#Ch 171
every-orochimaru · 1 year
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onepieceanimals · 6 months
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Koza's horse is so dramatic for no reason xD
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uovoc · 1 year
man Yizhihua is just Forrest Gumping his way through the rise and fall of empires
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chrysocolla · 2 years
“[…] Even if I’m short-lived and I unfortunately pass away, I still hope that you can complete the rest of your life properly instead of choosing to ‘remain unmarried’ or something.”
“Well, if you live on, how will I remain unmarried?”
“I won’t die!”
“Then I won’t remain unmarried either.”
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Chapter 171 Raichi
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Ok, so as I was reading chapter 171, I came to this part, where everyone is talking money and making it on the team and I’m just wondering… does anyone else feel like Raichi has turned into a coward, or is that just me??
Like, what’s up with that “Aside from Kaiser” bs that he’s spouting?? Shouldn’t that be “Including Kaiser”??🤔 When did Raichi become the kind of guy who’s scared of taking on strong opponents? Especially since Kaiser is the CF, the position that Raichi and everyone else in Blue Lock has been aiming for all this time??
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uriel-is-best-girl · 2 months
Possible TSCTIR spoilers up to ch 171
This man is ignoring his trauma so hard. Him loosing track of time when he thinks of how he always hoped hyh would come back, that hed pick up a call, anything. But in the end, instead, he died. And now hyj will never be able to reconcile with that version of his brother again. The version that tried to take on everything, not even for himself, all in secret.
Hyj is good at brushing his own trauma off. He dances around it, and you have to read into it in some of the things he does. He was so casual about not being able to sleep without fear resistance, he casually mentions how he disassociates. In ch 171 he spends 30 minutes standing in yerim's room, as well as that he mentions how he drowned himself in alcohol one time. This was only mentioned too because he was comparing how his brother tried to protect him in secret, how after a week of drinking nonstop, people showed up and forced him into rehab. How many other things does hyj not tell us? He's unreliable in narrating his own suffering. I think about who he called after he killed those 6 people in the dungeon. About some of the trauma, that we didn't even know about despite him saying hes been thinking about it ever since the regression, that he said to those people.
How agonizing it must be to live knowing people you treasured, who previously died, are out there, alive. And they don't know you. But you know them. You watched them die. You saw their memories of you. And you survived because they died. The amount of guilt hyj carries, and I imagine it both weighs him down and forces him to continue. Afterall, wouldn't dying easily just be spitting on the graves of those who repayed him? If he gives up, they died in vain. Ughhhh, this man makes me so emotional.
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teriri-sayes · 9 months
Reactions to Tsunami Creator's Chapter 171
TL;DR - The 2 Chois versus Yoon. HD, Sword Saint, and LSH versus Hoya.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
Fight Scenes Oh, wow. We get actual fight scenes today! And none of it was centered on Cale!
But unlike other series were fight scenes had this tension, Team Cale is too OP, so it felt boring for me. So what if the enemies were of the highest martial arts rank? CH and CJS plus their black and white yongs are much stronger. The good thing though is that the two Chois are no longer that awkward with each other.
The fight against Hoya were a bit tense, but LSH just cut off any tension afterwards. At least we get some poetic description of HD's power. 🥰
I've been reading the novel of Drug-Eating Genius Mage, and the fight scenes there always had this tension despite Van being OP. But here in TCF... haaa... 🫤I guess that's the downside of reading a munchkin novel. To balance it out, I read I'm the Villain Mastermind, But I Wish for World Peace, a RidiBooks exclusive novel, where I kept screaming at the stupidness and weakness of our MC, hahaha. MC's deep trauma + true villain's OPness = lots of anxiety and frustration for the readers... 😖
Ending Remarks Next chapter will probably LSH's fight scene? Surprisingly, we had almost no Cale scenes today. Just him running towards the castle assisted by his Wind AP.
Anyway, I'll end this post with a funny part in today's chapter:
Yoon: W-What are you? CH: Hunter. Yoon: ...Huh? CH: A hunter who catches a hunter like you. CJS: Pfft.
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hualianlover4ever · 3 months
JWQS chapters memorable/ major scenes
(Presenting my speculative Timeline + key chapters in JWQS)
Ch 23 (Marriage) (Jingjia 8th Year) Ch 31 (Qi Yan first targets Chuntao, the soup incident) Ch 47 (Qi Yan's eyes have brightness for the first time since her kingdom was invaded 10 years ago) Ch 70 (Jingnu 15) first kiss (scary) Ch 96 -97 (Jingnu 15) proper memorable kiss after Jingnu's birthday (Jingjia 9th year 10th Month)
(Jingnu's birthday is in the month of October)
Ch 108 (Jingnu 16)(Experiences her 1st period) Ch 111 (Qi Yan is scary) (Jingjia 10th Year 10th Month) Ch 121 (Jingnu 17) (first break point) Ch 132 (Jingnu sends Qi Yan away while making her the Viceroy of Jin Province) Jingjia 11th year Ch 133 (3 years have passed) Ch 136 (Jingnu 20)(Meeting after 3 years separation) (Jingjia 14th year) Ch 139 (Qi Yan became the Minister of Personal) Ch 140 (family time) Ch 141 (Qi Yan age 24) Ch 144 -145 (trying to repair the first break point) Ch 147 (Qi Yan gets a mental shock) ("My sister is having a night of passion with the daughter of the enemy?!")(Jingjia 14th year 11th Month )(Qi Yan burns her own estate) Ch 151-152 (Jingjia 15th year 3rd Month) (Qi Yan recovers from the Fuma estate Fire incident) (The Capital exam begins with Qi Yan as the main examiner) Ch 157 (Nangong Rang asks Qi Yan about her opinion of a Female emperor) Ch 158 ( Act as you see fit) Ch 159 (Qi Yan feelings are growing) Ch 170 (Qi Yan age 25) (Liu An matters solved) Ch 171 (OMG Qi Yan fell in an incurable love with the daughter of her enemy) Ch 174 (Palace exam begins.. Nangong Rang hosted it ) (Jingjia 15th year 5th Month) Ch 176 (Qi Yan sets off to the north of Luo) Ch 181 (Wolves scene) Ch 183 (Qi Yan meets Bayin after many years) (Jingjia 15th year) Apparently Jinwushu was brought to the grass plains at the age of 4, after that Bayin started acting as his guardian Ch 186 (The pride of Qiyan Agula returns) Ch 193 (Qi Yan and Jingnu reunion after a good amount of separation) Ch 212 (Intimate scenes (last for Qi Yan as male)) (Just be reckless this once) Ch 218 (Nangong Rang dies )(Jingjia 16th year 2nd Month) ( Qi Yan is 27) Ch 228 (Jingnu ascends the throne at the age of 23) Ch 229 (Jingjia 16th year 5th Month , Reign changes to Chengji) Ch 242 (Truth gets revealed) Ch 243 (Qi Yan confesses her identity) Ch 244 (Jingnu faints from the shocking new lmao) Ch 247 (Jingnu 's first gradual acceptance..of Qi Yan being a women) Ch 258 (Divorce comes…"Qi Yan…don't cry…") Ch 259 (Prison arc torture. Qi Yan - Age-28) Ch 263 (Jingnu finds the wooden sculpt pigs) Ch 268 (Qi Yan leaves …Oh dear…) Ch 270 (No fear when Da-Jie is here!) Ch 271 (Their first time) (Jingnu -23) (Qi Yan age 27) (7th month) Ch 277 (Grand enthronement ) Ch 279 (Bathing intimate scene) (Jingnu -25) Ch 286 (Rebellion of North Luo) Ch 288 (Qi Yan's mind deterioration first proper symptoms. …oh boy..) Ch 290 (Qi Yan meets Baishi again) Ch 293 (Bayin learns the truth….No longer Andas) (Also Qian Tong, all hail our saviour) (Jingnu -26) Ch 296 (REUNION with a lingering kiss) Ch 297 (Say..which of us is the wife?)(The fluff is just AHHHHH) Ch 301 (Qi Yan (age -30) learns of her parent's death…) Ch 302 (Ding You returns..) Ch 303 (Qi Yan fake dies) Ch 305 (darkest chapter of Qi Yan's life )
Jingjia 8th Year 3rd Month Capital Exam begins Qi Yan obtained the first position 5th Month Qi Yan becomes the Flower Seeker 6th Month Nangong Rang arranges the two marriages She gets sick again… Meets Ding You ,the Imperial doctor 12th Month Marriage of Qi Yan and Jingnu
Jingjia 9th Year 2nd Month Jingnu wishes for Qi Yan to live to a ripe old age 4th Month Initiates a scheme of the great Fire of Imperial Mausoluem and the Weiyang palace
Jingjia 10th Year 10th Month Qi Yan kills the saviour of her younger sister(along side many other innocent folks)
Jingjia 11th Year Qi Yan is under house arrest The witchcraft incident occurs Nangong Shunu meets Qiyan Nomin for the first time
Jingjia 14th Year Qi Yan becomes the minister of Personal 11th Month Learns of her sister 's relationship. . .. Qi Yan burns the Fuma estate
Jingjia 15th Year In the first two months , Qi Yan was still recovering from the damage from the Great Fire of the Fuma Estate 3rd Month Qi Yan becomes the main examiner of Capital exam (She receives the secret decree of "Act as you see fit) (Liu An incident occurs) Qi Yan entrusts her sister in Nangong Shunu's hands 5th Month Palace exams begins Meanwhile Qi Yan departs to the North of Luo as the Imperial Ambassador
(Jingjia 16th year = Chengji 1st year) Jingjia 16th Year 1st Month Qi Yan returns to the capital Spends an approx of 22 days in prison Schemes a plan to assassinate the sixth prince 2nd Month Qi Yan reveals her identity killing Nangong Rang in the process 5th Month Jingnu officially acsends the throne Chengji 1st Year 7th Month(3rd month since Jingnu's enthronement) Qi Yan aids Jingnu with the Sifang bank revenue 9th Month Qi Yan tells Xiao Die to confess about her identity 10th Month Qi Yan goes against the masked person's orders Her identity gets exposed
Chengji 2nd year 2nd Month Qi Yan's malicious crimes get exposed Jingnu divorces her 4th Month Qi Yan returns to the palace Gets thrown into jail for treason 5th Month Qi Yan officially becomes Qiyan Agula She is sent back to the north of Luo 7th Month Agula becomes "missing" Qi Yan returns to the palace They have their first time
Chengji 3rd year 3rd month Jingnu 's grand enthronement 9th month Masked person schemes activated
(Qi Yan lived in the restricted part of the palace for over a year)
Chengji 4th Year 4th Month Qi Yan resumes the position of Imperial Husband 5th Month Qi Yan learns of her parents' death 10th Month Qi Yan's memories start to relapse
The reason why (I think) Qi Yan starts to be amnesiac 1) Her mental health was already degrading which had am impact on her critical thought process 2) The red pill which Ding You gives her to remove the poison (the water disease + her womanly features) but it had a side effect which gave her a state of amnesia
Chengji 5th year 2nd Month They meet each other for last time before Qi Yan's death She paints a portrait of Jingnu (age -27) 3rd Month Qi Yan takes the death faking drugs
Chengji 6th year Jingnu crowns Shangyuan Fu as the Crown Prince Ding You successfully treats water disease
Qi Yan however has no past memories of past..
Chengji 7th year Jingnu takes care of Qi Yan's business Goes and digs Qi Yan 's grave too To find its empty
Chengji 8th year Jingnu started to travel in disguise(in search for Qi Yan in this vast world) Meanwhile Ding You suggests Qi Yan to go teach in a private school
Chengji 10th year Jingnu (Age -32) retires from the throne
1 year later of retirement They meet again with Qi Yan meeting her for the "first" time after Jingnu's 4 years of searching There is some hope as Qi Yan hugged Jingnu back Qi Yan (37) Jingnu (33)
My speculation (added with author's info) Within the next year Jingnu moved here, bought the school where Qi Yan was teaching Qi Yan moves in Jingnu 's estate
and they get married again! and this time its a love marriage! They drink the ceremonial wine which they didn't 20 years ago
Happily Ever After
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sugarskull-dot-exe · 3 months
Ok so I've found that there's very little information about this online, so I took the liberty of finding every Special Coloring Corner in the One Piece manga, which are the coloring pages that can sometimes be found at the end of chapters, I will now post them and there corresponding chapters for all your coloring needs.
Part 1
Ch.9 (only in the Japanese release of Volum 2)
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Part 2
Part 3
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rubienne · 2 years
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Day 171 - 174 of drawing the KFC Gang til Deltarune ch 3 comes out
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every-orochimaru · 1 year
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bestbonnist · 1 year
#171 "Where Power Goes (1)"
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Bon calls Tonari his big sister I'm gonna be so crazy about this for forever and ever.
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tokiro07 · 8 months
Undead Unluck ch.171 thoughts
[So Take the Photographs and Still Frames in Your Mind]
There we go, I should have figured there'd be an additional hitch to Chikara's recruitment
Each arc so far seems to have two major steps that need to be performed for the new recruits to become properly integrated into the group: the aversion of their tragedy and the application of their ability
The tragedy is the reason why everyone thinks their ability is some kind of curse, and because they have that mentality, their capacity to evolve their abilities is greatly reduced. They become stuck in their ways, thinking "if I didn't have this ability, I could do XYZ thing"
Fuuko herself is a great example of this, illustrated quite well in this chapter, because she always considered Unluck as the thing that kept her from having a normal life, but now that she's had centuries to accept and understand it, she was able to fit into high school life almost perfectly fine. She had to take precautions and certainly make compromises, but look at her! She made it through an entire school year without any major incidents or close calls that were worth noting!
If Fuuko could have embraced and Unluck as a superpower rather than a curse, she could feasibly have allowed herself to live this life on her first go around rather than needing a second chance and the experience to do so
Fuuko says that Chikara's chance for an alternate path came far too late in the previous loop, and that's absolutely true, but it's true for everyone else too. Everyone's tragedies immediately set them on the path of despair and self-doubt, of isolation and regret. Everyone was already neck-deep in a negative character arc, ensconced in a lie about the nature of their own lives
By rescuing each Negator from their tragedy, Fuuko stops each of them at the crossroads, giving them the opportunity to decide for themselves whether their ability is a blessing or a curse
The caveat there, though, is that Fuuko isn't actually explicitly setting them down the alternate path. She wants them to take it, of course, but she can't just say "phew, good thing we saved you. Also hey, you have a cool power now!" No, the Negators need to experience firsthand how their abilities can be useful; to themselves, to others, to Fuuko, whoever would be the most impactful in their understanding
Chikara is probably the clearest example of this dichotomy because he didn't get the opportunity to see Unmove's value immediately following his tragedy's aversion. Instead, he had months to live with it, to experience how it affects his day-to-day life and the people around him and adjust to make it less of an inconvenience
Shen went into battle with Feng immediately after gaining Untruth and nearly killing Mui with it. He had all of two seconds to realize that what happened to him was an accident and that so long as he was careful, it would never happen again, and even better, he'd be able to make it work to his advantage, which he did beautifully
Void, Creed, Tella and Billy were all pretty much the same way, while Gina took a little bit of self-reflection to really get going, but all of them experienced the practical application of their abilities ASAP
Chikara, though? He just saw his family's lives flash before his eyes and then suddenly couldn't go about his daily life without being extremely mindful of even the most minute movements of his limbs lest he accidentally freeze someone at an inopportune moment. While he may not be stuck in the mentality of it being a curse, he probably thinks Unmove is just a useless superpower at best or a complete nuisance at worst
For him to be able to use Unmove to its fullest, to change his interpretation of it and allow it to grow, Chikara needs to be put in a situation where it proves it has value, like how he was instrumental in defeating Rip in the previous loop
Of course, Fuuko doesn't look at it that way, at least not for Chikara; she wants Chikara to live his own life without concerning himself with the needs of the world. She's already resolved to take on that burden, and enlisted everyone else to do the same, but if it were up to her, she wouldn't actually have anyone fighting at all. The soldiers and martial artists, sure, that's where their lives would take them anyway, but the school kids? You think she expects Phil to actually fight? He's going to, but she's not going to ask him to. She never asks Nico or Ichico to fight, they just take on support roles, either restraining enemies or building tech that will prove helpful
The scientists make stuff because they enjoy it, the fighters fight stuff because they enjoy it, and everyone else is there because they have a strong sense of loyalty to Fuuko specifically. Chikara would naturally fit into the latter category, but Fuuko doesn't want anyone doing anything they don't want to to do themselves. Sure, if she needs help, she'll ask for it, like when Sean made her invisible to beat Creed, but she's never asked Sean to fight, and I don't think she ever would
Fuuko's fighting to give Chikara the opportunity for a normal life, but what she doesn't seem to realize is that that's the reason most of her friends are fighting too; to give her a normal life. Chikara is, again, the perfect frame of reference for this, because he's the one living a normal life right now thanks to Fuuko. He knows what she's given up and how much it meant to her, so seeing her vanish before his eyes like this will resonate so much more with him than it might for everyone else
Chikara is on his way to find Fuuko and everyone else, and will likely end up fighting Colour in the process. In doing so, Chikara will learn the true value of Unmove and how instrumental he can be in changing the world for the better, not just for himself, but for his friends who've had to give up so much already. Chikara isn't the type to just let others sacrifice themselves, he's the type to put in the effort to stand with them, as we saw in his battle with Top against Creed
To put it succinctly, Fuuko is acting as a personification of both the Call to Adventure and the Refusal of the Call. She interrupts the inciting incident that would usually force the Negators to Cross the First Threshold, and instead of forcing them to cross, gives them a legitimate choice; it just so happens that because of her charismatic nature, no one actually would refuse the call when she's the one to offer it
Looking at it from that framework, I suppose Fuuko is the student who has become the master, going from the hero refusing the call 170 chapters ago to the mentor making the call today, all while still retaining the role of the hero, saving everyone by acting as the mentor
I wasn't really expecting to realize that Undead Unluck was shaking up longstanding storytelling traditions today, but hey, it's not the craziest revelation I've had about this series I suppose
I really to wonder how the formula's going to change when Andy comes back
To cycle back into the events of this chapter though, a few closing thoughts
Sean taking Shen's wink is super cute (also just realized their names are similar)
Feng hesitating to hit Ryo in effigy and wondering why; we love to be drip-fed character development
Fuuko being actively vengeful against Colour for potentially harming Chikara's daily life, even ignoring the fact that it took her out of the fantasy that she's been dreaming of for 200 years, that's a fun new angle for her character
Gina giving Sean the Thousand Years of Death, poor guy
David Evelyn translating "aokusai (reeks of blue/green)" as "your naivete leaves me blue" when the usage of blue/green in context is meant to evoke inexperience itself; we literally use green to mean naive and inexperienced! Why not have it call Gina "green," it would mean the same thing! Like "looks like you're just too green to fight me" or something like that? It doesn't matter, I just think it would have been fun to have Colour talk about green, blue and red instead of only doing blue and red
...If Chikara joins and they need to make another timeskip, won't his parents have to experience years without their son? Cus we still need Isshin to grow up, which means that she's going to be outside during a timeskip to learn how to use Unbreakable from her grandpa, is Chikara going to leave his parents to age out?? That's kind of cruel isn't it?? Ah well, cross that bridge when we come to it I guess
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allbluesanji · 7 months
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Kimetsu no Yaiba — Ch. 171
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vaermina-dream · 1 year
Beauty and the Beasts, ch 171
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Poor babies
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 2 months
Overreading Undead Unluck Masterpost
This blog is for my re-read/read-along/overreading of Undead Unluck, which is a manga you should check out. I'll be pointing out various things I like and things that match up with my theory. Hope you enjoy reading my ramblings. I very well may be wrong about all of it.
Ch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29.5: Artifacts 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
201 202
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