#Darcy x Sam x Steve
sycamorelibrary754 · 2 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 9: When in Rome
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Summary: I have no idea how to summarize this chapter besides saying buckle up. 🫣
Warnings: Danger, angst, claustrophobia.
Word Count: 6.3k
A/N: My apologies for how long it took to get this chapter posted. I wanted to take my time on it because it’s essential to the rest of the story. I hope you enjoy it!
Guardian Angel Masterlist
You walked into your room, anxiously shutting the door behind you. Your mind races as you pace back and forth. Running your fingers through your hair, you struggle to comprehend why Onyx Petroleum would be interested in Sokovian land. Your mental spiral is interrupted by a knock on your door, followed by Tony's voice asking if you're okay. You open the door, and the billionaire walks in, quickly shutting the door behind him.
"I can't believe I didn't clock it before," Tony said, holding up the newspaper. "Those con artists from Onyx Petroleum are your parents - sorry."
You force a smile and respond, "It's okay. They deserve the title, trust me."
"I know firsthand," Tony muttered.
“You know my parents?” 
“Your father was a regular visitor of the Stark Expo in the old days.” You're taken aback, wondering how you never knew that. “Dear old dad rarely spoke to me growing up, but I remember he once said that Y/F/N Y/L/N was the only person who made him believe that humanity was doomed to extinction.”
“Sounds about right,” you said.
“Oh, and then," he recounted, "A few years ago at a September Foundation grant presentation at Cal Tech. Your mother, as usual, was doing her thing - schmoozing with everyone. She cornered Pepper and started rambling about how a partnership between Onyx Petroleum and Stark Industries could transform the global oil exploration and production industry. Pepper kindly reminded her that Stark Industries no longer partners with companies or individuals that harm the environment or the population. So your mother called Pepper a fraud and threw her drink in her face! Can you believe that?"
You sigh as you sit down on the edge of the bed, “Unfortunately, yes.”
"Any idea what this is about?" Tony asked, holding up the paper again.
You shake your head, saying, "No clue. They've never shown any interest in foreign oil.”
"Do you have access to anything that would give us insights into their business dealings?" Tony inquired.
You shake your head again, feeling helpless. "Not anymore. My parents removed me from all of their bank accounts and company mainframes when they kicked me out," you say with a huff, throwing yourself back onto the bed. “I don’t get it. Sokovia was destroyed. What’s left for them to find.”
“What?” You said as you sat up. “That doesn't make sense. Sokovia was a war zone.”
“What do you think they were fighting over?” the billionaire asked rhetorically. 
“How do you know this, Tony?” 
“After Ultron's attack on Sokovia and the subsequent sinking of Navi Grad, FRIDAY performed an extensive deep-sea mapping of the ocean—every square centimeter. Seven hundred thousand images were captured at a depth of almost 4,000 meters,” Tony explained, tapping the screen on his watch. “The mapping exercise was aimed at locating the submerged remnants of the destroyed city and ensuring the safety of any underwater vehicles or divers exploring the area. Doing so would provide insights into the underwater topography of the region and assist in the reconstruction efforts.” 
You rise to your feet as a hologram of the 3D map materializes before your eyes.
“Instead, FRIDAY found something else,” Tony explained, shifting pieces back and forth through the air. “Outside of Wakanda, Sokovia has the largest natural vein of Vibranium anywhere in the world, but no one has been able to mine it yet because…,” zooming in on the composite. “It’s underwater.”
You studied the 3D image carefully, trying to comprehend how Onyx Petroleum would go about mining the most potent substance on Earth. 
“This much Vibranium in anyone’s hands is frightening,” Tony said. “In the hands of a company notorious for unethical business practices, it’s perilous.” 
“Does Wanda know?” Your mind was racing with concern for your girlfriend.
“No, and I don’t think we should tell her,” closing the hologram. 
“What? Why not? She has a right to know! It was her home. We can’t just—“
"Easy, Willy Wonka," Tony said. "I know she needs to know, but we need more information before we can act. I need to do some more research and figure out the next steps. In the meantime, tell the rest of the team what we know. Wanda is running point on a full-team, large-scale mission the day after tomorrow, and it benefits no one for her to be distracted, right?" 
You nod hesitantly in agreement, still processing everything. "Trust me, Y/N. If we take our eyes off the ball, bad things happen. We need to be strategic and focused if we're going to keep everyone safe." 
After a moment of silence, you let out a heavy sigh. "Okay, you're right," you concede, looking down at your hands. "I just don't feel good about keeping this from Wanda. We've always been honest with each other, and I don't want to ruin that." 
Tony places a reassuring hand on your back. "You're not lying to her. You're just postponing the truth to protect her," he explains calmly. 
You slowly nod, taking in his words. It made sense, in a way. But the guilt still lingered in your mind, gnawing at you. You knew that, eventually, you'd have to come clean.
You stirred from your sleep two days later, but the uneasy feeling in your stomach lingered. Your conversation with Tony was still vivid in your mind. You peered outside and saw SHIELD agents hustling and bustling around the grounds. You felt lost, unsure of what to do or where to be, so you did your best to keep a low profile and stay out of everyone's way. This was your first time seeing a mission play out before you. Sure, team members had come and gone before in the three months you had been living at the Avengers Compound, but being so focused on your recovery, you hadn’t paid that close attention. 
FRIDAY interrupted your train of thought as you stood by the window. “Ms. Y/L/N,” she said, “Ms. Maximoff requests your presence in The Overwatch.”
You were confused. “The Overwatch? Where’s that, FRIDAY?”
“I’ll escort you there, Ms. Y/L/N,” FRIDAY said, opening the elevator doors.
As you stepped into the elevator, you noticed it was going down. The compartment sprang to life, and you counted at least three floors before it finally stopped. The door opened, revealing a futuristic virtual command center. Wanda stood with her back to you, looking up at a wall of monitors.
You couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow!"
Wanda turned at the sound of your voice, and her smile was enough to melt you into a puddle. "Impressive, isn't it?" she said.
You nodded, still in awe of the sight. "What is this place?"
"This is The Overwatch," Wanda explained. "It's a command center that allows Fury or other Avengers who aren't on a mission to provide support in real-time."
You walked over to where Wanda was standing. "It's only used when everyone gets called away or on big-scale operations," she added.
You looked up at the bank of monitors, each displaying a name in the corner. Your eyes quickly found Natasha's, labeled N. Romanoff. Next to her, you spotted T. Stark, S. Rogers, B. Banner, T. Odinson, C. Barton, B. Barnes, S. Wilson, K. Bishop, Y. Belova, P. Parker, and C. Danvers. 
"Am I even allowed to be in here?” You asked.
"Technically, no," Wanda replied with a smirk, "but this is my first time running point on a mission, and I could use the company."
Curiosity getting the better of you, you asked, "Who are they after?"
"Unfortunately, that information is classified," Wanda replied, typing away on the keyboard and pulling up a map, "but I can tell you they are in Europe."
"Well, that narrows it down," you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Wanda sighed and sat before the command module, motioning for you to join her. "I wish I could tell you more," she said, "it's so much more stressful sitting in here than being out in the field with the team."
You tried encouraging her, saying, "Hey, at least you're safe here."
“Yes, but I feel so helpless," Wanda admitted while monitoring the team's vital signs. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to Fury for agreeing to let me ease back into the swing of things, but the loss of control scares me.” 
The tense atmosphere was palpable in the comms as Steve's voice cut through, "Wanda, we're on our final approach. ETA, 30 seconds."
Natasha's raspy voice chimed in, "How are we looking?"
"The approach is clear—five guards in the courtyard outside the building.
"I got it," Tony interjected. You heard muffled groans on the other end of the comms as Tony dismantled the threat in a matter of seconds. "We're clear outside."
Everyone, turn on your body cameras," Wanda commanded as the monitors rose to life, giving you a first-person point of view of what everyone on the team was seeing.
"Nat, the security office is two doors down on your left," Wanda directed.
"Noted, I'm on my way," Natasha confirmed.
"When do I go in?" Peter's voice sounded eager on the comms.
"Hold your position, Spider-Boy," Yelena said. "Patience is key."
"Yeah, Peter. You're too eager. Just slow your roll and wait for the signal," Kate Bishop said.
"So is being quiet, Kate Bishop." Yelena cut in again.
I can't believe this is happening," you said involuntarily.
"Shh," Wanda whispers.
"Who is that?" Thor asks as he catches his hammer flying towards his monitor screen.
"Is that Y/N?" Carol asked between shots.
"No, it's not," Wanda lied to protect you.
"It is Y/N! What are you doing in The Overwatch, Willy Wonka?" Tony asked.
“Aww, they’re having a date night,” Clint joked sarcastically as you watched an arrow fly away from his camera and out of sight.
"Everyone, please be quiet. You're clogging the comms," Bucky demands irritably.
"Let's all be civil," Sam adds.
“I concur,” Bruce agreed.
"How are we doing, Nat?" Steve asked as he knocked out another security guard.
"I'm bypassing the firewall, Natahsa replied, typing away on the keyboard. “There. The Iris Detectors are down.”
"On my signal," Wanda spoke calmly. "Disabling the dome cameras in 3, 2, 1. Go.”
Sitting in front of the bank of monitors, you found yourself momentarily bewildered. You weren't sure which of the screens to focus on as the team moved in unison. Each one displayed a different angle of the action, and you didn't want to miss a single moment of what was unfolding before you. You watched with bated breath as they efficiently made their way through the building, their movements purposeful and precise. It was a sight to behold - you had never seen such determination and skill in your entire life. 
Despite seeing footage of the Avengers on the news over the years, watching them firsthand was an entirely different experience. You felt incredibly fortunate to be able to call them your friends. As they worked towards the second level, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over you. These were some of the most powerful beings on the planet, and yet they were risking their lives to protect others. It was a humbling and inspiring sight to behold.
As the team entered the building, you watched Bucky effortlessly kick in a door. "I'm in the lab," he announced, his voice calm and collected.
Tony's voice crackled through the comms, "Do you see the mainframe?"
"There's two, which one is it?" Bucky replied, scanning the room.
"Open the silver panel," Tony instructed.
With a few hard pulls, Bucky managed to pry off the front of the mainframe. Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass filled the air as Carol crashed through a nearby window with a guard's arms wrapped tightly around her neck.
Without hesitation, Bucky turned to assist her. "Keep going! I got this," Carol shouted, her voice slightly strained.
Tony's voice cut through the chaos, "You should see the mainframe HiperSockets that provide high-speed TCP/IP connectivity within the central processor complex."
"For fuck's sake, in English, Tony!" Bucky shouted, his frustration palpable.
"Language,” Steve reprimanded.
An alarm began to blare as red lights flashed, signaling the imminent arrival of more guards.
"Bucky and Carol, eight more guards are heading your way," Wanda's voice sounded over the comms. "Thor, you're the closest."
"I'll be right there," Thor answered.
You watched as The God of Thunder bounded down the stairs and into the lab. In a thunderous flash, he took out all eight guards, leaving the room eerily silent.
"Cut the blue cable!" Tony finally shouted.
Bucky pulled out a pocket knife and quickly sliced through the blue cable.
The rest of the team arrived on the scene, and the lights inside the mainframe went out, plunging the room into darkness.
"How do we know for sure it's down?" Kate asked, her voice laced with concern.
Natasha fired three gunshots into the mainframe, causing the container to smoke.
"That ought to do it," she said, lowering her gun.
"Well done, everyone," Wanda praised. "I'm no longer seeing a heat signature from your location, which means the building is offline."
"Thanks, Wanda. Nice job on the point," Steve said. "We'll reconvene at 1800 hours to go over Phase Two."
Wanda looked exhausted as she removed her earpiece. The monitors had gone dark again; she leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to calm herself down. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked at you.
"Wow, sweetheart. That was amazing! I've never seen anything like that in my life. You were great,” you said, touching her shoulder. 
Wanda smiled weakly, feeling a sense of satisfaction mixed with exhaustion. "Thanks," she said, "it was touch and go. But I'm glad they were able to get the job done."
You nodded in agreement. "Are all the missions that intense?"
Wanda thought for a moment before answering. "Not all of them," she said, "but this is one of the most challenging ones we've had in a while. But that's what we're trained for, right?"
“Do you miss it? Being out there, I mean,” you asked hesitantly. 
Wanda’s expression was pensive as she spoke, her gaze fixed on the ground. "It's a complicated situation," she began slowly. "On the one hand, I don't want to leave my boys. After we lost their father, I made a promise to Billy and Tommy that I would always be there for them, no matter what." She paused for a moment as if lost in thought. "But on the other hand," she continued, her voice growing softer, "sometimes I feel like I'm denying who I am. Like my magic knows, I’m turning away from that part of myself.”
As you sat beside Wanda, you suddenly realized something that had never occurred to you before – you had never seen her use her powers. You searched your memory for any instance where you had witnessed her abilities in action, but you drew a blank. The only thing you could recall was being in her arms after the accident before you passed out, but even then, you couldn't remember if she had used her magic to keep you safe.
You took a deep breath and reached out to hold her hand. "I know we've never talked about this, but is there a reason you've never used your magic in front of me?" you asked, your voice gentle and curious. You hoped she wouldn't take offense to your question, but you couldn't help feeling a little curious about this aspect of her life that she had kept hidden from you.
"I was wondering when you would finally ask me about this,” Wanda sighed softly. “Since Westview, I have had difficulty trusting myself to use my powers safely. I lost control in a way that I never have before, Y/N, and the thought of putting anyone through that again is unbearable." Her voice was tinged with remorse and sadness as she continued, "I don't want to be a danger to those around me or myself. I’m afraid to use my magic again, and I don't know how to overcome that fear."
As you stroked her hand, you spoke reassuringly to Wanda. "I know you're feeling guilty about what happened in Westview, but that was only one aspect of your powers. You've done so much more good in the world than bad, and the magic that courses through you is a testament to that. Remember all the times you used your abilities to save lives, protect innocent people, and bring hope to those in need. That is the true measure of who you are, Wanda. Don't let a single mistake define you or your legacy."
Wanda nodded as she looked at you. “Thank you, Y/N,” wiping the tears away that threatened to fall. “I know I can’t avoid using them forever,” she looked around the room, “I also know I can’t hide down here for the rest of my life.” 
“Why don’t you show me?” 
“Show me your powers. Come on, let’s see what you got, sweetheart. It’s just us, and we’re three floors underground. Nothing can go wrong, I promise.”
She looked at you hesitantly before she finally agreed, “Okay.”
Wanda rose from her seat and walked to the middle of the room. She took a deep, cleansing breath, held out her left palm, and began slowly circling it with her right hand. You watched as an orb of red energy materialized in her palm. Pointing her hand in your direction, you felt the chair you were sitting in move underneath you as you quickly rolled across the room and stopped on a dime in front of the redhead.
“Woah,” you said in amazement.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” she smirked.
Slowly but surely, she rose above you, her body glowing with a vibrant, otherworldly red magic that seemed to envelop you completely. Despite your shock, you felt a sense of calm wash over you as you basked in the warmth and comfort of the magic surrounding you. It was as if Wanda had wrapped you in a cocoon of pure energy, and you felt safe and protected in her presence. Her eyes were fixed on you, glowing like twin stars in the night sky. For the first time, you knew without a doubt that you were in the presence of a powerful being beyond your understanding. Yet, despite her immense power, she was your Wanda—gentle and kind.
The redhead reached down and gently touched your cheek. For a moment, you closed your eyes and basked in the warmth of her touch. You couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same sense of warmth and safety with you that you felt with her.
I do, Y/N," Wanda said with nothing but adoration in her eyes.
You were confused and asked, "Do what?"
"Feel the same warmth and safety you feel with me," she replied.
You wondered, "I, did I - I don't think I said that out loud, did I?"
"I heard your thoughts, love," she answered.
You repeated, "You heard me - you can hear my thoughts? Oh, God."
Wanda reassured you, "Oh no, no, Y/N. It's okay. This was the first time I've ever listened to your thoughts. Outside of work, I never invade anyone's privacy that way and never would with you without your permission or unless it was an emergency."
The redhead reached for you as she floated down. The red magic swirling around your joined hands.
"That was incredible, sweetheart. I know it will take some time, but don't hide this part of yourself away. It's wonderful.”
The sudden sound of the elevator whirring through the walls startled Wanda, breaking her concentration and causing her to dismiss her red magic hastily. "Shit! Quick, hide in that storage cabinet," she urgently whispered, pushing you towards the stainless steel structure.
"What?! Why?" You asked, confused and alarmed.
"I told you, you're not technically supposed to be here. The security clearance is off the charts," Wanda explained as she urged you towards the cabinet.
You sprinted towards the cabinet and quickly shut the door just as Maria exited the elevator. "Hey, Wanda. Great job on Phase One. Everything looks good on our end," she said, scrolling through her tablet.
“Thanks,” Wanda said, nervously tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear as Maria continued.
"I'm going to go brief Fury, but I'll be back for the check-in call at 6 pm to discuss Phase Two."
"Okay, see you in a bit," Wanda replied, relieved she hadn't noticed you.
As Maria stepped back into the elevator, she teasingly called, "Oh, and Wanda? If Y/N is going to be down here with you, at least give her a key card."
Wanda blushed at being caught. "I don't know what you're talking about," she fibbed.
"Of course, you don't," The Deputy Director chuckled. "Ask her to bring some Candy Bar chocolate for us later when she comes out from the storage cabinet," she added with a giggle as the doors closed.
You cautiously opened the door to the cabinet and stepped out, your cheeks reddening as you met Wanda's embarrassed gaze. She fished a blank white key card out of her pocket and handed it to you. "Here, now you can legally be down here with me."
You took the card and turned it over in your hands. 
"Thanks," you said softly. “Tell Maria I'll bring some chocolate truffles later," you winked.
"Hmm, sounds good," Wanda smiled, leaning in to give you a gentle peck on the lips.
You arrived back at The Overwatch a few hours later, your white key card and a bag of truffles in hand. Maria was sitting next to Wanda in front of the wall of monitors. You sat down next to the redhead, passing the bag of chocolates to Maria. 
"Aww, Y/N. How did you know? This is exactly what I wanted."
"Shut up,” you smirked. “So, what's happening here?" As you pointed toward the dark screens.
"We had the check-in call about forty-five minutes ago, and Steve should be reporting in any minute to confirm they've reached the target,” Wanda explained.
As if on cue, Steve's camera turned on, followed by the rest of the team. "Speak of the devil!” Maria exclaimed. 
You could tell immediately that the team was in an underground passage, evidenced by the rough stone masonry surrounding them. Their footsteps echoed through the tunnel, adding an eerie quality to the tense atmosphere.
"Hey, Cap, you ready to go?" Maria asked, glancing up at the screen.
"Affirmative," Steve replied. “Although some of us are feeling a bit claustrophobic."
"Speak for yourself,” Clint chimed in.
"Tony, you want to take that one?" Wanda asked, typing away on her keyboard.
"Sure thing, Red," Tony replied. "Everyone, reach inside your suit pockets. You should find an object the size of one of Morgan's Legos."
Yelena, ever the skeptic, held up the miniature object Tony had referred to. "What the fuck is this?" she asked, her voice laced with annoyance.
"Language," Steve admonished.
"Oh, tell it to someone who cares," Yelena retorted, rolling her eyes.
"Sestra," Nat scolded, her voice echoing through the tunnels.
"It's a bit of technology I borrowed from our friendly neighborhood ant, and subsequently made even better,” Tony smirked. "Press the button on the top."
As one, the team pressed the button, and a small oxygen mask grew to fit in their hands.
"And we couldn't have worn these on the walk down here because?" Sam asked, his voice heavy with sarcasm.
"Because they only have a 24-hour oxygen supply," Tony explained. "We need to conserve as much as possible."
"Do I have to wear this?" Carol asked. "I can breathe in space. I'm pretty sure I'm fine down here."
"The vacuum of space is very different from underground," Maria said. "We don't want to take any chances. Put it on, please, Danvers."
“Why doesn’t the billionaire genius have to wear an oxygen mask?” She asked. 
“There’s an oxygen supply built into the suit,” Tony smirked.
With a resigned sigh, Carol donned the mask, and the rest of the team followed suit. Wanda went over the topography of the catacomb, identifying key landmarks and intricacies that could help them navigate the maze-like structure safely.
In a hushed tone, you turned to Maria and asked, "Have they ever had an underground mission before?" 
Maria shook her head and replied, "No, not like this. This is completely uncharted territory for them.”
"Okay, as we discussed," Steve said, pointing to the left. "Group one with me down the left tunnel; group two with Tony down the right tunnel."
As you observed intently, you saw each group setting off towards their designated directions, down the ancient corridors. The walls were adorned with intricate archways, illuminated by sporadic pockets of light that added to the mystique of the surroundings.
“Mr. Stark, this is amazing! Have you looked at these carvings and art? Easily third century—” Peter started. 
“This isn’t a history field trip,” Natasha interrupted. “Pay attention to your surroundings.”
The group had been walking through a tunnel for some time when, without warning, felt the ground beneath their feet shake. A low and ominous grumbling noise echoed through the air, and everyone was thrown into the tunnel walls. 
"FRIDAY, what's happening?" Tony asked urgently.
"Accessing the wave radar and enhancing the thermogenic signature," FRIDAY responded.
“Do you feel that too, Steve?” Wanda asked
Steve grunted as he struggled to regain his balance. "Yeah, is it an earthquake?" he asked.
"It's an energy surge, Boss," FRIDAY replied to Tony. "A core reactor holds together the primary stabilization of the tunnel structure."
"That's not first-century tech," Peter mumbled, face down on the ground.
Kate helped him up. "Yeah, no kidding, Sherlock."
Just as the group was getting back on their feet, Sam's voice cut through the tense silence.
"Hey! Hold it!" he shouted.
"What is it, Wilson?" Tony asked.
"Someone is watching us at the end of this tunnel," Sam exclaimed as he ran ahead of the group.
"Sam, wait!” Steve shouted.
"Lock onto Wilson," Maria said, standing up.
Wanda quickly shifted to Sam's primary camera and enlarged the visual. The mystery figure took two quick turns to the left as if they knew exactly where they were going. A third turn to the right, and Sam lost sight of the man for a split second. Looking around quickly, but to no avail, he said, "I lost them."
"How will he get back to the rest of the group?" You asked.
"Good question, Y/N," Sam replied.
Maria glared over at you. "Sorry, I keep forgetting they can hear me too."
"Sam, you're closer to Tony than Steve," Wanda said. "I'm pinging his tracker right now. Two lefts and a right should do it. And Steve and company, follow your tunnel about a half a mile down and then take a right, and you should meet up with everyone else."
The team wandered through the catacomb tunnel in silence, only the sound of their breathing and the stone under their feet breaking the stillness. When they were finally reunited, Tony broke the silence, "Okay, new plan. We're staying together." 
Peter quickly agreed, "I'm with Tony on this one." 
Yelena, standing nearby, murmured to Kate, "Color me surprised." 
“Oxygen masks stay on, Nat,” Maria said pointedly. 
"Yes, detka,” Natasha replied.
Yelena couldn't resist mocking her sister, "Yes, detka," she repeated sarcastically. But before she could carry on, Natasha pinched her arm, causing her to yelp in pain. 
Thor shouted, "Knock it off, Lady Widows!" 
Wanda added, "Thor is right. The catacomb can be disorienting, but you need to keep moving. Tony, I'm reviewing the National Geophysical Data Center records to assess your declination value and sending them to FRIDAY. Keep true north." 
You turned to Maria, puzzled, "What did she say?" Having no clue what your girlfriend was talking about. 
"They should turn right," Maria whispered. 
You watched as everyone walked in a single-file line to the right, trying their best to keep their footing on the uneven stone. Suddenly, a second energy surge echoed loudly through the comms, causing everyone to turn their cameras downwards. Your heart raced as you gasped at the sight of cracks quickly forming between everyone's legs. Before anyone could react, the ground gave way beneath them, accompanied by screams and the sound of broken gravel. 
Maria gasped, and Wanda put her hands over her mouth in shock. 
"Oh my God!" You exclaimed. "What the hell just happened?" 
Wanda asked urgently, "Steve? Tony? Can you hear me?" 
Maria followed with a shaky voice, "Natasha? Come in! Anyone?" 
"Shit," she said anxiously, picking up the phone in front of her. "All SHIELD agents, Romeo, Echo, Delta." 
"FRIDAY, Code Red. Initiate Emergency Protocol 3000," Wanda ordered, running back towards the elevator and flipping a red switch under a glass cover. 
"Compound shutdown initiated. Director Fury and Mrs. Stark have been notified and are en route to The Overwatch," FRIDAY responded.
You stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do with yourself. The shock of what you had just witnessed was so intense that your vision started to blur, and you felt as though you were about to pass out. Suddenly, you felt someone's arms on your shoulders, and you jumped slightly. 
"Y/N? Y/N, love, stay with me, okay?" Wanda said, her voice soothing.
You looked up at her and then back at the monitors, pointing at them with a shaking hand. "They... it..." you stammered, struggling to form coherent sentences.
Wanda nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know," she said, rubbing her hands up and down your arms in a gesture of comfort.
She slowly led you back to your seat, still holding onto your shoulders, and conjured a glass of water out of thin air. Taking it in your hand, you felt the coolness of the glass against your skin, which helped ground you and bring you back to the present moment.
Fury furrowed his brows and asked Maria, "When was your last point of contact?"
"Five minutes ago."
"Maximoff was running point?"
You didn't appreciate the way Director Fury was speaking about Wanda as if she wasn't in the room, but as an outsider, you chose to hold your tongue.
Wanda stepped forward before Maria could respond, "Yes, sir."
"What happened?"
“Two energy surges of unknown origin, but we didn’t have time to assess the cause before-." Wanda’s voice trailed off as she struggled to continue.
“Before you lost them,” Fury finished the sentence for her. Wanda nodded silently, unable to look the Director in the eyes.
“She didn’t lose them! It was an accident,” You suddenly heard yourself shout.
Pepper placed a hand on your shoulder as Fury’s gaze shifted over to you. 
“Who is this?” Fury asked, pointing at you.
“I'm Y/N Y/L/N, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you,” you said, slowly reaching out your hand to shake his, but the gesture went unreciprocated.
"The car accident victim," looking you up and down. "She looks fine, why is she still here?"
You wondered why you were still here yourself, but Maria jumped in before you could respond, "She’s still recovering, Sir."
"Do you have clearance to be down here?"
You fumbled in your pocket for the white card Wanda had given you earlier. Fury looked at the card but gave you no response before turning back to Wanda.
“Are we still picking up pings from their trackers?”
“Yes, faintly,” Wanda said.
"Do we know how deep the catacomb goes?" He continued.
“Roughly 65 feet, but the fall could have taken them another 50 feet at least," Wanda stated.
“They were wearing oxygen masks?” Fury asked.
“Yes, but they only have a 24-hour oxygen supply if they haven’t been damaged,” Wanda explained.
Fury turned back to Maria, “How fast can we have a team of agents on the ground in Rome?”
Your ears perked up at finally knowing where everyone was.
“Four hours,” Maria responded.
“Make it three,” The Director said.
“Yes, sir,” Maria replied as she started to walk away.
Wanda interrupted calmly, "No. I’m going."
“Out of the question, Maximoff. You haven’t been back in the field since your return, save for her accident," Fury pointed at you. "I’m not sending you out there by yourself in the most dire moment in the history of SHIELD. You don’t know what you’ll find down there, and you’re still too unreliable."
“Unreliable,” Wanda repeated. “With all due respect, Director Fury, no one is more reliable than me. There is no one more powerful than me, and you and I both know that it will take someone who can move heaven and Earth, literally, to bring everyone home!”
Fury looked over at Pepper, who had yet to say a word—doing her best to keep her calm.
"Wanda can do it," Pepper declared, fidgeting with her wedding ring. "I have faith in her." 
"You leave in 20 minutes,” Fury said, turning to Wanda. “But you're not going alone.”
“I’ll get changed right away, sir,” Maria assumed.
“No, you’re staying here, Hill. You’re too close to the situation with Romanoff.”
“Nick, I-“
“No, you’ll run co-point from here. That is final."
“Co-point? Who is-“
“I need to make a couple of phone calls. In the meantime, Maximoff, you get suited up. We’ll meet you in the hangar,” Fury ordered.
“Yes, sir,” Wanda acknowledged.
You followed Wanda out of the elevator and into the locker room, feeling nervous and determined. Wanda suited up with a look of solemn determination on her face. You didn't want to show your nervousness; Wanda had enough on her plate. She took out her phone, frowned at the screen, and then turned to you with a serious look.
“I need you to do something for me,” the redhead said.
“Of course, anything,” you replied, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.
“I need you to pick up Billy and Tommy and stay with them at my house. I know you have only met them once, but they liked you,” she started to ramble, her voice tinged with anxiety. “Pepper offered to take them, but I just can’t let her do that while Tony is…” she paused, her voice breaking with sadness.
You nodded understandingly, realizing the gravity of the situation. “I’ll do it,” you said, grabbing both sides of her face. “The boys will be okay, I promise. You bring everyone home.”
“Thank you so much, Y/N. I I already called the school to let them know you’ll be picking them up. I know I can trust you,” she said, her voice shaking with emotion. Your lips met in a kiss—one of comfort and reassurance.
The word trust was all it took for Onyx Petroleum and Sokovia to rush back to the front of your mind. But then you remembered Tony’s words. “If we take our eyes off the ball, bad things happen.” Wanda needed to focus. But God, it was killing you to keep this from her, even under the most dire circumstances.
You walked with Wanda to the hangar, an area of the compound you had yet to visit. The mood was a stark contrast from this morning. SHIELD Agents moved about the space with the same purpose and direction, but the energy differed. It was anxious.
You caught sight of Director Fury standing next to one of the Quinjets with two women you didn’t recognize, but it was clear Wanda knew both of them. She ran a few steps ahead of you and wrapped her arms around both of them in an emotional embrace.
“Y/N, this is Dr. Darcy Lewis and Captain Monica Rambeau,” Wanda said, motioning to each woman. “This Y/N Y/L/N, she said, touching your back.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you both,” you said as you shook their hands, trying to keep your composure.
“Hi, nice to meet you too, Y/N,” Darcy replied warmly.
“It’s a pleasure,” Monica said, giving you a small smile.
"Captain Rambeau will be accompanying Ms. Maximoff to Rome, and Dr. Lewis will be running point with Deputy Director Hill from The Overwatch," Fury explained before glancing at his watch. "It's time to go."
Wanda looked at you with a mixture of anxiety and determination in her eyes. You tried to hide your nervousness, not wanting to add to her stress.
After a deep breath, Wanda spoke, "Billy and Tommy will be off from school in a couple of hours," she said, handing you her house keys. "Let them know that I'm working with the rest of the team, but don't give them any details. I’ll try to check in if I can.”
"Okay, sweetheart," you replied, taking the keys and putting them in your pocket. "Just make sure everyone comes home safe."
"I will," Wanda said with a nod, her eyes shining with determination.
As you leaned in to kiss the beautiful redhead, you felt a rush of emotion wash over you. Her soft lips met yours, and for a moment, everything else seemed to fade away. When you pulled away, you wrapped her in a tight embrace, holding her close to your chest. You watched as she walked towards the Quinjet, accompanied by Monica. Darcy and Fury were waiting by the side of the hangar, their faces solemn. You couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as the jet's engines came to life and slowly lifted off the ground. You stood there, watching as it climbed higher and higher into the sky until it was nothing more than a speck in the distance. As it disappeared from view, you felt a pang in your chest, as if a piece of your heart was flying away with it.
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captainenjolras · 2 years
Couples that are NB/T4NB/T and I refuse to believe otherwise
Stede and Ed
Morticia and Gomez
Norman and Otto
Wanda and Vision
Stephen and Christine
Stephen and Clea
Sam, Bucky, and Steve
Nebula and Mantis
Darcy and Monica
Thor and Bruce
Thank you
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
Thankful Thanksgiving
Summary: All of the Avengers are gathered for Thanksgiving, and Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Carol, Darcy, and friends all take the time to say what they’re thankful for when gathered around the Thanksgiving table.
Word Count: 2006
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope you’re spending time with friends and/or family and having lots of amazing food and good times together! 🥰💗 This one was a little short (it was originally going to be longer until I transferred a scene to my ongoing Christmas fic instead) but hopefully it was still enjoyable! 💖
I am so thankful for all of y’all, and I hope you guys enjoyed this one! 😊
  “And that’s why I’m thankful for Bucky’s arm,” Sam explained, and Bucky just groaned deeply and exasperatedly. Everyone around the room was in varying expressions of amusement, complete disbelief, and speechlessness.
   It was Thanksgiving, and all of the Avengers had come to gather to enjoy a feast with one another. They had finished their food, and they had just started going all around the table to share what they were thankful for. Sam had been the first to go, and his had so far set the bar for some really bizarre explanations.
  “Man, what are all y’all looking at? Ain’t any of you ever been thankful for Bucky’s arm before?” Sam questioned defensively as if it were the most utterly obvious thing in the world.
  “Because it makes perfect sense to be thankful for someone else’s prosthetic arm,” Shuri spoke up from where she was currently seated, sarcasm deeply rooted in every accented word. Okoye simply passed a somewhat disapproving glance in her direction but did not say a word. Shuri raised her hands defensively, and Sam just eyed her with narrowed eyes.
  “It does make sense. Look, wouldn’t you be thankful if somebody’s arm could pop off and you could use it as a literal Wonder Woman bulletproof band?” Sam told them, and Shuri just huffed a little, looking at him as she remained unimpressed.
  “You seem to forget that we literally have vibranium, which just happens to be as bulletproof as this comic book character’s very much fake braces,” Shuri argued, and Sam just scoffed unhappily, shaking his head.
  “She just don’t get it,” Sam complained, and Bucky did not even bother gracing him with a response as he groaned tiredly.
  “Okay, look, seriously, guys, let’s get back on track,” Steve pointed out from where he was seated between Bucky and Carol.
  “I guess I’ll go now,” Steve started, clearing his throat as he prepared to state what he was thankful for.
  At Bucky’s request, Steve had skipped over him. He only heeded requests for skipping when it legitimately had to do with some manner of trauma or something, and in Bucky’s case, he knew it had been.
  However, before he could speak, Yelena started loudly clearing her throat. Steve leaned forward a little, trying to look around all of the people as he fought to meet her gaze. Yelena peered from where she was sandwiched between Kate and Natasha, and she scoffed.
  “Why does Bucko get a free pass?” Yelena demanded, and Bucky flashed an irritated glare in her general direction. Steve swallowed, trying to explain.
  “Because he specifically asked and after reviewing the reasoning, I decided it was acceptable,” Steve explained, trying to remain professional and avoid as many details as possible.
  “Pfft… Just because he’s your boyfriend doesn’t mean you can just make excuses for him,” Yelena declared, and Steve just sighed deeply. Yelena loved to poke fun at their friendship when she could mostly because she hated Bucky’s guts, but he tried not to let the boyfriend comments get to him. After all, she was well-aware that he saw Bucky as a brother.
  Carol, of course, did not let the comments get to her either and would actually even join in on Yelena’s teasing at any given time if it seemed humorous to her. Carol ultimately chose not to throw in her opinion this time since Steve was floundering a bit already with trying to explain why he had excluded Bucky but had not heeded anyone else’s requests to be excluded.
  “As for what I’m thankful for! I am thankful for this team. For our perseverance, and all of the good hearts gathered here at this table,” Steve expressed, and Carol leaned into his side, squeezing his arm before straightening just a little.
  She knew she was next, and she honestly was not quite sure if she was ready. She released him carefully, looking beside her at the amazing, incredible person that she had brought for Thanksgiving.
  Monica looked at her carefully, a surprising warmth in her eyes despite the fact that she did not know what Carol was thinking. Carol swallowed hard, reaching her hand out and placing it over the top of Monica’s as she squeezed it softly.
  “Carol?” Steve prompted, and Carol cast him a very much forcedly casual smile before speaking up.
  “I’m thankful for… Having the opportunity to fix some broken relationships and hopefully having the opportunity to get to know the person all over again,” Carol explained, and Monica’s eyes were shining with something that was positively and absolutely touched as she gazed at her.
  Carol mustered a small grin, trying to avoid the urge to cry. The emotion and the pure love that was swelling within her was almost more than she could take. In an attempt to suppress the emotion, she simply lifted her hand and squeezed Monica’s shoulder lovingly in lieu of hugging her on the spot.
  Monica cleared her throat, mustering some manner of confidence as she spoke up despite being exceedingly uncomfortable at the sheer amount of important people that she either did not know at all or did not know that well.
  “I’m thankful to have a special person back in my life again,” Monica stated vaguely, but given how her gaze was glued to that of her aunt’s, there was no question who her statement was about.
  Kamala then proceeded to move forward a little, grinning ridiculously as she remained just a little speechless despite her best efforts to the contrary. She tried to get a good look at everyone at the table, honestly just excited to be there in the first place.
  “Oh, gosh… I’m honestly beyond thankful that I could get to meet all of you and start training to be a real life Avenger,” Kamala explained, instantly kicking herself for the last part of her statement, dreading how stupid it might have sounded.
  Everyone, however, seemed thoroughly endeared, and she let out a soft breath of relief as it moved down the line to Darcy.
  After a small silence, Darcy blinked, realizing more fully that everyone was waiting for her to speak. She had honestly been so concentrated on trying to avoid Valkyrie’s gaze and ignore Valkyrie’s presence from where she was sitting directly across from her that she had missed the fact that it was actually her turn to talk.
  “Oh! Uh… I’m thankful for becoming an assistant here for Mr. Stark! And getting to know this awesome group of friends I have,” Darcy explained with a smile, leaning forward to get a look at Carol, Kate, Natasha, and Yelena. Carol smiled fondly, and Kate grinned widely. Natasha’s eyes sparkled with something affectionate in her reserved manner, and Yelena, as much as she tried to look unhappy, had a smile that was threatening to tug at the corners of her lips.
  It was then Clint’s turn, and he looked at everyone, smiling a little as he shrugged.
  “I’m thankful for my family, Nat, Yelena, and even Kate sometimes,” Clint quipped, fully enjoying his comment as he glanced in Kate’s direction.
  “Thanks, Clint. I feel loved,” Kate commented in an attempt to muster some sarcasm. Instantly, she tried to hold back how her eyes went wide at the fact that she had actually used the l-word in relation to him. He just huffed in reply to her, grinning a bit, and she could not help but smile in response.
  “I guess like Darcy, I’m thankful for the group of friends that we have made together, and I’m really thankful for Natasha, Yelena, and Clint. They’ve helped me feel really welcome here ever since I came. And I’m also thankful for finally becoming an official Avenger-in-training with the ability to go on missions, so,” Kate shrugged.
  Darcy made some noise of encouragement, clapping momentarily, and Kate laughed a little with slight embarrassment. Natasha reached out, softly touching the back of Kate’s head as she stroked the flowing locks. Yelena honestly just looked utterly surprised at Kate’s admission.
  Kate then looked to Natasha, and Natasha moved her head in a gesture of acceptance as she looked at everyone around the table.
  “I’m thankful for all of us being together and in good health. I’m thankful for Clint, Kate, Carol, and Darcy, and all of you truly. Clint has been here for me through the worst and best of times, and Kate has become someone that is so special to me. Carol’s the best friend anyone could ask for, and Darcy has been someone that I hope to get to know even better over time,” Natasha paused for a moment before gazing at Yelena. Yelena just looked back at her with an adoring glint in her eyes. There was a gentle smile on her face, and nothing but pure love written in her features.
  Natasha took in a small breath, trying to prepare herself to expose more emotions that she would ordinarily dare to show in front of people that were outside of a select few in her world. However, in that moment, looking into Yelena’s eyes, there was only the two of them in this universe.
  “And I’m really thankful for my baby sister. I don’t know what I would do without her there as a constant supporter and friend,” Natasha explained, and Yelena swallowed hard, tears starting to form in her eyes as she moved forward and tried to hide at least part of her face in Natasha’s shoulder. Natasha held her for a moment, and Yelena forced composure within herself as she turned her face so that half of it was buried in Natasha’s arm.
  “And I’m thankful for all of the friends I have made. For Little Peter, the Boomer, Little Bishop, Lewis, and several others. Little Peter is my favorite out of you morons, though, with Boomer coming up as a far second,” Yelena admitted, and Peter from his end of the table instantly shrunk down from where he was seated next to Tony, utter mortification overcoming him at the fact that Yelena had uttered the nickname in front of everyone.
  “I’m most thankful for Natasha. I’m thankful she is safe and that she is still here with me. I am thankful that she is my sister, because there is no one else in the entire world that I would rather have as moya starshaya sestra,” Yelena confessed, the Russian words soft and offering the tenderness that she could not quite muster in English in front of an extended audience like this. Granted, she knew Bucky and Clint could also understand, but she was most concerned with Natasha being able to understand.
  Natasha’s eyes softened and they glinted with the slightest presence of tears. Natasha swallowed hard, and Yelena could not stop looking at her. All she wanted to do was just crawl in her lap and cuddle with her right now, but since they were at the table and literally every other Avenger in existence was around, she knew she could not quite do that just yet.
  “Aww, short-stack, I knew you loved me. That Christmas spirit is really making you sweeter than usual,” Carol called out, affection in her voice as she successfully broke the moment. Yelena knew that Carol had done it to dispel a bit of Yelena’s emotional mess that she was threatening to fall into, and Yelena was truly grateful.
  Therefore, to continue playing it casual, Yelena just scoffed in disdain, lowering her head back down to retreat into Natasha’s side as she chose to focus on her affection for her big sister. Natasha raised her arm, bringing her closer as a warm chuckle resounded within her and vibrating near Yelena’s ear.
  After this, they continued to move around the table, each person continued to express what they were thankful for, and Natasha and Yelena simply remained absorbed in their own world, focused on one another. Kate leaned into Natasha’s other side, and Natasha wasted no time in opening her arm to bring her into her side as well.
  They were thankful for one another, and that brought the truest happiness that they could ever have.
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
(Sorting through Wanda’s emails)
Darcy: There’s a “top ten Steve Rogers’s butt 2024” slide show. You emailed it to me and Sam and “The Huffington Post”?
Wanda: Yeah, I’m not embarrassed by that.
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dgct2 · 2 years
My Top Ten Ship List
1. Cassandra Railly & James Cole, #12Monkeys 
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2. Fox Mulder & Dana Scully, #TheX-Files 
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3. Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy, #PrideAndPrejudice 
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4. Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham, #Fringe 
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5. Garret & Talon, #TheOutpost 
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6. Betty Cooper & Veronica Lodge, #Riverdale
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7. Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter, #Marvel 
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8. Jack O’Neill & Samantha Carter, #StargateSG1 
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9. Sam McCall & Dante Falconeri, #GeneralHospital 
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10. Daenerys Targaryen & Ser Jorah Mormont, #GameOfThrones 
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Truth or dare
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Pairing: Mobster!Steve Rogers x Wife!Reader
Side pairings: Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark x Pepper Potts
Characters: Sam Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Clint Barton, Peter Parker
Warnings: angst, Steve being an asshole, mentions of arranged marriage, strong female leads, crack, redemption
A/N: I wrote a hopeful ending. Not a fluffy one.
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“Steve, why don’t you wear the blue suit? You know the one I bought some weeks ago. It’ll match the dress I’m going to wear tonight,” you look your husband up and down, smirking as he looks stunning in the suit he chose to wear.
“We won’t match,” Steve is grumpy tonight. He’s usually gentler and softer around you. “No ladies tonight. This meeting is about business and forming an even stronger bond. Things you don’t know shit about.”
“But-“ you frown deeply. “Pepper said she’ll be there. Natasha and Sarah will come. Darcy will bring her better half too.”
He sighs so deeply you fear he’ll stop breathing. “Fine. It’s a meeting for wives,” he waves you off with one flick of his wrists.
“What’s that supposed to mean, Steve?” you are confused as hell. “The ring on my finger means I’m your wife. I think I didn't get the memo we got divorced.”
“Our marriage was an arrangement to help your father out,” he bites back. His tone is filled with venom, and you flinch when he steps toward you. “Do you know why I agreed on this marriage?”
“My father was in trouble and had the money to get him out of said trouble. You wanted me in return,” you meekly reply. It’s the first time you don’t feel comfortable around your husband.
“No. I wanted to stop looking for someone I can fuck. I married you to have a warm place to put my dick. So, you can stop trying so hard to be a good wife. You are all I want. A warm body for me to use.”
You visibly flinch at the blow he just threw at you. That hurt. His words cut so deep you are not sure your heart is still beating.
Arranged or not. Your marriage was special to you. You cherished the bond you believed you have with your husband. Now he claims to not even love you.
It takes you a moment to push the tears away and keep the sob down your throat. You clear your throat and put on your best-faked smile.
“Well, then I can stop trying, Steven,” your voice is even, but inside you are dying. “You should’ve told me so much sooner. I wasted so much time on this marriage. What a shame.”
Steve watches you straighten the dress you are wearing. A dream of blue and silk. His favorite color.
You sigh deeply as you look down at your body. “This dress was fucking expensive, and I can’t return it. Maybe I can sell it on eBay or shit,” you shrug. “Some other women will kill for a second-hand designer dress like this.”
He swallows thickly as you kick off your heels and make your way toward the bathroom. “Have fun with your friends and allies. I hope Pepper is not too disappointed I’m not going to be around. We had plans. You know.”
You enter the bathroom and silently close the door. As you sink to the ground and cradle your face in the palms of your hands, Steve leaves the room.
He slams the door shut, and curses.
“How could I be so wrong? He only ever wanted to use me…”
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“Hey, where’s your lovely wife?” Sam cocks his head to search the room for you. “Steve? Where is Y/N?”
“At home, where she can’t disturb business. She knows her place now,” your husband bites back. He scrunches up his nose and shrugs as Pepper and the other women gasp audibly.
“Punk don’t tell me that you took Rumlow’s comment to heart,” Bucky sizes his friend up. He frowns as Steve tells his best friend what happened tonight. “He said that you got soft to fuck with you. He was all over Y/N that night. She turned him down, you idiot!”
“Steve, no!” Sam runs one hand down his face, groaning loudly. “You got us in big trouble! My sister will murder you and me…maybe even all of us!”
Sam points at Sarah who already makes her way toward the other women in the room. Pepper’s head snaps toward Tony, and Natasha, well she opens her clutch to get a knife out.
“Oh-fuck! I won’t ever get laid ever again. Natasha will castrate all of us and make it look like an accident if she gets to know what you did,” Bucky almost whines when his wife and partner in crime stalks toward him.
Tony panics as his wife gets the gun she hides in her clutch out. “We are fucked guys,” he hiccups. “It seems like someone messed with Y/N!”
“It was him!” all men point at Steve. They take a step back and pray their wives won’t punish them for the shit Steve pulled. “We didn’t know.”
Clint starts sweating, he swallows audibly as his wife is ready to rip him a new one. “I swear, we didn’t have anything to do with this. Rumlow said that Steve got weaker and softer. He blamed Y/N for it.”
“Brock Rumlow is not one of us,” Natasha snaps at Clint. “What he says or does is of no interest to us. But—” she points her knife at Steve, “this bastard dared to hurt Y/N. So…we will hurt him.”
“Agreed,” Pepper smirks darkly. “Ladies…get him…”
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“Do you remember when you married Y/N?” Natasha circles Steve like a lion waiting to pounce on their prey. “Didn’t she look beautiful in her wedding gown? All for you, you moron.”
“Yeah,” he splutters. “You have to understand, a man my stand can’t let a woman rule his life. I need to make sure no one damages my reputation. If not, people will think I'm easy prey. Just like my family and friends.”
“You’re not an easy target because your friends protect you,” Pepper snaps at Steve. “Because all of us are a family we protect each other. We welcomed Y/N into this family, and you hurt our sister.”
“Damn right,” Sarah slaps the back of Sam’s head. “Don’t you have anything to say to your friend, Sammy?”
“Steve…uh…maybe you should go home and fix things with Y/N?” Sam offers. “I bet she’s crying her eyes out right now.”
Tony rolls his eyes and groans loudly. “You’re not helpful at all, Wilson.”
“You may think you and your allies rule this world,” Natasha clicks her tongue. “You are dead wrong.” She sneers as Bucky, Steve, and Tony glare at her.
“We, the women behind all of you make sure no war breaks out. Do you know how often an afternoon tea with one of our enemies’ wives saved your ungrateful asses?”
Natasha slaps the back of Bucky’s head. “Because in the end, you are all just angry children trying to get a new toy. Rumlow’s fiancé will set him straight too. We called her, his mother, and every female family member we could reach.”
“Oh-uh…he’s fucked too,” Bucky chuckles. “At least he will go down with all of us.”
I’m going to experience a dry spell,” Tony sighs deeply. “Again…Thanks, Rogers. Thank you so very much for fucking with your wife.”
“You!” Sarah points at Steve. “You will go home and apologize to Y/N. If she sheds only one more tear because of you, you’re going to lose more than your reputation.”
“BALLS!” Pepper exclaims. “We will cut them off.”
“Along with your dick,” Natasha grunts. “Now, off and you better make things up to her.”
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“Darling?” Steve silently tiptoes inside the mansion. He has a huge bouquet of roses in his arms. “Baby doll? Uh-I’m back home. Doll? Y/N?”
He sighs as you don’t run toward him. Usually, you would drop everything and run into his arms to pepper kisses all over his face. Or drop to your knees to get your hands on his dick. Depends on your mood.
“Sir, Mr. Rogers,” Peter, the youngest member of Steve’s organization stutters. “Mrs. Rogers retreated to one of the guest rooms.”
“She said that you could have the bedroom and that you can visit her when you feel the need…” Peter’s face turns crimson as he must tell his boss about all the things you told him. “Marriage duties…uh…Sir…please don’t make me say it.”
“Fuck’s sake, Rumlow,” Steve grunts. He pushes the roses into Peter’s hands. “Put them in a vase and bring them to my wife. Tell her to come back to the bedroom.”
“Sir. I think…”
“I don’t pay you to think,” Steve yells now. “She will come back, or I’ll make her come back. It’s up to her.”
“Sir…I think you should…”
“One more word and you can look for a new job.”
Steve storms off. He’s fuming. There he was, believing you lie awake, waiting for him to come home and make things up to you. But no. You moved out of your shared room to be a brat…
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“Mrs. Rogers, good morning,” one of the maids' chirps. “Do you want to make breakfast for Mr. Rogers again?” She smiles softly.
In silence, you pass your husband sitting at the kitchen counter without even looking at him.
“No. Someone thinks that I should stop trying to be a good wife. I’ll go for an apple. You can ask Mr. Rogers if he wants breakfast this morning.”
You open the fridge to get a bottle of water. Steve flinches as you slam the door shut. He watches you grab an apple and leave the kitchen before he can even say a single word.
“Sir, do you want breakfast?” the maid meekly asks. She doesn’t know what happened between you and your husband. But she knows it’s better to duck your head and stay out of Steve Rogers’ business.
“No. I’m already fed up,” he grunts and gets up from the stool, knocking it over. “Take the day off. All of you. I need some time with my wife…”
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Steve enters the living room, huffing as you pump up the volume. Lily Ellen yells ‘Fuck you’ at him, and he makes a face.
“We need to talk.”
You ignore his presence, even shy away when he sits next to you on the sofa.
“Doll, look at me.”
You don’t look at him. It hurts too damn much to look at the man you believed is an angel when in reality he’s a cruel demon.
“I want to talk to my wife,” he groans as you shut off the TV and get up from the sofa. You don’t speak, or at least look at him.
He’s left behind with fond memories of the last time you watched a movie together. You were seated on his lap and played with his hair.
Steve tried to convince you to watch the movie but you crawled off his lap to open his fly. You got his dick out to play with little Steve while he struggled to focus on the movie.
He closes his eyes, basking in the memory of your pouty lips when you insisted on sucking his dick. Steve gave in. As so often. You only had to bat an eyelash and he caved in.
“Sir, Mr. Rogers," Peter pokes his head inside. He feels his cheeks heat up as Steve cups his crotch. “Do you want me to drive Mrs. Rogers?”
“Drive…what?” Steve realizes what he was doing and drops his hand from his crotch as he stares at Peter. “What are you talking about?”
“She said something about lawyers."
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Steve hurriedly steps inside the guest room, watching you undress. “What are you doing? Doll, I tried to talk to you and now you are…”
“What the fuck? Can a woman not change clothes without you creeping on me?” you snap at Steve. “Get out!”
“You love it when I watch you undress.”
“I made you believe I do,” you chuckle darkly. “I’m damn skilled at faking things. Aren't I?" you ask as you glance at Steve. “All these times I pretended you made me cum or turned me on? I should get a fucking Oscar.”
“Doll, don’t go there,” he warns.
“I had to play with my toys before you came home to get wet for you. I never wanted to marry you. And I never had feelings for you.”
Steve knows you are lying. The way you tend to his wounds after a fight, gentle yet determined tells a different story. You always worried about him.
After a particularly hard day, or rather after you tended to a deep gash on his lower back you wouldn’t let him out of sight for a week. You clung to him like you were glued to his hips.
“Why not? All you want from me is a dripping hole, right?” you wrinkle your nose to push the tears away. “I’m nothing to you.”
He steps closer to you and places his hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, I’m sorry for the stupid things I said. You know that I only tried to protect my reputation.”
“I will go on a short vacation with Pepper, Sarah, Darcy, Natasha, and Okoye. If you need to get off in the meantime, use your hand, Steven. I think you’ll remember how to jerk off by the end of my vacation.”
He gasps when you shove his hand off your shoulder. “If you would excuse me now, I need to pack a few things for my little getaway…”
Steve watches you storm out of the guest room. He huffs and curses his damn pride. If only he didn’t listen to Brock Rumlow.
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“I didn’t have sex for three weeks thanks to you, Steve!” Bucky complains loudly. “Natasha and I do it daily. Now. Nothing. Not even a handjob!”
Tony nods in agreement. “Same.”
“Don’t ask me,” Clint grumbles. “I will never see a boob in my life.”
“Our wives are officially on strike,” Tony buries his face in his hands. “Pepper said they won’t do shit for us, or with us if you don’t make things up to Y/N.”
“Do something, punk! I want to have sex in this decade again!” Bucky threatens. “If not, I’ll make your life living hell!”
“How? She refuses to talk to me, Buck! I tried to apologize, and she decided to go on vacation with your wife and the others. I tried,” Steve replies.
“Try harder then, punk.”
Steve gives his friend a stern look before deciding it’s time to get his wife back. He won’t back down now. “I’ll get my girl back. No matter what!”
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“Steven Grant Rogers! Why are you here, in my room covered in blood?” you put your hands on your hips as you drink your husband’s appearance in. “Why are you hurt?”
His tie hangs losely around his neck. Someone ripped his shirt open. Steve’s hair is a mess, and his face had to endure a few punches at least.
“I got into a fight with security at the spa,” he huffs. “They are damn tough for security guards at a spa! I told them I want to see my wife.”
“Well, it’s their job to keep creeps out of here,” you sass. “I see now they did a poor job of keeping you out.”
“I’m not some creep, Y/N.”
He stuffs his hands in his pockets and gives you a puppy dog look. “I came here to apologize again. You know I didn’t mean a thing I said that night.”
“You sure about that? Because it sounded like you are damn serious to me that night,” you quip and turn your back on Steve. “Maybe you should file for divorce. A hooker is cheaper than a wife.”
“I was wrong,” he moves toward you. Steve sighs as you shy away again. “One thing wasn’t a lie.”
You sniff, ready for another blow.
“You are all I need," he says as he wraps his arms around your waistline. “I would’ve helped your father a thousand times to get you, doll. You know that. Deep inside your fractured heart, you know that I love you.”
“I’m not sure about it.”
“How about I reassure you that I love you, Y/N?” he offers. “I’ll take a whole month off and we will fly to Paris just like you always wanted.”
“I’ll consider your suggestion,” you won’t give in so easily. Steve hurt you deeply. Even worse. He made you feel unwanted, unloved, and worthless. “For now, all I can offer is to fix the mess you call your face.”
He grins. “That’s a start…”
>> Part 2
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jakeperalta · 8 months
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hi everyone! it's creator appreciation time!! one day i will get back to consistently making these posts each week, but until then here's another big long list of creations that i've particularly loved recently 💚 everything mentioned here and in previous posts can be found in my creator shoutout tag for easier scrolling!
1. the hunger games katniss/peeta "sweet nothing" gifset by @bi-alinaoretsev
2. the hunger games katniss/peeta "as the world caves in" gifset by @smblmn
3. 911 eddie diaz gifset by @azrphales
4. 911 buck/eddie gifset by @eddie-diaz-911
5. 911 buck/eddie gifset by @captain-hen
6. 911 evan buckley gifset by @buck-eddie
7. 911 evan buckley + text posts gifset by @azrphales
8. 911 x "speak now" gifset by @eddiediaaz
9. taylor swift "august" gifset by @cametotheshowinsd
10. taylor swift "august" gifset by @usergif
11. taylor swift eras tour posters graphic by @bybdolan
12. taylor swift 1989 tv redesign graphic by @wastlandsbaby
13. taylor swift lover album concept graphic by @ssafeandsound
14. taylor swift lover gifset by @antoniosvivaldi
15. marvel steve/peggy + paddington au by @margaretacarter
16. the martian gifset by @dailyflicks
17. sabrina carpenter albums gifset by @sabrinauniverse
pt 2 (this is just the red white & royal blue section lol)
18. rwrb alex/henry book excerpts gifset by @swearphil
19. rwrb henry fox "what was i made for" video by @djdangerlove
20. rwrb alex/henry "king of my heart" gifset by @captain-hen
21. rwrb alex/henry quote gifset by @lemon-lyman
22. rwrb alex/henry quote gifset by @roseapothecary
23. rwrb alex/henry "miss americana & the heartbreak prince" gifset by @simon-eriksson
24. rwrb alex/henry "illicit affairs" gifset by @captain-hen
25. rwrb alex/henry quote gifset by @sheisraging
26. rwrb alex/henry "paper rings" gifset by @eddiediaaz
27. rwrb rainbow gifset by @chrissiewatts
28. rwrb alex/henry "the great war" gifset by @eddiediaaz
29. rwrb alex/henry "peace" gifset by @captain-hen
30. rwrb alex/henry book quotes gifset by @rachelsennott
31. rwrb vibrant gifset by @rainbowgifs
pt 3
32. gilmore girls rory/logan x "speak now" gifset by @lavenderhazed
33. the wilds 1x01 gifset by @lady-arryn
34. emma 2020 gifset by @h-f-k
35. emma 1996 gifset by @lady-arryn
36. halsey iichliwp gifset by @h-f-k
37. la la land poster graphic by @cellphonehippie
38. mamma mia sam/donna + "folklore" gifset by @andtosaturn
39. pride and prejudice darcy/elizabeth graphic by @laylakeating
40. fleabag fleabag/priest "hard feelings" gifset by @henwilsons
41. maisie peters "you signed up for this" graphic by @imkindatheman
42. sex education aimee/maeve gifset by @meliorn
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faerieroyal · 4 months
✩⡱ who i write for !
✭ ◦ ˚ favorites/inspired for, platonic/familial requests only, requests currently closed
✭ ◦ ˚ links on character names lead to fancasts
✭ ◦ ˚ any ships listed are meant for poly x reader requests, i do not write for the ships by themselves
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the batman: bruce wayne, selina kyle, edward nashton.
dc: bruce wayne, clark kent, diana prince, harley quinn, selina kyle, pamela isley, dick grayson, jason todd, roy harper, tim drake, stephanie brown, barbara gordon, cassandra cain, damian wayne, superbat, jayroy.
golden trio era: harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, draco malfoy, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, fred weasley, george weasley, cedric diggory, oliver wood, theodore nott, pansy parkinson, cho chang.
marauders era: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes, mary macdonald, barty crouch jr., evan rosier, regulus black, narcissa black, jily, dorlene, marylily, wolfstar, rosekiller, poly marauders.
fantastic beasts: newt scamander, theseus scamander, leta lestrange, tina goldstein, queenie goldstein.
chronicles of narnia: peter pevensie, susan pevensie, edmund pevensie, lucy pevensie, caspian the tenth.
baldur’s gate 3: wyll ravengard, astarion ancunin, gale dekarios, karlach cliffgate, halsin silverbough, shadowheart, lae’zel, shadowzel, bloodpact, bloodweave, wyllach, hellspawn, bloodbear, wyllsin.
dead poets society: neil perry, todd anderson, charlie dalton, steven meeks, gerard pitts, richard cameron, knox overstreet, ginny danbury, chris noel, anderperry.
the outsiders: darrel "darry" curtis, sodapop curtis, ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, steve randle, dallas "dally" winston, keith "two-bit" mathews, cheryl "cherry" valance.
ted lasso: ted lasso, jamie tartt, roy kent, keeley jones, sam obisanya, jamieroy, tedroy, roykeeley.
one piece (live action): monkey d. luffy, roanoa zoro, vinsmoke sanji, nami, usopp, dracule mihawk, red-haired shanks, zosan.
hazbin hotel: charlie morningstar, vaggie, lucifer morningstar, angel dust, husk, alastor the radio demon, rosie the cannibal, sir pentious, cherri bomb, emily seraphim, chaggie, royalhalo, two and a half halos, huskerdust, cherrisnake.
triple frontier: santiago garcia, frankie morales, benny miller, will miller.
formula one: daniel ricciardo, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, lando norris, max verstappen, lance stroll, alex albon, george russell, pierre gasly, oscar piastri, logan sargeant, mick schumacher, esteban ocon, maxiel, charlos, carlando, loscar, lestappen, charlandos.
nhl: mitch marner, jamie drysdale, william nylander, quinn hughes, jack hughes, luke hughes, adam larrson, matthew knies, nico hischier, juraj slafkovsky.
stranger things: steve harrington, eddie munson, robin buckley, nancy wheeler, jonathan byers, chrissy cunningham, steddie, hellcheer, ronance.
good omens: aziraphale, crowley, muriel, anathema device, ineffable husbands, ineffable bureaucracy.
marvel: bucky barnes, eddie brock, kate bishop, yelena belova, natasha romanoff, sam wilson, carol danvers, wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff, loki laufeyson, thor odinson, darcy lewis, jane foster, druig, makkari, kingo, bruce banner, peter parker (tom holland), ned leeds, michelle jones, marc spector/steven grant/jake lockley, layla el-faouly, peter quill, scott lang, xu shang-chi, xu xialing, helmut zemo, peter parker (andrew garfield), sambucky, spideychelle, interwebs, drukkari.
top gun: pete "maverick" mitchell, tom "iceman" kazansky, nick "goose" bradshaw, ron "slider" kerner, bradley "rooster" bradshaw, jake "hangman" seresin, natasha "phoenix" trace, bob floyd, javy "coyote" machado, mickey "fanboy" garcia, callie "halo" shen, icemav, hangster, floydsin, halonix.
star wars: luke skywalker, anakin skywalker, padmé amidala, obi-wan kenobi, din djarin, ahsoka tano, rex, cody, wrecker, crosshair, wolffe, hunter, echo, fives, tech, omega.
slashers: michael myers, jason vorhees, daniel "candyman" robitaille, jason dean, billy loomis, stu macher, hannibal lecter, carrie white, thomas hewitt, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, norman bates, hannigram, poly ghostface.
twilight: charlie swan, alice cullen, emmett cullen, carlisle cullen, seth clearwater, paul lahote, jasper hale, rosalie hale, poly charlie & carlisle.
x-men: charles xavier, erik lensherr, kurt wagner, raven darkhölme, peter maximoff, logan howlett, jean grey, scott summers, alex summers, sean cassidy.
the magnificent seven (2016): goodnight robicheaux, billy rocks, joshua faraday, vasquez, sam chisholm, red harvest, jack horne, the magnificent seven (unit).
little women (2019): jo march, meg march, amy march, beth march, theodore "laurie" laurence.
newsies (broadway version): jack kelly, david jacobs, katherine pulitzer, crutchie morris, spot conlon, racetrack higgins, albert dasilva, finch.
miscellaneous: tangerine, evan "buck" buckley, eddie diaz, buddie, ferris bueller, cameron frye, daniel larusso, johnny lawrence, marty mcfly, phil wenneck, joel miller, spencer reid, aaron hotchner, penelope garcia, jess mariano, rory gilmore, eggsy unwin, agent whiskey, barbie (margot robbie), ken (ryan gosling).
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✩⡱ request rules !
types of content i will write: headcanons, drabbles, blurbs based on concepts and thoughts.
what i will write: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, readers of any gender (male, female, gender-neutral), readers of color and various religions, poly reader inserts with ships, suggestive content (no actual smut, but suggestive and fade-to-black is fine), various types of aus (if you're not sure, feel free to ask).
what i will not write: anything fully nsfw (suggestive content is fine), full-length one-shots (at least not by request), non-canon sexualities for characters, age play/regression, rape or sexual assault, eating disorders, self-harm.
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✩⡱ other rules !
i will not write one-shots or full-length fics by request. however, i may write one-shots or series based on my own ideas if i am feeling inspired. otherwise, i will only take requests for headcanons, drabbles, and concepts or thoughts from you that i can turn into blurbs.
i will write for readers of any gender, but if you do not specify the reader's gender in your request, i will automatically make them gender-neutral, so as to keep my writing as inclusive as possible.
my inspiration tends to come and go a lot, so if it takes me a while to get your request out, i genuinely apologize in advance, but i do ask you to not be rude and try to pressure me into writing faster.
please be polite when sending in requests - i do not ask for a lot, just a simple "please" and "thank you" so i know you don't think of me as just a writing machine.
on that note, please try to put some kind of general plot into your requests ! not too much, since headcanons and drabbles are meant to be shorter, but i generally need more than just "x character with fluff". also, please put the type of request, or if it's just a thought or concept, in your ask !
you can request for any character in the list above, as long as their name isn't struck through, but if you want to know if i write for another character in any of these fandoms that isn't listed, feel free to ask ! i might still not write them, but i promise i'll try my best !
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marvelrarepairbingo · 2 months
Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo Round Up 2024
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Hey everyone! We've had a really busy year at Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo and this start to the year has really been a big one with lots of great stories and art for everyone searching for their favorite Marvel rare pair fix. If you're looking for some great creations, seek no further as we've got some wonderful selections below under the cut! Also make sure to check out our bingo and join in on the fun by checking out our tumblr page here for all the details on how you can take part in this round of the Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo.
Title: “Here, At The End of All Things” Author: Cerylid Card #: MPR 047 - Nightmares O2 Pairing: Scott/Logan (X-Men Comicverse) Rating: T Warnings/Tags: Touch-starved, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Resurrection, Suicidal Thoughts, Grief/Mourning, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Trauma, Uncanny X-Men (2018) Wolverine and Cyclops, Alternative Universe - Slight Canon Divergence Summary: The other X-Men have vanished, and a newly-resurrected Scott has called out their enemies to face him at the remains of the School, determined to take as many of them with him as he can. He didn't expect Logan to show up and help. He didn't expect to survive. And he certainly didn't expect Logan to stay and look after him afterwards. Word Count: 3248 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50118301
title: It Were Dragons author: ChrissiHR rating: M square filled: N3 FREE SPACE characters: Darcy x Bucky x Clint tags/warnings: fantasy, dragons, witches, attempted kidnapping, period-typical violence link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50932963/chapters/128673829 summary: Folklore says a witch’s value is priceless, greater even than any gold or gem, chain or plate. And so the most fearsome dragons have always kidnapped the youngest of witchlings to stash away with their hoard of treasures. But a skilled witch always wins over the dragon with her wiles and enchantments, taming the fearsome beast, making of it a pet and a companion until, one day, the dragon falls in love with the witch and reveals his human form to declare his love to her. Then he marries her, of course, and they live happily ever after. That’s the way the story is supposed to go. Until one lovely witchling is kidnapped by two feral dragons. And she’s smarter than them both. Then, all bets are off.
Title: The Arrangement Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: G3: Weird Affectionate Gesture Pairing: Emma Frost/Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Fake Marriage, Enemies to Lovers, Domestic Fluff, Romance, Slow Romance, Cuddles, Implied Sexual Content, Falling In Love, Happy Ending, Light Angst Summary: After Emma and Tony have come together in a 'fake marriage' to team up against the enemy, Emma finds herself having a change of heart where her new husband is concerned. As much as Emma wants to keep hating him, Tony just makes it so hard to feel that way so much so that Emma learns that the man she'd vowed to forever hate is becoming the one person she can't live without. Word Count: 5269 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50971384
Title: I Feel What You Feel When Everyone’s Gone Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: image prompt — Sam Wilson with the shield Pairing: Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Canon Divergence - Captain America: The Winter Soldier, On the Run, Mild Blood, Developing Relationship Summary: Sam’s having a chill night on the first cold one of Autumn when Camp Lehigh fell onto pieces over Steve and Natasha —literally. Word Count: 3,260 Link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/50991697
Author: Jimothy Card #: MRP - 041 Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: E Warning: Alpha/Omega, Rimming, Light Medical Kink Word: 1.7k Description: Bucky loves it when Clint avoids taking his medicine, it means he can play with his Omega all he wants. Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/731913759359205376/clints-medicine?source=share
Author: Jimothy Card #: MRP - 041 Pairing: Steve/Thor Rating: E Warning: Watersports, Pissplay, Anal Fucking Word: 2024 Description:After Odin gets under his skin and Steve tries to swim across a frozen river to retrieve their fishing boat, Thor has to find a new way to keep his fiance warm https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732028017798463488/play-stupid-games-win-a-new-way-to-keep-warm?source=share
Author: Jimothy Card #: MRP - 041 Pairing: Steve/Peggy Rating: E Prompt: Karma Sutra Warning: Word: 3644 Description: Actress Peggy fucks Designer Steve after her agent got under her skin. https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732391483829846016/stress-relief-in-flowery-gown?source=share
title: It Were Dragons, Ch 3: Changelings card: author: ChrissiHR MRP-052 prompt: O1 unusual pets pairing: Darcy x Bucky x Clint rating: M tags: dragons, witches, kidfic, growing up together, magic warnings: period-typical violence in future chapters, attempted kidnapping summary: “Hae ye come tae kidnap me agin?” she demands when she recognizes the same drakes, still feeling fresh about the last time. She knows they used some kind of magic because she remembers being scooped up and flown into the treetops, but …what come after were a bit fuzzy. And then she were just home. With beautiful treasures in her apron pocket. And no memory of how she got them. But she remembers the dragons. link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50932963/chapters/129304426
Title: The Flashback Blanket Author: MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: Loki Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark Rating: G Warnings: Panic Attack/Flashback Word Count: 1,936 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51245299
Author: Jimothy Card #: MRP - 041 Pairing: Clint/Bucky Rating: M Prompt: Forced To Hurt Partner Warning: Description: Clint would do anything to get his mate back, even if that meant walking into the slimy tentacles of Hydra itself. https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732749869200130048/dont-go-searching-for-what-goes-bump-in-the-dark?source=share
Title: “Garden” Author: nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O5 “Surprise”. Pairing: Karolina Dean X Julie Power (Love). Rating: Teen. Warnings: Secret garden, secret gift, femslash. Summary: Julie wanna surprise Karolina. Word Count: 100 words. Link: Tumblr:https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732876877742637057/gardenWattpad:https://www.wattpad.com/1336188198-marvel-rare-pair-bingo-garden Ao3:https://archiveofourown.org/works/50812201
Title: Crystal Ball and Truths (Simply Magic - The 24h Help Hotline) Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Round 2 Card No. / Name on Card: MRP-058 / Muffin Square: N3 - Free Space Pairing / Ship(s): Darcy Lewis/Loki Genre: Canon divergence, humor, crack Rating: T Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, magic au, witch!Darcy, hotline operator Loki, crystal ball, language, slow burn Summary: “Ah, Darcy. How long has it been? Two hours? You must like my voice a lot.” Arrr. Gods. Was he reading her mind? That man was so entitled! She wished the Darth Vader Force choke move was real. “No, not really. As you should know by now, I’m an astrophysicist, and your manuals are shit. On top of it, I inherited a shop full of old magical objects with no manuals at all.” Word Count: 1141 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385414/chapters/129850864
Title: Sixty-Nine Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: O1: 69 Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr & Peter Maximoff Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Family Bonding, Drama, Saving the World, contemplations, Post-X-Men: Apocalypse (2016), Family, inner thoughts, Saving the Day, Bombs, Danger Summary: Peter finds himself working to save the school from the dangers by the enemy and in doing so he contemplates all that can happen in sixty-nine seconds and what it means to the here and now and his relationship with his father. Word Count: 1412 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51423040
Author: Jimothy Card #: MRP - 041 Pairing: Clint/Bucky Rating: M Prompt: Love Spell Warning: Tentacle Sex, ABO Description: Clint learns what Bucky has been hiding https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/733544627433521152/dont-go-searching-for-what-goes-bump-in-the-dark
Title: Operation “What shark, Brock?” (Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets: Chapter 9) Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86 aka Muffin Square: N1 - Sphinx Riddles Pairing / Ship(s): Brock Rumlow & Jack Rolins, Frank Castle & Jeff the land shark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, Darcy Lewis & Cameron Klein Rating: Teens and Up Genre: Canon divergence, humor, crack, Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: canon divergence, Jeff - the land shark, pranks, Jeff on a motorcycle Word Count: 902 Summary: Out of reflex, Brock waved back. He stopped himself and kept staring at the corner the motorcycle had rounded. “Did you see that?” “What?” “Frank Castle drove past us with Peter Parker and a shark on that bike.” Brock gestured towards the street corner. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/130289551
Title: Hydra Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86 aka Muffin Square: O3 - Run in with a Hydra (not Hydra!) Rating: Mature Pairing / Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson Genre: Canon divergence, Magical Beings are Real AU Word Count: 0 - Moodboard Summary: Our boys have a run-in with a hydra. Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: doubt, mistakes, dark Additional Tags: canon divergence, Hydra, overcoming difficulties. Link: https://www.tumblr.com/muffinengineer86/733819216896180224/title-hydra?source=share
warm like a hug, sweet like a kiss Author: Xenomorphic Summary: Down Mainstreet, Westview, NJ, Wanda Maximoff and Stephen Strange meet from across the road. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51554248
a bruise of a kiss  Author: Xenomorphic Summary: Loki and Stephen become stuck together when a spell backfires. It has mixed results. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51557656
title: It Were Dragons, Ch 5: Mothers Worry; Mayhap Nae So Much as Dragons, But Still prompts: Marvel Rare Pair Bingo 2023 square filled: B3 discovering unusual footprints/tracks in the mud pairing: Darcy x Bucky x Clint rating: M warnings: attempted kidnapping, period-typical violence, canon-typical violence summary: Tonight, Darcy is still a bit sleepy when she’s carried into a warm cottage at the end of their wagon ride, cradled close like a swaddled bairn by a big man wrapped in wool that matches Bucky’s and Clint’s tartans. His shoulders are broad, and his hair color and its long length match Bucky’s. He talks real quiet over Darcy to Bucky and Clint, “Din’na fuss, me lads. She’s nae exactly th’ first bairn I’ve e’er carried. I will’na drop yer Chosen; I swear it.” link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50932963/chapters/130352230
Title: The Getaway Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: G2: Photo of a gondolier on the waters in Venice Pairing: Scott Summers/Tony Stark Rating: Mature Warnings/Tags: Meet-Cute, Angst and Romance, Drama & Romance, Sexual Content, Vacation, out in the rain, Forbidden Love, Light Angst, Exploration, Minor Jean Grey/Scott Summers Summary: After the rest of the original five on the X-Men team have taken off to find their path in life outside of the school Scott decides it's time to take a journey of his own to Venice where fate puts him in Tony Stark's orbit and sparks fly. What can it mean to the future moving forward for Scott? Word Count: 4721 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51626764
Title of Fill: All in a Kiss Collaborator: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52291138 Square Filled: Holiday Adoptable: “Okay, who put mistletoe in every doorway in this house?” Ship/Main Pairing: Clint Barton/Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Idiots in Love, Holiday hijinks, Mistletoe, Secret Crush, Kissing, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Partners to Lovers Summary: Following a team up with Tony, Clint realizes he has a crush on his sexy teammate, but getting around to admitting to that isn't as easy as Clint hoped. When Clint makes a plan to capture Tony's attention, it winds up having some unexpected consequences along the way. Word Count: 2519
Title: Sing, then, wherever you may be Author: 42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: Dancing Pairing: Matt Murdock x Foggy Nelson Rating: T Warnings: Alcohol Summary: Matt notices that Foggy has stopped singing around him--Or in general. When Matt asks him about it, things take and unexpected, but very welcome turn. Word Count: 3545 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52416643
Title: Heart Trouble Author: 42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52536322 Summary: Matt is alone on Christmas Eve. Again.
Title: Last Christmas I gave you my heart: Author: Xenomorphic Summary: Truth is, and despite everyone else's best efforts, neither of them is big on Christmas. Loki still gets the cat a Santa Claus suit. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52545799
Title: Show Me Your World Author: 42donotpanic Summary: When Charles and Matt seperately entered the bar that night, they weren't expecting to end up in the arms of a former stranger. And they definitely didn't expect it to mean as much as it does now. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52609375
Title: Caught in the Act Author: VerySeriousArtist Summary: Matt usually wasn't the one to become flustered around other people. Usually, he was the confident one, even a little cocky at times. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53096896
Title: Security Detail Squares Filled: MRPB (051): N3, Free Space Author: ibelieveinturtles Fandom: MCU Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: T Tags/Warnings: morally grey Darcy Lewis Summary: When S.H.I.E.L.D. won’t provide Jane and Darcy with security, Darcy finds an alternative. Word Count: 864 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53195032
Title: Come back...for her Author: VerySeriousArtist Summary: C-20 never thought she could have a life outside the TVA, but now there she was with Sylvie, living a fulfilling life and even planning their first trip together! But the TVA will always find a way to disturb the peace... Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53245081
Title: The Long-Ass Walk of Shame Author: Blizzard_Fire Summary: There’s only one downside to hot sex with an Asgardian goddess. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52890901
Title: Suddenly Married Author: VerySeriousArtist Summary: Instead of waking up in his Bed in the Avengers Tower, Bruce finds himself in the Bedroom of Justin Hammer, not knowing that in this universe, he's known to be his husband. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53386144
Title: Dating Trouble: The Flying Wand Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card: MRP-058 / Muffin Square: G3 - Praise Kink Pairing / Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Genre: Canon divergence, humor, smut Rating: Explicit Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No Power AU, language, farmhand!Steve, farmhand! Bucky, handjob, Hitachi Wand, bleeding, sex dream, wound, Sam must never find out Summary: The sight became better. Darcy saw more than she had hoped for. She knew she shouldn’t watch. She felt like a creepy, horny old lady, but she couldn’t look away. Even worse was that she wished she had some binoculars with her. Word Count: 1146 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53701648
Title: Fifth Times the Charm Author: Cerylid Card: MRP 047 Square Filled/Prompt: (I1) - "Opportunity Knocks" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: G Tags/Warnings: Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott is Scott, Logan is a Softie (X-Men) Summary: Scott Summers has been trying to ask Logan to the New Year party for a couple of weeks, but it keeps going wrong. When he finally gets the chance, can he overcome he fears to find out if Logan feels the same? Word Count: 2161 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53115751
Title: Long Nights Author: Cerylid Card: MRP 047 Square Filled/Prompt: (G4) -Napping Together Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: M Tags/Warnings: 5+1 Things, Missions, Only One Bed, Pool & Billiards, Grief/Mourning, Hurt Scott Summers, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Protective Logan (X-Men), Grumpy Logan (X-Men), Making Out, Intimacy Summary: Five long nights that Logan found difficult... and one long night he didn't. Word Count: 3791 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53116726
Title: New Beginnings Author: Cerylid Card: MRP 047 Square Filled/Prompt:(I3) - "I love you" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: G Tags/Warnings: Krakoa Era (X-Men), Developing Relationship, Intimacy, Making Out, Resurrection Summary: Mother Mold has been destroyed, and the whole of the new mutant nation of Krakoa has been celebrating. Everything has changed, everything is new, and maybe it’s the chance for new beginnings. Word Count: 1475 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53556145
Title: Breaking The Rules Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo: G5: Locker Room Sex Pairing: Scott Summers/James “Logan” Howlett Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Summary: Sexual Content, Awkward Sexual Situations ,Forbidden, Breaking The Rules, Shower Sex, Locker Room, Lust Word Count: 3979 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51534205
Title: Of Ice Cream and Park Benches Author: 42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: I3 - Melted Ice Cream Pairing: Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson Rating: Mature Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Panic attacks Summary: On a hot April afternoon, Matt and Foggy decide to take a break from studying and go for some ice cream in the nearby park. A bad day turns even worse when the park and the ice cream trigger flashbacks of something Matt would rather forget. Word Count: 2898 Link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/51545782
Title: Writing a Bad Romance Author: Burdenedwithpointlesspurpose Card #: MRP-034 Square Filled: I3 - Sex Work Summary: Loki is looking for some real life experiences and Stephen is trying to make himself feel better. If that means hiring a hooker like some poor sap, he will deal with the emotional fall out later. Now, his partner for the night is another story. He’s turning it into one quite literally. Tags: Sex Work, NSFW art Word Count: 1,557 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52492684
Title: Now I wear my Scars just like Tattoos (chapter 3) Author: 42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: Forced to Rely on Enemy/Rival Pairing: Clint Barton/James "Bucky" Barnes Rating: Mature Warnings: Pain, Trans!Clint, NB!Bucky, Implied/Referenced Suicidality Summary: Bucky's arm causes him chronic pain. As a last resort, Clint thinks Tony can help them. The only problem: Tony hasn't talked to Bucky since Siberia. Word Count: 2306 Link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/49329592/chapters/133717213
Title: Marks on Your Skin Author: 42donotpanic Summary: "Foggy wasn’t sure how it had happened. He knew there had to have been a lot of alcohol involved the first time. For both of them.
It wasn’t like he didn’t remember that night—their first night together—it was just that it didn’t make a lot of sense.
Because why, for all that was good, would Erik Lehnsherr, the strong, tall, and famously unpleasant engineering student, hook up with a guy called Foggy, who was known by all to be soft and fluffy, always helpful and kind?
Foggy didn’t know. There was no way he could wrap his brain around it, and, at this point, he was afraid to ask." Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52973536
Title: Results of The Applied Author: Burdenedwithpointlesspurpose Card #: MRP-034 Square Filled: B2 - Claiming/Biting Pairing: Tony Stark/Clint Barton Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: After establishing a more official relationship with Clint, Tony agrees to share the Alpha’s rut again. He just doesn’t expect for things to end up as intense as they do, despite how long they’ve been seeing each other. It surprisingly doesn’t phase him though. Although he supposes when you feel the right way about someone, becoming their mate is hardly a problem now that he’s experienced it instead of simply theorizing. Tags: Omegaverse PWP Word Count: 1,312 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52950238
Title: View of A Vacation Author: Burdenedwithpointlesspurpose Card #: MRP-034 Square Filled: I1 - Voyeurism Pairing: Jane Foster/Brunnhilde | Valkyrie Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Off the coast of Norway, Jane and Brunnhilde enjoy some alone time together. It turns out a lot more personal than Jane expected. Tags: NSFW Art Word Count: 0 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53384542
Title: Enjoying the Expierence Author: Burdenedwithpointlesspurpose Card #: MRP-034 Square Filled: N3 - FREE Pairing: Kate Bishop/Maya Lopez Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Kate is enjoying getting to know Maya, even if they aren't exactly getting to know each other traditionally. She's not going to complain though. How could she when a beautiful, bad ass woman wants to take pleasure in her? Besides, it's hard to break the walls down of someone like her. Tags: PWP Word Count: 1156 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53662393
Title: Resolution Author: Cerylid Card: MRP 047 Square Filled/Prompt: I2 Soothing Touch Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: E Tags/Warnings: Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Logan is a Softie (X-Men), Sexual Content, telepathic trauma, Not Jean Grey Friendly Summary: After a bitter argument with his ex, Scott is rescued from his doubts by Logan. Word Count: 2474 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53440141
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froggywritesstuff · 1 year
character list
the title is self explanatory. this is a list of the characters i'll write for. it'll probably change over time, and if you see a character you'd like but don't see them on the list, just ask cause i might've forgotten about them
Eliza Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Philip Hamilton
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Aaron Burr
Umbrella Academy
Viktor Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella or Sparrow)
Sloane Hargreeves
Jayme Hargreeves
Stranger Things
Will Byers (non female readers only)
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eleven Hopper
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley (non male readers only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
21 Chump Street
Justin Laboy
The Goldfinch
Boris Pavlikovsky
Theodore Decker
Peter Parker (any actor)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Sprite (platonic only)
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
America Chavez (non male readers only)
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova (platonic only)
Riri Williams
Kitty Pryde
Peter Maximoff
In The Heights (movie version)
Usnavi de la Vega
Nina Rosario
Sonny de la Vega 
Veronica Sawyer
JD (Jason Dean)
Heather Chandler
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
John Doe
John Doe
Ride The Cyclone
Noel Gruber (male or nb readers only)
Ocean O'Connel Rosenburg
Mischa Bachinski
Constance Blackwood
Ricky Potts
Paul Matthews
Emma Perkins
Ted Spankoffski
Bill Woodard
Ruth Fleming
Pete Spankoffski
Richie Lipschitz
Max Jagerman
Grace Chasity
Lex Foster
Ethan Green
Hannah Foster (platonic only)
Charlie Spring (non female readers only)
Nick Nelson
Tara Jones (non male readers only)
Darcy Olsson (non male readers readers only)
Elle Argent
Tao Xu (non male readers only(headcanoning him as bi or pan is disrespectful and transphobic))
Tori Spring
Imogen Heaney
Isaac Henderson (platonic only)
Do Revenge
Eleanor Levetan (non male readers only)
Drea Torres
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Bianca Barclay
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
(young) Morticia Addams
(young) Gomez Addams
Lydia Deetz
Tomorrow When The War Began
Ellie Linton
Lee Takkam
Fiona Maxwell
Homer Yannos
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse/Across the Spider-Verse
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Margo Kess
Miles G Morales (earth 42)
Miguel O’Hara
Maze Runner
Newt (non female readers only)
The Broken Hearts Gallery
Lucy Gulliver
Nadine (non male readers only)
Nick Danielson
Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Lord Tewkesbury
Turning Red
Mei Mei
Raising Dion
Nicole Warren
Tevin Wakefield
Dion Warren (platonic only)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer (non female readers only)
Abbott Elementary
Janine Teagues
Jacob Hill (non female readers only)
Gregory Eddie
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Love Victor
Victor Salazar (non female readers only)
Benji (non female readers only)
Felix Weston
Pilar Salazar
Lake Meriwether
Mia Brooks
In Treatment
Kurt Kunkle
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Mary Margaret Blanchard
David Nolan
Henry Mills
Mulan (non male readers only)
Neal Cassidy
Peter Pan
Dash and Lily
Juno MacGuff
Paulie Bleeker
Summer Days Summer Nights
Debbie Espinoza
Frankie Espinoza
Scream (1 through 6)
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Roberts
Charlie Walker
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Eddie Brock
Honest Thief
Ramon Hall
Beth Hall
Wild Child
Poppy Moore
Freddie Kingsley
Monsters and Men
Manny Ortega
Marisol Ortega
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Trevor Spengler
Phoebe Spengler (platonic only)
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff Winger
Britta Perry
The Obession
The New Girl
Lia Setiawan
Stacey Hoffman
Mythic Quest
Poppy Li
Brad Bakshi
Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Prince Bubblegum
Flame Princess
School Spirits
Charley (non female readers only)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Disventure Camp
Aiden (non fem readers only)
James (non fem readers only)
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies
Jane Facciano
Olivia Valdovinos
Nancy Nakagawa
Cynthia Zdunowski
Richie Valdovinos
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
Roy Kent
Jamie Tartt
Keeley Jones
Sam Obisanya
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Noah Diaz
Elena Wallace
Helluva Boss
Stolas (non female readers only)
Verosika Mayday
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Vaggie (non male readers only)
Angel Dust (non female readers only)
Alastor (platonic only)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rise + mutant mayhem + tmnt 2007 + tmnt 2012)
The After Party
Yasper Lennov
Space Force
Tony Scarapiducci
Teddy Lobo
Robert Montague Renfield
Bill Hoyt
Amazing Digital Circus
Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy Cunningham (18+ people DNI unless requesting platonic stories)
The Earliest Show
Josh Bath
House of Lies
Clyde Oberholt
Mean Girls (movie + musical + movie musical)
Cady Heron
Regina George
Gretchen Wieners
Karen Smith/Shetty
Janis Ian/Sarkisian/Imi'ike (non male readers only)
Damian Hubbard (non female readers only)
Warm Bodies
Peep World
Nathan Meyerwitz
Your Boyfriend
Peter Dunbar
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Honeyed Lips. Siren Hips.
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Wordcount: 12k
Thor x POC Singer!Reader “Honey” x Bucky. Thor x POC Singer!Reader “Honey” x Bucky x Steve. A simple night out takes a turn Honey wasn't expecting. New paths and opportunities are discovered. How will they all fair in the end?
Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Romantic Fluff, Smut, Shameless Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Polyamory, Female Character of Color, Alternate Universe - CanonAlternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Threesome - F/M/M, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Making Love, Alternate Universe - BDSM, Light BDSM, Dom/sub Undertones, Light Dom/sub, Soft Thor (Marvel), Protective Bucky Barnes, Sassy Steve Rogers, Dom Bucky Barnes, Dom Steve Rogers, Dom Thor (Marvel)
Hello Heathens! Lyrics used are from: Just A Boy - Alaina Castillo and Whole Lotta Woman - Kelly Clarkson They will be in bold and italic. I do not own the rights to either of those song and implore you to give them a listen. Also give Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz ft Yacht Money a listen when things start to heat up. Happy reading!
Banner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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A Charity event with the Avengers in attendance is a normal occurrence for you nowadays. Using your charming personality to help aid the team in winning over donors. A sweet smile and stroke of the ego never hurts to get them to shell over copious amounts of money to a deserving cause. 
What started as a fun night out with her superhero boyfriends Thor and Bucky; along with their crazy group of friends who have quickly become like family to you, has slowly started to turn sour. Thor’s ex, Jane Foster, is in attendance at said charity event and clearly still has heart eyes for the God of Thunder. Going so far as to steal his attention throughout the event. 
She has completely disregarded that you walked in on his arm and that he is just as much your man as Bucky is. Constantly having to touch him or graze her hand down his bicep while he talks and makes polite conversation with her because that’s who your puppy is; sweet and oblivious at times.
As the night carries on, you slowly become more affected with the disrespect you are being shown by the lovely Doctor. Bucky knows that even though you're giving off a calm demeanor and charming the pants off the donors as you mingle, that something is off with their girl. 
Your smile isn’t quite reaching your eyes and every so often you glance in Thor’s direction to see if he is still entertaining Jane's attention. And every time you clock that he hasn't moved from the spot where he, Banner, Jane and Darcy have been conversing, he notices your walls notching back into place. Walls they worked hard to knock down. 
What it really comes down to is this, even though you are mentally stronger than the both of them, so damn sure of yourself and independent that it's sexy as hell, you still have moments of insecurity like the rest of us. Sometimes, though rare, but they do happen, you feel like you’re not worthy of having the love of them both. 
You make it a point not to waste the time you spend with them and enjoy every moment you all have together. Even the fights, because between their job protecting the world and just life in general, it’s not guaranteed that they’ll both still be yours tomorrow. So seeing one of the men you are so deeply in love with seemingly having a great time catching up with his ex, well it stings.
It’s not that he’s spending time talking to her, you’re friendly with some of your ex’s yourself. It's that she’s monopolized his attention this evening and even though you three came together, he has not once sought you out since you and Bucky went to make the rounds with the donors. 
And of course you feel horrible for feeling even the tiniest bit insecure right now, because that's taking away from you enjoying time with Bucky the way you should be. It’s best to just slap a pleasant smile on your face, dance with your favorite Supersoldier and try to enjoy the rest of the event. Hopefully you can make up for lost time with Thor at the after party. 
There is no way you’re letting this dress go to waste. You look like a real life melanated Jessica Rabbit tonight and if he wants to spend his time with Plain Jane instead of showing you off then so be it. The, Fuck It, has officially hit your system. 
As Bucky holds you close, swaying along to slow jazz on the dance floor, he leans in and gently kisses your neck. Whispering in your ear. “You’ve hid it well from everyone else, but I know it's hurting you that we walked in, arm in arm, you sandwiched between us. Where you always belong by the way. And yet you’ve only really been occupying my space as the night has gone on.” You scoff. 
“It’s ok, sweetness. You don't have to admit it for me to see the truth in those soulful eyes of yours. They speak volumes.” You get lost in his steel blues for a moment before he continues on. 
“I know, you know how much he loves you. How lucky he feels to call you his. Just like I am. But he is also an oblivious oaf at times and tonight is just proof of that. Now, I’m going to literally sweep you off your feet on this dance floor and smother you in so much attention you forget there is even anyone else in the room. Including Thor.” He smirks, enticing the first real smile out of you in hours. 
“Then we’re going to head back to the compound for the after-party and get you lost some more. Hopefully with an extra set of arms to wrap around you on the dance floor. Your night is going to end with this dress decorating my bedroom floor regardless.” He chuckles. “How’s that sound babygirl? Can you do that for me?” 
“When you speak so sweetly to me, how could I possibly say no, Sir.” You respond with feigned innocence. 
His grip on your waist tightens as he pulls you closer and lets out a light growl. “You’re going to be the death of me one day.”
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That is where the rest of your time was spent at the event. Wrapped up in Bucky's arms on the dance floor until Tony informed everyone it was time to head back home and really get the party started. Reaching the limos you all climb in. Thor being the last one to get into the one you and Bucky occupied with Steve, Sam and Nat. Or so you thought, until one Jane Foster piled in behind him. 
You seem to have stopped breathing, squeezing Bucky’s flesh hand until he lays a kiss on your temple to soothe you. Thor glances your way and smiles that disarming smile of his. Eyes wandering your curves, like he didn't get an up close and personal look before the event. It’s a look bathed in lust that you want to bask in, but you’re still a bit hurt by how tonight has turned out thus far. 
So you just smile back and turn your head to whisper in Bucky’s ear. “I’m barely holding it together right now. I cant believe she is in here trying to cuddle up to him in front of me and he’s just letting it happen. The disrespect is just too much for me. I want to be petty so damn bad right now.” 
He can feel your body begin to slightly shake from holding everything in, trying not to make a scene and be ‘that girl’. Natasha can feel it too and is not pleased with Jane or Thor. Her dagger eyes firmly shot in their direction. Making Thor scrunch his eyebrows in confusion as to why he is getting stared down by the Black Widow. 
Cradling your cheek in his metal hand to keep your eyes on him and only him, he places a soft tinder kiss on your lips. “Don’t worry Honey, when he snaps to his senses and realises what's happening, he’ll be begging on his knees for you to forgive him. He’d sooner lose a limb than willingly cause you pain of any kind. Just rest up for now. Our night has truly only just begun.” With a nibble to your bottom lip he pulls you close, tucking your head under his chin to face Nat while he caresses your back. 
Thor watches this sweet exchange between his partners with curiosity and love in his eyes. It’s definitely not the first time he’s seen Bucky taking care of you when you're feeling vulnerable; but it is the first time he’s ever seen it happen in front of the others. You are always so independent and strong. Even when hanging out at the compound, charming everyone around you. He’s wondering what is making you so reserved and quiet. 
Come to think of it, he barely saw you during the event, losing track of time conversing with Jane and Banner. Then when he and Jane got into the limo you only gave him a small smile instead of your usual greeting reserved for just him. What is going on with his sweet one? 
It is while he is trying to figure out what could possibly have made your bright light dim a bit tonight, that he is shaken from his thoughts as Jane grazes her hand along his forearm to get his attention. Not removing it when he turns his head to face her. 
“Thanks for keeping me company tonight Thor. You know how I get when I have to go to these things. I’m excited to see the rest of the compound as well. I’ve only really been in the labs with Banner. Maybe you can give me a tour of the best parts?” 
Although your head was turned away from them, Jane wasn't trying to keep her voice down and you heard every word she uttered, the innuendo not hidden to your well trained ears. 
Private tour my ass, she just wanted to get my man alone and try her luck. Fucking classless bitch. I’m right fucking here in the limo with you. I may not be on his lap but he’s still mine, hoe. Don’t make me use these hands on you in this confined space. 
Bucky could feel your grip on his shirt, covered by his suit jacket, tighten as your temper rose. Other than that small hidden detail, to the rest of the limo you seemed calm and content. Nat knew better of course, her meddling is the whole reason you three are even together. 
Being so close with the Black Widow has its advantages. Her protective nature is definitely one of them. Knowing you were trying to refrain from losing it in this limo, Nat took it upon herself to gather some info.
“Jane?” she spoke. 
“Nat. Don't.” You whispered with clenched teeth at her. She calmly patted your thigh, giving it a little squeeze and continued.
“Yes, Natasha?” Her hand was still on his damn arm as she turned to Nat.
“How long are you staying in town this time before you head off to your next venture?” 
“Oh. Well I don't know exactly. I have nothing pending and Bruce has asked me to help him out. He offered for me to stay at the compound for the time being while I help, until I commit to where I am going next.” 
“So you have no plans to leave anytime soon?” Nat queried.
Turning her head and smiling up at Thor before turning back to face Nat while grazing his arm, “No I don't.”
Bucky can't help but glare at is partner as he feels your breath quicken against his chest. He notices that Thor’s eyes are set on you and only you cuddled up to him. He almost looks envious that their girl is wrapped around only him and not sandwich between them like normal. 
Interesting. So he is aware something is off. He’s just too damn oblivious to realize that it's him that has her this way. Come on Thor get it together before she does something drastic with her extra ass self. 
“Isn’t it great Thor?” Jane asks him, breaking him out of his daze of watching his partners looking so sweet and loving. 
“Hm. What’s great?” He replies.
“That we’ll be staying at the same place again. It’s been so long since we were in the same place together for a period of time.” She beams up at him. 
“You’re staying at the compound? Well that’s wonderful Jane. I hope you enjoy your stay. I know you and Banner will be doing great things in the lab.” He smiled politely back at her. 
Before she can respond the limo slows to a stop.
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Bucky kisses your head. “We’re here sweetness. Are you ready to head into the party or do you need a minute first?” 
You shake your head. “No. I’m good. I need to get my body moving before I do something crazy, like snatch a bitch by her hair and drag her along the driveway.”
He pulls you in for a quick kiss, placing you on his lap as everyone begins to get out. “The death of me, I swear. As hot as that would be to witness, how ‘bout we just go have a drink. You can grind up against me on the dance floor and then make use of that unresolved anger while you ride me later. I’ll even let you use my favorite knife on me if you want. Make a real mess.” 
You squirm at the image he has just produced in your mind. He just had to bring up your shared knife kink. Asshole . You absentmindedly play with the tied back hair on the nape of his neck. “ Mmm. You sure do know how to turn a girls night around don’t you, Sir.” 
Leaning in, you press a kiss to his adams apple. “Guess we better get started on your plan then. Looks like I’m all yours tonight Sir.” You get off of his lap and proceed to exit the limo. 
After adjusting his hardened dick in his pants, he quickly follows. Grasping your hand as you start to head inside, he spins you around and plants a soul stealing kiss on your lips as he dips you. Thor watches on from the doorway before he’s pulled away by a call of his name. 
He brings you back up slowly, pulling you tight against his chest. “You know I love you right? No matter what happens tonight, I’m not going anywhere. And neither is he. Though he may need a reminder of just who he belongs to. I am more than happy to help you teach him a lesson.” 
“Dammit James. Warn a woman before you go and make her weak in the knees.” You lightly slap him on the chest. “And I love you too baby. Now let’s go school all of these fools on what it's like to be mine. I apologize in advance for any extra sass you may encounter tonight. It’s not aimed at you Sir, I promise. I’m still your good girl. Thor on the other hand… well I can't be sweet all the time now can I.”
Placing his hand on the small of your back, he leads you both inside, heading straight for the bar. The singer from the live band Tony hired sounds familiar to you and while Bucky is ordering your drinks, you turn to the stage, a bright smile bursts across your face. 
No wonder they sounded familiar, you used to be a part of the band years ago, leading it with your ex Jade, who is killing it on the mic right now. Her signature shade of emerald green hair cascading down her shoulders. Like a moth drawn to a flame her eyes catch yours and that Cheshire cat smile of hers appears. 
Oh no. I know what that smile means. Nothing but trouble usually. 
Bucky wraps his arms around you from behind and places your drink in your hand as he watches your stare down with the lead singer. “Everything alright Honey?”
You chuckle. “Yeah. Everything is just peachy baby. I’m just wondering if Tony hired my ex’s band on purpose or not?”
“Come again?” Bucky asks.
“Yeah that’s my old band up there. I used to share lead with my ex Jade. The emerald haired one enticing the crowd with her voice. I gotta say, she still looks good.” 
“You don’t seem bothered by it. I assume you split on good terms.”
“We did. Our relationship just ran its course" You run your fingers around the rim of your drink. "We both had different paths we wanted to venture down. There is no bad blood between us. I wish her and the band the best. I hope they finally fulfill all their dreams.”
“Fuck you really are sweet as honey, aren't you?”
“You doubted me before?”
“No. I just figured the nickname was based on how sweet your little pussy tastes.”
“Oh Really? Please, tell me more about how good I taste, Sir.”
At this moment the band has finished their song and you hear Jade begin to speak to the crowd.
“Good evening everyone and welcome to the after party. I’m Jade and these are the Gems. We’ll be providing the background track to your various levels of debauchery tonight." The crowd laughs. "I couldn't help but notice a familiar face while I was scanning the room. Honey girl, I’m talking about you.” 
Everyone turns to you as you stare down Jade. What is this bitch planning to do?
“Now I see some looks of confusion. Especially from you Avengers. How could I possibly know your girl? Well that’s easy. She used to be my girl and we led this band together a few years back. I would be a fool to miss an opportunity to get her up here for at least one song to share a stage one last time. What do you say Honey? Will you sing for us?”
An evil little thought enters your head. Jane may have beauty and science on her side, but when I’m on stage, I command attention. All eyes will be on me. This can only work in my favor to teach my King a lesson. 
You kiss Bucky on the cheek and head toward the stage. People parting for you like the red sea as you make your way through the crowd. An extra mic stand has been placed next to Jade’s. Your old set up. 
“You’ve always been a bad influence, but you know I love being on stage. So you win and here I am. Under one condition though. I choose the song. Can you handle giving up the control for once J?” You smile at her.
“For you, I think I can make an exception.” She chuckles into her mic.
You whisper the song in her ear and she gives you a look. “Really? Alright. We haven't performed it in a while but I’m sure we still remember it.” 
She tells the rest of the band the song and they all remember how you like it played. “I assume you have a reason for this song.” You nod your head yes. “Aright. You doing it solo or are we tag teaming?”
“I’m feeling a duet tonight. I’ll take the first half. Deal?”
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Grabbing the mic you address the crowd. “We’re going to slow it down a bit. So just vibe with me okay guys. You’ll be back to shaking your asses momentarily. Promise.”
The guitar begins to play. You lock eyes with Thor and begin to gift the crowd with your silky smooth voice.
“Know you said that you would never hurt me But it's not your fault I still think the worst anyway, yeah Let's be clear, I know that I can trust you When you're under me, but tell me honestly If your alone With some hoe who I don't know and she gets Too close for comfort, says she good at secrets Would you say no, or let your body take control? 'Cause you're just a boy You've got a switch in your head I've seen how quick you forget yourself I know it all too well 'Cause you're just a boy You go from careful to wild And what if I'm not by your side When she fucks with your honesty 'Cause you're just a boy”
Jade picks up the second half. You provide backup and harmony for her. Looking like a damn Siren up on that stage. Seducing every man in the vicinity. 
Before you began, Bucky made sure to situate himself next to Thor at the high table he occupied with Jane and Banner once again. Watching as Thor is lost in your words, feeling like those are somehow directed to him and how the night has gone on.
Leaning over he whispers in his partner's ear after you finish singing lead. “She always looks so amazing up on a stage doesn't she? In her element. Commanding a crowd. It’s fucking sexy as hell. Sometimes I still cant believe that she chose to let us be hers.”
“Agreed. One does not find a woman like her with ease. It’s a blessing to just be in her presence, let alone be allowed to love her.”
“Then why the hell would you risk that by neglecting her tonight huh?”
Thor turns to him with a look of pure confusion on his bearded face. “What are you talking about ‘neglecting her tonight’? We all came together per usual. You made your rounds with the donors without me, but that’s never been an issue before.”
Out of his peripherals, Bucky can see Jane listening in, trying to hear their conversation. He doesn't have much time before you're done on stage and he needs to make sure that your night ends well. Based on your song choice, the best ending for you tonight would be for Thor to get his head out of the clouds and realize the mistake he made and fix it. 
Preferably with lots of orgasms and the three of you tangled up in bed. It looks like that won’t be happening without him pointing him in the right direction though. The things you do for the ones you love. I didn't think anyone could be as oblivious as Steve, but Thor has certainly proved me wrong tonight.
Not caring that Jane is listening in, he speaks up. “Your right. It never has been an issue before.” Thor starts to smile thinking he’s won.
“But the main difference tonight is that once we were finished with our rounds, you never sought us out. You stayed glued to that table, preoccupied in conversation, catching up with your ex. I had to watch our girl act like it didn't bother her every time her eyes roamed, searching you out and they landed on you in that same spot, oblivious to the world around you, still engaged in conversation with someone she knows nothing about personally.”
Thor is shocked. “What? That can’t be right? I might have gotten lost in conversation but my Queen is always on my mind. I remember seeing you two embraced on the dance floor, enjoying yourselves. I’ve never known her to dance if something is bothering her.”
“Wow you really are an oblivious oaf.” Shaking his head. “We were on the dance floor because I couldn't watch the light fade from eyes every time she looked towards you and your head never turned. I made her focus on me and try to relax. She was twisted up in knots inside and really didn't want to make a scene at a Charity event or look like some possessive jealous girlfriend. We figured once we left and were headed home we could make up for lost time. That is until she climbed into the limo next to you.” He nodded his head toward Jane to emphasize his point.
Thor froze. Is that why you were so subdued in the limo?
“I know that look. Yes, that is why she was so quiet on the ride over. She finally had a chance to relax and compose herself in a safe space around friends and the person causing her pain just plops right down and continues the assault on her soul.”  He can feel his own temper start to rise as he recalls the details.
“I had to hold her close to me so that she didn't have to see her continue to touch you in a way a lover would instead of an ex or a friend. When Jane asked you for a private tour I just about thought she was going to rip my shirt with the force she gripped it with. Not to mention when she said she was staying on the compound. I swear I felt her stop breathing. Thank God we had arrived by then. I had to calm her down before we even made it inside. I know you saw our kiss outside the limo.”
Thor nodded his head yes. Mind bombarded with snapshots of how the night went and noticing that just as Bucky said you were barely in them. And if you were, you weren’t at his side as you should be. You're so self assured and independent that he forgets that you're sensitive too, always putting others before yourself. That’s why he loves to shower you in affection and praise, because you deserve it. He really fucked up tonight. 
“You’ve been glued to this table since we arrived here too. Watching her on stage is the most attention I’ve seen you give her, since we arrived at the Charity Event and Jane approached you. I gotta say pal. I don't like how this not only looks, but how it feels man. But have no fear. I won’t leave our girl feeling doubtful. Just like I have been all night, I’ll be reminding her how much she is loved and who I belong to. If you get your head out of your ass before the night’s over, you can join me in doing just that. If you don't. Well, we will just have to see what happens in the morning light.” 
He slaps him on the shoulder with his metal hand and gives him a squeeze as he speaks to the table. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I’m going to go greet our girl as she makes it off stage. Have a good night everyone.” 
Thor abruptly stands up, almost knocking his chair to the ground. Jane looks up at him and places her hand on his wrist. He immediately shakes it off. What has he been doing letting her touch him like that? She was the one who dumped him. “What’s wrong Thor? Where are you going? I thought you were going to give me a tour?” 
“I’m sorry Jane but maybe Banner can give you a tour. I’m going to go be with my sweet Honey, as I have failed to do so all night by allowing you to take up so much of my time. I hope she can forgive me for my misstep. I surely have some groveling I need to do. I bid you all a good night.” 
He runs his hand through his shorn locks and straightens his maroon suit jacket before he forges a path directed at you and Bucky. Jane staring on slack jawed. 
Natasha takes a seat next to Banner. “I don't know exactly what you were trying to do or prove. He loves her. They both do. There is no shortage of love going on between the three of them. You took him for granted when you had him and now you regret it when you see how he is with her. Give up before you get hurt Doc. And I’m not just talking emotionally. That woman is a damn hell cat when you get her fired up. Tonight was your one time free pass. Next time you try some shit like this, I’ll let her sink her claws in real deep. Come on Bruce, dance with me.” And with that Jane is left at the table to stew in her failure.
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Somehow, Jade persuaded the crowd and your slightly tipsy superhero friends to rope you into singing just one more song. The catch was that it had to be Jade’s choosing this time. Goddess have mercy on me.
“Now, I know that sexy ass lounge voice pays your bills nowadays; but I have a feeling these new friends of yours haven't actually heard what that voice can really do.” You quirk a brow at her, curious as to the direction she is taking this. “You see, I believe everyone needs to have the full mouthwatering Honey experience at least once in their life. After all she sure is A Whole Lotta Woman…” And that's when the drums kick in.
No this bitch didn't! Here I am trying to keep my attitude in check and she goes and picks the one song that brings out all my sass. Fuck it! Maybe little Miss Plain Jane will learn a thing or two about who she’s really messing with.
A sinful smile crosses your face as you find Bucky standing at the front of the stage next to Steve and Sam. You grab the mic stand and caress it as this strong soulful voice springs forth from your lips. Full of confidence and attitude. They’re all getting to see just why you're built to handle not only a Supersoldier but a God as well. 
Speaking of the God of Thunder and Fertility, you spot him making his way towards the stage. Eyes as blue as the sky, meet yours as you take it up a notch and put all these curves to good use. 
"I got what you want, I'm aiming to please I got what it takes, I sure got the means I got what you want, sugar, honey, iced tea All eyes on me, oh, oh, baby I'm a whole lotta woman (From the way I walk and toss my hips) I said I'm a whole lotta woman (From the sound to my voice to the gloss on my lips) I'm a whole lotta woman (Anything I see I want, I get) I'm a strong, badass chick with class and confidence Ain't no competition, babe It's just can you keep up with me? I can't do a thing about my wicked ways with gravity"
You belt out the last few lines and have these people eating out of the palm of your hands. Looking down you notice Thor has made it to Bucky and both men look ready to devour you as soon as you walk off this stage. 
Steve leans towards Thor. “You’re in for it tonight, I’m sure. How you could neglect all that, even for a little while, I will never understand?” He shakes his head at him. “Hey Buck, if you guys ever want to add another body to the mix, I will gladly volunteer my services. I don't think you two are truly enough for her anyway.”
“If only people knew how dirty America’s Golden Boy really was.” Bucky chuckled. “I’m not opposed to adding you to the mix myself. It’s not like we haven't shared before. Plus I’d love to see how you handle her brattiness. She’d push every single one of your buttons just for the fun of it.”
As they continue to quietly discuss adding Steve, which would move you from throuple to harem territory, you make your way off stage, hips swaying as you approach them. You plant a kiss on Bucky's cheek as he wraps his metal arm around your waist. “What secrets are we whispering about over here boys?” 
“Stevie here apparently has been drooling over you for quite some time and just confessed, after shooting a jab at thunder boy over there, that if we ever wanted to add another body to the mix he'd gladly offer himself up. He doesn’t think the two of us are enough for you. Based on how tonight has gone, I’m going to have to agree with him on that point.”
“Is that so, Sir?” you ask. He nods his head. You look over at Thor, who hasn't taken his eyes off you since you sauntered over. “What about you puppy? Do you think I need more? Should we allow Stevie to have a taste?” 
Those soul piercing blues have you ensnared as you await an answer.
“I could never deny you pleasure of any kind, my sweet. As such, my behavior tonight, however unintentional, shows me that adding another would only enhance the amount of attention and love you are showered with. I fell short tonight and made my Queen question my intentions. For that, I can not forgive myself. Steven would be a dedicated and strong lover, of that I am sure. I too agree that you need more. I just hope that I continue to be included in your harem. If you so find me worthy to be.”
You can tell that he truly means every word. He is deeply upset over how the night has played out thus far. Thor is such an attentive and affectionate lover that you never expected something like this to happen. Granted, you never expected to feel insecure about your place in his life either. But matters of the heart can be cruel and fickle creatures, playing with one's emotions in inexplicable ways. 
You want this night to end positively for all of you and you couldn't deny that you’d been harboring some feelings for the Captain for quite some time yourself. The way that man commands a room is just sexy as fuck, not to mention the Dom energy he just radiates that makes the submissive in you just want to drop to her knees and service him. Bucky knows this and has even used it to his advantage in the bedroom before, whispering all the filthy things he and Steve could do to you together. 
Not one to pass up a chance to bring a fantasy of yours to life, you make your decision known. “A harem huh? It has a nice ring to it, if I do say so myself. Three delectable men, all devoted to little 'ol me. How delightfully sinful. Three is the magic number according to School House Rock and who could argue with that logic.” 
You grin ear to ear, beckoning Steve closer with a crook of your finger, having him lean down until your lips are grazing his ear. “How about it Captain? Ready for a taste test? Make sure your thirst is properly quenched? I’m curious to see just how compatible we are together.” 
He straightens back up, looking down at your plump lips and licking his. Sharing a quick look with Thor and Bucky before focusing those ocean eyes back on you and smirking. “Oh, I’m more than ready for a taste sweetheart.” He lightly grips your chin and runs his thumb along your plush bottom lip. “The real question is can you handle everything I’m going to give you. If you think Buck is intense…”
His eyes darken with lust. “I’m on a whole 'nother level Doll. I won't be satisfied until we’ve fucked you so dumb you’re nothing but a incoherent mess and we’ve ruined you for anyone else.” 
With his thick thumb still pressed against your lip, you stare him down as you suck his digit into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and giving him a quick nip as you release it. “Challenge accepted, Captain.”
Steve turns to Bucky, arching a brow. “You weren’t kidding about that brattiness.” 
Pulling her closer to his chest he acknowledges to his best friend. “I wouldn't have it any other way.  Just wait until you get her to submit. She’s so sweet and pliable. Mmm.” He places a kiss to the side of your neck. “I think it’s time we head somewhere more private babygirl.” 
Steve begins to head towards the wing where their apartments reside. Bucky grabs your hand and starts to follow him. You turn towards Thor and reach out your hand to him. “You're coming too puppy. I wouldn't have it any other way. You can get to work on earning that forgiveness I know you're searching for.” 
He places his hand in yours, bends down and kisses your knuckles. “As you wish my Queen. I would want nothing more than to be allowed to worship you.”
Damn him and that silver-tongue of his. He really knows how to beg for forgiveness doesn't he. He’s still going to have to work for it though.
The three of you continue on, walking hand in hand until you meet Steve in front of the entrance to the living quarters.
“Ain't that a beautiful sight to see. Alright sweetheart, here’s your last chance to back out. No hard feelings if you do. But know this. If we continue on, I’m all in, Doll. Once I get a taste they’ll be no escaping me. I’ll be yours. And I’ll make you mine as much as they have. Can you handle that? Do you really want to add another lover and make yourself a nice little harem of superheros, Honey?” 
You release their hands and move forward until your chest is grazing Steve’s. You run a hand up his chest, copping a feel of those Supersoldier tiddies, over his collarbone and around to the back of his neck. You play with the hair at his nape until you get a good grip and pull his lips down to yours. 
Without skipping a beat, Steve grips your hips, spins you around and presses you into the wall. Deepening the kiss as he runs his hand up the same path you took, stopping at the base of your throat and lightly applying pressure. You let out an unbidden whimper as you lose yourself in his kiss. Knees weak, melting into him. The only reason you’re still standing is thanks to the hand he has wrapped around your throat and his pelvis pinning you in place. 
He pulls away and you try to follow his lips, eyes hooded with lust and craving more of his particular taste on your tongue. “I’m going to take that little attempt at teasing me as a yes.” 
Struck speechless you just nod your head at him. “Good girl. I know you can feel the effect you have on me. If we don't move this along behind closed doors soon, I'm going to end up taking you right here where everyone can see.” 
Behind him you hear Bucky whispering to Thor. “Fuck that was sexy. You see how quickly she submitted for him. Practically purring like a cat in heat.”
“Aye. It seems the Captain is perfectly matched for our little vixen. I know we usually retreat to your chambers James, but seeing as how we are adding another party, I feel mine would be more accommodating. I do have a bed with more than enough space for the four of us. As well as a rather large bathing pool for aftercare. You know how she gets after an intense session.”
“Yes I most certainly do. Come on ya dirty birds, let's move this away from prying eyes.”
You seem to have come out of your lust filled daze enough to speak again. You look around the room and spot Jane staring your way. “Puppy. Can you come here please?”
He steps forward, caging you and Steve in. “Yes my Queen?”
“Closer my King.” He leans in and you pull him into a sensual kiss. Letting all your emotions from the night filter through along with the soul deep love you have for him. 
Somehow Steve sneaks out from between the two of you and you end up in Thor’s arms as he grips your thigh through the high slit in your dress and pulls it up to his waist, groaning out as your hot core brushes against his rock solid bulge. You break apart to breathe and notice a pouting Jane in your peripherals.
“Alright. Enough of the free show.” Bucky rushes over and plucks you from Thor’s arms and throws you over his shoulder. “If I dont have my face buried between your sweet thighs and have you coming on my tongue in the next 5 minutes, I’m going to stab somebody.”
You giggle as he slaps your ass and continues on his way to Thor’s room. “Such a Caveman, Sir.”
“Damn right I am woman. I was starting to feel a little left out. You're all mine until they catch up.”
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His long strides have you reaching the door in no time. FRIDAY unlocking it for you based on the protocols Thor has set for his room. He wanted to make sure you always had access to him. 
You’re set down at the foot of the bed. “I’m going to give you a choice baby girl. You either strip out of that dress right now or I cut it off you. Either way it's coming off.”
You feel a shiver of excitement run down your spine as you watch him remove his favorite knife from a hidden pocket in his jacket. You lick your parted lips. “I really do love this dress. It’d be a shame to destroy it.” You run your hands over your velvet covered curves. “I don't want to take all the fun away though. How about I strip out of this dress and you can cut off the rest. Would that please you, Sir?”
He beams that pantie drenching smile your way while he plays with the knife in his hands. “Strip.” 
You slowly reach behind you, lost in his predatory gaze, and unzip your dress. Letting it slink to the floor. You’re left standing in a black, delicate lace strapless corset bra, matching high leg thong and your black patent leather stilettos. 
You haven't even noticed that Thor and Steve have entered the room and shut the door behind them. You’re so consumed by the knife wielding Supersoldier before you that you almost don't hear Thor speak to an enthralled Steve. “She’s quite the heavenly sight isn’t she? Completely at his mercy.”
He just nods his head in response and watches on with rapt attention as you surrender to Bucky. 
“Come here, Doll.” You step out of your dress and stand in front him, chest rising and falling with excitement. He lifts your chin up with his metal hand and kisses you sweetly. “Turn around for me sweetness. Let Stevie get a good look at how you fall apart when my knife touches your soft buttery skin.” 
With a swivel of your hips, you pivot on your heels and face the pair of blonde Adonis’. Back flush against Bucky’s chest, he precedes to run his knife teasingly along your collarbone and down your decolletage. As he reaches your ribs he slides the blade beneath the lacy fabric and pulls, slashing the fabric in half. You gasp, arching your back and grinding against his prominent bulge as your breasts spill forth from the split lace. 
Seemingly unfazed he continues on his journey, caressing his knife down your torso until he reaches the waistband of your thong. “You’re going to need to be very still for me babygirl. Unless you want me to accidentally cut you. Blood play is not on the menu tonight baby. If you want that, it’ll have to be a night when I have you all to myself. Tonight is all about your pleasure and seeing if Steve really could fit into our dynamic.” He glides the blade up your right hip and slips it into the band. “I want you to look your Captain in the eyes and...don’t...move.” 
“Yes, Sir.” You're ensnared in the heated ocean eyed gaze standing before you, as Bucky renders your thong to a piece of scrap. Breath hitching as he drags his metal hand up the inside of your thigh. 
“Mmm. Soaked already. Question is...is it my knife that has you making a mess of your thighs or the audience?”
He brings his glistening fingers to your mouth and you open them, sucking your essence off his metal digits with a moan. “Go on now baby and give Steve a taste of that sweet, sweet, honey covering your tongue.” He slaps you on the ass, sending you on your way to the waiting arms of America’s Golden boy.
Without sparing a moment to let you make the short walk all on your own, he snatches you up and crashes his lips against yours. Tongue delving inside, letting loose a moan as your sweet ambrosia hits his taste buds.
You run your hands into his slicked back hair. Tugging and pulling, making him emit a growl that you can feel vibrating from his chest into yours. He begins a trail of kisses down your throat. When he reaches the juncture between your neck and shoulder, he bites down and sucks a hickey into your soft flesh. Claiming you, leaving his mark for all to see. 
Squirming under his onslaught of dominance you're turning into a panting mess. “ Fuck, Captain.” As those words reach his ears he lets out a dark chuckle, “We’ll get there, Doll. Don't you worry.” He begins to ravage your mouth once again, backing you up until your knees hit the edge of the bed.  
“I must say Doll, the only thing I can imagine being better than tasting you on your own tongue is lapping it up, right from the source.” With reflexes of those from a man half his size, Steve lays you on the bed. Placing himself down between your thighs, pushing them further apart and up towards your chest, leaving your sweet little pussy, dripping with honeyed slick, open and on full display. 
As he's leaving kisses all along your thighs, you catch movement to your right and turn your head to find Thor and Bucky, standing beside the bed, gloriously nude with a large hand wrapped around each of their heavy cocks, slowly stroking themselves to the sight and sound of their sweetness being thoroughly teased. 
Driven by the lust coursing through his veins, Thor steps up and runs a hand along your cheek. “Look at you, little one. He has barely begun and your eyes are already glassed over in lust.”  He continues his trek down your torso, settling in to tease and torture your hard nipples. 
Before you know it Steve is swiping his tongue along your folds, and teasing your engorged little pearl with the tip. Your back arches off the bed at the sensation, sending your breasts further into Thor’s hand, where he proceeds to pinch your nipple, making you cry out. He glances down to find your head thrown back, mouth forming a silent O, while Steve continues to lightly tease your clit. 
“P-please Captain. M-m-more. PLEASE.” At this point you're gripping the sheets for dear life. Between the build up of tension throughout the night and the teasing torture currently taking place against your overly sensitive flesh, you’re on a knife’s edge ready to explode. At this point you are certainly not above begging.
Bucky’s strokes speed up as he stands beside the bed near your head. “Fuck, look at you babygirl.” He bites his lip as he spreads his precome along his thick shaft. “I love hearing you beg so sweetly. Steve making you feel good sweetness?” 
Before you can answer, Thor takes the opportunity of you being distracted and pinches your nipple, pulling it taut, making you moan and cry out once again. “P-please Bucky. I’m s-so c-close. I want to come for all of you so badly.” You whimper out. “Please. Please, Sir, let me come on his tongue for you.” 
Your request has Steve moaning, sending vibrations through your core, causing you to grind against his tongue, searching out friction to soothe that ache deep inside. Your pleas continue on in soft whimpers. “Please. Sir. Please. Please. Please. More. So close.” 
No longer willing to wait for permission from Bucky, Steve starts devouring your pussy like it’s his last meal. Moaning and groaning as more of your slick slips onto his tongue and down his throat. Slipping two thick fingers in, aiming for your sweet spot and drinking every drop of nectar he is gifted with once his spongy target is acquired. 
It doesn’t take long for your moans to increase, letting anyone who is currently on this floor know that debaucherous things are happening. Your thighs begin to shake and your back arches even higher off the bed, eyes rolling back in your head as you finally fall off the edge and climax. Your plush walls grip his fingers tight, gushing onto his tongue and soaking his chin with your juices. 
Steve lifts his head from between your legs, a big dopey smile on his face, eyes shining with pride, hair disheveled from your fingers still gripping it tight. You pull him up by the hair and kiss him deeply, licking the taste of yourself from his lips. 
You quickly unbutton his shirt, removing it and tossing it aside as he gets rid of his slacks. You notice that the Captain was going commando, very interesting. As he starts to grind his pelvis against yours, barriers no longer between you, you glide your hands down to the tops of his shoulders and whisper, ”My Turn,” before wrapping a leg around his waist and rolling him over onto his back.
Straddling Steve’s torso you run your fingers through his golden strands, scratching along his scalp before gripping tightly and turning his head to the side. Leaning down you set a trail of light kisses along his neck and jaw until you reach his ear and tug on his lobe, eliciting a groan and shiver down his spine. 
Kneeling between his now spread legs, your teasing trek continues across his chest, down to his abs where you proceed to lick every dissecting line and curve. As you reach the glorious adonis belt that you’ve admired from afar while watching him spar with Bucky, you make sure to leave a hickey right above where you know his waistband normally lies. Leaving a claiming mark of your own, even if you know it will heal far faster than the one he left on you. 
You run her tongue along his happy trail, lapping up the mess you left behind. Gripping the base of his rock hard girthy cock, your fingers barely able to touch, you slowly begin to stroke him while you raise your hips and place her free hand next to his waist on the bed.
Now on your hands and knees, ass in the air facing your men, you give a couple of kitten licks to Steve’s angry weeping tip, savoring the salty goodness that is his pre-come dripping down his length. No longer wanting to waste time you wrap your lips around his tip, hollow your cheeks and suck Steve down deep into your throat. 
“Fuck,” he hisses out, “Look at you Doll, swallowing my cock like its your job.” You whimper at the praise, bobbing your head up and down his shaft, nose tickling against his patch of golden curls as you stick your tongue out and lightly tease his balls, moaning around his thickness lodged deep in your throat. 
“Mmm. Ah, shit! Just like that Honey. Just like that,” he pleads as he feels himself getting closer to his release.
You're so turned on, finally able to service this man you’ve fantasized about, that your pussy is swollen and leaking slick down your thighs and onto the sheets below. Lost in your haze of submission and the filthy words and noises Steve is making, you don't notice your hips are moving enticingly in a figure eight pattern, captivating Bucky, and making his need to be buried deep inside you more intense.
He kneels on the bed behind you and grabs your plump ass, spreading your cheeks to get an even better view of your engorged and dripping pussy. “Mmm mm mm darlin’, your pussy is just drooling. Damn I knew you were a sub, but fuck you’ve made an absolute mess of yourself. You love this don't you baby? Pleasing the Captain in front of your men. Showing us just how much of a good girl you really are.” 
You moan in reply, muffled by Steve’s dick still in your mouth, releasing a moan out of him as he laces his fingers through your hair, not moving your head but just holding on, making your pussy clench around nothing, which does not go unnoticed by Bucky.
“I’m going to take that as a yes since your pretty little pussy just winked at me.” He runs his metal hand up your spine, resting it against the back of your neck, giving it a quick squeeze and running it back down again. He strokes his hard length a couple times and teases it against your folds. 
“You’re so wet, I could just slide right in sweetness.” He circles his tip around your swollen little bud, making you remove your mouth from around Steve with a whimper. “Do you want that babygirl? Want me to slide right in and wreck you while you deep throat Stevie?” 
You bite your lip, turning your head to look at him with hooded eyes. “ Yes, Sir, please. Please use me. Ruin me for anyone other than you all.” 
Both Supersoldiers let out a groan. “You better get back to work then babygirl. I won't let you come again until you swallow every last drop that your Captain has to give you.” Bucky demands before thrusting forward to the hilt, stilling for a moment to allow you to adjust to him and just enjoy your warmth.
You whine at the sudden intrusion. “Fuck Bucky. You’re so fucking big, Sir.” 
He chuckles, drawing his hips back and slamming them forward, pulling a scream from your lungs. “That’s right baby, scream while you can cause that mouth is bout to be filled to the brim and both sets of lips will be stretched to capacity.” 
Bucky looks to Thor standing off to the side of the bed again, meaty hand languidly stroking his length. With the hand still threaded through your hair, Steve brings your mouth back down to his saliva slicked cock. “Take a deep breath for me, Doll, it may be the only one you get for a bit.”
With glazed over eyes you give a small nod, followed by a whispered, ” As you wish, my Captain” before proceeding to take a deep breath. 
Bucky and Steve exchange a look with each other, seeming to speak without words. The brunette Sergeant withdraws until just his bulbous tip is all that is left in your quivering petals, while the honeyed blonde Captain has you open your mouth wide while he places his tip along your waiting tongue. With a nod from his best friend they both slowly thrust in at the same time. 
Moans erupt from each of them as your eyes roll to the back of your head, overwhelmed by the feeling of absolute fullness. Looking down and seeing your little pussy hugging his dick so tight almost has Bucky coming right on the spot. Your walls clench around him as Steve begins to move your head up and down his length, hissing as your throat muscles squeeze around his girth with every swallow. Snapping out of his haze, Bucky grips your hips and sets a furious pace, set on reminding his woman who she belongs to. 
The room fills with the sounds of groans, moans, skin slapping against skin and the squelching of wetness from your gushing pussy and the saliva leaking from your mouth. “You’re doing so good, sweetness. Taking our cocks like the good girl you are. Fuck, you were made for us babygirl. No one has ever taken our cocks as good as you do baby.”  Getting high off the praise and pleasure you begin to grind back against him, your hips meeting his, chasing your next orgasm. 
“Uh uh uh, babygirl. I believe I told you, you don't get to come until you’ve swallowed every drop Steve spends down your throat.” He smacks your ass with his flesh hand. “How bad do you want to come on my cock babygirl? Show me how bad you want it. Drain him dry.” 
You relax your throat and moan around Steve as he continues to thrust in and out of your abused throat. You inch your right hand up along the inside of his thigh until you reach his balls, lightly teasing his sack before engulfing his entire length and squeezing them while you swallow. 
“Oh shit, Honey.” Steve moans out, throwing his head back and holding your head in place. “Just like that baby. Just like that. Fuuuuuuck that feels so good. I’m bout to come right down your pretty little throat.” With that declaration you squeeze and tug on his balls just a bit harder. Sucking up his length until just the head remains, running your tongue around his tip and teasing his frenulum before taking him to the back of your throat once again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Steve thrusts his hips erratically and with a groan comes ropes down your throat. 
Being sure to lick him clean, you open up your mouth and stick your tongue out, showing the Captain that you didn't miss a single drop. “Such a good girl, Doll. You swallowed it all.” 
You turn your head towards Bucky, “May I come now, Sir. Please. I’ve been such a good girl.”
Never one to go back on his word, he lifts you up by your hair til your back is flush against his chest, and begins to pick up his pace even more. He places his flesh hand around your throat, lightly squeezing to hold you in place as he fucks you deep, cock rubbing against your sweet spot making you see stars. 
With his metal hand he circles your clit making you cry out and once again resort to begging so sweetly. “ Please Sir. PLEASE. Let me come on your cock. I want to come for you Sergeant and have you fill me right up. I want to feel you deep inside me. Please.”
That breaks his last bit of control and he begins slamming his hips against you, hand tightening around your throat. “Then. Come. Right. Now. Babygirl. Come all over my cock like the cockdrunk little whore I know you are and I’ll fill you up so good you’ll be feeling me for days.” With his command you feel the tightening deep in your core explode and you detonate, gushing all over Bucky’s cock and the sheets below, black spots swimming in your eyes as you almost pass out, completely cum drunk and blissed out.
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As you begin to catch your breath, sprawled out on top of a Supersoldier, your gaze drifts over to Thor, leaning against the wall, eyes hooded, bottom lip caught between his teeth, dick standing tall and proud against his abs. “Why are you so far away my King?”
“I do not find it suitable for me to partake fully of your body this night as my behavior has not declared me worthy of such pleasures. I will have time to redeem myself when you allow me to do so. For now I am content with watching James and Steven bring you the utmost pleasure. For you deserve nothing but the best in all the nine realms, my Queen.”
Your heart aches at his declaration. You know he never meant to hurt you tonight and is feeling like he failed you. You can’t stand to see him with that dejected puppy dog look in his eyes, standing on the sidelines when he should be in the heat of it all with you. 
You remove yourself from the warmth of Steve and go to stand on legs that feel like jelly. You make your way over to the God of Thunder and place your hand over his heart. “What if I told you that your time for redemption is now puppy?”
He gazes down at you, a spark of hope in his eyes that he hasn't yet ruined his chances with you. “I would do whatever is necessary to become worthy of being yours again.”
You run your hands up his chest and throat, stopping to caress his bearded jaw. “That’s the thing, my King. You have always been worthy of me. I need you like I need air to breathe. You are not greater nor lesser because of one bad night. James isn't always perfect. Far from it most days.” You hear Steve laugh and Bucky let out a scoff. “Steven wants in on our dynamic and I’m certain there will be some growing pains as he figures out his place within it as well.” 
You place your hands back on his chest. “Mistakes happen. Feelings sometimes get hurt. It’s how you work through them and the lessons you take away that are most important. Don’t hold yourself back because of me. If you want me. You have me. Mind, body and soul.” 
He stares at you in shock for a moment, really absorbing your words. You think he may stay steadfast in his self imposed punishment of denying himself pleasure for the night until his large hands are cradling your face and he places his lips upon yours. 
The kiss starts out sweet but quickly turns needy and all consuming. Like he’s afraid this is his only chance to prove his devotion to you. “I would love nothing more than to worship every inch of your glorious skin, my Queen but I am afraid that I can not hold back any longer and I need to feel you writhing beneath me and clamping down on my cock in ecstasy.”
The next thing you know you're being lifted off the ground and placed back on the bed between a still nude Bucky and Steve. You watch on as Thor begins to crawl up the bed towards you, leaving a path of kisses in his wake. His massive thighs push yours apart and he runs the thick head of his member along your folds, coating himself in your essence. 
You lock eyes with him and whimper. “Please.”
He leans forward and pulls you into a toe curling kiss as he enters the warmth of your cunt. Splitting you open on his thick girth and leaving you no time to adjust as he begins to grind his hips down on yours with every thrust. Foreheads pressed together, completely lost to any one else in the room. It’s just you and Thor in this carnal dance of love and devotion. The room once more fills with the sounds of passion. Steve and Bucky look on in awe as they watch Thor take you apart thrust by thrust. 
“Nothing will ever feel as good as your warmth pulsing around me, lost in pleasure. Come for me my Queen. I may not last much longer and I need to feel you let go for me.” 
It’s like his words hold a direct link to your clit and with another well placed swivel of his hips you feel yourself lose control as your orgasm takes over. A rainbow of stars flash behind your eyes and the world sounds as if you're underwater. 
Everything comes back into focus just as Thor is reaching his own climax. Burying himself deep inside you as he bites down on your shoulder and sprays your womb white with his seed. Panting, he leaves a gentle kiss on the mark his teeth left behind. You run your fingers through his golden tresses and kiss his nose. “I love you my King. Don’t ever forget that.”
“Never again, my Queen.” He kisses your nose right back. 
You turn to your left and smile at Bucky. “I love you too James. Always.”
“I never doubted it, babygirl.” He responds, grazing his fingers along your cheek.
Not wanting Steve to feel left out, you turn to him. “And I could so easily fall in love with you Stevie. If you’d let me.”
“I’m all yours to do with what you please, Doll.” He kisses you on the forehead. 
The release of endorphins starts to truly invade your body as you slowly blink, drifting off to sleep before they can even get the covers pulled up all the way.
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The following morning…
Sunlight drifts into the room, rousing you from your slumber. As you slowly open your eyes, they happen upon a pair of cerulean ones gazing back at you. “You’re aware that watching someone while they sleep is hella creepy right?” You groan out. He just chuckles to himself and shakes his head. 
“What’s so funny at this time of day?” Bucky mumbles into your hair as he nuzzles your neck. “Morning darlin’,” he whispers in your ear before placing a kiss on your temple.
“Apparently I am.” You turn your head in his direction. “Morning Bucky,” placing a kiss on his lips, “Please forgive my morning breath.” 
The God sleeping on your chest begins to stir. “Good morning my King.” 
He places a kiss between your breasts. “Good morning my Queen.”
Smiling sweetly at each other, you all enjoy the lazy morning vibes, running fingers through sex romped hair, caressing any exposed skin that escaped the one sheet that is on you all. Steve breaks the contentedness by clearing his throat. “We better get out there and make an appearance before they send Sam up here to investigate.” 
You whine and pout, burying your face in Bucky’s flesh shoulder. “But moving is too much work. Can’t I just lie here while you guys grab food and serve me breakfast in bed?” Thor has now gotten up and headed to the en suite bathroom.
Steve quirks a brow at her. "Not a chance Doll. Come on, let’s go get cleaned up. You’ll feel much better after a hot shower.”
“Fine. But I want to be carried. I’m not sure if my legs are strong enough yet.” You give Steve a sugar sweet smile. 
“She always like this in the morning, Buck?”
“Only when she’s been thoroughly wrecked the night before. I rather like when she’s all cuddly and needy. If you won't carry her. I happily will. ” He declares. 
“No you go on ahead. I’ve got her. Come on sweetheart.” You reach your arms out to him and he pulls you up with ease. “Wrap your arms and legs around me Honey.” You do as you're told. Burying your face in his neck as he walks you into the bathroom and the extremely large walk in shower. As soon as the hot water falling from the rainfall shower head hits your skin, you let out a pleasurable sigh, melting into the warmth of the spray and the Supersoldier underneath you. 
“I’m gonna put you on your feet now Doll so we can clean ya up. You don’t have to do anything. Just stand there and relax. We’ll do all the work.” You just nod your head in reply.
He places you down and you tilt your head back, letting the water wash over you as your men get to work pampering you. You're clean before you know it and you’re being carried over to the sink by Thor. He sets you down and begins to help you moisturize, massaging your favorite lotion into your skin. 
Feeling a bit more like your usual sassy self you walk into the room to find the Supersoldiers getting dressed, grey sweats hanging low on each of their hips already, each going commando.
As you're lost in watching the corded muscles of their arms flex as they pull on their shirts, Thor slips one of his over your head and hands you a pair of Bucky’s boxers to wear underneath. 
“Thank you puppy.” You put the boxer briefs on and place your hair up, not bothering to try and cover up the hickey Steve gave you that's exposed. 
“Everybody decent?” Steve inquires.
“When it comes to clothing, yes. In a general sense, I’d say I'm about 60/40.” You reflect.
“I see the sass has made its way back.” He shakes his head. 
“Told ya you should have just let us stay in bed longer. The cuddly and needy Honey only lasts so long before that smart mouth comes back.” Bucky teases.
“Aww don't pout sweetness. I happen to like that sassy mouth of yours. Let’s go get some food in your belly and we can head back here and lounge around the rest of the day doing whatever you please. How’s that sound?” He wraps his arms around your waist. 
“That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday Buck.” You kiss his lips. “Lead the way Captain.” 
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You all make your way to the common area kitchen where the rest of the team, in various states of awake and hungover, have congregated. All eyes on you as you help Steve gather the things you need to sustain the appetite of two Supersoldiers, a God and their sweet little vixen. Along with a team of misfit superheroes as well. 
Lots of eggs, fruit, bacon and of course pancakes are whipped up as you and Steve work around the kitchen together with ease, like you’ve done this forever. It’s a comfort you didn't know you were missing out on til now and you can't wait to see what other things will open up with Steve now in the mix. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
As you and Steve continue your little domestic dance, Jane emerges from the hall and makes her way to the table where Thor, Bucky and most of the team are chatting away. She takes the seat across from him and smiles in his direction. “Morning.” 
You plate up all of the yumminess on the island bar, buffet style. “Foods up. Grab it while it’s still hot.” Before they can get up with the rest of the team you grab the plates you made for Bucky and Thor and walk to the table. “Not you two. I’ve already got you covered. Sit.” They sit back down and you place a plate piled high with their favorites in front of them. 
“This looks amazing. Thank you baby.” Bucky gives you a kiss to the forehead in thanks. 
Thor wraps a thick arm around your waist and pulls you down onto his lap, kissing your temple. “James is right. This feast looks most delectable. Thank you, my Queen.”
“I wasn't the only one cooking. Stevie is quite the chef himself. Now eat up. I’m going to make myself a plate.”
“No need, Doll. I’ve already made you one. Gotta keep your energy up.” Steve walks over and places a plate next to Thors, giving you a charming smile and a wink as he takes the seat beside you both. 
Everyone returns to the table and begins filling their bellies.
Tony being the little instigator that he is, can't help himself but to fuel the tension in the room. “So Jane. Bruce tells me you’re staying for a while on the compound in one of the rooms on Thor’s floor. I hope the accommodations are to your liking.” 
“They are. Thank you Tony.” She politely responds.
“Quiet enough for you? Were you able to get enough sleep last night?” He inquiries with a look in your direction. “I’d really like to know how my soundproofing is working. Based on the large hickey on Honey’s neck there I’m sure it was in use. Thor is a god of fertility after all. I’m sure you remember how a night with him can be.” 
“Actually that mark is my doing Tony.” Steve proclaims. 
The room goes quiet. All eyes turn to the four of you, who nonchalantly keep eating. 
“Wait a second. You’re telling me that you marked up Thor and Bucky’s little vixen and you’re still standing. Am I missing something here? I thought you guys were only in a throuple situation.” Tony looks to you for an answer. 
“Things change Tony. They evolve. I’ve been upgraded from a throuple to a harem.” A mischievous smile lights up your face. “What woman wouldn't want to have the attention and devotion of two Supersoldiers and a God. I’ve got more than enough love to give and they each provide me with something different. So why not?” 
You look at each of your men. “Steve and I are in the beginning stages, but he fits in like he should have been here the entire time. I won’t deny myself or them true happiness. If things change or someone wants out then we’ll deal with it in the event that happens.” You pop a blueberry in your mouth, slowly chewing as the team processes the news. “So get used to this face being around more often since I have three of them now.” 
“More power to ya girl. I was only with Buck in the past and he was too intense for even me. I can only imagine how intense the other two are. As long as you're all happy, I’m good. What you do behind closed doors is none of my business.” Nat commented. Several heads around the table nod their agreement as well as a couple outright verbal approvals. 
You were feeling the loving energy filling up the room from everyone except for the brunette astrophysicist, sitting across the table, trying to burn a hole through you and Thor. 
“Are you serious right now Thor?” She blurts out. “You’re sharing her with two other men? How could she possibly give you enough if she’s occupying their beds as well?” 
“Well that is easy Jane. We all occupy the same bed when she is around.” A bright smile adorns his face. “Also she gives me more than enough by just letting me be me. She has no expectations of me other than to love and respect her. She is such an amazing woman, how could I ever keep her to myself when she not only makes me a better man but James as well? If she wants Steven to benefit from her love, who am I to stop that. She is a Queen and deserves the world at her feet.” 
His sweet words have struck you speechless. You run your fingers through his hair and give him the sweetest kiss. Finding your voice you whisper against his lips. “I love you puppy. You deserve the world as well my King.” 
Jane scoffs. “This is so ridiculous. I don’t know how you could go from me to her. Such a downgrade. She can't even keep her legs closed for your team mates.” 
“Watch it Foster.” Bucky bristles.
You place your hand on his clenched fist that's resting on the table. 
“It’s ok, Buck. Not all of us are be frigid bitches.” You stare down Jane. “Listen here Jane. I know you're a big shot astrophysicist. Got a big brain tucked in that skull of yours.” A wicked smile emerges. “ You’d be smart to stop insulting me. The sooner the better. It’s not the God of Thunder, The Winter Soldier or hell even Captain America that you need to be afraid of. I can do far more damage to you than they ever can. Don’t let the sweet exterior fool you. I’m as sly as a fox and not above putting these hands to work teaching someone a lesson.”
Sam and Clint laugh. “Something funny gentleman?” Steve pipes up at the two. They shake their heads no and continue on eating.
“Thank you Captain but they can laugh. The situation is rather funny if you think about it. Being so jealous of someone you stoop to insulting them to try and sway the person you're lusting after to your side.” You shake your head. 
“I’m not jealous of you. You don’t even compare to me.” Jane snaps out.
“You’re damn right she doesn’t. She’s on a whole other level than you.” States the good Captain, coming in to defend your honor.  
“Language Captain.” He turns to face you at your teasing remark. You just smile all doe eyed and innocent at him. 
“That mouth is going to cause me a lot of strife isn't it?” Leaning forward, he pulls you closer to him. 
“It just might. But I assure you. You’ll love every minute of it.” You exchange a heated kiss. Uncaring of the audience in attendance at the table. 
“See. She can't even keep it behind closed doors, where it's appropriate.” A look of disdain and disgust overcomes the normally calm scientist. 
“Appropriate or not, I'm quite entertained. I like a good show with my meals from time to time.” Everyone laughs as Tony breaks the tension. 
“Well, it looks like it’s time for this show to hit the road. I was promised a lazy day of lounging around in bed and having my every whim catered to.” You remove yourself from the table, placing your empty plate in the sink. Your men follow suit. 
You go to make your exit, stopping at the threshold of the hallway, turning your head over your shoulder and meeting eyes with Jane. “You may want to stay away from Thor’s floor for the rest of the day. We’ll be putting Tony’s soundproofing to the test and I wouldn't want to offend your delicate sensibilities with any sinful debaucherous sounds that may escape.” 
Sam, Clint and Tony erupt in laughter as you saunter off down the hall. 
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mthofferings · 7 months
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See AnonymousMink’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: Anonymousmink
Preferred organizations: - Center for Reproductive Rights - Global Fund for Women - National Network of Abortion Funds - RIP Medical Debt - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Ships and platonic art of your faves, otps, ot3s, fluff, angst, romance, general silliness, fic art, aus including: tattoo!au, fashion!au, historical!aus, and many more. Soft or implied nudity is okay so long as it has a general PG-13 rating.
Will not create works that contain: Hard NSFW (no genitals here kids), mpreg, incest or psuedo-incest, of age/under age ships, gore, mecha, depictions of terminal illness, romantic Thorki.
  -- Art --
Auction ID: 1053
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes-centric - MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - MCU Loki fandom any gen and ship - MCU Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis - MCU Darcy Lewis/Loki - MCU Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers - MCU Darcy Lewis-centric - MCU
Work Description: The picture will be half-body, full colour with a simple background. Bids from $1-$19 will feature one character, $20+ two characters, $30+ three characters, and $40+ four characters - with a four character limit. This auction is for a single image so all characters must be in the same picture. If you have any questions please feel free to message me on tumblr! I’m happy to draw most all Bucky, Loki and Darcy ships (with the exception of ones that fit my DNWs, sorry my friends) and I’m also happy to draw poly ships including WinterShieldShock, WinterShieldIron, SamSteveBucky etc!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Art --
Auction ID: 2032
Will create works for the following relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov - Any Universe Carol Danvers/Yon-Rogg - MCU Namor/Shuri - Any Universe Wanda Maximoff/Vision - Any Universe Remy LeBeau/Rogue - Any Universe Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers - Any Universe Carol Danvers-centric - Any Universe Darcy Lewis-centric - Any Universe
Work Description: The picture will be half-body, full colour with a simple background. Bids from $1-$19 will feature one character, $20+ two characters, $30+ three characters, and $40+ four characters - with a four character limit. This auction is for a single image so all characters must be in the same picture. If you have any questions please feel free to message me on tumblr! I welcome any gen/platonic Carol set ups as well as most Darcy ships. I favour X-men Evo Romy but can draw for most universes!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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forasecondtherewedwon · 2 months
second's (eclectic) masterlist
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Hello! Under the cut, you’ll find all the fics I’ve written for these fandoms:
The Artful Dodger ⁎ Bodyguard ⁎ Bridgerton ⁎ Daybreak ⁎ Deadly Class
Dickinson ⁎ A Discovery of Witches ⁎ Dollface
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ⁎ For All Mankind ⁎ Gilmore Girls
Hawkeye ⁎ Heartstopper ⁎ The Irregulars ⁎ Loki
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ⁎ Masters of the Air ⁎ Nancy Drew
Never Have I Ever ⁎ Peaky Blinders ⁎ Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Preacher ⁎ The Queen's Gambit ⁎ Riverdale ⁎ Sanditon ⁎ Schmigadoon!
Sex Education ⁎ The Sex Lives of College Girls ⁎ Stranger Things
Ted Lasso ⁎ WandaVision ⁎ Why Didn't They Ask Evans? ⁎ The Wilds
Avengers: Endgame ⁎ Black Widow ⁎ The Hunger Games ⁎ Inception
King Kong ⁎ Marriage Story ⁎ No Time to Die ⁎ Spider-Man
Star Trek ⁎ Thor: Ragnorak ⁎ Top Gun: Maverick ⁎ Wonder Woman
my fic masterlists
10 fics - the artful dodger
12 fics - masters of the air
13 fics - the marvelous mrs. maisel (midge x lenny)
13 fics - nancy drew
13 fics - the queen's gambit (beth x benny)
38 fics - riverdale
71 fics - spideychelle
21 fics - top gun: maverick
deadly class
E / 5k / Petra x Billy - “Rats’ Waltz”
E / 9k / Petra x Billy x Lex - “We Test on Rats”
a discovery of witches (phoebe x marcus)
E / 2k - “Gladly Be a Fool”
E / 3k - “The Night Today”
gilmore girls (rory x jess)
E / 11k - Dreams I’ve Yet to Find
E / 24k - You Need Me to Be With You
peaky blinders
E / 15k / Tommy x Grace - The Grand Dream of Things
E / 3k / Tommy x May - “Preferred Pastimes”
sex education
E / 3k / Ola x Lily - “and the stars (they all aligned)”
E / 2k / Maeve x Isaac - “Please May I…?”
star trek
E / 3k / Bones x Carol - “The Deserted Planet, the Gorgeous Woman, and the Goddamn Torpedo”
E / 7k / Scotty x Jaylah - Something to Fix
why didn’t they ask evans? (frankie x bobby)
E / 2k - “One-Man Chauffeur”
E / 5k - “Sailors’ Hands”
M / 2k / Emily x Sue - “Another Dickinson”
T / 1k - “How Luscious Lies”
G / 376 / Emily x Sue - “Lands Away”
for all mankind
T / 1k / Margo x Sergei - “The Bridges of Madison”
G / 286 / Pam x Ellen - “Ode to the Front Porch”
T / 1k - “This Mortal Doyle”
the hunger games
E / 2k / Peeta x Johanna - “Elevator Pitch”
E / 2k / Katniss x Peeta - “Finally, Finally”
E / 4k / Katniss x Cato - “Lonely at the Top”
G / 1k - “If You're a Robot and You Know It, Clap Your Hands”
G / 1k - “Mr. Second Chance”
T / 2k - “Riding in Cars With Lokis”
the wilds
T / 2k - “Fourth Coming”
T / 738 - “Interviews by the Pool”
T / 1k / Shelby x Toni - “a verse about expecting the worst”
never have i ever (devi x paxton)
E / 4k - “Boy Meets Girlfriend”
M / 2k - “No Harm, No Towel”
T / 4k - “Runaway Ride”
M / 5k - “Swimming the Sonoran”
stranger things
T / 2k / Steve x Nancy - “Always Mr. Right”
T / 458 / Eddie x Chrissy - “And Here’s to You, Chrissy Cunningham”
T / 1k / Lucas x Max - “The Kate Escape”
T / 1k / Lucas x Max - “The Lovers’ Lake Effect”
ted lasso
E / 8k / Keeley x Rebecca - “Cat Ladies”
T / 1k - “Crimminology”
E / 2k / Roy x Keeley - “The Halftime of It”
E / 3k / Ted x Sassy - “Sass Backwards”
percy jackson and the olympians (2023- )
G / 830 / Sally x Poseidon - “but for the grace of gods”
G / 1k - “lullaby for a rottweiler”
T / 1k / Percy x Annabeth - “salt-and-vinegar dreams”
G / 967 / Percy x Annabeth - “soundtrack to a tooth alignment”
M / 875 / Sally x Poseidon - “a tall, tall tale no one believes”
E / 34k / Darcy x Jimmy - Hex Life
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “Mailbox Blues”
T / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “The Neighbour Never Rings Twice”
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “One Papaya, Two Papaya”
T / 26k / Darcy x Jimmy - Only in a Sitcom
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “Our Names in a Heart”
the falcon and the winter soldier
T / 7k / Sam x Bucky - 3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian
T / 1k - “À la Carter”
E / 5k / Bucky x Sarah - “Chasing Water Pumps”
E / 8k / Sam x Bucky - The Great Madripoorian Snake Off
T / 3k / Bucky x Sarah - “Guest Side Story”
T / 3k / Sam x Bucky - “Never a Gull Moment”
T / 4k / Sam x Bucky - “Stare Enough”
T / 2k / Sam x Bucky - “They're Sayin' (You're Gonna Be My Man)”
Avengers: Endgame : Dolls' Eyes
Black Widow : “Same Day, Different Jumpsuit”
Bodyguard : “Don’t Ever Let Me Start”
Bridgerton : All the Belles and Whistles
Daybreak : “Garden-Variety Monsters”
Dollface : “Fender Is the Night”
Hawkeye : “An All-American January Christmas”
Heartstopper : “we sum up perfection like a handbook”
Inception (2010) : “Je Ne Regrette Rien”
The Irregulars : “The Sun Is Coming Up (I Think It’s Time)”
King Kong (2005) : “I’m Actually Quite Familiar With Your Work”
Marriage Story (2019) : “the whole night and the next day together”
No Time to Die : “The Blood You Owe”
Preacher : “Lonely, Handsome”
Sanditon : “Finding Georgiana”
Schmigadoon! : “I Fleetly Flee, I Fly”
The Sex Lives of College Girls : “An Abundance of Caution Tape”
Thor: Ragnorak : “In the Arms of the Anus”
Wonder Woman (2017) : “Unconquered”
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something i truly do not understand about smbcky and to a lesser extent, smstve shippers is how they so clearly prefer the stucky dynamic genuine love for each other and prominence in the story their emotional core being each other to the point that non-shippy general audiences call BS when newer entries try to downplay their relationship
but then they don't ship that but instead lie through their teeth abt what stucky in canon is and pretend that their preferred ship has the stucky dynamic
it'd be so much tolerable if the diehard SmBck shippers were honest abt what they are and stop acting like it's a soulmate/fated lovers ship and admitted that it's more of a meme/dudebro/"haha they hate each other it's funni" joke ship, which is what gen audiences did when their show was airing, gen audiences treated it like a meme cuz the narrative never gave it more depth than a bunch of glued-together buddy cop tropes and banking off audiences being invested in the IRL actors' public on-camera personas
those shippers would be much happier if they were honest abt what it is and isn't instead and wondering why romance-lovers prefer the dynamic that actually treated the emotions and feeling with depth and sincerity instead of the dynamic of 2 cishet dudebro hwood actors who think their jokes are hilarious but you can never tell when the joke even happened or not happened
Tbh I don't really know how smbcky shippers ship them because I don't see it! (Got it all blacklisted or filtered or w/e and tend to block those posts when I see them and move on. Hard pass from me.)
So I can't really comment on whether they habitually make up bullshit about stucky or downplay it, because I'm simply not seeing it! 🤷‍♀️
I guess stucky occupies a bit of a unique situation, in terms of shipping, because shippers can lean hard into it's canon romanticism and 80+ years of comics, without needing to steal from other canon ships.
(Like, I've never seen or heard of stucky fic with Bucky in Peggy's scenes, or Natasha's, or Sharon's, because none of them have the same profound place in Steve's life or the same profound lines so it would be, if anything, kind of a downgrade??)
Whereas the MCU canon definitely is trying to downplay and cannibalise stucky to feed other ships, in just the way you describe.
(And thereby inadvertently admitting that the writers don't actually rate the existing-canon as romance, for example. Putting Peggy in Bucky's scenes in WhatIf, while completely deleting Steve and Peggy's original scenes, which were supposed to prove they're a couple! Tell me you think stucky was legit without telling me...)
Most jarring to me was WhatIf, where they had Bucky casually bumping off zombie-Steve, with zero sign that this was his best friend, the only living person who's known him since he was a child, someone he'd sacrificed a whole limb for TWICE etc etc etc…
But was then expected to be upset over bumping off zombie-Sam?
H u h ?!
It was so obvious and cack-handed an attempt to shove down one in order to raise up another, that it was just... cringe? 😬
Maybe that's the origin of this, if you what you say is happening in sambuca and stvesam shipping, is really happening. They've swallowed the 'shit on stucky' coolaid the Rat is peddling and now they're doing precisely what the Corporate Overlords want? 🤔
Kinda sad to think about... 😥
And as for this 'copying X ship dynamic to fit Y ship while ignoring Y ship's canon as if they never liked it anyway' phenomenon...
I have definitely come across a similar thing in stucky fanfic too, actually!
I've seen Bucky's personality (and even physical description) overhauled and replaced with a sort of James Charles-esque, Darcy Lewis Tony Stark hybrid.
Which leaves me thinking, 'but if that's the kind of person you think Steve would want, then you don't actually ship stucky, you ship Steve/Darcy, Stny, etc?'
So it wouldn't surprise me if what you say is true, Anon, because I've definitely seen that ^ similar thing elsewhere with Bucky.
And yes, you'd think, if the 'dramatically romantic co-dependant burn the world for them childhood soulmate' dynamic is the one you're after, then you can't actually like the Sambuca dynamic?
(Cuz if you're not a fan of 'buddy cop dudebros who hate each other on sight are forced into proximity and bicker to the point of becoming an annoyance to the other characters', then why are you here?)
It's an especially odd choice to cannibalise another ship's canon for fanon when what is in canon is a lot of queerbaiting you could draw on instead!
(eg. them rolling through a field for comedic 'lol they're doing gay stuff!!' relief, 'now give us money like you did w/ stucky!!' Annoying, yes, but extremely useful from a shipping POV! No different than destiel or johnlock, when the writers were in on it but had no intention of following through. The fans didn't let that stop them!)
Maybe it derives from a sense of a stolen opportunity? Because FATWS absolutely could have been the 'emotionally resonant ship-establishing show'.
But instead they went with 'Mackie being sarcastic was hilarious in junkets so let's just have him throw casual abuse at Stan so we don't have to bother to do our jobs.' Gave Stan one (1) Emotional Scene and Mackie Zero (0). (While also, funnily enough, shitting on all of Bucky's backstory as if it didn't matter, while not even bothering to mention Sam's at all.)
And finished with a lazy insult; a montage, so that they don't have to bother actually showing them becoming good friends, in the six fuckin hours that they wasted on What FunnyNaziGuy Thinks. 🤬
I think also, Bucky stans seem to be more able to see the flaws in that show, because they never regarded it as 'his' (since he's not being made Captain America, sidekicking remains his gig etc.) Whereas Sam stans did see it as his, so they feel as if they're being disloyal and shitting on one of the few pieces of black rep available by criticising it (and double-down on refusing to address any issues about it.)
So perhaps Sambuca shippers who come to it from a Sam-stan POV almost can't criticise the crap they were given (eg. Mackie Yells at Stan for 6 hours + Nobody's In Character). Emotionally, it's much easier to criticise, eg. skrull Steve from Endlame, and pretend that shit was IC and he and Bucky haven't been It in Steve's films or Marvel's Batman & Robin in the comics for 80 years. 🙄
Definite ship-envy going on, though what the hell there is to envy in the way MCU treats Stucky I don't know!
tl;dr: haven't seen it personally but it wouldn't surprise me since that's what the MCU itself is doing and rarepair shippers are in dire straights anyway, poor sods.
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rebeltombraider · 6 months
Sorry for the Wall of Text but hey! List of Future Fics in the works? :D 
Okay so... I've been working on SO MANY stories for a while now (plot bunnies drag me around from one to the next, through new stories, while I still work slowly on my current Ao3 fics), but decided to post a little here about everything (story wise) that's been going on with the fics being mainly worked on! 
Plot Bunnies Currently Making Me Their Bitch: 
MCU - No Title yet, but is going to be an absolute TITAN of a story and series spanning from around 2007 pre-Iron Man 1 to Secret Invasion, with a lot of changes and a lot of additions (including Timeline event changes, Infinity War being an actual 3 to 4 month long war instead of 24hrs, PIETRO SURVIVES without Clint and the kid dying, Ultron is gonna be a far more badass boss fight with a moment of Avengers going "...Why do I hear boss music?", a handful of characters are going to be added to spice things up) and so much more! OC is gonna be Nat's kid via Red Room science (made in a lab) which will go over more in the fic (also other DNA is Yelena's, however there will be ZERO Nat x Yelena here. it will be Platonic "this is my child so i will cut a bitch if anyone hurts them" sort of parental situation. Yelena tends to be Aro/Ace in my fics being written, majority of the time, though there is an idea for an Ace!Yelena and Kate fic i have in mind, but that's for another story) - (OC -intersex afab- x Wanda Maximoff, and a lot of background pairings) - Inspired by "Smells Like Teen Spirit" version by Malia J, "Set It All Free" sang by Scarlett Johansson, and "Can't Help Falling in Love" version by Haley Reinhart 
MCU - No Title Yet, a possible series of oneshots jumping around of Venom!NonBinary!Reader, Yelena Belova, and Kate Bishop platonic besties spreading some chaos and even possibly accidentally helping couples get together - (Background Wanda x Natasha, Pietro x Steve, Sam x Bucky, Tony x Pepper, Carol x Maria Rambeau, Peter Parker x MJ, Maria Hill x Sif, Thor x Jane) - Inspired by "Oath" by Cher Lloyd ft Becky G, "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga, and "Raise Your Glass" by P!nk 
MCU - Waking Wanda - a Dark started story intro that leads to OC being reborn as Wanda Maximoff (though doesn't get flashes of memories until a young child of around 5ish and it's only enough to sort of let me give a reason for character changes Wanda will have, also no "MCU knowledge"). Story will toe the line with Dark status every so often (Wanda has very little problem being an Antihero right off the bat when around Teenage and that carries on as she ages, and has no problem literally killing to protect, more so when it comes to protecting Pietro). Sort of a test story for Darker writings, but ultimately will have a happy ending because i'm a sucker for happy endings. Technically the OC is just a placebo spark for me to change Wanda up a little for a story idea, and the OC stuff itself means very little beyond those "sparks" to induce change which will butterfly effect over time. (Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff, with background Pietro x Sam, Steve x Bucky, etc, etc) - Story was inspired by "Vicious" by Halestorm, and "Sweet but Psycho" by Ava Max 
MCU - No Title Yet, and a smaller fic (and closer to the MCU timeline of stuff, though still plenty of changes and yes, Pietro lives along with Clint and the kid here, too). Will also toe the line with Darker stuff like Waking Wanda will (i'm very fond of writing antiheroes lately...), and OC will have Animal Shapeshifting powers. OC is also a brother to Wanda and Pietro via triplets instead of twins. - (TransMale!OC x Natasha Romanoff, with background Wanda x Darcy and Pietro x Monica) - Story was inspired by "Insane" by Black Gryph0n and Baasik, and "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch 
MCU - No Title Yet, this story will be a fic that doesn't heavily dip into fighting battles at first like the other stories, and instead will be set where Reader will end up in the MCU and steps in where possible (healing ability and also has wings, though you can hide them into a scar on your back) to try to encourage change to bring a bit less pain and suffering to our Avengers. Wanda and Natasha end up dating Reader (triad poly) during Civil War era (bigger changes here, and yes, Reader saves Pietro, there is deff a pattern here for me, i think) after Reader sort of gets pulled in via sticking around after Lagos to heal any wounded (Wanda yeets Rumlow a little more viciously so it clears it just enough to only cause a little bit of roof damage) - Wanda x Natasha x Female Reader - Inspired by "If Today Was Your Last Day" by Nickelback, and "Soldier" by Gavin DeGraw 
MCU - No Title Yet, possibly a small series of oneshots about Wanda and Reader being a Soft!Couple, but also has Wanda and Vision being besties, and Reader and Natasha being besties. Literally just a "feel good" series - Wanda x Female Reader (Reader and Nat being Platonic besties, while Wanda and Vision being Platonic besties) - Inspired by "You and Me" by Plain White T's, and "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves
MCU - No Title Yet, set after Endgame. Natasha comes back via Steve's stone exchange, but she's not really healed from it. Scars, recovering from broken bones, and honestly feels lost. While Clint is dealing with Kate stuff (Yelena goes to help him at Natasha's request, and because she's become fond of him like an older brother as well), Natasha meets Southern!Reader who is a friend of Laura's, visiting from Texas (was also a Marine). Reader and Natasha are a bit awkward at first (Natasha because she's still recovering and unsteady from retiring, thus not really sure what she wants to do now, and Reader due to just being a shy awkward person who still doesn't really understand how people "people"). The two end up helping each other. Natasha helping Reader with moments of night terrors spawned from PTSD of war/battles against other humans and other skirmishes with Thanos' army during the blip era. Reader helps Natasha stop pushing herself so hard during her recovery (physical and mental), and start to stop and just breathe, along with the fear of a truly unknown future. - Natasha x Autistic!Female Reader - Inspired by "Stuck In a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" sang by Scarlet Johansson, "Rise Up" by Andra Day, "Shatter Me" by Lindsey Stirling ft Lzzy Hale, and "All I Know So Far" by P!nk 
MCU - No Title Yet. IM SO WEAK for Vera Farminga that it's unreal (dare i say Wanda Maximoff levels)?! That held my existence hostage and spawned this one here, of Eleanor Bishop x Reader. Reader is gonna be Wanda and Pietro's slightly older sibling (Marvel can pry Pietro's survival from my cold, dead hands) and has powers much like Magneto of the X-Men movies, but also cannot be harmed by metal objects, and has a resistance (read: resistance, not immunity) to more extreme cold and hot temperatures, as well as the abilities extending to Vibranium.
Conjuring Universe - No Title Yet. read above about weakness, RIP. Anyway, Reader will be Ed's sister who portrays a masculine build/clothing (and yes, binder! inc history research of binders and what was common and uncommon in that time era). Will happen around the main 3 Conjuring movies, as well as dabbling in The Nun 2 post credits scene (and extended), and the Curse of La Llorona getting a lil bit of a rewrite. 
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lovelybishop · 1 year
Character/Fandom List
(Updated February 5th, 2023)
*Strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom
*If you see a character that is not listed, please ask! I’m sure I write for that character, I just forgot to put it on this very long list!
*If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
DC Extended Universe
Suicide Squad (2016) / The Suicide Squad (2021)
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Robert Dubois/Bloodsport
Birds Of Prey
Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress, Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Fear Street Trilogy
Cindy Berman, Deena Johnson, Heather Watkins. Christine “Ziggy” Berman*,Kate Schmidt, Nick Goode*, Ruby Lane, Samantha Fraser, Simon, Tommy Slater
*Please specify which actor
The Last of Us (HBO)
Joel Miller, Tess Servopoulos
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Ajak, Alexei/The Red Gurdian, America Chavez, Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Christine Palmer, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Doctor Stange Variants, Drax the Destroyer, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Hope van Dyne/The Wasp, Ikaris, James “Bucky” Barnes/The Winter Soldier, James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War Machine, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy, Kingo, Lady Sif, Loki, Makkari, Mantis, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Nebula, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Peter Parker Variants, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Phastos, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter, Sprite, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor, Tony Stark/Iron Man, T’Challa/Black Panther, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Valkyrie, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, Vision, Wanda Maximoff Variants, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Wong, Xialing, Yelena Belova
Disney+ Series
*This list is for characters who have not appeared in any movie (with the exception of Captain Carter.)
Agatha Harkness, Bruno Carrelli, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Joaquin Torres, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Madisynn King, Mallory Book, Marc Spector, Mary MacPherran/Titania, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Maya Lopez, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Nikki Ramos, Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Ralph Bogner/”Pietro” Maximoff, Star-Lord T’Challa, Steve Grant, Strange Supreme, Sylvie, Taweret
Agents Of Sheild Series
Melinda May, Grant Ward, Daisy “Skye” Johnson/Quake, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie, Lincoln Campbell, Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Deke Shaw
Netflix Series
*I plan on watching all Marvel Netflix Series. Though Because Matt Murdok was in No Way Home and She-Hulk, I still will write for him.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Alex Summers/Havok, Bobby Drake/Iceman, Charles Xavier/Professor X*,Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Erik Legnsherr/Magneto*,Hank McCoy/Beast*,James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine, Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix*,Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler*,Marie D’Ancanto/Rogue, Nathan Sumers/Cable, Neena Thurman/Domino, Ororo Monroe/Storm*,Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Psylocke*,Raven Darkholme/Mystique*,Scott Summers/Cyclops*,Wade Wilson/Deadpool, Warren Worthington III/Angel*
*Please specify which actor.
Free Guy
Guy, Millie Ruck, Walter “Keys” McKey
The Office
Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly
Ajax Petropolus, Biance Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams*,Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates. Morticia Addams*,Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams, Xavier Thorpe, Yoko Tanaka
*Please specify which actor.
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Bix Caleen, Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Captain Phasma, Cassian Andor, Cobb Wanth, Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Fennec Shand, Finn, General Hux, Han Solo, Jyn Erso, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron, Princess/General Leia Organa, Qi’ra, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Rey, Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove
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