#Din WILL be forgiven at all costs he was never guilty for anything
psalmsofpsychosis · 2 years
not me reading tbobf episode 5 transcript for meta accuracy and getting hit out of the left field by the symbolism of how Armourer sends Din Djarin on a rabbit hunt to redefine his history like
"one may only be redeemed in the living waters beneath the mines of mandalore" she tells him, when Din asks about the way "to atone for breaking The Creed". There's so much going on here. She tells hims to look to history while simultaneously reminding him that "these waters are living", they flow and grow and transform and are adaptable and recieving like all living things are. She also reminds him where he can find the waters: beneath centuries of knowledge, hard earned resourses and hard earned reason, beneath the work and the physical act of what it means to be a mandalorian. Din mentions that "the mines are destroyed", and they are, for him mainly. On an individual level Din has failed to follow through with the established physicality of what being a mandalorian is about, he has broken the paradigm of a ritual that enforced mandalorian values. On a collective scale, there are barely any people and things left to define mandalorian values and what they might look like when implemented in behavior anyway.
Basically, this is the moment Din Djarin tells the armourer that he has no preceded guidance to build upon a future for himself and the ones he loves. Armourer tells him that beyond acts and armour there are ideas, and ideas are living, breathing beings, untamed and true: he can take them and build what he will with them and no matter what it looks like, it will be as right and true.
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