still not over the theme of places being part of identity in hilda…. like what do you mean johanna’s subconscious held on so tightly to the memory of the place she was from that even after literally getting her childhood memories erased she still kept drawing the lake she once knew. what do you mean the child version of herself remained in the world she grew up in and was befriended by her future daughter who was also drawn to the same place without even knowing why. what do you MEAN she and her family always end up returning to the place they call home whether it’s the place they were originally from or the place they’ve grown the most in!!!
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bts-trans · 10 months
230613 Weverse Translations
RM's Post ❇️
십 년이면 강산이 변한다더니, 정말입니다. 무수한 파고가 있었습니다. 기억나지 않는 새벽들이 참 많습니다. 스물과 서른의 전 꼭 딴 사람만 같습니다. 이젠 예전의 제가 더 낯설곤 합니다. 어떤 말에 마법이 걸린다는 건 참 특별한 일이죠. 한 명사가 대명사가 되기까지. 방탄이 방탄, 아미가 아미가 되기까지.. 많은 비바람과, 사랑이 있었습니다. 어쩌면 누구도 이해시킬 수 없을, 우리만의 세계를 쌓았습니다. 아미 여러분과 저희를 도와주신 수많은 분들 덕에 다시는 겪지 못할 참 특별한 경험을 했습니다. 돌아보면, 잠시 회상에 젖다가도 쉴새없이 문을 박차고 나가는 게 익숙했습니다. 지금도 전 여전히 저희의 2막을 가늠해봅니다. 꼭 아무것도 될 수 있을 것만 같은 기분이에요. 열일곱과 스물에 했던 고민들과 양면성들은 지금도 유효합니다. 조금씩 어른이 되어가며 세상엔 말과 글만으론 설명될 수 없는 것들이 참 많다는 거, 그리고 변하지 않을 것만 같던 것들도 언젠가 변한다는 것을 배웠습니다. 또한 '이름' 하나의 탄생에는 너무나 많은 이들의 힘과 사랑이 필요하다는 것도요. 저는 아직도 너무나 미숙합니다. 아마 앞으로도 계속 낯설고, 불안해하고, 고통스러울 테죠. 그래도 나아가보겠습니다. 따로 또 같이, 멀지만 가까이, 제게는 당신들이, 당신들께는 제가 있길 바랍니다. 멤버들, 스텝들, 가족들과 친구들! 그리고 아미들! 너무 수고하셨습니다. 앞으로 십 년도 같이 잘 살아보아요. 이 놈의 세상 속에서! 사랑합니다. - 남준 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-121488467)
They say that even mountains and rivers change in ten years. It’s true. There have been countless waves. There are so many late nights I don’t remember.* Twenty-year-old me and thirty-year-old me feel like completely different people. My past self feels even more unfamiliar to me now.
It’s really quite incredible how some words can cause magic. For a noun to have become a pronoun. For Bangtan to have become Bangtan, ARMY to have become ARMY...there has been so much rain, wind, and love. Perhaps we have built a world that is ours alone, that we can’t make anyone else understand.
Thanks to you, ARMYs, and to the many people who have helped us, we have experienced some very special things, that we won’t be able to experience again. Looking back, even submerging myself in memories for just a moment, kicking doors open was something I was used to. Even now, our second act seems possible. It really feels like we could be anything. The worries and dualities from when I was seventeen and twenty still hold.
As I slowly become an adult, I’ve learnt that there are many things in the world that can’t be explained only through words or writing, and that even things that seemed like they would never change do change at some point. I’ve also learnt that creating a single ‘name’ requires the efforts and love of so many.
I am still extremely clumsy and inexperienced. It’s likely that I will continue to feel unfamiliarity, uncertainty and pain. But still, I will keep going. Apart but also together, far away but close, I hope that I will have you, and that you will have me. All the members, staff, family and friends! And ARMYs! You have worked so hard. Let’s live well together for the next ten years as well.
In this damned world! I love you. -Namjoon
(T/N: *A lyric from ‘Take Two’.)
Trans cr; Aditi & Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jimin's Post ❇️
아미 여러분들 지민입니다 ㅎㅎ 와 10주년입니다 시간이 언제 이렇게나 지났을까요. 19살에 여러분들 처음만났던 제가 29이라니 가끔은  실감이 안나는 것 같아요 저도 이제 어른이랍니다 아직 마음은 19때랑 비슷한데 몸은 ㅎㅎㅎ.... 이상하긴 하다이 아무튼 그냥 보고싶네요 예전에 참 언젠가 우리도 10년이 되고 20년이 될텐데 그때는 어떨까 궁금했었는데요 별로 다른건 없는 거 같아요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오히려 좋은 것 같아요 뭐랄까 아까 진형 슈취타 보고 있어서 좀 감성올랐었는데 그냥 좋아요. 슬프고  뭐 이런 감정보다 여러분들과 차곡차곡 쌓여가는 무언가가 자꾸 생기는 것 같아서 온전히 기쁘달까? 이런말 하면 이상할 수 있겠지만 "1주년 됐다1!!!@!#@ 2주년 됐다!!@@ㅉㄴㅇㅎㄻㄴㅇㅎㅁㅇㅎ" 이런 느낌은 아니야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그냥 와                                               허허 우리가 이렇게 되었구먼 아니다 이건아니고 음 역시나 표현이 말로 안되네요. 사실 작년부터해서 처음에는 우리가 다같이 함께하는 시간이 멈춘 것 같아서 조금 우울했었는데 그런게 아니더라구요. 그냥 각자의 자리에서 서로 생각하면서 지금 할 수 있는게 뭘까 고민하고 계속해서 시도하고 이런 것들이 다 함께하고 있는 거더라구요. 그래서 요즘 온전히 너무 좋습니다. 물론 더욱더 보고싶구요. 여러분들이 요즘 어떻게 지내는지 어떤 고민들 가지고 계신지도 너무 궁금한데  자주 못 찾아온건 죄송해요. 그래도 꾸준히 여러분 생각한답니다 제가 그런말을 많이 했던 것 같아요. 뭐 8년이라는 시간은 길다면 길고 짧다면 짧고...9년이라는 시간은...등등 근데 10년이라는 기간은 다가오는 느낌이 다르네요. 누구도 무시하기 힘든, 그래서 더 이해하고 공유할 수 있는,무언가 단단함 네 이러한 감정을 받았습니다. 행복하네요. 그래서 더 이 관계를 지키고 싶고 열심히 하고 싶네요. 우리 아미여러분들 몇번 말씀드렸었지만, 아무 이유없이 응원해주고 사랑을해주고 힘을 주는 것은 아무나 할 수있는일이 아닙니다. 그래서 얼마나 저희가 행복한 사람들인지도 너무나도 느끼고 있습니다. 이런 모든 것을 느끼게 해주시는 여러분들도 넘치는 행복을 느끼고 사랑받아야 합니다. 그러셔야합니다. 알겠죠? 언제나 감사하고 사랑하는 아미여러분들 앞으로 우리 더 오래오래 행복합시다 ㅎㅎ (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-121489366)
ARMYs, this is Jimin hehe. Wow, it’s our 10th anniversary.
I wonder, where did the time go? The 19-year-old me who met all of you for the first time, is already 29 years old. Sometimes it doesn’t feel real.
I’m now an adult too. My heart’s still the same as when I was 19, but my body is… hehehe It’s pretty weird.
I just miss you.
In the past, we wondered what our teens and 20s were eventually going to be like, but it doesn’t seem that different hahahaha It’s actually even better. How should I say this, I was watching Jin hyung’s Suchwita episode earlier and felt a lot of emotions. It just feels nice. Instead of feeling sad emotions, I feel like we're building together something, bit by bit, and so I'm actually fully happy?
This might sound weird to say, but it’s not a “It’s our 1st anniversary!!!@!#@, it’s our 2nd anniversary!!@@hfdhfhek” kind of feeling hahahahahahaha It’s kind of like “Wow"
"haha so this is how things turned out with us.” No, it’s not that. Hmm it’s hard to express my feelings into words as expected. To be honest, last year I was a bit depressed thinking that there was a pause in our time together, but I realized that wasn’t the case. Thinking about each other from our own different places, figuring out what we can do right now and continuing to try things - all of this is stuff we've been doing together.
So these days, I’m fully happy. Of course, I miss you even more. I’m very curious about how you are all doing these days and what kind of worries you all have, and I’m sorry for not being able to come see you more often. However, I do constantly think about you.
I think I’ve said this a lot. 8 years seem both long and short…and 9 years…etc etc, but the feelings that 10 years bring are different. It's something no one can ignore, and so it can be understood and shared even more, a certain kind of sureness Those are the types of feelings I had. I’m happy. That’s why I want to protect this relationship and work hard even more.
Our ARMYs, I've said this to you a couple of times but, to love someone, support them, and give them strength for no reason at all isn't something anyone can just do. And that's why I have a really deep sense of just how happy we are as people.
All of you, who make me feel all of these things, also must feel a great amount of happiness and receive love. You must.
To you ARMYs, who I am always grateful for and whom I love, let’s continue to be happy for a long long time hehe.
Trans cr; Annie & Aditi @ bts-trans
Jin's Post ❇️
안녕하세요 진입니다 우리 아미 여러분들 덕분에 저희가 10주년을 맞이하게 되었네요 10년이면 강산도 변한다는 말이 있는데 방탄소년단과 아미의 사랑은 변하지 않는 것이 참 신기합니다 저 역시 10주년의 컨텐츠들 여러분들께 뭔가 드리고 싶지만.. 함께하지 못해 너무 아쉬운 마음뿐입니다. 입대 전에 여러 컨텐츠들을 더 찍고 왔어야 했는데.. 죄송한 마음을 어찌 전해야 할 지 모르겠습니다ㅠㅠ 저희 남아있는 멤버들이 열심히 10주년 컨텐츠들을 잘    진행 하고 있는걸로 아는데.. 군 생활 '365일' '1년' 남은 제가 11주년 컨텐츠는 전역하자마자 집으로 가는 게 아닌 회사로 가 위버스 라이브로 여러분들을 찾아 뵙도록 하겠습니다. 물론 시간이 일러서 집에 있다 올 순 있겠지만 모든 약속을 잡지 않고 11주년 전역날은 여러분들과 함께 하도록 하겠습니다 이런 말이라도 할 수 있어서 너무 기쁘네요 하하 저희 10주년이란 시간 함께해 주셔서 너무 감사드리고 저희의 몸이 무대를 소화할 수 있을 때까지 함께 해주시길 바라겠습니다 아미 하트 방탄소년단 ARMY ♡ BTS -진- (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-121593829)
Hello, this is Jin.
Thanks to you guys, our ARMYs, we have reached our 10th anniversary.
There’s this saying that even rivers and mountains change in 10 years*, so the fact that the love between BTS and ARMY hasn’t changed is quite amazing.
I, of course, wanted to give you some 10th anniversary content but..all I have is a lot of sadness that I can’t be with you. I should’ve filmed more content before I enlisted.. I don’t know how to convey how sorry I amㅠㅠ
I know that the remaining members are working hard to deliver the 10th anniversary content..In my case, as someone who has ‘365 days’ ‘1 year’ of military service left, I will make 11th anniversary content as soon as I am discharged. Instead of going home, I’ll go to the company office and come see you through a Weverse live.
Of course, since it’ll be early, I might go home first but I won’t make any other plans and I will spend the 11th anniversary evening with you
I’m very happy that I can at least say stuff like that haha Thank you so much for being with us for these 10 years, and I hope you will stay with us as long as our bodies can perform.
(T/N: *A common proverb in Korean. RM used it in his post as well.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
127 notes · View notes
bloobluebloo · 7 months
Listen, I love an evil, insufferable, conniving Ganondorf that makes you want to reach through the screen and strangle him because he is just so wicked. I fell for Ocarina of Time Ganondorf after all. But sometimes a story just explores him in a more gentler context and then I'm crying about it because then I want to imprison him if only to protect his stupid little heart from becoming twisted and corrupt.
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ani-coolgirl · 6 months
How do people write 500 word fics. Tell me your secret.
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dmitrigirl · 1 year
thinking about dmitri karamazov as a girl and just .... the pure rage she feels from being the daughter to a father she sees herself in, and how, not matter how hard she tries, she cant rid this feeling, of her father's sins flowing through her blood now.
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queensaba · 1 year
Latvia came 11th in the semi final
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bluecoffeebeanz · 9 months
cathartic media & a thank you!
I have been having some of the worst few months of my life (e.g. feeling like Roy Kent in a bin - see image below) and, yet again, this space has been so comforting to return to - thank you for your love and support for my art during a time when I've been at my lowest :')
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I am trying to draw from the heart and make things that feel good - I hope it translates 💕
As a bonus, here are two shows that have been inspiring my art and truly helping me cope with my depression lately. If you're looking for something with substance and comedic relief, I'd recommend these:
🐻 🍝 The Bear (chaos, growth, and reflection - every second counts! some parts can be really intense but I've found them cathartic [also good food and jeremy allen white - need I say more])
⚽️ 🫂 Ted Lasso (a feel-good, silly but surprisingly deep little gem [healthy relationships ftw])
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Don’t mind me vibrating in the corner.  I’m just writing a meet cute for Holly and her girlfriend.  I’m perfectly fine and normal about this.
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emotionalwords · 3 months
i’m such a “i want your attention” but “won’t bother you” kinda person
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sylvies-kablooie · 3 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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nakakabaliw · 3 months
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trying to get through the day.
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captainsaltypear · 3 months
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jaggedjawjosh · 2 months
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wolfythewitch · 4 months
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i have so much rage in me one day i think i will explode. i dont think i know how to forgive as much as i know how to forget
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