elcomunero · 1 year
La indumentaria es una predisposición natural
Eugène Delacroix. Autorretrato. 1837. Museo del Louvre. París,           “Las personas que se visten a la manera del jornalero, cuyo cuerpo se pone a diario y con despreocupación el mismo sobre, siempre mugriento y maloliente, son tan numerosas como los necios que van por el mundo sin ver nada, mueren sin haber vivido, no conocen el valor de un manjar ni el poderío de las mujeres y no dicen ni…
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sorryyousawthat · 1 year
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Le Sommeil (The Sleepers) by Gustave Coubert (1866)
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furiosopetalo · 6 months
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El origen del mundo, Courbet, 1866
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“O Estúdio do Artista” ou “Uma Alegoria Real de Uma Fase de Sete Anos no Maio Artístico e na Vida Moral” foi terminado em apenas seis semanas. Todas as figuras na pintura são representações alegóricas das figuras que Courbet descreveu em suas pinturas e foram todas reunidas no seu estúdio para ele pintar. As imagens incluem pessoas de todos os níveis da sociedade, incluindo seus amigos e…
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lateblight · 5 months
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hannahxxrose as roses
all a’Twitter | the fairy | love story | blanc double de coubert
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devourcss · 8 months
i might be talking out of my ass rn, but HEAR ME OUT ok??? So, i have this theory that when Hozier said "let me put my lips to something, let me wrap my teeth around the world", we all can infere that there's a sexual innuendo there, right? As he loves talking fancy instead of just saying that he's horny, like a normal person lol. But i think there might be a more concrete reference to that particular lyrics. Because what if, the world in question, was a reference to this painting: l'origine du monde???? That bastard is all for artistic innuendo, isn't he, so i wouldn't put it past him. Besides, how poetic would that be?
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Think about it. L'origine Du Monde. The Origin of The World. And it's a coochie. That painting, by Gustave Coubert, was both revolutionary AND controversial back in 1866 and still is, today, for how it unabashedly praised and depicted female sexuality as the backbone of all godly creation. Sounds familiar, right? We see a lot of dicks in classical paintings, and male nudity in general, but... a vagina this up close? With no censor??? That was BALLSY (pun intended). But like, if you don't know the history behind it, basically, the guy who painted this was such a simp for his lover that he did a whole nude painting of her just straight up praising her coochie (like dayum she must have been a stone cold fox, right????). She's presumed to have been a rich, influential married woman, which he had an affair with. That would explain why he had to crop and hide the part of the painting that had her face in it not to expose her or cause scandal (had it been a prostitute, it probably wouldn't be necessary). It stayed a mystery for years and years but historians recently discovered the missing piece, which is arguably the actual face of his lover (and you can easily find it if you google it btw, do it!!! My Art History teacher had us discuss this painting and the gossip around it in class, last year, it was so fun.) ANYWAYS! Think about it. "Let me wrap my teeth around the world", and the world in question is a blatant reference to female sexuality made godly, the divine maker and destroyer of worlds. That is such a Hozier thing to say. Ughhh. I can't!!!
Even if it's just a theory, that is still the first thing my mind wanders to, when I hear these lyrics. I could write a whole essay about it, but I think a tumblr post will have to suffice.
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airshipsinking · 10 months
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May or may not have spent most of this week just playing Minecraft, but here's Dungeon Master Tango as Gustave Coubert's "Le Désespéré" for week 3 of @shepscapades event! :D
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notwearingknickers · 1 year
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Le Sommeil by Gustave Coubert (1866)
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glaceu · 1 year
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Le Sommeil by Gustave Coubert (1866)
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colorfulprincewombat · 2 months
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Bonjour à tout le monde. Oggi la storia della più celebre "pretty woman" francese, del XIX secolo. Valtesse Delabigne. Nella storia di Émilie-Louise Delabigne ci sono tutti i passaggi obbligati di una giovanissima ragazza che si dedica alla prostituzione, fino a diventare una cortigiana in grado di influenzare i più potenti uomini dell’epoca e che, grazie alla sua professione, riesce ad accumulare un patrimonio pari a oltre 2 milioni di euro al cambio attuale.
Louise Delabigne (1848-1910) era la figlia naturale di una donna che per mantenere i sei figli si prostituiva per pochi soldi, e di un padre alcolizzato e violento, che le impedì per sempre di nutrire fiducia negli uomini. A 13 anni, già bellissima con i suoi capelli rosso-oro e intensi occhi azzurri, Louise perse la sua innocenza, violentata per strada da un uomo anziano che probabilmente l’aveva notata nel negozio di abbigliamento dove lavorava.
Il destino sembrava aver segnato il suo percorso: divenne una grisette, che nella gerarchia della prostituzione indicava quelle giovani donne che si vendevano per strada, rischiando l’arresto e il taglio dei capelli, se fermate dalla polizia. Intanto Louise lavorava anche in negozio di abbigliamento intimo femminile, frequentato da uomini facoltosi. Lì incontrò un giovane uomo che le prese il cuore e le diede due figlie, ma non trovò il coraggio di sposarla. Dopo quella deludente esperienza amorosa, Louise decise che non si sarebbe mai sposata, preferendo arrivare al traguardo della ricchezza e della notorietà con altri sistemi:
vendersi senza mai darsi veramente, senza eccezioni per nessuno
Intanto era salita di un gradino nella scala sociale delle mondane: era una lorette, che nel gergo della categoria indicava quelle donne che venivano mantenute da pochi clienti selezionati. La sua grande occasione arrivò quando conobbe il compositore Jacques Offenbach, che la elevò a livello delle grandes horizontales, cortigiane i cui favori erano contesi da tutti quegli uomini che potevano permetterselo. Divenne l’amante e musa ispiratrice di molti artisti, come Edouard Manet, Henri Gervex, Gustave Coubert, e altri pittori famosi, tanto che fu soprannominata “l’Union des Peintres”. Nel frattempo aveva cambiato nome, si faceva chiamare Valtesse de La Bigne: Valtesse aveva grosso modo lo stesso suono di “Votre Altesse” (vostra altezza). Con questo pretenzioso nome riuscì a rovinare economicamente diversi personaggi della nobiltà francese ed europea: il principe Lubomirski di Polonia e il principe de Sagan.
Dai suoi amanti pretendeva abiti lussuosi e gioielli preziosi, case, carrozze, viaggi, cene in locali prestigiosi, tanto che non ammise nella sua camera da letto lo scrittore Alexandre Dumas dicendogli: “Caro signore, non è nei tuoi mezzi”.
In un certo senso fu un altro scrittore, Emile Zola, a prendersi una rivincita sulla cortigiana: scrisse il libro Nanà, che ebbe un enorme successo, ispirandosi proprio a lei, la sirena che incantava e poi distruggeva gli uomini che si illudevano di possederla, descritta come amabile ma spietata, un ritratto poco lusinghiero che irritò molto la Valtesse. Valtesse fu abbastanza lungimirante da capire che la sua attività era legata all’età, così si ritirò a vita privata, nella sua lussuosa dimora a Ville-d’Avray, quando aveva poco più di 50 anni. Continuò però a istruire giovani donne sull’arte di intrattenere gli uomini, fino a quando, il 29 luglio del 1910, le scoppiò una vena e morì.
Lei stessa aveva scritto il suo annuncio funebre, che rivela un animo poetico nascosto sotto le vesti da cortigiana: “Bisogna amare un po’ o molto, seguendo la natura, ma velocemente, in un istante, come si ama un canto degli uccelli, che parla alla propria anima e che si dimentica con la sua ultima nota, come uno ama i colori cremisi del sole nel momento in cui scompare sotto l’orizzonte “.
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mohamedahmed92 · 6 months
انواع الورود البيضاء المختلفة
هناك العديد من أنواع الورود البيضاء المختلفة، وهذه بعض الأنواع البارزة للورد :
ورد الثلج (Rosa 'Iceberg'): يتميز بزهور كبيرة بيضاء ناصعة ورائحة عطرية جميلة.
ورد السراج (Rosa 'Peace'): ويُعرف أيضًا باسم "ورد السلام"، وهو ورد بيضاء مع تدرجات من الوردي والأصفر.
ورد الليلي (Rosa 'Casablanca'): زهور بيضاء ناصعة ذات شكل كلاسيكي ورائحة لطيفة.
ورد البابلي (Rosa 'Bobbie James'): نبات غطاء أرضي يتميز بزهور صغيرة بيضاء ونمو كثيف.
ورد العذراء (Rosa 'Virginiana'): نوع من ورود الغابات البرية في أمريكا الشمالية، لها زهور بيضاء صغيرة ورائحة خفيفة.
ورد السابانيلا (Rosa banksiae): يأتي في أصناف بيضاء تعرف باسم "سابانيلا البيضاء" وتكون غير مزهرة.
ورد النياقة (Rosa 'Alba'): نوع ذو زهور بيضاء كبيرة ورائحة جميلة.
ورد البلانكا (Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'): ورد بيضاء مزهرة ذات رائحة زكية.
تذكر أن هذه مجرد عينة صغيرة من أنواع الورود البيضاء المتاحة، وهناك المزيد من الأصناف والهجائن التي تختلف في الحجم والشكل والرائحة. يمكن اختيار النوع المناسب حسب الاحتياجات والتفضيلات الشخصية.
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schibborasso · 1 year
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william turner: seascapes gustave coubert: the woman in the waves (1868)
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siontopdg · 1 year
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Horst sat at his babysitter house thirsty and wanting a drink
" man where's the water I'm thirsty" said Horst Hector walked in and sat down next to him
" what's wrong with you today Horst" said Horst
" I'm thirsty I need some water and a drink" said Horst
" ( laughs) why didn't you just ask I could have gotten it for you" said Hector grading a cup from the coubert and put the cup under the fosset and got water in it and gave it too Horst to drink
" I was afraid to ask" said Horst
" why" said Hector
" I don't know I thought you would think me as greedy" said Horst
" greedy no never just drink the water so you don't die from dehydration" said Hector laughing
" okay" said Horst
" whoa slow down there kiddo the waters not going anywhere well anywhere besides your mouth is all" said Hector
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nekros-is · 1 year
Self portrait.
Inspired by "The desperate Man" by Gustave Coubert.
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gataxomej · 2 years
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studiop8-blog · 2 years
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Le désespéré - Gustave Coubert  Lucrezia Romana Antonelli  21012235
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