#Dominican Republic
mapsontheweb · 2 days
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Island of Hispaniola
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feminineflavors · 3 months
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bootyandgeekeries · 2 months
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makingqueerhistory · 10 months
Do you know if pride flags are universal? Just wondering if any other countries use flags that have been created there. I'm guessing not because I think maybe we'd see them on Tumblr, but I also realize that lack of evidence on Tumblr doesn't make that a certainty☺️ anyway, I thought this blog would be a good place to ask. Also, I guess where were all the current standards designed?
Depending on what one thinks of in regard to pride flags (the progress flag, the rainbow flag, the asexual flag, etc.) they are fairly universally used. There is photographic evidence of them being used globally to represent queerness around the world!
That being said, there are customizations galore, both to represent individuality and intersectionality. This can mean similar colours but different configurations, additional elements added to flags, or multiple flags melded.
Flags in general usually start with an individual design from an individual person, such as the rainbow flag by Gilbert Baker. But localizing the rainbow design to represent a more specific intersection of identities is relatively common!
While researching, I found this great resource for localized versions of the rainbow flag and their individual uses and meanings: https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/qq-rb_v.html
Here are some that I enjoyed learning about!
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Dominican Republic gay pride
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Hong Kong LGBT Flag
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Lebanese gay flag (Lebanon)
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LGBT Flag (South Korea)
I want to thank you for asking this because researching it was an enlightening experience for me! I enjoyed learning about it and am excited to share this information!
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pangeen · 1 year
“ Sleeping With Giants “ // © Luke Saddler 
Music:  Tony Anderson - The King
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lionfloss · 1 year
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Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
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mahoganydreamzz · 8 months
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merakiroseco · 3 months
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ghost-37 · 5 months
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kiarapeach · 18 days
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visitheworld · 1 year
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Rio Partido / Dominican Republic (by Jefri de Leon).
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msterpicasso · 9 months
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vestaignis · 1 month
Дикий и неприступный: пляж Фронтон. Wild and forbidding: Fronton Beach.
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 Фронтон - дикий пляж расположенный в 7 километрах от рыбацкого городка Лас Галерас на северо-востоке полуострова Самана, Доминикане. Фронтон порадует ценителей нетронутой природы и отдыха вдали от цивилизации. Со стороны суши пляж окруж��н тропическим лесом и скалами. Отдельные утёсы достигают 120 метров в высоту. Фронтон – необитаемый уголок Доминиканы. Люди здесь не живут. Зато полно игуан, птиц и подводных обитателей. В многочисленных пещерах также живут летучие мыши.
И хотя пляж Фронтон изолирован от стандартных туристических маршрутов и не располагает привычными удобствами, он продолжает пользоваться спросом. Частыми гостями это��о места становятся те, кто хочет заняться дайвингом . Вдоль берега простирается коралловый риф, который и привлекают ныряльщиков. Чистейшая прозрачная вода с максимальной видимостью создает оптический обман. Кажется, что глубина совсем маленькая, а на самом деле в районе пляжа Фронтон идет резкий подводный обрыв. Сразу за  коралловым рифом начинается открытый океан и глубина – от 500 метров!
Fronton is a wild beach located 7 kilometers from the fishing town of Las Galeras in the northeast of the Samana Peninsula, Dominican Republic. The pediment will delight connoisseurs of untouched nature and relaxation away from civilization. On the land side, the beach is surrounded by tropical forest and rocks. Some cliffs reach 120 meters in height. Fronton is an uninhabited corner of the Dominican Republic. People don't live here. But it is full of iguanas, birds and underwater inhabitants. Bats also live in numerous caves.
And although Fronton Beach is isolated from standard tourist routes and does not have the usual amenities, it continues to be in demand. Frequent guests of this place are those who want to go diving. A coral reef stretches along the coast, which attracts divers. The purest clear water with maximum visibility creates an optical illusion. It seems that the depth is very shallow, but in fact there is a sharp underwater cliff in the area of ​​Fronton Beach. Immediately behind the coral reef, the open ocean begins and the depth starts from 500 meters!
Источник: /www.tourister.ru/world/america/dominican-republic/city/las-galeras-1/beachs/35011, dzen.ru/a/X-IRBffN_i6JBazJ, /www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g793703-d4476938-Reviews-Playa_Fronton, /idominicana.com/plyazh-fronton/.
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folkfashion · 3 months
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El Diablo Cojuelo masker, Dominican Republic, by Estefanía Moronta
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cosmonautroger · 3 months
Niccole Meza Ramos, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
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