#Chronic Mastication
marliaismyangel · 3 months
Unveiling the Green Elixir: The Surprising Health Benefits of Celery Juice
In recent years, the health and wellness community has been buzzing about the numerous benefits of celery juice. This simple green elixir, derived from the humble celery stalk, has gained popularity for its potential to positively impact various aspects of health. Here, we’ll explore the surprising benefits of incorporating celery juice into your daily routine.
Rich in Nutrients: Celery juice is a powerhouse of essential nutrients. Packed with vitamins A, K, and C, as well as folate and potassium, it provides a potent combination of antioxidants and minerals crucial for overall well-being. This nutrient-dense drink can contribute to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
Hydration Boost: Staying hydrated is vital for good health, and celery juice can be an excellent addition to your hydration routine. Composed of over 95% water, celery juice helps replenish fluids, keeping you hydrated throughout the day. Proper hydration is essential for optimal organ function, skin health, and overall vitality.
Supports Digestive Health: Celery juice contains natural fibres that support a healthy digestive system. These fibres aid in promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Additionally, celery juice may have a calming effect on the digestive tract, making it a popular choice for those with digestive issues.
Alkalizing Properties: Maintaining a balanced pH level in the body is crucial for overall health. Celery juice is known for its alkalizing properties, helping to counteract the acidity that can result from certain foods and lifestyle factors. A more alkaline environment is believed to promote better immune function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Chronic inflammation is linked to various health issues, including arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. Celery juice contains antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption may contribute to reducing inflammation in the body, potentially lowering the risk of inflammatory conditions.
Weight Management: For those on a weight loss journey, celery juice can be a helpful addition to a balanced diet. It is low in calories and provides a feeling of fullness due to its water and fibre content. Including celery juice in your diet may support weight management by promoting satiety and reducing overall calorie intake.
Skin Health: Clear, radiant skin is often a reflection of inner health. Celery juice is rich in antioxidants and hydrating compounds that may contribute to healthy and glowing skin. Some enthusiasts claim that regular consumption of celery juice has helped improve their complexion and reduce skin issues.
While celery juice has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, it's important to note that individual responses may vary. As with any health trend, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet. However, incorporating celery juice into a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle may offer a refreshing boost to your overall well-being. Cheers to the green elixir and the potential it holds for a healthier you!
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human-antithesis · 6 months
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bhaashpathak · 6 months
Migraines - Neural Causes and Prevention Strategies
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Migraines affect millions of people around the world. Unlike headaches, migraines are characterized by severe episodic pain that typically targets one side of the head. Ongoing research aims to unravel the causes of migraines in hopes of developing effective treatment and prevention strategies.
One of the well-researched focal points related to migraines is the trigeminal nerve. Also known as the fifth cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve carries sensory signals, including pain signals, to the brain. To successfully carry these signals, the nerve has specific receptors called transient receptor potential channels, or TRPs. TRPs identify stimuli and translate them into electrical signals. The trigeminal nerve then sends these signals to the brain. Research focusing on TRPs has shown that modifying their activity can be key in treating migraines.
For example, Botulinum toxin is a specific chemical that interferes with TRPs. More commonly known as Botox, the chemical is used for cosmetic purposes, but recent research demonstrates its beneficial effects for migraine management. Administrated as forehead injections, Botox sessions have proven successful in reducing the frequency of migraines. In 2010, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Botox for the therapeutic management of chronic migraine.
Another chemical target for migraine therapy is calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). CGRP activates nerves that sense pain, which later communicate and stimulate the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve itself also releases CGRP. Research findings illustrate that inhibiting CGRP activity using anti0CGRP monoclonal antibodies can prevent migraines. However, these CGRP inhibitors may result in side effects such as high blood pressure and constipation.
The trigeminal nerve also controls eight facial muscles, most of which are in charge of mastication movements such as biting and chewing. It may be overstimulated and, as a result, triggers dilation of the blood vessels in the brain, leading to migraines and other types of headaches. Migraines caused by the trigeminal nerve can manifest in various ways. In addition to unilateral throbbing headaches, they may also be associated with nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, including light and sound. The overstimulation of the trigeminal nerve can be due to jaw-related disorders like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. In TMJ cases, painful jaw movements can overstimulate the trigeminal nerve and cause migraines.
Common methods to prevent migraines are largely drug-based. A wide range of medications that treat high blood pressure, seizures, and depression can prevent migraines. Beta-blockers like propranolol mainly reduce blood pressure but are also useful in migraine prevention. Some people use topiramate as an anti-seizure medication to prevent migraines. Two different types of antidepressants – tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – can also be helpful.
External stimuli can also trigger migraines. People experiencing high levels of stress often struggle with frequent migraines. Certain foods, weather changes, and poor sleep are linked to migraines. Therefore, people can rely on non-pharmaceutical methods of managing stress and regulating their sleep or diet to limit migraines. Certain vitamin and mineral supplements, including vitamin B2 and magnesium, could help prevent migraines without causing significant side effects.
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myntramiller · 11 months
Juice, Diet, and Healthy Living: The Role of Juicers in a Vegan Lifestyle for Better Health
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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a priority for many individuals seeking to enhance their overall well-being. Diet plays a crucial role in achieving optimal health, and the inclusion of fresh juices can significantly contribute to a balanced and nutritious diet.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of incorporating juicing into a vegan lifestyle, focusing on how juicers can support better health and overall wellness.
Divided into sections, this article will cover the importance of a vegan diet, the health benefits of fresh juices, the role of juicers in obtaining nutrient-rich blends, tips for adopting a vegan lifestyle, and practical advice for selecting the right juicer.
By embracing juicing and a vegan diet, individuals can embark on a journey towards improved health, vitality, and longevity.
The Importance of a Vegan Diet
1.1 Understanding Veganism:
Defining a vegan lifestyle and its principles.
Veganism is a lifestyle that excludes the consumption of animal products and extends beyond dietary choices to include avoiding any form of animal exploitation or cruelty. It is based on the belief that animals have the right to live free from human exploitation. Vegans choose plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds, as the foundation of their diet. They also abstain from using animal-derived products like dairy, eggs, honey, and leather.
1.2 Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet: Exploring the research-backed advantages of a plant-based diet for overall health, disease prevention, and weight management.
Exploring the research-backed advantages of a plant-based diet for overall health, disease prevention, and weight management. Scientific research has demonstrated numerous health benefits associated with a vegan diet. Studies have shown that vegans tend to have lower body mass index (BMI), reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. A vegan diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides ample fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which contribute to better digestion, improved cardiovascular health, and enhanced immune function.
1.3 Environmental Impact: Highlighting the positive environmental implications of adopting a vegan lifestyle, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water consumption.
Animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, individuals can significantly reduce their ecological footprint. Plant-based diets require fewer natural resources, such as land and water, and contribute to mitigating climate change. Embracing veganism can help protect the environment, conserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable food production systems.
Health Benefits of Fresh Juices
2.1 Nutrient Density: Discussing the concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fresh juices and their potential health-promoting effects.
2.2 Improved Digestion: Exploring how the enzymes and fiber in fresh juices can support a healthy digestive system and enhance nutrient absorption.
2.3 Hydration and Detoxification: Emphasizing the hydrating properties of fresh juices and their role in assisting the body's natural detoxification processes.
2.4 Boosted Immunity: Discussing the immune-supportive properties of certain fruits and vegetables commonly used in fresh juices.
2.5 Reduced Inflammation: Exploring how fresh juices, particularly those containing anti-inflammatory ingredients, can contribute to a reduced risk of chronic inflammation and associated diseases.
The Role of Juicers in Obtaining Nutrient-Rich Blends
3.1 Types of Juicers: Introducing different types of juicers, including centrifugal, masticating, and triturating juicers, and highlighting their features and benefits.
3.2 Juicer Selection Guide: Providing practical tips for selecting the right juicer based on individual needs, budget, and juicing preferences.
3.3 Preserving Nutrients: Discussing the importance of juicer selection and juicing techniques to maximize nutrient retention in fresh juices.
3.4 Recipes and Variations: Offering a variety of delicious and nutritious juice recipes to inspire creativity and cater to different taste preferences.
3.5 Juicing for Specific Health Goals: Exploring how different combinations of fruits, vegetables, and superfoods in juices can target specific health concerns and goals.
Tips for Adopting a Vegan Lifestyle
4.1 Transitioning to a Vegan Diet: Providing practical advice for gradually adopting a vegan lifestyle, including incorporating more plant-based foods and exploring meat and dairy alternatives.
4.2 Meal Planning and Preparation: Offering tips on meal planning, grocery shopping, and food preparation to ensure a balanced and satisfying vegan diet.
4.3 Essential Nutrients: Discussing key nutrients that may require special attention in a vegan diet, such as protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12, and providing guidance on meeting these nutritional needs.
4.4 Mindful Eating and Mind-Body Connection: Exploring the benefits of mindful eating, listening to the body's cues, and fostering a positive relationship with
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transorzekochi · 11 months
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WHO has classified Chronic ischemic heart disease under the ICD-10 code I25.9, which falls in the range - Diseases of the circulatory system .
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transorzesolutionstvm · 11 months
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WHO has classified Chronic ischemic heart disease under the ICD-10 code I25.9, which falls in the range - Diseases of the circulatory system .
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#heart #hearthealth #ICD10 #health #AAPC #CPT #CPC #myalgia #mastication #muscles #medicalcoding #medicalcodingservices #workfromhomeopportunity #education #transorzesolutions
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12 days of Cranial Nerves: Trigeminal nerve
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Trigeminal nerve is one of the nerves of the face and oral cavity that has both motor and sensory components. Motor component is the chewing and control of the muscles of mastication, while the sensory component is responsible for sending sensory information (like touch, pain or temperature) to the brain. 
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Trigeminal nerve originates from three sensory and one motor nuclei extending from the midbrain to the medulla. Going up to the pons, three sensory nuclei merge together to form a sensory root. This sensory root becomes the trigeminal ganglion as it leaves the brainstem on each side. (A ganglion is a collection of nerves outside the nervous system.) The trigeminal ganglion is located lateral to the cavernous sinus, in a depression of the temporal bone. This depression is known as the trigeminal cave. Then, the trigeminal nerve splits into 3 branches - ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular. Ophthalmic and maxillary exit the cranium via the superior orbital fissure and foramen rotundum respectively. Both of those branches have only a sensory component. Mandibular branch has both sensory and motor components, and it exits the cranium through foramen ovale. Mandibular branch controls chewing and swallowing muscles, such as masseter muscles (you can feel it when you clench your jaw), temporalis (you can feel it through the temples when you clench your jaw), and medial and lateral pterygoid. 
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What if it isn’t working properly?
Then a person can experience trigeminal neuropathy, which is ongoing numbness or facial pain in the areas of the nerves, or even trigeminal neuralgia, a type of neuropathy caused by nerve damage. Mostly, the trigeminal nerve is able to recover with time, rarely a surgery or nerve “replacement” is needed. Trigeminal neuropathy causes sudden, intense facial pain on one side of your face that can feel like an electrical shock. It's also called tic douloureux.
Another symptom might be the absence of corneal reflex. The corneal reflex is the involuntary blinking of the eyelids – stimulated by tactile, thermal or painful stimulation of the cornea, where the trigeminal nerve acts as an afferent limb (detecting the stimuli). 
What conditions might affect the trigeminal nerve?
It can be damaged by trauma or injury, or accidents during dental surgeries. Primary trigeminal neuralgia occurs when an artery or vein wraps around the trigeminal nerve and causes irritation. Secondary trigeminal neuralgia occurs when a tumour, cyst or facial injury puts pressure on the trigeminal nerve. It can be also caused by multiple sclerosis. The symptoms differ, with primary neuralgia causing shock-like pain, while secondary one - chronic aching or burning sensation.
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riberwright05 · 1 year
A posture Paper about Methodical and also Meta-analysis Evaluations
Most chronic subdural haematomas have been settled using different surgical strategies using designated advancement subsequent surgical treatment. Parkinsonism is often a uncommon business presentation of chronic subdural haematoma. Nevertheless, your abrupt onset of parkinsonisms needs prompt neuroimaging to rule out this specific most likely relatively easy to fix aetiology. The analysis of persistent subdural haematoma-related parkinsonism will be constructive soon after medical evacuation.The particular intra cellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii invades almost all nucleated cells, and it has afflicted approximately 34% from the planet's human population up to now. So that you can build powerful vaccines towards To. gondii infection, knowledge of the part of the molecules which might be mixed up in the invasion process is important. For this reason, we all recognized T. gondii healthy proteins which contain microneme mastic repeats (MARs), that happen to be widespread in transferring jct meats. T. gondii MAR domain-containing protein 4a (TgMCP4a), that contains repeat regarding 17-22 amino acid sections in the FCCP N-terminus along with about three putative Marly internet domain names in the C-terminus, will be localized near the rhoptry involving extracellular parasites. Right after contamination, TgMCP4a ended up being recognized within the parasitophorous vacuole. The recombinant Fc-TgMCP4a N-terminus health proteins (rTgMCP4a-1/Fc) confirmed joining action towards the surface area proteins of Vero, 293T, and also CHO tissues. Your recombinant GST-TgMCP4a N-terminus necessary protein (rTgMCP4a-1/GST), which in turn showed binding exercise, was utilized to drag around the interacting elements through 293T cell lysate, as well as future muscle size spectrometry investigation revealed that about three kinds of temperature jolt proteins (HSPs) interacted with TgMCP4a. Transfection of an The flag combination proteins of TgMCP4a-1 (rTgMCP4a-1/FLAG) directly into 293T cell and also the right after immunoprecipitation using anti-FLAG antibody verified the actual relationships associated with HSC70 together with TgMCP4a. Digging in rTgMCP4a-1/GST to the tradition channel considerably afflicted the growth from the parasite. These studies hints in which Big t. gondii may utilize HSP meats of sponsor cell for you to aid their particular progress. (d) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All protection under the law set-aside.Three dimensional image obtain strategy is often a difficult trouble in the study associated with content-based picture collection. In this papers, the sunday paper obtain approach put together differential geometry as well as co-occurrence matrix is presented. To start with, Gaussian curvature along with indicate curve are widely-used to symbolize the built in sign of spatial floor, therefore we use co-occurrence matrix to save the form details regarding 3 dimensional photos. Next, normalization procedure is applied to the co-occurrence matrix and also the invariants self-sufficiency from the interpretation, running, and also rotation changes tend to be proved. When compared to the present techniques, findings reveal a lesser computation intricacy along with a much better obtain charge to be able to 3 dimensional photos together with minor various design feature.Titanium enhancements are widely used inside dental treatment along with heated surgical procedure. Nevertheless, navicular bone regeneration round the augmentation is a reasonably gradual method, after positioning.
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Other Natural Therapies Than Adpadolin For Knee Pain
No matter how mild or intense, pain is intolerable. However, knee discomfort in particular is really unpleasant. It significantly disrupts our regular lives. In addition to affecting our knees, the pain often travels to our legs, making it extremely difficult to sit, stand, walk, or even lie down. Osteoarthritis, a kind of arthritis that causes chronic knee pain, is one of the main causes of knee pain. It is believed that joint stress and strain are to blame. The elderly are the group most affected. What causes knee pain? In a healthy joint, the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones makes it simple for the knee to bend and straighten. Osteoarthritis, however, causes the cartilage to start to break down, which makes it harder for the knee joints to move and causes excruciating agony. Another form of arthritis that might hurt your knees is rheumatoid arthritis (RA). One typical sign of rheumatoid arthritis is knee swelling. The most typical symptoms include swollen, painful, red, and inflamed joints. Additionally, unexpected or increased exercise, as well as an uncomfortable twist or trip, can stretch the tissues in the knee, resulting in sprains and strains. Natural remedies for knee pain There are several possible explanations for knee pain, and there are also over- the-counter medications like Aspadol and orthopedic procedures that you can get. But there are several natural therapies that can help with knee discomfort. Consistent exercise By engaging in physical activity and exercise, osteoarthritis (OA), one of the most common causes of knee pain, can be postponed. Exercises like yoga, tai chi, swimming, cycling, and walking can all help you stay healthy and reduce your risk
of getting osteoarthritis. Additionally, exercise enhances the body's capacity to support the joints. Strengthening your leg muscles is excellent for your knees. Exercises that build muscle To decide which exercises and regimens are best for knee discomfort, you might consult a physical therapist. The quadriceps muscles in the upper leg can be strengthened by exercise, which may help to safeguard the knee joint. On the front and sides of the thighs are these muscles. Position and assistance By staying away from low chairs and couches that you "sink" into, knee discomfort can be decreased. Sit on a pillow to raise your seat, and if necessary, make sure your posture is upright and straight while you are seated. Wear supportive, wide-soled footwear; steer clear of high heels. Keep in mind that prolonged sitting and periods of inactivity can cause joints to stiffen and become unpleasant. Diet and loss of weight Obese or overweight people are more likely to experience knee pain. The joints are put under increased stress when carrying more weight. Long-term knee discomfort, particularly arthritic pain, is decreased with weight loss. Inflammation throughout the body, especially the knees, is brought on by carrying extra weight. Aromatherapy Pain alleviation may be enhanced by essential oils. According to studies, knees with moderate to severe osteoarthritis pain responded better to massage with an oil containing ginger and orange. Researchers also found that an ointment containing sesame oil, mastic, cinnamon, and ginger had an equivalent effect on pain and stiffness. Ice and heat
Ice and heat can be used to good effect. It is a tried-and-true approach for treating lower back pain, and it is also suggested for joint pain brought on by arthritis. Heat reduces stiffness by relaxing muscles and enhancing lubrication. Use a hot water bottle or a heated pad. While ice wrapped in a towel can help to lessen pain, swelling, and inflammation.
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Holistic Perspective on OroDental Hygiene:
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Conventional dentists tend to see the teeth and mouth, and conditions affecting them, as existing in isolation from the rest of the body. Holistic dentists see the teeth and mouth, and conditions affecting them, as being inseparable from the health of the organism as a whole. Greek Medicine takes this holistic approach.
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Functionally and anatomically, the teeth and oral cavity are part of the digestive tract, and form its entrance, or upper end. Functionally and by humoral sympathy, the mouth, teeth and gums have a close relationship with the stomach. Humoral imbalances and aggravations in the stomach influence the balance of humoral residues in the oral salivary secretions, which can affect factors like acidity, pH balance, and hence the populations of bacteria that grow in the mouth, which can then affect plaque formation.
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Chronic inflammatory, hyperacidic, Choleric imbalances in the stomach can also lead to similar inflammatory conditions in the mouth, like gingivitis and inflamed, bleeding gums. Chronic Melancholic conditions like a sour or nervous stomach can lead to gum atrophy and accumulations of plaque and tartar. So, if you want to have healthy teeth and gums, do your best to balance out your stomach and its functioning. And the stomach and its functioning are ultimately dependent on the healthy functioning of the entire GI. One remarkable medicine that works on both the hygiene of the mouth and stomach is Mastic gum. Beyond this, the health of the teeth is dependent on the health of the bones and osseous tissue, and that of the gums is dependent on the health of the connective tissue. These tissues must be supplied with the nutrients they need, and also with the right humoral environment needed to metabolize them properly.
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What did the ancient civilizations use for toothpaste?
Myrrh (the gum-resin of Commiphora, a species of small, thorny tree) which has some antiseptic property and is still sometimes used in mouthwashes, gargles, and toothpastes.
They used “Chew-sticks” made from frayed twigs as toothbrushes, as did many people in history, including the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians.
Abrasive tooth polish would be applied to miswak or citrus sticks by slaves, who would then carefully and gently brush the teeth of their wealthy owners.
The Romans liked to look after their teeth.
Toothbrushes form an integral part of oral hygiene from the days of Greeks, Romans and Arabs.
Predecessors to the Toothbrush is the finger. Either the finger was wrapped with a cotton cloth, and then rubbed over the teeth to clean them, or the finger was dipped in some powdered substance with special properties to clean the teeth. These tooth powders were the forerunners of our modern toothpaste.
Or, the branch of a tree whose fragrant essential oils have antiseptic and other therapeutic properties for the teeth and gums could be chewed. The chewed end would then come to resemble a brush of sorts, whose loose, frayed fibers could be brushed over the teeth to clean them. One tree native to Greece and much used by the ancient Greeks that fits these requirements rather nicely is the Laurel (Laurus nobilis), which the Greeks call Daphne. Its essential oils are antiseptic, and also stimulate blood circulation to the gums, promoting their health and regeneration. After chewing on the branch, or the leaves, your mouth is cleaned, and left with a fresh, clean scent. Sometimes fresh, fragrant green herbs were chewed after a meal to cleanse the teeth and mouth and freshen the breath. These fresh herbs included those of Fennel, Parsley and Lovage. Even today, fresh Parsley is often chewed to remove the odor of Garlic. The seeds of these and other plants, such as the Cardamom, were also chewed to cleanse the mouth and freshen the breath.
Toothpowders come next as the precursor to modern toothpastes. Many ingredients that have been used in tooth powders for hundreds of years are still used in toothpastes today. Some are herbs and spices, but others are minerals, resins, and other natural substances:
Alum (Aluminum hydroxide) - A good astringent for firming and toning up the gums, and stopping bleeding.
Ashes - Alkalinizes the mouth and has a mildly astringent effect.
Baking Soda (Sodium hydroxide) - Alkalinizes and disinfects; neutralizes offensive odors.
Borax (Sodium borate) - A mild detergent, disinfectant and sudsing agent.
Chalk (Calcium carbonate) - Very cleansing and mildly astringent. The main ingredient in many tooth powders and pastes.
Charcoal - Cleanses and neutralizes toxins.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) - Mildly antiseptic, stimulating to the gums; imparts a sweet flavor.
Clay - Neutralizes and draws out toxins; mildly astringent.
Cloves (Eugenia caryophyllata) - Imparts a good flavor, freshens the breath, stimulates blood flow to the gums, deadens tooth pain.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) - Antiseptic, imparts a pleasing flavor, breath freshener.
Laurel (Laurus nobilis) - Improves flavor, stimulates gum circulation, breath freshener.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Sweetener, sudsing agent.
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) - Astringent, antiseptic, promotes healing.
Oak Gall (Quercus spp.) - A good astringent for toning up the gums.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) - Flavoring agent, antiseptic; essential oil and menthol are also used.
Propolis - A disinfectant resin collected from the bees. Also promotes healing and stimulates blood circulation.
Salt (Sodium chloride) - Soothing, healing and disinfecting.
Star Anise (Illicium verum) - An antiseptic and flavoring agent; also stimulates blood flow to the gums.
Now let's talk about a Greeko Medicine Wonder, Mastic Gum, popularly know as Oral Hygiene Miracle.
On the southern shore of the Greek island of Chios grows a little evergreen tree, more accurately a shrub, whose botanical name is Pistacia lentiscus. From this tiny Greek island comes the world's supply of Mastic gum. Incisions are made in the bark of the tree, which then bleeds forth the resin, which has a pale, yelowish white color amd a mild, slightly flowery scent somewhat like vanilla.
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This resin, called Mastic Gum or Gum Mastic, is an oral hygiene miracle. It is an antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent and diuretic. One or two pieces, or tears, of the resin are chewed after meals to clean the teeth, stimulate and heal the gums, eliminate undesirable bacteria, and freshen the breath. Chewing Mastic gum also stimulates the flow of saliva, which not only further cleanses the mouth, but is also swallowed for its beneficial healing effect upon the stomach and digestion. Mastic is also used as an ingredient in dentifrices, or tooth powders and pastes.
Mastic's antimicrobial properties are even effective against Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria involved in the formation of many cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Mastic's traditional medical uses in treating complaints of the middle and upper digestive tract: acid reflux, heartburn, nervous or sour stomach, stomachache, gastritis, indigestion and gastroduodenal ulcers are well know and also proven by various modern scientific studies. As an ingredient in herbal medicines to treat stomach and digestive complaints, Mastic has the effect of strengthening the stomach with long term use.
Aside, Greek cuisine uses Mastic as a flavoring agent in breads and many other dishes, including their famous liqueur, Ouzo.
Next in is Miswak, the Middle Eastern/Arabic Toothbrush Tree. It's amazing how many Arabs and Middle Easterners have magnificent, strong, pearly white teeth and beautiful smiles. That's because they chew on the branches of Miswak (Salvadora persica), which has been called the Toothbrush Tree, after meals to cleanse their teeth and freshen their breath. They always keep a branch handy in their pockets to chew on whenever the opportunity presents itself. Chewing on Miswak regularly strengthens the gums, prevents tooth decay, and eliminates toothaches. Using Miswak can halt the further spread of tooth decay that has already set in. In scientific studies, Miswak extract proved comparable to other oral disinfectants and anti-plaque agents. Miswak was also shown to be more effective than tooth brushing for dental hygiene - that is, if it was used properly.
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When chewed, Miswak has a fresh, spicy flavor, somewhat like a milder version of horseradish. Chewing on Miswak regularly creates a good fragrance in the mouth and eliminates bad breath.
WHO recommended the use of Miswak in its 1996 and 2000 international consensus reports on oral hygiene. Scientific studies show that it has a broad spectrum effectiveness against many different types of bacteria commonly found in the mouth.
Miswak has other uses as well. It has been used to help people overcome nicotine addiction and the smoking habit.
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While talking about ancient oral hygiene ingredients how can we forget the goodness of betel leafs on oral hygiene.
Betel leaf can be used as a breath freshener. It also fights the germs and bacteria in the mouth. Chewing betel leaf cleanses the mouth, prevents decay of teeth and strengthens the gums. It is a good practice to take a mouthful of a cup of warm water added with a drop of betel leaf oil morning and evening.
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Paan is most commonly known as a mouth freshener that helps get rid of bad breath. However, the medicinal properties of betel leaves also protect against germs, bacteria, and other pathogens causing diseases in the mouth. Chewing betel leaf also benefits tooth decay issues and strengthens the gums and teeth.
Betel leaves are rich in vitamins like vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and carotene. They are a great source of calcium too.
There are certain reports on betel leaves chewing. One of which is having possible carcinogenic property on prolonged usage with betel nuts and slaked lime.
However the usage of leafs or essential oil extracted from betel leafs are not evidenced to cause any carcinogenicity.
So what's better for modern population to use as toothpastes for oral hygiene?
The answer is natural toothpastes gently and effectively clean your teeth, while using nature's toolkit of plant extracts, natural minerals, and antiseptic essential oils to fight bacteria. In fact, natural toothpastes and gum serums are far better for sensitive mouths than the abrasive options in the mainstream market. Ultimately, all natural toothpaste is just as effective at cleaning your teeth as its conventional counterpart. The best part is it does its job without a laundry list of chemical ingredients, many of which you can't pronounce. Many natural toothpastes use a naturally derived form of fluoride—such as sodium fluoride—as an active ingredient. Fluoride, derived from the ore fluorspar, is found in fresh water and sea water, and it strengthens tooth enamel and helps prevent cavities, as the ADA explains.
Pros and Cons of natural toothpastes with or without fluoride. Not all natural toothpastes contain fluoride. Dentists all agree that fluoride is an important ingredient in your toothpaste. Fluoride strengthens the enamel of your teeth, protecting them from decay and damage.
In some cases, such as allergies, you might wish to avoid fluoride. If fluoride is a concern, you should discuss your toothpaste options with your dentist.
Many natural toothpaste companies offer both fluoride enriched and fluoride-free options, depending on your dental needs. With or without fluoride, you can still take full advantage of the other helpful ingredients in natural toothpaste.
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Anorexia reasons in dogs
Anorexia is a loss of interest food. The appetite decrease is there with the loving beings result other issues in the body. Anorexia nervosa doesn’t cause the loss of appetite. Pets suffering from anorexia nervosa avoid food. At the same time, pets suffering from anorexia (loss of appetite) unintentionally lose interest in food. Loss of appetite is often caused by an underlying medical condition.
Following question are always asked related to dog anorexia
Q. How to treat anorexia in dogs?
Anorexia in pets can be treated by following a proper de-worming and vaccination schedule, giving a balanced diet, following a routine exercise schedule, giving Immuno boosters from the Goel Vet Pharma are the best to give to your pet.
Q. What should be done if the dog is not eating food but drinking water?
Dog does not eat the food but drinks lots of water, and this condition is observed in case of chronic kidney disease (dog drinks a lot of water but shows no interest in eating the food), in pain or depression, shift to a new house, change in feed or feeding schedule, or could be any other serious reason,
Q. What is the major difference between anorexia and appetite?
Anorexia in dogs is commonly associated with various systemic disturbances. True anorexia can be due to depression, weight loss, fever, dyspnea, organomegaly, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, etc.
In appetite is the partial loss of appetite, just the partial loss of eating desire.
Q. What could be the reason behind an old-aged dog not eating and sleeping a lot these days?
Old aged dog not eating and sleeping a lot could be because of illness and inflammatory conditions like osteoarthritis (pain during walking or standing, so the dog laying on the floor or sleeping all the time is common), chronic kidney disease (stops eating food, vomition, anemia), liver dysfunction (in appetite, ascites, anemia), diabetes (causes weakness and lethargic condition) hypothyroidism (obesity increases and the dog becomes lethargic, sleepy), dental problems (dental tartar causing gingivitis, pain during mastication), behavioral changes, decrease in responsiveness because of senility, etc.
Q. What could be the reasons for the loss of appetite in dogs?
Many causes can affect the appetite of your pet, like improper vaccination, de-worming schedule, imbalance in diet, a sudden change in feed or feeding schedule, an infestation of ticks and mites, heavy worm, hepatic and renal disturbances, etc.
Q. What could be the reason for my dog not eating or drinking and is shaking continuously?
In the case of canines, there are numerous conditions in which a dog’s body get tremors or shaking and the dog doesn’t eat or drink, like in chronic kidney disease, poisoning (chocolate, nicotine, xylitol -an artificial sweetener found in chewing gums), snake bite that contains a Metaldehyde which can cause severe muscle tremors and convulsions, pets in excitement suffer from muscle tremors when in pain, in nausea, in case of canine distemper, etc., where the Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine STRESSZA for PETS- 30ml (20 drops three times a day) comes into rescue. Even in the case of Generalized Tremor Syndrome or Shaker dog syndrome, hind limb tremors in geriatric dogs, epilepsy, meningitis, etc., Stressza medicine is very useful.
The Goel vet Pharma is the best homeopathic medicine to give to your pets and make them strong and healthy. 
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human-antithesis · 6 months
Pedophilamorphia of Excreachollemical Endolapse
coitus raped blastomed cranio uretthrall odour starts to pyose pus cadaveric annals macerate necro dissected endo lapses enzyme spyro cardiac marbles on scouring blast pedophilatrophy on rected lipoma danks
haemoglobal furuncle gnaws rupture in the acrid ward the sunken germs quolicystomy retro rigid cartilages now the parylisis splattered deformed
cranio virulunced exeulcerated on castrated gangrened liquefaction on metamorphose grounded fludges verrucose in the crypts anatomy starts changing dissoluced conjunctivated post colemesis defects viruses extirpate by leechs of grin
rot progressive cavernose suppure vile colony of necro biosis in the rectum
abortive psicopatogenetical ureter
empyamical vesaculla chewed in nausea blackened sperms effluviyzing on the corrupts cynic vomited diaorrhea excreted off eructs of faecal chronic stuprumes
rotting cancer in clinic pancreo invulse nodules pseudo regurgitate dilation inner gutted of endo lapse flatulentia
hot stink inside malformed fungoids saturated growths of phelgmy tumours hack crispies munched vaginal gurgle skewering freshly intoxicated pyoma abrupture
monstrosity on clots of catalypts soggyness giblets on total amorpht smells of the cottered putrid oestocondroma
and I taste my enema fullfied me on maturation
mixing anal erupts grubing of putrefactive anereocervyx implants on grotesque mucose necrotic asepsiaphagist in mucopurulence haemangled marbled scoured
on the thyroided my warts clumps in chunks
urina melting and boiling on the porous calculal convulsing rectocells in warts excoriating mincing dismembrent reproducing slowly diseases in dorso in sickly dusks of reek pharygerms now gargling
choped in half and mutated turfs
dark red excreachollemesis facial mastication cadaveric sub tumours blistering in all pharyngalle abruptions evacuationg malformed on dark piss fissures of putrid weak rotting insides along the body, the greenish, sub acrid grubs
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golfburn8 · 2 years
Endemic Sclerosis Associated Interstitial Lungs Illness as well as Adagrasib: A hard-to-find Condition plus a Offering Medicine
Conclusion. We all presented a small grouping of people using HCV-related quick Radio controlled within the fresh following OLT to identify predictive aspects for #Link# rapid fibrosis advancement.History. Limited proof exists for the use of innervated radial wrist no cost flap (RFFF) reconstruction associated with hemiglossectomy problems. This research accounts in feeling, mastication, and talk benefits for patients with innervated RFFF reconstruction with the anterior two-thirds from the language. Methods. Discomfort. mastication, and also talk intelligibility were assessed within 7 people and also age- and sex-matched settings. Results. Experience of undamaged language cells soon after renovation with the hemitongue would not alter from handles. Even though some nerve organs potential has been restored to be able to patients' rejuvinated mouth, variances been around between the patient party and settings. Nevertheless, complete jaws whizzes resulted in similar physical ability while settings. While sufferers demonstrated adequate masticatory as well as speech ability, variances existed between individuals along with handles. Conclusion. Although some physical capability will be maintained in patients who have had #Link# tongue renovation by having an innervated RFFF, practical outcomes for example masticatory capacity and also speech intelligibility may be impacted in certain patients. (H) '09 Wiley Periodicals, Incorporated. Brain Guitar neck Thirty two: 8595, 2010Trait-mediated roundabout relationships (TMII) play a vital role in constructing normal towns, and diverse research has experimentally demonstrated his or her existence in several methods. Nonetheless, these kinds of numerous studies have mainly reviewed the profile or lack of qualities that handles these friendships, with no taking into consideration #Link# all-natural variance between people within the degree to which these kind of qualities are described. We used a well-documented TMII to look into the need for personal conduct sort with regard to determining great and bad the particular TMII. The toadfish Opsanus tau comes with an roundabout good relation to bivalve tactical as the mud crab Panopeus herbstii, a person involving bivalves, decreases foraging energy inside the existence of toadfish. All of us quantified alternative from the strength of chronic individual dirt crab replies in order to toadfish and causing variance in the durability regarding TMII. Many of us show that the effectiveness of this kind of TMII can be highly depending off-road crab dimensions as well as behavior sort, building up together with the concentration of reply of individual off-road crabs to be able to toadfish predator cues. Further, we show the spatial syndication inside of intertidal oyster coral reefs associated with crabs with assorted habits types isn't arbitrary; off-road crabs inhabiting subtidal regions, exactly where predator hints tend to be continual, are generally even less responsive to toadfish cues compared to off-road crabs coming from intertidal regions. This kind of spatial behavioral structure should bring about spatial alternative inside the durability regarding TMII. Due to the popular importance of TMII and the vast incident of individual individuality or behavior sorts throughout numerous taxa, these types of outcomes must be usually appropriate.
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chronic-mastication · 3 years
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Apple Butter Old Fashioned Cocktail
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fiercerthanyou · 3 years
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Alina Szapocznikow, 'Photosculpture' (1971, reprinted 2007)
Courtesy Piotr Stanislawski / Estate Alina Szapocznikow
Polish sculptor Alina Szapocznikow (1926-73) coined the term photosculpture in 1971 to describe these unique close-up images of blobs of chewing gum, manipulated into curious shapes in the artist’s mouth and attached to concrete or wooden supports. 
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