#Carl Trueman
What Shifts Are Taking Place in Culture? What Shifts Are Taking Place in Culture? Shane Rosenthal discusses this question and more with Carl Trueman, author of The Rise & Triumph of the Modern Self.
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"It is not simply that society just happens to be antihistorical in the way it approaches history. It has a vested interest in the actual erasure of history, of those things that conjure up unpleasant ideas that might disrupt the happiness of the present."
-Carl Trueman
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
“Abortion reflects a profoundly defective anthropology, according to which every individual is sovereign and everybody else we encounter, even our own children, are to be considered  first and foremost a threat to that  sovereignty.…The dependent status of the weak carries with it moral obligations for the strong—indeed, that dependency and obligation to one another are what make us truly human.” —Carl R. Trueman
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gospelborn · 2 years
Member's Ministry: Give (Acts 2:42-47)
Member’s Ministry: Give (Acts 2:42-47)
The following is an unedited sermon manuscript; for an explanation of my sermon manuscripts, click here. *Originally preached January 24th, 2021* Sermon Audio: Member’s Ministry: Give (Acts 2:42-47) 42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done…
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wisdomfish · 10 months
"The LGBTQ+ lobby has decisively taken over the American empire. But given that obvious fact, can we now at least be spared the sanctimonious claptrap that pervades the other 11 months of the year, that which complains about continuing marginalization, negative stereotyping, and oppression by a hostile culture? That’s nonsense, as Pride Month makes very clear indeed."
~ Carl R. Trueman
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I'm reading Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Carl R. Trueman right now and just. SO GOOD. It's dense but I'm really enjoying the flow of his writing. I'm not even half way through the first chapter so I'll keep y'all updated as I go.
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broken-academia · 2 years
“[We] need good, solid reasons for not being Catholic; not being a Catholic should, in other words, be a positive act of will and commitment, something we need to get out of bed determined to do each and every day.” —Carl Trueman, protestant minister
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y’all really living against the grace of God like this?
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cogentranting · 2 years
"Every age has had its darkness and its dangers. The task of the Christian is not to whine about the moment in which he or she lives but to understand its problems and respond appropriately to them."
- Carl R. Trueman, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
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by Carl Trueman | It is a hardy perennial of church history that every generation believes itself to be living in a time of terminal spiritual decline. Whether it is Luther in 1527 lamenting in his own inimitable style that the Reformation gospel had merely given people the excuse to live like “irrational pigs,” the Puritans complaining of the empty formalism of establishment Anglicanism...
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christophe76460 · 3 months
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[MEMENTO MORI] L'épisode 188 est en ligne 😄🎧
Matt et Raph vous invitent à continuer d'explorer le livre "The Rise and the Triumph of the Modern Self" de Carl Trueman avec eux. Ils se questionnent sur l'émergence d'une nouvelle conception du 'moi', et comment cette évolution a transformé notre manière de voir le monde, la culture, et l'éthique.
A écouter juste ici 👉 https://toutpoursagloire.com/podcasts/memento-mori
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"A second useful element in Taylor’s work that connects to the social imaginary and to which we will have recourse is the relationship between mimesis and poiesis. Put simply, these terms refer to two different ways of thinking about the world. A mimetic view regards the world as having a given order and a given meaning and thus sees human beings as required to discover that meaning and conform themselves to it. Poiesis, by way of contrast, sees the world as so much raw material out of which meaning and purpose can be created by the individual."
Carl Trueman
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
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jnmanokaran · 6 months
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denkvorbote · 8 months
"Critical Dilemma"-Autoren Shenvey und Sawyer bei Alisa Childers
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https://youtu.be/LjndIRsQS0M?si=AhJU7qIE_6jalveI Ist die Bewegung für soziale Gerechtigkeit Mit dem Evangelium vereinbar? Neil Shenvi und Pat Sawyer zu Gast bei Alisa Childers Wer mittlerweile Carl Truemans Standardwerk "Der Siegeszug des modernen Selbst" zum Thema Trans-Ideologie vs. Evangelikalismus durchgearbeitet hat und auf diesem so wichtigen Gebiet weiterarbeiten möchte, dem sei eine aktuelle Folge aus Alisa Childers großartigem Podcast empfohlen. In dieser Episode sind Neil Shenvey und Pat Sawyer zu Gast bei Alisa Childers Podcast und diskutieren deren neues Buch "Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology Implications for the Church and Society" vor. "Critical Theory" und "Contemporary Critical Theory" sprechen verschiedene soziale Ungerechtigkeiten an und gehen letztendlich auf die neomarxistische Frankfurter Schule zurück. Die Autoren heben hervor, dass, obwohl einige Ideen daraus wertvoll sein können, die Kritische Theorie dazu neigt, das Denken zu dominieren und mit einer evangelikalen Weltsicht letztlich nicht vereinbar ist. Die Autoren warnen jedoch davor, dass diese Theorien aber nichtsdestotrotz in unsere evangelikalen Gemeinden einsickern. Die Verbindung zwischen Queer-Theorie und kritischer Theorie wird ebenfalls diskutiert, wobei toxische Auswirkungen auf gesellschaftliche Normen beleuchtet werden. Die Autoren betonen die Wichtigkeit, berechtigte Anliegen von problematischen Aspekten zu unterscheiden und kritisieren Ideen ohne Verurteilung der Menschen dahinter. Das englische Buch "Critical Dilemma" erscheint voraussichtlich am 3.10.23. Im Chat heisst es, wenn man es bei Amazon vorbestelle, erhalte man derzeit 37 % Rabatt und eine kostenlose Diskussionsanleitung auf der Website des Autors. Diese Anleitung eigne sich gut für Buchclubs, Sonntagsschulklassen und College-Kurse. Read the full article
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Because I'm really excited... the books I just bought:
The Holy Spirit-The Helper by John Owen, edited by Andrew S. Ballitch
United to Christ, Walking in the Spirit by Benjamin L. Merkle
Truth, Theology, and Perspective by Vern S. Poythress
Why Believe? by Neil Shenvi
The Mission of the Triune God by Patrick Schreiner
Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Carl R. Trueman
Theistic Evolution by J.P. Moreland, Stephen C. Meyer, et. al.
God's Kingdom through God's Covenants by Peter Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum
Roman Catholic Theology and Practice by Gregg R. Allison
History and Fallacies by Carl R. Trueman
The Heresy of Orthodoxy by Adreas J. Köstenberger and Michale J. Kruger
The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism by G. K. Beale
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Answering James White's question: What is Biblicism According to Matthew Barrett?
In this episode, we answer a question that Dr. James White posed in a recent Dividing Line where he was reviewing an episode of the Mortification of Spin, with Carl Trueman and Matthew Barrett. Dr. White asked “What is biblicism according to Dr. Barrett? Well, I recently purchased Dr. Barrett’s new book and while reading came across a page where he defines biblicism in 6 points. We go over this…
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