#Col Bleep
cbatue57 · 3 months
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Classic Facts Week 13
The scene where Bleep analyzes the recordings of the Trinity explosion and Sputnik is practically inspired by a similar scene in Col. Bleep’s Arrival on Earth.
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weekendance · 10 months
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“They Were the Robots”. A conclusione di una settimana che si era aperta sabato scorso con Peter Hook, ieri sera i Kraftwerk hanno completato la grande traceyemiana installazione intitolata: “Le Colonne d’Ercole della tua educazione musicale, nella città dove hai ricevuto la tua educazione musicale”. Laddove però Hook e la sua più-che-onesta cover band dei Joy Division era come se provassero a far rivivere l’adolescenza tipo quei paradossi: “preferiresti avere un milione di euro subito o risvegliarti nel corpo di te diciassettenne però pienamente consapevole di tutti i quarant’anni venuti dopo?” (intendiamoci: Hook è colossale, squadratissimo, generoso, e in qualche modo, e forse pure con più fatica di quel che sembra, è come se mettesse in scena a beneficio nostro una sua personale ferita mai del tutto rimarginata e rimarginabile – ferita di oltre quarant’anni fa che possiamo facilmente intuire, e che forse potrebbe esser raccontata a parole solo con qualche sobrio period drama di Apple tipo “The Crowded Room”). Ecco, i Kraftwerk invece è come se ti dicessero che non si sono mai mossi di qua – da quel giorno del 1978 in cui, dopo averli visti un sabato sera in un gala televisivo di Rai1 da Venezia, folgorato soprattutto dai manichini con le loro sembianze parcheggiati in platea (capire Andy Warhol e Jean Baudrillard prima ancora di sospettare dell’esistenza di Andy Warhol e Jean Baudrillard), mandasti tua madre alla Standa di via XX Settembre a comprarti il 45 giri di “The Robots”. Non si sono mai mossi da qua, i Kraftwerk, ma al tempo stesso ti dicono che sono stati in ogni tempo e in ogni luogo: hanno campionato lo struscio della pietra che riapriva la tomba di Yēšūa’ a Gerusalemme nell’anno 33 (“l’abbiamo messa sotto lo tschak di Boing Boom Tschak, non dirlo a nessuno”), hanno già visto il 2425 (“non male, un po’ tipo oggi”), e, insomma, quell’arco esistenziale che Hook risolve facendo rivivere in loop un singolo fotogramma della sua vita, loro lo mettono in scena raccontando come tutto sia un ciclo di allontanamenti e ritorni (“signor Hütter, mi siete piaciuti molto di più stavolta che avete recuperato i bleep vintage, molto più di dieci anni fa con gli occhialini 3D e i suoni moderni che però sembravano più datati di quelli vecchi” “leave Paris in the morning” “scusi?” “mit Iggy Pop und David Bowie”). Tornato a casa ho fatto il conto: il nome che ricorre più spesso nel libro giallo col titolo buffo è “Kraftwerk”. Che non è strano, visto quanto hanno influenzato Stefano “Johnson Righeira”, ma soprattutto è un interessante cambio di prospettiva (il nome che ricorreva di più in “Discoinferno” era: “Silvio Berlusconi”). Prima di fare il conto, tornando a casa, son passato davanti a dove 45 anni fa c’era la Standa e il reparto dei 45 giri dove indirizzai mia madre (adesso c’è lo store di una sottomarca di un celebre retail d’abbigliamento spagnolo: “la deregulation estallò”). Nello svuotamento – ormai anni fa – della casa della mia adolescenza, non è ovviamente venuto fuori il biglietto che avevo scritto a mia madre con le precisissime indicazioni di autore e titolo del quarantacinque giri. E meno male. Se quel 45 giri è l’esatto inizio di tutto quel che è venuto dopo, se la predisposizione ai refusi già si vede dal mattino, come minimo avevo scritto “KRAFTWORK, THE ROBOT”. GOABOA FESTIVAL
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samskia-writes · 4 years
Home: Chapter 3
Sam Winchester x Reader (F)
Y/N has become much closer to the younger Winchester brother. But just as their relationship is beginning, Y/N is called back home for a family emergency.
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You raced through the Hospital walls, having been given the all-clear by the visitor centre, and desperately searched for the right room. B14. B14. B14. Sam had gone to find a hotel room to put your stuff in and park the car, but you said you didn’t want to wait any more. He agreed to meet you there, but he was partly just trying to give you space. The flight had been almost unbearable. Trapped in that machine, unable to help, unable to even contact Collin and make sure things were okay.
You turned the corner and saw the right room. "B14" you said to yourself, halting in front of the door and you took in a deep breath to prepare yourself.
"Col?" You said, peering round the door.
There was Collin, fast asleep in one of the chairs next to the bed. The bed. Isaac's body lay still , his chest barely moving as he breathed in and out. The heart moniter pulsed and you took slow steps towards your youngest brother. "Hey Isaac. It's me." You whispered, careful not to wake Collin. Isaac was attatched to so many machines and drips and moniters you struggled to accept that they were all that was keeping him alive. There were bandages around his leg and a cast keeping his neck in place. You perched on the side of the bed and took his hand. It was much warmer than you had expected. You gently ran your thumb over his, a tear rolling down your cheek, "it's okay, love. I'm here."
"Y/N?" Collin murmured, sleepily getting up from his chair, his eyes were reddened and puffy. "Hey, Col." You smiled through teary eyes and gave Isaac's hand a squeeze before standing up to hug Collin. You shared an embrace, Collin's body shook in your hold and you held him close. "It's gonna be okay." You whispered reassuringly, but neither of you knew for sure what that "okay” meant in these circumstances.
Your phone buzzed, the banner of Sam's text appearing. "Sam's here," you told Collin, "he came with me on the plane. But if you don't want him in here with us that's fine. Whatever you're comfortable with." "No, that's okay." Collin shook his head, but his shoulders shrugged. He always got apathetic when he was upset. "Alright." You said softly and replied to Sam.
"You want a coffee or anything?" Collin asked and you noticed his gaze was avoiding Isaac completely. You felt as though he was begging for a reason to leave the room and gave him a tight smile, "yeah, thanks."
When Collin left the room you pulled up the empty chair next to where Isaac lay and took his hand back in yours. "I love you so much, Isaac. We both do. And we're so proud of you," your voice trembled as you held your sobs back, "and you can let go. It's okay. We just don't want you to be in pain anymore, sweetheart." You composed yourself, wiping the tears away with the edges of your fraying sleeves and watched his heart moniter as though it would stop beeping if you looked away.
A soft knock came at the door and Sam entered, throwing you a sympathetic head tilt. You smiled weakly, "hey." "How you holding up?" He asked, walking so he was stood over you and putting his hands on your shoulders caringly. "He hated yellow." You said, ignoring Sam's question. The rooms walls were a pale yellow. Sam noticed what you meant and gave a halfhearted chuckle.
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"I got you some coffee." Collin's voice sounded and you glanced over to  see your brother holding three cups. Bless that boy. You stood up and went over to him to help with the door. "Thanks, Col," you took two from his grip and handed Sam one, "this is Sam. Sam this is Collin." "Hey." Sam said, his voice wavering as you were all aware the situation was a strange one to be acquianted in. "Hey. Nice to finally meet you, even if it is...well...like this." "Thanks. Yeah, you too. I'm really sorry you're having to go through this." Sam always knew what to say. "Thanks." Collin put his coffee down on the small table next to the IV drip and   something told you he wouldn't be picking it back up. The coffee would grow cold and be thrown away. The coffee wasn’t bought to be drunk.
You all sat in the hospital room. No one wanted to speak. No one even knew what to say if they did want to speak. The heart moniter was sendning you insane with every bleep it sounded. Every pause between felt longer and you kept thinking it was the last one. Sam had stayed with you, not that you asked him to, but you knew he'd leave if you wanted. You knew he'd stay as well. You knew he'd do anything to make sure you were okay.
There something in the air. A question. One Collin been thinking about asking you for almost an hour. You knew exactly what it was. You'd get angry if he asked, but he had to ask. "Y/N?" His voice broke the echoed beeps of the machinery. "Yeah?" You took in a deep breath, and dragged your finger nails along your forearm. "Should we tell Mum?" The word 'Mum' circled you and you felt guilty for wanting to say no. You sat for a minute, thinking your answer through carefully. "She has to know, I guess." "Yeah, but. Should we tell her before...you know...?" You blinked away tears and ran a hand through your hair, "I don't know, Col. It's your choice." "Why? Why's it my choice?" Collin's voice had become louder and you felt the eggshells you were walking on begin to tremble. "Well I can't tell her, can I?" You remarked. Collin held back his point and looked at you. He'd never known you to snap at him. You'd always been so patient and calm. You'd always been the one to keep your cool when him and Isaac were at their breaking points. His expression said enough and he softened his gaze. "Y/N..." He sighed, but whatever he was planning on adding lost all meaning as one of the machines began flashing out of sync. It’s pulse lost all rhythm, mocking the mortality of humans.
You all lept up in fright and hurried over to him. Collin called for the Doctor and suddenly the room was filled with hospital staff. The heart moniter pulsed like it hadn't before: unsteady, desperate.The world around you slowed to a muffled limbo between one with and one without your youngest brother.
Tags: @vicmc624@lauralante@lovelydivs@stoneyggirl@kristen-bowman20
Just message me if you want to be tagged <3
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isleofrangoon · 5 years
What could possibly drive a wedge between such close friends as Squeak and Scratch? If you guessed "something petty and stupid," congrats! You win a thing to be determined never! It’s the Rangoon Rifflet-izing of COL. BLEEP: TEST OF FRIENDSHIP!
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mash-notes · 6 years
(*DISPATCH*) s04e25: The Interview
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Cast your minds back to season 3, a lifetime ago. “Abyssinia, Henry,” with its shocking, genre-defying revelation, set the stage for all the serious fare we saw this year, culminating in this—the darkest MASH episode so far, and inarguably one of the most brilliant.
In introducing Clete Roberts and transforming the show into a black-and-white newsreel, “The Interview” manages a substantial narrative feat. We get to see all the characters from a totally different perspective, that of a TV viewer in the 1950s rather than today (really, of course, the ‘70s). In other words, the show takes us into an immersive fantasy: while the MASH personnel stay the same, we the audience are the Korean War-era versions of ourselves.
When I was a child, special announcements on TV (news bulletins, pre-empting, “we join this show already in progress”) were very frightening to me. I still feel a tiny chill at the beginning of “The Interview” when the voiceover states, The following is in black and white. I think this fright is appropriate somehow, to warn of something, not exactly scary, but quite important.
So who are these extraordinary people of the 4077th MASH?
Capt. B.F. Pierce: Quick-witted and cynical. A prodigious talker. Frightened, and brave enough to show it. A wit; the interviewer clearly likes him.
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Col. Sherman Potter: Swears immediately and is bleeped. Honest, but more than a little guarded with the interviewer. He cracks when asked to talk about his relationships with the young men he works with, and whether he’d like to stay friends with them after the war.
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Maj. Frank Burns: Very concerned with the disrespect shown to the military. Conducts his interview with a face like he’s sucking a lemon. Says a lot of flowery words about his marriage that ring false; also says that some people believe he’d be more useful in politics than as a doctor.
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Cpl. W. O’Reilly: Funny but he doesn’t realize it. Naïve, sweet, diligent. A beautiful young man. Cries when talking about the kids he sees in Korea.
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Capt. BJ Hunnicutt: A good doctor, articulate and patient. A nice man who can’t hide his sadness and disgust about the situation he’s in. Earnest, forthright, All-American handsome.
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Cpl. M. Klinger: Crazy about his wife. Loves to talk about Toledo. Not as dumb as his smiley countenance might make him out to be.
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1st Lt. F. Mulcahy: Adorable. Distracted. In over his head, but doing the best he can. Moved to tears, looking heavenward—he is overwhelmed, and nearly falling apart.
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One thing that rankles: where’s Margaret?!? Hawk and Beej—and Potter and Mulcahy—have wonderful things to say about the nurses, but Margaret isn’t interviewed at all. It makes me so mad until I realize that, sadly, this is exactly how things would go down in 1952. On a lighter note, we learn that Radar raises earthworms in his spare time and also races them.
The season finale ends with shaky camera work, as the news crew take in what the doctors do every day (and we see, presented more calmly, every week). This vantage on meatball surgery is enlightening—never before has it looked so bleak. Voiceovers of all the interview subjects play over a montage of choppers landing and surgical instruments being passed. Keep in mind this first aired in February 1976 at the start of the U.S. Bicentennial, and less than a year after the end of Vietnam. Hawkeye’s voice is the last one we hear: “It’s crazy.”
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weirdellis · 6 years
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Tonight’s inktober prompt is Space Man. I’ve decided it will be a re-imagining of Col Bleep. 1957...around then. The first cartoon I remember as a child. On a BW TV in Tulsa Ok. I drew a lot of that character with the big space helmet head and cosmic unicycle bow legs. It’s better in BW but it is historic because it was the first cartoon done in color for TV. It was just that no one would be buying color TVs for at least 6 years. Also interesting because of the ‘googie’ look of the backgrounds.
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bruinhilda · 6 years
I had bookdrop duty today.  This is where one of the staff goes into the closed library for a couple of hours to clear out and check in the bookdrop.  If we don’t do this on holiday weekends, a mountain forms, the slots become jammed, and it takes us a full day to clear it out. 
It’s fairly easy duty, allowing a person to take a couple of hours off later in the week, and you can put on music or talk to yourself or whatever.
The downside is you are alone in a building that has an actual ghost thing going on.  I’m not kidding, there’s something going on there.  We refer to it as “Vicky”, because the one janitor who saw it saw a lady in a white victorian-style dress.  No feet, and no face.  She was just hanging around the reference stacks, looking at the books.
My one glimpse wasn’t of Vicky herself...I was alone in the building, in the bathroom, and suddenly heard footsteps coming from the main floor.  And then someone walked by the bathroom door towards the breakroom.  I not only heard them pass, I saw the shadow from the crack under the door.
There was no sound of any doors opening (and trust me, those doors are squealers.)  I crept out, afraid of finding some nut that managed to hide out in the building after hours.  Or maybe, please, a staff member who came in via the front for some reason.
Nothing.  Nobody in the back, nobody out front.  No sign of anything out of place.
I’ve also come in to find a printer or other device just going off for no visible reason.  A constant *clickclickclickclick* or other non-standard sound.
The security gate alarm can also go off with nobody within 20 feet of it.  Just at random.
Today, it was the sound of a door slamming somewhere behind me.  Followed by the plastic sheeting 5 feet behind me rustling.  With no windows open, no aircon, and no airflow.  (The only open doors in the building were still open when I checked.)  Plus various thumps and steps and other assorted noises that probably were from outside, but sure didn’t help keep that uncanny feeling in check.
After yelling at Vicky to knock it off, (this sometimes works) I coped by putting on @isleofrangoon‘s Col. Bleep series.  Let me tell you, Sunny Jim and Starchibald are two of the most soothing puppets to listen to when your nerves are twanging.  (I couldn’t watch it of course, I was working, but I’ve seen all of their videos 20 or more times each, so I probably have the videos memorized by this point.)
And that’s bookdrop duty where I work.  A little creepy, a little hot from lack of air and having to haul 500+ books by yourself, but usually not too bad.  Sadly, nobody has been able to convince the ghost to do it for us.  A pity, because that would be really helpful on busy days.
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
Parachute Regiment: How to Join, Paras Selection, Interview Questions & Training
In this blog, career recruitment expert Richard McMunn guides you through how to join the Parachute Regiment, including the selection process, Para training, P Company and also tips for passing the British Army interview.
Parachute Regiment Selection Process
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The selection process for joining the Paras consists of a series of different steps that assess your eligibility, an Army briefing and then an Army Assessment Centre, consisting of a series of fitness tests, a medical, assessments and interviews.
After you apply to join the Parachute Regiment, you will undergo an Army eligibility assessment. This includes the requirement to answer a series of questions to see if you are eligible to join, and also the need to complete a medical questionnaire. Once you progress past the eligibility section of the Paras selection process, you will then be given an Army Recruiter who will look after whilst you go through the rest of the Parachute Regiment selection process.
The next stage of your road to joining the Parachute Regiment is where you are invited along to an Army Careers Centre – this stage is called an ‘Army Brief’ and it is where you get to find more about joining the Army, and in particular whether or not you have what it takes to join the Parachute Regiment.
At the end of the Army Brief, you will have a good idea what you need to do to prepare for the Army Assessment Centre. This is an initial 2-day assessment where you will get to taste Army life whilst also undergoing a series of tests and assessments; including a medical, an Army test, physical exercises (the bleep test), team exercises, and also a private discussion (interview) to discuss your options for becoming a soldier and Paratrooper in the British Army.
Finally, the Army will then conduct some background checks and also assess your references before giving you a start date for your Paratrooper training.
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Parachute Regiment Fitness Test and Entry Requirements
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To join the Parachute Regiment, you need to be between the ages of 16 and 35.5 years old. You do not need any formal qualifications to become a Paratrooper; however, you will need exceptional levels of fitness.
The Parachute Regiment fitness test includes:
Conducting a Mid-Thigh Pull at 76kg;
Being able to throw a medicine ball to a distance of 3.1m;
Running 2km in 8 minutes 15seconds or less.
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How Long is Parachute Regiment Training?
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Parachute Regiment training consists of two different phases. Phase 1 is 30 weeks in total and it takes place at Catterick.
This initial Parachute Regiment training course is called the PARA Combat Infantry Course, and it is extremely tough to get through. You will need to be extremely fit, determined, courageous and resilient.
The PARA Combat Infantry Course is where you will learn all about Basic Army Training, in addition to carrying out high-level Infantry training. During this stage of Parachute Regiment training, you will have to go through ‘P’ Company (P Coy) which is renowned for being one of the toughest training courses in the military.
During P Company, you will learn skills in survival, map reading, navigation, how to fire military weapons (SA80) and also combat techniques. During this initial 30-week Paras training course, you will also qualify for your driving licence (car or HGV, depending on your circumstances).
Once you successfully pass the 30-week initial Parachute Regiment Training Course, you will then move onto a 3-week jumps course, where you will become a fully trained Paratrooper and ready to wear the coveted Paratrooper burgundy beret and Wings with pride!
Is P Company Hard?
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Yes, it is extremely challenging, both mentally and physically. To become a qualified Paratrooper you have to be able to demonstrate you have the determination, resilience, confidence and courage to meet the demands of the role.
During P Company training, you will have to undergo a series of challenging physical tests, including a 10 mile run and march as part of a squad over difficult and challenging terrain, a Trainasium, a Log race where you are up against other potential Paratroopers, a 2-mile March, a Steeplechase, Milling, a 20 Mile Endurance March and a Stretcher Race.
How Much do the Parachute Regiment Get Paid?
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During your training, you will earn £15,671 which will then rise, once Initial Parachute Regiment Training is complete, to £20,000 per year.
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What Does it Take to Become a Paratrooper?
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To become a solider in the Parachute regiment takes a number of core SKILLS. These include:
Bravery and courage;
Agile and lightly-equipped;
Exceptional physical fitness levels;
Physical and mental robustness;
Problem solving skills;
Teamworking capabilities;
Outstanding map reading and navigational skills;
Versatility in military and Army operations;
Honest, loyal and committed.
Parachute Regiment Interview Questions
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During the Paras selection process, you will have to undertake a interview. We advise you prepare for the following interview questions during your preparation:
Why do you want to join the Parachute Regiment?
What are your motivations for joining the Army?
Tell me what you know about the Parachute Regiment?
Describe the training will you undergo when you join the Parachute Regiment and which parts you will find toughest?
What are the core SKILLS of a Paratrooper?
What are the ‘values’ of the British Army?
What do you get up to in your spare time?
What do your parents and partner think of you wanting to join the Parachute Regiment?
What do you know about the history of the Parachute Regiment?
What have you been doing to prepare for Paras selection?
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The post Parachute Regiment: How to Join, Paras Selection, Interview Questions & Training appeared first on How 2 Become.
Parachute Regiment: How to Join, Paras Selection, Interview Questions & Training published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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zerozeroisland · 7 years
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Col. Bleep and his friends have their home base on Zero Zero Island, located at 0' latitude and 0' longitude, where the Prime Meridian meets the Equator. #zerozeroisland (at Zero Zero Island Studios)
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musicalhell · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo_idwvzyqw)
The further adventures of the world’s stupidest sidekicks.
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cbatue57 · 5 months
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Chapter 12 - Unfrozen
1. The Forgotten Ice Cave
2. Col. Bleep meets Scratch
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cbatue57 · 4 months
Classic Episodes Week 3 of 7
Scratch and the Sea Serpent⚕️
Col. Bleep and Squeak work together to rescue Scratch, who is trapped in the stomach of a sea serpent.
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cbatue57 · 4 months
Classic Episodes Week 2 of 7
The Uncharted Island 🏝️
Col. Bleep and his newfound friends discover an island they can call home.
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cbatue57 · 5 months
Classic Episodes Week 1 of 7
Col. Bleep’s Arrival on Earth 🌎
Colonel Bleep approaches Earth for the first time, which would soon spark a series of wacky escapades.
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cbatue57 · 5 months
Classic Facts: Week 10
The Quiz Show Part 2
During the Colonel Bleep program, the first quiz is announced with a question referring to a previous episode and multiple choice answers. A child calling out the correct answer by telephone during live TV would win a prize of some sort.
Can you guess which answer is correct in this question? Hint: The answer can be spotted on Col. Bleep’s Arrival on Earth.
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