#Charlotte Lottie Labouff
amethyst-geek · 10 months
If I ever get the chance to work on a cartoon that re-imagine the Disney princesses and their princes as superheroes, and I’m allowed to use characters from Tangled the series, I will absolutely have Lance Strongbow hook up with Lottie from the Princess and the Frog (unless the upcoming Tiana series introduces a love interest for Lottie).
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georgi-girl · 11 months
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It’s two weeks late, but Happy Birthday to the LaBouff twins! Cheerful, Adventurous Eli in your left and Serious, Sophisticated James on your right. Courtesy of femslash fankids.
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hans-omedevil · 6 months
flashback ft. hans & lottie . ཻུ۪۪♡
hans was almost finished with college, having lined up a number of job opportunities and networked his smarmy little heart out. this was the last summer before his real life would begin. he'd make something of himself, he'd stand on his own two feet. he was a million miles away from his family, he was allowed to be the star of the show. he'd never looked better in a suit.
lottie labouff had also been the star of the show. he kept up with her socials, squeezed in a video chat when he could. he'd always known there wasn't anything she couldn't do. lottie could take over the world from anywhere.
mr labouff had let him in although he had to run for a meeting. hans was supposed to be visiting them both tomorrow but he couldn't pass up the opportunity to surprise her. in fact, truthfully, he couldn't wait to see charlotte again. couldn't wait for her to see just how much he'd come into his own. how much better he was. he waited on the edge of her bed, fidgeting before standing up again. he walked around her room, so familiar and yet decidedly different at the same time. always pink.
he'd just noticed an old photo of them on her dresser when he heard the door open behind him. he turned with a winning smile-- "well, if it isn't the most dazzling woman in redwood hollow. scratch that-- in the world." @charlxttelabouff
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yeensspace · 9 months
squirrelfight kin list
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Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad), Gumball Watterson (TAWOG), Cleo (Clifford The Big Red Dog), Rocket Racoon (Gaurdians Of The Gaurdians), Bloberta Puppington (Moral Orel), Jake The Dog (Adventure Time), Lyla "LYrate Lifeform Approximation" (Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse), Rigby (Regular Show), Beast Boy (Teen Titans), Catra (SPOP),Trixie (MLP:FIM),Amethyst (Steven Universe), Grizz (We Bare Bears),Clawdeen (Monster High), Timon (Lion King), Charlotte “Lottie” LaBouff (The Princess and The Frog)
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muitomuitopravc · 4 days
         conexões & plots procurados.
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         ❝ i would do it, i would kiss a hundred frogs if i could marry a prince and be a princess! ❞
cachorrinhas (cadelinha número um é a famosa giselle / insuportável, inadestrável, essa é minha bff) — muse a, muse b, muse c e muse d são as melhores amigas da lottie! as cinco sempre estão se vendo quando se encontram e compartilham as novidades. podem não estar em contato todos os dias, mas a amizade é verdadeira! agora, reunidas no reino dos perdidos, estão felizes que pelo menos estão próximas uma das outras.
bossa nossa (você se leva a sério demais / eu acho graça) — muse e realmente conseguiu a proeza de ter o ódio de charlotte em um dia bom! ela não é de se estressar fácil, mas muse, aparentemente, tem o dom. desde então, eles não podem se trombar que pode esperar que vem chumbo quente.
[perdidos apenas] — dove foi praticamente adotada por ela para que ela consiga mais informações sobre o outro mundo, visto que as coisas de lá não são coisas que ela desconhece totalmente, afinal, seu conto se passa em nova orleans na década de 20. ela quer saber mais sobre as modernidades! em troca, fala tudo o que sabe sobre o seu mundo e a ajuda na adaptação.
[perdidos apenas] — muse g será um príncipe/uma princesa no futuro conto, e não poderia estar mais perdido. é claro que não poderia existir alguém melhor para ajudá-lo a se adaptar aos costumes, vestimentas, modos e círculo social de alguém da realeza do que charlotte! ok, um membro da realeza de verdade poderia fazer um pouco melhor... mas ela está treinada para isso a vida toda! com certeza leva jeito.
[perdidos apenas] — muse h tem charlotte labouff como personagem favorita da disney (ou uma delas), e lottie não sabe muito bem o que fazer com essa informação! ela o vê como um fã e acha meio estranho que os perdidos saibam tanto sobre todos do seu mundo. ela tem medo de muse!
cinderela é dona do blooming affairs, floricultura que também é sede de um clube super seleto. charlotte não foi convidada e nem vai ser (até porque não é a cindy que faz a lista, mas ela não sabe disso). como não se sentir magoada e ressentida de ser excluída?
lady tremaine sempre foi uma antiga paixão de eli labouff, quase se tornando madrasta de charlotte em um momento. no entanto, apesar das idas e vindas, esse relacionamento nunca se concretizou. agora, com tremaine viúva e charlotte completamente alheia à história entre ela e cinderela, a jovem está inadvertidamente tentando juntar a vilã ao pai de uma vez por todas!
e claro que outras conexões são bem vindas! inimizades, amizades, amizades improváveis, relações de negócios...
charlotte é heterossexual, mas já experimentou ficar com mulheres!
muito muito (meu coração é gelo e por isso você quer / se eu minto ou falo a verdade você nunca vai saber) — muse a não é exatamente o tipo de charlotte e ela deixa isso bem claro, mas muse tem sangue de brasileiro e não desiste nunca de ter uma chance com a sulista!
* vício (e eu começo a me preocupar / porque eu sei amar você / muito mais do que eu sei cantar) — muse b foi o relacionamento que fechou o coração de charlotte. não precisa ter sido o epítome de tóxico, pode ter sido um amor que ela achou que era para todo o sempre e acabou não sendo, e desde então ela pressionou o botão de pausa! ou pode ter sido horrível do início ao fim. nós combinamos!
garoto errado (então me diz o que eu faço / pra tentar te esquecer) — muse c é o crush da vez! mas ela ainda está sensível do término, então provavelmente não vai fazer nada... como diz na letra da música, ela não sabe se está pirando ou se ele está a provocando, se os sinais são mesmo reais. isso é utp, é claro!
planos impossíveis (uma semana sem te ver / eu já sabia que isso ia acontecer) — muse d foi o primeiro namoradinho de charlotte e, como toda primeira experiência, foi bem intensa e carinhosa. tiveram um término agradável e permaneceram como bons amigos.
judas (i'm just a holy fool, oh baby, it's so cruel / but i'm still in love with judas, baby) — muse e é um vilão que fez parte da reputation era da lottie quando ela namorou um dos malvados. ela se sentiu querendo um perigo, uma adrenalina, um friozinho no estômago e fez isso! foi um escândalo no clube das princesas.
hunter adora flertar, charlotte adora flertar.
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Today’s character of the day is: Charlotte "Lottie" La Bouff from The Princess and the Frog
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saemi-the-dreamer · 2 years
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Same energy 💖🤍
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thelittlehansy · 2 years
Hans is trying to leave his dream by procuration....(part 2)
Anna : I think Hans is in love with lottie.
Disney Princess : « gasped »
Rapunzel : you really think ?
Anna : he is looking at her with the eyes of love this asshole.
lottie and Hans approched from them
Hans : i m gonna help you I promise !with you dream to become a princess.
Lottie : oh thanks you so much sugar ! By bye hansy !
Hans : bye bye ! « idiotic smile »
Hans : she got the same dream as me. A little less ambitious..
Anna : « rolled her eyes » a little less murderous also !
Hans : she got the same dream as me !! « Smile »
Anna : ...
Hans : she got the same dream as me ! « Emotional crying »
anna : here we go again....
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yourfavehas-adhd · 4 years
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Charlotte "Lottie" LaBouff from Princess and the Frog has ADHD!
Requested by anon.
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maidphoenix3 · 3 years
Thanks for the love you showed to my Cassandra 🥺💖
Can't wait to post more of her❤️
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starport-edits · 4 years
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💚 💗
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Charlotte "Lottie" Labouff
"I was beginning to think wishing on stars was just for babies and crazy people..."
-- The Princess and The Frog
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asking-you-2-stay · 5 years
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Iconic characters u must get to know: Charlotte LaBouff
Truly pure and kind
Role model of how a healthy relationship bethween women should be
Never deprecated anyone
Funny, loud and a little exaggerated most of the times
Faithfull to her values
Dreams to marry a prince and a princess - but who doesn't?
Has the cutest nickname: Lottie
Rich father spoiled her what didn't make her pround or arrogant at all
Born and raised in New Orleans
Kissed a frog
Believes in wishes upon stars
A sweet and naive girl with a child dream - which she set aside in the same moment to prioritize the happiness of her friend
Important lines: "When a woman says latter she means not ever" "Look at you. Aren't you just as pretty as a magnolia in may?" "WE GONNA HAVE A MARDI GRAS WEDDING!"
First and last seen: The Princess and The Frog (2010)
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hans-omedevil · 1 year
'Ah, there you are, my darling’, he’d spotted Charlotte in the crowd at last. He ought to have seen her sooner, really. She was in her signature colour- the Lottie LaBouff pink- with her scarf blowing in the Autumn breeze. There was a feeling of anticipation in his chest, as if he couldn’t wait to get there. He weaved through the crowd towards her, fighting off a smile. How foolish to even try. He thought of grabbing hold of her, lifting her up in his arms and spinning her around. He did and she laughed, loud and perfect, flying through the air. And he kissed her in the crowd with everyone watching and it was perfect.
Hans squeezed his eyes shut, fighting against the too bright lights and the suddenly loud noises. No, no. “No,” he mumbled under his breath, already losing sight of the scarf. The laughter. Losing hold of... Her name...
He opened his eyes, all to aware of the dryness in his throat, the ache of his head. Where was he? @charlxttelabouff​
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💋+ ‘  for my muse to kiss yours on the lips(to Lottie to Oliver.)
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💘  Valentine’s Day Prompts!   💘send m e ‘ 💋+ ‘  for my muse to kiss yours on the lips
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Lottie felt her cheeks heat up a bit. Lottie, while use to numerous suitors, was not use to them just making a move. Honestly, a lot of the men of town were intimidated by her.
She let off a small, nervous giggle. “Oliver! Didn’t they teach you to ask a lady first?” She asked, clearly teasing and playful.
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She leaned forward and gave him a light kiss in return. “Do pardon that I didn’t ask permission, either!”
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Grace fit her name perfectly, a strong Southern Belle who knew how to get what she wanted. Everyone knew Charlotte Labouff would do anything to marry a prince, so no one batted an eye when she uprooted her life to marry a Southern Islander. The wedding invitation that did stir surprise though was her daughter’s. When it was announced Grace was to marry the Crown Princess of Maldonia, Nadia, some brows were raised. However, seeing the two together proved they were the right choice for eachother.
Random Descendants Character Designs 3 // ??
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