haveyoueatenthis · 4 months
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serenamatroia · 6 months
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jcplana · 8 months
Imaginen … la diversión. CXXVI.
No seguiste la prescripción del griego y no entregaste al hijo pues, también de hierro o bronce, declararía tu ausencia de oro.   Humillado, causa, ha sido tu labor una aspiración de ocultación en la diversión o Excelencia, en la reducción de todo hijo a hierro o bronce en la igualación, en la identificación.   De nuevo contra el texto del griego, creador de mitos, tu empresa no tendría que…
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Evita especialmente a arbitrariedade; que na mínima coisa esteja o selo da obediência. Diário 362.
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CIA, Moonies Cooperate in Sandinista War
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▲ Contras in Nicaragua
Washington Post page E-15 (and Indiana Gazette)
August 16, 1984 by Jack Anderson
In the Central American hinterlands, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish CIA operatives from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s disciples. They appear to be working in harness against the communist-tainted Sandinista regime in Nicaragua.
This troubles at least one Pentagon analyst, now stationed in Korea, who has warned the White House that the CIA-Moonie connection could cause possible political damage to President Reagan’s re-election campaign.
The analyst’s unofficial memo, “Potential Problems,” has been slipped to my associate Donald Goldberg.
“Current Moonie involvement with government officials, contractors and grantees [in Central America] could create a major scandal,” the memo warns. “If their activities and role become public knowledge, it will unite both the left and the right in attacking the administration.”
The memo continues: “If efforts are not taken to stop their growing influence and weed out current Moonie involvement in government, the president stands a good chance of being portrayed in the media as a poor, naive incompetent who is strong on ideology and weak on common sense. …
“The likelihood of a reporter or a Democratic staff member piecing the total picture together is too great to be neglected. Any thought that this festering problem will go away if ignored is foolish.”
The “total picture” of Moon’s activities in Latin America is not clear. But there is no doubt that the Korean messiah – now in prison for income tax evasion [and document forgery and perjury] – has established a solid presence in the region, with ties to right-wing groups and U.S.-supported guerrillas.
My associate John Lee Anderson reports from Central America that CAUSA international, Moon’s political front, has representatives working in programs that help the CIA in its “contra” war against the Sandinista government.
CAUSA maintains a publicity office in Tegucigalpa, the Honduran capital, but its principal activities are in the field. CAUSA provides cash and other aid to Honduran-based Nicaraguan contras and Honduran right-wing political groups. Many anti-Sandinista guerrillas wear red CAUSA T-shirts with a map of the world on them.
But CAUSA and its affiliate, the Refugee Relief Freedom Foundation, provide more than T-shirts to rebel groups. They also funnel supplies to refugee families in and near contra camps and pay for trips by rebel leaders to the United States.
One contra leader, Fernando “El Negro” Chamorro, told my associate that as early as 1981, CAUSA representatives sent him on an all-expenses paid trip to the United States to try to unify the Nicaraguan exile groups.
The airlift of supplies to the rebels by Moon’s Unification Church has escalated since congress cut off CIA funding for the contras. The administration has been attempting to “privatize” its war against the Sandinistas and is apparently willing to work with Moon’s people.
Footnote: A Unification Church official denied that the church is engaged in any but religious activities in Central America.
“The UC is truly anti-Christian” and produces “a species of material and spiritual slavery.” Catholic Bishops in Honduras
Jorge Guldenzoph, deeply involved with CAUSA and Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, given 10 years in jail for torturing
The Unification Church and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
‘Illegal Aliens Joining Moonies’ – The Pittsburg Press
Moon’s ‘Cause’ Takes Aim At Communism in the Americas – Washington Post
Moon in Latin America: Building the Bases of a World Organisation – Guardian
Costa Rica
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unacosatuttamia · 10 months
“È la nostra immaginazione la causa dell'amore,
non l'altra persona.”
Marcel Proust
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historias-delaciudad · 3 months
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Acabo de ver la serie Pokemon Concierge y es adorable. Aunque muy cortita. Aún no se sabe si renovaran la serie porque depende de la recepción y todo eso. Por ello haré mi humilde contribución para que Netflix sepa que la vi y HAGAN MÁS CAPÍTULOS POR EL AMOR DE BATMAN 😭
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bocadosdefilosofia · 4 months
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«Quien sólo admite una teología trascendental se llama deísta; quien acepta, además, una teología natural recibe el nombre de teísta. El primero admite que podemos conocer en todo caso la existencia de un ser originario mediante la mera razón, pero sostiene que nuestro conocimiento del mismo es sólo trascendental, a saber, el de un ser que posee toda la realidad, pero que no podemos determinar más detalladamente. El segundo afirma que la razón es capaz de determinar más detalladamente el objeto por analogía con la naturaleza, a saber, como un ser que, a través del entendimiento y la libertad, contiene en sí el fundamento primario de todas las demás cosas. Aquél se representa, pues, una simple causa del mundo (quedando sin decidir si lo es por necesidad o lo es libremente); éste se representa, en cambio, un creador del mundo.»
Immanuel Kant: Crítica de la razón pura. Editorial Alfaguara, pág. 524. Madrid, 1998.
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i6gyu · 5 months
Nana! Eu queria tirar uma dúvida. Então vai ter uma apresentação sobre dia da Consciência Negra, na minha escola vai ter uma apresentação (como eu falei) só que tem um problema. É que eles pediram para fazer cabelos negros, usar roupa negra (se eu me lembro bem, aparentemente é isso) e um monte de coisas... Mas isso não é apropriação? Tipo eu não tô pego as culturas e roupas deles? É uma simples apresentação mas eu tenho medo de apropriação de cultura.
olha até entendo que a talvez a intenção disso tudo seja homenagear, porém, achei meio errado a proposta da sua escola pq acredito que tem outras formas de homenagear um povo e falar mais sobre a história deles sem precisar ser necessário se vestir como eles
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amamaia · 4 years
Talvez tão caótica quanto titânica
Diz-se na hipótese astronômica conhecida como Grande Impacto que a Lua surgiu da colisão de um planeta chamado Theia com a Terra. Uma órbita caótica causou a transformação que tornou possível que nosso planeta fosse habitável. Em 2020, vestígios dessa profunda alteração foram encontrados, dando mais força à essa teoria.
Impossível pra mim não enxergar com o olho esquerdo infinitos entrelaces desse tão peculiar acontecimento. Digo então agora onde me levaram os devaneios dessa reflexão.
Theia é a mãe da Lua. Da ebriez de sua Dança no Tempo, a Terra ganhou um Espelho onde miramos Sabedoria todas as noites que espiralam pra ensinar. Amanhecemos e anoitecemos nesse encontro. A Realidade é pela força desse impacto desde que o mundo é mundo. Saber disso é revelar Destino.
Creio na potência titânica de cada mulher nessa Existência. Creio nos mundos abertos pela baila dos nossos dias. Toda mulher tem a força incomensurável de alterar o curso da Vida. Em tempos hostis onde nos querem mortas, erguemo-nos no Sim para além da sobrevivência.
Toda mulher deve ser a imperatriz de si mesma. Toda mulher deve encontrar a potência da Vontade que lhe habita. Toda mulher que salva a si muda o mundo de todas as outras, tal qual a titã alterando o que agora sabemos, todas nós.
O que uma mulher não é capaz de fazer quando se sabe livre pra criar o inimaginável? Como descansar antes de saber que me dei em cada vestígio a essa Causa? Anoiteço e amanheço orientada pela sagrada imantação que nos enlaça. Errando novos erros, descobrindo novas trilhas, ouvindo mais os sussurros das Antigas, compreendendo as dessemelhanças do Agora e as fronteiras invisíveis que nos cercam. Talvez tão caótica quanto titânica.
O que é instransponível para as Águas que me fazem deslizar pelo mundo? Quantas mulheres moram em minha pele? Quantas mulheres fortalecem os meus ossos? Quantas mulheres me fazem viva? Como não lutar? Como não agradecer?
Desejo me dissolver no sincero encantamento que nos faça mais que permanecer. Que minha voz-sangue-lágrima-risada-sabor arranque medo, corrente e amarra e possamos dançar juntas em algum solo-teia que derreta o que nos sufoca.
Que a Lua bendiga nossas cabeças no rumo de cada impacto-colisão-nascedouro da ação de costurar o poder de despertar. Somos imensas. Somos titãs. É nisso que acredito, miro e sigo. E, sinceramente, não vou parar.
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leregirenga · 1 year
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La muerte no la entendemos, nos quita a quienes amamos, nos amarga la vida, nos causa una herida y una cicatriz que duele para toda la vida.
La muerte llega sin ser invitada y apaga nuestra sonrisa y pone triste nuestra mirada, ella es el peor dolor y más cuando no hubo tiempo ni de decir adiós, ella hace llorar al más fuerte y su dolor queda por siempre. Por eso ama, no pelees y perdona, no guardes rencor que la muerte no perdona!
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trevlad-sounds · 7 months
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Sunday 24 September Mixtape 376 “Lucky Colors”
Retro Space Electronic Idm Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip or subscribe so future shows can bloom.
Miss Majesty-Lucky One 00:31
Marc Shearer-Magma On My Mind 01:31
Hawksmoor-Dream Logic 05:12
Fluxus-Flores Tutus 07:19
Yoker Moon-Ignore Limit for Today 11:32
Hopkirk-Cold Lunar Nights 14:58
Datashock-Zu viel Zeit, zu wenig Möglichkeiten 16:48
Beyond Our Galaxy-Circular logic 21:55
Causa-Heliopolis (Luv*Jam Dream Nip) 25:42
Tomer Baruch-Stephanoceros III 30:28
Future Children-Skulls and Crossbones and Charcoal 35:17
Binaural Space-Communication Error 36:50
Isaac Soto-Wrong Answers 37:46
Piotr Kurek-Tonal Colors 42:47
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serenamatroia · 6 months
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Osserviamo l’evento e non le connessioni. Siamo portati a porre l’attenzione su un effetto le cui cause sono già passate, ecco perché è ora manifesto, piuttosto che sulle connessioni che rappresentano il qui e ora. Ogni essere umano ha la possibilità di cambiare invertendo il meccanismo dell’illusione. Ogni effetto sta già producendo la sua occasione di decodifica e risoluzione. In ogni difficoltà vi è già la soluzione. Occorre sviluppare per questo consapevolezza e imparare a vibrare in modo differente. La vibrazione interiore e il mezzo con il quale comunichiamo con tutto ciò che ci ruota intorno, la legge dell’attrazione può essere modulata e ricalibrata dall’interno, risvegliandosi ad un nuovo senso del vivere, immergendosi nella vera essenza dell’uomo.
[Foto Prashant Gupta, Unsplash]
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rikiprince · 2 years
El karma no es la venganza del universo, es el reflejo de tus acciones. -Riki
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SOUTH AMERICA: ‘Archives of Terror’ Yield New Horrors by Darío Montero The so-called "archives of terror" discovered by a human rights lawyer in Paraguay over a decade ago continue to yield new information on the cooperation between the de facto regimes that ruled much of South America in the 1970s and 1980s. MONTEVIDEO, Sep 16, 2005 (IPS) - Paraguayan activist and lawyer Martín Almada visited Uruguay this week to hand over documents recently found in the archives of terror, which indicate that the number of Uruguayans who were detained in Paraguay during the dictatorial regimes was much greater than human rights groups had previously realised. In December 1992, Almada, who was held as a political prisoner and tortured in his country in the 1970s, came across a room full of official records in a police station near the Paraguayan capital. The hundreds of thousands of documents that he basically discovered by accident pertain to the torture and forced disappearances carried out by the dictatorship of Gen. Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989) in Paraguay. But the archives of terror are especially important because they contain secret documents shedding light on Operation Condor, a coordinated plan among the military governments that ruled Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay in the 1970s and 1980s, aimed at tracking down, capturing and eliminating left-wing opponents. Thanks to legal action by Almada, the archives of terror are open to public scrutiny. They are stored on the premises of Paraguay's Supreme Court, in the Centre of Documentation and Archives for the Defence of Human Rights.
"These documents also indicate that Korean Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church had links" to Operation Condor as well, he added.
After September 1977, "ties began to appear between Moon's sect and the local and Latin American Anti-Communist League. A finance company, Urundel, was even set up in Paraguay to serve as a bank for the repressive operations in that country," said Almada.
Jorge Guldenzoph, deeply involved with CAUSA and Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, given 10 years in jail for torturing
Jorge Guldenzoph, a young Interior Ministry official who is secretary of Causa Uruguay. Ten years ago Guldenzoph was still a student leader of the . . . Communist Youth movement when, he says, he “forswore Marxism”. LINK
BNN Breaking
Decades of Silence Broken: Former Uruguayan Intelligence Agent Sentenced for Dictatorship Crimes
February 22, 2024
Former Uruguayan intelligence agent Jorge Carlos Guldenzoph Nunez sentenced for dictatorship crimes.
The courtroom was charged with a palpable mix of apprehension and hope as survivors, now decades older, stood to recount their harrowing tales. They spoke of electric shocks, beatings, and other forms of torture that left indelible scars on both body and psyche. Approximately 50 survivors shared their testimonies, painting a vivid picture of the horrors inflicted upon them. The indictment against Jorge Carlos Guldenzoph Nunez highlighted his active role in the arrest, interrogation, and forced confessions of dissidents, laying bare the systemic cruelty that characterized the regime's approach to dissent. Guldenzoph Nunez's trial, which began in July 2020, was a culmination of years of tireless advocacy by victims and human rights organizations.
The dictatorship in Uruguay, spanning from 1973 to 1985, left a deep and lasting impact on the nation's collective memory. It's estimated that 20% of the population was imprisoned at some point, with around 200 citizens murdered and an additional 191 disappearing without a trace. These numbers, while stark, barely scratch the surface of the pain and trauma experienced by those who lived through the regime's darkest days.
CIA, Moonies Cooperate in Sandinista War
“The UC is truly anti-Christian” and produces “a species of material and spiritual slavery.” Catholic Bishops in Honduras
The Unification Church and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
‘Illegal Aliens Joining Moonies’ – The Pittsburg Press
Moon’s ‘Cause’ Takes Aim At Communism in the Americas – Washington Post
Moon in Latin America: Building the Bases of a World Organisation – Guardian
Costa Rica
Uruguay condena a 10 años de prisión a Jorge Guldenzoph
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