#Dried Cranberry
buffetlicious · 2 years
My sister’s favourite haunt - Just Dough when it comes to healthy buns (包子) and mantous (馒头). They make their own doughs in-house using all natural ingredients like seeds and juices from vegetables to give their products luscious beautiful colours. The Yam Bun (S$2.10) is filled with less sweet taro paste and no artificial colourings to lessen your guilty feeling consuming it. :D Did you know that the yellow colouring in this bun is gotten from carrot juice?
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Topmost image from here.
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the-boyo1 · 2 months
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In the realm of vibrant and nutritious berries, cranberries stand out as crimson jewels, offering a burst of flavor and a myriad of health benefits. Let's delve into the fascinating world of cranberries, exploring their nutritional richness, unique properties, and creative ways to incorporate them into your diet.
The Nutritional Powerhouse: Cranberries are packed with essential nutrients that contribute to overall well-being. Rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, these little berries offer a nutritional boost that supports immune health and helps combat oxidative stress.
Urinary Tract Health: One of the well-known benefits of cranberries is their positive impact on urinary tract health. Compounds called proanthocyanidins may help prevent certain bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining, reducing the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Discover how integrating cranberries into your routine can be a natural and delicious way to support your urinary health.
Antioxidant Defense: Cranberries are renowned for their antioxidant content, which plays a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals in the body. This antioxidant defense can contribute to a reduced risk of chronic diseases and promote overall health.
Creative Culinary Adventures: Beyond their health benefits, cranberries offer a versatile and tangy flavor that can elevate various dishes. Explore creative recipes, from cranberry-infused sauces to refreshing salads and desserts. Unleash the culinary potential of cranberries and add a burst of both taste and nutrition to your meals.
Incorporating Cranberries into Your Diet: Discover practical tips on how to incorporate cranberries into your daily meals and snacks. Whether enjoyed fresh, dried, or as a juice, cranberries can be a delightful addition to your culinary repertoire. From breakfast to dinner, unlock the versatility of cranberries and savor their unique taste in a multitude of ways.
What are the nutritional benefits of cranberries?
Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. They contribute to immune health, support urinary tract health, and provide a defense against oxidative stress.
How do cranberries promote urinary tract health?
Compounds in cranberries, specifically proanthocyanidins, may prevent certain bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining, reducing the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs).
What role do antioxidants play in cranberries?
Cranberries are known for their antioxidant content, helping neutralize free radicals in the body. This antioxidant defense can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and support overall health.
Can cranberries be used in cooking beyond traditional sauces?
Absolutely! Cranberries add a tangy flavor to various dishes. Explore recipes for salads, desserts, and savory dishes that showcase the versatility of cranberries.
How can cranberries be incorporated into daily meals?
Cranberries can be enjoyed fresh, dried, or as juice. Add them to breakfast smoothies, salads, or use dried cranberries in baking for a flavorful twist.
Do dried cranberries retain their nutritional benefits?
While the drying process may result in a slight loss of certain nutrients, dried cranberries still offer essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Are cranberry supplements as effective as consuming fresh cranberries?
While supplements may provide some benefits, it's generally recommended to consume whole, fresh cranberries to get the full range of nutrients and fiber.
Can cranberries be part of a balanced diet for weight management?
Yes, cranberries are a low-calorie, nutrient-dense food that can be included in a balanced diet. Their fiber content can contribute to a feeling of fullness.
Are there any precautions or considerations when consuming cranberries?
Individuals on blood-thinning medications should consult with their healthcare provider, as cranberries may interact with these medications.
Can cranberries be enjoyed by people with diabetes?
Yes, cranberries have a low glycemic index and can be included in a diabetes-friendly diet. However, moderation is key, and it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.
Embark on a journey through the nutritional and culinary wonders of cranberries. Whether you're seeking a flavourful addition to your meals or aiming to harness their health benefits, cranberries offer a vibrant and delicious solution. Join us in unravelling the secrets of cranberries and embracing the holistic well-being they bring to your plate.
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morethansalad · 8 months
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Poppyseed Cauliflower and Fresh Corn Salad (Vegan)
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rexuality · 8 months
every day I get berated at work is a day closer to me being immediately fired after saying, “your pussy is way too dry to be riding my dick like this- rihanna”
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selinaeliott · 1 month
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Pumpkin in Korean
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najia-cooks · 5 months
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Cranberry chutney
Sweet, tart, jammy cranberries evolve into the subtle aromatics of cumin, mustard, and bay leaf before rounding off into a smooth, even chili heat in this Anglo-Indian-style chutney. It's excellent in place of cranberry sauce on all kinds of roasts, meat pies, flatbreads, sandwiches, and charcuterie boards.
The cooked fruit-and-vinegar chutneys made by English cooks during the British colonization of India were inspired by the fresh and pickled Indian condiments that English traders and soldiers—including those in the East India Company's military arm—had acquired a taste for, but substituted locally familiar produce and cooking methods for Indian ones. "Indian" recipes began appearing in English cookbooks in the mid-18th century, inspiring and fulfilling a desire for the exotic and, effectively, advertising colonial goods. The domestic kitchen thus became a productive site for the creation and negotiation of colonial ideology: the average English housekeeper could feel a sense of ownership over India and its cultural and material products, and a sense of connection to the colonial endeavor desite physical distance.
This sauce, centered around a tart fruit that is simmered with sugar and savory aromatics and spices, is similar in composition to an Anglo-Indian chutney, but some Indian pantry staples that British recipes tend to substitute or remove (such as jaggery, bay leaf, and mustard oil) have been imported back in. The result is a pungent, spicy, deeply sweet, slightly sour topping that's good at cutting through rich, fatty, or starchy foods.
Recipe under the cut!
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1/2 cup dried cranberries (krainaberee), or 1 cup fresh or frozen
5 curry leaves (kari patta), or 1 Indian bay leaf (tej patta)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1/2 tsp black mustard seeds (rai)
3 Tbsp jaggery (gur / gud)
1-3 small red chili peppers (kali mirch), to taste
1/2” chunk (5g) ginger (adarakh), peeled
1 clove garlic (lahsun)
1/2 red onion (pyaaj) or 1 shallot
1 Tbsp mustard oil (sarson ke tel)
1/3 cup (80 mL) water
Pinch black salt (kala namak)
Curry leaves can be purchased fresh at a South Asian grocery store. If you can't find any, Indian bay leaves can be used as a substitute (the flavor isn't per se similar, but it would also be appropriate in this dish). Indian bay leaves are distinct from Turkish or California laurel bay leaves and have a different taste and fragrance. They will be labelled “tej patta” in an Asian or halaal grocery store, and have three vertical lines running along them from root to tip, rather than radiating out diagonally from a central vein.
1. Pound onion, garlic, ginger, and chili to a paste in a mortar and pestle; or, use a food processor.
2. In a thick-bottomed pot, heat mustard oil on medium. Add curry leaves or tej patta and fry until fragrant.
3. Add cumin and mustard seed and fry another 30 seconds to a minute, until fragrant and popping.
4. Lower heat to low. Add aromatic paste and fry, stirring constantly, for about 30 seconds, until fragrant.
5. Add cranberries, jaggery, black salt, and water. Raise heat and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook uncovered, stirring often, until thick and jammy. Remove from heat a bit before it reaches your desired consistency, since it will continue to thicken as it cools.
Store in a jar in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.
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seasonalwonderment · 5 months
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~ Christmas Confections ~
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wizard-laundry · 12 days
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Y'all fuck with carrot cake?
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bbgirl-aesthetic20 · 1 year
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the-boyo1 · 3 months
Dried sliced cranberries, like tiny rubies kissed by the sun, are more than just a festive garnish. They're flavor powerhouses, bursting with a sweet-tart punch that elevates any culinary adventure. But their magic goes beyond taste. These vibrant morsels offer a concentrated dose of nutrients, making them a healthy and delicious addition to your pantry.
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morethansalad · 6 months
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Spiced Pumpkin Pancakes with Caramelized Apple Pecan Topping (Vegan & Gluten-Free)
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landofgay · 9 months
we're going to have GROWN UP DINNER. I am making a SALAD. there will be CHAMPAGNE. it will be FANCY. we will be smoking WEED.
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magazynkulinarny · 4 months
Sałatka z wędzonej makreli, selera naciowego i czerwonej cebuli z granatem lub suszoną żurawiną
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Ta sama sałatka, z nieco innym wykończeniem. Efekt całkiem odmienny. Ale czy na pewno?
Baza jest identyczna: wędzona makrela, seler naciowy, czerwona cebula, majonez i musztarda. Podzieliłam ją na pół i do jednej wrzuciłam suszone żurawiny, bo w głowie ich kwaskowatość dobrze komponowała mi się z mało wyrazistą rybą, a do drugiej świeże ziarna granatu, bo według tej samej zasady konweniowały z głównym składnikiem. Obie na koniec posypałam prażonymi orzechami włoskimi.
Obie wersje okazały się bardzo dobre i obie Wam polecam! Żurawinowa była nieco słodsza, głębsza i dawała miłe wrażenie żucia suszonego owocu, natomiast granatowa rześka, soczysta i zabawnie strzelająca pod zębami.
Ciekawe, że różniące się dodatki nawet kolorystycznie były zbieżne - w odcieniu czerwieni (żurawina na żywo ma ciemnorubinową barwę, aczkolwiek zdjęcie nie oddało tego uczciwie), co nadało im nieplanowego waloru estetycznego.
Niby różne, a całkiem podobne...
duża wędzona makrela łodyga selera naciowego 1/2 czerwonej cebuli 2 łyżki suszonych żurawin 2 łyżki nasion granatu 2 łyżki majonezu 2 łyżki oleju rzepakowego łyżeczka musztardy Dijon łyżeczka musztardy francuskiej 4 łyżki orzechów włoskich sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Zdjąć z ryby skórę, wyjąć kręgosłup i ości. Podzielić na kawałki i włożyć po połowie do dwóch miseczek.
Seler naciowy opłukać, odciąć końcówki, przeciąć wzdłuż, a następnie na cienkie plasterki. Włożyć po połowie do miseczek.
Cebulę obrać i pokroić w drobniutką kosteczkę. Włożyć po połowie do miseczek.
Do jednej dodać żurawinę, łyżkę oleju oraz majonezu, łyżeczkę musztardy Dijon, posolić, popieprzyć i wymieszać.
Do drugiej dodać nasiona granatu, łyżkę oleju oraz majonezu, łyżeczkę musztardy francuskiej, posolić, popieprzyć i wymieszać.
Obie obsypać połową wcześniej uprażonych i grubo posiekanych orzechów.
Ciekawa jestem która bardziej Wam zasmakuje?
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cottonkhaleesi · 5 months
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Proper post tomorrow but who’d’a think that the first time in ages I get my sort of broken pen drill out is to make tiny holes in dried fruit?
We shall see how they hang tomorrow as I swear it was 6pm a minute ago (it is 22:21) and my eyes feel gritty.
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cheerfullycatholic · 5 months
St. Benedict's cranberry tea is definitely one I'm going to buy again, 9/10
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maawi1253 · 7 months
Mazurek wielkanocny
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1,5 szklanki mąki pszennej typu 450 (krupczatki)
150 g masła
1/4 szklanki cukru
1/2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia
1 jajko
mała puszka masy kajmakowej
migdały blanszowane
orzechy laskowe
suszona żurawina
kandyzowana skórka pomarańczowa
Zmiksować masło z cukrem na puszystą masę.
Wmiksować jajka.
Wmieszać mąkę i proszek do pieczenia.
Zawinąć ciasto w folię spożywczą i włożyć do zamrażarki na pół godziny.
Wyłożyć ciastem prostokątną blaszkę.
Piec przez 25 minut w 180 C.
Na jeszcze ciepłym cieście rozsmarować masę kajmakową.
Porozkładać migdały i żurawinę formując kwiatki, posypać całość skórką pomarańczową i żurawiną, a po bokach wyłożyć orzechy laskowe.
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