capriccio-ffxiv · 4 days
I strongly prefer it when the Scions *don't* have Ancient counterparts.
I think it means more if they're part of the new souls born to the star either after Zodiark's first summoning or after the Sundering. Which is a whole thing!
Importantly, those were the souls that the Convocation were going to sacrifice to Zodiark to bring back the Ancients they lost.
To me, I think it's vastly important that G'raha, Y'shtola, Urianger, Thancred, the twins, that all of them are people Emet-Selch would throw away without a second thought. That to him, you're the only one worth half a damn... And broken as you are, only half a damn. And before he lets himself accept that you really are what's left of Azem, you're just someone else he's convinced isn't a person.
But I think these are the very souls Azem left the Convocation to save, even if Azem still didn't want to break the world. And these are the souls that Venat and the Twelve did break the world to save.
To me that's so much more important than any reincarnation romance (much as I adore that kind of story too). That to Azem and to you, these people matter anyway.
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rusty-courage · 3 months
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a woven life session 5 doodle of me vs chrisrin
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sykloni · 6 months
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16. - 18. Death Echo + Blood + Unravel
Ectober 2023
At first I was planning to keep this simple and not color it at all... But here we are 😅
I am fascinated by the idea that GIW has on going problem of their agents coming back one way or another after death. That creates so many possibilities for angst both from the perspective of the person who becomes one of the things they used to hunt as well as from the perspective of their colleagues.
(Also I find it kind of ironic that they would be actively contributing to the problem they are trying to handle.)
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littlegeecko · 5 months
3k+ words | Clint / Kudzu Téngwàn | Echo: Visual Novel (2019)
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Trigger warning for:
Sorta there Asphixiation experience, mentions of Brian
Clint has a nightmare, then takes a moment to think about his life up to this point, and what he wanna do with it now that he's living with Kud
(Takes place after Jenna's good ending, i fill up some spaces here and there to explain their presence)
Enjoy : ]
Clint POV
I open my eyes.
I'm sitting on the ground, i know because there's dry dirt under my paws, but for some reason i don’t even question how i got here.
It's dark, so dark i can't make out where i am without squinting my eyes more than i usually do. I can hear the wind shaking nearby trees with a hollow whistle, it reminds me a bit of a train’s horn.
It feels like my body weighs a fuckton, my head and neck heavy and sluggish as i move them
My eyes barely adjust as i look up, to the sky, or what i assume it's the sky. It's red like blood, and some stars adorn it
Usually my vision is not that bad at night, it must be really late with no moon for it to looks this way, and so far i knew, the sky shouldn't be red...
I'm sitting in the middle of a....forest? Alone, with nothing but the sounds of nature around me and a ghostly sensation of familiarity that makes my shoulders relax. I say nothing
Deep breath in, and another out...
Branches crackle and grind together in the distance, that hollow whistle again
Breath in...breath out...
It's familiar, like a distant memory of something i can't exactly make out right now, but it sorta reminds me of that one time i followed Duke to the forest area because i was bored without Jeremy.
Duke got very angry, hissing at me in a hushed yell while looking around, then dragging me back to the entrance of the forest by the arm
Then he stood there, watching me go up the road as if making sure i was far enough to make his way back into the lush
I blink slowly. Before i close my eyes fully
Duke...i wonder where is he now.
I take another breath, but this time there's a pressure in my neck right under my Adam's apple, i get my hands up to my throat, almost a reflex
I feel something ragged, prickly and firm that scratches my paw pads like a cactus; rope.
A noose.
My eyes fly open as my ears go down.
Please no.
I gasp, and suddenly i'm standing, my paws barely touching the ground and i let out a strangled wheeze, forced out my lungs as i try and grab the noose for some leverage.
I'm hanging, but i'm not hanging. Its a loop of panic and relief that lasts too short each time, everytime, my desperate breaths ending in shaky coughing
I try to weigh myself down bending my knees to no avail, letting out a whine of exertion and pain as the noose grazes my neck and leaves behind that prickling sensation again. It's strangely numb, but the pressure it's all the same.
It's stabbing me, it hates me.
 There's beads of hot blood going down my collarbone, i can feel them, i'm briefly reminded of the little cross figurine that catboy had around his neck, for some reason
I look around as i breath too fast, expecting to see something, anything that could help me get out of here, but there's only darkness.
I try to keep my whines and groans low, still trying to bend my knees. My furless tail swishing side to side as frantically as me. I hear a branch snap in the distance and-
My blood runs cold when i see it.
Standing there. A huge shadow.
It walks towards me
It's face's obscured, but it's someone huge, towering over me. It's holding something.
I can't make it out in this darkness, but its all so familiar, realization hitting me as my throat closes in around a soft squeak of absolute terror
I freeze on the spot, my hands holding onto the noose like my life depends of it as more wounds open in my pawpads, my heart hammering in my chest and filling my ears until it’s all i can hear
It breaks through the noise, i hear a snort and a high-pitched giggle that melts into a distorted, disturbing laughter, i swear i can hear static laced into it. All of my fur stands on end and i feel my neck veins bulge under the strain, i feel like there's a rock inside my throat, about to make it snap
No...it can't be. It can't be him. He’s back?!
I screw my eyes shut and i scream, with all my might, but no sound comes out.
I open my eyes.
It’s dark, but i can make out the padded ceiling and moonlight coming through a window by my side, as i turn my head to it i feel the surface under me sway ever so slightly, a water bed.
Kudzu's trailer, Kudzu's bed. Right.
I let out a sigh, it's cold outside and no sun is visible, so it must be around 3 or 4 am.
I sit up and stare down at my covered paws in silence. Usually when i dream about...him i wake up hassled and yelling, curled up in a ball by the corner until Kud calms me down with his strange little mouth sounds, but this time it feels...different. i feel empty.
If anything my head is fuzzy, my lips dry, chapped. My fur feels a little damp with sweat, except the zones around my cheeks, those feel wet and i rub my eyes to dry them. My hands are shaking
It's almost dead silent if it wasn't for the occasional chittering of the cicadas outside and the faint noise of a fan somewhere in the trailer.
I look at the curtain that leads to the hallway, cracked open a bit
Without much thinking i stand and get out.
Kudzu's trailer is very fancy and cozy, at least to me; small but organized, colorful and with all the essentials, it can get a little hot but it's really chilly during the night, perfect to curl up in bed and nap. It smells earthy, clean and a bit musky, our smells combined at this point from how long i've been living with him.
I look at a small calendar on the kitchen counter as a pass by; 2 months.
It been 2 months since me, Jeremy and Kudzu escaped on the “ghost train”, 2 months since some people helped Kud move his trailer out of Echo and into a separated zone in Payton for him to stay for as long he saw necessary, 2 months since some people picked up my sis from back there too.
2 months since i started going clean by force, and Kudzu took me in
Speaking of...
Soft snoring gets my attention from behind me and there he is, laying on the couch with a thin blanket covering him from his belly down, chest rising and falling
I stare openly, i don't feel my face move
Like an invisible force pulling me, i walk up to the couch and stand by his side, looking down
And i just....stare at his sleeping, peaceful face.
The cicadas chitter, like they're singing a song...
Kud seems to be having a good sleep at least, if it wasn't for the occasional shifting around.
I remember the conversation we had last night when he complained about his back being stiff, and i said he could sleep on his bed already, but he refused, the bastard. He said he “wanted to make sure i was comfortable and had some privacy” while i stayed with him, so he went to sleep on the couch, just like every night.
I frown a bit
Kudzu was such a weird dude.
He looked, and acted, like a fucking badass, even if he was so much shorter than me!
...And i've caused him so many problems already, he could easily kick me out and leave me to my luck, specially after all the badmouthing, scratches i've given him at times, and how my nightmare-induced yelling makes his face scrunch up in an expression i didn't like on him.
But he hasn't kicked me out, if anything, he has tried his best to not bother me in particular ways, making me feel “comfy” as much as possible
He was quiet and sensible, soft and honestly kinda girly. He had a new garden and shit, and spoke all firm but tender, especially to me, with a smile an' all, it kinda pisses me off, to be honest. Speaking to me like i'm a stupid pup...
I pout, watching him adjust his head in his sleep
His ear gets caught up under his head and i resist the urge to reach out and fix it for him, i don't want to wake him up, not right now.
Sometimes i can't help but wonder what is his fucking problem.
Why is he letting me stay? I'm nothing but a nuisance, a pest, everyone seemed to agree on that. Even Duke did... and even so Duke was kinda nice to me before hell broke loose. Keith was the same... Both of them lost in the void as time went on until i had no one but the gang and...
I ball my hands into shaky fists as i think of him, a lump forming in my throat as i try my best to keep tears from forming in my eyes.
...Duke was...he had his issues, and it was my mistake to follow him around to the forest when i shouldn't have, i know that. And Keith just kinda left, God knows where is he now. Both of them were nice to me but somehow ended up making things more shit than they already were
What makes Kudzu different from them? How do i know he's not going to turn his back on me when i least expect it? Or worse. He could be...scheming something. Something to do with me
I scratch my neck as i feel the fur in my nape stand up. The scars long healed but still sticking out my fur
I bite my lip to not make a noise as my stomach feels suddenly hollow.
It's a scary thought, Keith always said scary thoughts were normal and i could analyze them to get over them. It was a thing Kud said sometimes too, something about healing
I look down at my hands, old scars on my wrists barely visible by now, and many more on my fingers, i wiggle them, my nails growing better and no longer chipped  around the edges. I see my tail curling in between my legs and it's so weird to see how fluffy it is now. It's been years since my tail looked this full of fur
Kud reminds me of Keith a bit sometimes, but he's quieter, his moves sharper, physical contact even more limited than Keith had with me.
Keith tried to protect us from the horrors of that shitty town, and failed, leaving us to our own luck... Or maybe Micha was right and he really got killed by... Him.
...could that happen to Kudzu now that i'm around him?
Somehow the pit in my belly felt emptier as i suck in a sharp breath through my nose.
No. I don't want Kudzu to get hurt, specially not for my fault
He's so kind... and he's been so patient with me even when he's visibly tired at times, that i know. I grit my teeth, i'm not fucking stupid, like Micha, Leo and he thinks i am.
He has treated me so well and i haven't done anything for him, what if i do it too late? When he's already in the face of danger cuz of me?
No, i can't let that happen, Kudzu is so cool and good. I don't want him to hate me and leave me like Duke, or to disappear like Keith...
I grip my head fur, pulling at it, and let out a long groan as my yowls pull back in a pained grimace. I wish i could get a hit right now and not think about this difficult shit that made my stomach do flips and my eyes water. It was annoying as fuck, it made me want to break shit, but i can't break any of Kud's shit, obviously.
I hit my head with the flat of my hands, my nails scratching at my thin fur with force as i pull-
My eyes fly open to find a groggy Kudzu looking up at me, expression concerned as he seems to try make sense of the situation.
"...What are you doing?" His voice is firm, but not accusatory, he seems legitimately curious, worried even.
The sensation in my stomach is replaced by the beating of my heart just like in my dream, it quickened at some point apparently, but it's not super loud, it's more like when you get caught doing something you shouldn't. Embarrassment
I slowly pull my hand away from my head as my body relaxes...
I open and close my mouth, my tongue grazing over a missing spot between my teeth.
"...Couldn't sleep"
I say simply, albeit a bit shaky. He notices, he always does
Kud visibly relaxes with a strained side grin, groaning as he slowly sits up and rolls his shoulders. He rubs his eyes
"Another nightmare?"
I nod. He looks up at me.
"Want to talk about it?"
I shake my head no
"Very well" he adds, sitting up completely with a soft hiss, his hand rubbing his lower back
I stand there staring then blink in realization, both that i'm just there ogling like an idiot just playing with my thumbs and that this is a good chance to do something for him for a change. I clear my throat
"Do you want to sleep on your bed?" I ask, trying to keep my voice from wavering. He shakes his head no and i frown
"I told you i'm fine on the couch"
"That's not true" I say quickly
"Clint, i just-"
I growl in annoyance, and before he can give me that same retort from last night i grab him by the wrist, his eyes snapping open as his body tenses up
I don't let him complain as i yank him up and off the couch, briskly walking to the makeshift bedroom, and he follows, stumbling a bit
He doesn't speak further more than a sigh, and i open the curtains for me to crawl inside and tug his wrist
"Get in" i say, and in a moment of sleepy lucidity he seems to pause as he catches on me also being on the bed
"I know you're trying to be nice but-"
"I'm not fucking asking ya. Get in"
I tug more insistently and this time he does follow, looking to the side as if bashful, but either too tired to fight back or just done with my shit at this point. We both know he's stronger than me, and yet he lets me do this
"You're sleeping here till your back feels better, ya hear? Even if i have to hold ya down"
He actually does chuckle at that as he gets on the wobbly mattress, shuffling about to lay his head on the pillow, and actually letting out a satisfied groan as he comfortably sinks on the bed
He has that smile on his face when his eyes turn up to me, half lidded but focused, and my mouth goes dry all of the sudden
"Well thanks, Clint" he gives me an amused look, and i can't help but think he probably believes i'm too much of a pussy to sleep alone after a nightmare. I don't fight it tho
I do a little 'hmp' in agreement, laying on my side and looking at Kudzu, whose eyes are now closed, nose pointing to the ceiling
...I look at him up and down for a moment, my tail twitches as it sways side to side between the wall and my legs. My ear twitches
Kudzu...Kudzu is really nice. I need to step it up if i'm staying here with him for God knows how long.
I'm no longer a pup or a youngling that needs Duke or Keith to guide me along. I'm on my own shit now, and away from Echo, hopefully forever. Hell even my sis made it out eventually, staying at some place only for girls...
If i'm going to survive out here too might as well get along with the one person that's actively doing something for me, unlike the others, which to be fair? they also have their own shit to deal with
I thin my lips, i sigh and relax my body, scooting a little closer to Kud, hopefully he won't notice.
All of this took my mind off the dream i had, slowly fading into the void just like the rest of em, and i, too, slowly fade into nothingness for the night. After all, Kud will be there when i wake up. I hope.
Kudzu’s POV
Light peeks through the blinds of my window as i crack an eye open, groaning at the sun beams directly on my face. I stretch my arms over my head with a groan, then yawn
I remember last night pretty well, specially since it was a dreamless sleep... I rub my eyes as i organize my thoughts and look at the little wall clock beside my pillow
8 am... Still too early for Clint to wake up
Speaking of Clint...
This time i don't have to stand up from the couch and check behind the curtains to see how is he, as right now he's laying beside me...more specifically, on me, his eyes closed and expression serene as soft snores warm the fur on my chest, one arm (and leg) draped over my body.
My chest feels a little tight, position a bit too similar to old memories, but at the same time... it's welcomed, it feels kinda nice. I'll never tell Clint but i actually think he looks a bit cute when in a chill mood, heh...
I smile down at him and make a move to get out of bed, but his grip suddenly gets firm, holding me down and against his thin body with a sleepy grumble, face easing again when i stop my efforts.
I open my mouth to tell him i gotta stand and get ready for the day, but i close it, laying my head back on the pillow with a defeated sigh, i  guess i can stay for 10 more minutes...
My hand absentmindedly goes up to Clint's back and i feel him tense up, then relax, cuddling closer, his thigh over mine
I feel my cheeks get a little warm, but i quickly stifle the twisty feeling in my chest, closing my eyes.
I can already hear Clint saying the position was a total accident when he wakes up, and i can't help but smile a bit.
It's good to have some company.
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entropyvoid · 4 days
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Golden Hour (+ lineart below cut)
I took a picture of the lines for once and did some basic crappy photo editing on my phone, so you could probably print this out and use it as a coloring page or something if you so wish lol. Do with it what you will.
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goatpaste · 2 years
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character line up doodles or whatever, mostly just wanted an excuse to draw stand and the other characters get a feel for their designs and just because i think its fun :)
skipped p2 for these because i already draw them so much and basically already did a line up like this awhile back so, sorry p2 ig <3
did ones for the main characters for all the parts iv seen so far! thinkin ill do another batch like with with villain's and secondary characters I like later one
[Commission Prices] [Etsy]
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sing-geronimo · 2 months
O Superman is trending again on tiktok so I finally got the initiative to make this idea I've had for ages
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wolveria · 3 months
The Bad Batch Poll:
Curious about the results as I work on my Bad Batch x Reader wip.
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echoes-lighthouse · 1 year
Imagine falling asleep before your f/o, leaving on the bedside lamp and feeling a bit lonely in the too-big bed. 
Imagine being sleepy and vaguely feeling them get into bed beside you, rustling the blankets as they go through their own bedtime routines, then settling down and reaching out for you. 
Even though you’re still mostly asleep, you curl towards their warmth and the two of you fit together perfectly, the most comfortable embrace as you immediately fall back asleep with your f/o there beside you, where they belong. 
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bentcr0wbar · 7 months
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Lips like salt, salty kisses~
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
hello i was reading this lovely post (by @lollytea) that gave a good breakdown of the writers intent behind this scene, and i thought to myself “gee, i love it all in concept, but i wonder if they could’ve executed it better by emphasizing all of the things hunter’s fighting for in the actual moment itself?”. then i remembered that i have the power of editing, and made this! complete with the cheesy white vignette toh likes to stick on flashback scenes that i love jgvhnfchgfc
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taniushka12 · 1 month
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constantly thinking about this plot point bc it cant be insignificant, mystics w/ hidden knowledge? trees? new york? this Has to be connected to the fbc/the oldest house in some capacity, i wonder if we're gonna see any of this in control 2...
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avid-adoxography · 6 months
I just finished watching Once Upon a Studio and holy shit?????
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THE QUEEN HERSELF??? Uh, no wait, she's famous I shouldn't be this excited.. BUT STILL!!!!
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AND!! and- wait a second...
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godblooded · 2 months
just an fyi, and it feels like it needs to be said here: your blog is your own space and you should be able to say whatever the fuck you want. if you’re sad? vent. get sad. maybe put it under a cut, definitely tag it, but get sad. if you feel like you need someone to talk to? drop a freaking message about how you’re feeling like you could use a buddy, or anything randomly engaging. if you’re having a hard time, you should feel safe and okay to talk about it in your own space. we’re writers and we’re people and while there’s a lot to be said for how engagement outside of oneself is necessary in rp (and really really needs to improve), i think there’s a lot that must be said about people reaching out to others. it’s become so solitary here — the whole ‘reblog from source’ thing when it comes to shit like about and musings is absurd. the whole refusing to like things is ridiculous. yes, curate your space, that’s important, but curating your space into a studio apartment only you live in doesn’t make this a community anymore, it makes it a studio apartment you live in.
just be yourself here. do whatever you want. but i’m always saying: remember you’re not alone, and don’t let yourself feel that way.
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echo-rambles · 6 months
imagining watching a scary movie with chan as someone who enjoys scary movies is pretty funny, because you just know he'd probably nervous laugh a lot. he'd go all quiet and tuck his face into your shoulder because he doesn't want to see the creepy suspenseful parts of the movie and you end up narrating scenes to him because he still wants to watch it with you! he wants to be involved! but his eyes are closed and he is using your body as a shield.
suspenseful ghost stories are probably the worst for him. like, gore and horror aren't something he likes and he'll hide his face for those moments, asking you to tell him when it's all over. but when it's just a character walking through a dark hallway with building music? and the possible promise of something popping out at any moment? he is squirming himself between you and the couch and refusing to participate at all.
you take your job of narrating the spooky bits very seriously and you try your best to make him laugh with your descriptions, and you also warn him ahead of time when you can just tell a jumpscare or something else scary is about to happen. there's a lot of conspiratorial whispering between the two of you, and he even apologizes for taking away from your enjoyment of the movie, but you assure him that you're having just as much fun watching it with him, no matter how unconventional.
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selfship-spice · 6 months
Can you do something with a partner who has sharp teeth? It would make my day tbh
Yesss absolutely I have a few f/os with sharp teeth so this was a personal pleasure -Mod Echo
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Headcanons for an F/O with sharp teeth
they are gorgeous and you can’t stop looking: something runs up your spine every time you see the flash of fangs, something that knows you are looking at a predator in its prime
your f/o is shameless with their teeth, flashing them in grins and grimaces, lips curling up over those perfect points
you can’t stop thinking about how the two of you will kiss: whether it will hurt, how careful you would need to be
when your lips finally meet, your f/o is the one who is careful: they know that you’re a delicate thing and they don’t want to hurt you
it becomes a challenge to break their control: enticing them with deeper kisses, biting their lower lip with your own teeth, slipping your hands under their shirt to hear them gasp, but they never bite down on you
they press tender kisses to your skin: when you press their head to stay in one spot, they suck blooming marks onto you, but they never bite
it’s a torture for you, knowing that you could just ask, but feeling stuck in this unintended contest that you’re not even sure that they’re aware of
and then your first time with each other: fully undressed, taking it slow, enjoying every part of each other, your f/o’s eyes darker with each item of clothing you remove
when the two of you come together, them on top of you, a flex of heat and desire: you hear them groan and then you feel piercing pain in your shoulder
you find their teeth locked into you, but you’re flying so high the pain hardly registers: you’re too busy moving against them, taking whatever they give you
you scratch your nails down their back and they lean back to gasp for breath: you can see your blood on their lips and their sharp, dangerous teeth
it’s only after both of you finish that they realize what they’ve done and dive into apologies: you reassure them that it wasn’t bad, that you wanted it, that you’ve been wanting it
still, the bite mark hurts after you’ve come back down to earth, and you allow your f/o to bandage it and fuss over you
now that your f/o knows that you like their teeth, they’re more deliberate about showing them off, and they spend more time biting you: figuring out your specific line between pain and pleasure, finding the pressure that leaves you shaking
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