elettritv · 1 year
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🎥#ELETTRITV💻📲 D-ARK presentano il primo disco alle Forre del Rio Fratta a Corchiano. Continuiamo questa chiacchierata che stavamo facendo sul tufo e un po’ la musica nostra vediamo che paralleli ci possono essere tra noi che stiamo qua e facciamo la musica rock e il posto dove stiamo
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sottileincanto · 10 months
Questa è una mia (piccolissima!) bucket list dei posti da visitare in Italia, per ora. Ma mi piacerebbe tantissimo aggiungerne altri. Chi mi aiuta?
Grazie ❤️
Lago di Capodacqua
Chiesa di Santa Maria di Cartignano
Ninfeo del Bramante
Altopiano di Navelli (Chiesa della Madonna del Campo)
Sant'Angelo di Roccalvecce (VT)
Borgo Rasiglia (Umbria)
Castello di Torrechiara
Castello di Gradara
Cappella contarelli, S. Luigi dei francesi, Roma
San Gimignano
Parco delle forre, monumento naturale di Corchiano (VT)
Scarzuola (Umbria)
Villa dei Volusii Saturnini, Area di servizio Feronia Ovest, Autostrada del sole (direzione Roma)
Vicenza (Palladio)
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italyandthegrandtour · 2 months
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Vue sur les fontaines de Corchiano (1802-1830) de François-Marius Granet, présentée dans l’exposition « Plossu/Granet. Italia discreta », musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence
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Due operai morti sul lavoro, uno nel Viterbese e uno ad Ancona
Stavano effettuando dei lavori in uno stabile dell’Ater quando improvvisamente una controparete ha ceduto travolgendoli. Uno dei due operai, un campano di 54 anni, è morto dopo il trasporto in ospedale, mentre un collega è stato dimesso con lievi ferite. È successo ieri a Corchiano, nel viterbese. L’allarme è stato lanciato dai colleghi degli operai. Le condizioni di uno di loro sono apparse…
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rausule · 8 months
Die Italiaanse komediant van Middeleeuse oorsprong sy.
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Die Fescennini Lank voor ons van 'n regte teeproduksie kan praat
Op die Italiaanse platteland het die Latyns onder meer lewe gegee aan rudimentêre vorme van teater ter geleentheid van godsdienstige feestelikhede gekoppel aan werk in die veld, veral die oes. Hierdie feeste (ludi) was 'n stel sportkompetisies, godsdienstige rites, optogte, offers; binne hulle het hulle ook 'n plek gevind vir eenvoudige teatrale opvoerings. Veral wydverspreid was die Fescennini, van kontraste, dit wil sê van die afwisselende uitruil van grappies, dikwels baie vulgêr, van grappies en beledigings, gepaardgaande met 'n nabootsing wat aan die obseniteit van die grappe toegepas word. Daar moet nie vergeet word dat mimiek, in oerboeregemeenskappe, in werklikheid gelykstaande was aan dans nie. Alhoewel geïmproviseer, het Fescenni se verse in 'n neutedop al die elemente van die toekomstige Romeinse teater bevat: uitruilings van grappies, dans, metrieke en liedjies. Etimologies word die naam miskien verbind met Fescennia, 'n ligging tussen Etruria en Lazio (vandag Corchiano of Gallese, in die provinsie Viterbo) wat aanleiding sou gegee het tot hierdie nar-tradisie en wat miskien 'n gilde komediante gehuisves het. Volgens ander was die woord fescennini egter gekoppel aan die term fascinum, wat gelyktydig die bose oog en die fallus aangewys het, wat deur die landelike samelewing as die beste middel teen die bose oog beskou word. Benewens die uitdrukking van die sogenaamde Italum acetum, soos Horatius sê in Epistulae, 11, 1, 139 e.v., dit wil sê die natuurlike aanleg tot die gees van bespotting tipies van die Italiaanse bevolkings, het die Fescennini dus ook 'n apotropaiese waarde gehad. Dit is nie toevallig dat hulle veral gehou is ter geleentheid van die druiwe-oes of die oes nie, toe feeste gevier is wat gesentreer was op die tema van vrugbaarheid. Dit is vir hierdie verband met vrugbaarheid, wat van enige vorm van rampspoed bewaar moet word, dat die fescennini ook hul plek in huwelikseremonies gevind het, om die meisie se vrugbaarheid en die bruidegom se generatiewe krag te beskerm. Ons kan dus praat van 'n rituele komedie, wat konseptueel aan die basis van die teater self staan, 'n literêre vorm waarin die komiese en die heilige saamsmelt, soos blyk uit die plasing van al die toneelvoorstellings binne 'n raamwerk van religieuse vieringe en by dieselfde tyd profane.
Waarom word 'n klimaat van vulgariteit ingeënt in die viering, en bowendien in die godsdienstige viering, met die aanwesigheid van die obsene grap, die eksplisiete verwysing na die liggaam en sy funksies, na seks en na vroue in die besonder? Antropologie verduidelik dat in die viering die dimensie van die alledaagse lewe opgeskort word en alles wat normaalweg as "korrekte" gedrag beskou word, uitsluit of onderdruk, moontlik gemaak word. Daarom is die bevrydende eienskap van gedrag tipies van die partytjie, beide in woorde (wat vulgariteit, beledigings, sinspelings insluit), en in gebare (wat oormaat erken, sowel as dans en vaardigheidspeletjies), deur middel van lag en geluk 'n band te herverbind. met die instinktuele en natuurlike dimensie, andersins beperk tot verbod.
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ljpwetprints · 2 years
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Corchiano (Viterbo - Italy)
Nikon FM Arsat 35mm Decentrabile Adox Silvermax @80 in Ilford ID-11 1+1 Ilford RC 18x24 in Multigrade 1+9
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Corchiano (VT), furto in abitazione: aggredito un 84enne
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Corchiano (VT), furto in abitazione: aggredito un 84enne. Ad aver accoltellato l’anziano sarebbe stato un uomo di origini romene. L’aggressore avrebbe tentato un furto in una abitazione nella frazione Fallarese del Comune di Corchiano, ma il fatto è stato segnalato in tempo alla centrale operativa di Civita Castellana (VT). Il proprietario della casa ha sorpreso quattro uomini nel suo casolare di campagna, intenti a rubare diversi attrezzi agricoli. Mentre tre dei ladri si sono dati alla fuga nei campi, uno di loro, un 31enne di Corchiano, ha deciso di affrontarlo, rubandogli le chiavi della macchina e scappando. Dopo poche metri, a causa della forte velocità, è finito fuori strada e ha dovuto proseguire la fuga a piedi fino il centro abitato di Corchiano. Qui ha deciso di irrompere all’interno dell’abitazione dell’anziano 84enne.  Scoperto e in preda al panico, il malvivente ha aggredito l’anziano armato di coltello, procurandogli gravi ferite alla testa. Successivamente si è scagliato contro il figlio della vittima, giunto in casa proprio in quel frangente. Infine, ha rubato le chiavi della macchina per scappare. I Carabinieri della Compagnia di Civita Castellana hanno individuato il soggetto mentre stava per scappare con l’auto appena rubata. Le Forze dell’Ordine sono riuscite a bloccarlo e portarlo in caserma, ponendo fine alla sua fuga. L’84enne è stato soccorso e ricoverato d’urgenza, in codice rosso, al pronto soccorso dell’Ospedale Andosilla di Civita Castellana.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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assowebtv · 1 year
Corchiano (VT), furto in abitazione si trasforma in una grave aggressione in danno di un anziano
Corchiano (VT), furto in abitazione si trasforma in una grave aggressione in danno di un anziano
CORCHIANO: 1 ARRESTO ESEGUITO PER RAPINA IN ABITAZIONE E TENTATOOMICIDIO Nella serata del 28 novembre, i militari della Stazione di Corchianocoadiuvati dai colleghi della Compagnia Carabinieri di Civitacastellana hanno tratto in arresto in flagranza di reato un cittadinorumeno residente in paese, poiché al momento ritenutoresponsabile di una grave aggressione perpetrata in danno di unanziano di…
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earaercircular · 2 years
Separate waste collection in Italy: in Rome, a flop but in the surrounding Lazio-region it is 60 percent
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In Lazio, according to data from the Region on 2021, separate waste collection is 60%. The key word is door-to-door collection.
The most virtuous province is Viterbo[1] where recycling, based mainly on home collection, stands at 63.4%: out of 126 thousand tons of waste produced in 2021, the 60 municipalities of Viterbo recycled 80 thousand. Also in the province of Frosinone[2], recycling is based on door-to-door and the 91 municipalities recycled 60% of the 164 thousand tons of waste produced in 2021. Good performance also for the province of Rieti,[3] with 56.6% recycling of 55 thousand tons : door-to-door is the main feature here too.
The problems arise in the province of Latina[4], where the recycling is at stake due to the delays of the capital: the 32 municipalities of the province still bring the recycling to 59.6% but it is not an exciting figure which also weighs heavily on the high production of garbage, 288 thousand tons, the same quantity as the 151 municipalities of the provinces of Frosinone and Viterbo together.
But the real problem is Rome[5]. According to the data of the Region, the separate waste collection in the capital is 44.3%: far from the minimum target of 65% within the next 4 years. The problems already arise from the bins on the street: they cover 1 million and 900 thousand inhabitants and inside you can find everything, even bulky waste.
There are also problems on the door-to-door collection level that should serve 900 thousand inhabitants and is active only in a few limited areas of each municipality: collection rounds, on average five a week, are repeatedly skipped. The data from Legambiente[6] speak for themselves: in Rome only the IXth Municipality boasts 65% recycling thanks to a tested home collection system whereas the Vth Municipality is at the stake with 34% because the number of users door to door is negligible. Yet the 121 municipalities of the Roman province, including Tivoli and Guidonia, produced almost 600,000 tons of waste in 2021, of which 405,000 (67%) were separated and recycled.
These are the spearheads in the Roman province: this is the case of Sacrofano[7], where separate collection is based on door-to-door and domestic composting plants and reaches 78.4%. It is no coincidence that Sacrofano is included among the cleanest cities in the country by the Legambiente dossier "Comuni Ricicloni 2022"[8], which also cites the other most virtuous cases of Lazio: Vitorchiano[9] in the Viterbo area with recycling at 76.4% and three municipalities in the province of Frosinone: in Colle Magno[10] the differentiated is 81.8%, in Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano[11] it is 76.6%, in Corchiano[12] 78.3%. "In recent years we have transferred over 80 million to municipalities to create ecological islands and composting centers - explains the regional councillor for waste Massimiliano Valeriani - it is an investment that has allowed us to reach 60%". But also for the ecological islands the problem is Rome: every city should have one for 50 thousand inhabitants, but the capital has one for every 250 thousand. "Many municipalities are making progress thanks to door to door - explains Roberto Scacchi president of Legambiente Lazio - but we have been stuck in Rome for years".
Salvatore Giuffrida, Differenziata, flop Capitale ma nel Lazio è al 60 per cento, in: La Repubblica, 12-08-2022, https://ricerca.repubblica.it/repubblica/archivio/repubblica/2022/08/12/differenziata-flop-capitale-ma-nel-lazio-e-al-60-per-centoRoma02.html
[1] Viterbo (Italian: provincia di Viterbo) is a province in the Lazio region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Viterbo.
[2] The Province of Frosinone (Italian: Provincia di Frosinone) is a province in the Lazio region of Italy, with 91 comuni. Its capital is the city of Frosinone. It has an area of 3,247 square kilometres and a total population of 493,605 (2016).
[3] The Province of Rieti (Italian: Provincia di Rieti) is a province in the Lazio region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Rieti. Established in 1927, it has an area of 2,750.52 square kilometres with a total population of 157,887 people as of 2017. There are 73 comuni in the province.
[4] The Province of Latina (Italian: Provincia di Latina) is an area of local government at the level of province in the Republic of Italy. It is one of five provinces that form the region of Lazio. The provincial capital is the city of Latina. It is bordered by the provinces of Frosinone to the north-east and by the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital to the north-west. It has an area of 2,251 square kilometres and a population of 561,189 (2012). There are 33 comuni (singular: comune) in the province.
[5] Rome is the capital city of Italy. It is also the capital of the Lazio region, the centre of the Metropolitan City of Rome, and a special comune named Comune di Roma Capitale. With 2,860,009 residents in 1,285 km2, Rome is the country's most populated comune and the third most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. The Metropolitan City of Rome, with a population of 4,355,725 residents, is the most populous metropolitan city in Italy.
[6] Legambiente is an Italian environmentalist association with roots in the anti-nuclear movement that developed in Italy and throughout the Western world in the second half of the '70s. Founded in 1980 as part of the ARCI, it later became a stand-alone organisation. Originally known as Lega per l'ambiente (League for the Environment), it changed name during the IV National Congress held in Parma in 1992. The mission of the association is to make the environmental culture the centre of a new kind of development and diffused well-being. Important values for the association are the improvement of environmental quality, the fight against all forms of pollution, a wise use of natural resources, the construction of a more balanced relationship between human beings and the nature. It is considered the most widespread environmental organisation in Italy, as it is composed by a national headquarter in Rome, 20 regional branches, about 1000 local groups and more than 115,000 members. https://www.legambiente.it/
[7] Sacrofano is a comune (municipality) in the Metropolitan City of Rome in the Italian region Latium, located about 25 kilometres north of Rome. Located near the Monti Sabatini, at the feet of an extinct volcano, it is included in the Regional Park of Veii.
[8] Legambiente's municipal recycling report was also presented this year, a picture of national excellence in waste reduction. The pandemic weighs on the data for 2021. https://economiacircolare.com/comuni-ricicloni-2022-legambiente/
[9] Vitorchiano is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Viterbo in the Italian region Latium, located about 70 kilometres northwest of Rome and about 7 kilometres northeast of Viterbo. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 3,690 and an area of 29.8 square kilometres .
[10] Colle San Magno (locally Glio Colle) is a comune in the Province of Frosinone in the Italian region Lazio, located about 110 kilometres southeast of Rome and about 30 kilometres southeast of Frosinone.
[11] Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano is a comune in the Province of Frosinone in the Italian region Lazio, located about 130 kilometres southeast of Rome and about 50 km southeast of Frosinone.
[12] Corchiano is a town and comune in the province of Viterbo, Lazio, central Italy. It was an ancient settlement of the Faliscans and, in the Renaissance and later, a fief of the Farnese family.
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johbeil · 2 years
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White house, white laundry
Corchiano, Lazio, Italy. Corchiano is a small town about 60 km north of Rome in the province of Viterbo that sits on a cliff. Leica R4 with 50 mm Summilux-R on Kodak film. Happy Sunday!
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jakecarson90 · 2 years
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⁣ Canon EOS 250D ⁣ Taken on 03/04/2022.⁣ ⁣ *⁣ Overlooking a ravine is a small village called Corchiano, located in northern Lazio.⁣ ⁣ With its web of narrow streets, tiny squares and dark archways, Corchiano has a well-preserved medieval centre that teleports you back in time.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ 🚆 You can get to Corchiano by taking a train from Viterbo with the company 'ATAC'.⁣ ______________________________________⁣ ⁣ #Corchiano #Tuscia #Italia #Ig_Viterbo #Italy #TusciaViterbese #TusciaFotografia #FotografiaItaliana #MeravigliedItalia #ItalianVillage #LazioNascosto #DestinazioneViterbo #Lazio #Ig_Lazio #SiViaggiare_Lazio #ScoprireIlLazio #LazioDaVivere #DiscoverItaly #Loves_United_Italy #Ig_Italia_BorghieCitta #BorghiViaggioItaliano #CondeNastTraveller #ForBesTravelGuide #WorldMasterShotz #ClickFor_Italia #Italia_Mania__ #YallersLazio #VolgoItalia #Italy_Illife #2InstaGoodPortraitLove (at Corchiano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcECx9rKgix/?utm_medium=tumblr
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La pittrice Olandese DAISY KARTHAUS nostra nuova artista associata a MEGA ART www.megaart.it
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diegomonfredini · 5 years
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Le Forre. #tuscia #videomaking #canyon #explore #lumix #forre #corchiano #civitacastellana #nepi #tufo #etruria #wildnature (presso Province of Viterbo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwZ5SEOnXS5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6ogsweer0q5n
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Cede muro durante lavori in stabile Ater, muore operaio
Stavano effettuando dei lavori in uno stabile dell’Ater quando improvvisamente una controparete ha ceduto travolgendoli. Uno dei due operai, un campano di 54 anni, è morto dopo il trasporto in ospedale, mentre un collega è stato dimesso con lievi ferite. È successo ieri a Corchiano, nel viterbese. L’allarme è stato lanciato dai colleghi degli operai.     Le condizioni di uno di loro sono apparse…
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themegaart-blog · 4 years
This is the online exhibition THE ART AT THE CORONAVIRUS TIME, an event by MEGA ART GALLERY www.megaart.it
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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Window with shadow on the wall, Giuseppe Cocco
During a trip to the upper Lazio, along the ancient Via Amerina I went to Corchiano. In this watercolor view Window with shadow on the wall The original shot made digital color then subjected to four processing steps in post production and processing to the computer, to achieve the result of photo watercolor An ascetic artist, slow by birth and by choice, I live a slow work trip, practicing creative idleness; I walk slowly, meditatively. contemplative, always alert with 5 senses + 2 heart and mind; the camera always in my pocket, allows me to take notes whenever there is something that strikes me and excites me and then transforms it, in a watercolor, my passion together with photography
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