirmed a few times that the script for Endgame had a lot of changes and that they had different versions for the movie. I'm pretty sure that the Russos said at one point that in one of these versions Steve died during the battle and was decapitated. Steve dying was an option, and probably one that was going to follow through because it would just be easier and it wouldn't leave the public confused after previously stablishing a good and understandable enough explanation for time travel. It would also save Marvel from now having to explain what happened after Steve came back, the comment in FATWS about people believing that he's on the moon, and having to keep everything vague enough for the possibility of Evans agreeing to come back.
But the evidence of this ending definitely not being planned years before it's the movie itself. If Steve was really meant to end up with Peggy, they wouldn't need to bring her up so many times during the movie, it shouldn't be necessary to explain again and again how much she means to him, that's something that the audience should already know. When there's Civil War discourse people argue about who's right, the political perspective of Tony and Steve, whether Steve should've told Tony about his parents, or if he shouldn't have dragged the other avengers to battle, whatever, but I've never seen people question why he's so intent on defending his views and protecting Bucky from the government, because in CAFTA and CATWS the audience got to see and understand that Steve acts based on what he thinks is right and that Bucky is important to him. It's stablished, and so in Civil War people don't need flashbacks of the 40's or constant reminders to understand Steve's actions.
If Steve talked about his friends that were gone with the snap in the group therapy session, if the compass was replaced for a wrinkled photo of him with Sam and Nat or if he paid attention to SHIELD'S basement when he went to get the capsules and saw traces of Zola's work, and even then, ended up going back to the past, many more people than it did when the movie came out would get really upset about his ending. I mean, one of the main reasons why some people didn't believe the spoilers when they were leaked on Reddit was Steve's ending making no sense. Of course they had to try to make it seem like not getting to be with Peggy was Steve's biggest regret, because what the audience knew about them together was that that she was kind of the first woman that paid attention to him, she kissed him once, then told him that he had to live his life because she already had, and then enter his new love interest. If his ending was meant to be like that and was really planned in advance, we wouldn't need constant reminders of her character and their relationship, and in the previous movies it would've been clear that Steve hadn't moved on and that him being in the 21st century was still his biggest problem.
At the end of the day is media, you can like it or not, but there's no need to try to justify the way that a multimillionaire company fucks up characters' storylines and characterisation.
you know what i think it's the sickest part? if they wanted us to belive that peggy was the most important thing in Steve's life, enough for him to comeback to the fucking segregation era, that they were always "mean to be" why would they made him kiss her niece???
it's clear that marvel just wanted the most heteronormative ending possible for the character, even if that means ruining his entire arch, beliefs, and ignore the best mcu trilogy aka the Capitan America one.
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timdrakeandco · 1 year
Some Tim headconans that have been stuck in my head for a while:
-he has a taste for horror and will watch the most disturbing movies. he and Jason have movie nights together where they watch the most hunting, horrifying and hideous films humanity has created.
They laugh the whole time(at how incorrect the movies are, like "no dummy that's not how a brain explodes")
Dick is upset that he's not included.
-I love the idea of Tim growing old, and eventually quitting the vigilante life.
But he loves being a Detective part of the act too much, so he'll probably end up a private investigator or "consulting detective" kinda thing. ( He would never work directly for the government, not this one at least. Sorry Dick. )
-loves nail polish, buys one everytime he sees one, he just can't resist it.
His collection has about 40 different colors. Steph and Cass are very impressed. They "borrow" one whenever they can.
Never paints his nails the same color, he uses at least 4 different colors each time.
- he's obsessed with stickers. Back of his laptop, his skateboard and his phone are full of various stickers. He also has a tiny heart sticker on his Robin armor that Bernard gave him.
- comic book nerd. Once spent about 3 hours explaining the MCU timeline to Damian.
He's a hardcore spiderman fan.
He Took ironman's side in civil war. Dick is a huge Capitan America stan. They had a nasty argument when the movie came out. They didn't speak to each other for 3 days. They haven't mentioned it since.
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melodystark · 1 year
If Capitan America Civil War end like this
Red Skull,Madame Hydra or wherever Hydra - well done miss maximoff you complet the mision destroy the avengers
Wendy - thanks i was easy
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And me like so suportive of Evil,Scarlet Witch
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donfadrique · 8 months
Really nice WDZ fanvids by @allerod 🌵🍊
Once again. I'm not going to write an article about my fave Captain Monastario (like this one https://elzorro.net/en/the-best-of-the-worst-the-phenomenon-of-capitan-monastario/), I'll just translate my fanfic dedication into English :)
'And I also wanted to somehow, let it be in an entertaining way, honor the memory of Britt Lomond—a talented theater and film actor, screenwriter and writer, Olympic-level swordsman, professional designer and artist, and an award-winning participant in WW II and the Korean War.'
I don't think I need to explain why, besides Monastario I'm interested in Zorro :)
But I want to emphasize that although I read romantic stories about this couple, I write about their relationship on background of real historical events (in 1820 there was a Civil War in Spanish America). Any kind of relationship. Some people don't understand me, some ppl don't see the 'chemistry' between the actors, but all the actors (and Guy Williams personally, if I'm not mistaken) said that there was magic on the set (I mean, when Britt Lomond was in the show).
I say this so that no one will say that I'm fascinated by Comandante's blue eyes xD The eyes are beautiful, of course, and I'm bisexual, but that's not the point :) Anyway, nevermind xDD
P.S. Still, good fanfiction about Enrique/someone or Diego/someone I read. But now I try not to do this, I'm writing my stories unforgivably slowly :(
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guadaaaajuarez · 1 year
para que mierda me instale tiktok
Acabo de ver el video de una chica que decía que el paralelo más triste de marvel es entre la escena en capitan america el soldado del invierno cuando steve le dice a bucky que él no iba a pelear porque era su amigo y la escena de capitan america civil war cuando tony se entera que bucky había matado a sus padres y que steve sabia y le pregunta porque lo había ocultado a lo cual le responde porque bucky es su amigo y tony le retruca con un 'yo también'; lo que me lleva a maquinar que steve estaba dispuesto a dejar todo lo que había construido después de despertarse del hielo por lo único que lo relacionaba con su vida en los 40s, pero al mismo tiempo steve "pierde" a bucky cuando este decide congelarse en wakanda para que sea más fácil sacarle el programa del soldado del invierno, después de esto se encuentra con nat y liberan a todos del raft y desde mi punto de vista steve ahí se da cuenta que puede tener parte de su vida en los 40s en su nueva vida en el siglo 21 y creo que es el crecimiento de un personaje que menos se hace notar después, como sabemos todo esto pasa desde el final de civil war, toda la especulación hasta infinity war donde esos 6 minutos y medio que tiene muestran un steve rogers mucho más maduro y centrado, el cual enamoro a más de una (yo incluida). Este steve más maduro se da cuenta que como terminaron las cosas con tony no fue de la manera más idónea, lo cual se arrepiente, por eso le mande el teléfono desechable como una oferta de paz; lo que me llevo a una conclusión un poco rara, las mejores "etapas" del personaje de steve, en la que la mayoría está de acuerdo, son capitan america: el soldado del invierno y avengers: infinity war por eso me pregunte ¿qué tienen en común estas dos versiones tan distintas? La respuesta fue muy obvia para la personalidad de steve, poque estaba peleando por lo que creía correcto; esto no significa que las otras veces que este peleaba no lo estuviese hecho por lo correcto, sino que en esas dos particulares veces son peleas que solo le incumben a él y no a todo el mundo, en catws él estaba peleando para tratar de entender lo que pasaba con bucky por algo descubrió que shield estaba infliltrado por hydra y que bucky era parte de esto, además de que steve era una misión del soldado del invierno. Obviamente como ya sabemos la caída de "shield" no solo fue algo personal de steve sino que también formaron parte nat, sam, maría y fury, que es muy parecido a las circunstancias del steve de infinity war que viene de ser nómade y vivir en diversas partes del mundo debido a que es un fugitivo internacional, en esta ocasión tampoco se encuentra solo ya que nat, sam y wanda viven esta vida y ´"pelean" por cosas mínimas parecido a lo que hacía spiderman cuando era el friendly neighbor, Por eso llegue a una conclusión muy obvia, aunque capitan america es un héroe, steve rogers no es la única que puede ser capitan america pero solo steve rogers puede ser steve rogers y cuando cap deja de lado esa parte del héroe nacional y solo es steve rogers es cuando vemos el mejor lado de su personaje (algo que claramente a marvel no le gusta o prefiere a capitan america antes que a steve rogers)
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sophiaversion · 2 years
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Capitan America civil war
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cotilleo-de-marvel · 2 years
Orden Cronológico
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Capitan America: el primer vengador
Agente Carter
Capitana Marvel
Iron-man 2
El increible hulk
Algo divertido sucedió de camino al martillo de thor (corto)
El consultor (corto)
Avengers: Los vengadores
Objeto 47
Thor: El mundo oscuro
Iron-man 3
Larga vida al rey (corto)
Capitan Amercia: Soldado de invierno
Los guardianes de la galaxia
Yo soy groot: Los primeros pasos de groot (corto)
Los guardianes de la galaxia 2
Yo soy groot: El chiquitín (corto)
Yo soy groot: Una noche movida (corto)
Yo soy groot: Groot de da un baño
Yo soy groot: Obra maestra
Vengadores: la era de ultrón
Capitan América. Civil War
Viuda Negra
Black Panther
Spider-man: Home Coming
Doctor Strange
Thor Ragnarok
Ant-man y la Avispa
Vengadores: Infinity War
Vengadores: End game
What if?
Wanda Vision
Falcon y el soldado de invierno
Doctor Strange: El Multiverso de la Locura
Ojo de halcón
Caballero Luna
Ms Marvel
Thor: Love and Thunther
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selcouthaesthetics · 3 years
I'm a Baron, Sam
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Baron Helmut Zemo aesthetics
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dalbleus · 3 years
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can I offer you a nice.....Bucky fanart???
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