#Chris evans x short!reader
Midnight Literature Conversations
Authors Note- If this reaches 100 likes, I'll make a part 2
⚠️ Warnings: Nothing! Pure fluff 😊 English is not my first language so please do not hesitate to let me know if I have any grammar faults.
Pairings- Bucky Barnes x Fem reader
Word Count: 460
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Twisting and turning in bed for hours on end had finally convinced me that I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. So I decided to go down to the compound kitchen and bake. Baking was my comfort. I always baked a heartfelt banana cake or made a bunch of chocolate chip muffins when I was down.
Reluctantly getting out of bed and putting on my gown, I trudged out of my room, down the hallway to the kitchen. Turning on the dimmed lights, I spotted a figure sitting at the island counter. Upon closer inspection, and rubbing away the sleep from my eyes. I realised it was Bucky.
He had never talked to me. And I had never talked to him either. Steve always told me that he would speak up when he was ready, but since it had been over a month that Bucky had moved into the compound, I just assumed he hated me.
Without another word. I grabbed the milk, eggs and butter from the fridge, setting them down on the table. Along with the flour, apples and cinnamon. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I quickly googled an apple and cinnamon muffin recipe.
Every now and then, I caught Bucky looking up from his book, and eyeing me as I was mixing the ingredients, and making the batter. Eventually, I put the muffins in the oven to bake and sat down next to him.
“What book are you reading?” I spoke up, in a whisper.
“The Hobbit” He replied with a blank expression.
“You into the classics, huh” I said, surprised at his choice of literature.
“I read it when it first came out, in 1937. But it wasn't available in Brooklyn, where I'm originally from. So I had it imported from Cape Town in South Africa. And I managed to get one of the first 100 signed copies.” He responded enthusiastically.
“Wow. So you really like reading.” I added, not expecting the ex super soldier to be so talkative. Especially towards me.
“Yeah. It's my comfort thing. When I have nightmares or if I just want to shut the world out. I read.”
Suddenly leaping up from my seat next to Bucky. I walked over to the oven to take the muffins out. Placing the hot tray on the table, I grabbed a plate from the draw and placed a muffin on it. Sliding the plate over to Bucky.
“You should try it. It might be a bit hot but I'm sure you'll like it. The others love my baking. Especially Sam, He seems to really love my Chocolate Scrolls” I laughed off as I walked back to my room. Looking back for only a second to catch the super soldier smiling back at me.
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callmissrogers · 2 months
There You Are Sweetheart. | Steve Rogers x Reader One Short.
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Summary: Y/n just wanted to bring her sister a package. What she didn't expect was being picked on by two soldiers or being rescued by a handsome stranger.
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 1,909
Warnings: fluff and some goofiness. Y/n does get harassed by some jerks, but nothing happens. Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: very minimal editing and gold stars to anyone who catches what this is a reference to.
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It's beginning to feel like spring. The cherry blossoms have sprung into bloom, and Y/n has a date to bring her sister, Felicity, a package that was delivered to her house whilst Felicity was away. On the way there, her horrible sense of direction has her taking a wrong turn and into the pathway of some soilders on their lunch break. Will Y/N end up in some sort of trouble, or will someone dashing come to her rescue? Read to find out.
Hey! I'll be at on a coffee shop today at 3... Could you bring me my package then? It's a little hole in the wall place by all the fancy vintage stores you like.
Of course, Felicity would want to meet at a coffee shop. Y/n was positive her sweet younger sister couldn't survive even a couple of hours without a caffeine kick.
She looked around her office (which was really her apartment) for an excuse to stay in, but couldn't find any. All of the outfits that needed tailoring had already been tailored.
Plus, really, she hadn't seen her sister for a while, and they needed to catch up. Y/n just hated going out in the late afternoon. It meant that she'd likely be heading back during rush hour and would end up eating dinner late. If there was anything that y/n didn't appreciate, was having her routine messed up. . . She was well aware that she lived like a little old lady sometimes.
Closer to time, she got dressed in an outfit that was fit to be seen in. Her baby pink lounge set was incredibly comfortable for working long hours at home, but it was hardly a fashion statement.
The coffee shop in question was about 15 blocks away from her place, so she decided to walk. Admittedly, this probably wasn't the best idea in the world. Y/n has a tendency to get lost in her local grocery store.
So, with an earphone in one ear, she listened to her favorite oldies playlist, as life was better when it had a soundtrack and was on her way.
A few blocks down, she took a left down an alley that was its own hole in the wall. It held a bar favored by military members and directly across from that there was a karaoke pizza joint. Y/n always thought that made an odd coupling.
Tho, a part of her wondered if the college girls who favored the pizza place went there just for the chance of getting with an army man without any understanding of what military life was really like.
She was musing on this when two soldiers stepped out directly in front of her and thereby blocked her pathway.
"Um. Excuse me." She gasped, trying to get around them.
"Looks like this little mouse lost her way," one of them joked, taking a swig from his beer bottle.
She shook her head, "Oh no, I'm not lost."
The second soldier peered down at her with a grin on his face and then said, "This little mouse looks thirsty. We should take her to get a drink."
Y/n was beginning to get nervous, and she had no idea how she was going to get out of this situation. She had never had any issues cutting through here before, but now she was wishing she had taken the route that passed the pet store instead.
All she could think to say was, "No thanks, my sister is waiting for me." Hopping that by knowing she had some place to be that they would just leave her be.
But they just shared a glance, laughing to themselves before the one of the right replied with a "We've heard that excuse before." Then the one on the left winked at her and said, "She's actually pretty cute for a mouse."
His pal chuckled and then reached out to place a hand on her shoulder, "How old are you anyway? Live close by?"
Now they were both getting uncomfortably close, and y/n had a terrible vision about being stuck having to sit in this bar with them until they had gone from just tipsy to black out drunk.
"Leave me alone!" She tried to yell, but it came out as more of a loud statement.
"You see, your personality scares all the girls."So I think she's cuter when she's scared."
She was done for, body stiffening up, hands trembling, trying not to drop the package.
"There you are, sweetheart," someone said behind her. Only when someone tucked their arm around hers and pulled her from the soldiers' grasp did she realize that the stranger was talking to her.
But she certainly didn't know anyone who would call her that. That much she was sure of.
"I'm sorry I'm late." He said, gazing down at her. She had to crane her neck just to look him in the eye. He was a tall, blond headed man with strong features. His bright blue eyes bore into hers with concern.
Did she know this man? No. No, she did not. But all she could manage to do in response to his saving her from these two was to open and close her mouth repeatedly.
"I've been looking for you everywhere." Her rescuer continued acting like they knew each other. Not only knew each other but were in some sort of relationship.
Oh boy, was y/n's head spinning now.
"Hey man, we were just talking to your girl here." One of the soilders tried to explain.
Her rescuer looked at the pair and then said, "Really? It looked to me like you were trying to force a lady into drinks after she said no. Time to learn some boundaries, gentlemen. We'll be going." And then he gently led her up and out of the alleyway, only stopping once they were completely out of sight of the bar.
"Are you ok?" He asked, his head tilting to get a better look at her face. This man had to at least be 6"2, and he made y/n feel positively tiny.
Taking a deep breath, she nodded. "I will. I will never take that street again. That's for sure."I'm sorry that it did. Letting off steam is no excuse to treat a lady that way."
"Thank you. . . I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along like that." She said, pulling the hem of her cardigan sleeve.
"I was just doing what anyone should do in a situation like that,"
"But. Can I ask-- No nevermind." She mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up from embarrassment.
"No, no. Go on, please, " He encouraged, actually seeming eager to hear her out.
"Wh - why'd you pretend to be my boyfriend or something?" She asked, feeling really, really stupid.
Now he was blushing.
"To be honest, ma'am, it was the only thing I could think of on the spur of the moment." He said with a nervous laugh.
When her phone chimed, y/n pulled it out to see a text from Felicity.
where are you?
"Well, I thought it was smart. . . You're very much the gentlemen." She said with a smile, feeling much more relaxed than she had a moment ago.
He looked like he was about to say something when her phone chimed again
Beginning to freak out a bit, sis. Are you ok?
Y/n sighed, looking from the phone screen up to her rescuer. "I should... I should probably get going. My sister's getting worried about me."
"Where is it you're headed? If you don't mind me asking." He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. How was it possible for someone to look so at ease and yet so uncomfortable at the same time?
"She wanted to meet at a coffee shop a few blocks away from here." Y/n replied, adjusting her bag and trying to look anywhere but at him.
They made quite the pair.
After shifting from foot to foot for a moment, he said, "I could walk you."
Y/n didn't know why, but that small gesture made her smile in the biggest way.
"Really? You don't have to."Ah. Well, now I'm invested after all. I've been looking for you all day." He said, matching her smile. If she could read his mind right now, she'd know that he just congratulated himself for coming up with something that was smooth as a response
So he offered her his arm again, and the pair made their way to the coffee shop.
Meandering past store fronts and other businesses as they went.
"This is it." Y/n fianlly said, stopping in her tracks.
It was a coffee shop that looked like it hadn't aged for about 60 years.
"I love this side of town," He said as a response.
"Things feel a little more normal here." "More normal?" Y/n asked, not understanding what he meant by that statement.
"That would be a very long story that we don't have time for at the present moment." He said again, smiling down at her.
"Oh. I see." Y/n giggled at her own confusion. This man saved her, escorted her to meet her sister, and now adds some mystery to the mix.
"I'll let you go. Don't want to worry that sister of yours anymore." He said with a tip of his head and he started to walk away.
"Wait!" Y/n blurted, forgetting herself. He turned to face her again, judging by the expression on his face, he was surprised by her sudden outburst. Then his brows shot up as if to say, "Go on."
"What's -whats your name?" She asked, willing herself to hold onto this bold feeling long enough to get this out.
He smiled and then said, "Steve Rogers."
Y/n's eyes widened, and her boldness melted into total embarrassment. Perhaps she was drugged or something to be out of her mind enough to not realize she had been with not just some kind stranger off the street, but rather CAPTAIN AMERICA. And he had called her "sweetheart", even if he hadn't really meant it, he had still said it.
She would dream about that for the next month while she hemmed dresses.
"Miss. Miss!" Steve said, having come closer again to get her attention. Y/n jumped when she realized he was right in front of her.
"Sorry. I'm y/n y/l/n. "
"Well, y/n y/l/n," He said, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a pocket notebook he scribbled something down and then gave it to her. "If you happen to be free this Friday night. There's a restaurant in this neighborhood. Very old timey, like me. . ." He said nervously, laughing again. "We could have a meal, I could tell you that story and I could learn more about you. I mean, aside from the fact that you have a sister and listen to 'Sh Boom' when you walk around the city."
He had noticed what she had been listening to?
All y/n could do was squeak a "yes." Before running back into the coffee shop and slamming the door in his face.
Felicity looked up in surprise, "What took you so long? Are you ok?"
Y/n sat down and, in one breath, said, "I think Captain America just asked me out on a date, and I said yes."
NOTE: I wrote this in one sitting, and at first, I thought it was sweet. Now, I think I might have actually made it corny. I'm going with it anyways but please let me know what you thought of it. Thanks!
Note 2: Part 3 of 'That's my Girl' will be coming out soonish keep an eye out!
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Heart Felt Truths
Summary: 4.7k Curtis x Plus!Sized Reader. While still dealing with the power outage, you get to spend more time with Curtis's family and Curtis takes you out with Sophia to show you something special.
Warnings- None.
A/N- Wow it's been a while but I hope you all are still here for the ride. @what-is-your-plan-today edited this chapter for me ages ago, so I have to thank you for doing, I always appreciate your input with these two. @mumbles411 ... This is for you! You have been asking for this moment for a while. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE for reading and sharing. Dividers made by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Chapter Twenty-Four / Masterlist
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There was a soft patter of feet across the old creaky floor and a giggle at the end of the bed. Curtis knew it was coming, had warned you that Sophia would probably crawl in with you both first thing in the morning. He let his gaze slit open to see her at the foot of the bed, grabbing onto the blankets to pull herself up. 
The room was still gray, the hues of dawn barely coming, not quite arriving fully yet and of course, his niece was wide awake right now. He was going to need coffee, coffee would require more work than usual with the power out. 
Maybe if he waited long enough Ella or Lisa would make coffee, that sounded like a better plan. 
Next to him, you stirred, lifting your head enough to see what was moving at the end of the bed, before you burrowed back into your pillows, making Curtis snort softly in amusement. You weren’t a morning person, not unless you had to be. 
“Uncle Curtis.” Sophia whispered, crawling up the middle of the bed. Curtis lifted an arm for her to come snuggle in against his chest, Sophia tumbling under the blankets while both you and Curtis shifted to give her space. “Momma is snoring.” 
“Does she sound like the train at work?” Curtis muttered sleepily. 
“Louder!” Sophia said with some enthusiasm and Curtis pressed a finger to his lips, pointing at you next to them. 
“Quiet voices, Y/N and I are still sleeping.” 
You were quick to fall back asleep while Sophia tucked herself up under her uncle's chin.
“Can I have your phone?” She whispered and without opening his eyes, he reached behind him on the nightstand, feeling around for the device. When he handed it to her, she expertly unlocked it and picked her favorite app he had downloaded for her. 
“Volume off Soph.” He whispered against the crown of her head, which Sophia compiled while she started her game. 
Curtis knew he wasn’t going to be falling back to sleep, but he could just enjoy this moment of peace before the day came blaring full force, requiring him to participate. Now very grateful that he had insisted the two of you get fully dressed again just in case this happened. He let his mind wander, recalling how good a day yesterday was for all of you. The house was full of laughter and games, Sophia keeping all of you busy while the cold weather and loss of power kept you all together. 
He knew Lillian and WIlford would have wanted their house like this, full of family and friends and no longer an empty shell of what was once a home. 
Finally, Sophia got bored and announced she was leaving, so Curtis let her back out into the cool air and he pulled in closer to you, hugging around your waist to press his hand under your shirt to rest just under your breasts, making you wiggle back into him. 
“Your hand is still cold.” You muttered, pulling the blankets further over them. 
“Hmm sorry, do you want me to stop?” He nuzzled the back of your neck as he slipped further into the bed, spooning you from behind. 
“No, it's warming up now.” Your hand rubbed against his arm around you and settled over the top of it. “It’s cold out there, isn't it?” 
“Yeah Honey, I should go check that fire.” Curtis made no move to get up, just letting himself not leave his little warm bubble for a few more moments. “I was hoping Lisa or Ella would start coffee.” 
“Oh god…” You half twisted to face him, your eyes hopeful. “What are the chances?” 
He grinned, pushing up to lean over and kiss you, morning breath be damned, he was feeling good and wanted you to feel just as good. “Give me ten minutes and I will be back, with coffee.” 
You squealed in laughter as he flushed more kisses across your nose and then pulled away while you flipped all the blankets back over yourself. 
Curtis hummed as he went down the stairs, his bare feet cold on the floor when he landed on at the bottom, making him hop from one foot to the other till he got to one of the runner rugs he had scattered around the downstairs. He glanced around to see the bedroom where Lisa had the door eased open enough to let heat in but she must still be in bed. The pullout couch where Ella had slept with Sophia was back to being folded up in place, meaning his cousin must be awake. Curtis assumed Sophia was in Lisa’s bedroom by the sounds of a tablet playing a cartoon.
“I already got the fire going.” Ella said from the kitchen as she stepped into view, a steaming mug in her hands as she sipped from it. “It was chilly.” 
“Thanks, I should have gotten up and checked it earlier.” Curtis bypassed her, stealing her cup to sip from. When she smacked at his back, he flashed her a grin and took another before handing it back to her with a grimace on his face. “Too much sugar.” 
“Heathen.” Ella sputtered as she claimed her mug once more, scowling at him. “I need it to sweeten me up. Mom’s here, but you mind watching Soph for a while? I gotta get to the aquarium, check in on what the upcoming plan is and help feed. Cole already sent me a message saying he was there all night.” Ella sputtered to herself as she glanced once more at her phone. “Idiot never told me he actually needed help keeping everything functioning.”  
Curtis was busy at the stove to make you both a mug, giving a nod. “Of course, you know I’m never gonna say no to watching my favorite niece.” He motioned with his hand that she should go. 
“Your only niece and this is why I keep you around. You are useful.” Ella teased as she savored more of her coffee. 
“Glad to be useful.” Curtis pipped up as he mixed everything together. “Want me to take you over? I don’t think it snowed or anything last night. But you never know what the wind kicked onto the roads.” He peered out his back window over the sink, but it looked like yesterday, his backyard knee deep in snow.
“Nah, I’m good. Stop trying to take care of all of us.” Ella scolded him while draining the last of her cup, Curtis mimicking her with a roll of his eyes. “Have more fun today, chill out. You are just getting the hang of it.” She winked as she set her mug in the sink. “Even Mom noticed how much you have changed.” 
“What do you mean changed?” His brows arched in surprise. 
Ella continued getting ready to leave, sliding on a jacket and stuffing a scarf around her neck. “Yeah, she said you hadn’t laughed like that since you were a kid.” Ella gave a wave. “And yes, if I need anything, I will call. See you later!”
Curtis mused a moment at what Ella said. She was right though just as she had been before Christmas, he was happier. Life has been better since the beginning of September. It made him smile, a content feeling settling in his chest. 
His thoughts drifted to last night and how different even that was for him. Last night he was overcome with just needing to feel you and make you feel good. He didn’t even have his own pleasure in mind when he was with you. It was all about making you feel beautiful and appreciated. It wasn’t sex, it didn’t feel like sex. 
Sex was always good, but that wasn't it. He never was that kind of intimate with someone, rarely did he bring anyone home before and the times he was dating, sex was always just for fun. Now you lived here part time and it was still for fun, but he craved that connection it built each time as well. 
This was more and the tingles of realization tickled his mind. Love, that was love and it settled like he was wrapped in a blanket around him. 
He really loved you. 
Curtis inhaled deeply in a calming manner as he let this knowledge take hold, in the silence of his kitchen with the morning sun shining bright to light up the room, he glanced up, looking around the old kitchen, swearing he felt someone with him. 
“Is this what it's like? You two would know.” 
As he picked up the mugs to bring back upstairs, Curtis could have sworn he felt a hand on his shoulder like it was confirming that it was a yes. 
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You rolled to your back, still wrapped up in clothes and blankets, the sun warming your face. A soft smile played on your lips. Last night had been incredible, you never felt such passion and connection with anyone before. It made flutters fill your belly, excited at what overcame the two of you last night. Whatever it was, you wanted more of that feeling, that feeling that it was just the two of you in the world.
Curtis had always been an affectionate man with his loved ones and that attention was what you felt last night. His complete devotion. You wanted to think of it as love, but you just weren’t quite sure that’s what it was. You thought Jake loved you, he said it early on to you and you were sure that's what it was for you too. Towards the end, he said it less and less, only when he was trying to persuade you to do something you didn’t want to. It was always the nudge to push you to do what he wanted till that last night. The memories that you had yet to talk about out loud with anyone made you shudder for a second, pushing it away. 
That was something you still weren’t ready to deal with. 
Instead, you went back to thinking about last night, your connection with Curtis, how it felt so absolute for you. Curtis never said anything beyond needing you, but it felt like so much more than just a quickie for you two. 
But you didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
You were still mulling over the sensation when Curtis came in, two mugs carefully balanced. You pushed up to a sit, taking a steaming mug gratefully to take a sip. 
He knew you well, having your coffee made just the way you liked it. “Ella is already out the door, I told her I didn’t mind watching Sophia today.” 
“Mmmh.” Your eyes closed peacefully as the caffeine worked its magic. “Anything you wanted to do? Or anything you had to do away from the house? I don’t mind sticking around with Sophia while you go out.” You offered and peeked at him while you took another sip, sensing his surprise at your offer. “What?” 
“You would do that?” Curtis asked incredulously, like you were offering the world. 
“Well yeah? Why wouldn’t I? I love hanging out with Sophia, she is such a great kid to be around.” You shrugged it off, still not seeing why he was so surprised. 
Curtis blew on his coffee before taking a rather large swallow, getting as much of the hot liquid in him as possible to prepare for his niece's energy before answering. “Not many jump at a chance to babysit, especially someone else’s kid in my experience.” He shrugged back, a grin forming on his face as he leaned forward to peck your lips affectionately. “So thank you, I know Ella would let you take Sophia anytime. But today you are stuck with me. I don’t have to go anywhere.” He set his mug down and rubbed at his head, waking himself up further. “I wish the power would come back on so I could trim this down.” His fingers tugged at the slightly longer strands, making your gaze lift. 
He might not like the longer strands, but you did. You bit at your lip and set your mug aside to shift to a kneel before him, running your hands through his hair and marveling at how soft it felt against your palm. “Not gonna lie stud, I like it.” 
A wicked gleam formed in his eyes as he watched the way you enjoyed touching him. “Do you now… I might have to keep it.” Your fingers tightened in the short hair, barely able to tug on it a bit. 
“Will you? Not for long, I just really want to…” Your fingers gave another slight pull to drag his head back to expose his neck, making you lean into it, nipping playful kisses along his bobbing adam’s apple. Your tongue darted out, another playful seduction that made Curtis groan in your hands. 
“Anything for you.” He muttered, letting himself enjoy the change in the room, both of you edging on staying in bed just like this. 
“You spoil me Curtis.” You let your hands smooth through his hair and lean into him while he wrapped you into his arms, pulling you in against him while stealing a coffee laced kiss from you. 
“As long as you will let me.” He winked and the bedroom door creaked open to show Sophia poking her head in, staring at the two of them. “What's up Sophia Bear?” Curtis questioned while you moved back for your mug on your nightstand. 
“I’m hungry!” 
Curtis pushed up and swiftly grabbed a giggling Sophia in his arms. “Alright, let's go feed you, what do you say? Brussel sprouts? Last I knew that's what little cubs like you eat.” 
You give him a look and snort into your coffee, Sophia mimicking you with utter repulsion. “Ice cream!” 
“No way kid, it's cold out already and you want ice cream? How about…. A chicken leg?” He wrapped his hand around her ankle giving it a shake and lifting like he was gonna take a bite out of it. 
“NO!” Sophia squealed, squirming till he dropped her on the bed, making her roll into you to protect her from her uncle. When she was snuggled in your side, she contemplated what he could make her. “Tater tots.” 
“Where am I supposed to get tater tots, Soph? Powers out.” Curtis flopped back on the bed next to you two. “I can make you some toast.” He started and she gave a sigh and rolled her eyes. 
You pipped up just as Curtis was gearing up with another hopeless suggestion. “Have you ever had cinnamon sugar toast?” 
“What’s that?” Sophia asked and Curtis smacked his palm against his forehead. 
“Oh I forgot all about that. Sophia wouldn't want that though… it's too good.” 
“No, I want it.” Sophia started and you shrugged, sipping from your coffee. 
“You sure, I mean… It's pretty special. Much more special then tater tots and ice cream.”
You said in all seriousness and Sophia’s eyes got huge. 
“I want it.” 
You looked at Curtis, his eyes showed relief that you were able to bring Sophia around to the suggestion of something easy. “Alright kiddo, let's go make it together.” He held his arms out and the bouncing child leaped at him, clinging around his neck while Curtis moved to a stand. “My grammy used to make this for me and your mom so I got the super-secret recipe.” He glanced over at you still curled up on the bed, savoring more of your coffee. “Take your time coming down Honey.” He dropped earnestly and you nodded with a smile, watching as the two of them headed for the stairs, Sophia now asking questions about the super secret recipe. 
You sighed in pure happiness at where you were right that moment. 
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The morning went quickly, Ella sent a message saying that she was going to be at the aquarium for the day helping out, which Curtis told her to take her time. Sophia loved the cinnamon toast, which you also diced up an apple with some yogurt you had in the fridge, luckily still cold. Lisa came out later in the morning, looking bleary-eyed and angling for some hot water that you heated on the stovetop. 
You were able to keep Sophia entertained with coloring at the table while you read through some manuscripts looking for the next drama club play. Curtis was back and forth between hanging at the kitchen table, coloring with Sophia and out in his shed out behind the house, a motor once in a while sputtering to life before it would die out. Lisa spent her time in the living room, back to her crochet project. 
When you sank in the couch next to her, Sophia cuddling up under some blankets next to you to watch her tablet, you took a few more lessons from Lisa, listening to her talk about more of Curtis’s past as a kid and her own memories of her childhood in the house. 
It was late afternoon when Curtis triumphantly came inside, Sophia having just woken up from a nap in her grandmother's bed, all bundled up back in the blankets on the couch watching some other cartoon Ella had saved for her.
“How would you two feel about going for a ride?” 
“What kind of ride?” You asked, knowing he wouldn't ever consider taking the vintage Camaro out in the snow. However, Sophia jumped right up as if she knew what he was talking about. 
“Yeah!” She bolted down the hall off the kitchen for where the coat closet was. Lisa tucked the blanket over her leg all that much more. 
“Have fun and be safe.” Clearly she had no interest in going. 
“Snow machine.” Curtis grabbed your coat to hold it up, enticing you to join them. Sophia already was trying to wriggle into her snow pants. 
“Oh no way, you have one?” You asked excitedly while going to stuff your arms into the jacket sleeves. 
“Yeah, an old junker, but with some tweaking she works just fine.” Curtis admitted while you zipped up your coat. 
“It’s not gonna break down on us, is it?” You asked with a tease, but the worried hint was still there, questioning if he had to work on it.” 
“It’s fine, trust me.” He turned to help Sophia, who was almost dressed now while you were also pulling on more clothes for the wintery ride. “Right Sophia Bear?” 
“Yeah! Uncle Curtis goes fast.” 
“Not too fast!” Lisa called from the living room and Curtis huffed.
“Of course not.” Then he ushered you two out the door before any more questions could be asked. Out in the backyard, you three crossed to an older modeled two-seater. You stalled a bit, noticing it was just the one. 
“Are you sure Curtis? It might be too much with both of us on it.” 
Curtis tugged you closer, easily lifting you by your waist which you yelped in surprise and he perched you up on the back seat, making you sit slightly higher than his. “Honey, I swear this thing can easily handle more then the two of us.” Sophia was already climbing on, grabbing at the handles like she was going to drive. You fidgeted a bit while Curtis leaned forward, hands braced on the machine's seat as his forehead dipped with yours. “I also have something I really want to share with you. Please?” 
When he asked like that, how could you continue to question it? With a nod, you smiled and Curtis dipped his head enough to kiss you, making you giggle as he disappeared into the shed to go grab some helmets. You fit yours on while Curtis made sure Sophia’s was on correctly. Eventually, he swung himself onto the sled and settled with you as you wrapped your arms around his waist to press up behind him. Sophia sat in front of him, protected in his arms, excited to go. He turned the key, and the sound of the machine filled the snowy area and you lurched off into the woods, on a well-worn path Curtis had made over the years. 
It was exhilarating, watching the trees zip by as Curtis took turns on occasion, leading you further away from the house. He was sure to slow at the curves, having you all lean just right to keep the sled from tipping on the uneven ground. Eventually, you guys made your way towards the snowy covered lake, severely frozen over in the late winter months, all across it were tracks where other people enjoyed the freedom the lake provided. Sophia squealed excitedly from the front, loving the rush of the machine with all the speed it gave. Curtis revved the motor several times, making her all that more excited. 
He took you along the lake’s edge, letting you all see the quiet expanse of the town, just the occasional lights and hums from someone’s generators making a disturbance in the quickening approaching evening. The sky was turning all hues of color, stars quickly dotting the landscape's edge of the lake. The wind howled across, making you feel the bite of it escaping under the helmet and you would hide your face against Curtis’s shoulder when he turned the machine towards the middle of the lake, opening it up fully to zip further away from the shore. It wasn't far though before he started slowing back down, the ice far ahead was giving way to choppy water where the lake was to wild to freeze over.
You lifted your head to admire the way the snow glinted off the bit of light coming from the stars and moon above where twilight finally gave way to the night sky. The frozen crystals started putting on a show, once the motor quieted, the water could be heard even from quite a distance away. You leaned off Curtis’s strong back to sit up straight again, tugging off the helmet to let the cool air wash over your face. Curtis swung off onto the ice and helped Sophia off. 
“Soph, what are the rules when we are on the lake?” 
“No going past Mater.” She patted the snow machine and Curtis gave a nod before letting her go. 
Sophia pushed herself across like she was ice skating on her boots, back towards the shore. He popped his helmet off and held out his hands to help you off as well. Swinging your leg over the seat, you slipped off, sliding into his arms, which he held you up with a grin. “Watch out, it's slick Honey.” 
“We need ice skates.” You clutched at his jacket till you were steady.
“Next time we can grab some. I have a bunch stored in the shed I kept the snow machine in. The snow is kept just shallow enough here by the wind to easily skate.” Curtis backed up slowly, taking your hands and bringing you with him while Sophia shot around you two, giggling and dancing to some music she was imagining.
“Is your snowmobile named Mater, after the Disney truck?” You asked as he suddenly swung you closer, making you two grip at each other.
“Last winter she was obsessed with Cars. She named the Camaro Lightning McQueen.” 
You laughed with a tilt of your head. “Perfect name. You know, I used to skate all the time with Jade when we both lived in Lake George together. When she moved to Florida, no one was interested.” You shared while you two slipped on the ice, using each other for balance. “What did you want to show me?” 
“Look up Honey.” His head tilted back and you followed suit to see a night sky as brilliant as your first date. Only here the Milky Way took over, stretching overhead in a light-colored streak, dappled with so many stars it was impossible to count them all. “Do you know what mythology says that is?” 
You gave a slight shake of your head, still in awe of the miracle above you. Curtis turned you around so you were tucked under his chin, your back pressed to his chest. “That’s the bifrost or birost depending on what you're reading. A rainbow bridge from earth to Asgard, where the Norse gods live.” 
“Did Wilford tell you that?” You questioned as you admired the sky, appreciating all that much more, you could tell from Curtis’s tone that it was a thing of beauty and wonder for him too. 
“He did, he would bring me out here on nights like this. Usually ice fishing, we had to hike out here. But I always looked forward to it, when you get to see something like this…” His tone drifted off, tucking his face in closer to your neck, you could feel the warmth of him seeping into you. Around you Sophia plopped in the snow, singing Frosty the Snowman although it was the very beginning of March. “Honey, I gotta tell you something. I’ve been waiting all day, for this moment really..” 
You tore your gaze away from the wonder above you, trepidation seeping into your pores. Curtis sounded so serious what you turned in his hold, to face him. Whatever he was going to say, you wanted it to your face, so that there was no mistaking what it was.
“Honey…” His hands came up to your cool face, the touch warming you as calloused fingers slid against the softness of your full cheeks. “I love you, I have for a while and right now, when I get to show you some of my favorite wonders in this world that I have never wanted to share with anyone else, you have to know.”
You let out a huff of surprise at his words, not at all what you were expecting. Your lips parted, unsure of what you were about to say because so much was filling your mind in this moment, standing before Curtis, someone who treated you better then anyone ever has before.
“Before you say it Honey, mean it. I don’t want you feeling like you need to say it because I did… do it when you are ready to, if you ever are.” 
That was it, you literally couldn't fall more in love with him anymore and you shook your gloves off to fall at your snow-covered boots. You placed your warm hands over his on your cheeks, to feel his hold in your own and luck would have it warm up his fingers with yours as you weaved your touch into his, tucking his hands down and closer to your heart, your warmth able to fill him. 
“Curtis of course I love you! You showed me what I wanted in this life, what being with someone should be like. You have so much to give to everyone in your life and every day I count myself lucky to be yours, to be able to love you back.”
His blue eyes were soft in the small bit of light the Milky Way provided. Around you Sophia was still entertaining herself, flinging herself across the ice and smacking into Curtis’s legs, making the two of you tumble on the ice into the snow, laughter ringing out from you. A very shocked Curtis rolled off you enough to make sure you were okay while Sophia pulled herself up off the ground. Curtis gave a quick glance at his niece, who was happily back to skating on the patch of ice before turning back to you. 
“Are you okay?” He leaned over as you lay in the snow under him, looking up once more at the Milky Way streaking across the night sky, so clear without the light pollution from the nearby city. 
“More than okay Curtis.” You pushed yourself up on your elbows, facing him. “I'm the happiest I have ever been and that is because I am with you.” You felt his arm slip under you, pulling you up enough to share the most passionate kiss you have ever experienced. 
The stars shine as your witness.
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bigtreefest · 1 month
Chapter 3: Save Me The Trouble
From: Bigger Houses Series
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Pairing: Mountain Ranger! Ari x Reader
Summary: People need to be more careful and watch where they’re going. You could run into a handsome stranger and get asked on a date!
Word Count: 1,821
Content/Warnings: oblivious walking (once again), like one swear, internal self-doubting monologues that hopefully still indicate a healing process, female reader, it’s pretty much fluff
Author’s Note: I’m so grateful for all that have been reading. I hope you enjoy this new part, a cute little bridge. Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks are sooooo welcome and appreciated!!
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Here is the song this is based off of loosely, good song, listen if you please.
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You were finally settling into your new job and your new life in town. Your schedule was all figured out, and to get to know the area a little better, each day, you had started going somewhere different over lunch, driving down the mountain and into the quaint little town.
After a hectic morning, coffee seemed like just the thing to lift your spirits, so you set up your navigation to a little mom and pop shop on Main Street, cruising there with the windows down to soak up the sun and the breeze. Town was beautiful and surprisingly empty today, so it caught you by surprise when you were pulling into the parking lot and saw a khaki smear coming out of your blind spot. You stood on the brakes as soon as the tall figure took a step in front of your vehicle. A man in…were those…ranger shorts and a hat?….slammed his hands down on the hood of your car. It was him again.
You leaned your head out through the window. “You trying to make a habit of me almost hitting you? I thought you were a bear….again. Seriously, you’d think I’m out here trying to take out the nation’s wildlife if it wasn’t you walking out in front of my car every time.”
He let out a sigh as he hung his head in relief, his heart still beating fast at the near-death experience, and made his way over to your window. As you pulled yourself back in the car, he rested his elbows at the bottom of your window and leaned forward.
“I really am sorry. I’m not sure why that keeps happening. My head was kinda in the clouds.” He grimaced slightly and let out an awkward laugh.
You wanted so badly to be angry with him, but his genuine response, paired with his eyes that reflected the sky had you melting. “I-I’m not sure if I accept your apology yet.” You said then bit your lip, caught up between your slight frustration with the stranger, yet your want to believe anything he said. “You’re gonna make a reputation for me around here as ‘that girl who almost flattened the mountain ranger…twice.’”
He let out a genuine laugh. “I promise your secret’s safe with me and it won’t happen again. And I’m sure I can think of a couple people who wouldn’t be too bothered by that.”
You let out a giggle at his joke, it wasn’t too often people who looked like that had a good sense of humor to pair. The two of you sat there awkwardly for a second before you spoke up. “Well I, uh, kinda need to park, I’m on my lunch hour and was planning on getting a bite to eat.”
“Oh yeah, of course.” He pulled away from your window, walking a few paces behind the vehicle as you pulled into a spot. “You know, there’s a nice little coffee shop around the corner. I’d love to make up that whole ‘not paying attention’ thing to you. Lunch on me?”
You pulled your keys out of the ignition, stepping out and looking up at his towering form. Maybe he really was a bear. “I suppose, as long as this isn’t your way of secretly trying to lure me as bait for the mountain lions as a revenge plan.”
“Ah, no, that’s only on Tuesdays.” He shrugged.
“Today…is Tuesday….” You looked at him with mild concern as he smirked at you.
“Well, I guess you’re just gonna have to trust me. I’m Ari.” He held out his hand and you introduced yourself. He nodded at you and his eyes sparkled when your hand met his. His hand was callused, but warm and comforting, almost embracing yours. “Alright, let’s get to it, you said you’ve only got an hour?”
You nodded as his hand made its way to the small of your back and he guided you along the sidewalk into the shop.
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You laughed as you sat there stirring your second drink: the free refill the shop offered if you sat and stuck around. Ari had just finished telling you about the time his pants had snagged on a tree when he was miles away from any sort of refuge or spare clothing, leaving his cheeks in the breeze until he could run the two miles back to the cabin to change. Your face began to grow red, you could feel it. You knew you’d never be able to get the thought of his ass in those ranger shorts out of your head, or better yet, out of those ranger shorts.
He spoke through his own hearty laughter. “Yeah, learned that one the hard way. From then on, I vowed to always keep at least two sets of backup clothing in the truck, and in my duffel if I’ve got to respond to a call.”
You laughed and stirred your drink again before taking another sip, while something stirred deep in Ari’s core. He was staring at you so intently and hung onto every word you said. Part of you wished he’d keep those pretty blue eyes to himself, while another part of you wanted to lean closer and fall into them.
Over the period of your conversation, the two of you had somehow shifted closer to each other. Everything was just flowing so well.
“I can relate to that too easily. It was probably three months into me getting my SUV I’ve got parked out there and I was visiting my mom. On the drive over, it was sunny with clear skies, so I had the windows down and sunroof open when I parked it in her driveway.”
Ari giggled. The gruff tree of a man in front of you giggled and you couldn’t help your gaze that dropped to his pink lips. “I can already see where this is going.”
You snapped yourself back, laughing distractedly. “Oh yeah, as soon as I got in there and convinced myself I had definitely closed the sunroof, the sky opened up. When I left after dinner, I was greeted by soaked seats and full cup holders.”
Ari’s jaw dropped. “Yeah, yeah, that’s not even the best part. Besides the fact that I had to sit in a soaked seat on the way home, when I took the first big turn on the drive, water started leaking out of the overhead lights. You know the ones up by the rear view mirror? I don’t even know how it got in there!”
Ari was snorting at your story. Your genuine nature charmed him and he appreciated how you were able to laugh with him over silly mistakes. He noticed how long it had been since he’d taken this much joy in human interaction, heck, he realized it’s been so long since he’s really interacted with another person, period. The bartender and the other rangers didn’t count. Ari’s eyes continued to roam your features as you passionately told your story, a reminiscent smile on your face. A lace of humor that could retrospectively cover the embarrassing moment.
“Ever since then, I’ve carried at least three towels in the trunk. And also a change of clothes, just like you. It took all night for me to dry out the seats my garage. Had to open all the doors and run a box fan.”
Ari laughed and shook his head. “Well, cheers to learning from mistakes and always being prepared.”
You nodded, eyebrows raised in agreement, as you raised your coffee cup to meet his. “Amen to that. I knew you were a ranger for a reason. And I’ve been told I was a boy scout in another life.”
The two of you sipped your drinks and laughed together. You were surprised how a conversation as mundane as this could be so entertaining. Seriously, who took up twenty minutes just to note how prepared they were by keeping spares of everything possible on their person?
Wait. Twenty minutes on that one subject? And you’d discussed several before? What time was it!?
You checked your watch and your eyes got wide. You’d been sitting here with Ari for two hours. “Oh my gosh. I didn’t even realize how much time has passed! I really have to go and get back to my actual life. I should’ve been gone an hour ago!”
You frantically started gathering your things.
Ari stood from his chair, causing it to skid against the floor, watching you pack up and unsure what to do. “Wait, can I see you again sometime?”
“That’d be great but I don’t have time to exchange numbers.” You debated chugging the rest of your coffee, opting for the smarter decision of just carrying it back with you.
“There’s a bar two blocks down from here. Share a drink with me Friday night?”
“Perfect.” You threw over your shoulder as you rushed out the door and back down the sidewalk.
You didn’t have it in your to tell a guy like him ‘no’ to a request as simple as that. Ari looked like the kind of guy who would just love and leave, but his behavior said otherwise. Through your entire time together, he only ever indicated that he cared about you. His eyes never left yours, he asked you questions about the stories you told him. But was it too good to be true? Maybe you should just save yourself the trouble you thought as you got back into your car.
No. You’d played with fire like this before, but this time, for some reason, you didn’t fear you’d get burned.
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Ari flopped back down in his chair after you left. He should probably get back to the ranger station soon, but he needed time to gather his thoughts.
He was finally relearning himself, and he had no plans on adding someone else back into the equation. Was it too soon?
He wanted to let you in, let you uproot his life from the inside. But he didn’t think it’d be wrecked. It would be rebuilt, regrown like the flower buds on the trees in spring. Everything about you seemed to shine so bright, like the rays from the sun he loved to watch filter through the leaves and hit the forest floor. Even through the clouds, his and your own that you both seemed to carry, something was glowing and warming up, he could feel them dissipating.
This feeling, the whole day and time with you, it felt like a movie he’s seen, but he didn’t believe it could be true. For a second, a tinge of doubt crept into Ari’s mind. What if it didn’t work out? What if this put him back where he started? Alone in that bar drinking doubles. He was quick to push it away, though. That heartache belonged to somebody else. Someone he never wanted to know again.
Next >
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worksby-d · 8 months
hugging them from behind, laying their head on the other's shoulder with Steve Rogers! Maybe they are in a group setting where they both just want to leave but still have to look interested? Just a thought:)
thank you for sending a prompt!!! 💜
Prompt: “Hugging them from behind, laying their head on the other’s shoulder.”
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: None
Word count: ~400
Standing with a group of his colleagues, you’re so focused on looking interested in what they’re talking about—Smiling, moving your gaze to whoever’s talking, laughing when the man next to you laughs—you’re not actually absorbing any of the conversation. You pray no one says your name in an attempt to bring you into it. 
Steve walked away when he saw someone he knew, leaving you to fend for yourself. But not without asking if it was okay, of course. You nodded, not wanting him to worry about you. You burdened him with your nerves plenty before coming this evening. 
How much time has passed is a mystery to you when you feel someone’s arms slip around your waist. It’s like your body knows who it is before your mind can comprehend, your arm folding over his instantly. You know it’s Steve when he rests his chin on your shoulder for a moment, huffing silently when you don’t acknowledge him. 
Needing a different approach to pull you away, he gently grabs your hand and tilts your drink cup so he can see inside it. 
Bingo. It’s empty. 
“You need another drink?” He asks softly.
He’s whisking you away before you can answer though, politely excusing both of you from the group. One arm stays around you, his hand resting on your lower back as he walks you toward the bar. 
“You can’t stand not being the center of my attention for two minutes,” you tease, bumping your hip against his. “I want everyone to like me. I was just trying to seem like I was paying attention to them.”
“They like you, sweetheart,” he promises. He bumps you back when he senses your nerves getting the best of you. 
You glance beside you to meet his eyes. “Yeah?” You know when he’s being sincere by the look in them. 
“Of course.” He smiles, but the sweet moment is interrupted when you feel his hand slip lower, giving your ass a playful squeeze. “I’m ready to take you home though,” he whispers, leaning closer to you—Close enough that his lips brush against your skin below your ear. “We’ve been here long enough, I need to have you to myself again.”
“Steve!” You gasp quietly, but you can’t help but laugh. Reaching back to grab his hand and move it, you glance around making sure no one saw. “I swear I miss when you were shy.”
“I was never shy with you, darling.”
Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke
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shamrockqueen · 1 year
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(Female version)
Pairing : Chris Evans X Reader
Warnings : Hard pressure, deep fuck, rough sex, head pressed to bed.
Word count : 800
Gender neutral version
Inspired by a thoughts post by @grapesohdah
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You could feel the pooled drool against your cheek as it seeped into the fabric below your face. He still had your head pressed to the bed as he worked his fingers into your weak core. He wanted you nice and wet, ready to stretch around his cock when he was done teasing you.
“You know? That weak little voice of yours makes the cutest sounds.” His fingers curled along with the last syllable, making your little moans morph into a muffled wail as your eyes started to water.
“It sounds so nice when you whine into the pillows.”
Your voice strained into a high pitch as he pushed your head further into the bedding, and he slipped his fingers away.
“Calm down, you won’t be empty for long. I’ll make you feel more than full, I promise.”
His thumb slipped over his tip before he dragged it along your slick core, only grazing the needy little fuck-hole before he pressed himself against it.
There’s that little whine again. This time it would be accompanied by a labored squirm as you tried to wiggle your needy cunt along his length. He had you plenty slick for him too, so even with the tight grip of your pussy there was still plenty of sweet friction. He had you trained so well.
The palm of his hand is still pressed into the back of your head, nails lightly digging into your scalp. The pressure only grows as he leans in near your ear, and the thick of his beard tickles along the side of your neck as he grits through his teeth “you take me so well, baby. Right to the fucking back in one go.”
You can only mumble and whine back as his strong thick body blankets you. He radiated warmth and power, making your feeble joints creak under his weight.
He did indeed bottom out, pressing his pelvis against the plush of your soft thighs and ass. He doesn’t hesitate to start pulling himself away just to thrust right back in with rough slow drags, rewarded with a hefty fuck forward as his hand shoved your head further into the sheets.
The joints in your neck popped as the pressure pushed them apart. You could feel your bones ache from the force he had on you.
His tongue flicks out to capture the lobe of your ear, bringing it between his teeth. His bite travels around the shell of your ear, all the while fanning the back of your neck with his hot breath.
Each word vibrates from his chest against your back.
“This naughty little cunt just swallows me up, doesn’t it.”
It’s enough to make you tighten around his cock, forcing you to feel every ridge of it right down to its slight curvature. “Gonna bend you pussy to the shape of my cock.”
He draws himself out and slams right back in to bump against the back of your cunt. Each thrust ricochets through your body, added with the dull throb of pain from taking him even deeper.
Your head would be bumping against the bed frame if he wasn’t holding it down, so you just let your little moans escape into the bedding.
His other hand slips along the side of your body to grip the soft handle of your round hip. Better for him to fuck you into the bed until it swallows you up.
He’s playing with you like a cheap little toy made of weak springs, winding and winding and winding so tight tight tight until he bumps the head of his cock nice and deep against that sweet spot. You can only dig your teeth into the blanket as that spring snaps apart and your gushing around his cock.
“So wet, baby..Fuck!” Each hard thrust sputters and he spills into you with a jolt of his cock. His hips continue to smack against the back of your thighs, still pinned under him as he fills you far too full.
One hand slips off your back only to come back down your ass cheek with an audible slap, only to dig in upon recontact.
The other; still tightly wrapped in your hair; pulls your head up near his, letting a rush of cold air hit your hot drool-stained cheeks.
Strands of sweat-soaked hair left stuck to your forehead are gently pulled away by his free hand as the other still tugs at your scalp. He leans back in to sing a sweet little "breathe, baby. While you still can" into the side of your neck as his teeth graze the skin.
His cock stops twitching, but he’s definitely not finished with you for the night. He'll slip out slowly and gently and his spendings will dribble out your abused little core.
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chasingmidnights · 9 months
Bad Liar
Title: Bad Liar 
Pairing: Ari Levinson x reader 
Summary: Ari is a regular at the coffee shop that you work at and you can’t help but have a crush on the older gentleman. 
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Warnings: 18+ only, minors DNI!! I don’t think there’s too much to look out for in this one. Just maybe some angst, mild cursing, and Ari Levinson. (Yes he’s a warning especially when he doesn’t realize what he’s doing to you, or does he?) I apologize if I missed anything but you are responsible for what you read. 
Wordcount: 877
It was mid-morning and you found yourself glancing up at the clock, it was almost nine and he still had not shown up yet. A small sigh left your lips as you finished up the order you were currently working on, a feeling of disappointment washed over. You wondered what could be keeping him this morning, he was usually here by now. You turned around and called the customer’s name to hand it to them. The bell above the door chimed again and when you turned to greet the next customer, you swore you felt your whole body short circuit. There he was, Ari Levinson; the man you have been harboring a huge crush for. When you finally snapped out of your daydream, you accidentally bumped into one of your coworkers. Your coworker, who had a tray full of freshly baked goodies that were now ruined as the tray fell to the floor. You frantically started to help her clean up the mess before she snapped at you. 
“No, I’ve got this. You go and help the next customer.” 
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled before getting up to do what she said. 
To you, Ari was a dreamboat. He had gorgeous blue eyes that you could just stare into all of the time and simply get lost in them. Somehow, just somehow, you knew that his long brown hair was one of the softest things that God has ever made. You also thought that about his thick, full beard and wondered- no stop thinking like that. You took a deep breath as you walked up to the counter to take Ari’s order, even though you knew it by heart. You could recite his order in your sleep. When you finally made eye contact with the beautiful man, your heart skipped a beat and butterflies instantly formed in your stomach. 
“Everything alright, sweetheart? You seem to be a bit flustered.” Ari’s voice was so smooth and deep, you could listen to him talk all damn day. 
“Oh, yeah, everything’s fine. Just a bit clumsy today I suppose. Do you want your usual?” How you actually managed to talk was beyond you, especially with how dry your mouth was. 
You could feel your knees going a bit weak as a smirk formed on his perfect lips as he tilted his head. 
“You know my usual sweetheart?” He then arched a brow as he eyed you up and down. 
Your cheeks started to heat up and you could feel yourself starting to feel even more flustered. “Of course. An Americano with an extra shot of espresso.” 
“Very good, sweetheart.” Ari’s smirk twitched up slightly as he stared at you. 
“Right! I’ll be right back.” You quickly turned around and started on his order. 
When he finally left, you felt like you could breathe and let out the breath that you had been holding. You were a grown woman and yet, here you were acting like a teenager over their first crush. Surely there was something wrong with you. You groaned as you went about your shift. 
A few days later and you were out running some errands when you spotted Ari across the street. You nearly ran into a sign when you did a double take to make sure if it was him or not. When you recovered from your near trip, a heavy sigh fell from your lips and you started to relax, realizing that it was not him. After you put yourself back together and fixed your hair, you continued about your day. However, throughout the day, your mind kept wandering back to Ari. Everywhere you looked you thought you saw him but it was always just your mind playing tricks on you and it was cruel. You found yourself wondering if he had a girlfriend and couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous, which was absolutely ridiculous. You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts that kept flooding through your mind. 
During the week, the only thing that was on your mind was him, Ari Levinson. You wanted so desperately to make the thoughts in your mind a reality. You wanted to know what it would feel like to curl up next to him in your king size bed. Every day you do your best not to think about him but he’s always taking up a fraction of your mind. When Ari would come into the coffee shop, you would spasm and short circuit, sometimes you would even forget to breathe. Your coworkers ragged on you all of the time and tried to encourage you to talk to him or to ask him out. One day you were talking to one of your coworkers about him and you had not realized that he was behind you. A clear of the throat caused you to turn around and when you did, you were mortified. 
“Not talking about me, are you sweetheart?” His eyes gleamed as he smiled at you. 
“N-no, of course not Ari.” You managed to stutter out. 
Once again, you could feel your cheeks beginning to heat up as he eyed you up and down. 
“You know, you’re a bad liar.” Ari smirked. 
A squeak escaped you and you couldn’t believe that you’d been caught.
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Look at you
Pairing: Captain Hydra x Reader
Warnings: Dark fic, 18+, Steve is not a good guy in this, stalking, obsession, kidnapping, mentions of fighting, murder in self-defense, mentions of blood, stabbing, cursing, threats, intimidation, smut (non-con, unprotected sex (STDs are no joke, make sure you're using protection), rough sex, praising, degradation, multiple creampies, excessive cum, fingering, multiple rounds, passing out during sex). 😬
A/N: This is a VERY DARK work of FICTION, please DO NOT READ if any of the warnings trigger you, you are a minor or you find any of them disturbing. 🙏
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Steve has been observing the scene from the shadows. He liked playing with his food first and you looked absolutely delicious. Prim and proper woman, with your perfectly pressed white shirt, now sporting crumpled sleeves from when his men grabbed you and brought you to him.
He loved seeing the fight-or-flight response live. There was something so satisfying seeing all thoughts running through his victims’ head as if they didn't know they were so transparent. In most cases everyone's first instinct was to flee from seven potential assailants, but then there was you.
It was almost liberating to see you scanning the room for something. Everyone's eyes stopped at the door, but yours skipped through it as if you knew escape wasn't an option.
Steve was surprised when your eyes stopped at the corner of the room where the pool sticks were neatly put away after yesterday's game of pool. Shoving one of the men away you made a beeline for the sticks, kicking back at another man as he grabbed at your hips to stop you and grabbing one of the sticks before breaking it over your knee.
After that it was like watching a play at the opera. His men fell one by one, some were stabbed, some were unconscious and the last one was pinned to the wall. You thought you had won. If you could call killing people a win...Your victory was short-lived as clapping pulled you out of your trans.
"Well well well, look at you." Steve's voice was low, tainted in amusement as he circled you. Specs of blood littered your face and your previously pristine white shirt. Your grip on the broken wooden pool stick tightened as something similar to panic started rising in your chest. You knew this man.
Steve Rogers.
Captain Hydra.
The man that everyone feared. And you knew at that moment that this was all for nothing. You were in the belly of the beast and even if you managed to run away, you wouldn't get far.
"Come on, Gorgeous, this isn't the time to give up. Show me that fire again. I loved the show you just put on for me." Steve gripped your chin, making you meet his cold blue eyes. He could see how you were trying to decipher his words, trying to understand if he was serious. Your hands pushed him away the next second and for the sake of being dramatic Steve stumbled a few steps back, as if you actually had the strength to match a super soldier.
"Why am I here?" You demanded, but your voice betrayed you. You both knew you were scared, but too proud to actually just stand there and surrender. And that's what Steve liked about you. He found another one that will put up a fight and it made his whole body tremble in anticipation of what's to come.
"I got bored of my previous toy and I needed a new one." He said nonchalantly. Your face contorted in disgust.
"Why me?"
"I liked the fire in you." He cocked his head to the side, observing you and you shifted your stance as his eyes wondered down your body. You have never felt more exposed while fully clothed as you did in this moment. "When you slapped your date when he went in to grab your ass." A shudder ran down your spine. He has been watching you.
"What? Did you think I picked you at random?" He let out a chuckle. "Oh, Sweetheart, I've been watching you for weeks. I saw all those little dances in your underwear when you thought no one was paying attention even though you never closed the curtains." Steve took a step towards you and your legs trembled, but still you took a step back. "And I heard all those phone calls to your friends and home visits. I heard all the songs you sang in the shower. And all those little moans you let out in your bedroom." He was standing in front of you, your back against the wall and his breath tickled your ear, making you shiver. There was nowhere to run or hide anymore. He consumed everything in your field of vision. "Oh, Doll, you have no idea what you did to me." He reveled in the paralyzing fear you exhumed.
"P-People will know I'm gone." You tried challenging.
"No they won't. You just took a sabbatical and are volunteering in Colombia." His hand caressed you face in a loving matter. "And depending on how long I'll find you interesting, that's how long your volunteering trip is going to last as well as your time alive on this Earth."
You turned away from him as tears stung your eyes. He kissed the top of your head, making you shut your eyes and tears fall down your cheeks. Clenching your teeth, you refused to sob for the man in front of you.
"It'll be alright, Doll. I can make it good for you, make you enjoy the last moments of your life." His hands wandered over your pulse point and gripping your hips, pulling you to him. "But only if you behave."
Panic started consuming you, more tears blurred your vision as the situation he described sunk into your soul.
What are you going to do to escape this monster? There has to be something - anything. The promises he made, made you nauseous.
Your vision focused on the knife that was poking out of one of the unconscious men. If you could just get your hands on the knife...maybe you could do some damage. Or at least piss him off so much that he kills you on the spot. Anything was better than the insinuation Captain Hydra made.
"What do you want from me?" You finally asked, still refusing to look at him.
"Giving up so soon?" Steve mocked. "I want you to keep me company, especially after missions." He smirked as he thought of all the scenarios of when and how he's going to play with you. Bile rose in your throat as you imagined it, but sensing that Steve relaxed for a second, you dove for the knife, grabbing it just in time as he grabbed your ankle to pull you back to him. You let yourself be dragged towards him, before slashing across his arm and scrambling to your feet, running around the pool table stationed in the middle of the room.
"Bitch." Steve smirked and licked at his wound. He could see how fast your chest was raising and falling. He knew you were scared and panicking, seeking an exit. Like a cornered animal faced with a predator. He liked games like this.
"What's the plan, Doll?" He asked as you rotated around the table.
"I'm improvising." You bit back.
"There's no escape. Even if you manage to kill me, by some miracle, we are so far underground that you will never come back to surface again. But if you play nice...I might even let you see the sun and breathe some fresh air again." Steve offered, but you shook your head. You weren't delusional, overpowering a super soldier was never going to happen but...he could at least put you out of your own misery and just kill you. As you walked around the pool table again, you quickly tried running at the bar, to grab some alcohol to throw at him, making the wound sting. Steve jumped over the pool table grabbing at the knife to pull it out of your hand, but you turned just in the right second and stabbed his calf, making him yell out in pain. Your victory was short-lived as he grabbed you by the neck, twisting you around and slamming you on the pool table, keeping you pinned by the neck. Your hands searched the pool table for something to grip or throw or hit him with, but all they encountered was the soft surface.
"I was going to play nice, Doll, but fuck this little stunt just cost you that privilege." He pulled the knife out of his wound and cut through your jeans, pulling them apart, exposing your ass to his eyes. He ran his fingers over your slit, making you squirm, wanting to get away from him, but he kept you in one place with his strength.
"Relax, I'm not going in without at least a bit of prep. I don't want to ruin you for the rest of our time together." Steve whispered into your ear as his fingers entered you and started exploring the dry hole. He went deep, deeper than you could ever reach alone and he found your spot that always made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Ah there it is." He smirked as he started massaging that spot and juices started collecting around your entrance. Your body started responding on its own and your hips started meeting his invading fingers.
"There we go, nice and wet." Steve pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean, before you could hear his pants coming off. Warning bells sounded in your head and you tried lifting yourself up, gathering all your strength, but you were immediately slammed back down and a sharp slap landed over your pussy, making you whimper.
"Be a good little girl and take this cock." Was all he said before he slammed into you. Steve groaned as his tip kissed your cervix and he saw your hands balling into fists. He knew he just broke you. You weren't broken yet, but he'll get you there soon.
"You fit like a glove." He commented with a smile and pulled almost completely out before slamming in again. Your poor pussy took his assault as he unleashed his stress and punishment. And he unleashed it over and over again. He kept fucking you for the next few hours, making both of you cum too many times. Pain turned to pleasure and then back to pain as he pulled orgasm after orgasm out of you. You were completely spent, barely hanging on to consciousness, your abused overstuffed pussy leaked his cum and it oozed onto the pool table and the floor. But Steve was still hard.
"Come on, I'm ready for another round." He slapped your pussy again and your knees buckled, too sensitive from all the rough treatment you received from the super soldier. Steve was unbothered by your state, grabbing one of your legs, he put it on top of the pool table, exposing your messy pussy to him.
"Did my little hole had enough?" He chuckled as he gripped his cock and ran it through your pussy lips, making you whimper.
"Please. Too much." You begged, barely above a whisper. Clenching your pussy, you tried with the last ounce of strength to make him stop, be he just chuckled at your futile attempt.
"I'm not done with you. You only rest when I say so." The super soldier said before he slammed into you again. You yelled out in pain as your walls were met with another intrusion. Your vision blurred as his hand pressed your clit harshly, trying to make you cum again. You couldn't fight him anymore and your eyes closed, as you chased unconsciousness and the last thing that crossed your mind as Steve made you cum, was how much of this you'll be able to take if this was going to continue.
Thank you for reading! 🙏💙
The picture was taken off Pinterest (though I think it's actually from DeviantArt) so all credit for the picture goes to the artist! 😊🙏
I think this is the darkest thing I have ever written 😬 trifect of abuse - physical, mental and sexual abuse...sorry about that 😬😅
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laz3otakugirl · 7 months
Ari doesn't want you to go to work
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A/N: I HAVE BEEN STARVING TO WRITE SOMETHING FOR ARI!! Btw reader in this is chubby and short (yes I'm self inserting stfu)
It should've been simple. Get up at 6:45, get ready for work, eat a quick breakfast, and go to work. But it never works that way now does it? Every morning the greek god in your bed always decides right before you get up is the perfect time to latch onto you like a goddamn koala. And every time, you're tiny ass is stuck because this man is MASSIVE and he fucking knows it. "Ari, I swear to god!! I need to go to work!!", at this point you're not even worried about work. You're more worried about trying to breath under the giant that is your boyfriend. Your bear eventually opens his eyes with a smug grin on his face and flips on top of you and situates himself between your plush thighs.
Your face goes red when you feel him give a hard grind against your mound. "C'mon princess, just a few more minutes", now he's full on grinding against you and sucking and biting your neck. You whine and try to shove at his chest only for him to press more of his weight onto you. "Oof! Ari please you're fucking heavy!!" He smirks at that. Fuck. "Awww baby we both know that's not a complaint. If anything, I bet that pretty little cunt of yours is dripping wet for me. Huh? Is that right? My cute cunt is needy for me, isn't she?" Yeah no, with the way he's already got a hand down your panties, you're totally calling sick. By the time he's done you wouldn't be able to walk anyways...
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onsunnyside · 1 year
:・゚➴ 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭: 𝐈𝐈𝐈
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | Chris Evans x short!reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | fluff, size difference, SMUT - minors DNI, short!reader, size kink, dom!chris, praise kink, degradation, dumbification, spitting, oral (m & f mentioned), dirty talk, choking, daddy kink, spanking, unprotected sex (p in v, anal), breeding kink, squirting, creampie.
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭: 𝐈 & 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭: 𝐈𝐈 continuation.
𝗪/𝗖 | 4.38K
𝗔/𝗡 | to celebrate daddy being the sexiest man alive, here is part three of one of my first stories !! i hope you all enjoy. all mistakes are my own.
˗ˏˋ𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ ⋰˚ 𝐂.𝐄. & 𝐂𝐨. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Chris is an early bird, quite the opposite of you. Especially after long travelling trips—it usually takes a few days for you to get back to your usual lively self. Jet lag always gets the best of you but it was worth it to visit your boyfriend while he worked.
And now that he’s back home and grateful he doesn’t have to live out of suitcases anymore, you two spent the whole night catching up and soaking in each other’s warmth before retreating to his big comfy bed.
Even though he wants to spend time with you after being apart for months, he lets you sleep in. When he got out of bed, he made sure you were tucked in the plush sheets and snuggled with pillows. All warm and safe from the autumn weather outside—and Dodger who stared at you until you woke up.
When you met Chris, he only had four pillows on his bed. Now he has at least seven, not counting the decorative ones. Similarly, his blanket game has significantly evolved to a collection of the softest blankets you’ve ever had the pleasure of sleeping with, oh, and don’t forget about his special winter ones that are thick and fluffy.
“Do you wanna go to the dog park?” Dodger perks up, adorable eyes looking at his owner intently. “You wanna go now, bubba?” Dodger hops down from the couch and goes toward the master bedroom. He stops, looking back at his owner.
Chris can’t help but laugh. “You’re right, let’s wake her up.” He follows his dog down the hallway and the opened French doors at the end.
You’re lying on your side, buried in the sheets with your face mushed in between two pillows and the white blanket up to your ears—he didn’t know how you slept with your face half covered. (“Can you even breathe?” “Duh, how else would I wake up every morning?” “Oh, shut up.”)
Chris slowly makes his way to the bed, shushing Dodger. “She’s tired, bubba. Do you really want her to come?”
The dog looks at him, head tilted to the side as his tongue hangs out.
“Of course, you do.” Chris sighs, wondering why he even asked. He gently caresses your head and brushes your hair with his fingers. Cooing and calling your name softly. “Wakey, wakey, darling.”
You flip over, still sound asleep with your arms above your head and quiet breaths coming from your parted mouth.
Chris barely resists tickling you, the last time he did that, you bruised his nose. So instead, he delicately traces down your jaw to your neck, shaking your shoulder. “Baby, c’mon, Dodger is going to start whining.”
As if on cue, from his spot on the bed, the dog starts making high-pitched noises. Loud enough that your eyes flutter open, immediately squinting from the bright sunshine.
“Ugh, why are the curtains open, you dick.”
“Because the plant you refuse to move needs light.” Chris glances at the little string of pearls hanging from the ceiling by the sliding glass doors.
“I told you to put another hook in the dining room.”
“And I told you to marry me before you start making renovations to my house.”
The glare you send almost scares him—but it’s Chris and it’s you, so he just shoots you an exaggerated grin. “Are you going to marry me now? Think about all of the amazing sleep you’ll get in our bed with the curtains shut whenever you want.”
Feeling forgotten, Dodger whines again. His heavy paw lands on your stomach as he noses at your face.
“I think you mean that I’ll instead get woken up by a grumpy puppy staring at me every morning.” You rub the pup’s ears, squirming away when he licks your face. “Yeah, isn’t that right, bubba? You’re a grumpy puppy when your daddy doesn’t wake up on time to feed you?”
“I think he likes when his mama feeds him more.”
You’ve gotten used to the marriage topic and Chris’ half jokes (it wasn’t a secret that he wanted to go the full mile). The media’s unrelenting rumours and debates about your relationship status were old news: “Trouble in Paradise? Details of Chris Evans’ failed marriage proposal to girlfriend!” “Captain Can’t Have It All: Chris Evans is officially the sexiest and saddest man alive”
It was funny how a lot of the articles credited close sources when in reality it was just a bunch of dramatic assumptions.
All those pesky breakup rumours end (for the time being anyway) when you post a baking video: homemade dog treats.
You posted the video on your Instagram captioned: Very proud to announce this recipe is approved by the toughest critic pup! Hard work does indeed pay off.
The video was cute, you were dressed in an apron and one of Chris’ flannels. In the comfort of his kitchen, you carefully followed the recipe, chatting up a storm with the very interested puppy (“He isn’t a puppy anymore.” “All dogs are puppies.”) at your feet.
After you finished cooking, it cut to Dodger at a miniature table, he had one of those doggy smiles and was wearing a bib, very obediently waiting for you to set up a few of the fresh treats. You gave him the go and he dug in, practically devouring the food in seconds.
Once he was done, he looked up at you in a silent plea for more, definitely giving you those signature puppy dog eyes—and who were you to deny such a sweet boy of his treats! The video ended with shaky footage of you being kissed to death by the happy pup.
People loved it, some even trying the recipe themselves and tagging you in it. Your friends made jokes about you ditching your job to become a full-time pastry chef for dogs, and honestly, you wouldn’t mind it.
One comment, in particular, catches your attention.
chrisevans: What a good girl ❤️ Will you cook for me and call me baby too?
That made you miss him even more and you immediately called him to gush about your little baking adventure.
“I miss you so fuckin’ much.” You can hear the pout in his voice. “Come see me this week, please?” Chris had a habit of forgetting that you can’t just drop everything and go with him to work. Sure, you tried your best but it was tough if he was across the globe.
Fights about that usually last a few hours at most. Chris hates going to bed angry and he’d much rather cuddle and talk it out than not say “I love you” before going to sleep.
As his birthday approached, you told him you couldn’t make it. As much as it hurt to lie to him, you had to for the surprise. Scott was already there, not wanting his brother to spend his birthday alone and when he asked if you could surprise Chris—no convincing was needed.
After getting on set while Chris was off filming, you huddled inside his trailer. It was a little hectic inside, with clothes and shoes skewed across the floor and an unmade bed. Empty coffee cups and water bottles were scattered over the counters. Working Chris was a little different than home Chris, so you cleaned up as much as you could, not wanting him to walk into a mess on his birthday.
“—I have ice in the freezer, I’ll just use that.” His voice flows through the opened window. You barely contain your squeal of excitement, quickly fumbling to fix your little setup. The door clicks open but no footsteps follow. “Did you lock my door?”
“Yeah,” Scott answers back. You hope he was recording.
Chris huffs, stepping one foot into the trailer. “No, you didn’t. It’s unlocked. I told you to lock it before you left, idiot.” When he sees you, his immediate reaction is to scream. With wide eyes and a hand over his chest, he falls back into the wall, taking a few seconds to process who’s in front of him. Then, the biggest, brightest grin grows on his face.
“Happy birthday!” You jump off the bed, tackling him in a hug. He picks you off the floor with his hands under your thighs, hiking you up high to kiss your lips with such force you get lightheaded.
“I got you flowers.” You pull away and point over at the dresser where the luscious bouquet sat. “And your favourite ice cream, that new book you’ve been talking about, a new sweater and baseball cap and—”
He interrupts you with another kiss, slipping his tongue between your lips and lowering you until your core brushes against his crotch. Scott gags, announcing to call him when you’re off to dinner before leaving. The door slams shut and you and Chris are alone.
When he pulls away, you bite his lip cheekily. “I thought presents were supposed to be a surprise.” His voice is deep and gravelly, and his lips stretch into a smirk under his moustache.
“Oh! Forget I said anything.” (You also made him a photo album, you cut up pictures of you both as children to glue together to make it look like they knew each other. It was dumb but it was cute! And Chris said he loved it!)
You freaked out about the nasty bruise on his arm and didn’t calm down until he accepted your offer to pamper him.
(Scott posts the video with a caption: Happy 40th birthday to my brother! Thought I’d get him the best present this year—a girl who can handle all his asshole behaviour! One of a kind for the best brother out there. P.S. yes, the ending of the video was as awkward for me as it was for you all watching. We’ll probably welcome a new baby in the next nine months.)
And well… Chris wouldn’t tell him but that was his plan from the moment he saw you.
Your clothes litter the once clean floor and your panties are tight in his fist as he brings them to his nose, inhaling deeply before he shoves them into your mouth, “Gotta be quiet, baby, these walls are thin.”
If he truly cared about keeping it quiet, he wouldn’t be bouncing you on his cock, using you like a toy and spanking your ass. His balls slap against the plug nestled deep inside your puckered hole, stretched and ready for him. You’re so pretty when you’re gagged, but he would rather hear you.
“Daddy, uh—uh, I can’t.” You weakly brace yourself against his hairy chest, digging your nails into his tattooed flesh. “You’re too—fuck!”
His blue eyes cloud with lust, he watches you whine and weep on his girth, babbling nonsense about him being too big, too deep. That wouldn’t do, you were made for his cock, and you fucking loved when he was all up in your guts. This was his birthday present (the best he’s ever been given) and he was going to take full advantage of it.
He groans when your walls tighten. The tendons in his neck tense and his arm hooks around your waist, tugging you closer. “Daddy’s too deep? Just wait ‘til I get in that ass.”
He manhandles you into different positions: on your side so he could wrap his bicep around your neck and make you watch in the mirror, he hooks your legs over his shoulders and bends you in half, gripping the headboard above you as you squirt again and he fills you for the first time that day, promising the end is nowhere near.
Chris fucks you like he hates you while cursing about how much he fucking loves you, his sweet girl.
“Such a little thing, poor cunt is crying on my cock, makin’ a stupid mess.” “Remember when you could only take me halfway? Fucked yourself on my tip like a dumb baby, now look atcha. Stuffed so full you can’t even think.” “That’s okay, daddy loves you even when you’re a little dummy.”
His big frame blocks any sort of light, shrouding you in shadows and bliss. Every thrust shoves the air straight from your lungs, leaving you a gasping, weeping mess. You gnaw on your fingers, squirming as he pounds into your ass, hitting deeper than ever. Your body ignites in hot pleasure, it prickles at your skin and makes tears well up in your eyes, that band tightening in your belly again.
“Look at that pretty hole, stretched to the brim with daddy’s cock, gonna have no more room when I cum in you again, huh?” He coos when you cry and kisses your wet cheeks. “You better thank me for giving your pussy a break.”
“T-Thank you, da—daddy.” You hiccup, eyes rolling back as his pace builds with speed and strength, his hips slap against your ass, obscenely wet noises filling the room.
Your juices and his previous load dribble out of your used cunt to your ass. He fucks that filth back into you, groaning lowly as your cream coats his pulsating length. “That’s my good little slut.” “Fuck—you’re so fuckin’ messy, huh? Look at that shit.” He forces you to look down, a ring of whiteness sits at the thick base of his cock, sticking to his skin and smearing to his full balls, undoubtedly a mixture of your shared arousal. “Dirty girl, creamin’ all over me. Should make you clean it up, fuck your pretty face—and make you suck on my balls too.”
Your please daddy is barely audible.
“Yeah, you want that, baby? Wanna clean daddy’s sack like a little ballslut?” He spits on your soppy core, adding to the filthy fluids that cover your petals. “My sweet baby, you’re doing so good for me. Gonna knock you up tonight, you know that?”
He licks his thumb, then brings it down to your puffy clit which was still sensitive from his mouth—and that fucking moustache. You gasp sharply, your hand shooting out to grasp his wrist. “Missed these pretty holes, missed your creamy cunt on my face. This little button missed me too, yeah?” “Daddy will give her lots of attention, sweet girl, gonna get her all swollen and make it hurt—I know you love it when it hurts.”
The trailer was rocking and there’s no doubt that everyone knew what was going on (if your moans weren’t enough).
“Daddy loves your little hole, baby, feels so fucking good.” “You worked yourself open just for me? Fingered your ass like a whore so I could fuck you?” “That’s why you’re my baby, always so good for me.”
Your mind goes blank as he fucks you stupid, drool hangs out of your mouth and you feebly push at his abs. “Poor baby, am I going too deep?” “Good, wanna fuck all that attitude outta you.”
You can do nothing but watch as he rocks above you, the light fanning around his head like a halo as sweat glistens on his skin.
“Open up.” You obey, and he spits on your tongue, then again on your cheek so he could smear it into your skin. He grips your throat, and your wispy gasps turn into squeaky uh, uh, uh’s, “You want it, baby? Want daddy’s cum up your ass? Wanna be my little cumrag tonight?” “Beg me.”
“Dad–dy, please cum in me. I wanna, uh, need to feel—” Your voice breaks into a mewl when he slips two fingers into your sore pussy. You’re rushed to the edge, teetering closer with every pump of his long, thick fingers, your juices leak out around his cock, claiming him in the lewdest of ways.
“Fucked so dumb you can’t even beg.” “What’s this fuckin’ mouth for then? Is it just another hole for my cock and balls? A filthy cumdump?” He wished you could see yourself, cockdrunk with tears and spit on your face, your makeup ruined beyond salvation—but he thought you’ve never looked more beautiful. “Must be.” He drops down to lick into your slack mouth, kissing you breathlessly as his hips stutter, his fingers thrusting into that rough patch brutally.
All it takes is a few rumbling dirty words for you to reach that high. You clench around him and he presses balls deep, taking out his fingers to rub your puffy clit. Euphoria comes in bright colours and tingling sensations, with a final cry of his name, your juices spurt out and cover his hand and lower abs.
His body gives out and he crashes on top of you, pinning you down as his seed fills you to the brim, dribbling out from around his pulsating length and down his tight balls. “Fuckin’ take it, take my fuckin’ cum—so good—”
He swipes up the droplets and brings them to your mouth, tracing your lips before rubbing your tongue. “Don’t we taste good together, baby?” He wraps your legs around his waist and starts thrusting again, fucking his cum deeper while some also leak out, adding to the messy sheets. “Daddy’s not done yet, I gotta teach you a lesson about lying to me—for my fucking birthday, ya brat.”
It was safe to say that you’ve never felt more dirtier and loved when you limped out of the trailer a few hours later, practically waddling to the car with wet cheeks that never seemed to cool down—while Chris strutted proudly with his arms full of his gifts, your panties in his pocket and waving his hotel key. “I plan on taking full advantage of your visit, darling, 41 is a milestone to celebrate.”
Chris loved winning. Whether it was a lame competition between the two of you/with his brother, or an award/role he’s been hoping for, Chris strived to come out on top time and time again. Although, he’s gotten to that point in his career where things can slow down and he’s comfortable in his place, successful and secure. (“Some would say that makes the perfect time for a wedding but what the hell do I know?” He laughed sarcastically.)
Hence why you’re currently upside down and being paraded around the house like a prize.
You squeak when his hand lands on your ass. The flesh is still sore from earlier this morning when he fucked you into the mattress. He couldn’t resist when you were so cute and bleary, sweetly kissing his chest and telling him how much you loved him. If you didn’t want to get railed first thing in the morning, why the fuck were you wearing his t-shirt and no panties to bed? That’s just asking to get folded and fucked like his little whore.
“I didn’t hear that, what did you say?”
“I’m gonna throw up if you don’t put me down!”
Another sharp spank. “That’s not it. Maybe you'll learn to believe me from now on, huh? And not be a little brat in front of our friends.” “What was it, oh—he’d never win, he’s too much of a pussy to accept the title.”
You were drunk when you said that and you thought he was too, but as he got older, he limited his beers and was sober when you blatantly rejected any of his chances of winning the 2022 title of Sexiest Man Alive.
In fact, you bet he wouldn’t win—drunk you was a troublemaker. After the whole 2021 Sexiest Man Alive fiasco, you thought the media was going to rob him again. But you couldn’t have been more wrong, especially when the headlines came out and Chris had the biggest ‘I told you so’ smile on his face.
He’s lied before (about very stupid things), why would you believe him now? Especially when he expressed how nervous he was about accepting the title before, and how he would be bullied by his friends.
“I accepted it.”
“No, you didn’t.” You giggle sleepily, snuggling deeper into the sheets.
“I did.” Chris stands by the bathroom door, shirtless with his sweatpants hanging low. “I told you when I had the photoshoot, remember?”
No, you don’t because your memory was shit. “Mhm, okay. I guess you get delirious when you’re drunk. It’s okay, baby, you're still the sexiest man alive to me.” Then you fell asleep peacefully, buried under the blankets while he wrapped you in his arms, already feeling smug about your rude awakening just brimming on the horizon.
He thinks about you so much that he dreams about you almost every night. Even when you’re in his arms, tucked against him firmly with your cold feet brushing his legs. He used to say it took a long time for him to need human contact, but now he knows it was because he didn’t have you—he didn’t have someone who he wanted to be with all the time. Even just in your presence, in the same room doing completely different things in your own space but in each other’s company.
Speaking of drunk you, Chris never failed to care for you when you were inebriated and terribly uncoordinated.
“Behave.” He set you on the floor, pointing a finger at you which you tried to bite. “No. Hey, come back.” He drags you by your hips towards the bed after you tried leaving. “Get in bed.”
“Ooh, not gonna take me out to dinner first? And no flowers?” (As if he hadn’t showered you with affection all day/night while at a friend's birthday party). “I thought Christopher Evans was a chivalrous, romantic man?”
“He is. But only to good girls.” “Are you going to be my good girl and get into bed?”
It must’ve been the alcohol or his tatted, hairy chest peeking out from under his green button-up that filled your foggy mind with endless fantasies, making you instantly obey. Usually, you’d put up some more of a fight, asking him to touch you with his big soft hands—ugh, your panties were soaked and he seemed to know it from the smirk on his pretty face.
Chris takes your silence as confirmation and grabs clothes from his dresser. “Change into these, I know you’d hate me if I let you sleep in that.” He points to your tight satin blue dress.
You shake your head stubbornly.
Chris sighs. “C’mon, sweetheart, just do what I say.” “Don’t you want to be my good girl?”
There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that he knew what he was doing. In a daze, you clench your thighs, and rock your hips a little from your spot on the bed, drunk and desperate for some relief, anything.
Chris plays it cool, stuffing his hands into his pockets to keep from touching you. You’ve been teasing him all night, kissing his neck and grinding against him, it was a miracle he lasted this long. “I have to let Dodge outside, baby. Call me when you’re done and I’ll tuck you in.”
People still bring up those photos of him groping your ass or kissing you with a hand loosely around your throat. How could they ignore the ones that so vividly show off your size difference? He was the biggest when he was in the MCU, and proudly picked you up whenever he wanted, giving the paparazzi exactly what they wanted: “Chris Evans is a Giant and We Hope His Girlfriend is Okay” “When will Chris Evans learn his girlfriend isn’t a sack of potatoes? Here are our predictions!”
He was a giant. A damn mountain of a man as you kneel between his legs under the desk. “There we go—deeper, baby.” He grunts, guiding you further down his length. The fat tip is heavy on your tongue and already leaking precum, you sneakily lick at the pearls, desperate for a taste. He holds you as deep as you can go, which is barely halfway so you jerk the rest of his length with your hand.
He’s so thick your fingers don’t meet. Chris growls at the size difference, your cute hand dwarfed by his big dick. He gently pets your head when your tongue drags up and down the underside of his girth, messily spreading your saliva. “Are you gonna stay there while I work?” You nod or try to with his cock shoved down your throat. “What a sweet girl, keeping daddy’s cock warm. You’re my good little cocksleeve, hm?”
Your size difference got him off to no end, just the thought of you struggling to take his cock or his fingers in your tight holes made him rock hard.
He also loved being a dick about it too.
“Look, baby, I found your size.” Chris holds up a pair of infant shoes, dangling them from his fingers. He pouts mockingly, “you need new shoes, honey?”
You throw the tiny stuffed animal you were holding, it bounces off his head and lands on the ground.
Chris cackles, quickly covering his mouth when a couple looks over. He sets the shoes down and mutters under his breath, “No need for the tantrum… sheesh.”
“You know what, how about you shop for a gift alone? Better yet, why don’t you go to the baby shower alone?”
“Now, now, calm down before you explode.” “God knows how much anger can fit in your body, squirt.”
Chris has no clue how lucky he is. You claim to tolerate him poking fun at your height, but you actually really liked it. Your banter was always entertaining and if you were bratty enough, he’d go all dom mode.
“Are you okay??” “What happened to you?” “Call me ASAP”
#GetWellSoonY/N was trending along with a few photographs. Specifically, the ones taken of you with Chris and his family on vacation.
There were some of you both and his family on the beach, playing with the nieces and nephews, having a picnic or sightseeing.
Although, there were some of you and Chris that everyone seemed to focus on, along with a short video taken from a different angle than the photos. (Your disguises weren’t the best, and that’s probably why you were spotted).
You and Chris are talking, his hand on your waist and yours fiddling with a camera. You were trying to change the settings and when Chris offered (for the fourth time) to help, you just scoffed, “Yeah, the old man who can barely use his phone is going to help me with a camera that costs thousands of dollars? Pluh-ease.”
The video ends just after he lands a harsh spank on your ass, hard enough that you stumble forward and almost drop the camera. Worst of all, you can hear his palm make contact with your flesh.
‘Praying for Y/N and her 🐱.’
‘I wouldn’t be surprised if chris’ gf can’t walk today.’
‘Y’all see that firmness of his hand? My ass is throbbing just from watching.’
And the best article title you’ve seen in a while: ‘BREAKING NEWS: Chris Evans SPANKS His Girlfriend! Why Can’t He Leave the Poor Girl Alone?’
“Well, my publicist is not happy… again.”
“And whose fault is that?”
“I don’t know. Who has the attitude problem?”
You and Chris both stare at each other, clearly having different answers to that question. You narrow your eyes, at this moment, you hate that you have to look up at him while he glares down at you, his pink lips in a scowl.
“You’re a brat, you know that?” His voice lowers and he cups your jaw, leaning closer, the blues of his eyes going dark. “You’re lucky I take it easy on you.”
You laugh in disbelief, slapping away his hand. “Tell that to my bruised ass and waddle.”
Every once in a while, the public gets a peek into your relationship. The softer side that wasn’t broadcasted all over the media.
“Play. Play. Play.” The dog repeatedly presses the button. “Okay, okay, bub.” You come into the frame, dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. You grab a ball from Dodger’s bucket of toys and step out to the backyard. The sun is setting, bathing the autumn trees and grass in gold, only adding to the tranquillity. Chris gets it all on camera: you throwing the ball and cheering enthusiastically when Dodger brings it back. You shower him in pets and kisses before throwing the ball again, this time further away.
This was it—this was home. Chris used to be convinced that he’d never reach that level of intimate security, that warm place where he could be vulnerable and trust someone else wholly. His whirlwind of life was full of obstacles, long months away from home, and nasty rumours and expectations that kept him up at night, but right now, all of that faded into the glow in your eyes as you waved him over with a gleaming smile.
He posted that video after you fell asleep.
chrisevans: What a perfect day! 🌲☀️❤️ Would’ve been more perfect if she didn’t wrestle me to the ground as soon as I stepped out, but all is good, she’s smaller than me anyway.
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𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: there we go !! the long awaited finale to one of my first series. when i posted the first part, it was my first time writing reader insert smut and now i'm a shameless slut on here. certified ballslut/sackslut! so that proves you can do anything if you just try, or fall down a rabbit hole of word porn and spend hours a day writing some yourself. but hey, i'm not complaining, i love it here.
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞! did you know that daddy Chris Evans is the sexiest man alive?
As always, I hope you all enjoyed this and I’d love to hear your thoughts/feedback !! <3 — ☼ 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 ☼
I don’t do taglists anymore. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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"Darling don't fucking test me." Size kink. Older frat boy chris (if that doesn't make sense just chris evans). <3
Ugh, yes, fine. Fine. God, twist my arm why don't ya? 🥹
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Where It Counts
Warnings: College AU, established relationships, drinking, dubcon, meanish!Chris, size kink, thigh riding, oral sex, overstimulation, implied ass play, extra unedited
Relationship: Senior Frat Star!Chris Evans x SHORT!Fem!Reader
Author's note: yes this is RPF, but that F is very important. This is a completely fictional story. While the reader is short, I've tried to keep her body as neutral as possible.
Chris pushes you up against the wall by the stair, the loud music thumping through the frat house muffles your pouty whine. He bends to kiss you, grabs your hips, doing his best to get you to his room. The smell of warm beer on his breath makes your nose scrunch. You try and shove him off, you're angry with him. He told all of his frat bro friends you are so tiny, so tiny where it counted.
You love how much he adored your size, how much it turns his eyes soft and how quickly it makes him hard. Are you just a joke to him? Was he not serious when he said you were the one? You grab his stupid oversized hands and again try to shove him off.
"C'mon sweetheart, I said I was sorry. You know it was just joking around." The bill of his backwards baseball cap fills your vision, you see your initial written there in sharper on the faded material. He asked you to put them there. Chris loves you. But you're still angry.
"No," you whimper. His teeth scrape against your neck, making your stomach flutter and heat rush to your cheeks. God, he's a menace. He knows what that does to you, how it makes your knees weak and your panties wet. He's playing dirty.
"Sweetheart, don't fucking test me." He presses his thigh between yours and starts to lift your feet off the ground like you weigh nothing to him, putting pressure right on your clit. "Let me apologize to my girl right. Let me show you I can use my big mouth for something useful. Let me remind you of how much I love this tiny, little body."
He groans right in your ear, rolls his hips a little bit so you can feel his hard bulge. You're still trying to think with your brain and not your pussy. It doesn't matter who fucking good Chris's dick is, he was an ass. Asses don't get laid.
You keep saying it again and again, even as your hands wind around his neck and you let his hands grab your hips again. He moves you against his thigh, tortures you with the slow flex. Even as he lifts you up high enough for your legs to wrap around his tight waist and he carries up the stairs completely. Just because asses don't get laid doesn't mean you don't deserve your pussy being worshipped by that perfect, stupid mouth.
He drops you on his bed, the scent of him wrapping around you as he double check the door is locked. Before you can even sit up a little, Chris is on you, blanketing you with his whole body. He covers you head to toe, cages your face in with his hands and traps your hands against his chest.
Your breath stutters when you see the size difference, how small your fingers look against his chest. The chain he always wears around his neck dangles right at the base of your throat.
"Please, bubba, just wanna taste, let me make my girl sing for me."
You should say no. Just a taste always turns into just a finger or two or three, turns into just the tip, and the next thing you know you're begging him to fuck you deeper until his cum drips out of you until the morning. But god does he know what he is doing. Unlike any boyfriend before him, Chris eats pussy like it's his job. You deserve to have your pussy eaten.
"No fingers."
The words are barely out of your mouth before he is ripping your clothes off. He gets you completely naked, but doesn't remove a stitch of his clothing. With his cap still on, he dives between your legs. He kisses your thighs and your mound, teases you when he is supposed to be apologizing.
"Chris," you groan, frustrated enough to put your hands on his head to push him down.
One of his hands reaches out and grabs your wrists, both of them. The both of them fit just right against his palm as he pulls back enough to look up at you. His gaze flicks between yours and your hands, like he is realising all over again just how small you are.
"Sweetheart, you're so fucking adorable."
He growls it right into your pussy before he licks you from ass to clit. He manhandles your thighs over his shoulder fully, never letting go of your wrists. You can't move, you're pinned down and spread open for his apology. Your pulse throbs in your clit when he licks you again, cleaning up the slick caused by his kisses and thigh.
Chris's tongue spreads your lips until he can thrust it into your pussy. He moans at the taste of you, the vibration sending a spark right through your clit. Your nipples ache for attention, your neck demands kissing and sucking, every part of you needs more. You open your mouth to voice you needs, to moan for more but nothing comes out except a squeal.
He wraps his lips around your clit and sucks. Your back arches, unsure if you want to grind your face into his mouth or escape the overwhelming feeling that is making your legs shake. His free hand grabs onto your thigh and pulls you back down, locks you back into place. God his fucking hands. His fucking lips and mouth and tongue.
"Chris, Chris please," you beg. Even though this is supposed to be your apology you can't stop the words from tumbling out as the desperation sets in.
"Fuck, that's right bubba, let everyone in the house hear."
His warm breath is like ice in your overheated, sensitive skin. His words come out between panted breaths. His stubbled chin is smeared with arousal already.
"Then make me cum." You demand or pout, you aren't sure. You just know he isn't putting is mouth to good use like he said he would.
"God, I love when you get bossy."
Any argument about that word is expelled from your body when you gasp. Chris's tongue is on you again, fucking and stroking against your pussy. His nose keeps hitting your clit, but it's not enough, not the right angle. It's teasing and making your pussy wetter, but that's not what you were promised. You need more.
With your hands still trapped in his grip, you squeeze your thighs tighter around his head and grind against his face. He groans like this is a treat for him, like this is exactly what he wanted to do tonight. You throw your head back against his pillows, his cologne and soap and everything invading your senses. Your moan echoes around his room and you feel his grin spread across his face.
He knows you're close, your inhibitions dropping the more your muscles tense up and the more you clit aches for the right attention. You want to scream at him to fuck you right, to suck on your clit again. Your fingers flex as your hips lose their rhythm against his face.
The moans coming out of your lips are higher pitched, more desperate and pleading. A sheen of sweat covers your forehead. Finally, finally, his tongue moves up the little space to your clit. There's a moment where your pussy feels empty, but it's forgotten when Chris's tongue swirls around that throbbing nerve and sucks into his mouth.
His teeth graze your clit and your world shatters. You scream his name as your body shakes and pulses with your orgasm. Your pussy flutters as slick drips out of you. When you've melted, become a mush soft puddle, does he start licking you again.
"Chris," you groan.
"Not done apologizing, sweetheart, you got one more hole."
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callmissrogers · 2 months
That's My Girl | Part 2
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Summary: After the failed mission and death of the Bons, the team searches for an explanation and discovers that this is a much larger game than they first thought it to be. What will this do to y/n?
Word count: 4,919
Part 1
Warnings: Some fluffy fluff to begin with. I tried to insert some humor here and there. Annnddd some angst. Expect the next chapter to much more angsty, tho. Also, I only proofread once, and my head is like a cotton ball due to being sick, so apologies for any mistakes.
Note: Hey everyone! I'm sorry this has been delayed. I've been down and out with the flu and haven't been able to think striaght enough to write this out. But the last couple of days, albeit still being pretty down with it, I've been able to piece this together. Tell me what you think!
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The sun was beginning to shine through the compound windows, casting long golden lights across the floor.
Y/n was sitting on a stoll in the kitchen, trying to take deep breaths to steady herself.
Looking down at her hands, which, thanks to her little workout, were cut up, bloody, and bruised.
Steve slowly walked back into the kitchen, holding a little white box, which y/n assumed was a first aid kit. He pulled out the stoll next to hers and eased himself down.
"Hand," He said, holding out his own. Y/n swallowed, slowly placing her hand in his.
He furrowed his brow as he examined it, "Y'know, you're supposed to wrap your hands before you do stuff like this." He said, clicking his tongue.
Y/n didn't say anything but gasped and tried to pull her hand away. Only for Steve gently tightens his grip, glancing at her with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry - I know it stings." He whispered.
Y/n nodded, still flinching some ad he dabbed away at the cuts. Then he treated them with salve and bandaged them as best he could.
Looking down at her hands, y/n sighed. "I'm sorry." She mumbled, making him pause in his efforts to tidy away the materials. "Y/n..." She knew he was about to say something along the lines of "youwereupsetanddonthavetobesorryforanythingbecauseIcareaboutyou"
"No, Steve. You. . . You were trying to be there for me, and I was a jerk. Don't excuse it just to be nice." She said, dropping her head when her voice broke.
He sighed, staring at her a moment before she felt his calloused thumb and index finger tuck under her chin, and then gently tugging to make her look at him."You know, one of the things I think I like most about you is how sensitive you are to everyones feelings." He said quietly. "But, believe me when I say, my feelings weren't hurt. Do you know how many times you've stood by and saw through me to understand why I've said or done something? I can do the same. All I cared about was that my girl was hurting." He said, leaning down to peck her on the cheek and then pulling away.
So she sat sat frozen for a second. The ach from what had happened still sat on her chest, but Steve Rogers had managed to create a warm pool in her stomach. Never failing to make her feel loved, safe, and seen whenever she was with him. How did she end up so lucky to be the girl that caught his eye?
Suddenly, it occurred to her that he was cooking behind her. Twisting around, she asked, "What are you doing?" "You haven't eaten anything in ages." He replied, tossing some bacon into a hot pan and cracking eggs into a glass bowl. It felt good to just allow herself to be taken care of now.
By the time he finished, they had eggs, bacon, sourdough toast smuttered in butter and applebutter, with tall glasses of orange juice and coffee.
For the time being, she allowed herself to be distracted, pushing the heavy dark feeling to the back of her mind.
He sat with her and made her laugh with some stories he hadn't yet told her about some mischief Bucky had gotten him into in high school. Obviously, it was never his fault.
They had just finished eating when Nat walked into the room. Fixing herself a large mug of coffee, she said, "Steve, when you're done here, I need to talk to you." Natasha had a determined look in her eye that told Steve she had found something. "I'll be right there." He replied.
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"We need to talk," Nat said, yanking Steve by the arm and into her office. "What is it?" He was used to Natasha's unorthodox methods, so he really wasn't too taken aback by this.
"I was looking into things like you asked. We already know the reason the doctor was taken - Hydra wanted him for his skillset. However, we still don't know what they want to use that skill set for. They have to have the formula and whatever else they need. Otherwise, he wouldn't be dead." She muttered along.
She never realized just how fast she spoke when talking about mission work. It was a brain workout to keep up with her.
"We better off finding out who exactly is in charge of this operation as that will give us an idea of their game plan. "So I reviewed things like call logs, internet searches, and swips on metro cards, three days before the kidnapping." "I'm going to take a guess and say you didn't actually get any legal permission to do any of this?" "Do you really wanna know? I don't really wanna think about the fact that you're breaking the law just to do some -" "Then I won't tell you how I got my information. " She interrupted before bringing up a few files on the TV screen mounted to her wall. She used this like a murder board in crime shows.
"All of the information proved helpful. . . Y/n really shouldn't feel bad - this Doctor's soul was pitch black. " "Nat" "Apologies, almost forgot I was talking to golden boy. Anyway, some of the most relevant information now is the call logs."
"Why?" "Well, Steve. . . ." She said hesitating as he sat down on her desk with a sigh. "The caller tried to mask where the signals came from. They did a decent job of it too, not good enough to trick my guy, but good." "Nat, stop avoiding the point and just tell me," Steve knew full well that Natasha's method of distracting someone from something was to confuse them with irrelevant facts.
She sighed and then clicked something on her keyboard, which brought up a map, a map of their city. . . It was focusing on the compound. Steve's jaw tightened, and his hands clinged into fists.
"Nat..." "The calls to the Doctor originated here, Steve. We have a mole."
He saw red. It took everything in him to keep himself from punching out the monitor.
"Steve. Steve!" Natasha said, bringing him back to reality. "Who?" He spat, turning back to face her. Steve could turn into cold stone when he got angry. A force to be reckoned with that none of the other Avengers wanted to mess with. But Natasha knew enough to know that he wasn't angry with her. 
So with a deep breath and her most reassuring look she could muster, she said, "we don't know that yet. The fact that they haven't raised any red flags until now tells me they're pretty good at covering their tracks." "Well I won't just stand by idle while they have a free ride to do as they please." Steve said, strutting towards the door.
"You won't have to. Now that we know that they're here. They won't be able to hide." Natasha said all playfulness gone, her tone the sort that would make anyone's blood run cold.
"Call a meeting," He ordered. "I already did." She said, grabbing her tablet and exciting the office before he did. "I just figured I should clue you in first." She finished heading to the counsel room. That would mean he wouldn't have time to give y/n a heads up and that she'd hear it at the same time as everyone else. Knowing just how hard the last day or so had been for her, he wished he could somehow make things easier for her. 
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In the counsel room, the others were already deep in conversation. Debating how to go about rooting out the Mole.
"I say, we start tapping phone calls. Put something on their Starkcell that will give us what we need." Tony said, spinning his pen on the table. "You can't do that, and you know why." Sam protested, leaning back in his chair. "They're technically my phones." "Which you technically gave to them, so it's literally still against the law to riffle through their private information." Sam answered angrily.
"What about undercover work? Send someone in to kinda get a feel for things?" Wanda asked. "Send them in where? We have like a million departments." Bucky retorted.
"Ok!" Steve said singally for them to be silent. "We need a course of action. A legal course of action. " He finished as he took a seat. "Natasha. "
"Ok. The way to run out a mole is to make them think they're ahead of the game. Let them believe they're in control of the situation." She said, leaning back and propping her feet up on the table.
"Last time I checked, they are in control. Since, again, we have no idea who they are." Bucky retorted before smacking her foot to make her move.
"Yeah, sure, we don't have names. Yet. But may I remind you we're the same people that stopped a literal alien invasion. I think we can manage a spy ring or whatever this may be. We know they're here, and we're going to make their lives a living hell when we find them."  Nat said, ignoring him.
Steve kept glancing at y/n. Who was sitting hunched over in her chair, hands clasped together, the same expressionless face she puts on any time she really wants to pretend to be fine.
"How is this any different from what I suggested? The way I see it is the only way to their life a living hell is to make everyone's life a living hell." Tony snarked, taking a bite out of an apple. Why did he always have to eat during important meetings?
"Tony." Steve warned, setting his jaw. Normally, Tony would continue to push the issue and see just how far he could push the Star Spangled Man (as he liked to call him), but given the situation, he backed down.
"Now. . . Before they just sorta came out of the woodwork when they wanted to get rid of me," Steve said, taking on his leadership voice. "What we gotta do is work backward. Our starting point is-" He glanced at y/n again before continuing, wishing she hadn't come to the meeting or that he could somehow leave the failed mission out of this, but he pressed on despite his feelings. "Our starting point is the doctor. Go back six months if you have to. Go over his coworkers, legally go over his finances and see if we can't trace anything back. They aren't stupid enough to leave such a glaring trail, so look for the less obvious stuff. See if he's gone on vacation. Possible visitors to his residence. I think they'd probably have someone do all of the in person stuff for them. Being seen could jeopardize their cover here. Check anything and everything you can think of. Call a meeting as soon as anything sticks out." He finished closing his tablet.
Everyone looked around and then pushed themselves back from the table, beginning to file out.
Steve just stood back watching them, y/n stopped in the doorway to give him a small smile of reassurance. Reassurance that she was ok with this.
He knew he couldn't just follow her around and make everything ok. They were both Avengers. She knew what she signed up for when she joined this team, and he wouldn't treat her like a child that needs constant supervision.
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He gathered his things and headed into his office. Pulling up the file on the Doctor. This man had been in bad dealings his entire career. Before he figured out this "Foutain of Youth" as they called it, he worked for the mafia. Changing faces so they could leave the country unseen and avoid jail time. He had leaved in nearly every state at one point or another before finally settling in Hawaii two years ago. Steve knew that this all started six months ago with the creation of the serum... What made him decide to attempt this? Was it his own humanity wanting to cling onto life as long as possible, or was he put up to it?
He had to spread the word of it via the black market?
Hydra probably had buyers on the market to alert them of things like this... maybe they could somehow track that to their mole?
By the time Steve looked at the time, his vision blurry from staring at his screen for too long, he realized that nearly six hours had passed. Cracking his knuckles, he pushed himself away from the desk. He'd allow himself to check on y/n just to see how she was doing in her own research.  Her office was at the end of the hallway, ramping on the door with his knuckles and he heard a small "in" before he pushed the door open.
She had documents splayed across her desk, a digital board with information crowding it, and a whiteboard filled with her own notes.
"Did you find anything?" She asked, drinking from what had to have been her fifth or sixth mug of coffee. "We already knew he worked for the mafia in his younger days... But what we didn't find in our cursory research on him before the mission was that he didn't only work sell on the black market. He ran an entire business on it." Steve answered, leaning against her doorframe. Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, "How did we miss that? We should have known that before the mission."
She responded, her voice frustrated and tired. "It's not like we had a lot of time before the drop. We got the most important information and didn't waste time before the attempted rescue. " He said, bitting his lip and instantly regretting the fact that he said "attempted".
Y/n dropped her head and stared down at her mug, "Yeah. I guess we could have gotten this information easier if we had them here to interrogate." "Y/n... I didn't mean -" "I found some information too," She said, deliberately cutting him off. "His wife would disappear every Monday and Friday. Over night. She'd go to an airport in the morning, fly out to LA, and be back by the next day."Where was she going?" "I don't know. She was picked by an SUV, and the plates were fake government plates that can't be tracked. But I know it has to be related." She said, pulling her hair into a frizzy messy bun. This was all beginning to sound much more organized than it had seemed in the beginning. Just what had they walked into?
"What do you know about the wife?" Steve asked, realizing that he knew little about her. Perhaps they had been foolish to assume that he was the only one involved here.
"So far, all I know is that her family had lots of secret political ties. Making backroom deals to get votes or lobbying for things that would benefit companies they had controlling stocks in. I'm going to dig into her personal life some more. Just give me time."I thought we were just going back six months." Steve commented, looking at the years posted on the board. "I think we need a total background to make any of this make sense." She replied, sitting back down to work. "Why don't we eat something and then get back to work?" Steve suggested. "I ate a protein bar, thanks." She answered dismissively.
Steve could see it in her eyes. She wasn't the cheerful and somewhat corky girl he loved to sing to the oldies with at the moment. She was slipping into the darkness with this and didn't want him by her side.
So he quietly slipped out of her office and made for the kitchen. He had to eat something before going back to the harsh glare of his screen. Why couldn't they do things like they did in his day? Radios, typewriters, maps, and chalkboards rarely gave people headaches.
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In the kitchen, he found Bucky chowing down on what looked like canned spaghetti. That was one thing that never changed about his old friend. He was a terrible cook.
Bucky stopped, his fork halfway to his mouth, and looked at him, "What?" Steve didn't know why, but the expression and his ruffled appearance made him laugh. "Did you come down here just to laugh at me, or are you here for a reason?" Buck asked, giving his usual cocky grin. "I came down for food. Laughing at you is just a bonus." Steve replied, heading over to the fridge to grab the fixings for a sub sandwhich.
A moment later, he was settling in across from Bucky, sliding his friend a beer.
"I hate computers." Steve grunted. "I think the issue is that computers know that we're actually dinosaurs, and they hate us."  Bucky scoffed jokingly.
After a moment of comfortable silence only broken by the sounds of them chewing and drinking, Steve asked, "Have you found anything?" "Well, my Forte isn't looking at papers and reports. You know this." "Is it because you can't read?" Steve asked with a smile. Buck looked at him, mouth agap and then said, "May I remind you what you thought fondue was?"
Bucky was seriously the only person on earth with whom Steve could make light of a serious situation. It helped with the stress and surprisingly made tough situations easier.
"*anways* I decided instead to review surveillance tapes. Before we only looked at the ones the day of at his office. I checked everything I could check. Home security footage, his office, found out his wife has an office down town don't know what for tho... A lot of it was just rich dolls coming in to make themselves look plumper." Bucky said allowing himself to become his old self again. "And?" Steve asked seriously hopping that six hours of Bucky's research hadn't resulted in how many women got "work" done. "And. I made note of repeated visitors. " "I may be a dinosaur but I do know that people get more than one thing done at these places. How do you know they weren't just coming in for different procedures?" "Because I couldn't tell that they were actually getting work done. Sure they'd come in with a different hairstyle or something else to make them look different but they were the same people. Lawyer types." "Suspicious but they could have been lawyers for former unhappy clients." "Then why did they repeated show up at his wife's office too?" "They did?" "And their home. Tho they only did that in the last three weeks before they vanished, and they'd only leave things in the backyard." "They didn't know the Bons had a camera back there?" "Oh the Bons didn't." "Then how -?" "Oh... Their neighbors might have a camera that might have been able to catch a few glimpses of them."That's not legal -" "technically. Going through the Von's cameras wasn't either, but I don't see you complaining about that." "We need to have a talk about ethics." "Fine. Fine. I guess you didn't want to know that I gave the footage to Natasha and that she's running it as we speak. "  Steve sat back in his chair. This could be the break they needed, but he hated it when they allowed the line to become blury just to justify a means to an end.
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Back in her office, y/n's head began to hurt with the familiar ach she got when she worked for too long. A five minute break. Just to make the rounds and find out what some of the others knew, then it would be back to work for the rest of the night.
Tony walked out of his office just as she did. "Y/n you look a little worse for wear." He commented in his usual slightly oblivious fashion. "Thanks... I guess. What have you found?" "Well. I found out our mister Von's business is on the dark web. We figured that. But he's not alone in this business. He had partners." "Partners?" "Yep. Which could mean that they're in the same spot he was in and might be next on the Hydra kidnap list. Or will simply be working with em'. Don't know that yet. Heck, I don't know what they are yet. My big wigs don't get that far into things... But I'm gonna keep digging. Right now a cold shower and a red bull are call my name." He said swaggering down the hall. How that man could be so chill about everything was beyond her.
As more information piled in, this was becoming a very tangled spider's web. Wanda had found out that Mrs Von had traveled to Russa three times in the last six months. Doctor Bon had gone to China twice. Again, privately owned companies that kept everything low-key. They only found out because, unfortunately, you couldn't keep a passport check secret due to 9/11. Someone was pulling a lot of strings to keep this all a secret. Which told them that there was a bigger end game involved.
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A few hours later.
Everyone was tired.
Due to the nature of discovering the Mole is meant that they had to keep this low key. They couldn't just pass out the information and put all of their agents at SHEILD to work.
But there were some things that they couldn't do themselves without rasing suspicion.
"Friday," Steve said, he was hunched over, face resting in his hands in the counsel room. "Privatly request that agent Shannon Charter come up here please." He mumbled, fumbled for the handle of his 12th coffee cup. He didn't know why he was drinking it. Coffee had little to no affect on him. The others who had slowly found their way in here for the update meeting, were practically already asleep.
Nearly ten minutes later, Agent Charter stepped into the room. "Friday said you wanted me, Sir?" She asked. "Yes. Please sit down" He instructed.
"Is something wrong?" She asked, seeming puzzled by the fact that she was addressing all of the Avengers.
"Depends on how you look at it." Sam commented. He was the only one of them that wasn't half dead at the moment. He flourished in situations where most would be dead from exhaustion. And he wasn't even a super soldier.
Seeing as he was the one who was most with it at the present moment, he took lead on this meeting.
"Agent Charter, we have a situation." He said standing up and coming round the table to stand by the large monitor. "What sort of situation?" She asked. "There seems to be a mole here at shield." "A mole? How is that even possible? We have one of the highest security systems in the entire world." "We're not sure about the how yet. All we know is that there is. We don't want the good guys here to worry, we also don't want y'all to be completely in the dark. But at the moment, choosing who to entrust with this information is difficult. So it's boiled down to you and Colson. Obviously he's not here, so you'll be handling a sorta undercover investigation here within the ranks. We know it's a lot to ask." "No, no. To serve and protect is what I signed up for when I joined up. That applies to the organization that I serve." She said, her eyes quickly darting to Steve and then back. Most likely didn't even notice it.
Everyone had suspected that Shannon and Steve would end up together. Afterall, she was the great niece of the woman he was in love with back in the 40s. They all figured they'd just fall in sync with each other. But it turns out that having things in common, worked more to sway the Captain's heart far more than being related to Peggy.
Wanda, who was friends with Shannon, seemed to believe that the lady was fine with the fact that Golden Boy hadn't fallen for her. Sam and Bucky weren't so certain. Claiming that it was impossible for someone who had the "hots" for Steve Rogers to get over it so easily.
"Alright. Here is your file containing what we know so far. Read it and commit it to memory. We want a daily appraisal of anything you find. You will give these appraisals in person just to be safe." "Will do." She answered, grabbing the file and then excusing herself.
There would be no sleeping for the team tonight. At least no proper sleep. They all found themselves dozing at their desks or chosen perches for their work at one point or another. All of the rearsearch began melding together as they shared it onto their private starkspace (they had given up trying to make Tony not name all of his tech after himself a long time ago. Humble would never be one of his attributes.)
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Finally, at 3:30 in the morning, Natasha came storming into Steve's office, making him jump. "With all of your abilities, how is it possible to startle you?" She asked striaghtfaced. "I'm imagining since you're being sarcastic you've found something?" Steve asked, stretching his back. "I did. Buck's videos paid off. I only got partial faces, which is why it took so long, but I was able to figure out who they are." She said, casting her tablet's screen onto his monitors. "They're a group out of Russia. They're for hire for the right people. Not you're typical hitmen. These people are total blackops. Just the sort you'd want if you're trying to keep your name out of things." "If they're so good, how'd you even find them?" "Rogers you should know by now that not all of my friends are nessiarly good people." "Right. Well. Go on." "I was only able to track them to their last known hideout, which is an abandoned school about four hours from here by jet. It's a long shot. We may or may not get anything out of these guys. But one thing is for sure, they're prepared. We're walking into one hell of a fight."
"Nat. Tell the team to assemble." Steve ordered, standing up and leaving his office before she had a chance to answer him.
Seeing the state y/n had fallen into earlier concerned him. The only time she had left her office was for the end of day meeting. Eyes glazed over and an expression that told him she was present in body only, her mind gone somewhere else.
Checking with Friday the few times he did (doing do at all made him feel terrible. Was he spying? Didn't he trust her? But his concern for her pushed such thoughts aside. Besides, he only checked once or twice) told him that she had only repeatedly refilled her coffee mug, refusing Friday's requests that she hydrate and only consuming protein bars.
Wanda had popped in to tell him that Y/n had also refused to eat dinner. Wanda had such a motherly nature even tho she was younger than everyone else here.
All of this told him that their little moment this morning or yesterday morning rather, was really just the calm before the storm.
This rabbit hole was consuming her. He had been told when she joined the Avengers that due to her powers, she had heightened emotions and felt things on a level that was different from your average person.
However, in his mind, it hadn't been an issue before (of anything it made her more endearing). Not until this short little rescue mission blew up into a James Bond level spy thriller. Now, as he made a very slow walk to her office, he had a hole burning in his stomach.
He had been mulling this over since he saw her in her office this morning and became certain it was the right thing to do during the meeting.
He'd have to act as Captain America and not as Steve Rogers.
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Knocking on the door, all he got was a grunt, which he supposed meant "come in," so he went in. She sat in the middle of the floor, completely surrounded on all sides by papers.
It was like a fairy ring but with research papers instead of mushrooms.
Her laptop was in her lap, tablet laying next to her, and another smaller white board sat in front of her. He knew her method was to write everything out so she could "see her thoughts," but this seemed extreme. 
How could she be in so deep after such a short amount of time?
"Y/n? We need to talk. Nat found something." "What?" She asked, not looking up from her own work. "A location. Seems that some Russian agents for hire were some sort of go-between or something. We're not really sure what their involvement is yet." "Where are they?" She gasped, standing up and dropping her laptop in the process.
This frantic behavior only cemented in Steve's mind that he was right in doing what he was about to do. She was in a very bad headspace at the moment.
"I can't tell you that." He said, dropping her gaze for a moment. " "What? Why can't you tell me?" She asked genuinely, confused. Steve sighed and then looked her in the eye, trying to convey his reasoning before answering. "Because you're not coming."
((Feel free to request to be tagged for future updates to the story))
Tags: @nekoannie-chan
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Kiss Me, I'm-
A Curtis and Honey Holiday Special
Summary- 3.2k Curtis x Plus Sized Reader. Saint Patrick's Day is in full swing at Paulie's Bar. You and Paulie play a friendly game of flip cup, that results in the whole bar getting a special holiday round of beer. As well as an opportunity for Curtis to get you all to himself.
Warnings- Dirty Talk, Sexual Activities, Alcohol Consumption, Buzzed/Drunk.
A/N- Thank you so much @mumbles411 for reading through this piece as well as all our conversations about Curtis and Honey. I really appreciate all the times you just drop a random thought and we weave whole scenarios around it. @bigtreefest thank you so much for dropping that ask in my inbox that prompted this. To all the readers, gosh you guys are incredible. Thank you!
If you happen to celebrate the holiday, please stay safe.
If you enjoyed this, please leave a comment and/or give a share.
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
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“You can try to kick my ass at this.” You smirked as you flicked the cap off of a jameson bottle, the top spinning across the bar's counter till Paulie smacked his hand against it to keep it from spinning onto his floor. 
“Oh girl, I know I am going to.” Paulie set down a line of red solo cups between the two of you, his eyes narrowed at your challenge. “Saint Patricks Day is a bartender's Christmas, I’m not about to let you out-flip me at flip cup.” He informed you while taking the bottle of Jameson, pouring some whiskey down the line and finishing the rest of the cups with his green beer. 
Edgar at your side scrunched up his face. “So instead of Santa, you have little leprechauns you look forward to? Just fucking creepy man, I hate those little bastards.” He shuddered. 
You laughed while bumping your shoulder against Edgar’s. “Even Lucky the lucky charms leprechaun?” 
“ESPECIALLY HIM! You know he is a scheming little bastard. You’ve seen the movies, those leprechauns will murder you just because.” 
Paulie scoffed at Edgar, setting the bottle and pitcher aside. 
“Oooh! That was such a terrible set of movies.” You glanced over your shoulder towards where Curtis was in a game of pool with Ella. “We should watch the leprechaun movie later!” The balls clanked loudly after he took his shot and straightened up, leveling you a look. 
“Honey, you taking that line of shots with Paulie, you’re gonna be out of commission tonight.” You scoffed to hide your grin, knowing he was right. After this topped  off with the green beer Paulie was serving to celebrate, you were gonna be wasted. “Okay, tomorrow then.”
Ella piped up from the other side of the pool table. “Oh, I vote sleepover and we build a fort in the living room to watch them. Curtis can make us his hangover cure.” 
“Deal.” You gave her some cheesy finger guns while Curtis eyed you, a playful gleam in his expression. 
“Remember that when I’m trying to get you out of bed tomorrow.” 
“Wait, can I crash this sleepover?” Edgar pouted and you slung your arm over his shoulder, drawing him in close. 
“The more the merrier, of course you're invited.” From behind you, you could hear Curtis and Ella debating about the best hangover cures and just how committed Curtis was to cooking for all of you in the morning. 
“Okay! Back to what we were doing… Paulie, you ready?” 
“At drinking you under the table? Sweetheart I was born ready.” He curled his fingers on one of the cups at one end, preparing. You both stare at each other trying to intimidate the other. “The one with the most flipped cups wins.” 
Curtis came up behind you at some point, his hands resting on your tense shoulders, squeezing lightly and you saw Paulie's eyes flicker behind you. “Bet’s on that Y/N gets in more shots. I know my girl, she doesn’t back down from a challenge.”
Oh did that make you tingle all over at his praise. Now you absolutely had to win.
“Prepare to lose your money Everett.” Paulie shot back but you just gave a cool smirk at the man. Edgar watched the clock above the bar and as soon as the second hand hit the new minute mark, his palm slammed down on the bar, making you leap into action. 
You were good at this game, college had taught you the efficiency of keeping calm instead of trying to rush in flipping the cups. 
Meaning while Paulie was fumbling with some of his flips, yours were steadily flipping in the correct manner, wincing whenever you came across the shots of whiskey, the beer though went down a lot easier. 
“Son of a bitch, flip.” Paulie sputtered, seeming to get stuck halfway up the line. You were laser focused, the whiskey making your eyes water with every heavy swallow. Curtis was whispering in your ear about how you were turning him on right then.
“Come’on Pretty Girl. Show them how good my girl is.” 
Between that and the burn of alcohol, you were swimming in the rush of it. The last cup flipped and you threw your hands up in victory with a cheer, just barely beating out Paulie by a matter of seconds. From behind you Curtis gave a victory yell, pulling you into him while you were still jumping and dancing in your win. 
“Ya got lucky.” Paulie huffed while Curtis reached over you to grab the Jameson bottle and took a drag off it, claiming it for himself. 
“My girl has fucking talent.” Curtis praised, his arms enclosing you against his firm chest. Warmth filled you, feeding you till you squirmed back against him, his grunt quietly muffled in your hair. 
“Tease.” He whispered, flexing his hold on you to keep you still for now. 
The whiskey as well as the rush of excitement had you floating on that feel-good sensation that you were ready to ride till it faded away. 
“Alright Y/N, how are we celebrating?” Paulie leaned against the bar after cleaning up the pile of red solo cups and the remnants of jameson spilled across the bar. 
“Beers.” You demanded. “St.Patrick’s Day demands it.” 
“How about the next round on me then?” Paulie offered, gathering up the pitchers of beer to refill glasses. 
“THE WHOLE BAR?” came a shout from somewhere in the room, you suspected it was Ella. Paulie conceded, waving over his customers to claim their free beer. 
Curtis took his chance with the rush to the bar, tugging you away from the crowd and slipping the two of you through doors leading to the back rooms and the office. You giggled as he rounded on you, grabbing your hips and swinging you up to wrap your legs around his waist. “We aren’t supposed to be back here.” You chided, teasing as your hand wrapped around the back of his neck, hovering your lips close to his. 
“Paulie is too fucking busy now losing part of his profits to notice where we are.” Curtis growled while continuing his mission to get you all to himself. Pushing open the office door with his shoulder, his hand fumbled on the lock while you crashed your mouth to his, 
Pinning you back against the door, your head banged back with a soft thud while he traveled away from your lips, grinding into you. 
“How's that whiskey treating you Pretty Girl?” 
You whimpered when you felt his kiss at your pulse point turn harder, making you tingle at the sensation. “Good, really good…” 
“Want me to make it even better?” His mouth finds your ear, teasing you enough to make you bite your lip at the loss of his mouth. 
This man knew how to drive you crazy, your body arching to press against his all that much more although he already had you pinned tightly against the door. “Please Curtis?” Your tone is aching and needy, lust filled.
“Fuck when you sound like that.” He growled as his mouth reclaimed yours, swinging you away from the door and falling back into the chair behind the office desk, while your hands reached between you two, tugging his belt open. “It makes me so fucking hard for you.” 
“How long do you think we have?” You moved to kiss along his bristled jawline, nipping at his neck while he reached around you to shake the computer mouse and pull up the bar's cameras. 
“Plenty of time Pretty Girl.” He wrapped a hand into your hair, pulling you back till you were sitting up straight and his eyes could roam up and down your body, licking his lips like you were just made to be devoured. “Get out of those pants and turn around.” His palm smacked against your ass, making a slapping sound but your jeans kept away any sting. You lifted yourself off to do as he asked, a glance over your shoulder showed him shimming his pants and boxers down off his hips. For good measure, you stripped your shirt off to drop it with your pants. 
“We’re gonna have to buy Paulie a new chair.” You giggle as you finally get one of your legs free and Curtis grasps your hips to make you back up, his touch going between your thick thighs to tighten his fingers into your panties, making them rub right up against your clit. “Fuck.” You hiss, rocking your hips enough to create friction. 
“Leather chair Pretty Girl, he will never know once I wipe it back down.” 
The image of Curtis’s ass cheeks in the leather made you giggle between breathy moans, another glance over your shoulder catching sight of him spitting on his hand and rubbing it up and down his cock. You couldn't muffle the giggles while Curtis pushed aside your panties finally and had you start to lower on him slowly, gentle bounces and thrusts working him in. “Although your ass print should be considered a work of art.” The image of framing the chair with two distinct ass cheek imprints having you laughing harder until Curtis pushed you down into his lap. 
“You're a fucking work of art, remind me to nail you up against a wall later.” He stated, his hands flexing in appreciation along the curve of your hips.
A gasp escaped you, falling back into his chest with a buzzed grin plastered on your face. “I ever tell you how much I love feeling you. Mmmhh when I first met you I said ‘Y/N, that man has a cock made to ride.” 
Curtis snorted behind you, running his hands up your front to tease your breasts in his hands, pushing your bra out of the way. “Was that before you went all teacher mode or after you left?” 
You moved your hands over his, making him squeeze harder till he was doing the exact pressure you wanted. “Oh definitely during, the whole time we were walking around and I had to ask those questions. Good thing I had my note cards or else I would have failed at being logical.” 
You felt the press of his smile against your cheek and a groan coming from him, followed by a curse.  Squeezing your cunt around him always made him a little more vocal and you loved hearing him. “Wanna know what I was thinking the whole time?” He muttered in your ear before pushing you forward to sit up, your hands landing on the desk edge in front of you and his own touch slid down to your hips. 
Digging into you like he was holding on. 
“How this perfect fucking cunt was made to take my cock.” He thrusted up hard, making you jolt in his lap and flutter excitedly. “Knowing how god damn sexy you would be when you went mindless, begging for more.” He started faster, making you bounce on him. Your hands tightened their grip on Paulie’s desk to keep you from falling forward, the jolts making your little sounds escaping broken sounding almost pathetic. “How you played sweet and innocent that day, but I knew that was just a show…”
Your head nodded, your ass slapping down onto his lap now, your body jiggling in the forceful movements. His cock pounding into you was making your eyes roll, how good it felt to feel him fuck into you over and over. “T’was Curtis, I wanted…” 
“Wanted what Pretty Girl?” He asked, his tongue and teeth sinking into your shoulder blade and kissing your flexing back. Sure there would be a mark on you, his mark and that satisfied him on a whole other level. 
“What’s that?” Curtis let go of your hips, to roam his hands over you, palming your breast again and squeezing till you shuddered in his hold. Your own touch flew back to grab at the back of his head, holding on. 
“To be dirty for you.” 
He hissed when your cunt fluttered again, squeezing and sucking him back in, like you never wanted him to leave. “Fuck you are, you would get down right now and suck my cock, or bend over this desk wouldn’t you? All with the office camera rolling for a video.” 
Your head nodded, tilting back with parted lips crying his name out louder than you should have. His hand at your chest slapped over your lips, muffling your cries. “My pretty little whore, we gotta be quiet.” 
You didn't care, the alcohol buzzing in your system, sneaking off with Curtis and him talking like this to you was making you stupid with pleasure. Your pants were rushed, the slap of your body against his and the creak of the leather was just adding to it all. The small office felt heated, now smelled of sex, and you couldn't stop giggling behind his palm. “You gonna come for me, soak this cock?” 
A firm nod had you grabbing at his hand still wrapped at your waist, shoving it between your thighs with a moaning yes when his fingertips pressed against your clit. A deep laugh, knowing that you needed to have that touch in order to get yourself off. “Come on Pretty Girl.” He grunted in your ear, the twirl of his fingers and the rub he was giving your clit making your heart race, the tension just before coming building, swiftly now. Like you were about to crash. “Someone is gonna come looking for us, and see you spread all out on this chair with my cock buried deep in this weeping cunt. You don’t want that do you?” The snap of his teeth signaling just how close Curtis was. 
No? Maybe? You knew it gave you a rush, which just added to the moment. “Curtis!” His name falling from you like a prayer muffled behind his palm, ready to crash into shattered oblivious pieces, falling apart in his lap where he yanked you back, the slap of his hips underneath you had his cock pushing into your squelching cunt while chasing for his own orgasm now that you came. 
Yours left you floating, giving yourself over to him to use you however he wanted while you just let yourself continue enjoying the buzz of sex and alcohol. 
“Fuck, FUCK!” Curtis’s muffled roar was against your shoulder, biting onto you with a grunt as he pulled you hard onto him one last time, warmth making you clench on him again, rocking your hips slightly with a satisfied moan of your own. Your head tilted into his, both of you panting heavily to catch your breaths when his hand dropped from your mouth and rested against your heaving chest, his palm flattening against the racing of your heart.
“We should sneak in here more often.” You snickered while pushing up to sit, Curtis sliding his hands around your waist and following up to hug you from behind, letting his face press against your shoulder. 
“Don’t worry, I know where Paulie hides his office keys for when he starts locking the door.” He muttered, pressing kisses across the top of your back to the other shoulder. “Move that mouse, see where he is.” 
You leaned forward to shove the mouse enough to take off the old school screensaver, peering at the grainy screen. "Still at the bar, busy too. Looks like Saint Patrick's Day really is his Christmas.” 
“Good…” Curtis gave a push to have the chair roll back away from the desk a bit. “Turn around so I can hold you proper for a few minutes before we go back out there.” 
“Does he really have cameras in here Curtis?” Your eyes bounced around, searching. You certainly didn’t want Paulie seeing this on video. 
“No Honey, I helped him set them up and he just has one facing the door, not inside.” His lips pressed against your shoulder and then helped you to stand, your legs a bit wobbly and twist around to sit back in his lap, the leather chair giving a groan once more, making you break out in a giggle. 
Nothing was gonna ruin your mood tonight, not even knowing the chances you were gonna have a hangover could kill the high you were feeling right now. His arms wrapped back around you, palms brushing up and down your back while you tucked yourself in against his chest, silence filling the room. “You know I am really looking forward to tomorrow.” You tucked your face on his shoulder, letting your hand rest against his chest, playing with his chain, your fingers twisting in it. 
“Mmhh, is it the fact you are making a fort on the living room floor with Ella and Edgar to watch Leprechaun? Or the hangover cure I’m supposed to make you guys?” 
“Both.” You lifted your head, finding his lips with yours and giving him a slow affectionate kiss. “I love you very much. For much more than you making me feel really good in Paulie’s office, which he is gonna be pissed about.” You were sure to point out as his grin grew, his arms tightening just a little more to keep you in close to him. “Although I do feel really really good, and that's only a little bit from the jameson.” You rambled on and Curtis couldn’t help his reaction, his head tipping back and a deep chested booming laughter sounded, making you feel so happy to see him happy. 
Maybe you were more than buzzed. 
“I'm glad that it's seventy five percent me, twenty five percent whiskey?” Curtis ventured a guess, catching your chin in his forefinger and thumb to tilt your mouth back to his. 
“More than that, like ninety-ten.” You mumbled against his lips, the two of you teasing each other with soft playful pecks. “But i'm definitely drunk now.” 
“Mmh, I can tell Honey.” His answer was softer now, sighing against your lips. “I love you for giving me these moments in life.” His touch lingered on your face, cupping your cheek and this kiss was moved from your mouth up to your forehead, giving you a whole other satisfying sensation, one that curled into your heart. His gaze fell back to the computer screen with a soft shit under his breath. “Incoming Honey.” 
Right behind you was a pound on the door. “You two better not be fucking in my office!” 
You squealed, hiding against Curtis as if Paulie was gonna come barging in, which he wasn’t, he knew better. “Busted.” You loudly whispered while Curtis muffled his laughter once again. 
“Give us five minutes…. TEN!” Curtis shouted, watching the camera to see Paulie storming back towards the bar, sputtering. 
“I need to bake him some cookies to apologize.” You said solemnly as you too watched the camera’s with a twist of your head looking over your shoulder. 
“You do that Honey so I can taste test them.” He gripped your chin to turn you back to look at him. “Kiss me Honey? I’m-”
You didn’t let him finish, your lips pressing to his, cutting off the last of his words.
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espinosaurusrexex · 11 months
I have to go the dentist for the cavity I got while reading the secret admirer college Steve 😭😭 oh gosh it was too sweet 😭😭
Lmao I love that a lot, actually. This made me think, what if—
“What do you mean if you get back?”
Steve just looks at you.
“Omg are you scared to go to the dentist, Steve?”
He blushes and averts his eyes. You have to suppress the grin forming. It’s cute - unexpected - but that makes it all the more sweet.
“Do you really think you’re gonna die at the dentist?” 
“What do I know? I haven’t been in decades!” A short laugh escapes you but you immediately fall silent when Steve shifts on his feet embarrassed.
You step closer. “You do know that doctors don’t usually kill people, right? They tend to do the opposite.” You can’t help it, the smile just sneaks on your face.
“It’s not like that!” He sighs and then looks at you with puppy eyes. “It’s….What if it’s gonna hurt?”
Your hand cups his face when the whine escapes him. You still want to laugh but you can press it to a chuckle. “Oh baby, you’ll be fine. I’m gonna kiss your boo-boos away and tell the big bad doctor off.”
“Would you really?” His eyes light up and its the most adorable thing.
You’re surprised at his answer but when his eyes start to shimmer, desperation covering his face, you kiss his cheek. 
“I can come with you if you’d like” You smile and so does Steve. 
His shoulders relax. “Yes please.”
This is silly, let’s leave it at that. Awkward, shy, scared of the dentist Steve for the win!
・゚✫* 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 。✭・゚
Taglist: @circe143 @valkyrie418 @mirikusashes @noideawhyimdoingthislol @nikkitc0703 @lethallyprotected @erynnnn @misshale21 @wattpaduser200 @buckyseddie @fangirl-swagg @mi-amoree1111 @lastwandastan @royalwritersoftheuniverses @dinwifey @stuckysgirl27 @broadwaybabe18 @buckybarnessimpp @goodkittyspost
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toastedkiwi · 8 months
can you write about chris x short! hairstylist reader? I would imagine chris would bend down for short reader so she would do something with his hair XD
Let’s be honest, that man gets down on his knees for her. She has bought him knee pads because let’s be clear here, he’s 42 and she doesn’t need him having his knees going out. She looks out for her man.
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
chris evans x short!reader
where chris finds it ADORABLE that she can help him out with anything, fit into tiny spaces, climb into small spaces , etc
pls pls pls do this as a crack fic!!
I could imagine it going something like this..
Good things fit in small spaces
Paring: Chris Evans x Short!girlfriend reader
Warning: pure crack, some swearing.
Summary: chris finds it too funny that short! Reader can fit in to the most stupidest small spaces ever, don’t get me wrong it helpful but it’s too funny. Here is 2 times chris has either came home and found reader like this or needs her to help him with small spaces.
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The first time:
I walked in to the house after being on set for ‘hustlers’ and I had the weekend off, y/n didn’t know I was coming home.
All the lights were off as I walked though the house but when I got to the kitchen I look around trying to find y/n and all I can do is chuckle at how she’s managed to get into the small cupboard that was big enough for her to comfortably sit in and she’d sometimes hide round the house when she needed a break or just wasn’t feeling the best, all because she knew I wouldn’t be able to fit.
“Hey bubs, uh what goin on why are you in the cupboard hmm” I ask whilst laughing at what she looks like in the cupboard.
“Ahhhh! Ow Chris what the fuck are you doing here? Aren’t you meant to be filming?” She asked whilst she smacked her head on the cupboard door whilst climbing down to come and give me a hug.
Laughing at her reaction whilst checking she’s okay, i explain that I got the week off because of the hurricanes going though Florida right now. She just hugged me and walked off, to most likely go hide again in a different room in the house. There was too many to count it’s like a ‘where’s Wally’ game just with y/n and to be honest it was too funny to even try and guess where she was. Even Scott was confused the first time he found her in a cupboard in the kitchen whilst looking for some hot sauce he definitely got the scare of his life.
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The second time:
Chris was putting a piece of art work he’d gotten for a present from his sisters up in his living room the only problem was that he couldn’t get his hand behind the storage unit that sat resident below where he wanted to put it up. This is where y/ns 5 ft butt comes into save the day.
“Babe, can you come here please?” Chris yelled from the living room.
“Yeah bubs, what’s wrong?” She replied walking into the room with her hair in a messy claw clip wearing one of chris’ T-shirts
“I need your small superpowers please, I can’t get behind the unit” Chris murmured the superpower bit knowing y/n would get a kick out of what he said you know him being Captain America and all.
“Oh yeah mr Americas ass needs my help, oh wow his serum must be going through some serious stuff right now if he needs little old me to help.” Y/n started laughing half way though that sentence running round the room since Chris is now chasing her to tickle her since mr america needs no small lady superpowers.
“Come’ere you cheeky little short stack” he chuckles as he runs to catch her and dodger chasing behind him barking at all of the laughs and screams.
“No - Chris no- Ahhhh.. no no no St- stop please” y/n tries to plead with Chris to stop tickling her
“Say sorry. Say mr Americas ass still has his superpowers and just needs his amazing sweet sidekick” Chris says laughing at her giggles, it’s so infectious her laugh and her smile it just makes him feel amazing.
“Fi-ne I’m - I’m sorry, mr Americas ass still- has his superpowers and he just- needs his amazing sweet sidekick” She breathes heavily after he finally stops tickling her, chris just hugs her and kisses her on her forehead after the little game of ‘let’s chase short stack around the house’ they finally got the picture up and y/n was dizzy after all of that so they just cuddled on the couch together with tangled playing on in the background, the warmth of being in chris’ embrace lulling her to sleep.
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Thank you for the request lovey i hope you enjoyed it, I’m sorry it was a bit late being written but none the less I hope you all enjoy :)
@mcuamerica @wndawtch @buckyalpine @lilithneedslove @ace-of-gay @chrisevansonly @chrissyevanss @cevansgoatee @kingshitonly @ellerosie2332 @lena-jolie @lokislittlemidgardian @dumb-fawkin-bitch @positivelyholland @imyourbratzdoll @no-not-without-you-blog @stuckysdumbbitch @stuckysdoll @stevie-rogers-anon @chrisdrysdale
if you guys would like to be added to my tag list please do comment or just send in an ask :)
Reblogs, feedback and asks are appreciated <3
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