#Cat Daemon
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Dr. Malcolm Polstead and Asta as I imagined them in The Secret Commonwealth
r/hisdarkmaterials posted by u/fllavieh 1 year ago
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dumberme · 4 months
Amazing sighting of 2 leopard cubs on the Western shores, Isimangaliso this afternoon- amazingly one appears to be a rare 'Strawberry' leopard. This unusual colouration is thought to be a result a genetic mutation called erythrism that causes an absence of a normal dark pigment or excessive production of red pigment. This has only been recorded a handful of times in leopards so could be a pretty special find for Isimangaliso.
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witchofhimring · 4 months
HotD ✨Cat edition✨
Note: I keep seeing cat editions of characters in different fandoms. I will be stealing that idea now.😗
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You had been hired to work at a cat café for some extra cash. It sounded like a brilliant idea at first. Being surrounded with adorable little furballs and making money. Great!
Because you were not prepared for the evil you would have to face.
Cat species:
Persian Longhair
Slightly chubby. Long silver fur. Wide blue eyes with luxurious eyelashes. Has an enormous bushy hair used to swat Otto her enemies. Pink nose. A very pretty kitty.
Absolute Princess Complex. She is the most important kitty in the world and you better know that. Feeding time? Her first. Hair not perfect? You better brush it. Many a time she has swatted cats and kittens out of her way. Anything to get that kibble. Her way to get your attention is jumping onto you lap and pawing at you.
She has a more friendly side. When you first met Rhaenyra she was stand offish, looking down at the peasants humans bellow. For weeks you would see her blue eyes looming out from the darkness. At about the three week mark Rhaenyra started to come up to you. A pet here. A pet there. And then she was suddenly all over you. She is actually a very cuddly kitty once she gets to know you. When you have a bad day she will come up and settle on you lap as comfort.
Cat species:
On the smaller end of the size scale. Brownish red fur that is slightly wavy. Huge brown eyes that look into your soul. Face constantly looks like she's sad.
Very shy. It was about two months in when you first caught sight of her. Because she is shy Alicent spends most of her time in the boss's office. She is very peculiar about touching. You have to pet her a certain way or it is bye bye. Does not like to be picked up and it is very rare for her to sit on anyone's lap. Loves personal space. Her bed is hidden away and she shares with no one, except Aemond or Helaena.
Cat species:
Persian longhair
Skinny with long but thin strands of hair. Has a few bald spots. Has narrow watery blue eyes. His whiskers nearly droop to the floor. Owns a stain that drags behind him as he walks.
Sleepy. Boy likes to have his beauty sleep. He's a bit shy but not as much as Alicent. Because of his health he stays in the back room. When you have breaks he will snuggle against you and sleep. Sometimes he's a bit grumpy from the medication. Viserys is a mostly good cat. Not too naughty and enjoys being pampered.
Demon Daemon:
Cat species:
a demon Persian longhair
Thin, lanky. Narrow blue eyes. Large front paws. Tail is slightly crooked and bobs as he walks. Shinny silver fur that he is very vain about.
That cat is evil incarnate. He will look deep into your eyes and bat away a cup of tea right onto the floor. Somehow attracts a gaggle of admirers who thinks him destroying ornate pillows adorable. You know what is also adorable? When you have to fix said pillows.
If he's not destroying property then he plays the "catch me" games. Will rub non stop against you. But the second you bend down to touch him Daemon is gone. Then when you go back to your job he is back again, the crashing of a $40 mug announcing his arrival.
Cat species:
Thin hairs that stick up, crooked whiskers. Has tiny brown eyes that constantly look like they are judging you (because he is). Very thin but large.
Unsettling. Sometimes you questioned if he even was a cat. He slinks around the room and will not let anyone touch him. Spends most of his time on a perch glairing down at the servants little people bellow. Hates Rhaenyra for whatever reason.
Cat species:
Devon Rex
Black kinky hair that is short. Small and light of her feet. Has big brown eyes and enormous ears.
A very sweet girl. Very popular with the customers. Probably one of the few cats that doesn't start fights with the other cats. That being said she is very picky about food. Will stick her nose up at certain kibble if it is not up to her standards. Will not play with toys roughed up by other cats.
Cat species:
Devon Rex
Curly black hair, surprisingly long for a Devon Rex. Wide brown eyes and tiny whiskers.
Pretty friendly. He sometimes likes to follow you around. Prefers adults and will usually go up to someone when they arrive. Doesn't cause any problems.
Cat species:
Devon Rex
Curly and surprisingly poufy hair. Straight whiskers that never seem to bend. Large paws with sharp claws (you once tried to trim his nails and people could hear his wails across the street). Brown eyes.
Vert stern. He acts like the general of a military base. Marches up and down the entrance, eyeing everyone who comes in. Acts as a sort of peace keeper between Otto and Daemon. He does let people pet him but will not be picked up. He will only sit on your lap if you are a frequent customer or employee/boss.
Cat species:
Devon Rex
White curls adorn her body. Her ears are huge and her blue eyes have a water quality to them. Delicate features but do not let that fool you.
You swear if she was a person Rhaenys would be one of those posh ladies that lived in your neighborhood. Prefers the company of ladies and will sit like a little person on a chair. Only likes to be pet on the head. When she thinks no one is looking Rhaenys bats around a little a little pink ball.
Harwin: (Dishonorable mention)
Cat species:
British Shorthair
A heavy set boi. Brown fur and deep brown eyes. A slightly squashed face. A small but surprisingly powerful tail.
A sneaky bad boy that sneaks inside and is the cause of more work (aka the kittens he fathered). Is not one of your cats. Bad boy snuck in an got Rhaenyra pregnant. Kept sneaking in afterwards and boom, suddenly three new kittens. You later discovered that he had been living quite comfortable in Rhaenyra's hidey hole, only coming out when you were not looking. It was only when he decided to come out and steal a customers feather boa that you discovered Harwin, a stream of pink feathers in his wake.
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tragicotps · 1 year
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Marisa Coulter + showing her true feelings through her daemon
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vhsmitchell · 1 year
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i am very mentally well right now...
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cosmicvisitor · 5 months
not every animal in your life will be your familiar, but if you think your true familiar isn't going to find their way into your life when you need them no matter the cost, you're vastly underestimating both their power and their love for you.
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to-a-merrier-world · 2 months
One Piece x Daemon AU
Straw Hat Pirates' Daemons
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Luffy - Peregrine Falcon (separated by DF): Settling abnormally young—at only 7 years old when Shanks gave him his hat—Luffy’s daemon is associated with freedom, intuition, and bravery. The fastest bird in the world, these falcons are also associated with a number of gods, including the sun god Ra and the sky god Horus, and are sometimes considered king of the birds. Luffy’s daemon shape was heavily influenced by his Devil Fruit and the strength of his personal goals/dreams, since his own personality is already very open, honest, and straightforward (thus, he already bares his soul to the world, even without a daemon). The small size of his daemon also often leads others to underestimate him.
Zoro - Wolf-Dog: Is anyone surprised? Zoro’s daemon reveals his nature as a mix of wild animal and loyal pet. While dog daemons are associated with servitude, wolf daemons are neither docile nor friendly (to most strangers, at least). I found this mix of loyalty, wildness, ferocity, and an orientation towards pack/protection to be a good fit for Zoro. (Especially cause everyone calls him Luffy’s loyal attack dog anyway😛). (During the time skip, Zoro separated with his daemon under Mihawk’s instruction.)
Nami - Red Fox: Foxes have it all—associated with tricksters and hoarders, cuteness and sexiness, aggression and playfulness, Nami’s daemon works well with here, both when they’re trying to survive under Arlong and as Luffy’s navigator. While sometimes associated with thieves, foxes are also known as spirits who help those in need (and punish those who are arrogant). The fox is also sometimes depicted as a guide between worlds, perfect for a navigator.
Usopp - Great Horned Owl: Usopp is the only crew member whose daemon isn’t settled before joining. His daemon settles after Ennie’s Lobby, but prior to that, she often took the form of a cape hare. Associated with wisdom, intuition, self-actualization, and victory in battle, I chose an owl for Usopp in part b/c I wanted to relate and contrast him with Luffy (both birds of prey). I also chose an owl b/c of they’re “silent killers”—appropriate for a sniper! (During the time skip, Usopp would train to separate with his daemon, but ultimately only stretched their bond, unable to fully separate.)
Sanji - Slender Mongoose: This daemon is associated with boldness, rebellion, and resourcefulness, and they’re known for taking on predators that are much bigger and badder than them (look up the mongoose vs lion confrontation!). Mongoose are also considered a protector of gods, and can be very cooperative and family-oriented. I chose a mongoose in-part because of their unassuming, rodent-like appearance (and also for the mental image of Sanji cooking with his cute mongoose daemon hanging around his neck).
Chopper - Anna's Hummingbird (separated by DF): One of the only hummingbird species that sticks around during winter, this daemon is associated with luck, healing, life, and tenacity. Chopper’s daemon appeared after he ate his Devil Fruit (and gained a human soul), and settled after Hiriluk’s death. In part, I chose this hummingbird for its pink head and b/c it’d be really cute perched on Chopper’s antler.
Robin - Spotted Hyena (separated by DF): While they’re associated with evil, impurity, and stupidity, the hyena is actually an intelligent, nurturing, and courageous animal. Settling young, only a short year after her escape from Ohara, Robin’s daemon is a reflection of both who she is and who people believe her to be. Her daemon’s form was also taken for protection—for much of her life, Robin needed a daemon who could fight back when their backs were to a wall. Luckily, once she joins the Straw Hats, she and her daemon finally find the family group they’ve been looking for, where their kindness can flourish.
Franky - Painted Dog: Franky is by no means the type to have a domesticated dog daemon, but as someone who is family-oriented, friendly, and playful (and tough as hell), a wild painted dog is a good fit. After being hit by the sea train, Franky’s daemon ended up heavily scarred, giving her a fierce look.
Brook - White Satin Moth (separated by DF): With delicate, all-white wings, these moths are often seen as symbols of loved ones visiting from the afterlife. Prior to their death, though, Brook’s daemon was a mourning dove, chosen both for the symbolism of death/mourning and because they have my favorite bird call. Imagine the duets when they were alive…
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Bonus (under Read more): Ace, Sabo, Shanks, & Law! Plus, some world-building thoughts:
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Ace - Lion (separated by DF): While a large, threatening predator, lions are also one of the few big cats that typically live in family groups. Ace’s daemon took this form both as a form of defense, as well as misdirection—they deeply crave family, connection, and acceptance, but can be held back by their own anger and distrust. Lions are associated with royalty, but are not associated with pirates the way bird daemons are.
Sabo - Caracal: Associated with being protectors of gods, I mostly chose a caracal for their unique jumping (reminded me of Sabo’s fighting style) and the cute ears. Both he and Ace have individualistic/loner personalities that lend them towards cat daemons, but unlike Ace, Sabo is less concerned with a family connection. Caracals are associated with both hunting and protection. (Also, I can definitely see Sabo’s daemon playing with Luffy’s by jumping to catch them^^)
Shanks - Raven (separated): One of the smartest birds around, ravens are often known as harbingers of death and doom. They are also known to communicate with other ravens about who friends and foes are, and will be friendly or hostile accordingly. Shanks and his daemon separated the traditional way, by purposeful stretching of the bond until it broke.
Law - Black-footed Cat (separated by DF): I know, I know, everyone gives him a snow leopard, which I respect, but!! This cat is the deadliest wild cat in the world with the highest kill count. Deceptively small and cute, they are known for their tenacity, bravery, and ferocity. For Law, I wanted to highlight his upbringing as the child of 2 doctors & his connection to Cora—he had a normal childhood, before everything fell apart, but his experiences surviving in Flevance and with Cora led him to a smaller, quieter daemon that wouldn’t draw attention. Also, while fierce and dangerous, Law can still be quite cute, imo🥰. And with such a small/non-threatening looking daemon, Law would tend towards hiding them, making himself appear more threatening (as people are naturally off-put by a lack of daemon).
When a person eats a Devil Fruit, the power also applies to their daemon. (Ex: When Bon Clay mimics someone's face, his daemon can also mimic their daemon.)
When a person eats a Devil Fruit, they and their daemon are separated. Unlike the traditional and artificial methods of stretching and separating from one’s daemon, Devil Fruit separation is largely painless.
Daemons can use haki, but it is very difficult, requiring training.
It's highly stigmatized in most of the world for daemons of strangers to touch, including in fights. Pirates' daemons, however, are often seen fighting each other. However, even among pirates, it's taboo to touch another's daemon without permission.
Bird daemons are stigmatized due to their association with piracy during the pirate era (Gol Roger's daemon was a golden eagle). (Each of the Straw Hats who have/had bird daemons do so because their dreams involve being a pirate specifically.)
All races in OP have externalized souls (ex: Minks have visible auras that can interact with each other. Fishmen/merpeople have sentient water—think Moana—that follows them or is kept in special jewelry.)
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proffesionalalpaca · 2 years
With Eman Esfandi being cast as the Live Action Ezra Bridger, it got me thinking.
In my mind Ezra is with the Chiss Ascendancy in their war against the Grysks, and Ezra’s most iconic force ability is beast taming so my brain naturally concluded:
Csillan War-Mount Creature!
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So yeah here’s Ezra’s pet/war mount, a gigantic 4-eyed stoat combined with a snow leopard/ sabertooth cat/ polar bear. A Snow Stoat-Leopard… A Stoatpard.
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Until a canon word appears her name will be Sh’uaks’ha, aka ‘White’ in Cheunh according to me. (Kit Sh’uaks’ha - top right)
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brokecherry · 6 months
Hi this is the pic in the tweet anon sent about lucemond halloween lmao
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NOT DAEMON AND CARAXES AHHH !! anon who sent this ur doing the lords work
but also ! imagine daemons reaction when lucemond pull up in this…..
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schoolsquiggles · 3 months
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A quiz reassigned my daemon as a rat, so I made some sketches of his new form
I'm pretty happy with him being like that. Now he can travel on my shoulder and be safe in my pockets <3
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magnolia-sunrise · 16 days
okay random goofy post but this is Wolfgang, to me. and to everyone else as well im pretty sure
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despite their chosen name, they're actually extremely cat coded :3
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The Amber Spyglass Cover Print
Designed and sold by tayloreynolds13 on Redbubble
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7greentears · 2 years
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“From where I stand, the sun is shining all over the place.”
Drawing my 7 foot rabbit jester to get myself out an art rut. Thought I’d draw him in a melodramatic mock poster.
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themerrygothic · 11 months
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i may not post much/be much of a content creator BUT i do want to further my Persona x Daemon agenda soooo
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tragicotps · 1 year
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If both of you could choose an animal to represent your soul in reality, what animal would you choose and why? [PART 1] [PART 2]
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acaciapines · 6 months
Leafkit is born with kudzu around her throat. It is, of course, her daemon, her heart-plant, the other half of her soul. It is a gift given to her by the very stars above, a blessing from Starclan, and it wraps tightly around her paws, and blooms across her back, and digs its roots in deeper, as she grows and loves and loses, again and again and again. She's never been good and wanting only what Starclan wished for her.
that's right. warrior cat "daemon" au! it was a lot of fun to puzzle this one out, haha. i think it counts as a daemon au. mostly. sort of. look i consider it one and thats what is important.
its also a love letter to leafpool. but. it was always going to be, i think.
thanks to @mallowstep for posting about warrior cats and daemon aus, because without that the final pieces never would have clicked for me. <3
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