#Dan Fierro
TAoT: Chapter 22: Ultimate Enemy: Part 2
‘Old friend’? Danny eyed the newcomer warily. I’m sure I’ve never met this guy before.
The ghost’s grin gained a sphinxlike quality. “Oh, we haven’t met yet, have we? At least, not from your point of view.”
Sam marched forward, placing herself between Danny and the ghost. “What did you do with Skulktech?” She demanded.
The ghost waved his hand dismissively. “Oh, I just sent him back to his time. Or, rather,” the ghost’s appearance changed, growing old in the blink of an eye; near-skeletal hands gripped the staff, and a long, grandfatherly beard hung from his chin. He looked like an old wizard, especially with the same scar still on his face. “Forward to his own time. Time does not flow linearly for me.” The ghost changed again; this time, he looked like a child, and the staff shrunk in size. The ghost scoffed. “But why should I bother explaining? You’re fourteen.”
Was that an insult?
No. It is the truth, and you know it.
That felt like an insult.
Danny clenched his hands as annoyance began to simmer beneath his skin. “Who are you? Where are we?”
The ghost changed back to an adult and idly turned a dial on his staff. “When you’ve been around as long as I have, you go by many names. You should know all about that, right?” The ghost gave Danny a sidelong glance, and his unblinking gaze grated on Danny’s nerves. “Or should I say, you will know.” The ghost shrugged nonchalantly. “But, in answer to your first question, you may call me Clockwork, Master of Time.”
Danny stepped protectively in front of Sam. “‘Master of Time’?” Danny scoffed mockingly. “That’s a bit pretentious, isn’t it?”
He could feel his friends’ eyes boring into the back of his head, and he could practically hear them saying, ‘Danny, please don’t do something stupid. Please don’t pick a fight with this guy.’
Clockwork’s expression was mildly amused as he changed once more into an old man. “I suppose it is.”
“Okay, so if you’re the ‘Master of Time’,” Danny did air quotes with the title. “I’m guessing that you know why Skulktech showed up in my time. Right?” Danny was having difficulty trying to keep his emotions in check as his annoyance bubbled into anger.
“Oh, that was me,” Clockwork answered lightly, now in child form. “I was charged with destroying you, so that,” he gestured to the monitor they had been looking at. “Never happens.”
On the display, the image changed again, now showing the ghost—Future Danny—fighting against Annabeth and a guy that looked sort of like Danny, but with tanner skin and green eyes. The scene changed, and the ghost was now facing off against a girl in a green headscarf, a blonde guy with a glowing sword, and a person in a garish pink and green outfit. The scene changed once more. Now the ghost was fighting against a girl with caramel hair and a guy with dark brown hair, both of whom were dressed in simple white clothes.
In every scene, the ghost was clearly winning.
The scene started to change once again, but Danny couldn’t handle any more of… the future. His future.
“That’s not me! It can’t be! I would never do that to anyone!” Danny’s voice rose with each word, until he was shouting at the end. “Why do I have to pay for something that somebody else did?!”
Clockwork tilted his head, regarding Danny with a rather curious expression. Danny doubted it to be the case, but the ghost even appeared slightly apologetic.
Danny would have apologized for raising his voice, but he’d had a crappy day so far, and this ghost was the cause of it. He was late for school, he’d completely forgotten to return the test answers, and he had gotten beaten to kingdom come by a ghost from an apocalyptic future that Danny did not want to be a part of. And it was all this ghost’s fault.
“I’m goin’ ghost!”
Danny and his friends fell out of the portal. Danny managed to slow his fall and float a few inches above the ground, while Sam and Tucker tumbled to the earth below.
“Ouch…” Tucker whined as he sat up and glared at Danny. “What, you couldn’t catch us?”
“Sorry, I was a little busy trying to avoid getting us all murdered.” Danny argued back; admittedly, it had been rather stupid of him to pick a fight with a ghost who could literally control time, but… “Besides, you’ve got all those cushy plants to break your fall.”
Tucker frowned as he looked down. The asphalt where he and Sam had landed was cracked and worn, and thick green plants—vines, ferns, trees, etc—had broken through the rock. He stood and helped Sam up, glancing around uneasily as they took in the scene around them.
Tucker’s eyes widened in shock. “This is ten years in the future? It looks more like fifty! I’m not taking the CAT if this is all I’ve got to look forward to.”
Danny looked at the landscape surrounding them, and he had to agree. The buildings were in absolute ruins, with vines and other leafed plants climbing up their sides. The apartments, stores, and offices looked like something out of The Little Shop of Horrors. Some of the buildings were completely covered in vegetation, to the point that Danny couldn’t even tell what they had once been.
As for the plants, Danny realized upon closer inspection that they weren’t quite… normal. The greenery was thick and overgrown—far more than seemed natural. Danny didn’t recognize most of the plants—some looked like giant ferns, and others looked like they belonged underwater. Some of the plants were so bizarre, Danny was almost certain that they had existed during the time of the dinosaurs.
“Yeah, I’m a fan of nature and all, but this is a bit much. Even for me,” Sam admitted, kicking at a leafy vine the width of a tree trunk; it didn’t budge. “How did this all happen?”
“I don’t know,” Danny mumbled as he flew forward a few feet. “But based on what we saw back in Clockwork’s Tower… I have a really bad feeling I’m the one responsible.”
Suddenly, a hint of danger tingled at the back of Danny’s mind. A fern in front of him rustled, and before he could move, a pink net shot out and wrapped around him. He tried to phase through the webbing, and a sharp jolt of electricity shot through him in response. He cried out as he fell to the ground, and the one who had trapped him emerged from their hiding place in the undergrowth.
It was a woman in a strikingly familiar red and black jumpsuit. Though, the woman herself looked quite different from when Danny had last seen her. Her long curly hair had been buzzed short, and what was visible of her skin was marred with nicks and scars. She looked older—not just physically, but mentally. Emotionally. Hatred burned in her eyes like embers in a fire.
“Valerie?” Danny gawked in disbelief.
The huntress didn’t answer as she readjusted the bazooka on her shoulder, taking aim at the trapped halfa.
“Wait, you gotta listen to me!” Danny struggled against the net.
“You can’t fool me this time, Phantom.” The coldness in Valerie’s voice shocked Danny. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.” The bazooka whirred to life as Valerie glared hatefully at Danny. “Goodbye and good—”
The huntress was cut off as Sam and Tucker jumped between her and Danny, shielding him from her line of fire.
“Valerie, no!” Tucker exclaimed.
“Don’t shoot!” Sam pleaded.
Valerie stumbled back as if she’d been shocked. The bazooka was, thankfully, no longer aimed at Danny or his friends. Valerie paled as her gaze flicked between the living teens, and she looked as if she’d seen a ghost (No, bad Danny. This is not the time for jokes.)
“Sam?” She gasped, her voice raspy and full of disbelief. “Tucker? No, this has to be a trick! You died!”
Danny’s core stopped. Sam and Tucker died…? What…? Who…?
“‘Died’? As in ‘died’ died?” Tucker dropped his arms and looked at Sam, his expression horrified as he took a step back. “If that’s our future, I’m definitely not taking the CAT!”
“The CAT?” Valerie looked dazed. “That’s… that’s the last time I saw you guys alive. The explosion at the Nasty Burger… you and Lancer, and Jazz, and… and…” Her eyes widened in realization.
Valerie pointed her weapon at Danny again, the pink glow of its charge reflecting off the pavement. She looked furious. “And it was all your fault!”
Without warning, a wave of ecto-energy shot between the young teens and the older woman, sending Valerie flying backwards with a scream. Danny and his friends looked towards the source and Danny suddenly found that he couldn’t breathe.
There, floating several feet above them, was the ghost they had seen on the monitors in Clockwork’s Tower.
It was him.
The ghost glared at Valerie. “Actually, that was me.” His voice was lower than Danny’s, more grating. Danny shivered when the ghost turned his cold gaze to him with a malicious smile. “And you, eventually.”
The ghost, Future Danny—no… Dan (Danny refused to let this become his future)—landed in front of Danny and his friends.
“Sam and Tucker,” he drawled, his gaze flicking between the two humans. “It’s been a while. Ten years, to be exact.”
Dan raised his hand, ecto-energy glowing in his palm, and waved it in front of him, casting an ecto-stasis field over Sam and Tucker. They remained frozen in place as Dan sauntered forward with a smirk.
“So, to what do I owe this blast from the past?” Dan smirked, but it turned into a scowl when he saw the time medallion around Sam’s neck. “Clockwork, meddling again.” Dan’s gaze landed on Danny then, and his scowl deepened as he took in Danny’s appearance—specifically, the laurel wreath. “And why are you—”
Dan was interrupted by a pink ecto-blast that sent him flying backwards into an old building covered in a thick layer of ivy. Danny looked over and saw Valerie struggling to her feet, a wrist blaster on her left arm and two grenades in her right hand.
Dan emerged from the plants, looking slightly dazed, but his expression quickly morphed into one of anger as he snarled and flew towards Valerie. She flung her grenades one after the other at the fast approaching ghost. Dan turned himself into a weird green mist right as the grenades met his skin, causing them to pass harmlessly through him.
Unfazed, Valerie brought up her wrist ray and began firing at Dan. Dan split into two—one duplicate continued on Dan’s path towards the Red Huntress, while the other flew around to flank her. Valerie could only focus on one duplicate at a time.
With her attention focused on the duplicate that was trying to sneak behind her, the one charging towards her reached out and grabbed her wrists.
The two ghosts remerged, and Dan lifted Valerie into the air by her arm. His fist connected with her gut, and Danny heard a painful crack as the air was knocked from Valerie’s lungs and she was sent flying once more. Valerie landed roughly on what was left of the pavement a good fifteen feet away. Dan landed at her feet, looming menacingly over her.
“Where’s your usual fight, Valerie?” Dan asked mockingly. “I’ve let you live this long because I enjoyed our little squabbles.” Dan leaned down, grabbed Valerie by the throat, and lifted her into the air once more. He looked rather unimpressed as she clawed at his hand and began to squirm and kick. “But if you’re not going to fight anymore, I guess I’ll just have to kill you.”
NO! Danny struggled desperately against the net that held him captive. I have to… have to save her.
Danny watched helplessly as Valerie scratched weakly at the hand around her throat. Her eyes bugged out as her face turned red, and her mouth opened in a desperate gasp for air. Dan’s gaze was cold as he tightened his grip.
If only I could break these stupid ropes! Danny pulled at the netting, growling in frustration as it zapped his fingers. But then an idea came to him. What if he used his other transformation?
Danny remembered the weird transformation he had done three months ago; he also remembered that he had passed out each time he tried to use said transformation. As long as it could help Valerie, then I’m willing to try anything.
Danny closed his eyes and focused on the icy cold of his core. He hesitantly pulled at some of the power, and dug a little deeper until… there. He felt the faint burning of that roaring green fire. Just a little bit…
Danny felt the warmth of the transformation begin to envelop him and focused on expelling it out around him, destroying the net he was trapped in. Then he imagined that the flames were gone, and when he opened his eyes, they were. He was also wearing the tunic and sandals again, but he had far more important things to focus on at the moment.
Danny looked up to see Valerie hanging limply from Dan’s grasp, her hands dangling lifelessly at her sides. A blue mist hung in the air around her head, the last of it wafting from her mouth. Dan looked at her in vague disgust before he tossed her aside like a piece of garbage.
Danny reacted quickly and sped forward to catch her. He managed to grab her just before she hit the ground, and flew off before Dan could grab either of them.
I need to get her somewhere safe. Danny thought as he glanced down at Valerie. Somewhere-
Something was wrong.
Danny abruptly came to a stop, only twenty feet or so from Dan. He floated down to the ground as dread settled over him. No, she can’t be…
He laid Valerie down on the ground as gently as he could and took her wrist, pressing his fingers to her pulse point.
He felt nothing.
Frustrated, Danny pulled off her glove and tried again.
… Nothing.
His gaze went to her chest, and he watched anxiously, hoping, praying that…
She wasn’t breathing. She had no pulse. Her skin… her skin was already far too cold.
Valerie was dead.
And he hadn’t done anything to stop it.
Dan cackled behind him. “There was nothing you could have done,” he called out, as if he had read Danny’s mind. “Not once I had my hand around her throat.”
Danny didn’t turn around—not yet, at least. He gently folded Valerie’s arms across her stomach, and closed her eyes. Now, she at least appeared to be sleeping.
:Thank you for your help, my friend,: Danny whispered.
Danny felt like there was something more he could have done for her—something he should have done—but there wasn’t enough time for him to think about it. Not right now. Danny felt something brush against his arm; it felt like a cool breeze.
But… there wasn’t any wind.
Danny ignored it as he got to his feet. He turned to face his evil older self, and dread dropped like a rock in his stomach at what he saw.
Sam and Tucker were suspended a few feet off of the ground, still frozen in green ecto-energy. Dan paced in front of them, like a lion around its prey. His mouth moved as if he were talking to them, but Danny was too far away to hear him.
Danny’s vision wavered for a split second—his strength was fading. He couldn’t stay in this form for very long. He shook his head to clear his vision, before he brought his hands up and shot a dual ecto-blast at Dan.
The beam was bigger than Danny had anticipated. It forced him back a few steps from the sheer force behind it, but Danny didn’t have time to think about that as his ecto-blast flew towards Dan.
Dan seemed to sense the impending attack and turned around, firing one of his own ecto-blasts just as Danny’s hit him square in the chest, knocking Dan to the ground and freeing Sam and Tucker. Dan’s ecto-blast hit Danny in the gut, knocking him flat on his back and forcing the air from his lungs.
Sucking in a breath, Danny sat up and looked at his friends. They hadn’t moved away from Dan yet, clearly in shock. They needed to move before Dan got back on his feet.
:Sam! Tucker!: Danny shouted.
His friends’ gazes snapped to him.
Tucker just stared at Danny, as if he didn’t understand him. Sam, on the other hand, jumped to her feet, grabbed Tucker’s arm, and ran away, dragging Tucker behind her. Tucker, thankfully, was quick to get his feet under him and run after her.
Danny caught a glance of where his friends were running to, and froze. He recognized that building, no matter how it looked now, all derelict and covered in wild plants. How could he not? He grew up within its walls.
Sam and Tucker were running towards what was left of FentonWorks.
Dan got to his feet with a pained grimace, but he shook it off as he realized that they were trying to escape.
“Run? Where are they going to go?” Dan grinned evilly at Danny, before he turned around.
Danny watched in horror as Dan inhaled and released the power he had used to annihilate Camp Half-Blood and its residents.
Sam and Tucker froze in their tracks, covering their ears in an ineffectual attempt to block out that horrible sound.
Nonono I have to save them. I have to stop him. Danny flew at Dan with blinding speed, ramming into the older ghost. Dan’s wail was cut short, but not soon enough to stop the dilapidated building from crumbling and falling towards Sam and Tucker.
Danny tried to fly to his friends and rescue them—he had to save them, he had to—but Dan caught him by the ankle. Danny could only watch as what was left of the Ops Center fell on top of Sam and Tucker.
Danny cried out in pain as electricity suddenly coursed through his body. His transformation shorted out, leaving him exhausted and human. Dan cackled as he swung Danny around and threw him into the pile of rubble that had buried his friends.
Danny landed heavily on the pavement. None of the plants had broken his fall—it was almost as if they had a mind of their own and had moved out of the way.
Groaning, Danny propped himself up on his elbows and turned his gaze up towards the wreckage. He nearly cried out in relief when he saw two medallions laying among the debris.
They’re alive! Danny thought with relief as he pushed himself to his knees. “They took off their medallions and went back to our time.” Danny reached up to his medallion. “Which means I can…”
Dan’s hand shot out and grabbed Danny’s wrist. Danny was roughly pulled to his feet, and brought face to face with his evil older self. Dan looked infuriated, and his eyes reminded Danny of two red supergiants, ready to collide with one another.
“Means what? That you can go back home and act like this never happened?” Dan snarled, his free hand glowing green. “I don’t think so. You’re not going anywhere. Not if I have anything to say about it. Oh, wait.”
He bared his fangs in an awful grin that sent chills down Danny’s spine. “I do have a say, and you will never leave. Especially,” he ripped the medallion from around Danny’s neck. His eyes glowed with a malevolent light. “If you can’t remove your time medallion.”
Dan turned the medallion intangible and plunged it into Danny’s chest.
Danny screamed, his voice echoing through the decimated remains of Amity Park. Every square inch of his chest was filled with a searing pain as the medallion touched his core. It felt like dry ice was filling his lungs, and it burned. It burned, it burned, it burns-
Dan pulled his hand out of Danny’s chest, but the pain didn’t cease. The medallion continued to shift, its teeth scraping and gouging against Danny’s core as it settled into place. The medallion struck the bottom of Danny’s sternum, and his vision went white, his ears ringing so loudly he thought he might go deaf. He knew that he was still screaming, but it sounded echoey and far away, as if it were somebody else. He couldn’t feel anything except pain, so much pain…
And then he blacked out.
Danny stood by the lake again. He could see the three islands clearly in the distance; he hated those islands. Those islands, where he could not go. Where his mother would be going, and leaving him behind. He turned to his mother, whose hands he held tightly in his own.
:Why?: He asked, although he already knew her answer. :Why must you go?:
His mother smiled at him sadly. He was not used to her new form; she still had blue eyes (just like his own), but her once black hair now glistened like snow, and she glowed with a heavenly sort of light. All that remained of her old form was her priestess’ laurels—silvery white leaves, tied together with light blue ribbons—which Danny now wore atop his own head. She had traded them for a flower crown that Danny had made for her. Poppies, lilies, anemones, chrysanthemums, and dianthus now adorned her hair.
Once, Danny and his mother had looked almost the same; Danny didn’t really have any physical traits from his father, except for the faintest hint of gold in his irises.
:Because I am needed, Athos,: his mother explained patiently. :My father has bestowed this role upon me, to guide and welcome those who have done good. Who have given their lives for a greater cause, given their life for another, or lived a virtuous life.:
:But—: Danny’s throat constricted as tears filled his eyes. :But that is not fair! It is not good or virtuous of you to leave me, and go where I cannot follow! I never lived a full life!:
His mother brought her hands to his cheeks, where she wiped away the stray tears that had begun to fall. :Athos, my son, have faith,: she said softly. :Have faith in yourself. You can live a full life. You have that choice.:
Danny felt his stomach churn at what she was suggesting. :But…: He looked away from her and to the east, where he knew there flowed a river of white that, if he chose its path, would erase all that he had ever known. :But what if I am not good? What if I do not do right, and I cannot return home to you?:
His mother pulled him close and placed a kiss on top of his head. :I have faith in you, Athanasios. You will return to me, one way or another.:
Something was wrong. When Danny inhaled and exhaled, he felt something wrong—like some object was rubbing uncomfortably against his core. Slowly, his other senses came back to him. He could feel rough pavement against his cheek, and the familiar chill of ectoplasm coiled tightly around his torso, pinning his arms to his sides. Danny winced at the bright sunlight as he opened his eyes, and he slowly sat up.
Everything hurt, but that was kinda normal for him by this point. His vision spun, and Danny closed his eyes as he tried not to throw up. His head hurt, as if someone had cracked it against a brick wall.
How long had he been out? Had he been dreaming? What had he dreamt about…?
The more Danny tried to remember it, the faster the memory left him, until he wasn’t sure he’d dreamt anything at all.
Feeling more stable, Danny opened his eyes again. His vision had cleared, and he now noticed a large statue in front of him. It was old and weathered, covered in thick greenery. But, as Danny watched, the plants slithered away, revealing the stone monument underneath. Danny shuddered—it was like… the plants were sentient. Like they were moving themselves.
However, he quickly lost interest in that once he realized what the monument was. It was a memorial for his family and friends, with the inscription, “Gone But Not Forgotten” etched across its base.
Danny felt his heartbeat pick up, and tears began to prick at the corners of his eyes. What happened to them? What got them in the end?
Danny managed to roll onto his knees despite his torso and arms being wrapped tightly together in glowing green ropes, and he winced as the bindings rubbed against cuts and bruises on his arms. He looked around, taking in his surroundings.
He was in a spacious clearing with the ruins of a large building next to him. Huge plants—flowering trees and overgrown bushes—sat along the edges of the clearing, their leaves swaying in a nonexistent wind.
Why am I here? Danny asked himself, before turning his focus back to the ruined building.
Underneath the dirt and grime, Danny could make out what were once white walls and doors. Glass littered the ground around the building. From the stinging pain in Danny’s cheek, he guessed that he might’ve gotten some of the finer glass dust in his cuts. Ouch.
Something white and red in the corner of Danny’s vision caught his eye. It was a sign.
A sign that Danny knew very, very well.
“The Nasty Burger?” Danny’s throat felt like sandpaper. “What happened?”
“Oh, nothing much.” A cold voice spoke. Dread filled the pit of Danny’s stomach at the sound.
Danny looked back up at the standing remains of the Nasty Burger just in time to see Dan round the corner. He appeared nonchalant, but Danny’s core sensed the dangerous vibes Dan was giving off.
“Just one huge fireball of combustible condiments that changed my whole future.”
“W-what?” Danny looked back at the ruined restaurant. This time he could see burn marks and stains beneath the soot and dirt. N-no, that c-can’t be… “T-that can’t…”
“Can’t what?” Dan leaned against the wall, his arms folded over his chest.
“T-that can’t—” Danny swallowed past the lump that was forming in his throat. “They can’t be dead. That can’t be… how they died.”
“How childish can you be? No one chooses how they die.” Dan chuckled mirthlessly. “Some die in fiery explosions, others get shot in the head, and others… never even get a chance to live…” Dan trailed off, scowling into the distance as if he were lost in thought.
Danny felt like a vise had clamped around his chest, making it hard to breathe. M-mom and Dad… gone in an… explosion? Danny blinked away the tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes. What about Sam and Tucker a-and Jazz? Did they… were they there when…?
Dan looked back towards Danny, glowering. “Giatí eísai tóso diaforetikós? (‘Why are you so different?’)”
“I-I don’t know w-what you’re saying,” Danny said shakily. He had understood a couple of the words, but…
“Interesting,” Dan quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t know Greek in your human form.”
“Well, I know a few words,” Danny corrected. “But what do you mean ‘in my human form’? It’s not like I know it better in my ghost form, or… any other form.”
Dan stared at him, dumbfounded. “Oh, really? Because I’m pretty sure that I heard you speaking Greek when you did that weird transformation earlier.” He gave Danny a strange look, one that Danny couldn’t quite place. “Decided to take inspiration from the old look, did you?”
Danny could not be more confused. “What?” What did Dan mean by ‘old look’? Was… he talking about Danny’s… other transformation? “What are you talking about?”
Dan stared at him through narrowed eyes for a moment, before a Cheshire grin spread across his face. “You don’t know yet, do you?”
“Know what?” Danny asked, growing rather frustrated. What did Dan know about Danny that Danny didn’t?
“You don’t know the single most important thing about yourself.” Dan sneered before turning towards the plants. “You hear that, Mitéra Gi? (‘Mother Earth?’) He doesn’t know!”
The plants swayed, and the rustling sound made Danny strongly suspect that the foliage was laughing at him.
“What’s with the weird plants? Why do they move on their own?” Danny asked, trying to focus on something else for a time. He… didn’t want to dwell on what had happened to his friends and family in this timeline.
“Oh, these little things?” Dan gestured towards the plants. “These are just a little something from my… benefactor.”
“Benefactor?” Who would possibly support this nutcase? “Why would anyone support all this chaos? W-who would…?”
Dan bared his fangs in a grin that sent shivers down Danny’s spine. “Someone who wants all of humanity and their gods destroyed.”
Danny’s core froze. Someone wanted all humans and gods destroyed? Who would want something like that? Why would anyone want that?
Danny hadn’t noticed before, but there was a strange golden coloring to Dan’s gloves. It completely coated the tips of his clawed fingers, and continued down his forearms. Danny didn’t know what it was, but… an uneasy feeling filled his gut as he looked at it.
Dan noticed Danny’s stare. “You looking at this?” He raised his hand as if he were showing off a ring, and the golden stains glittered in the sunlight. “Yeah, ichor is pretty messy. Doesn’t like to wash out.” Dan grinned sharkishly. “Not that I mind, though. It’s kinda like a trophy.”
“Ichor?” Danny repeated slowly. He’d heard that somewhere… “Wait, like, god blood? You killed a god?”
Dan’s grin turned maniacal. “Oh, only the ones that got in my way,” he gloated, but then his expression faltered slightly, as if he were remembering something upsetting. “Well, them and a couple of others.”
“W-wait, but…” Dan’s revelation just didn’t make sense in Danny’s mind. “Y-you can’t kill a god. They’re immortal.”
Dan barked a short laugh. “Immortal, my ass! All I had to do was hunt down a stupid sea cow, and next thing I knew they were just as killable as any old human.”
“Wait, hold up.” Danny grunted as he stood up; his knees were killing him. “I am so lost right now. A sea cow? What even…?”
Dan scoffed amusedly. “I know, right? Who even thought of using the Ophiotaurus for that?”
“The what?” Danny said bewilderedly. “Okay, now you’re just making up words.”
Dan’s amused smirk faded as he stared at Danny in disbelief. “You don’t know what the Ophiotaurus is?” At Danny’s shrug, Dan scoffed again, more scornfully. “What is he even teaching you with that worthless apprenticeship?”
Something about the way Dan said that caught Danny’s attention. Wait, is this version of me not an apprentice? Danny wondered. Did Thanatos end the apprenticeship with him? W-will he end mine as well? What did I do to…?
Before Danny could ask anything about Dan’s apprenticeship—how it had ended, or if he’d even had one—Dan let out a long-suffering sigh, like a teacher trying to explain something to an especially slow student. “The Ophiotaurus is a sea monster. When a demigod kills it and burns its entrails, they gain the power to kill gods. And that’s what I did.”
Wait a minute…
“B-bu-wait, I’m not a demigod!” Danny stammered. His brain was… having trouble processing Dan’s statement, to say the least. “You’re me, a-and I’m not a demigod! I-I’m mortal. I’m just a legacy o-of Hades, not…” Danny shook his head. “No, you’re lying.”
But why would he lie about that?
Dan grinned venomously, his fangs bared like a snake’s. “What would I have to gain from lying to myself?”
Danny was lost. Demigod? There was literally no way Danny was a demigod. What was Dan talking about? He didn’t… What had happened to cause this future? Why would his future possibly end up like this? H-he didn’t want to kill people. Why did… why did Dan cause all of this destruction? Why did he…?
“What about Thanatos?” Danny asked quietly.
Dan flinched, his gaze snapping to Danny’s own. “What?” He growled out.
Another chill ran down Danny’s spine as Dan’s flames flared up like a fire with fresh kindling. “Th-Thanatos…?” Danny repeated. “W-what does he think about—”
“I heard you the first time,” Danny scrambled away as Dan stalked towards him. Dan’s eyes glowed like coals in a furnace, his expression full of unbridled rage as he snarled at Danny. “And I don’t give a damn what he thinks.”
Dan lunged forward and grabbed Danny by the neck, lifting the smaller halfa from the ground and bringing him face to face. His furious gaze bore into Danny’s rather alarmed expression.
“You know what? I just don’t get it,” Dan muttered. “Why did he choose you? What’s so special,” his grip on Danny’s throat tightened, forcing a small, pained gasp out of him. “About you?”
Danny couldn’t respond, even if he wanted to. Stars danced across his vision as Dan’s grip tightened, completely cutting off Danny’s airflow. Why was Dan so upset? What did Danny say to piss him off? Was Dan just going to kill him, just like he did to Valerie—
Dan’s grip loosened, and he threw Danny roughly to the pavement. He regarded Danny with a cold glare as the younger halfa coughed harshly, trying to catch his breath.
“I don’t know why he chose you,” Dan sneered. “But it doesn’t matter. You’ll still become me, whether you want to or not.”
Dan waved his hand, and a swirling green portal opened behind Danny. The younger halfa glared at Dan as the elder drew closer to him.
“You’re not me,” Danny spat at him. “I could never become someone like you!”
“No,” Dan remarked coldly. “You couldn’t.” And, much to Danny’s horror, Dan changed. A blue-white ring formed around his waist, and it split in half before traveling over Dan’s form. When it faded, he looked…
He looked just like Danny.
“But I can make you.” Dan finished, and he even sounded like Danny, he—
Before Danny could say or do anything, Dan grabbed him by the ropes. He walked forward, stopping just feet from the portal, and threw Danny into the swirling green depths.
First: Prologue
Previous: Chapter 21
Next: Chapter 23
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Worlds Collide: Prologue
Odalia looked at the scroll of truth. The scroll contained a list of all the people that could stop her plans of total domination. The scroll read:
Gaston, Perry the Platypus, Mowey the Mower, Dr Robotnik, Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Donkey Kong, Lego Deadpool, Tangomangle 2, the last Riolu, Heavily Armed Waddle Dee, Senator Armstrong, Megamind, Waluigi, W. D. Gaster, Mine Turtle, Dr Fox, Wooper, Spider-Man, Silver, Morshu, Mettaton, the last Scope Primid, Gotta Sweep, Sody Pop, Colonel Sandurz, Melvin Sneedly, Saponza, Villager #4, Vengeful True Sun God, the octopus that was given boots before being sent to North Korea, Entrapta, Charles Calvin, the Shopkeeper Tem, M Bison, Wario, Chara, Beta Wooper, Mario, the Terrorist Corgi, Barry Steakfries, Sephiroth, Worf, the Temmienator, The Ice Climbers, Orcane, Master Wu’s pet chicken, The I Like Trains Kid, Serial Designation N, Derek Baum, Heavy Weapons Guy, Squidward, He-Man, Yzma, Jerma, Catra, Marquaad, The Daladas, Fox McCloud, Tom, Steve Irwin, Dan the Man, Wooly the Talking Sheep, Colonel Sanders, Ganondorf Suavemente, Robin, Pengu, Riggy Runkey, Alex Fierro, The last threepeater, Sans, Rex Dangervest, Dio, Count Dazzlewether, baby with a gun, King, Blue Shirt Guy, Ralsei, The totem Flareon, Killpuddle, Keith, Rouxls Kaard, Freya McCloud, Keith, Twice, The first Big Shot, Master Hand, Joker, Q, Big Jack Horner, Bill Cipher, Scary Larry, Lord Garmadon, Daisy Kaboom, Doom Guy, Monkey D. Luffy, Peely, Star-Lord, Dirk Dinkum, The sports master Matt, Om Nom, Woshua, Chris McLean, Victini, Luap, Paul Jr, Martin The Warrior, the orb, feesh, Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog, Johnny 5, The totem Flareon’s umbreon mate, One-Shot Wren, Prisoner Bakon, Shadow Midas, Sam I Am, the annoying dog, Denki Kaminari, Leonidas, The Nug, Pomni, Disco Zombie, Ronin, Pepsiman, Thor, Deadpool, SpongeBob, Scratch, the last two red pandas, Mega Man, Henry Stickmin, Arthur Reed, Shrek, Micro Manager 95, the stranded cube fiend, Sonic, Brian the Barbarian, Wes, Browncoat, Tabuu, Ail-mint, and Boshi.
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moreclaypigeons · 1 year
Tagged by @entguarde !!
1. Three ships: the titanic, SS Hornet, Mayfl- oh shit wrong ships ok. Oksamber (Amber Gris + Oksana Kodira from The Adventure Zone ethersea<3), Lumity (Amity Blight + Luz Noceda from The Owl House), and Fierrochase (Magnus Chase + Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
2. First ship: Percabeth (twinsies ENT!!) <3 absolutely my beloveds I was obsessed with them both as characters and their dynamic together and how it developed cause it was truly just build on trust and respect and time. They're the og blupjeans
3. Last song: Olive Branch by Sophie Holohan
4. Last movie: Glass Onion! I am not a big movie person but holy shit I fell in love w this movie and its whole genre. I really want to watch knives out now.
5. Currently reading: nothing..? I just finished Frankenstein though and have a few more weeks(?) worth of research and analysis etc to do with that one for my class so
6. Currently watching: not a TV person! Guess I'm like rewatching Dan and Phil w one friend and watching Markiplier play FNAF with another? If that counts?
7. Currently consuming: in the middle of an ethersea relisten! Episode 20 baybeee
8. Currently craving: a carnitas tostada. There is never a time when I am not.
9. Currently playing: this was not part of the original tag but I want to see everyones video games. I'm currently playing Sims 4 occasionally. And also Wii sports w my friends. And spore. Yeah okay half the things I've said in this tag make it seem like 2013 tbh but if it's not broken don't fix it
9. Tagging: @interstellar-interloper @boydykedevo @starry--skies @yourlocalvastard
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Está va a ser mi carta de suicidio porque alguna vez voy a tomar la decisión de acabar conmigo y quiero decirle las razones por la que tomé esta decisión estoy enferma mentalmente desde los 9 años tengo 21 años ahora, a los 14 como que me recupere un poco porque mis primas me invitaron a a salir al boliche a ir a la plaza a tomar mate pero de repente el grupo que que teníamos se separo yo pensaba que también eran mis amigos pero no solo era la prima una de mis persona favorita, no tengo amigos no tengo vida y me cansé de sentir esto sí yo sé que en algún momento yo voy a tomar esta decisión voy hacer sufrir a mucha gente, pero siento que la gente es egoísta porque b me piden que me quedé acá cuando estoy sufriendo mucho yo tengo cortadas en mis muñecas Yo lo hacía porque en ese momento me sentía bien porque me olvidaba del sufrimiento mental un momento hace mucho tiempo que me dan ganas de volver a serlo estoy sufriendo tanto mi mi prima no como mi hermana me hizo prometer que no lo iba a hacer me dijo que yo era especial para ella Y si le prometí pero yo siento que en algún momento la cabeza se me va a dar vuelta y aunque se lo prometí a tanta gente a mi hermanito mi pequeño, a mi tía Mariana en un momento van a encontrar este escrito les quiero decir que lo siento tanto haber tomado esa decisión los quiero mucho y a mi ahijada qué es una personita tan especial para mí una de las más importantes qué la quiero b tanto pero tanto Espero que tu mamá te hable de mí que te cuente cómo era quiero dedicar algunas palabras a Sofía sabes que me ayudaste mucho en las peores situaciones vos estuviste ahí nunca me abandonas Qué SOS una persona de Fierro qué te deseo todo lo bueno del mundo, a mi querida Mayra no puedo expresar con palabras lo que siento por vos y las cosas que hiciste por mí
las palabra que decías para que no pensará esa forma que era muy joven que tenía la vida por delante pero te juro prima yo no veía nada me sentía insuficiente y que nunca porque nunca me iba a recoger perdón por defraudarte por haber tomado esa decisión perdón 1000 veces perdón, mamá luego de que murió la abuela no volviste a ser la misma te refugias tener en el alcohol Qué te volviste adicta Te amo tanto me acompañaste en cada momento de mi enfermedad pera búscame las pastillas para buscar psicólogo para buscar psiquiatra perdón por haber tomado esa decisión pero yo sentía Qué era la única manera de acabar con todo ese sufrimiento y a mi tía Mariana yo sé qué te va a doler tanto mi muerte yo no soy como vos fuerte perdiste un hijo Y todavía seguís de pie pero yo no pude contra mi enfermedad te amo y te amaré por siempre mi tía Fabiana Yo sé que vos estuviste a mi lado cuando pasó todo lo de mi mamá antes de que te agarra la cv y te voy a estar totalmente agradecido te amo mucho, mi hermanito vos sos lo más importante para mí pero no lo suficiente para no matarme pero ya no no voy a a poder verte crecer te quiero decir que te amo tanto pero tanto yo te amo con todas mis fuerzas sé que te lo prometí mi amor pero no pude te amo y para las otras personas para marco para Karen para el el tío Daniel y para todas las personas que yo considere mi familia este es mi adiós para ustedes espero que un día recuerden de una buena manera no esa persona deprimida suicida los amo mucho pero ya no aguante este sufrimiento adiós para siempre
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iamartender · 17 days
Sangre de mi concha nácar.
Extremos impacientes de los sueños.
El libertado contra libertinado.
Uno contra su mismo,
Su gloria, su erotismo.
El fracaso del instinto.
La ignorancia hecha cartón y sangre.
Cartón de la hipocresía colonial.
Sangre de mi sangre descolorida.
La ignorancia hecha gritos idiotas.
El indigenismo herramienta de deshecho.
Porque para sufrir el colonialismo
solo falta señalar,
les fascina irresponsabilizarse.
Porque para responsabilizar a la individualidad hace falta transtornarse en pecado.
Pendejo Pachi.
¡No ven tus ojos!
Idiota hipócrita.
¿De quien eres?
Lugar de tus resultados cuestiono.
¿Como has sido contigo?
Que tu contexto te traiciona.
Que te dan ganas de intimar la idea.
¿Es acaso te inmiscuiste en mis poemas?
Pendejo pachi.
¡Ni ven tus ojos!
Gentrificación somos.
Ignorancia sufres.
Individualidad faltas.
Comando deseas,
locura tuya,
faltarás encontrarla.
Albán, papilas de mis sabores.
Sin queja alguna me derrito en tus nitrogenados algodones.
Fragmentos chatarrosos me rodean.
Fierro viejo se consume a la movida de la franquicia.
Estratos de minerales sin termitas.
¿Es acaso que ves los insectos?
¿O eres parte de ellos compita?
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justlikeheaven1 · 2 months
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En alguna ocasión, muy a su pesar, nos levantamos muy temprano, ella preparó un café y lo puso en un termo a la vez que salíamos corriendo de casa con la oscuridad del amanecer aún sobre nosotros, fuimos en busca del bus o del colectivo com dice ella ahora, algo de nerviosismo y apuro advertía yo cada que ella miraba por la ventana a la vez que observaba con insistencia el reloj, bajamos del bus y corrimos hasta la orilla del río, tomábamos pequeños sorbos de café para apaciguar el frío de aquella mañana de invierno, mientras veíamos como el sol emergía desde la profundidad del río de la Plata.
En otra oportunidad, presenciamos por causalidad un alumbramiento al interior de un bote que se encontraba anclado a orillas del río Tigre.
Una mañana, después de carreras y nerviosismo ante la posibilidad de perder el Ferry que nos llevaría de vuelta a Buenos Aires, nos encontramos sentados en la terminal de buses de Montevideo, comiendo los sandwiches de huevo que habíamos preparado en el hostal de Punta del Este.
Gritamos las letras de Johansen en el Niceto Club, bailamos con la música de Juanes en aquel parque de Buenos Aires, la vì gozar ante el embrujo de las tamboras en el Konex, le pedí que fuéramos novios aquella noche en la Fernández Fierro, cantamos a reventar a Fito en el Movistar, en el mismo lugar donde nos emocionamos con Drexler, brincamos hasta el cansancio con el Diamanete y me pasé de copas a su lado escuchando a los Alcolirykoz.
Anduvimos en Tuc Tuc por la troncal del caribe mientras nos reíamos por las picaduras de las aguas malas, nos arrastramos bajo el sol inclemente de Isla Mujeres y encontramos la redención en San Guaré, no estoy muy seguro si en su hermosa playa o en el oscuro lago fosforescente o allí, aterrados en alguna parte del mar mientras careteábamos.
Los días nos han encontrado tirados en la cama, hablando, acariciándonos, riendo, llorando, la he visto asombrada ante la belleza de una flor, ante lo inexplicable de una obra de arte en algún museo en Baires o en Ciudad de México o en Bogotá, la he visto suspirar ante la inmensidad de los cerros en Machu Pichu o el horizonte encapotado de Lima, he notado como se derrite ante la sonrisa inocente de los niños, sobre todo de aquellos a los que adora, la he visto cerrar sus ojos y deleitarse al borde de las lágrimas ante un plato delicioso, la he escuchado mientras comparte su inmensa luz a más de uno que ha tocado su puerta buscando un refugio ante la oscuridad.
Es un recuento corto, muy pequeño, de todos aquellos simples instantes que he compartido a su lado, como aquellos simples instantes que rememora 22 en el cuerpo de Joe, en aquel instante en el que el viento trae a sus manos un trozo de hoja que cae del árbol, o como aquellos momentos en los que Hirayama fotografía aquel árbol intentando capturar el komorebi, aquellos pequeños instantes que le dan sentido a la vida.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
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The GT has more of the concepts we like the giant tail in the back is not a bad idea there are few things that we change would make it look awesome when is you bump the rear right out of course and the accents and so forth would be integral not split in half the front end would be lower on the intake would be slightly different close to this though
Thor Freya
We did a good job it means and it's pretty intense looking people are not making fun of it later on it was fast
Mac Daddy
He was going about 190 and people liked it and they said he's doing a good job and it's nice car and run faldetta said oh GT and he went out and got one and we saw him driving around and he loved it it was very fast and he could barely stand it when you saw you he said he's doing his job it's intense now it's off the planet it's so cool and these iron Man is our friend think that's the most cool thing he's ever heard of and he wants to try a suit he'll probably get locked in it panic and break out lol
Ben Arnold
Oh boy
Mac Daddy
I think we'll sign off and sell on this and make a deal
Haha okay Papa on the fierro we understand no but okay
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arquivogamer · 3 months
Rockstar se pronuncia: a arte de GTA San Andreas
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O diretor de Arte da Rockstar North, Aaron Garbut, concede uma rara entrevista sobre os visuais de um dos maiores jogos de todos os tempos. Façam silêncio, o homem que comanda o estilo de San Andreas está aqui.
Entrevista por Patrick Garratt | Contribuidor Atualizado no dia 14 de julho de 2004
Dando continuidade à fascinante entrevista com a lenda da Rockstar, Dan Houser, feita ontem pela revista oficial PlayStation 2 Reino Unido, nós escavamos mais uma raridade da mesma edição. Aaron Garbut, diretor de arte da Rockstar North, explica resumidamente por que San Andreas se tornará o jogo definitivo de sua geração: seu estilo. Desde os prédios à iluminação, de punks dando um rolê por ruelas às montanhas de 800 metros de altura, Garbut dita as regras em todos esses aspectos. Sem pressão, então. Leia tudo. Leia cada palavra.
A cara das três cidades de San Andreas
"Nosso foco foi fazer com que cada área transmitisse uma sensação distinta, mas sem perder a coerência com o todo. Essas cidades (Los Santos, San Fierro e Las Venturas) de fato se encaixam e trazem elementos diversos para essa combinação. Acho muito importante garantir que cada área pareça única, não apenas as cidades, mas os distritos dentro delas.
"Não há nada mais entediante do que um jogo que só é grande para dizer que é. Podíamos ter feito Grand Theft Auto 3 ou Vice City muito maiores, repetindo as mesmas coisas do começo ao fim, enchendo linguiça, mas ninguém quer dirigir por quilômetros e mais quilômetros de prédios idênticos. Se fizéssemos carros muito mais lentos, alcançaríamos o mesmo efeito.
"Quero dar a sensação de que podemos descobrir coisas novas em qualquer ponto em que paramos, quero sentir que posso escalar um telhado, quero conhecer o mapa e reconhecer onde estou, sem precisar checar instruções na internet.
"Apreciar a paisagem é uma experiência muito mais rica neste jogo, há muito para se ver e tudo é interativo. Não é um cenário feito para se passar com pressa. É um mundo criado com atenção aos detalhes, é envolvente."
Precisão na temática
"Em Nova Iorque, temos uma equipe de pesquisadores que ajuda de forma constante. A Rockstar costuma dar atenção aos detalhes, digamos assim, beirando a insanidade. Várias pessoas envolvidas no projeto trabalham fora dos escritórios e sabem muito bem o que fazem. O pessoal de Nova Iorque também nos forneceu, literalmente, milhares de fotografias de personagens e também nos enviou uma infinidade de gravações para que pudéssemos estudá-las. E claro que, como sempre, ficamos obcecados por cada filme que fosse relevante para o trabalho."
Uma missão em busca de autenticidade
"Munida de câmeras, toda a equipe voou para cada cidade. Fizemos uma longa viagem pelos estados, em um comboio da Lincoln Town Cars... Paramos em cada cidade e ficamos por lá até obter fotografias de cada canto possível. Foi mesmo épico. Os mais corajosos foram em grupos pequenos até as áreas mais amedrontadoras, bem no coração do território das gangues de Los Angeles. Algumas partes foram mesmo assustadoras. Mas é impossível capturar a alma de um lugar se você nunca de fato o vivenciou. As áreas perto de bares, clubes e piscinas também foram bem observadas.
"Todos os prédios do jogo são verificados por pesquisadores que buscam erros arquitetônicos ou históricos, em seguida, passam por um refinamento até que não haja mais o que fazer."
O que entra no jogo
"Não há limites, se algo se encaixa no mundo do jogo, se não parece desconexo, fica bonito e funciona, então vai para o jogo. Nos divertimos muito durante a criação e acho que seria muito estranho se nossas personalidades arrojadas ficassem de fora do senso de humor do jogo. Acho que isso diz muito sobre nós, como tendemos a ficar obcecados por abarrotar o jogo com o máximo de duplo sentido possível. Acho que o duplo sentido disparou desde Grand Theft Auto 3, que foi provavelmente nossa maior conquista."
De Vice City a San Andreas
"A criação de Vice City foi um processo intenso. Terminamos Grand Theft Auto 3 e logo em seguida seguimos para Vice City, foi um projeto muito curto dentro de um ano. Não tivemos o luxo de parar para refletir. Foi o tipo de situação em que focamos no que precisávamos fazer e demos o nosso melhor. Desta vez, tivemos a oportunidade de ter um ano a mais para trabalhar. Pudemos parar para observar Grand Theft Auto 3 e Vice City, procurando coisas que funcionavam e que não funcionavam, em todos os sentidos e não apenas visualmente.
"A iluminação sempre teve um papel importante na aparência dos nossos jogos, e essa foi uma das questões de maior foco. Agora temos um conjunto de diferentes iluminações para dia e noite. Todo o mapa muda lentamente de uma iluminação para a outra, luz de neon reflete nas ruas, postes de luz iluminam os prédios, as sombras do sol se transformam gradualmente em luz lunar. A iluminação enriqueceu substancialmente.
"Usamos várias técnicas de compressão para aumentar os detalhes de nossos modelos, desde o mapa até os carros e pedestres. Também deixamos o jogo muito mais afiado, adicionando efeitos meteorológicos e o abarrotando com o máximo de detalhes especiais que podíamos, e alguns que não podíamos também..."
Perambulando pelo campo
"Eu amo o campo. É tão revigorante dirigir para fora da cidade até o campo, passando pelos pastos das fazendas e pelos rios, entrando nas florestas, desertos e colinas. A montanha é fantástica, tem quase 800 metros de altura e, de helicóptero, o trajeto de sua base até o topo dura menos de um minuto... mas demora muito mais tempo descê-la de bicicleta.
"Estamos usando diversos procedimentos técnicos nas gramas e plantas, o que dá vida para a montanha e para o campo. São muitos detalhes para ver. Tenho certeza de que, até o momento, nenhum jogo chegou a esse nível de grandeza e conseguiu manter esse nível de detalhamento. Esse jogo tem um senso de grandeza que faz os dois anteriores parecerem pequenos, além de adicionar uma variedade de detalhes."
Sombras e iluminação
"O novo sistema de iluminação nos possibilitou criar uma luz muito mais coerente no jogo. Agora, as sombras de prédios, pontes ou qualquer coisa ficam muito mais evidentes com a aplicação da radiosidade, já que ela simula a luz solar da vida real. Quando a posicionamos, percebemos que a iluminação deveria funcionar da mesma forma nos carros e pedestres. Isso realçou muito a atmosfera. Nada se compara à sensação de vislumbrar integrantes de uma gangue passando o tempo em um beco escuro. Alguns elementos de jogabilidade usam isso também: nos inspiramos no jogo Manhunt, no qual os jogadores agora podem se esconder nas sombras e agarrar os inimigos depois que eles passam."
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kahecha82 · 9 months
Benjamín me despido felicidades por el Martin fierro............ pero hay un gran secreto.......... 58 dan en karate quiere decir número 3 del mundo.......... pero en aikido soy número 1 del mundo............... no ocupo sonopronte ni punteador............. memorizo por eso muevo la cabeza quiere decir una disertación con emociones..............
Eres karateca ??????......... sonopronte y punteador ??????
Niño en esta toma no hay corte de descanso..........
Bye ........
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timriva-blog · 10 months
Le gaucho de tous les Argentins
Personnage principal du poème de José Hernández, Martín Fierro occupe une place centrale dans l’imaginaire argentin depuis plus d’un siècle et demi. Figure à la fois indigène et tutélaire, il est cet « enfant du pays » dont se revendiquait le président Juan Domingo Perón et auquel le pape François n’hésite pas à se référer. Quelques voix critiques, dont celle de Jorge Luis Borges, se font…
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juarezesdeporte · 10 months
LA ACADEMIA DEL LOCOMOTIVE RINDE FRUTOS El Paso, Texas.-Mediante una conferencia de prensa llevada a cabo en el West Star Club del Southwest University Park fueron presentados cinco jugadores de la academia de El Paso Locomotive FC categoría U-18 que continuarán con su carrera dentro del futbol ahora en su nueva etapa colegial dentro de diferentes Universidades una vez conlcuidos sus estudios de High School.
Encabezaron la rueda de prensael Gerente General de El Paso Locomotive FC, Andrew Forrest; el Director de la Academia de El Paso Locomotive, Ivan Militar; el coordinador de reclutamiento universitario de El Paso Locomotive Academy, Alex Pozo; y el ex jugador del Locomotive y ahora delantero de la Universidad de Vermont, Noe Coutino.
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"Ponemos muchos recursos y énfasis en [enviar a nuestros jugadores a la universidad], hay mucho esfuerzo para asegurar que estos niños puedan continuar sus carreras académicas y atléticas más allá del fútbol juvenil. Estamos agradecidos por todos los recursos que se nos dan para llevar a cabo estos objetivos y esperamos poder seguir haciendo esto", externó el director de la Academia, Iván Militar.
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Por su parte el coordinador de reclutamiento universitario, Alex Pozo, habló con los asistentes sobre la importancia de ayudar a los jugadores de la Academia a ir a la universidad, para ayudarlos a encontrar caminos para continuar su desarrollo tanto dentro como fuera de la cancha.
"La educación es la mejor inversión que podemos hacer y es mi trabajo ayudar a conectar a nuestros jugadores con las universidades para que continúen sus carreras", dijo Pozo.
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"Es mi trabajo asegurarme de ayudar a estos jugadores en cada paso del proceso para conectarse y ser reclutados por colegios y universidades. Estoy orgulloso de ver a estos jugadores aquí y quiero decirles que su educación, trabajo duro, talento y la familia los ha ayudado a guiarlos hacia esta oportunidad". agregó.
También estuvieron presentes familiares y amigos de los graduandos.
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Para resaltar la diferencia que el ir a competir a nivel universitario puede hacer en la vida de un jugador, el ex jugador de Locomotive y delantero del equipo de fútbol masculino de la Universidad de Vermont, Noe Coutino, estuvo presente para reconocer cuánto ha cambiado su vida gracias a las oportunidades que se le presentaron. por la Academia y felicitar a la clase 2023 por su logro.
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"Es importante para nosotros los jugadores jóvenes jugar a un nivel tan competitivo como también recibir una educación". La experiencia que tuve aquí me dio muchas oportunidades y me ayudó a ser descubierto. Es una sensación increíble para nosotros y para [la clase que se gradúa en 2023]. No habría tenido mis oportunidades si no fuera por esta Academia. Les deseo la mejor de las suertes a estos muchachos", concluyó Coutino.
Los jugadores de la clase 2023 de la academia de El Paso Locomotive que fueron presentados y a las universidades que irán son los siguientes:
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Leonardo Aguirre (20) - Universidad del Verbo Encarnado, San Antonio, TX Peleg Armendáriz (19) - Universidad del Verbo Encarnado, San Antonio, TX Emilio Rodríguez (18) – Universidad West Texas A&M, Canyon, TX Miguel Fierro (17) - Colegio de Mount Saint Vincent, Nueva York, NY Rommel Tarin (18) - Taft College, Taft, CA
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elarea · 1 year
Las semblanzas del Negro
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Gracias al estupendo blog "Aquellos inolvidables tebeos" se ha añadido al canal ISSUU de El AreA  "Semblanzas deportivas", un cómic del inigualable y querido "Negro" Fontanarrosa. 
La primera edición de estas Semblanzas vio la luz y conoció la fama en el año 1989, con cuatro historietas menos que la segunda, ampliada, y publicada en Buenos Aires por Ediciones de La Flor, en 2008. Estas semblanzas aparecieron también en la revista Fierro, con posterioridad a la edición original, según se explica en la contratapa de la segunda edición.
El común denominador de todas estas historietas es que son presentadas y narradas por un periodista, que fue testigo directo o indirecto de los hechos que cuenta, y todas mencionan: situaciones deportivas reales: los equipos de fútbol de los tres grandes de Sudamérica (las selecciones de Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay; Chacarita, Vélez y Arsenal, de Buenos Aires; Talleres de Córdoba y Nacional de Montevideo), las Olimpíadas de Calgary, etc.; ciudades y pueblos reales; datos diversos reales, que contribuyen a dar veracidad a estos relatos descabellados e increíbles, con entornos cotidianos que dan a las historietas, al mejor estilo Fontanarrosa, ese sabor a realismo mágico y ese trasfondo de un terror que aflora sin quererlo.
Pueden verlo aquí.
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carlosvaslom · 1 year
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La bendición más grande en este momento de mi vida es. Tener la dicha de poder comer los tamalitos que hace mi madre, tener la fuerza para salir a pedalear hasta donde yo quiera y tener una bici que me lleva a dónde se me antoje. Hoy voy a muchos peregrinos, muchos corredores, caminantes y ciclistas, todos siempre saludan, solo algunos conocidos ciclistas aún no han comprendido lo que es la sencillez y humildad. No comprendo esa parte de su creencia, van a la hermita a ver a la virgen que según ellos representa la pureza y todo lo bueno y estos vatos bien soberbi@s hahahahahaha ... Si me quivoco en esto díganme, pero un verdadero ciclista respeta y saluda a todos, hasta al señor que anda vendiendo leche en su bici de fierro (más a ellos porque si le dan de verdad) Bueno, yo sí traté de saludar a todos, si se me pasó alguno espero me disculpen. Saludos a todos, su amigo #VasLom https://www.instagram.com/p/CmCjz7nveVG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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