#Damiano Liberato
horrorslashergirl · 2 years
Just read vanilla candle
Pls pls pls tell me damiano can actually genuinely love someone
Its hard to make this fashion mogul fall in love but not impossible. It just takes that special kind of woman to get under his skin.
Also its funny because I got inspired a lot by Cruella De Vil in creating Damiano.
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iubris · 3 years
Thomas sente i muscoli vibrare.
Sì, è così.
È strano, non avrebbe mai pensato di percepire parti del suo corpo muoversi sottili come corde tirate, si ritrova a stringere le sue stainless steel  fra le dita callose come se pizzicandole pizzicasse anche se stesso.
Con sua sorpresa quel dolore acuto e improvviso lo avverte per davvero, è sotto la pelle, forse il suo corpo si è trasformato davvero in una chitarra, del tutto simile a quella che stringe fra le braccia, rossa con le rifiniture in oro e gli Swarovski a formare un teschio, una custom esagerata, segno di chi ce l'ha fatta.
Non gli è sembrato vero.
Fino ad ora.
Solleva lo sguardo.
Il flash di una fotocamera lo acceca per un momento, poi si ritorna nella semi-oscurità, alle voci concitate del dietro le quinte, ai loro affaccendati amici diventati da tempo anche loro collaboratori preziosi, al loro manager silenzioso e riflessivo, ai loro stylist intenti a sistemare orli, lisciare tessuti con le dita, sistemare gli accessori preziosi.
È pronto.
Sono pronti.
Vic è a diversi metri sulla sua sinistra, il suo sguardo puntato sulla luce scarlatta davanti a loro esprime glaciale concentrazione, incava le guance quando glielo chiede la make-up-artist per un ritocco veloce al viso, ma non si lascia toccare gli occhi, non ha intenzione di distogliere lo sguardo dal premio.
La luce rossa.
Damiano è al fianco di Vic, anche lui immobile, anche lui con gli occhi sbarrati.
No, no, ora che aguzza la vista Damiano non è immobile, scuote le braccia lungo i propri fianchi, apre e chiude le mani nervose, il fascio di luce rosso gli invade le palpebre, no, Damiano non chiude gli occhi perché teme che quella luce possa scomparire se lo fa.
La luce, la luce rossa.
Thomas si volta alla propria destra.
La luce rossa invade completamente il volto e il petto di Ethan, le uniche parti chiare del suo corpo, i capelli, il completo, sì, appare completamente nero, solo la pelle è rosso brillante.
Ethan non guarda la luce, la tiene chiusa fuori dalle proprie palpebre, ma non come se non gli importasse o ne avesse paura, ma come se la stesse tenendo momentaneamente fuori per concentrarsi sul proprio mondo interiore, le mani che manovrando le bacchette tamburellano su una batteria invisibile.
E lui?
E Thomas?
Stringe il manico della chitarra.
Il cuore gli scoppia nel petto ma non ha il tempo di concentrarsi attivamente sui propri sentimenti nei confronti della luce rossa perché due tecnici fanno loro segno.
È il momento.
Si muovono tutti e quattro nello stesso momento, nessuno di loro ha bisogno di cedere il passo a un altro, c'è spazio su quel palco, tutto lo spazio necessario.
Le urla, che fino a quel momento non erano null'altro che un sottofondo piacevole, li invadono ancor prima della luce rossa dell'O2 Arena, assordandoli.
È così, si è sentito sovrastato per qualche secondo, ma Damiano ha preso il microfono con una frenesia nuova e ha salutato con altrettanta forza il pubblico in visibilio.
Le sue grida gutturali hanno restituito a Thomas l'udito, le corde nei suoi muscoli il tatto, la luce rossa è diventata blu e poi verde e poi gialla, restituendogli la vista, l'odore di quelle ventimila persone gli ha liberato il naso, leccandosi il sudore accumulato sopra il labbro ha riscoperto il proprio gusto.
Non ha bisogno di girarsi verso i propri compagni per percepire la loro aura fiammeggiante a coprirgli le spalle.
Stringe la sua chitarra rossa coperta di oro e Swarovski ‘simbolo di chi ce l'ha fatta’ e prende un respiro.
Sa cosa deve fare.
Loro sono i Måneskin.
Sì, ed è solo l'inizio.
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pvnkiwi · 5 years
get to know me
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
@probablydaydreamingg thank you for tagging me! <3
Top 10 songs/pieces I can’t stop listening to: 
LIBERATO’S WHOLE DISCOGRAPHY. I've been listening to his music since TU T’E SCURDAT ‘E ME’s release two years ago and honestly speaking, I never get tired of it. 
Other songs I’m currently obsessed with are:
7 rings - Ariana Grande
Calipso - Charlie Charles, Dardust feat. Mahmood, Sfera Ebbasta, Fabri Fibra
LE RAGAZZE DI PORTA VENEZIA - MYSS KETA, Elodie, Joan Thiele, Priestess
Non Sei Come Me - Achille Lauro x Boss Doms
Rose Viola - Ghemon
Torna Da Me - Luchè
sorry they’re not ten but I basically listen to Liberato most of the time lol
Favourite colours: literally.all.pastel.colours (and black and white)
Favourite Ships: uggghhhh they’re way too many so I’m just gonna list them below
Chiara+Damiano (Baby)
Sabrina+Nicholas (CAOS)
Jonas+Hanna, Alexander+Mia, Davenzi (Druck)
Finchel, Klaine, Brittana, Mike+Tina, Emma+Will (Glee)
Francisco+Alba/Lidia, Carlota+Sara/Oscar (Las Chicas del Cable)
Evak, Mohnstad, Yousana (SKAM)
Elu (SKAM Fr)
Gioeva, Rames/MartiNico/Nicotino, Incantava, Luchilvia (SKAM It)
Cassie x Sid, Chris x Jal (Skins, first generation)
Cook x Effy, Freddie x Effy, Naomi x Emily (Skins, second generation) 
I guess that’s it?
Lipstick or Chapstick: Both!! But I wear lipstick way more often.
Last Movie: tbh I don’t remember it lol it’s been a long time since I’ve watched a movie...
Currently Reading: Colorless Tsukuro Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami :)
Tagging : idk who to tag lol if you want to do it, consider yourself tagged :) 
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aqsjr68 · 5 years
Emmanuel: suas varias vidas e onde, atualmente, está reencarnado.
Antes de analisar o objetivo da atual encarnação de Emmanuel, vamos relembrar algumas das encarnações pretéritas do mentor de Chico Xavier, informações estas que constam nos próprios livros ditados ao Chico pelo Emmanuel: Emmanuel foi Publius Cornelius Lentulus, apelidado de Sura, morreu em 63 aC. Foi uma das figuras capitais na conjura de Catilina. Foi pretor em 75, governador da Sicília em 74, cônsul em 71 após a morte de Espartaco. Em 70, foi expulso do senado, com outras pessoas, por imoralidade. Juntou-se neste momento a Lucio Catilina, político romano que procurava devolver aos aristocratas as prerrogativas do patriciado (Roma tinha passado por uma reviravolta popular rumo da democracia, redesenhando os poderes em prol das classes populares, as plebes - que ganhou direitos inusitados, tudo isso após a sublevação de Espártaco que arregimentou 200 mil homens contra o exercito romano e o derrotando 6 vezes). Os conspiradores foram presos e obrigados a confessar (mediante tortura). Públio Lentulus foi obrigado a abdicar de seu cargo de pretor (chefe de policia) e, temendo que pudesse influenciar alguém, o imperador romano o condenou a morte. Sura, era em suma um verdadeiro crápula. Emmanuel então reencarna, como neto de Sura, com o mesmo nome (Públio Lentulus Cornélio), agora um senador incorruptível e austero, justamente com a missão de consertar as besteiras que fez no passado, SE consertando. Mas, como a natureza não dá saltos (e ninguém vira santo depois que morre) ele continua com um péssimo caráter espiritual. Foi nesta encarnação que ele encontrou Jesus, mas mesmo as palavras do Nazareno não conseguiram demovê-lo de seu orgulho e cegueira. Com o passar do tempo (e das bordoadas que leva nesta e em outras encarnações) é que ele vai depurando seu espírito, sempre com base na Lei do retorno. Emmanuel e Moisés se encontraram um século antes da vida de Jesus, quando Moisés (João Batista) na personalidade do escravo romano Espartáco iniciou o fim da Republica Romana, da qual Emmanuel fazia parte conforme relatado no livro Há dois mil anos (pretor e depois consul Sura). Emmanuel veio depois como o senador Públio Lentulus e na encarnação seguinte como um escravo (Nestório) abraçando definitivamente os ideais de Moisés (João Batista/Espartáco). O mesmo perfil austero que Emmanuel apresentava quando se comunicava com Chico Xavier pode ser igualmente observado em João Batista, mais um indício que denota a profunda ligação e admiração entre esses dois espíritos. A partir dessa encarnação, Emmanuel começa sua ascensão espiritual e já na época do Brasil colônia encarna como o padre Manoel da Nóbrega, lutando por uma vida mais decente para os índios que eram explorados no Brasil pelos portugueses. Nessa encarnação, Emmanuel convive com o padre José de Anchieta (uma das encarnações de Frei Fabiano de Cristo) e realizam importante trabalho com os jesuítas para catequizar os índios e de certa forma diminuir as hostilidades entre eles e os colonizadores portugueses. Vale ressaltar que antes de encarnar como Manuel da Nóbrega, Emmanuel reencarna como São Remígio , nascido em 439 , bispo francês de família nobre. Considerado como o apóstolo dos pagãos, nas Gálias, era conhecido pela sua pureza de espírito, e profundo amor a Deus e ao próximo. Desencarnou em janeiro de 535, aos 96 anos. Foi nessa encarnação que Emmanuel inicia um ciclo de encarnações onde trabalharia diretamente junto a Igreja Católica. Depois de encarnar como Manuel da Nóbrega, Emmanuel reencarna nessa seqüência: Padre Damiano (1613 – até próximo de 1700), nasceu na Espanha e exerceu o oficio de padre também na França, onde desencarnou. Jean Jaques Tourville, prelado católico no período anterior a revolução francesa, era educador da nobreza, viveu na França e antes de estourar a revolução refugiou-se na Espanha, onde desencarnou no final do século 18. Padre Amaro, humildade sacerdote católico que viveu no Pará e posteriormente no RJ, viveu entre os séculos 19 e 20 e teve contato com Bezerra de Menezes. Em suas cinco ultimas encarnações podemos perceber que Emmanuel viveu sempre como religioso católico. E a atual encarnação de Emmanuel, quais informações temos disponíveis? Sônia Barsante, freqüentadora do Grupo Espírita da Prece de Chico Xavier, testemunhou que em determinado dia no ano 2000 Chico Xavier ausentou-se por alguns momentos em transe mediúnico. Ao retornar, disse-lhe com alegria que fora em desdobramento espiritual até uma cidade do Estado de São Paulo para visitar um bebê que seria o espírito de Emmanuel já reencarnado. Terminou dizendo-lhe e aos demais que lá estavam presentes: “vocês ainda vão reconhecê-lo.” Emmanuel conta hoje portanto com idade entre 11 e 12 anos, vivendo em São Paulo. Numa pergunta feita por Gugu Liberato, se Emmanuel reencarnaria, Chico assim afirmou: “Ele diz que virá novamente para trabalhar como professor”. O que podemos entender sobre professor? Um palestrante, se valendo da excelente oratória adquirida na época do senado romano, um professor das multidões, ensinando milhares e milhares de jovens os conceitos espíritas através da união entre espíritas e católicos, aproveitando o amplo conhecimento que Emmanuel adquiriu da estrutura católica e dos evangelhos bíblicos. Um verdadeiro educador, buscando assim como Gabriel primeiramente a união entre espíritas e católicos como pilar de sustentação do Universalismo Crístico. Um educador. Emmanuel não viveu nenhuma encarnação com esse nome, então porque se apresentaria com esse nome para Chico Xavier? Emmanuel significa “Deus conosco”. Em toda sua trajetória vemos sua cura, tornando-se um verdadeiro emissário dos planos superiores. Um nome semelhante ao que ficou conhecido como mentor de Chico Xavier, é o nome que significa “curado por Deus”, do hebraico Repha’el ou simplesmente Rafael. Esse perfil de educador, buscando uma metodologia para ensinar os preceitos universalistas as multidões pode ser visto no capitulo 6 do livro "Universalismo Crístico, o Futuro das Religiões" também do Roger Paranhos, editora do conhecimento, quando Rafael se encontra em desdobramento astral com Gabriel. Esses três espíritos, João Batista, Gabriel e Emmanuel, estão encarnados hoje no Brasil, com a missão de preparar o Brasil para que nos próximos 20 anos já tenha se tornado o farol do mundo, a pátria do Evangelho, a nação que ajudará o mundo a passar pelas duras provações que se avizinham ate o ápice do exílio planetário daqui a pouco mais de 25 anos, em 2036. (Marco Antonio H. de Menezes)
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paoloxl · 7 years
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(via Pugni alla macchina del caffè Arrestato: si suicida in cella - Osservatorio Repressione)
Un ragazzo di trent’anni, Roman Horoberts, di origine ucraina, si è ucciso in cella qualche giorno fa, poche ore dopo essere stato arrestato. Perché era finito in cella? Per una crisi nervosa che aveva avuto davanti a una macchina che distribuisce il caffè, nell’atrio di una palestra di Ferrara. Aveva colpito la macchina a pugni, furioso perché gli si era rovesciato addosso un bicchierino di caffè. Qualcuno ha chiamato la polizia e lo hanno arrestato. Il questore dice che si erano accorti che era molto agitato. e allora, perché in cella e non all’ospedale? Si è impiccato alle sbarre verso le 6 della mattina. E’ il ventisettesimo suicidio quest’anno. Uno ogni settimana. Una macelleria.
Se fosse stato portato in ospedale, forse non si sarebbe tolto la vita. Giallo sul suicidio del 30enne ucraino che si è impiccato il 17 luglio scorso nel carcere di Ferrara. Spunta la testimonianza indiretta pubblicata su Facebook, della presidente di Circomassimo e Arcigay Ferrara, Manuela Macario. È operatrice e socia di una cooperativa specializzata in progetti di formazione e inserimento al lavoro dedicati a persone in condizione di svantaggio sociale, con problemi di salute mentale o di tossicodipendenza. Conosce, quindi, molto bene il disagio psichico e sa come ci si debba comportare. Macario, 45 anni, fa una denuncia forte: «Alcuni presenti ( in palestra al momento dell’intervento della polizia, ndr) raccontano di aver visto picchiare il ragazzo e fare anche il segno della vittoria portandolo via. Ancora una volta nessuno è disposto a testimoniare». Secondo la polizia che era intervenuta, il ragazzo sarebbe andato in escandescenze picchiando la macchinetta del caffè situata nella palestra. L’hanno, infatti, tratto in arresto con l’accusa di resistenza e oltraggio a pubblico ufficiale e minacce aggravate. Manuela Macario frequenta una palestra di via Reggiani, McFit, dove Roman Horoberts – il ragazzo suicidato -, domenica mattina, si è rovesciato un caffè addosso e poi ha scatenato la sua rabbia contro la macchinetta distributrice dicendo che il caffè era “troppo caldo” e sollevan- le preoccupazioni dei responsabili dell’impianto sportivo, che poi hanno chiamato le forze dell’ordine. «Sono iscritta da poco – ha raccontato Manuela Macario al giornale locale “La Nuova Ferrara” – e al momento dei fatti non ero in palestra». Secondo il racconto fatto dai testimoni e raccolto dalla polizia, Horoberts è andato in escandescenze verso la tarda mattinata di domenica. Gli agenti sono arrivati in palestra qualche minuto dopo la telefonata da parte dei responsabili. «Delle botte sono state 2- 3 persone a parlare. Ma riporto cose che mi sono state riferite, voglio che sia chiaro», prosegue Manuela Macario.
Il questore, Antonio Sbordone, si dice stupito delle affermazioni contenute nel post di Mado nuela Macario. «Quel giovane ha ribadito – è stato portato in questura e appariva effettivamente agitato. In questura è rimasto circa un’ora, non aveva segni di percosse addosso e tutto quello che è avvenuto lì è stato registrato. In effetti sembrava piuttosto su di giri e questo ci ha spinto a chiedere l’intervento di un medico del 118 che l’ha visitato. Il giovane aveva detto che assumeva farmaci, il medico ha escluso però che dovesse essere sedato o ricoverato. È stato quindi affidato al personale del carcere in attesa dell’audienza in tribunale».
Secondo la dinamica riferita dagli operatori penitenziari, il trentenne è entrato in carcere domenica pomeriggio ed è rimasto agitato tutta la notte, tanto che il compagno di cella era riuscito ad addormentarsi solo attorno alle 6, per essere poi svegliato un’ora dopo dall’urlo dell’agente penitenziario che ha ritrovato il ragazzo impiccato. Qualche ora dopo avrebbe dovuto svolgersi l’udienza per direttissima e probabilmente il giovane sarebbe stato liberato. Nel frattempo, ieri, è stata effettuata l’autopsia che ha confermato la dinamica. Oltre a presentare una lesione nel cranio riconducibile però a giorni prima, vengono riscontrate leggere escoriazioni sul dorso delle mani: sono lievi ferite compatibili con i pugni che il ragazzo diede contro la macchinetta del caffè. Il corpo non presenta altri segni particolari. Per quanto riguarda invece la causa della morte non ci sono dubbi sulla causa: soffocamento.
Damiano Aliprandi da il dubbio
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secondopianonews · 6 years
Furto e droga, due arresti a Corigliano Calabro
I Carabinieri della Compagnia di Corigliano Calabro dopo l’operazione “Tribunale”, hanno continuato l’azione repressiva nell’importante centro dell’alto Jonio, focalizzandosi anche contro la microcriminalità. Il resoconto del weekend è di due arresti, per furto aggravato e detenzione ai fini di spaccio di sostanza stupefacente (cocaina e marijuana), nonché di ben 85 veicoli e 100 persone…
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
My Slashersonas and s/o types
I got many asks about about s/o some of my OC would love, so I decided to write down for each of them. Also the ‘Type’ thing is what my OCs are: dominant, submissive, switch etc.
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Richard Firewood (Pansexual)
Type: Cold Dominant
His type of s/o would have to be someone who is willing or not, depending on the situation, to give up their life and live with him at his hotel; he needs that someone to be completely dedicated to him, which means that they don't have to work so that they will be at their beck and call to Richard.
He owns a luxury hotel, he is very rich and can provide for himself and his s/o everything they need. His s/o has just to be his pet, following after his steps as they worship him.
His s/o has to listen and be submissive; of course, he will listen to what his s/o has to say if they have a certain desire or wish, but he has the final word and decision.
His s/o has to have class, as in they know how to act in public, don't embarrass him. If you are his, you have to play the cute and mannered partner. He is willing to teach you that if he sees some potential in you, but warning, his patience wears thin, so you better learn quickly if you want to stay with him.
He is a very busy man, so a clingy s/o annoys him. Yes, he loves the attention you give him, but what is too much might trigger him and you don't want an angry Richard.
Jackson Jasper (Pansexual)
Type: Warm/Caring Dominant
Being his s/o is much simpler than Richards because Jackson doesn't expect you to be perfect in all departments, he understands the fact that we all have flaws, but he does have certain expectations.
His type of s/o would have to be a housewife type or househusband seeing how he doesn't discriminate. Love is love, or in case what he wants he gets and he expects you to play that role; cleaning the house, doing the laundry, cooking breakfast and dinner.
He loves a clingy s/o, mostly because he is touch-starved and even when he goes on work trips with the truck he will pull you along, if the trips are short, after all.... There are animals and his dog, Jackpot that needs to be taken care.
Down and dirty; he needs someone who is more country-oriented than a town person. His style of life is simple, with no big technology. He does own a phone and a television, but that's about it. A s/o who isn't put off by a farm like life, someone who doesn't bicker about the mess the animals make. If you're like that, Jackson isn't for you, so you better keep the distance or he will drive over you with his truck.
His libido is pretty big, so an opened up s/o into sexual activities is a big must. A s/o that is all down to have fun between the bedsheets or many quickies around the house.
The Hacker (Pansexual)
Type: Sadistic Dominant
The opposite of Jackson above; The Hacker is a big city guy, surrounded by all technology and hates the rural areas; no Wifi? Fuck off. He lives in New York and the city that never sleeps is his favorite territory.
When it comes to  s/o type he needs someone exciting, someone, that is a constant rollercoaster. He is dominant, but having a complete submissive s/o that follows his every command is boring after one week. If you want to be his s/o, you will need to come with something new every once in a while, be it regular activities like going to a club, playing laser tag to all kinds of new kinks in the bedroom.
Someone smart; he has a genius-level intellect, so if you want to maintain a long-term relationship with him, you will have to get your smarts on. 
No nagging! He understands the fact that a relationship has its ups and downs, but don't tell him every 10 minutes to pick up his clothes from the floor, or that he should empty the ashtray from cigarettes and not to mention the cans of energy drinks from around his desk. He will do that! Don't tell him what to do constantly or he will make you disappear.
Bambi Miller (Bisexual)
Type: Caring Dominant/Playful Submissive
Her type of s/o has to be someone with manners because she is sick of the sleazy bastards and vain hookers in her hometown. She needs someone who respects her as she will respect them.
A warm and familist s/o; she has been an orphan since birth and she doesn't know what a family feels like. She wants what she didn't have as a child or teenager, someone that she can form an emotional bond. She did have sexual relationships, but the lack of the emotional prospect has left her with a bitter taste.
Someone old-school style; she doesn't need all the luxury life has to offer, she will be just content with a nice modest house that has a roof. She appreciates the smallest things life has to offer, even if it's just a pillow she can sleep on. 
Someone energetic and fun; she loves to go out and enjoy herself, playing darts, dancing, and having a couple of drinks, but be respectful towards her if it's the first date. She doesn't enjoy someone's hands inside her pants just like that out of the blue.
A s/o that can offer her assurance as in that she isn't alone, that life can change for the better, and just simply holds her in the morning on the front porch drinking coffee.
Dave Anthony (Pansexual)
Type: Insane/Cruel Dominant
His type of s/o would have to be human and small, considering he is over 7'0 tall that should work for almost everyone. He needs a s/o that doesn't break that easily and can keep up with his sadistic shenanigans; a masochistic s/o would be perfect for him.
His s/o can be anywhere; if the s/o entered his asylum, it's all done. You can be in Asia and he will simply teleport there. Your soul is bound now to him. There is no escape.
He isn't picky when it comes to a s/o, so almost anyone will do, but he does have some rules. He doesn't want someone evil for a s/o. He is attracted to purity. It's ironic seeing how evil he was as a human and more so as a poltergeist.
A feisty s/o perhaps? Just so he can break them, that's entertainment for him. What's the point of a s/o who is already broken? He cannot play with a broken toy.
Samuel Grayson (Straight and Demisexual)
Type: Attentive Dominant
A complete opposite of Dave; Samuel's s/o has to have a pure heart, but he won't hurt his s/o, unlike Dave. Samuel kills only the ones that are plagued by sins. A genuine s/o with a heart of gold is perfect for him, someone who can light his black and cold heart.
A loyal s/o; he hates cheating, so if you want to be with him, you better give up on dating, flirting, and all that. He hates liars and he will know if you cheated.
A s/o that loves dogs, seeing how almost half of his being are demonic Dobermans.
As a human he wanted to have a family of his own, so he needs a familist s/o, even if said s/o has a job to go to, he is patient. He will wait for you to get home and watch as you take care of his apartment, now yours too. 
Gerome and Axel (Pansexual)
Type: Sadistic Dominant/Smug Submissive
They need an understanding s/o, seeing how they are together in everything, even a relationship with someone. You get two hitmen in one shot, so you better have enough energy for two.
A lively s/o, someone who is smiling and always in the mood for fun, even if it's day or night because these two don't have a schedule.
Perhaps a housewife s/o type? Being mostly away and on their jobs, someone has to take care of their beach house. You can choose if you want to work too, they don't mind an independent s/o, but just so you know.... They earn a lot of money from being hitmen.
A flexible s/o; are you a dominant, a submissive? Either way works for them. Gerome is a more laid-back playful guy, while Axel is the opposite, being cold and with sharp edges, so a s/o who can balance them would be perfect.
Their s/o has to be understanding; they are hitmen and that's what they do, it's their job and they won't give up on that for anyone. Take them as they are.
Damiano Liberato (Straight)
Type: Sensual Dominant
He is very picky and his s/o has to reach certain standards; a trophy s/o that he can show off in public only to assert his importance and dominance.
His s/o has to be classy, always put together, after all, he is a fashion mogul and he doesn't settle for someone who wears jeans and sneakers. No, no. Absolutely no. His s/o won't ever embarrass him like that. It's an insult!
Genuine adoration; because of his past, Damiano needs someone who stays with him for HIM, not for his status or money. If he finds out his s/o is a golddigger, then said s/o will be turned into a grotesque mannequin.
Manners are a must; not only must you look impeccable, but your attitude needs to be the same; back straight, always answer when someone asks you something, pay attention. Little things that are vital when in a relationship with this fashion killer.
Azment (Pansexual)
Type: Loving Dominant/Playful Submissive
Being her s/o doesn't require too much work, just your undying attention, and love towards her. She isn't picky about it, to be honest; just don't leave the mansion or you will die. Easy as that.
Mitch Carson (Pansexual)
Type: Animalistic Dominant
He is more animal than human and doesn't really have many expectations from a s/o. His s/o would be more like a captive than a love interest. He views his s/o as a form of sexual relief and nothing else.
He needs a submissive s/o that will stay by his side and even if they try to escape him, he will chase them down. You are his and his alone, so you better stay put or he will collar and chain you like an animal. 
Mitch doesn't have any humanity left inside him, so he doesn't understand the concept of a s/o.
Azol (Pansexual)
Type: Degrading/Cruel Dominant
Much like Dave... Azol is a supernatural evil being with a sadistic pleasure in hurting and inflicting physical and psychical pain on his s/o, not fatally, but enough to make them cry, so a masochistic s/o would be perfect.
His s/o would have to be someone who is pretty much alone, and if they are not, well.... say bye, bye to your friends and family. 
A sassy s/o could work for him because he loves a challenge and loves to show off what real power resides inside him, teaching his s/o their place is the best game.
The Shadow (Pansexual)
Type: Sensual/Sadistic Dominant
Being a dominant, he needs a s/o who is submissive, playing the obedient housewife or better yet, maid; he has a busy life and is constantly working, so someone needs to keep his house spotless.
An intellectual s/o is a must; well not as intellectual as him, because he is a master genius and he knows it, but he doesn't want a mindless s/o that he needs to tell them what to do every five seconds.
His s/o won't need to work. He provides more than enough for both of you, all his s/o has to do is take care of his house, make dinner and be at his beck and call when the more.... lustful side comes out to play.
A respectful s/o; all childhood he has been criticized by the people that should have loved him. Don't question him, because what he does is for his and your best. Just stay by his side, loyal and things will be just fine.
He is a traditional type of guy, and doesn't get the idea of nowadays modern things and fashion; a vintage-like s/o would be perfect for him, decent and presentable.
Bahini Talibah (Straight and Demisexual)
Type: Caring/Loving Submissive
A s/o that would be perfect for her is someone with lots of patience and understanding because she has been through a worse ordeal in the love department and it takes time for her to trust someone on that level.
Someone who is simple; she doesn't need a perfect husband with money and all that material nonsense. She wants someone who will unconditionally care for her, be by her side when she needs emotional support.
A s/o that is a good listener. She has a lot to tell you, once you earned her trust, and to understand her better you need to hear out her stories because she has many interesting things to tell you, after all....she is over 100 years old.
Honesty; an honest s/o who will tell her everything they have on their heart, even if it's choosing a tv program, just be honest that you want to watch something else. 
Xaviera Lah-Mo (Straight)
Type: Obedient Submissive/Cheeky Dominant
She is a free spirit and needs someone who will match her wild soul, someone who isn't afraid to get into the far more dangerous part of the world; after all.... She is flirting with danger a lot; hunting poachers, observing wild animals that can kill her if she isn't careful.
A protective s/o; she can take care of herself, being good with the sniper rifle and into archery, but she lacks the strength into the body to body fight. It makes her feel loved to be protected.
Someone with a rough edge; she is spending most of her time in the wildness, far FAR away from the big cities. She prefers the quietness and tranquility of nature. A s/o that isn't fazed by few scratches or hard physical work, a strong s/o.
Someone with a sense of humor; she wants someone that can make her laugh, even if it's just for a few seconds and that's a hard one because she is a tough one to crack.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Jax Roman
He's 6'8
Kills usually by means of torture, he has a underground dungeon where he brings his victims. It's like a red room with different tools lining the walls.
He usually goes after men off the streets, finding their shrill screams amusing.
His personality is under construction but he's probably gonna be a cocky asshole
(( he has bright green eyes and a little lower than shoulder length blone hair, his has a scar over his left eye and a couple piercing. His favorite is his tongue piercing. His very muscular but still more lean, he has scars all over his body as well.))
-His wife will come next-
Richard Firewood
Richard can appreciate someone with a steak for torture, but he does it more for money purpose and to indulge into his surgeon passion. I think Richard would be neutral towards Jax, like.... If he doesn't bother Richard, they are on neutral grounds.
Richard: He better not bother me. I am a busy man and money makes the world go around.
Jackson Jasper
Another man who kills for fun purpose too, Jackson would probably be on good terms with Jax, like talking over torture methods over some good whiskey.
Jackson: Seems like a cool guy. Maybe have a chat of torture over a glass of whiskey.
Bambi Miller
She may find him interesting but she won't act submissive. She is a fierce woman and loves a challenge. Also... Piercings? She got one on her belly button and much lower.
Bambi: Sugar Jaw seems interesting... Maybe we can have a conversation over a bottle of tequila.
The Hacker
I hear torture buddies bells ringing. Torture is Hackers middle names and he has quite an imagination. He might get along with Jax just great, but he better not get too cocky with the Hacker because he is the big shit around here into torture games. Respect is gonna be a must if they gonna be friends.
The Hacker: Torture ya say? I can appreciate maiming a body but the cocksucker better know I am the big shit at torture.
Dave Anthony
Ohhh... Torture you say? Dave is gonna show torture to Jax... On his own skin. This dangerous and evil poltergeist will sure maim Jax all for fun and bask into seeing this so called Dom be a pile of flesh and bones.
Dave: He calls himself dominating? *laughs diabolically*
Another evil entity who will sure have the ultimate amusment into hunting Jax each moment of day and night. He is gonna take great pleasure into destroying Jax mind.
Azol: If he is a dominant person then I am a motherfucking priest that sucked the Devils cock. *smirks* He looks like a sloppy cumfilled cunt.
Samuel Grayson
Cocky and arrogant? That's enough to say for Samuel to turn Jax into a raw steak for the hellhounds on his back. Jax aura would make Samuel really displeased and if he tries to get to close to him... Well? I really hope Jax wouldn’t mind having his arms chewed off.
Samuel: *scowls* He smells disgusting. His aura hurts the nose of my hellhounds.
Another evil entity but with a passion for pure carnal desires. She can appreciate a Dom like Jax and she might.. More than likely, take him to her Master Bedroom.
Azment: *smirks lewdly* Ohhh he seems like a fun boy.... Maybe we can have a small chit-chat between the bedsheets.
Gerome Montana and Axel Friedrich
I think these two would be on neutral grounds with Jax, as long as he doesn't get to handsy... Because I am sure Jax wouldn’t like to be stabbed in the knee or shot into his ankels.
Gerome: He seems like a fun dude... But I don't think my Bro Axel will dig him that much.
Axel: *scowls* I don't like him.
The Shadow
Arrogance might be something Shadow hates, ironicallg because he is like that too, but only because of his high intelectual abilities and skills into surgery... And disecting people. Shadow will be pissed off of Jax puts his smug attitude on this serial killer.
The Shadow: *cleans his scalpels* I don't care what he does as long as he keeps his nose out of my business. His intelect is no match for mine.
Bahini Talibah
Safe to say, this immortal woman wouldn't like Jax. She makes her uncomfortable and if he doesn't get the point of keeping distance he will suffer a painfull death.
Bahini: He makes me anxious. Enough said.
Mitch Carson
Feral Gask Mask Man wouldn't like Jax. He will simply view him as just another hunt and lunch.
Mitch: *growls behind the gas mask getting his crossbow ready*
Damiano Liberato
He is cocky and arrogant too and he can appreciate that into other men, but manners and a good etiquette are a must with this slice and dice mogul.
Damiano: Ughh.... He better have some class on him. If I see peons dressed in track suits I am gonna skin them alive.
Xaviera Lah-Mo
Cocky and arrogant men aren't her piece of cake, unless is her Wolf. Jax better keep his distance or else he might get shot into the balls by her sniper.
Xaviera: Not interesting me in the slightest bit.
Akshay Lah-Mo
Akshay doesn't like arrogant and cocky people, and if Jax will continue to annoy Akshay, the Polar bear might break his spine.
Akshay: *glares* His arrogance annoys me... He better keep his hands to himself unless he wants them broken.
Decebal Avram Chirilă
Decebal can appreciate a dominant man greatly and he doesn't mind getting on the bottom, but torture? Please.... Decebal has endured so much torture it feels like being petted and I am sure Jax wouldn’t like to have this assassins swords cutting through his torso.
Decebal: *smirks* He seems like a cool guy to hang around with... Just don't get too cocky, dragă because I am a switch and my Dom side will pounce on you.
Alexander Chirilă
Alex loves a great dominat man and I am sure Jax would be a perfect match for him, plus even thought Alex is a sub, he has great pain endurace, so torture is no problem for him.
Alexander: *blushes at the Dom part* Umm... He seems fine.. I-I guess.
Nadia Nikolina Chirilă
Jax might find his jaw knocked off by Nadia, because she isn't a big fan of dominating men, especially arrogant ones. Keep your distance Jax. Just a piece of advice.
Nadia: *raises a brow and snorts* Not my type and defenitly not someone I can tolerate too much.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
My Slasher OCs Face Claim Part 2
Authors Note: So I had to make this post in two parts because the maximum post for Tumblr on pictures is 10. 
Part 1 to this post!
Let’s see what they look  and sound like!
Damiano Liberato
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These are the picture that give me Damiano face claim vibes. He has a much softer edge with warm brown eyes and white hair in a stylish spikey haircut.
Theme Song: Lady Gaga- Fashion
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This is what I picture her face claim to be. Long black hair, emerald green eyes and sharp womanly features.
Theme song: Escape the Fate- Gorgeous Nightmare
Mitch Carson
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It was hard to find a face claim for Mitch and after hours of searching I decided to go with a Tom Hardy rugged look face claim like this one.
Theme Song: Eminem- Berzerk
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I was inspired by this picture in creating Azol so this is the perfect face claim for him.
Theme song: Mawr- When you coming to see me?
The Shadow
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I wasn't going to give him a face claim but after seeing this picture I was like 'Yes! This is Shadow!' Plus I picture him with a white streak.
Theme song: Knoc-Turn'al Muzik
Bahini Talibah
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I tried to look in for this certain haircut and blonde and found this one.
Theme song: Live - Forever May Not Be Long Enough
Xaviera Lah-Mo
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I was going for a more petite look but still with a rugged edge and found these two pictures.
Theme song: The Outsider - A Perfect Circle
Akshay Lah-Mo
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It was hard to find a face claim for him because I was going for a clean look with an intimidating edge. Plus it was hard to find a face claim with the desired haircut, so I went for these two pictures.
Theme Song: Vi, the Piltover Enforcer (ft. Nicki Taylor) | Login Screen - League of Legends
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Slasher OC: Damiano Liberato
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Full Name: Damiano Givannio Liberato
Nicknames: Damian, Givo
Killer Name: Black Widower, Lady Killer
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Nationality: Italian
Base of operation: Los Angeles, USA
Ocupation: Fashion mogul and CEO of Liberato Inc.
Hair: greish white
Eyes: warm brown
Height: 6'5
Clothing style: Expensive suits, fur coats, shining Oxford shoes. Always put together and in style. Outter looks are very important to him.
Damiano was born in Italy but moved in with his father to America, his mother was Italian. His father hated Damiano's mother, telling little Damiano that women are nothing but warm bodies to take pleasure from. His mother wanted to divorce his father and take everything from him. According to Damiano, his mother simply disapeared.
Damiano was pressured by his father to be perfect in everything. When Damiano went to the fashion college to presume his dream as a fashion creator, his father died of cancer. Damiano recieved a letter from his deceased father, telling jom about the billion dollar heritance he gained. In time Damiano managed to get deep into the fashion industry, getting a big name and a cold and venomous reputation after his wife wanted to divorce him to take half of his money; much like his mother wanted to do to his father.
That's when his killer instincts kicked in. He trapped his wife into the basement of his villa, after he drugged and bedded her. In the basement he tortured her by cutting her legs and arms off, replacing them with mannequin limbs, keeping her alive as much as possible.
This following experience seemed to snap something in Damianos mind because he loved it and so did his menance bloom.
Damiano is a cruel, vicious and smug billionaire that likes to be at the top of the food chain. Like most killers he is a sadist, gaining pleasure from his killings. He is a big narcissist and demands Perfection and the finest things life has to offer. He has a dark sense of humor and is quite the charmer, having his ways with ladies that bask in his eccentric vibes.
Weapon: Despite using tons of torture tools, his desired weapon is a luxury cane that is truly a blade at the end.
Killing Style: Much like the killer name, the black widower, his style of murder is like the spiders; he beds his victims, taking them to dinner, complimenting them and fucking them, finally to kill them or most likely turn them into his own manequins.
Likes: Designer clothing, luxury lifestyle, red wine, taking care of his looks, fur coats, being complimented, obedience from others.
Dislikes: Cheapness, Fake Women, Being look down at, People ignoring him.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Lol damiano hating on baggy pants and camo
He can hate all he wants.
I love camo. PERIOD.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
I can imagine mamoru and damiano walking fancy 🤣
With designer shades. 😎
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
For the OC thing: (TW for abuse)
Won’t say her name cuz she likes to go by Gigi, she’s 25y.o from NYC, has black hair and dark tired eyes. Likes to dress up and look sexy but usually goes for dark and baggy clothes when she doesn’t feel like it.
Grew up with a horrible mother and a worse stepdad. Got abused mentally and physically until she kinda snapped at 12 and stabbed her stepdad in his sleep. He didn’t die but she went to juvenile detention. She was out of there by 16 and stayed in an orphanage (I really don’t know how these things work)
Now she lives alone and works as a tattoo artist. Likes to watch horror movies and anime, knows how to cook but only when she feels like it. I have to say that she’s mentally unstable but doesn’t show cuz she comes off as childish and optimistic that’s why people think she’s dumb and try to take advantage of her but mess with her and she’ll mess your face and she’s willing to kill again if she has to and/or wants to :)
I’m still working on her but these are the confirmed info I’m sorry if it’s too much ❤️
Richard Firewood
He finds her childish and a bit of a juvenille with an attitude, which kind of gives him a bitter feeling of annoyance, but she may be usefull to him... Well.. Her organs that is.
Richard: Her only quality I suppose is that she knows how to cook and her tattoo skills may seem interesting but that's about it.
Jackson Jasper
He has tattoos and may like her skills with the ink. Perhaphs request her more tattoos? He also finds her beautiful and he is kind of a flirt himself. Might ask her out for a few drinks.
Jackson: She seems like a peace. *smirks*
The Hacker
Good looking, a bit crazy, loves horror movies and knows how to cook? Many qualities this guy will like about her. If she wants, she can practice tattooing on him... He wouldn't mind... And if she likes horror.... He will show her his redroom. First row seats.
The Hacker: Not bad... Not bad at all... If the dollface wants... I am willing to make a small hole into my schedule. *cocky smirk*
Bambi Miller
She is kind of an artist too. Bambi does wood carving and she would love to see Gigis tattoo pieces. Also they can make a girls night! Horror movies night! She also likes her attitude, optimistic but with a badass edge.
Bambi: She seems like a cool gal!
Dave Anthony
Mentally unstable? This poltergeist will have fun with that; stalking, teasing, haunting her... Using her past to torment her. He is simply a undead bully. If she has tattoos he will be tempted to rip them off. He will show her true horror.
Dave: Ohhhh... I think I found myself the next toy to play with.
Samuel Grayson
He will find her spirit and past to be sad, sensing that she went through a hard time, but her attitude may make him a little unsettling. He appreciates that she managed to be still alive and continued with her life.
Samuel: Despite her age.... She has the spirit of a small child.
Gerome and Axel (Miami Murderers)
They both like a badass woman and they find it cool that she is a tattoo artist. They don't have tattoos but they sure appreciate them. They could be on good terms with her optimistic side, well.... Gerome mostly.
Gerome: She seems like a cool chick.
Axel: She is fine... I guess.
Damiano Liberato
He doesn't understand... If she likes to dress sexy then why she opts for the baggy-man clothes.
Damiano: Ughh... She has potential but throw it out the window.
She thinks Gigi is a very alluring woman and pities on her past. This demoness would love to have a night with her... Watching horror movies and cuddling and maybe something more.
Azment: A tattoo artist? Does she have tattoos? And where? *lewd smile*
Mitch Carson
May see her as food. May see her as potential mate. It all depends on how she will act first around him, because Mitch is very unpredictable.
Mitch: *growls and sniffs her*
He can sense her past and he found it amusing that she killed at such a young age. He will be tempted to make her kill again.... Over and over again.
Azol: Ohhh I can sense it... A new puppet to play with.... And in the end... Fuck her soul out!
The Shadow
He can relate to her past because he grew up around a horrible family too. He may act neutral around her as long as she doesn't bother him and doesn't stick her nose into his business.
Shadow: She killed at such a young age.... Its just a matter of time before she will do it again.
Bahini Talibah
She feels bad about what happened to her. The people that were supposed to look after her, hurting her in all ways possible. Her aura is so broken yet she tries to be as bright as the sun.
Bahini: At last she tries to get on with her life and she is much stronger than she may think herself.
Xaviera Lah-Mo
She feels sad about her past too and will emphatize with her dearly but she is glad that she puts on a strong shield and goes on with her path in life.
Xaviera: I suppose not all parents are the same with their love for their children. *sad sigh*
Akshay Lah-Mo
Possible will feel bad for her, but doesn't show it. He will be probably interested into her tattoo skills.
Akshay: We all had our rough period of times. Good thing is that she doesn'tet it affect her that much...
Decebal Avram Chirilă
He will feel bad for what happened to her and try to comfort her, cheer her up by watching horror movies, and he will want to show her all his tattoos on his body and tell her about them.
Decebal: I love a badass woman! And I would love to try her cooking... I am not a picky eater. *grin*
Nadia Nikolina Chirilă
She will feel horrible for what happened to her, but she loves that she went through it and didn't took all the bullshit and finally fought back. Also, she will be interested into her tattoo skills and pieces.
Nadia: A woman can snap at any point and kill.
Alexander Chirilă
Again, like his siblings, he will feel sad for her past, and look up at her for she puts on the brave face and faced it all.
Alexander: I suppose everyone has a sad story to tell.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
This is for the oc thing i wanna try it :DD
Name: Mamoru
Age: n/a
Gender: n/a
Nicknames: Momo,Ruru,Mamo
Looks: mamoru appears to be a white smoke but can transform into any type of living things but they prefer animals, mostly cats and dogs (especially a shiba inu)
Location: Fukuoka,Japan, but they can be anywhere
Mamoru is a good spirit willing to protect the people away from the dangers and disasters, they warn them by going into their dreams or giving signs, if they like the person they will give them gifts like flowers and will protect that said person and follow them around(in their animal form), mamoru feeds on sadness and if they saw someone sad they will turn into a cat/dog and try to get their attention while eating away their sadness slowly, mamoru will also give luck for those who are kind and T̶o̶r̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ badlucks for those who dont
And thats mamoru! I hope you like them:DD
Richard Firewood
Richard is a far more realistic guy and he doesn't really believe in spirits and such things, but if he would see Mamoru he would probably deny their existence.
Richard: That is only a hallucination. Period.
Jackson Jasper
He isn't the most into believing about spirits either, but he will wonder if they saw Mamoru if he got too drunk and now sees stuff.
Jackson: I think I smoked too much weed because of no way that is real.
The Hacker
Surprisingly, this guy believes in paranormal and supernatural, because he got laid with one...Long story. I think he would be like 'What the hell do you want?' to Mamoru.
The Hacker: Good luck to me.... Like I need one, but thanks for groping by, doll. *smirks*
Bambi Miller
She believes in some supernatural stuff like pixies, but that's about it, so seeing Mamoru, she would be very excited and wrap them into her arms while into said animal form.
Bambi: I always believed when little that these kinds of things were real!
Dave Anthony
A good spirit? Well, Dave sure will make fun and harras Mamoru and make them cry because that's Dave. A big bad bully of the undead ones. There is no such thing as luck and he will make sure to put that through Mamorous ol' so good spirit.
Dave: You give people good luck, pussy? *smirks* Well.. I would love to tell you that I drive them mad until they kill themselves.
Samuel Grayson
He is an evil entity, but having a good spirit doesn't really bother Samuel, as long as they don't stay in his way. He will be on neutral territory with Mamoru.
Samuel: I rarely see good spirits... Mostly because they are swallowed into the pits of hell.
Gerome and Axel (Miami Murderers)
They both certainly don't believe in spiritual beings and such, so I don't really know how they would react to Mamoru. Gerome will sure loke them to see if they are real while Axel will facepalm.
Gerome: Yo, little fella... You real?
Axel: *facepalm*
Damiano Liberato
He will be intrigued by Mamoru and he will find their Asian Dog form very beautiful, maybe be tempted to dress them up.
Damiano: So... You bring luck? You might be usefull... But you need a stilish collar to go with your fur.
She will find Mamoru very cute and adorable. She might take them as a company pet to cherish.
Azment: Never thought about the prospect of a cute dog or cat... But you know what they say... Never say never. *smiles*
Mitch Carson
Is confused and unsure of them and he might poke them with an arrow to see if they bleed.
Mitch: *grunts and pokes Mamoru with a sharp arrow*
Mamoru is good luck? Well.... Azol is bad luck and they would stand a five minutes next to Azol who will probably make them cry. Azol is absolutly repulsive and has no shame.
Azol: They sound like a cute juicy cupcake... And I wanna stick my cocl into them! *evil laugh*
The Shadow
He is very fascinated by this so called creature or spirit or whatever they are... He might want to experiment on them... Or disect them. Whichever.
The Shadow: Supranatural isn't something I am studing too much... But there is always a start I suppose. *sharpens scalpel*
Bahini Talibah
She finds Mamoru very cute and wants to learn more about them. Their history... How they came to be... Their power.... From where does their good luck come.
Bahini: They are very interesting... And I love to be around them. They help with my anxiety.
Xaviera Lah-Mo
She is very spiritual into her thinking and finds this creature absolutly stunning, especially their shapeshifting abilitiy to turn into cat or dog.
Xaviera: They are so cute and adorable... And I wonder if they is just them or they are much more than one.
Akshay Lah-Mo
He may find Mamoru interesting and he will have a hard time to believe what he sees but he can feel the positive energy they give off and that's enough for them to be into the Polar bears good books.
Akshay: Yeah... They are good... First time I meet them, they brought me flowers to press into my book. *shrug*
Decebal Avram Chirilă
His home country has many legends about the supranatural so seeing a spirit like Mamoru will make him very excited. He is an adventurer after all and he basks into all the unbelivable.
Decebal: This fella looks super cool! Can they shapeshift into something else other than cat and dog?
Nadia Nikolina Chirilă
Just like Decebal, she knows many legends from her home country and other foreign legends. She finds Mamoru fascinating to say so.
Nadia: Good luck you say? If only I had good luck as a child. *sigh*
Alexander Chirilă
He is a big fan of supranatural on legends, fairytales and all that folklore. I can see him petting Mamoru as a Shiba Dog while he enjoys his green tea.
Alexander: They bring good luck... That's amazing... I am usually seen as bringing bad luck.... Like a black cat. *sad sigh*
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Me to asa chromeskull and your new oc
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Jesse is daddy to the fullest. I see Asa as more of a Master than Daddy and as for Damiano? He is more of a God. 😂
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