#Disney’s Heritage Program
adarkrainbow · 5 months
Since I am on the topic of these people that get a lot of criticism for their take on fairytales but still deserve to be kept around due to their influence, I want to briefly evoke Bruno Bettelheim's book "The Uses of Enchantment", known in France as "Psychanalysis of fairytales".
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Note that I will not speak of the book itself or the reception of the book in English-speaking countries, but I want to talk about its reception in France and an impact it had on France. Today, numerous elements of the book have been debunked or criticized, coupled with many people misunderstanding the intentions of Bettelheim or misinforming about the context of the book or how it had to be read. As a result, today there is a tendency to crap on this book or laugh about it when we talk about fairytales analysis. However this book had a great importance in France when it came to "save" fairytales.
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Before going into the general, as a brief piece of personal experience - which isn't exclusive to me, as others also shared this. This book actually was what got me into the analysis and study of fairytale. Or rather, when I read it as a pre-teen, it made me discover that... fairytales could have depths. Fairytales could have hidden meanings behind being simple children stories. It made me consider how these stories could be taken and reinterpreted as so many allegories and metaphors, it opened my eyes to a certain visceral, psychic, social aspect of these tales, and without this book I certainly would not have been into fairytales as I am today.
Not that this book is the ultimate resource of fairytale analysis - and the entire process of a psychological reading of fairytales is someting that exists but should not be taken into account when trying to explain them (fairytales being the produce of the encounter between literature and folklore). However, this book stayed a door-opening key for me, outdated maybe, overthinking stuff I guess, but that at least allowed me to glimpse into the "great beyond" behind these stories.
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And now for my actual point... How Bettelheim's book saved fairytales in France. This is something I learned when studying the life and work of Pierre Gripari - in a book called "Pierre Gripari, un passeur d'écritures" by Inna Saranovska.
When Bettelheim's book reached France in the late 70s, fairytales were in a bad spot when it came to cultural authorities. Already fairytales had been reduced in people's mind to simple, naive children stories only good for making American cartoons (cough cough, Disney). But those of Perrault were still evoked and studied in schools (little schools for little children) because it was part of the heritage of France, of French culture, and the evolution of French literatue...
However what happened in the 70s? The very serious project of just burying fairytales was brought forward. The talks by politics and school authorities were simple: let us stop teaching fairytales to children in school, let's remove fairytales from school libraries, we do not have any use for them anymore, let them be forgotten. On one side, as I said, there was a discredit due to them being seen as silly children story, and thus no real pedagogic or "useful" chilren literature. But on the other side, there were very concrete and serious political business involved - fairytales were seen as antithetic, and opposed, to the principles of the modern Republic of France. Fairytales were seen as backward antiquities that went against what a great democratic nation should be. For example, people really did took issue in the fact that fairytales depicted monarchies, with kings as absolute authorities, and where a happy ending meant to end up prince or princess. For them, it was literaly teaching children to favor and idealize monarchy when they should rather learn about democracies and republics, and while it might seem silly today, it was serious back then and what almost led to the complete erasure of fairytales from school programs.
But then came Bettelheim's book. A book which proved to these folks that fairytales could be of a deep, psychological, social use to children. A book which taught these authorities to see beyond the "silliness" of these children stories or the "backward social message", and which told them how these stories could contain and express the deep fears, the secret desires of children, and help them grow up and deal with familial, social relationships. The book was a best-seller in France, and it completely changed the higher-ups opinion, and convinced tem fairytales should indeed be maintained in school - because fairytales were now "serious" due to being part of the very serious and praised domains of psychology and psychanalysis (which was all the fad and rage in the second half of the 20th century France).
And as such - no matter what you might say about the book's uality today - it can still be thanked for actually "saving" fairytales in France.
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“Their intentions aren’t exactly a secret. Government programs that attempt to redress decades of racist policies would be eliminated should Trump be elected to a second term. “As President Trump has said, all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden’s un-American policy will be immediately terminated,” Trump’s campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, told the news outlet.
A top Biden campaign official said Black voters needed to pay close attention to Trump’s plans.
Trump is “making it clear that if he wins in November, he’ll turn his racist record into official government policy, gutting programs that give communities of color economic opportunities and making the lives of Black and brown folks harder,” said former Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), one of the co-chairs of the Biden campaign. “It’s up to us to stop him.”
The warning comes as polling shows Biden’s level of support from Black voters has slipped. Democratic strategists have some fear about GOP plans to target Black men in the coming election. And they have major fears Black voters could stay home or vote for third-party candidates. Highlighting Trump and Miller’s plans could raise the stakes of the election for Black voters.
Miller, who pushed white nationalism and xenophobia in leaked emails, is at the heart of the effort. America First Legal, the right-wing nonprofit group Miller founded, has filed over a hundred lawsuits against “woke” corporations — like Disney, Mattel and Nike — that it alleges discriminate against white men. These complaints — many of which cite the 1964 Civil Rights Act — are laying the legal framework for Trump’s Justice Department to eliminate programs designed to counter racism, Axios notes.
Jasmine Harris, director of Black media for the Biden-Harris campaign, said the report should worry Black Americans.
“This report, in addition to all of the recent examples of shameless racism by Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans, serves as a warning to Black America: Donald Trump is a selfish and vindictive man who doesn’t give a damn about Black people,” Harris told HuffPost. “He will make our lives worse by using the very laws that the pioneers of the Civil Rights Movement fought for, against us.”
Miller’s group is not alone in the effort to roll back DEI initiatives.
The right-wing think tank Heritage Foundation crafted Project 2025, a sweeping playbook that lists policies and initiatives for the next conservative administration. The initiative is open about its goal to reshape the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. One of the mandates within the playbook is to “reorganize and refocus the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division to serve as the vanguard for this return to lawfulness.”
Trump has affirmed to supporters that he aims make good on his promise to eliminate DEI. “We will terminate every diversity, equity and inclusion program across the entire federal government,” he told a crowd in Rochester, New Hampshire, in January.”
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Joe Heller
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July 17, 2023
JUL 18, 2023
A story in the New York Times today by Jonathan Swan, Charlie Savage, and Maggie Haberman outlined how former president Donald Trump and his allies are planning to create a dictatorship if voters return him to power in 2024. The article talks about how Trump and his loyalists plan to “centralize more power in the Oval Office” by “increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House.” 
They plan to take control over independent government agencies and get rid of the nonpartisan civil service, purging all but Trump loyalists from the U.S. intelligence agencies, the State Department, and the Defense Department. They plan to start “impounding funds,” that is, ignoring programs Congress has funded if those programs aren’t in line with Trump’s policies.
“What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them,” said Russell T. Vought, who ran Trump’s Office of Management and Budget and who now advises the right-wing House Freedom Caucus. They envision a “president” who cannot be checked by the Congress or the courts.
Trump’s desire to grab the mechanics of our government and become a dictator is not new; both scholars and journalists have called it out since the early years of his administration. What is new here is the willingness of so-called establishment Republicans to support this authoritarian power grab. 
Behind this initiative is “Project 2025,” a coalition of more than 65 right-wing organizations putting in place personnel and policies to recommend not just to Trump, but to any Republican who may win in 2024. Project 2025 is led by the Heritage Foundation, once considered a conservative think tank, that helped to lead the Reagan revolution.
A piece by Alexander Bolton in The Hill today said that Republican senators are “worried” by the MAGAs, but they have been notably silent in public at a time when every elected leader should be speaking out against this plot. Their silence suggests they are on board with it, as Trump apparently hoped to establish. 
The party appears to have fully embraced the antidemocratic ideology advanced by authoritarian leaders like Russia’s president Vladimir Putin and Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán, who argue that the post–World War II era, in which democracy seemed to triumph, is over. They claim that the tenets of democracy—equality before the law, free speech, academic freedom, a market-based economy, immigration, and so on—weaken a nation by destroying a “traditional” society based in patriarchy and Christianity.
Instead of democracy, they have called for “illiberal” or “Christian” democracy, which uses the government to enforce their beliefs in a Christian, patriarchal order. What that looks like has a clear blueprint in the actions of Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who has gathered extraordinary power into his own hands in the state and used that power to mirror Orbán’s destruction of democracy.
DeSantis has pushed through laws that ban abortion after six weeks, before most people know they’re pregnant; banned classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity (the “Don’t Say Gay” law); prevented recognition of transgender individuals; made it easier to sentence someone to death; allowed people to carry guns without training or permits; banned colleges and businesses from conversations about race; exerted control over state universities; made it harder for his opponents to vote, and tried to punish Disney World for speaking out against the Don’t Say Gay law. After rounding up migrants and sending them to other states, DeSantis recently has called for using “deadly force” on migrants crossing unlawfully.
Because all the institutions of our democracy are designed to support the tenets of democracy, right-wingers claim those institutions are weaponized against them. House Republicans are running hearings designed to prove that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice are both “weaponized” against Republicans. It doesn’t matter that they don’t seem to have any evidence of bias: the very fact that those institutions support democracy mean they support a system that right-wing Republicans see as hostile. 
“Our current executive branch,” Trump loyalist John McEntee, who is in charge of planning to pack the government with Trump loyalists, told the New York Times reporters, “was conceived of by liberals for the purpose of promulgating liberal policies. There is no way to make the existing structure function in a conservative manner. It’s not enough to get the personnel right. What’s necessary is a complete system overhaul.”
It has taken decades for the modern-day Republican Party to get to a place where it rejects democracy. The roots of that rejection lie all the way back in the 1930s, when Democrats under Franklin Delano Roosevelt embraced a government that regulated business, provided a basic social safety net, and promoted infrastructure. That system ushered in a period from 1933 to 1981 that economists call the “Great Compression,” when disparities of income and wealth were significantly reduced, especially after the government also began to protect civil rights. 
Members of both parties embraced this modern government in this period, and Americans still like what it accomplished. But businessmen who hated regulation joined with racists who hated federal protection of civil rights and traditionalists who opposed women’s rights and set out to destroy that government. 
In West Palm Beach, Florida, last weekend, at the Turning Points Action Conference, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) compared President Biden’s Build Back Better plan to President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s Great Society programs, which invested in “education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and welfare, the Office of Economic Opportunity, and big labor and labor unions.” She noted that under Biden, the U.S. has made “the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs, that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete.” 
Well, yeah.
Greene incorrectly called this program “socialism,” which in fact means government ownership of production, as opposed to the government’s provision of benefits people cannot provide individually, a concept first put into practice in the United States by Abraham Lincoln and later expanded by leadership in both parties. The administration has stood firmly behind the idea—shared by LBJ and FDR, and also by Republicans Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower, among others—that investing in programs that enable working people to prosper is the best way to strengthen the economy. 
Certainly, Greene’s speech didn’t seem to be the “gotcha” that she apparently hoped. A March 2023 poll by independent health policy pollster KFF, for example, found that 80% of Americans like Social Security, 81% like Medicare, and 76% like Medicaid, a large majority of members of all political parties.  
The White House Twitter account retweeted a clip of Greene’s speech, writing: “Caught us. President Biden is working to make life easier for hardworking families.”
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razzle-dazzle-dandy · 3 months
Alright I’ll give it a shot 1)Asha is not Afro Latina, she’s Afro Hispanic. She does not live in Latin America so she isn’t a Latina. Her father is white spainard or at least vaguely described as from the Iberian peninsula, which would include Portugal. Her mother is Amazigh, which is a group of people that reside in different parts of North Africa. Which leads us to point 2)Box braids are not reflective of typical North African hairstyles. You can see some Amazigh people wear them, but not the way Asha has them. It’s super disappointing hearing how Disney apparently did the research on hair of Amazigh people, and they decided box braids were such a staple to the culture when they aren’t. That’s more of a West and South African hairstyle for groups that usually have the hair texture for box braids in the first place. You made that comment about why white people shouldn’t wear braids? Cultural appropriation aside, simply these hairstyles are made for certain hair textures in mind, hence why white people that wear African based braids find themselves crying over their bald patches. Africa has a wide range of diversed features thus different people have different garments and hairstyles to suit the environment. Asha’s design hardly tells us she’s Amazigh or Spanish which leads to point 3) Those are some ugly poorly designed box braids. I’ve had all sort of box braids styles and when I was told Asha was shocked, like where? Not to mention they didn’t bother giving the poor girl any hair accessories, some that can help reflect her Amazigh heritage, so it’s boring. Poorly animated too, which is weird because Disney can make entirely new programs to animate Rapunzel’s hair or Mirabel’s but not braids? Not something simple like braids? Then again, they did lay off a bunch of people, so that’s probably part of the reason they tried to apply straight hair animation logic onto braids, which is another issue people tend to have with her braids. Like did animators truly give her braids to reflect the culture(it didn’t) or because they thought it was easier to animate than afro hair which is still a frustratingly stupid argument in animation. It comes across as nonblack people did not ask Black people for guidance on how to design Black hair. Yknow how everyone uses the Killmonger haircut and the one ugly afro in games because they don’t want to explore different looks? It’s giving ‘that’.Now I do side eye people that make Asha’s hair just straight, like dang not even the concept art did that. But I would some people are drawn into Asha’s concept art that seems better designed for her character. Because honestly, if the point is Asha is a character that constantly needs to be on the move, and is clumsy, and forgetful, she’s not going to have long flowing braided hair like that. And you can still blame Disney as a corporation for poor animation and poor character design, we are seeing more and more people that worked on Wish come out to say how rushed and underdeveloped made this movie. Sorry for long message but something like a character designed to have braids does need to a lot of thought put into it, and unfortunately Asha with braids tells me nothing about the character vs what I’m shown
Thank you for your reply, genuinely!
I used Afro-Latina because I'd heard someone else use that term, so I appreciate that correction and clarification.
I made the comment about white people and braids because I was frustrated about people's response to Asha's hairstyle, not because I think they should go out and get braids. I do agree that those styles were developed for certain hair types and that they can cause damage when worn improperly, not to mention the cultural aspects which I'm well aware of.
Again, I mean this genuinely, where was it said that Sakina is based on the Amazigh people specifically? I've definitely seen North African, which would include that group among many others. Is it from the art book?
The braids honestly look fine to me (minus the point about decorations, that's definitely a missed opportunity)? That might come down to preference so I won't argue it too much. Braids definitely don't move in the wind that way, but I can understand that at some points they're trying to invoke the look and feel of classic Disney movies. Whether or not that's part of it, that's up to the animation team to answer. It's possible that the newer animation style may not have worked well with their current hair tools, a problem that may have been solved with more time/manpower.
When it comes to wonky animations, lay offs, and crunch, that's what I mean when I say genuine criticism. I can admit that I worded the last part poorly. You can absolutely critique animation and design, especially when they're affected by poor corporate practices. I'm more upset that people seemingly just want to be mad about anything Disney makes right now than anything else. Even if it strays from the initial concept, isn't the idea of a Disney princess or hero with cornrows and box braids kinda cool? We know that people move to Rosas from around the world, wouldn't it be fun to think of it as a melting pot the same way New York or other large cities are? I'm not saying Disney as a corporation is worth defending, it is not, but we can acknowledge the good with the bad. We should make pushes for improvement, and Disney should be better, but I think it's okay if a team just takes inspiration from something and decides to make something new with it.
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firespirited · 2 years
Here’s my review of Border 2018: the short story is available in the book: Let The Old Dreams Die and the movie is available on hulu and disney free and others at $4 - spoilers under the cut.
It’s a lovely story about Tina, a brilliant customs officer who can sense people’s emotions. She discovers that she’s not ugly and broken she’s just different. I recommend the story, it took me just over an hour to read, the movie is stunning too but has a secondary plot that undermines the core message. Tina’s story will resonate and ache with you if you’re deemed different or damaged, don’t fit western gender ideals... basically anyone who’s felt uncomfortable with eugenics talk because hey that could be you and people you love. Both the book and the film have graphic but tender sex scenes between unusual bodies and a bunch of the reviews seem to be more distressed by “uggos getting laid” than some really disturbing history that’s a lot like our own.
Tina is a troll, there are very few left: a genocide program in the 70s saw them placed in institutions or labs where they died, it’s been covered up and followed by cultural genocide as the few remaining trolls have been raised in adoptive or foster families, their tails cut off and told they are humans with a chromosomal disorder. Tina was raised by a father who would be considered loving if he hadn’t kept his daughter’s heritage from her and stood up for her. She would have known to avoid storms (a lightening strike left her badly hurt) and spend more time in nature which is where she’s healthiest and happiest.
She has a naf boyfriend that she keeps around for the company, they don’t have sex because they tried once and it hurt, she accidentally gave him licence to cheat when she secretly hoped he’d say “no: there will only be you”. He’s a bit of a freeloader but it’s not abusive and it gives her a sense of normalcy so she’s ok with this arrangement.
She gradually uncovers her identity and her family history as she meets a male troll called Vore who falls for her, he’s hiding something she can’t figure out and experiences her own new desires and some hidden anatomy. Both the book and the film end with her happy, living the life she wants to live and having something she’s long wanted.
Here’s the thing, Vore, as a male troll makes unfertilized embryos every few months and they die within a few days. These “eggs” can be moulded into looking like exact replicas of any given human baby. Vore who lives constantly on the run as he doesn’t fit in human society makes a living using his eggs to steal babies and sell them. This isn’t great obviously, but in the book there’s no malicious reason: he has no family, no community but it’s something he can do so he does it. At the end of the book, he’s never going to do it again.
So “humans have every reason to hate trolls because they’re baby snatchers” doesn’t work, Vore became a monster because he’s without any guidance or community, he gives it up because Tina shows him that humans aren’t all genocidal trash.
But big spoiler alert and sickening addition, in the movie, there’s child sexual abuse material being smuggled that Tina is investigating due to her work in customs. Vore knowingly sold a baby to a paedophile and stole babies because he’s getting revenge on the humans for his parents’ death and his abuse in care. This not only feeds the myth of the victim turned perpetrator (which is only backed by paedophiles’ dodgy testimony not any actual data btw), it also feeds the “minorities doing a reverse racism” revenge fantasies common among racists especially the benevolent/ignorant types that we have here in europe.
There is a HUGE difference between baby theft because you don’t know better and baby theft because you know how much it’ll hurt. Adding this not just anti-social but actively cruel dimension to Vore takes away from the horror of what was done to the trolls.
“1 minority bad guy doesn’t represent all” applies to real life where there are 100 others who would never, not a fantasy story where Vore is our sole other representative of the troll race, where Tina got a childhood without too much violence and is very kind and Vore's implied to be a product of cruelty. The subtlety given to the rest of the story falls apart for some shock value. It’s absurd. I am so mad: this story is undermined by this stupid addition.
There is a place for stories about how foster care and bigotry messes you up, how generational trauma echoes down the family line even as each generation does their best to do better by their kids. Border 2018 was NOT that place and the book knew how to keep Tina and her racial trauma front and centre.
The film does a very tactful job of showing terrible things: a graveyard with simple unmarked stones as a marker of the disrespect in death and horrible secrecy. The CSAM is people reacting to the light of a small screen and the sound of a baby crying. But it has no grace for Vore to be more than the angry retelling of horrific violence inflicted on his people and his “humans are worse and deserve worse” reasons. Tina is betrayed by her choice of lover in so many ways. This ends up being a trash retelling of an important story and makes Tina look like a chump.
Again, child molestation is not cyclical and it’s not because the perps have trauma. If you’re reading this and were hurt as a kid: the people who may have hurt you in childhood don’t have excuses and you don’t have to live in fear of being a bad adult yourself. Any media that plays into this myth is harmful to survivors and gives stupid ideas to the people around them. Some narratives stick in our culture like serial killers being smart instead of cops being biased and generally terrible at solving crime. You will hear stories about abuse within minority groups like it isn’t in all spheres of society: it’s a lie to make the majority think they’re good and they’re safe.
Full list of trigger warnings if you’d like to watch the movie (it helps to read the story and keep that as “the canon”) and know the extent of it. I’ve tagged a bunch of stuff i personally didn’t find disturbing because we’re all different.
You see, I sat in dread as this film is classified on wikipedia under “films about CSA” and instead got blindsided by the eugenics-genocide done to the trolls who look and sound like people I know and myself when i’m not verbal and unkempt. I kept flashing back to the canadian first nations residential schools, the covid ‘quality of life’ triage orders, the people I love who wouldn’t have been born if genetic testing had been around (my stance is complicated), the indigenous tribes of scandinavia who are more hairy with larger brows or monolids. It’s all very close and all very still sore.
9.20 a man has a SD card removed from his mouth, there’s some spittle and he makes gagging sounds. Dread about what’s on the card begins here.
28.50-30.30: Tina’s boyfriend gets into bed with her, attempts some grabbing, wants to have sex, she’s half asleep and unbothered, she straight up one arm throws him out of bed onto the floor where he whinges. Make sure to tune back in at minute 31 for the disney princess magic.
46.00-46.30: male troll has his version of a period, an embryo birthing, there’s screaming. {I wish I could go out in the woods for my periods and scream it out in 30 seconds}.
49.36-50.30 CSAM investigation, a small camera screen is seen reflected on a man’s face as a baby is heard crying in the video. This happens again in the interrogation room.
57-1.00 make out and consensual sex with unusual bodies and loud growling. they cry during sex and there’s a lot of tongue kissing. She has an ovipositor looking appendage she’s never seen before but they aren’t human so i’m uncomfortable labelling anything. They’re both happy in their gender which is why I’ve used male and female pronouns.
There is happy naked running in the woods and bathing, not going to bother with time stamps for that if you’re offended by non skinny happy bodies that’s a you problem, please never visit the swimming pool or art museums. They also eat insects as part of their diet, this happens several times and it’s not meant to be gross.
1.05.20-1.07 Vore does his “humans should fear us” vengeance and recounts his parents’ and his pain, Tina talks about catching paedophiles who seemed very ordinary people. His childhood pain feels cheapened by this flattening: humans were bad to trolls but just in case that wasn’t upsetting enough, humans suck because they’ll hurt their own human children /s.
1.09-1.10.20 Tina’s dad is playing up his dementia to avoid questions and Tina feels the weight of her grief.
1.17-1.17.35 close up on the squishy unfertilized embryo
1.19.25 man is grabbed out of police car and 3 punched (literally) to death barely off-screen culminating in 1.19.33-39 close up on a dead man’s fresh head wound and 1.19.56 dead body and blood pool seen at a slight distance
1.21 More Vore explaining why humans are pervs
1.22 feeding the not!embryo
1.23-1.24.30 “they took us, I take their children” Tina’s sense of betrayal is agonizing to watch.
1.26.10 the neighbours’ baby is sick and dying, we know it’s not a baby. He didn’t love her enough to stop his crusade.
1.34-36 Tina finds out her true name and her parents’ graveyard, there is joy and grief and power and pain all intermingled. I’m putting this here so you can take a moment to breathe but it would be a disservice to skip it as intense as it may be.
There is a happy ending. Also a 3 wolf hoodie over a silky mint night gown is both terrible and fabulous fashion.
What I take from the film is the euphoria of self discovery and setting boundaries, the beautiful images of nature that’ll stick with me but I choose to believe in the original story.
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Lately I feel slightly confused about this whole Illuminati thing. From what I've understood you're saying is that the Illuminati consist of these 13 Families/Bloodlines and that there is no way you can be a survivor of an Illuminati Cult if you aren't one of them? But there are several Secret Societies/Denominations or "Sub Groups" (ritual cults) that follow the Illuminati ideology?
For we are from a cult that claims to belong to the Illuminati. We've travelled the world and been to several countries throughout our childhood and youth where we experienced ritual abuse and sex trafficking from one and the same abuser group. We were programmed in America and Europe, also in Disneyland. We have special ties to the Disney family but don't want to get into any detail. We were trained to become political spies, assassins and programmers ourselves. On several "occasions" and "events" (where we served as sex slaves) we've met people from the Government, the CIA, presidents of different countries and a bunch of famous people. They all at some point claimed to belong to the Illuminati. We've spent several decades in this occult group. They followed several belief systems, some religious (often contradicting ones) but also political and military ideologies. While we're not quite sure about our biological parents (they were from different countries because the group wanted to have the best possible outcome in our DNA), we've lived with a pretty normal family that also has been part of the cult for many generations. They weren't anything special and we only recently found out they aren't our real relatives. Our stepfather belonged to the Freemasons but was considered worthless by our group as he had "the wrong blood".
You keep saying that no one ever escapes the Illuminati and you'd know if you were one of them because your family would be extremely wealthy and of high social Status. Every occult group that claims to belong to the Illuminati would be liars and "free-riders" who feed off that phänomenon. Survivors who believe experienced abuse by this group were being lied to or are lying about their heritage. But how would you know and why did you come to that conclusion?
Our abusers claimed to be one of them (of course they didn't talk about this on a regular basis and the knowledge about this was deeply hidden in the system) but obviously don't belong to any of the famous and well known bloodlines. We're pretty normal. Also, do you know Wendy Hoffmann? She claims to be a survivor of an Illuminati Cult and she sounds very credible and trustworthy.
There is the blood line set of the Illuminati. There is no leaving the blood line. They are elite. One would know if they were.
Here’s one post where I said this Link .
Any group can say they are illuminati. Like with many groups the leader will say they are Jesus or a direct messenger sent by God.
Here’s a post on illuminati beliefs Link .
People escape from high control groups. The group can and the leader can say they are illuminati. The posts I’ve posted differentiate between the two.
You say you belonged to a group that called themselves the illuminati. Many groups do that. That doesn’t negate your truth or that you were part of a group that said that.
How would I know? Do you think the people who would want to preserve their bloodline would have their children be sex slaves? They would allow their children to be sexually assualted and tortured by others? Would they do this if they wanted the best possible outcome in your DNA? Unless you were born to be abused and the DNA sought was for physical features. That is sex slavery by a group. (Those questions are rhetorical)
Let’s take Angelina Jolie as she’s a familiar person to most. Would you consider her royalty? No. Is she considered Royalty. No. But she is related to Queen Elizabeth II and French King Phillip the II.
I’ve heard of Wendy Hoffman. I haven’t read her books.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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VIDEO: U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds perform incredible overflights in Disney park
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/31/2022 - 09:44 in Demonstration Squads, Military
The Thunderbirds demonstration team had the honor of starting the US National Month of Veterans and Military Families a few days ago in a very large way, overflight of the Disney Magic Kingdom park in Orlando, Florida.
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It was an inspiring moment to witness when the main airmen of the U.S. Air Force made a passage 500 feet over Cinderella Castle and then over Main Street, thrilling guests and cast members.
The Thunderbirds performed precision aerial maneuvers and showed their world-famous delta break maneuver where they passed over Cinderella Castle accelerating quickly and in different directions showing a fantastic demonstration of acrobatic flight accuracy.
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The overflight is particularly special this time because jet pilot No. 4, U.S. Air Force Major Zane Taylor, is the son of a retired Disney executive and grew up around Walt Disney World. He often dreamed of flying over the Magic Kingdom in his F-16 Fighting Falcon. He was excited to make this dream come true during his penultimate off-season show before moving on to his next mission in the U.S. Air Force.
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“I spent my childhood watching the amazing live shows at Walt Disney World with my family,” Taylor said. "Who knew the exhibition would serve me so well when I was in charge of building the new Thunderbird show in 2020."
The Thunderbirds are in town over the weekend for the Orlando Air and Space Show, but managed to fly over Magic Kingdom Park in celebration of Walt Disney World's 50th anniversary and the 75th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force.
The founders of the Walt Disney Company, Walt and Roy O. Disney, served the United States during World War I. And today the company is a permanent defender of the military. Disney is one of the main advocates of hiring, training and support for military veterans with its Heroes Work Here initiative, the Heroes Supply Here program and the Disney's Veterans Institute.
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Support for the Armed Forces is part of Disney's heritage, which has welcomed everyone who proudly serves the nation in uniform and their families.
The Thunderbirds have another demonstration in their programming this season, the Aviation Nation Air Show in Nellis (November 5-6), where Cavok will be present.
Tags: Military AviationthunderbirdsUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
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The US conception of aerial superiority 20 years after the introduction of F-14 Tomcat and F-15 Eagle fighters
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Ukrainian Air Force chooses pilots for training in Western-type fighters
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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dippedanddripped · 2 years
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Ralph Lauren celebrates its most iconic product, the Polo Shirt, with the release of a new coffee table book, “Ralph Lauren’s Polo Shirt,” published by Rizzoli International. The quintessential, ubiquitous piece of clothing has served as a canvas for the lifestyles and worlds that have inspired Ralph Lauren since 1972. The book launch is accompanied by a 360-degree marketing campaign that reflects on the incredible cultural impact that the Polo Shirt has had over the past five decades while introducing it to a new generation of consumers.
At the centerpiece of the campaign is the Rizzoli International-published book ($36.95), which is a fascinating look at the history of the enduring wardrobe classic. With beautiful photography, a foreword by American Filmmaker Ken Burns, an introduction by Ralph Lauren, and an afterword by David Lauren, the book shines the spotlight on the shirt as a cultural symbol. As stated within the first chapter, “The Polo shirt is to Ralph Lauren what Mickey Mouse is to Disney or the Empire State Building is to New York City.”
As Lauren states in the introduction, “I wanted the shirt to become part of the life of the person who wore it. I never knew that after fifty years it would become such a personal icon all over the world. What I do has always come from the way people live. It’s honest and from the heart and hopefully that is what touches the diversity of people who wear my Polo and all my clothes.”
The 544-page compendium celebrates and documents the iconic style and influential impact of the Polo Shirt, which has never been defined by the latest trend. A juxtaposition of modernity and heritage, tradition and individuality, refinement and ease, it always endures and continues to evolve in innovative and sustainable ways. As seen through historic imagery and told through the personal stories of celebrities, politicians and presidents, royals, world-class athletes, as well as everyday people, the book showcases various individuals who have made the Polo their own and inspired others to follow suit along the way. From the classic white to the weathered Polo, from the Earth Polo to the US Olympics, the US Open, and Wimbledon Championship collaborations, this unique volume celebrates the full spectrum of the Polo, making it a collector’s dream.
In line with the corporation’s sustainability goals and in connection with the launch of the book, there will be expanded offerings of the classic Polo Shirt, including a limited number of select vintage and collectible designs, (some are seen within the pages of the book), available for purchase in select stores and regions, as well as on the Polo app. Also introduced with this vintage offering will be The Upcycled Polo Shirt, selected from a limited-edition collection of Polo Shirts that have been hand-repaired by artisans from the Los Angeles-based circular design platform, Atelier & Repairs. Exciting new options will also be built into Ralph Lauren’s Create Your Own (CYO) Customization program.
The Company will open The Ralph Lauren Polo Shirt Shop Concept Stores in both Berlin (Opening May 18th) and Ginza (Open Now). The shops will celebrate more than 50 years of Ralph Lauren design through deeply engaging storytelling, exciting visual presentation, immersive technology, special programming and augmented reality virtual shopping experiences. The shop will be focused on selling this singular, iconic product and will showcase its most extensive breadth of Polo shirt offerings ever including a Custom CYO shop for men, women, and children for a limited time.
To further amplify the campaign and bring Ralph Lauren’s loyal customers into the fold, the Company invites everyone to join the conversation, and style their favorite shirt or share a fun memory across social platforms by using the hashtag #MyPoloShirtStory and tagging @PoloRalphLauren. Fans, friends, and followers will also be able to share their own personal stories and unlock an exclusive experience through an official Snapchat lens. Audiences will be able to explore a 3D version of Ralph Lauren’s Polo Shirt in their Snapchat app world view, with the ability to interact with stories from those who have worn it, loved it, and made it their own. The lens can be accessed via Ralph Lauren stores, social channels, and digital properties inclusive of the Ralph Lauren App, as well as OOH units in North America and Europe via a scannable Snapcode.
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pavitrtimes · 2 months
Aryan Khan: Prospective Heir to a Cinematic Legacy
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Aryan Khan, the elusive and charismatic son of Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan and his wife, interior designer Gauri Khan, has been a subject of public fascination since his birth on November 13, 1997. Though he bears the legacy of his father’s stardom, Aryan has charted his own path with a distinct identity away from the arc lights of Bollywood.
Early Life and Education
Born in a family synonymous with cinematic royalty, Aryan was thrust into the public eye from an early age. Shielding him from the overwhelming media attention, Shah Rukh and Gauri focused on providing a balanced upbringing infused with strong values and quality education. Aryan Khan attended the esteemed Sevenoaks School in Kent, England, which paved the way for him to develop a global perspective.
Embarking on higher education, Aryan chose to study at the prestigious University of Southern California, where he enrolled in their renowned film studies program. Here, he began honing his understanding of film-making, a step that many speculate might lead him to follow in his father's cinematic footsteps.
Artistic Pursuits
Aryan has already made a foray into the industry but not in the expected on-screen roles. His voice lent charm to the character of Simba in the Hindi version of Disney’s The Lion King, sharing this unique voice-acting experience with Shah Rukh, who voiced Mufasa. This collaboration provided a sweet parallel to their real-life father-son relationship.
While the clamor for his Bollywood debut is ever-present, Aryan has remained enigmatic, preferring to explore his craft behind the scenes. His reserved public presence and selective sharing on social media platforms have only piqued public curiosity.
Personal Life and Interests
Unlike his extroverted father, Aryan is known for his reserved and private demeanour. While he enjoys the love and support of a strong fan following, he is discerning in his public appearances and interactions. On social media, his presence is sporadic, yet there is a certain flair of elegance and introspection in the posts he shares, reflecting his personal style and interests.
A sports enthusiast, Aryan also harbors a passion for martial arts, which aligns with the fitness and discipline often seen among members of the Khan household.
Reflection of a Legacy
Being the son of Shah Rukh Khan, Aryan holds an inevitable reflection of his father's charismatic legacy. Media speculations about his cinematic debut are incessant, but Aryan seems to be charting a more private course, potentially as a filmmaker rather than an actor.
Looking Forward
For now, Aryan Khan chooses to maintain a low profile, meticulously crafting his future. Whether he steps in front of the camera or carves out a niche behind it, the excitement around his prospective career remains high. Observers within and outside of the Indian film industry eagerly await the unveiling of the next chapter in Aryan Khan's journey, as he continues to embrace his heritage while forging his unique path.
Aryan's journey is not defined by the shadow of his father's stardom, but rather by the individuality and purpose with which he approaches his future. Only time will tell how he decides to contribute to the legacy of his family in Indian cinema.
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samsdisneydiary · 7 months
What is the Disney Global Ambassador Program?
  Who are the Disney Global Ambassadors? Disney Global Ambassadors represent thousands of cast members at our parks, resorts and experiences all around the world. They lead and participate in events, share cast member stories, spread Disney magic within their communities and represent their resort as an official spokesperson.  History & Heritage of the Disney Global Ambassador Program The…
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poppinsposts · 9 months
This is terrifying.
July 17th, 2023
A story in the New York Times today by Jonathan Swan, Charlie Savage, and Maggie Haberman outlined how former president Donald Trump and his allies are planning to create a dictatorship if voters return him to power in 2024. The article talks about how Trump and his loyalists plan to “centralize more power in the Oval Office” by “increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House.”
They plan to take control over independent government agencies and get rid of the nonpartisan civil service, purging all but Trump loyalists from the U.S. intelligence agencies, the State Department, and the Defense Department. They plan to start “impounding funds,” that is, ignoring programs Congress has funded if those programs aren’t in line with Trump’s policies.
“What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them,” said Russell T. Vought, who ran Trump’s Office of Management and Budget and who now advises the right-wing House Freedom Caucus. They envision a “president” who cannot be checked by the Congress or the courts.
Trump’s desire to grab the mechanics of our government and become a dictator is not new; both scholars and journalists have called it out since the early years of his administration. What is new here is the willingness of so-called establishment Republicans to support this authoritarian power grab.
Behind this initiative is “Project 2025,” a coalition of more than 65 right-wing organizations putting in place personnel and policies to recommend not just to Trump, but to any Republican who may win in 2024. Project 2025 is led by the Heritage Foundation, once considered a conservative think tank, that helped to lead the Reagan revolution.
A piece by Alexander Bolton in The Hill today said that Republican senators are “worried” by the MAGAs, but they have been notably silent in public at a time when every elected leader should be speaking out against this plot. Their silence suggests they are on board with it, as Trump apparently hoped to establish.
The party appears to have fully embraced the antidemocratic ideology advanced by authoritarian leaders like Russia’s president Vladimir Putin and Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán, who argue that the post–World War II era, in which democracy seemed to triumph, is over. They claim that the tenets of democracy—equality before the law, free speech, academic freedom, a market-based economy, immigration, and so on—weaken a nation by destroying a “traditional” society based in patriarchy and Christianity.
Instead of democracy, they have called for “illiberal” or “Christian” democracy, which uses the government to enforce their beliefs in a Christian, patriarchal order. What that looks like has a clear blueprint in the actions of Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who has gathered extraordinary power into his own hands in the state and used that power to mirror Orbán’s destruction of democracy.
DeSantis has pushed through laws that ban abortion after six weeks, before most people know they’re pregnant; banned classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity (the “Don’t Say Gay” law); prevented recognition of transgender individuals; made it easier to sentence someone to death; allowed people to carry guns without training or permits; banned colleges and businesses from conversations about race; exerted control over state universities; made it harder for his opponents to vote, and tried to punish Disney World for speaking out against the Don’t Say Gay law. After rounding up migrants and sending them to other states, DeSantis recently has called for using “deadly force” on migrants crossing unlawfully.
Because all the institutions of our democracy are designed to support the tenets of democracy, right-wingers claim those institutions are weaponized against them. House Republicans are running hearings designed to prove that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice are both “weaponized” against Republicans. It doesn’t matter that they don’t seem to have any evidence of bias: the very fact that those institutions support democracy mean they support a system that right-wing Republicans see as hostile.
“Our current executive branch,” Trump loyalist John McEntee, who is in charge of planning to pack the government with Trump loyalists, told the New York Times reporters, “was conceived of by liberals for the purpose of promulgating liberal policies. There is no way to make the existing structure function in a conservative manner. It’s not enough to get the personnel right. What’s necessary is a complete system overhaul.”
It has taken decades for the modern-day Republican Party to get to a place where it rejects democracy. The roots of that rejection lie all the way back in the 1930s, when Democrats under Franklin Delano Roosevelt embraced a government that regulated business, provided a basic social safety net, and promoted infrastructure. That system ushered in a period from 1933 to 1981 that economists call the “Great Compression,” when disparities of income and wealth were significantly reduced, especially after the government also began to protect civil rights.
Members of both parties embraced this modern government in this period, and Americans still like what it accomplished. But businessmen who hated regulation joined with racists who hated federal protection of civil rights and traditionalists who opposed women’s rights and set out to destroy that government.
In West Palm Beach, Florida, last weekend, at the Turning Points Action Conference, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) compared President Biden’s Build Back Better plan to President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s Great Society programs, which invested in “education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and welfare, the Office of Economic Opportunity, and big labor and labor unions.” She noted that under Biden, the U.S. has made “the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs, that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete.”
Well, yeah.
Greene incorrectly called this program “socialism,” which in fact means government ownership of production, as opposed to the government’s provision of benefits people cannot provide individually, a concept first put into practice in the United States by Abraham Lincoln and later expanded by leadership in both parties. The administration has stood firmly behind the idea—shared by LBJ and FDR, and also by Republicans Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower, among others—that investing in programs that enable working people to prosper is the best way to strengthen the economy.
Certainly, Greene’s speech didn’t seem to be the “gotcha” that she apparently hoped. A March 2023 poll by independent health policy pollster KFF, for example, found that 80% of Americans like Social Security, 81% like Medicare, and 76% like Medicaid, a large majority of members of all political parties.
The White House Twitter account retweeted a clip of Greene’s speech, writing: “Caught us. President Biden is working to make life easier for hardworking families.”
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dhappyorangec · 1 year
FMV Zheng YeCheng's recap of 2022 in 1 min *super good* #郑业成 #zhengyecheng #정업성 #鄭業成 #TrinhNghiepThanh #เจิ้งเย่เฉิง
Glad ZYC is stepping out of his comfort zone, in 2022, he had 2 dramas aired (#mirrortwincities & #MySassyPrincess ), filmed 2 new dramas (#lettherebelight #HuaLongDistrictOne & #yinniang #TheAssassin ), appeared in 3 variety shows (#thegreatdetectives , Chinese culture, #MemoriesBeyondHorizon ) , was published in 3 magazines (Spotlight, VWmagazine, and Power Circles) and got named Brand Ambassador for Lee x Disney clothing line.
He met his star, Jackie Chan, and got complimented by him for his skills.
Glad Zheng YeCheng is exposing himself more and opening his connection networks. Wishing someone sees his potential and lift him up via opportunities and supports.
He's prepared, he just needs opportunities.
------ global fan group's comment -----
#2023Give you the first good morning#
On the first day of 2023, the northern country is frozen and snowy, and the willows are getting warmer in the south. Let us look back on the past year together. The actor @D郑业成C brings us vivid characters and wonderful moments.
On January 16, 2022, the TV series "Mirror Two Cities" was launched, and Zheng Yecheng played the three roles of Prince Zhenlan, Xingzun Wang Langgan, and Predator.
On March 8, the costume drama "Yin Niang" started. Zheng Yecheng plays the noble son Zhu Jing and the traveling monk Jingzhen.
On April 16, the online drama "Good Luck" was launched, and Zheng Yecheng played Jin Linwei and Shen Yan.
On April 28, the May issue of SPOTLiGHT Spotlight SHOW was released, and Zheng Ye became the cover character.
On May 3, "VW magazine" idol's May electronic magazine "Zheng Yecheng Qingfeng Zilai" was launched.
On May 18, the web drama "Evil Hypnotist: Dreamcatcher" was officially announced, and Zheng Yecheng will play the talented hypnotist Lu Fengping.
On June 10, the third episode of the second season of the reasoning reality show variety show "Moe Detective Detective Detective" was broadcast, and Zheng Yecheng played Guan Ping.
On July 6, the TV series "Hardcore Era" (later renamed "Xu You Wanjia Lights") was officially announced. Zheng Yecheng plays Lynch, a nuclear power youth.
On August 26, PowerCircles released Zheng Yecheng's daily magazine.
On November 13, the CCTV variety show "Art Viewing My "Heritage"-Special Program on Intangible Cultural Heritage Search" was broadcast. Zheng Yecheng returned to his hometown of Jilin and approached the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage.
On December 9, Zheng Yecheng joined the reality show variety show "Infinite Transcendence Class" of actor art training. On December 17, the program started broadcasting.
On December 27th, Lee announced that Zheng Ye became the brand ambassador and launched a new Lee×Disney joint series.
Looking back on 2022 and looking forward to 2023, in the new year, Xiaoyezi will move forward hand in hand with love in my heart, look forward to each of your roles, support your persistent pursuit of ideals, see your smile, and cheer for you! In 2023, we are still together!
#2023给你的第一个早安# zyc#郑郑好的生活#
2023的元日,北国冰封雪驻,南方杨柳渐暖,让我们共同回望过去一年,演员@D郑业成C 为我们带来鲜活的角色和精彩的点滴。
3月8日,古装剧《隐娘》开机。 郑业成分饰贵公子朱镜和行脚僧镜真。
5月3日,《VW magazine》idol五月电子刊《郑业成 清风自来》上线。
7月6日,电视剧《硬核时代》(后更名为《许你万家灯火》)官宣。 郑业成饰演核电青年林奇。
12月9日,郑业成加入演员艺训真人秀综艺《无限超越班》。 12月17日,节目开播。
回顾2022,展望2023,新的一年,小叶子将心怀热爱,携手前行,期待你的每一个角色,支持你对理想的执着追求,看你微笑的样子,为你加油呐喊! 2023,我们依旧一起!
#2023 Gěi nǐ de dì yīgè zǎo ān# zyc#zhèng zhèng hǎo de shēnghuó#
2023 de yuán rì, běiguó bīng fēng xuě zhù, nánfāng yángliǔ jiàn nuǎn, ràng wǒmen gòngtóng huí wàng guòqù yī nián, yǎnyuán@D zhèngyèchéng C wèi wǒmen dài lái xiān huó de juésè hé jīngcǎi de diǎndī.
2022 Nián 1 yuè 16 rì, diànshìjù “jìng·shuāng chéng” kāibō, zhèngyèchéngfèn shì tàizǐ zhēn lán, xīng zūnwáng lánggān, zhì zhě sān gè juésè.
3 Yuè 8 rì, gǔzhuāng jù “yǐn niáng” kāijī. Zhèngyèchéngfèn shì guì gōngzǐ zhū jìng hé xíngjiǎo sēng jìng zhēn.
4 Yuè 16 rì, wǎng jù “zhù qīng hǎo” kāibō, zhèngyèchéng shìyǎn jīnlínwèi shěn yàn.
4 Yuè 28 rì,SPOTLiGHT jù guāng SHOW wǔ yuèkān fābù, zhèngyèchéngwéi fēngmiàn rénwù.
5 Yuè 3 rì,“VW magazine”idol wǔ yuè diànzǐ kān “zhèngyèchéng qīngfēng zì lái” shàngxiàn.
5 Yuè 18 rì, wǎng jù “xié'è cuīmián shī zhī bǔ mèng rén” guān xuān, zhèngyèchéng shìyǎn tiāncái cuīmián shī lùfēng píng.
6 Yuè 10 rì, tuīlǐ zhēnrén xiù zōngyì “méng tàn tàn tàn àn” dì èr jì dì sān qī bō chū, zhèngyèchéng shìyǎn guān píng.
7 Yuè 6 rì, diànshìjù “yìng hé shídài”(hòu gēngmíng wèi “xǔ nǐ wàn jiā dēnghuǒ”) guān xuān. Zhèngyèchéng shìyǎn hédiàn qīngnián lín qí.
8 Yuè 26 rì, shì jiè PowerCircles fābù zhèng yè chéng shēng rìkān zázhì.
11 Yuè 13 rì, yāngshì zōngyì “yì lǎn wú “yí”—fēi yí wénhuà xúnfǎng tèbié jiémù” bō chū, zhèng yè chéng huí dào jiāxiāng jílín, zǒu jìn fēi yíchuán chéng rén.
12 Yuè 9 rì, zhèng yè chéng jiārù yǎnyuán yì xùn zhēnrén xiù zōngyì “wúxiàn chāoyuè bān”.12 Yuè 17 rì, jiémù kāibō.
12 Yuè 27 rì,Lee xuānbù zhèng yè chéngwéi pǐnpái dàshǐ, quánxīn tuīchū Lee×Disney liánmíng xìliè.
Huígù 2022, zhǎnwàng 2023, xīn de yī nián, xiǎo yèzi jiāng xīnhuái rè'ài, xiéshǒu qián xíng, qídài nǐ de měi yī gè juésè, zhīchí nǐ duì lǐxiǎng de zhízhuó zhuīqiú, kàn nǐ wéixiào de yàngzi, wèi nǐ jiāyóu nàhǎn!2023, Wǒmen yījiù yīqǐ!
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tinyblindie-ag · 1 year
All about Carmen
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Name: Carmen Anita Soto Pronouns: She/Her Birthday: June 26th Age: 9
favorites Color(s): Pink, lavender, white,  fashion: dresses and skirts, jewelry, jeans/leggings when it’s cold, Sports: Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Ballet, Ice Skating, book: A Little Princess, Esperanza Rising, The Diary of a Young Girl, Favorite movie: the Brandy version of Cinderella, Encanto, Anastasia, The Swan princess, All the Disney Movies, Favorite TV Show: Elena of Avalor, Jane and the Dragon,  Favorite musical: Matilda, Aladdin, 
Bio Carmen is generally shy, and finds public speaking and meeting new people difficult. She was put into a local theater program to help with that, and loves preforming. She is a triple threat, and hopes to someday preform on Broadway. It’s easier, when she’s pretending to be someone else, or pretending to be brave. Lately she’s taken in interest in photography, and history. Coconut, our faithful pup, helps her when she’s feeling anxious, or overwhelmed. Carmen loves her family, and is proud of her Peruvian/Salvadorian heritage. Accompanying the Human Sister (aka Me) to a blind/multi-disabled summer camp, she’s learned to see everyone equally, and to appreciate others’ differences. Maybe she’ll end up being a Special Ed Teacher like Mom if Broadway doesn’t work out. 
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abcnewspr · 2 years
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The following report highlights the programming of ABC’s “GMA3: What You Need to Know” during the week of Sept. 26-30. “GMA3: What You Need to Know” is a one-hour program co-anchored by Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes, with Dr. Jennifer Ashton as chief medical correspondent. The news program airs weekdays at 1:00 p.m. EDT | 12:00 p.m. CDT on ABC, and 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. EDT on ABC News Live.
Highlights of the week include the following:
Monday, Sept. 26 — “GMA3” kicks of the Latina Leaders series with electrical engineer Katya Echazarreta for Hispanic Heritage Month; “GMA3” goes behind the scenes with an exclusive look at Disney On Ice’s “Frozen” and “Encanto”; REAL SIMPLE Editor-in-Chief Lauren Iannotti; a performance by Omar Apollo
Tuesday, Sept. 27 — Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad; “GMA3” spotlights restauranteur Jazmely Jackson for Latina Leaders series; former Spice Girls member and author Melanie Chisholm (“The Sporty One”); Deals and Steals with ABC e-commerce editor Tory Johnson
Wednesday, Sept. 28 — ABC News senior Washington reporter Devin Dwyer reporting on women facing criminal charges for having miscarriages; “GMA3” highlights nonprofit organization Latinas in Tech for Latina Leaders series; “GMA3”’s Trailblazing Women series continues with UPS driver Tiffany Guess; NewBeauty senior editor-at-large Sarah Eggenberger
Thursday, Sept. 29 — “GMA3”’s Latina Leaders series continues with entrepreneur Sherly Tavarez; entertainer, stunt performer, comedian and author Stephen “Steve-O” Glover (“A Hard Kick in the Nuts”); cookbook author John Kanell(“Preppy Kitchen”); actresses Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy (“Hocus Pocus 2”)
Friday, Sept. 30 — California Supreme Court Justice Patricia Guerrero; “GMA3” highlights entrepreneurs and couple Jennifer Serrano and Veronica Vasquez; Faith Friday with author and pastor Stephen Chandler (“Stop Waiting for Permission”); investors Mark Cuban, Robert Herjavec, Daymond John and Lori Greiner (“Shark Tank”)
ABC Media Relations
Denise Horn
-- ABC --
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coley21hansen · 2 years
Travel Guide For Rockbridge, Ohio
We had been usually made to create for college and for work; on your vacation, create for fun! Keep monitor of all the new issues you experienced by scribbling and doodling things on your travel journal. The enjoyable part is that no one gets to quality or give suggestions on it! Fort Aguada: Every Goa traveling to indonesia will point you to this majestic seventeenth century tourist fort, which is a should visit in Goa. Situated on the shores of the Mandovi river, it was built for protection from the Dutch and the Marathas. It also has a mild house. Sometimes, the utensils used vary with the food that's being served. Can you eat fruit with your hands? Is there a knife devoted for eating fish? A glass for just 1 type of beverage? The objective of this publish should not be taken to mean "you ought to travel on your own." I just feel I require to lend some viewpoint on travel from a man who travels solo occasionally, for the sake of clarity if anything. Becoming a soloist can occasionally be dangerous like when I drove through a snowstorm from the Tokachidake Mountains of Hokkaido to Sapporo and my GPS was out and with no visibility and on an unmarked street. Another helpful option for figuring out Disney wait times is to use one of the numerous mobile programs; there are many to select from developed for different devices and carriers. A brief checklist consists of Disney and Verizon's Cellular Magic and Touring Ideas' Line application, and VersaEdge. Some applications are totally free while other people cost a charge. What functions very best is dependent on a guest's individual devices, plans and budget. A good place to start researching numerous choices is on iTunes, with consumer critiques. Use automatic tellers, instead than vacationers checks. There are automatic tellers all through Paris. A traveler can take out cash whenever they require it. The times are past when one experienced to go to the metropolis with a stack of traveler's checks. More than something, avoid the costly trade rates discovered in the forex trade places all over the place in the city. The charges from money machines are a lot much more economical, by a lengthy shot. Tasmania is Australia's smallest state in terms of both size and population, yet is a major tourist attraction due to the various and spectacular scenery, unspoilt wilderness and heritage. Let visit here take a journey down memory lane to a time we were heading to a town to check out the sites. Would you have experienced more enjoyable and been much less dissatisfied if you had your extremely personal personalized gps navigator in getting to most of these places?
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wang01hackett · 2 years
Travel Guide: Quito, Ecuador Is The New Happening money In South America
But while theming and intelligent design can make standing in Disney queue much more pleasant, many guests waiting in line is 1 of the minimum preferred components of going to the Disney theme parks. What you require to bring with you if you do decide to journey solo is good dictionary, traveling to indonesia, additional batteries. At every station I like to verify and recheck that I have everything I require. If you bring a laptop, then a good USB connector for it is a must if you need to charge your phone. Most comfort shops have generic chargers, but are extremely badly made and do not cost your electronic gadgets adequately. To get visit here see of the metropolis and the neighboring places, you should spend a go to to Mt Wellington. You can occasionally witness snow in this region so make certain that you carry some warm garments with you. There are some little towns nearby like Margate, Kettering and Comfortable and while you appreciate a generate via these metropolitan areas, you will head to Bruny Island. You will have to consider a ferry to go to this island. Right here you will be able to see the penguins and enjoy fishing and browsing. Tasmania is Australia's smallest condition in terms of both dimension and populace, yet is a major vacationer attraction because of to the diverse and spectacular scenery, unspoilt wilderness and heritage. Uh oh. Everyone in your email address book is complaining about strange emails coming from you. first they heard you were in London and experienced been robbed, and that they should send money. Then they received a link for medication. Then there was something rather naughty. You've tried utilizing your security software program but found no issues. How to stop this undesirable generation of mail from your address? Alter your e-mail password. If that doesn't work, you'll require the more drastic step of changing your e-mail username/address along with the password. Sometimes, even pictures and words are not enough. Pull out a videocam on the most memorable components of the trip! If you go hiking someplace, take a leaf or flower and have it pressed (make certain it's allowed initial, too!). No 1 desires to be reminded of the annoyance in searching for the correct mode of transportation to a cultural center in a big city center. Bus stops or train or subway stations are not usually easy to find both. Attempting to discover out a bus timetable can be tough at any time. According to info I was able to discover out, this specific navigator functions around these issues. No need to worry obtaining misplaced. It will soon inform you about exactly where you are and give you directions to your preferred location.
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