alwaysbewoke · 2 days
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 months
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ideeperscrittori · 3 months
– Perché vuole lavorare nella nostra azienda?
(Veramente io sogno invano il pensionamento e gioco tutte le settimane al superenalotto coltivando improbabili sogni di fancazzismo. E invece devo supplicare persino templi consecrati al culto dello sfruttamento lavorativo come la vostra azienda.)
– Per mettermi alla prova in un contesto sfidante. [L'Ideota]
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gwydionmisha · 8 months
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viejospellejos · 1 year
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dogandcatcomics · 6 months
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Attribution: Illustrations by Luis Bertrard Cruz for a childhood school reading primer released by the Editorial Pueblo y Educación and Ministerio de Educación in Havana, Cuba, in 1988 called "¡A Leer!". It seems that felines found their way into this larger project of Fidel Castro propaganda.
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teachingjourney-blog · 2 months
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An Indian Raja made a deal to give a girl named Rani one grain of rice doubled each day for 30 days. This beautiful story is a wonderful mathematical inquiry! With grade four children, we explored this book in depth. How many grains of rice did Rani receive after 30 days? Did she make a good deal? Lots of great discussion and addition operations emerged from this exploration!
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stranomavero · 1 year
CV template
Ciao, dato che non mi piacevano i template cv di Canva ne ho creato uno più semplice e basico (questo è per chi ha già esperienze lavorative, su richiesta posso creare anche una versione per studenti alla prima ricerca di lavoro)
Vi lascio il link qui se a qualcuno interessasse. E se volete qualche dritta su come descrivere le vostre esperienze in modo più “supercazzolatore” scrivetemi pure :)!
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athena411-blog · 1 year
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The curriculum has been created to teach, foster, and promote awareness of the global and environmental issues that impact all living beings that share planet Earth.  find it here at https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/The-Earth-Studies-Curriculum-8918154 or at https://sharemylesson.com/teaching-resource/earth-studies-curriculum-402960
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pastoralpunk · 10 months
CW: Christianity, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia
Hi hi! So a couple of years ago, I started listing down all of the resources that helped me to go from being a non-affirming/queerphobic Christian to being a queer and queer-affirming Christian (oops lol). I'm now putting this reading list/syllabus out there in case anyone else might find it helpful (you know, in the spirit of the commons and "from each according to their ability"). The reading list is free to download, and feel free to distribute and to modify it as you like.
There are other better lists of resources out there, but what motivated me to put together my own reading list was that in my own journey towards becoming queer-affirming, I found that for me to reconcile Christianity and queerness, it was necessary to reconstruct my understanding of God's character, my understanding of how to read the Bible, as well as my understanding of the nature and history of Christianity. In short, being anti-queer rested on a number of other assumptions and beliefs.
As such, this reading list not only addresses the matter of how to interpret the few Bible verses related to being gay or trans, but hopes to help the reader envision a worldview in which being queer-affirming is just the obvious choice. For example, there are resources about the theology of sin and judgement, the theology of systemic oppression, the theology of children, and more.
I know that for some people, changing their minds to affirm queer people can be as simple as realizing that love is love, but for the stubborn and systematically-minded people like me, I hope this reading list can be of benefit. And, whoever you are (queer or not, queer-affirming or not, Christian or not), I hope that this list may help you to remember that you yourself are so so loved 🏳️‍🌈
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alwaysbewoke · 1 month
because she broke up a fight. BECAUSE SHE BROKE UP A FUCKING FIGHT!!!!!
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THIS is why i refuse to send my black child to a public school. They are not here for us. SMFH!!
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Microsoft TechNet - Small Basic Curriculum 2.6 - Flickr, ImageList and Network Objects ...
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Post #212: Microsoft TechNet, Small Basic Curriculum 2.6, Flickr, ImageList and Network Objects, 2024.
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kp777 · 1 month
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ideeperscrittori · 1 year
«Perché ha scelto proprio la nostra azienda?».
(Autolesionismo. E poi non ricordo nemmeno di aver inviato il CV. Forse ho premuto il tasto "invio" per sbaglio. Forse ero ubriaco. Non ho rispetto per me stesso. Faccio troppe cazzate. Non ho manco capito cosa fate. Ma esattamente chi siete?)
«Volevo lavorare in un ambiente stimolante e proiettato nel futuro».
FINE [L'Ideota]
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slimethought · 2 months
GOP politicians across several states have all introduced bills that plan to ban Critical Race Theory from being taught in schools and universities. These bills are coded in a way that completely strawmans CRT and makes it difficult to teach American history without whitewashing it. In this video I discuss how this anti-CRT wave may become another “red scare”. ~~ FOLLOW ME: Twitter: @Philosynoir Twitch: @Philosynoir Instagram: @Philosynoir
DONO: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Philosynoir
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priyakhurana · 2 months
IGCSE Exam Preparation in Singapore: Prepare for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) with Kiya Learning's online exam preparation classes in Singapore. Kiya Learning expert tutors provide comprehensive instruction, covering all subjects and exam strategies. Join us to excel in the IGCSE and achieve academic success.
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