#Don’t get be wrong I love Jaune
sauce-scootart · 1 year
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Mayhaps I interest you to my college AU??? (Before the cult stuff started happening ehehehehe)
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nikosarc · 1 year
Not a fan of the new Jaune?
Not a fan of the fact that he’s presumably been on his own dealing with his trauma for what looks to be 20-30 years
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arc-misadventures · 10 days
What Are Those: In some stories, due to their nature, dragons seek, avoid and attack certain places/objects. Fire dragons seek anything and anywhere that gives heat, Ice dragons avoid said heat while Holy dragons attack anything that's impure. We know Jaune seeks precious gems. Is there anything that he would avoid and attack?
I Am A Creature of Stereotypes, Evidently
Ruby: Okay… here’s one for you: “The more I take the more I leave behind.”
Yang: Uhhh… Air?
Ruby: Nope.
Yang: Crap.
Weiss: Dirt?
Ruby: Also no.
Weiss: What?
Jaune: Foorsteps.
Ruby: Correct! Okay, next one: “If two is a company, and three is a crowd, what is four, and five.
Weiss: Four is a quartet right?
Ruby: Yes, but that’s not the answer.
Weiss: What?
Blake: It makes sense, five is a pentagon, I don’t think that works as an answer.
Ruby: Nope~!
Yang: Then what is it?
Jaune: Nine.
Ruby: Correct!
Weiss: What? That doesn’t make any sense?
Yang: Four, and five… equals nine…
Weiss: That’s a stupid answer!
Ruby: Okay next riddle! “Iron roof, glass walls. Burns, and burns, but never falls.”
Blake: Iron roof, and glass walls?
Weiss: Never falls…
Yang: Is it a…?
Jaune: A lantern.
Ruby: Correct!
Yang: What?!
Blake: How does he keep doing this?’
Ruby: “I have rivers without water, forests without trees, mountains without rocks, and towns without houses.”
Yang: So it’s an image then? It has those things, but it doesn’t have them…
Weiss: Oh! Its a…?!
Jaune: A map.
Weiss: A map?! Gods dammit?! I had it!
Blake: That’s one to us! Right?
Ruby: Mmmm… neither of you get the point.
Yang: Dammit.
Ruby: Okay… Oh here’s a good one!
Ruby: Ahem: “I begin eternity, and end space. At the end of time, and in every place. Last in life, second to death. Never alone. Found in your breath. Contained by earth, water or flame. My grandeur so awesome. Wind dare not tame. Not in your mind. Am in your dreams. Vacant to Kings, present to Queens.”
Weiss: Huw…?
Blake: That is a good one…
Yang: It would be better if I knew the answer?!
Jaune: The letter ‘E.’
Ruby: Correct!
Weiss: Oh come on?!
Blake: Already?!
Yang: How is the letter ‘E’ the fucking answer?!
Jaune: Simple: The answer is found when you think literally, not metaphorically.
Yang: Eh?
Weiss: ‘End of Time.’ Time ends with the letter ‘E.’
Blake: ‘Vacant in kings, present in queens.’ Queen has the letter, ‘E’ in it, and kings doesn’t…
Yang: …
Yang: I hate riddles…
Ruby: Ah-ha… H-Here’s an easy one: ‘What kind of ear cannot hear?’
Weiss: A deaf one?
Ruby: No.
Weiss: How is that not the answer?!
Yang: Ear hair…?
Ruby: Eww, gross!
Yang: But, am I wrong…?
Ruby: Yes, yes you are wring.
Yang: Shit!
Blake: Uhhh…? A… A…?
Weiss: You have no idea do you?
Blake: No…
Ruby: Haa… Jaune?
Jaune: An ear of corn.
Ruby: Correct!
Weiss: Oh?! Give me that book!
Ruby: What… hey?!
Weiss: Okay, Jaune here’s one for you: “He who makes me doesn’t want me, he who buys me doesn’t need me, he who uses me doesn’t care.”
Jaune: A casket.
Weiss: What!! How did you… grrrr! Never mind. Next riddle! “I run through hills; I veer around mountains.I leap over rivers, and crawl through the forests. Step out your door to find me.” What is it…?!
Jaune: Roads.
Weiss: Okay…?! Let’s continue shall we…?!
Yang: I think we should take that book away from her.
Blake: I’m afraid she’ll bite me if I try…
Weiss: Okay… “I am a portal to another world, I can take you to places unseen, but I require no magic spell to open. What am I?”
Jaune: A book.
Weiss: MOTHER FU…?!!!
Yang: We’re in public, Weiss! Don’t scream your head off!
Juniper: Oh my? What’s going on by on here?
Ruby: I was just asking my team some riddles, and I think, Weiss is angry that he keeps on answering the riddles. I’m not really sure though.
Blake: Probably has to deal with the speed of which he is answering them too. I mean, here’s a riddle for you, Jaune: “I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a man’s house and build another’s. And I love to play games with my many brothers. What am I?”
Jaune: The king of hearts.
Blake: Correct.
Weiss: You didn’t even fucking think about it?! You’re cheating!
Blake: And, that’s why, Weiss is upset.
Ruby: I think it’s more so to do with her pride of not answering any herself.
Blake: Probably.
Juniper: Ahh you silly girls; You asked a dragon to play a game of riddles. You were bound to lose eventually, Jaune is a master of riddles. It’s honestly a little scary.
Jaune: What’s scary about my love for riddles?
Juniper: Nothing really, It’s just weird overall.
Jaune: And, why is that?
Juniper: No reasons. Now girls, let me give you the ultimate riddle for, Jaune! Okay, Jaune sweetie; “What have I got in my pocket?”
Blake: That riddle from that book?
Weiss: Then that means that the answers a…!
Jaune: A condom.
Blake: A ring! Wait, what?!
Yang: You’re kidding me… That’s not the answer.
Ruby: Is he right?
Juniper: H-How did you know?!
Weiss: HE’S RIGHT?!
Yang: Seriously.
Jaune: I can smell the latex.
Blake: You know what a condom smells like?
Jaune: She waved them in my face for an hour when she was showing me ‘how’ to use them. I remember that smell…
Juniper: And, that is good so you remember how to have safe sex.
Jaune: You told me not to use them because it, and I quote: “Condoms cut off the circulation to my penis, and make it fall off. So don’t use them.” End quote. So knowing that girls: “Why does my mom want me to use a condom?”
Ruby: To actually have safe sex?
Yang: Yeah, I mean you’ve already done it with a few girls. Hopefully me too… You don’t want them to end up pregnant, and ruin their careers now do you?
Jaune: Wrong.
Weiss: Those answers make complete sense.
Blake: How is that wrong?
Jaune: Simple: Mom punched a hole into the tip of the condom with a pin, rendering them useless.
Ruby: That’s not why you’re giving him those condoms now is it?
Juniper: Dammit, I’ve become predictable…
Ruby: W-W-What…?
Yang: Wait seriously?!
Blake: Talk about baby fever…
Weiss: Thank goodness you used a working one when you slept with my mom. Right, Jaune?
Ruby: Wait, You did sleep with her mom?!
Yang: I thought that was just a wild rumour?! You actually did it?!
Jaune: Uhhh…
Weiss: Y-You used protection… R-Right, Jaune…?
Jaune: Well, you see…
Weiss: Jaune… did you use protection…?
Jaune: I’m not saying she… But, I’ll take responsibility… Okay?
Weiss: Ahh… I see…
Ruby: Weiss?!
Yang: Great, she fainted again…
Blake: Wait… You slept with, Weiss’s mother?! How the hell did that happen?!
Jaune: She discovered a new kink for me, and I lost it… okay?
Yang: What new kink?!
Jaune: I’m not answering that!
Juniper: So… does that mean grand babies…?
Jaune: Uhhh…?
Juniper: Grand babies~?
Jaune: Oh no…
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rachetmath · 2 months
Jaune: That is Jessica?
Ruby: Yeah.
Jaune: In her actually form?
Weiss: Yes Jaune.
Jaune: You’re kidding me right? You’re pulling my leg.
Blake: Jaune that is Jessica.
Yang: Why are you finding this hard to believe?
Jaune: She looks even better than the first time I met her. How did y'all get this?!
Ruby: We were the Justice League’s world.
Jaune: What?!
Ruby: Yeah, they needed our help.
Jaune: Why didn’t you take us with you?!
Weiss: Jaune, come on, we just got back. Aren’t you happy we're safe?
Jaune: I mean sure, but I would have loved to see Jessica again!
Yang: Okay, wait a minute, why is Jessica your main concern right now?
Jaune: I don’t know Yang. Maybe it’s because, unlike all of you, I spent the most time with her!
Yang: Oh.
Jaune: Yeah not only that I open up to her., especially about Pyrrha, who I don’t talk about as often, and how I miss her.
Weiss: Ouch.
Jaune: And at least she may have been the first girl I ever saved with my ability while others died. D. I. E. D.
Ruby: Oh.
Blake: Dark.
Jaune: So yeah, it would have been good to see and talk to her again. Considering, that I have been gone for years only to be brought back and act like nothing has changed besides me being older than all of you right now.
RWBY: *silent*
Jaune: Man, this is some bull. I can’t win for shit!
Ruby: Jaune it’s going to be okay.
Jaune: It is times like this I wish Pyrrha was alive.
Yang: Jaune, calm down! You are mad over pussy right now.
Jaune: Speak for yourself at least you can get pussy.
Ren: Look Jaune-
Yang: Ren you have no right to be in this conversation. Considering you fumbled the bag with yours.
Jaune: Damn straight. You had a 99% to get to business and you were riding on dick the whole time.
Ren: Okay, that was not needed. And not true.
In the Hall of Justice
Jessica: *sigh*
Dianna: What’s wrong?
Jessica: I just miss Jaune. I wish I could see him again.
Dianna: I don’t understand what makes him so special. He seemed average compared to the others.
Jessica: So when I was looking for my ring, the core to my powers, you just went off and left me.
Dianna: Oh.
Jessica: Plus if wasn’t for Jaune I wouldn’t have been able to use my powers which saved your lives.
Dianna: Fair point.
Jessica: Plus you're talking about average when you dated two normal men before Superman. Still, I hope he’s doing okay.
Dianna: Unnecessary to bring up but again, fair point.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 days
Weiss: We need to get you something casual to wear. Even I don't just have dresses. I have skirts, and jeans and yoga pants.
Jaune: What's wrong with this shirt? It's cotton. It's comfortable.
Weiss: You don't have any other shoes just those heavy boots.
Jaune: What's wrong with my boots? They're comfortable and I know if I have to I can crush somebody's skull with them.
Weiss: Besides the fact they are on my new coffee table? Get some slippers, sandals, or tennis shoes and I'll let the shirt and pants go.
Jaune: I have jeans...
Weiss: One pair? I've seen your closet. Face it. You've gone all hunter with no relaxation.
Jaune: I sleep shirtless in gym shorts. Are you complaining about that? It's not typically something a loving wife tells their husband. 'Put on more clothes.'
Weiss: You also only have one pair of gym shorts. You're so military it would make a Spartan cringe. It's not like you don't have the money for clothes.
Jaune: I've been busy.
Weiss: But now you're not.
Ruby: Ooh! We should dress him up!
Jaune: What am I? A doll?
Weiss: It's settled then.
Jaune: Settled how? Since when are we putting things to a vote. That's not allowed. Everyone has to be onboard.
Ruby: Get democratized.
Weiss: What happened to your onesie? At least you had that. At least it existed even if I am glad you just sleep in gym shorts.
Ruby: Your chest is nice to sleep on. How is it soft and hard at the same time? But we aren't hoofing it around anima anymore and you're not clawing your way back to Vale. Let us dress you up.
Jaune: Again like a doll?
Ruby: Yeah. But you're our doll. Please? For me?
Jaune: *makes the mistake of looking into her eyes, gets up with a sigh*
Weiss: We don't mean right this minute. Good gods.
Jaune: *sits back down* You know where to find me.
Weiss: You have to teach me how to do that Ruby.
Jaune: You both do that to me. You looked at me, folded your arms, and told me to get a psychiatrist and I did.
Weiss: True. But there’s something special about the way Ruby says ‘please? For me?’ Isn’t there? She does it to me too. She’s like ‘I know you like this color of paint for the bedroom but I like this one. Won’t you agree to it? For me?
Ruby: *has this look of 'who? Me? I'm not familiar*
Jaune: As far as I’m concerned you both cheat hard and ruthlessly. How often do you walk around singing in the kitchen while you’re making coffee? You cheat. You both do. You both do it as much as you can get away with and that’s quite a lot. And what am I supposed to do? I’ve got nothing. I have neither defense or offense.
Weiss: How is doing things you love cheating? I happen to sing while I’m doing chores. That’s for me. If you happen to like it, then that is on you. I am talking about how Ruby actively uses her charms to get us both to do what she wants.
Jaune: And I’m just saying you’re not innocent. As soon as you found out it turns me on when you sing you started singing at me all the time.
Weiss: Okay. I did do that.
Jaune: Bangarang. And everyone in this house knows that Ruby just looks up at you with those big silver eyes and asks nicely and gets her wishes granted. Everyone knows that. Especially Ruby. She knows we can’t help ourselves and she knows that we know that she knows. But there’s nothing to be done. What am I going to do to get what I want?
Weiss: You don’t want anything though. You don’t really care what color the annex office gets painted. You hardly care what you eat for dinner. You could probably eat the same thing every day without complaint.
Jaune: That’s exactly what I used to do at Beacon until you moved in with me. I ate the same thing every single day. And you know what? I liked it.
Weiss: You’re schizophrenic. You have to stop with these mentally unwell behaviors. That’s a part of fighting back against your illness. It’s not enough to just take the meds.
Ruby: Yeah, that’s a sign of mental unwellness… You should eat different things…
Jaune: Exactly how long term am I supposed to be thinking here?
Weiss: *Smacks his chest gently with the back of her hand*
Ruby: *much less flirtatiously and aggressively hits the inside of his thigh*
Jaune: And you both abuse me.
Weiss: Oh shut up.
Ruby: Big baby.
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superiorsturgeon · 8 months
Meet the Arc Sisters
Jaune: Everyone, this is Pyrrha! She’s my partner from Beacon!
Pyrrha: Hello!
Arc Sisters: *swarm around Pyrrha*
Arc Sister 1: Aren’t you Jaune’s girlfriend too?
Arc Sister 2: Jaune talks about you all the time!
Arc Sister 3: Your hair is so pretty!
Arc Sister 4: Are you going to get married to our brother?
Pyrrha: I-!
Arc Sister 5: Aren’t you a celebrity?
Arc Sister 6: You’re not gonna treat our brother wrong like the celebrity women in the news are you?
Pyrrha: I don’t-?
Arc Sister 4: Hey, that’s right! Some of those ladies leave their boyfriends all alone!
Arc Sister 2: You’d better take responsibility!
Arc Sister 3: Our brother is a good boy!
Arc Sister 5: He deserves love and commitment!
Pyrrha: I’m-
Arc Sister 1: Then it’s decided! Jaune and Pyrrha are getting married!
Arc Sister 2: And moving to the country to raise a family close to us!
Arc Sister 3: And letting us babysit their three kids while they’re out on missions!
Pyrrha: But-!
Arc Sister 4: Not much time to plan! I’ll call the bridal store for an emergency dress fitting!
Arc Sister 3: I’ll have to do her hair during the fitting! Someone get my kit!
Arc Sister 5: Better hurry up so I have time to do her makeup!
Arc Sister 6: I’ll get online and get ordained to perform the ceremony!
Arc Sister 2: No time to lose! Let’s get going!
Pyrrha: *dragged/carried off by gang of Arc women* Jaune?! JAUNE!!! HELP MEEEEEE…!!!!
Terra: *bouncing Adrian in her arms* …she seems nice!
Jaune: It’s nice to be back home! But for once I’m not the one being dressed up by my sisters!
Saphron: *unrolling a measuring tape for Jaune’s tuxedo fitting* Guess again, baby brother!
Jaune: THERE it is! Just like old times…!
Based off of an “Imagine your ship” post from @madmanwonder. I decided this was a bit long and made it a separate post so the original wouldn’t need so go so far for the punchline!
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verydeadaten · 9 months
A Very Sweet Couple
Blake: -and that’s how I found out that water isn’t a very good lubricant.
Weiss: ...What is wrong with you?
Blake: What?
Yang: Nobody wants to listen to you talk about sex, Blake.
Nora: Yeah...
Pyrrha: I-uh, I thought it was interesting.
Jaune: You don’t need to be polite here Pyrrha.
Blake: Aw man.
Jaune: *yawns* Man, what time is it? 10:30? I better head to bed. *picks up Pyrrha and carries her bridal style*
Pyrrha: EEP!
Jaune: Alright, night guys.
Pyrrha: J-J-Jaune! What are you doing!?
Yang: Yeah I’ll be asking some questions in the morning.
Blake: Same.
The next morning...
Pyrrha: Good morning everyone!
Yang: Hey P-Money.
Blake: Pyrrha, I have a question.
Pyrrha: Ask away.
Blake: What was that last night?
Pyrrha: Excuse me?
Weiss: Arc carrying you off. What was that?
Pyrrha: Oh, uh. Jaune and I sleep together.
Yang: We know about that. Why’d he carry you off like that.
Pyrrha: *blushing* He said he needed a “strong warrior to scare his nightmares away.”
Yang: Awww.
Blake: You didn’t seem all that tired. Did you have trouble falling asleep?
Pyrrha: No. Being in Jaune’s arms is very comfortable, and they puts me right to sleep.
Blake: Could you elaborate on that?
Pyrrha: *blushing even harder* His is very warm, and his arms are strong. When he holds me I feel safe and warm, l-like I’m wrapped in a very comfy cocoon.
Blake: Is he still wearing that onesie?
Pyrrha: He-
Nora: Yep, and he got one for Pyrrha too. They’re matching.
Pyrrha: N-N-NORA!!!!
Yang: No way!
Blake: What does she have on her’s?
Nora: It’s a girly Pumpkin Pete. It’s Pumpkin Patricia. She has a little bow and eyelashes. It’s also orange.
Blake: That’s so sweet.
Yang: My heart is gonna melt if this gets any better.
Pyrrha: *blushing so much she might pass out*  I-I I GOTTA GO!!! *runs off*
Nora: Jaune’s been feeding her too.
Yang: Feeding?
Nora: He’s been making Pyrrha a lot of food recently, and Pyrrha will eat anything he gives her because she loves his cooking.
Blake: *thinking* Adam never cooked for me.
Nora: She’s been eating so much that it ruined her figure. She doesn’t have abs anymore.
Yang: I thought she was doing a lot of crunches at the gym!
Nora: It gets worse when he makes something with chocolate. I swear, she eats those desserts faster than I eat pancakes!
Blake: ...Hey Nora. Do you and Ren sleep together?
Nora: Of course! Not all the time, but we do every night!
Yang: What do you mean “not all the time?”
Nora: If I was with Renny every time he went to sleep, I’d never get anything done! You know how many naps he takes? I look away for a few minutes and he’s snoozing. I like it though, He’s so cute when he sleeps. Speaking of naps, I have to wake up Renny from his. It’s pancake time, and mama’s hungry! *speeds off*
Yang: Wow, JNPR’s so sweet to each other. Isn’t that right Weiss?
Yang: Weiss?
Weiss: Gods I wish that was me.
Yang: What?
Blake: What?
Weiss: What?
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reashot · 9 months
What do you mean you won't LEWD me?
Thank you all for helping with the reblog of my last fic and I love what some of you made that I'm making this as a sequel to it.
Ruby's House.
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Ruby: Jaune, thank you for your help in making breakfast 🍳☕🥓
Jaune: It's the least I can do Ruby for letting me stay the night. And thank you too Ruby for helping me with the cooking.
Ruby: Flatterer. But I don't think that heating up bacon and eggs can be considered cooking.
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While Jaune is busy preparing the table for everyone. Ruby silently walks up behind him and lovingly embrace him.
Jaune: Ruby?...
Ruby: I-I want to say that I'm sorry and I admit that I may.... Have gone a little bit overboard last night.
Jaune: I don't think attempted rape can be considered little.
Ruby: That's because you keep rejecting me. What do you have against me Jaune. Do you hate me or something? Because if you do then just say it. Don't string me along. Don't get my hopes up...
Ruby said to him as she cries into Jaune's back and Jaune then respond by slowly turning around and returns her embrace.
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Jaune: How could I hate you? You're the greatest girl I know.
Ruby: T-then why?
Jaune: I don't even know myself Ruby. I want to do it with you too, but it just doesn't feel right.
Ruby: What do you mean it's doesn't feel right?
Jaune: I mean we should wait until we're married at least.
Ruby: What?
Jaune: I haven't told you this before but I'm a firm believer of abstinence.
Ruby: Abstinence. What the fuck is that?
Jaune: It means I will not engage in lewding before marriage.
Ruby: Huh!!! What kind of messed up crap is that are you in a cult. Is that it Jaune, you won't bone me because you're in a cult?
Jaune: No! I'm not in a cult. I-I just don't want to ruin what we have by sullying you before marriage.
Ruby: You can sully me if you want! I don't mind and you know I want your baby so you know that I will marry you no matter what.
Jaune: Still Ruby, no means no. But thank you for thinking about marrying me. I know that you can do better.
But before Jaune can finish saying his piece. Ruby's mind starts to wander into a dark place. And in that place she finds her mother...
Ruby's subconscious.
Ruby: Mom! Mom! I need your help!
Summer: Say no more my dear. Please tell me what's wrong?
Ruby: Mom! The boy I like doesn't want to lewd me.
Summer: Oh I'm sorry to say Ruby but I think he's gay. Cause there's no way any straight boy would say no to LEWDing you. Maybe you should find another guy to be your new boyfriend...
Ruby: No. Hell No! I will not pick any other boy but him.
Summer: He must be such a great guy if you think so. But it still doesn't change the fact that he's pitching for the wrong team.
Ruby: B-but here's the thing he wants to do it with me but he wants to wait until marriage.
Summer: Is that boy is in a cult? Please tell me he's in a cult.
Ruby: That's what I said, but no. He said he believes in Abstinence.
Summer: Damn organized religion... Ruby this is why I raised both of you to be godless heathen. Anyway, let me check who this boy you want to pounce on.
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Ruby: Isn't he the cutest? 🥰
Summer: Oooh mama likey... Wait a minute; blonde hair, blue eyes and dressed like he's going to a Renaissance fair... He's the Arc Boy!!!
Ruby: Mom, you knew him?
Summer: Knew him. I actually promised his mom to marry him off to you.
Ruby: *gasp* I'm enganged to Jaune?! That's awesome!!! We're meant to be. I gotta tell Jaune about this!
Summer: Wait a moment Ruby. I know how you can make Jaune LEWD you.
Ruby: You do. How?
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Back to reality
Jaune: ... And another thing Ruby it's not okay for a girl of your age to say "lewd" all the time.
Ruby: *shakes head* oh yes of course keep talking hot stuff me likey when you do it...
Jaune: Ruby I'm being serious here.
Ruby: (I like it when he's trying to be all serious and shit. It just makes him look even cuter.) Oh look Jaune, you have a smudge there on your pants from cooking earlier. Here let me help you out. 😋
Jaune: It's okay Ruby you don't have to... W-wait what are you doing?!
Ruby: Well you have to take off your pants to clean it first right?
Jaune: N-no it's fine Ruby please stop it! I did not consent to this...
Ruby's subconscious
Ruby: Mom! What the F are you doing with my body!!!
I know it's my body but if I'm not the one doing the deed then there's no point.
No! I don't consent to this! What kind of monster would force themselves on others.
I gotta find a way to get out of here. Please someone help. I'm about to get NTR'd by my mom!
Back to reality
Ruby: Shhh.... Just let it happen. *lower pants*
Jaune: No please. I don't want to lose my virginity. There's still an Elder Scroll video I haven't watched yet... *struggling to keep his pants up*
Kitchen's entrance
Tai: What the hell is making all this racket... *gasp*
Mama Arc: Oh my... This early in the morning too. Looks like I'll be getting my grandchildren after all. Right honey?
Papa Arc: Uh yes. I guess... *sips coffee* (I'm way too hungover to be dealing with this.)
Yang: Oh, sis not in the kitchen. At least do it in your room.
Tai: Yang... Get me my shotgun.
Yang: Which one the 20 gauge or the 12 gauge?
Tai: The 12...
Yang: There's not gonna be much left of him if you use this you know? *hands over shotgun*
Tai: That's the idea. *load shotgun*
Mama Arc: Dear please do something. I think Tai is about to kill our Son!
Papa Arc: *sips coffee* (What do you want me to do I just woke up.)
Oh no! Tai is about to blow Jaune's head off. Will Jaune get to keep his head and will Ruby gets back into hers. Find out next time on Drag... I mean in the next post.
Dear viewer you get to choose what happens next.
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bestworstcase · 2 months
Could a person get a new semblance?
If a semblance is the manifestation of a person's soul, could a person change so completely from who they were when they unlocked their semblance that it changes internally?
If not, then why?
generally my sense is the answer is “no,” with the possible exception of something like a severe TBI resulting in a complete break in continuity of the self (e.g. on the level of phineas gage)—because of:
ren’s semblance.
the schnee semblance.
during the beacon arc, ren is established to be a very quiet and serious person who doesn’t express his emotions except in very small, subtle ways. a bit later we find out that his semblance allows him to mask emotions, hiding people from grimm, which flawlessly reflects the person he was at beacon. then, through v4-8, his emotional walls start to come down in tandem with an ever-growing degree of pressure putting stress on his existing model for how to deal with problems until he snaps and begins to alternate between lashing out and gravitating toward a perceived authority figure to tell him what to do—he’s erratic and emotionally volatile bc the box he keeps his feelings inside is disintegrating and his childhood fear of making the wrong choice, doing the wrong thing, is rearing its head again.
so he now has to figure out a whole new way to handle his emotions, and by that what i really mean is how to live and take action without disconnecting himself from what he feels. this is a dramatic reversal from the person he was at beacon. when he lets himself feel, ren turns out to be someone whose emotions are actually big and loud and overwhelming; he’s someone who shouts when he’s mad and cries when he’s upset and blurts out a list of things he loves about nora when she tears herself down.
and what happens to his semblance? it turns inside out!
masking emotions -> revealing emotions that other people are trying to suppress.
concealing people from grimm -> tracking people based on “spikes of emotion”
but crucially when this happens, ren doesn’t lose his original emotion-masking semblance. if anything, that seems to grow stronger: in 8.13 he masks a huge crowd of terrified refugees for what seems to have been a fairly long time—without jaune’s help.
so semblances can and do radically change, but they do so by diversifying. you don’t lose the ‘old’ semblance—the you you were remains a part of the you you are now—but instead grow whole new branches.
this brings us to the schnee semblance, which is a) hereditary and b) by a wide margin the most versatile semblance in the story. telekinesis, speed, summoning of aura constructs, time dilation, and the glyphs are solid enough to use as shields and floating platforms. why? it’s hereditary. the sheer range this semblance has represents an accumulation of many different individuals who grew and changed in ways that branched the shared semblance in a new direction, and then—because this family takes so much pride in their hereditary semblance—taught their relatives how to do the new trick too.
basically, i don’t think it’s possible to manifest a ‘new’ semblance that replaces the old one because the semblance itself has boundless, branching potential; you manifest new forms and new pathways. the semblance is more of a toolbox than a tool.
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razorblade180 · 11 months
Jaune:*looks in mirror*Hmm?
Ruby:What’s wrong?
Jaune:*rubs chin* Nothing really. Tiny stubble is coming in. Guess this is about the time that started to happen. I remember it feeling itchy.
Ruby:Well now you can properly manage it.
Jaune:True. I’ll probably shave it and-
“Let it grow”
Jaune and Ruby:*turn around*
Weiss:*stirring coffee* Let it grow…. it’s good on you.
Jaune:*red* Umm okay.
Ruby:Control yourself!
Weiss:It was just a suggestion!
Blake:Yang, don’t make the joke. I love you, but don’t make the joke.
Yang:*deflates* Dark humor is so funny though…
Weiss:What joke?
Yang:*whispers in ear*
Weiss:Please do whatever you want.
Ruby:Wait, I don’t get the joke. What happened?
Blake:Nothing. *hugs Ruby* Stay wonderful.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
Stolas, to Y/n about their vampire book: I’m little stump here, the plots a bit stale...Don’t get me wrong, dear. I love the dynamic Lydia and Ryley have, But there needs to be some passionate conflict...
Y/n, thinking: Oh! Well... Ryley is Bi so how about a love triangle with a male werewolf?
Stolas: Yes, on the love triangle, but a werewolf is a bit cliché... 
Y/n: (Snaps fingers) Oh! how about a were-alligator? Ryley is Louisianan, His name could be Jaune and he runs a flower-shop, cos Ryley loves flowers.
Stolas, jumping in his chair excitedly: ..Oh!-Hoho! I love it! He and Ryley could’ve had a past relationship, he made the shop for her! 
(They start drafting out the chapters.)
[If anyone’s lost this quote is a sequel to this ]
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In today’s episode, Jaune revealed that Lewis and Alyx were actually residents of Vacuo Kingdom (surprise, surprise) during a time before the Great War. And since we know that Lewis actually returned from the Ever After, it make wonder something curious.
If Lewis was the author of the Girl Who Fell Through the World fairy-tale then it would make perfect sense as to why he omitted himself from the written adventures in the Ever After and chose to make Alyx the protagonist. It makes sense since, unlike Lewis, Alyx never returned home and basically “died” in the Ever After.
So my assumption is that Lewis must’ve maintained his sister’s story through his story about her. That way Alyx’s legacy was able to live on in some shape or form despite the real Alyx practically ceasing to exist after never returning home.
Since Jaune was shown to still be have some qualms over his time in the Ever After, it got me thinking.
What if…Jaune were to (somehow) discover the original journal of Lewis which he had used to record his experience in the Ever After in the Vacuo archives?
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What if…Jaune were to meet someone closely connected to Lewis and Alyx while in Vacuo? Like a surviving member of their family bloodline still thriving in modern Remnant.
What if… Headmaster Theodore was that surviving member? I know the main popular theory is that Lewis was one of Ozma’s reincarnations but imagine if Lewis wasn’t an Ozma reincarnation but Theo’s ancestor instead?
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I haven’t read either of the RWBY After the Fall books so I’m not familiar with Headmaster Theodore in terms of characterization or like what his backstory is.
That being said, I do, however like the idea of the final maiden being connected to Theo in some shape or form.
For me, I like the prospect of the Summer Maiden being either Theo’s daughter or younger sister or cousin or niece or some important person to him as she’s probably the only family he has left.
Again, I don’t know anything about Theo but thus far, none of the other headmasters of the huntsmen academies have had any reason to be protective of their respective maiden outside of a moral obligation as per Ozpin’s instructions.
To make Theo stand out more, I think it would be a nice change of pace if Theo, the final headmaster, were to share an actual connection to the final  maiden as she is a beloved relative of his.
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Why bring this up? Well I like the idea of Jaune forming a close relationship with another Maiden candidate. Maybe he could even fall in love with the Summer Maiden.
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Technically, Jaune hasn’t had a legit love interest since Pyrhha and I don’t know about ya’ll but…after six seasons (and half a movie), I’m kind of tired of being reminded of Arkos, ya’ll.
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It was the Ship that was meant to be that never got to be because Writers decided to kill it off early.
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Don’t get me wrong. I love Arkos. Arkos was a great ship that was gone too soon.
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To (finally) close the chapter on Jaune moving on from Pyrhha (since even after all of his growth, I still don't think he's over her as the show keeps constantly bringing up whenever they can)...
I think it actually might be cute if Jaune does end up being romantically involved with the Summer Maiden who he actually succeeds in protecting from Cinder when she comes to steal her powers.
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I’ve grown tired of new maidens showing up in the story just to die for the sake of the powers being passed onto a main character.
Since Summer is the last maiden, it would be nice if Summer is the one to stop the cycle of original maiden deaths and she actually gets to live on even after opening the vault.
As much as I like WhiteKnight as a ship, I honestly gave up on it becoming canon after V5 dropped and nothing else was done to further develop Weiss and Jaune’s relationship as a prospective romance.
Yeah sure, V9 tossed us a crumb of Weiss being attracted to Jaune in his more mature Rusted Knight persona.
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But after further deliberation, I’ve concluded that that little nugget of hope isn’t enough to get me back on the horse of hoping for a romance between these two.
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Do you know what would actually be pretty wild?
If Jaune fell in love with the Summer Maiden who is not only a red-head (like Pyrhha) but is also a descendent of Lewis who is the author of the Girl Who Fell Through the World and thus a relative of Alyx.
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And unlike Alyx and Pyrhha who Jaune failed to protect/help/save, Jaune is able to do just that with the Summer Maiden by protecting her from Cinder and thus, the two are able to live happily ever after.
That would actually be wild.
Not saying this would become true in the canon. I'm just tossing it out into the RWBY FNDM ether as a food for thought.
~LMS (2024)
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pilot-boi · 5 months
The juniper art is so adorable I love her being like a big dog for Jaune 🥹 he definitely needed her or he would’ve gone fully insane in the EA
Honestly correct
If Jaune had to spend his whole time in the Ever After TRULY without any companions, I dread to think of how he would’ve ended up
Juniper of course doesn’t replace an actual person being there, don’t get me wrong. But at least he had SOMEONE
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
The Beach: B
Jaune: Haa… that was something…
: What was something?
Jaune: Ahh?! What the…?! Oh, it’s just you, Blake. You startled me.
Blake: Sorry, but what’s wrong?
Jaune: Nothing to really… Wow… You’re looking great, Blake.
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Blake: Oh… D-Do I…?
Jaune: You look very sexy!
Blake: O-Oh… T-Thank you…
Jaune: I don’t mean to… insinuate anything… But, since when were you soooo… filled out?
Blake: ‘Filled out?’
Jaune: …
Jaune: Thic…
Blake: Oh!
Jaune: I mean… I don’t remember you being so… full bodied.
Blake: T-Thank you… It must be because of my outfit… I mean, it’s a one piece bodysuit. It’s pretty tight so it probably makes me look pretty slim.
Jaune: ‘Pretty slim?’ I thought you were a B-Cup those are at least E-Cup!
Blake: And, tell me, Jaune: Is that a bad thing~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: N-No comment…
Blake: Fufufu~! So, tell me; what was this ‘something’ you spoke of?
Jaune: Nahh… Your teammates keep telling me what their favourite kinks are…
Blake: Their kinks…?
Jaune: Yeah…
Blake: And, they are…?
Jaune: You really want to know?
Blake: I’m curious, besides I know about, Ruby’s interest in tentacle porn. Can be much worse than that.
Jaune: How did you know that?
Blake: I found her ‘hidden stash.’ I’m not into such things myself, but they were quite spicy~!
Jaune: Well, she wants me to tie her up with rubber bands, and have my way with her; Did you know about that?
Blake: I know she was looking for rubber bands, I didn’t know why at the time, but now I know why. And, I must say, kinky~!
Jaune: Not to me it is…
Blake: What about, Yang?
Jaune: Brother complex. And, I’m the brother…
Blake: Really?
Jaune: Yeah. I have enough perverted sisters at home, I don’t need to deal with another one.
Blake: But, if you played, Yang’s little fantasy. You could play out some of your own sibling fantasies.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Weiss is a sub, and wants me to dominate her.
Blake: …
Blake: She’s a sub…? I thought she’d have a daddy kink.
Jaune: So did I. But, because of how much of an ass her father was to her, she didn’t like her father so the idea of a daddy kink to her is absolutely revolting. Actually, she almost went gay because of him.
Blake: But?
Jaune: But, because of her father being a complete asshole, and all the threats her father received because of what he’s done, she did some research to understand what their threats were about, and stumbled down the rabbit hole. And well, long story short she wants me to bound, and gage her, and have my way with her…
Blake: Wow…
Jaune: Yeah…
Blake: I did not… I did not expect that…
Jaune: Same. But, hey you two could probably get together, and talk about your shared kinks. So team bounding moments, yay!
Blake: I’m not into that.
Jaune: Y-You’re not…?
Blake: Nope.
Jaune: Really, I thought you did; Those, ‘Ninjas of Love’ books are filled with that stuff, and don’t you love that series?
Blake: Well, I do like the books, but I’ve… wait… H-How do you know what those books are about…?
Jaune: I proofread them for my sister.
Blake: Sister…? Your sister is, Catherine Mystique?!
Jaune: Technically her real name is, Janette Arc. The one on the books is just her pen name.
Blake: Oh… I-I didn’t know that.
Blake: …
Blake: Do you think…?
Jaune: I’ll get her autograph for you.
Blake: Yes!
Jaune: But, back to my previous question.
Blake: Hmm… Oh! Yeah… You remember, Adam, Adam Taurus?
Jaune: That male yangdere?
Blake: Yeah, so before I ran away to, Beacon he tied me up like in the books, because he thought I would like it. It was uncomfortable to say the least.
Jaune: Because he’s a crazy?
Blake: Well… he knocked me out, and then tied me up hanging from the ceiling so yeah… you can say it was because he was crazy. Luckily I managed to use my semblance to break out, and I ran for the hills, well, Beacon. You understand.
Jaune: I’d rather not, but no matter. So… I hate to ask… but, if you’re not into bondage, or other stuff like that, then what are you into?
Blake: A-Are you asking me what my kink is?
Jaune: Yeeeeeees…? I’m curious, okay?
Blake: Well, I suppose after our little conversation you can’t help, but be a little curious. So, to answer your question: Raceplay.
Jaune: Raceplay? Like… human x faunas?
Blake: Yep.
Jaune: Is this a, White Fang thing?
Blake: No… well… kinda? Look, I joined the, White Fang to create equality between humans, and faunas. For me that was to stop discrimination between the pair, and stopped all the things the, SDC were doing to us. I was never the hardcore kill all humans kind of person. I was however… I was a member of the secret club called the… HAA.
Jaune: HAA?
Blake: …
Blake: Human Addicts Anonymous.
Jaune: Say what now?
Blake: We were just a group of hormonal faunas girls who really had the hots of strong human males. Most of the faunas boys around us were so pathetic, but those humans~! They had such strong commanding presence to them that demand our attention! I-If one told us to sit, and bark like a dog, we would have howled at the moon! We would be their pretty little pets, and we would absolutely love it!
Jaune: Okay… I think you’re into more than just raceplay… g-good to know…
Jaune: …
Jaune: No it’s not. I regret asking you so, so many things.
Blake: Oh don’t be upset, I know you wouldn’t do that to me, Master~!
Jaune: Wait, what?! You want to do that depraved shit with me?!
Blake: Oh don’t worry, Master! I have everything planed out, and I know how to do all the naughty things you can do to your pet~!
Jaune: I don’t like where this is going…
Blake: We don’t have to do anything kinky if you don’t want to. However, I am putting my foot down at one thing!
Jaune: And, that is…?
Blake: A collar for me to wear with your name on it~!
Jaune: I want off this train!
Blake: Also, when we have sex, I want you to bre…?!
Jaune: That’s it! I’m out! I’m not having any of this shit! I’m going!
Blake: But, Master! Don’t you want to play with your little kitty cat~?
Jaune: AHHHHHH!!!
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virtueking233 · 5 months
So I might be speculating something a bit or being a bit delusional about WR
Does anyone remember how the curious cat says a riddle regarding getting to the tree and it’s goes like “it’s not a place you go, it’s a place you know” and how some don’t seem to realize that the answer to the riddle is home
Home is not a place you go, it’s a place you know
It’s a place you return to when you are lost or hurt, a place you seek comfort and answers in, a place of belonging and of purpose
Now why is this relevant to WR… well, something I noticed in V9 is how there seems to be a lot of visual storytelling (or however you want to call it) like how in episode 7, the dam near the Paper pleasers village breaks to tell you that Ruby dam on her emotions has broken or episode 2, when Ruby tries to comfort Weiss when Weiss tries to talk to her
Ruby holds little in front of her, offering Weiss what LITTLE hope/strength she has left
Why do I bring this up
In episode 9 (and this where you can see I get a bit delusional) after WBY+J arrive at the tree and most importantly branchby
We get this scene where Blake, Yang, and Jaune are in the light while Weiss and Juniper are in the shadows
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Now how does this relate to my stuff about home… simple
The people in the light are one’s who have a sense of purpose and balance/are at home, while the characters in the shadows are one’s who are out of balance and lost/their home is missing
The Bees find purpose through their love for each other and are at balanced with each other/they are at home with each other
Jaune finds purpose through his friends/found family and at balance when he is with them/he is at home with friends/found family
Now for the characters in the shadows
Juniper will no longer have any purpose once Jaune leaves as they will no longer be needed/anything to do, they no longer are balanced as they lack someone to truly be with as a partner, and they no longer have any place to really call home
As for Weiss
The reason Weiss no longer has a sense of purpose or is no longer balanced or is not at home… is because Ruby is missing
Weiss partner and team leader who gave her a sense of purpose and belonging is currently missing and not at her side
The person who brings Weiss comfort and support and helps to keep Weiss balanced is currently missing
The Home that Weiss finds purpose and belonging/finds balance and comfort is currently missing
And this makes sense for it to be Ruby
Because while you could say RWBY is Weiss home/family or RWBY is a place that Weiss finds purpose/belonging
Who is it that made RWBY a home for Weiss in the first place
Who is it that made RWBY a place of purpose/belonging for Weiss in the first place
Since, Ruby was the one to show Weiss a small act of kindness and helped to changed Weiss for the better
Through a small of acceptance and simply being Weiss partner/friend, Ruby helped to make Weiss a home that she finds purpose in, a place where she belongs and can be happy in
But without Ruby… does Weiss still even have that home?
Overall, this is just my little analysis/theory and something I could possibly have wrong… just a little thought that has been bouncing around in my head after figuring the Curious Cat’s riddle of Home not being a place you go, but a place you know
But anyways, let me know your thoughts, do you agree, disagree, have some other ideas, whatever
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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h4lcyonism · 1 year
i’m sorry i love the bees and i don’t think anybody really (except jaune) is in the wrong but i kinda loved ruby calling them out 💀 imagine you’re in ruby’s spot having the worst time of your fucking life and your older sister finally gets her situationship with her girlfriend sorted out 😭
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