#Edward Midford agrees
Cousin mother reader
How would Ceil other family members ( Edward, Elizabeth,Freancist Maiford ) and meet the found forgotten branch of the Phantomhive ( baby cousin who is still young and his beautiful young mother who is still trying to convince the young Earl to get them out of the family registry), as obvious of they are from the States
It'll be interesting if you mix with the Native American mother as the child will have eye color similar to Rachel eye color, and asked for some help from Francis to convince Ceil to disown them so they could go back to America but no success
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Cousin Mother Reader Meeting the Family | Yandere Black Butler
They might be considered your in-laws but their family right? They’ll understand your pain, right? Be willing to be the words of reason to a boy in over his head…right?:
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Francis Midford
“Please (Y/n), have you lost your sense of decorum? Know your place.”
She admires you in actuality 
which is why she avidly commits to speaking with you often
It is also why she has a tendency to force you into the role she wants for you
Deep down though she enjoys the seniority over you
She’s been a mother longer than you, yes
She’s been a woman in nobility, yes
So you should only rely on her 
After all, she isn’t the only one cheering on your escape
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Elizabeth Midford
“That can’t be true! I-i’m sure Ciel is just trying to protect you!” 
Is so torn
She thinks you’re so cool, so smart, and so eloquent–being a lawyer and all
But Ciel can’t be wrong
She could listen to you lecture and raves about the ‘corrupt’ system for hours
When she first met you dashing to cover you in pink, you stopped her with such grace and beauty 
It was fine you look beautiful in every color
She loves you even when you were in a rage
She did help Sebastian restrain you but she really is on your side
So keep talking to her
Keep praising her
Only think of her!
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Edward Midford
“A woman such as yourself shouldn’t be doing this kind of work! If anything you may rely on me!” 
He’s enthralled by you+ mildly interested in you
Your will and presence make any man especially him want to come to your aid
Since you’re so eager to get away from Ciel
A wonderful trait he wishes Elizabeth shared 
he’ll take you away from him…as his wife
Don’t recoil this is the only way
He agrees you’re future shouldn’t be decided by Ciel 
It should be him
And only him
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abybweisse · 1 year
It's funny when people still say undertaker doesn't give a fuck about midfords,I mean their house didn't burn in the fire and their children didn't get abducted and they don't have a contract with the devil,so it makes sense that se we undertaker less concerned in them, also about campania I agree that he was a dick but maybe he knew that Sebastian won't let anything harm ciels fiance and family, in the end she is still Claudia's daughter and he called her a phantomhive for a certain reason
All the Phantomhives
He doesn't want to lose any more Phantomhives. Period. And he makes it very clear that he considers Francis to still be one, even though she got married. Her children are automatically included, I should think... but probably not Alexis. (Sorry, Alexis.)
Not only were the Midfords not targeted in that attack, but I think he considers Francis to be more like Cedric, more like himself, than Claudia. It's sad, in a way, because he might not fuss over her as much, but it also likely means he believes she's strong enough to pretty much fend for herself. And Edward, Lizzie and Alexis are no slouches -- especially Lizzie! I mean he let Lizzie go toe to toe with Sebastian, knowing full well what he is. And she was really holding her own until Sebastian caught her off guard. And we all know that Sebastian was surprised that Francis was able to catch up to him and even lay a hand on him at Weston. Not easy to do! These are formidable individuals.
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scribbleseas · 2 years
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The Indignant Pawn, Chapter XIII: The Land of the Living
Description: You are Y/n Y/l/n- formerly known as Princess Helena, the runaway princess.
You're an assassin for hire who only agrees to find the worst of London's criminals at the business end of your knife; until a mysterious woman hires you to end the likes of Ciel Phantomhive, the King of the Underworld. You find yourself trading your weapons for your abandoned family crest in order to infiltrate his home as none other than Princess Marie-Louise, your twin sister. What's to happen when you find that the young Earl is more than a callous businessman?
OVERALL STORY WARNINGS: sexual assault (once in the prologue), objectification, misogyny, death, detailed description of blood/gore, detailed description of murder, lying, impersonation, theft, weapons, detailed panic attacks, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: some kissing (I mean, there is a wedding), religious mentions
Author’s Note: I’m not sure how but I wrote this in two sittings. My hands hurt! Also, in my take on Black Butler, Tanaka plays the cello. Sue me. And one more thing, this is one of my favorite chapters I’ve written for this fic. Hang onto your hats, folks.
Happy Reading!
- Dan
. . .
APRIL 1ST, 1892
“Thank you, Nadia. This length should do just fine,” you said, turning in front of the long mirror before you to observe the dress’s hem. As you preferred, it reached the floor without dragging like a train. 
Your gown for the ceremony was light green, a delicate shade of sage matching the ceremonial decorations you would have to wear to represent the monarchy. The dress had layered tulle tied off and sewn down the front of the bodice, flaring out in ruffles down the petticoat. The bracelet sleeves ended a little above your wrists, sufficiently covering your scar. 
“You are simply breathtaking, Your Highness. I almost pity the bride,” Nadia said, referring to the traditional idea that no woman should upstage the bride on her wedding day. You made no attempt to. From your perspective, Cornelia and Lord Edward’s wedding was near meaningless. All you cared about was using the night of distraction to attempt to carry out your mission. 
“I wouldn’t say that,” you disagreed, frowning at the freshly polished tiara on your vanity. Sebastian took the liberty of cleaning the Honeysuckle & Scroll tiara sent by Queen Victoria, along with the rest of Marie’s ceremonial decorations from Germany. Surprisingly, Maire’s handmaidens didn’t send those valuables with their rightful owner. Instead, they stayed safe in Germany until Victoria requested they be sent to the Phantomhive estate. 
The Queen expressed considerable worry in their accompanying letter, but her love for the Midford family was victorious over any consternation. After all, Alexis Leon Midford, the groom’s father, was her Head of the Garter, and his mother was a beloved Phantomhive. She approved of her granddaughter overseeing the festivities in her stead. If only she knew which German granddaughter that was, exactly. 
Before Nadia could argue, there was a stiff knock at your bedroom door. 
“Your Highness, my master humbly requests your assistance,” Sebastian asked tactfully in German, so Nadia wouldn’t understand the infallible Lord Phantomhive needed help. 
You rolled your eyes, answering in English. “I am in the midst of my dress fitting. How urgent is the problem at hand?”
“Quite pressing, Your Highness,” he said, as unctuous as ever. If you opened the door, you would surely see the butler’s dark eyes narrowing from how difficult you were. “It is preferable if you attend to him in the front room in your wedding number.”
“Is he not in tutoring with you at this time?” 
“He begs of you, Your Highness.”
“What could the Earl need from me in full formal dress?” You asked incredulously, stepping off the small podium Nadia brought from the shop. You gestured for Nadia to follow you as you moved to the door, swinging it open to reveal the lanky butler. He wore the same glasses he always did when he held lessons for Lord Phantomhive.
“It’s a matter of…social etiquette,” Sebastian answered carefully. 
You understood his strategic word choice when you met the Earl in the front room at the bottom of the main staircase. A frazzled Mey-Rin used the wall to help remain upright, making a dramatic show of being dizzy. Sebastian’s violin sat on one of the side tables next to Tanaka, who sat with his cello between his legs. A metronome clicked methodically. 
Mortification flashed on the Earl’s face, causing him to redden to the tips of his ears. “Sebastian, I told you not to bother Her Highness with such a meaningless waste of time,” he cringed at his words, his fists clenching and unclenching. 
“No, thank goodness, you’re here, ma’am! I never learned to dance like this! I’m just a maid!” Mey-Rin surged back to life upon your entrance. “Sorry I couldn’t be of more help, master; yes, I am!” She exclaimed, hastily bowing to Lord Phantomhive and you before scampering out of the main room. She took the narrow hall that led to the servants’ quarters, likely in search of her co-workers for comfort. 
“Wait, Mey-Rin!” Phantomhive protested, but she was too far to hear. 
“So…this urgent and pressing matter is Lord Phantomhive’s mediocre dancing technique?” You surmised, equal parts amused and terrified. Even when you were undergoing daily dance lessons, your skills were passable at best. Marie was the dancer. On top of that, your last class had to be nearly a decade ago.
Due to their uselessness, those particular granules of knowledge sank to the back of your mind, like phantom limbs or atrophied muscles.  
“Quite. The wedding is tomorrow, and my Lord has been too stubborn to hire a tutor,” Sebastian sent a pointed look at the Earl, who looked as if he would pull out his pistol and shoot that very moment. “I know royals receive extensive training in these areas. I was hoping you might have something to teach him.”
“My dancing is perfectly adequate!” Lord Phantomhive protested.
“Your Highness?” Sebastian prompted, and despite your best intuition, you took measured steps toward the indignant nobleman. You felt like your actions were determined for you like there was a puppeteer manipulating strings tied around your limbs.
“All right,” you surrendered, standing directly before Lord Phantomhive. You ignored the irksome discomfort of several pairs of eyes on you. “We’ll start with the Viennese Waltz. Bow and ask for my hand,” you dared the Earl to defy you. If Sebastian was forcing you to help, he would listen.
“Your Highness,” Lord Phantomhive cleared his throat, “shall I have the honor of dancing this set with you?” 
“Yes, you may,” you said, lowering yourself into a shallow curtsey while he bowed. You were in perfect sync, sinking and rising together. 
Lord Phantomhive gave you a final questioning look before hesitantly taking your right hand in his and putting his left hand under your shoulder blade.
This was the hard part. You called on your lessons from Governess Lydia as a child, although you barely listened to those at the time, either. 
“Start with the box, Helena-Victoria. Step back, together, right, together, forward, together, left, together. Repeat. It’s a circle. Think of a race track,” Lydia said sternly.
Duly, you heard Sebastian calling out the rhythm along with the metronome. But for the first time, you purposely listened to Lydia. 
“We do side whisks to keep from getting lightheaded. Right foot, left foot behind the right, repeat. Fix your posture and stop staring at the floor. You are a princess; you stand up straight and never bow your head to anyone.”
The Lydia in your head was much kinder than the Lydia you knew. 
“Four natural turns, four side whisks, and repeat. You are not a fool. Think it through, and it will come naturally. What did I tell you about your posture? Can you follow simple instructions, or are you defective?”
That was a lie. No conception of Lydia was kind.
“Look at me, Lord Phantomhive,” you said, silencing your fabricated governess. You could be a better instructor. “Don’t look at the floor; you’re an Earl, and Lady Elizabeth will find it offensive. Look at me.”
Asking Lord Phantomhive to look at you was a mistake. Your stomach twisted as he complied, bringing his gaze back to meet yours.
He was uncharacteristically quiet but staring as intently as ever. It made your heart flutter, rightfully flustered from being analyzed so closely and at such proximity. You never stood this close to the Earl, save for the time you pushed his tea out of his hand to save his life. 
It was easy to forget that the Earl wasn’t an unattractive young man; his perfect complexion and prominent, angular cheekbones were the pinnacles of offense. He looked otherworldly, like a vampire or some kind of demon with his sapphire eye. His hair almost wholly covered his eye patch. 
“Your Highness?” Lord Phantomhive questioned your little stumble caused by your inattentiveness. Your staring.
No, not staring, gawking. 
“The reverse box is forward, side cross.” Lydia reminded you.
You cleared your throat, “we’re going to complete a reverse box now. That’s forward, to the side, and back.” All you wanted to do was tear your eyes away, but you couldn’t after demanding he look at you. You could do difficult things; you killed Felix Keating in a moving carriage, shot two men after they killed your best friend and assaulted you, and hid the bodies after. “Good. You’re not hopeless, Lord Phantomhive,” if you could do both those things, you could look a ruminative nobleman in the eye while dancing with him. 
“I appreciate your help,” Lord Phantomhive said, casting his pride aside. There wasn’t much he disliked more than swallowing his pride and asking for help or muttering a word of gratitude. In that way, the two of you were the same. Yet, he’s done both for you numerous times. 
And you’ve done both for him as well, numerous times. 
“I’m out of practice too, my Lord. We both needed the practice,” you admitted, laughing as you took a more dramatic step than necessary, making the ‘natural’ turn more pronounced. You pulled him along by your clasped hands, picking up your pace to match the ¾ rhythm a Viennese waltz typically started at. You were moving slower to help Phantomhive (and mostly yourself) master the steps.
You were strong, capable of accomplishing impossible tasks, but you couldn’t help your riotous smile. It hurt your cheeks. 
“This is faster than the proper rhythm! You read music. Shouldn’t you know this?” Lord Phantomhive protested, but his tone was fond. “I’m leading. You must follow my tempo.”
“Then you ought to allow me to lead!” you suggested, deaf to the music stopping. Until Sebastian spoke, drawing the dance to a stilted stop. 
“My sincerest apologies, but there is a call on the line for you, my Lord. From Scotland Yard, regarding an old case,” Sebastian said, all too eager to ruin a moment where the two of you weren’t wholeheartedly miserable. The butler didn’t have either of your best interests at heart; you were sure. “He says the matter is dire.”
Lord Phantomhive hesitated, giving you a final long look before taking his hands away. “Right. If it’s a…dire matter, I shall tend to it. Of course,” he said, smoothing his suit. “Thank you, Your Highness. Sebastian, see to lunch preparations for after this call.” 
“Of course, my Lord,” Sebastian bowed, helping Tanaka move the instruments away. 
Phantomhive swiftly dipped his head before starting up the stairs to his study.
They left you with Nadia, who grinned like a lovestruck child. “Your Highness,” she gasped once everyone was out of earshot. “That was…intense.”
“It was a dance lesson,” you dismissed, returning to your quarters to allow the seamstress to help remove your gown. “I feared he would step on me.”
“Forgive me, but that was more than a dance lesson. You and Lord Phantomhive…there’s-”
“Your primary commissioner is Lord Phantomhive’s fiancée, Nadia. Please, just do your job and give me a hand with this dress. That is an order,” you snarled without meaning to, killing the beaming smile on her face.
“Forgive me,” Nadia repeated skeptically, doing as told. 
. . . 
Sebastian prepared a beautiful lunch table, but his master never joined you, no matter how slowly you chewed. 
“My Lord sends his regrets, but this call from the Yard is much too… blindsiding for him to proceed without a proper strategy,” the butler said, refilling your cup of tea.  
“Blindsiding?” you questioned, searching Sebastian’s face for any clues. There were none. “What do you mean?”
“I’m afraid it is classified information between the Queen’s Guard Dog and Scotland Yard,” Sebastian said, “but please allow me to assist you in any other way, Your Highness.”
Frustrated, you dismissed Sebastian and didn’t see Lord Phantomhive for the rest of the day. Not by choice, the Earl simply didn’t join you for supper, dessert, or cards. 
Maybe everything was in your head.
. . .
APRIL 2ND, 1892
“Look at this sunset!” Lady Elizabeth praised the fuchsia sky, peering through the curtains in the carriage. The golden sun set, casting warm hues through the carriage, highlighting her blonde hair, catching the diamonds in your tiara, and somehow making Lord Phantomhive appear paler. “I think this is a blessed evening.”
You were in the second carriage of the wedding’s church procession, the first being Cornelia and her father and Lord and Lady Scotney, the groom's parents. Looking out the window, you saw the white carriage directly in front of yours and the pair of light gray horses pulling you.
Lord Phantomhive was handsome in his warm gray jacket and a baby pink flower tucked into his jacket pocket. It matched his tie, and his fiancée's dress, of course. The pairing stung, although your rational mind knew the color match was to honor their statuses as maid of honor and best man. Lady Elizabeth practically glowed, accented in gold jewelry. Her hair fell to her waist in waves. You caught her eyes flitting towards her betrothed every few seconds, looking for a compliment. 
He merely stared at the carriage door, the floor, and the ceiling. Anywhere that wasn’t you or his cousin, really. He was always moody, and social events weren’t his idea of fun. If you could be anywhere else, you would be. Carriages gave you enough anxiety. 
“Yes, it’s lovely,” you responded, feeling like a dress-up doll of your sister. You wore her entire cast of princess regalia, shipped from Germany: the Honeysuckle & Scroll tiara, the National Order of Merit sash with the royal insignia brooch pinned over your breast. You hoped you didn’t look as ridiculous as you felt. 
As your carriage neared, the bells tolling in the church grew louder, echoing throughout the city. Lanterns lit the church’s perimeter, lining the front staircase and aisle. Blossom petals littered over the ground, symbols of good luck and virtue. You watched Cornelia, and her father make the slow trek up the flowered staircase and through the doors to the congregation first, followed by Alexis and Frances. Then it was your turn; you walked in stride with Lady Elizabeth and Lord Phantomhive between them, climbing the stairway and walking down the aisle.
The wedding string quartet to the side of the altar played Handel’s Arrival of The Queen of Sheba, a joyous and majestic sound. The church had beautiful acoustics, making the expert playing sound even more euphonious. 
You reddened as the guests in the pews bowed as you passed them, only straightening as you moved past their aisle. Although your entrance was strategically planned for after the bride, you still felt a pang of guilt for momentarily stealing her spotlight. On either side of you, Lady Elizabeth and Lord Phantomhive split to join their respective sides of the altar; Elizabeth to Cornelia’s right and Phantomhive to Edward’s left. 
In the front row to the right, you stood in front of your chair while the rest of the wedding procession filed in, sitting once the bridesmaids took their places to Elizabeth’s side. Edward’s groomsmen, except for Lord Phantomhive, had been waiting for the bridal party’s arrival.
The quartet’s music slowly quieted as the bald priest straightened his back, addressing the audience. He cleared his throat, waiting for Richard Burton’s affirming nod before speaking. Naturally, the bride’s father had to confirm his consent to make the ceremony valid from the law’s perspective. “Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the church so that in the presence of the church’s minister and the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred seal,” his gravelly voice commanded the sanctuary’s attention. 
The priest began with a prayer, but you stopped listening. In fact, you doubted most of the wedding party at the altar was doing much prayer, either. Lord Phantomhive fought himself, but he was looking at you, to the light your diamonds refracted on the tall ceiling and to the inquisitive look on your face.
He needed to decide, was he looking at you, or was he not? What prompted this indecision, anyway? 
Your fingers fiddled with the second salt shaker hidden in your gown’s pocket bag.
“Lord Midford, please repeat after me,” the priest requested, reading the vows to Edward. The groom was distracted with his bride, taken by the sheer expanse of her dress and face, illuminated by soft brushes of makeup. “Lord Midford?” the priest repeated patiently.
“Right-- In the name of God, I, Edward Midford, take you, Cornelia Margaret Burton, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow,”  the groom blinked rapidly, holding back tears. It was a sweet juxtaposition to his crisp knight uniform. 
Cornelia repeated the same vows after the priest, surprisingly much less tearful than her counterpart. Instead, she smiled brilliantly, practically bouncing on the soles of her heels.
“Very well,” the priest said, leading the congregation in another prayer to bless the couple’s wedding rings. You took the opportunity to observe Lord Phantomhive again; he wasn’t looking at Elizabeth or you, pointedly so. While he was dressed beautifully to match the other groomsmen and the blush blossoms that surrounded the arch behind the couple, the solemn look on his face told you that he was mourning. There was a fake, idle smile on his lips, but the rest of his face wasn’t in it. 
What was wrong? 
You cringed as the couple exchanged rings.
“Edward, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit,” Cornelia repeated after her groom, completing the exchange.
The priest spoke, “Now let us humbly invoke God’s blessing….”
You thought back to the day prior, the dancing. It was your only interaction with Lord Phantomhive, and it was, as always, enjoyable. He smiled, and it was more than the vacant and foolish look he offered to the congregation. 
Until Sebastian interrupted you with the call from the Yard.
“In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!” The priest exclaimed, allowing an eager husband and wife to spring into one another’s arms and share an impassioned kiss in front of their closest family and friends. And you, a disguised interloper.
“Go in peace to glorify the Lord with your life,” the priest managed to bellow over the audience. You stood as the rest of the guests did, clapping appropriately. 
The bells tolled once more, marking the ceremony’s conclusion.
Hand-in-hand, Edward led Cornelia down the aisle, through the church’s open doors, and into the waiting carriage to prepare for the dinner and reception. The rest of the wedding party followed. 
You trailed behind Lord Phantomhive and his future bride. They were next, and they knew it. 
Your fingers wrapped around the poison in your pocket. Was there any sense in caring for someone who didn’t care for you?
. . .
The wedding party sat in the middle of the round guest tables in front of the towering wedding cake. The newlyweds sat together, their groomsmen and bridesmaids fanning on either side respectively, save for your seat next to Lady Elizabeth’s. 
The attendants served dinner while the immediate families gave their speeches. Richard was first, bringing tears to the bride’s eyes at the mention of her dead mother, Margaret Burton. She died of consumption when Cornelia was three, but Richard was sure to lift everyone’s spirits by insisting that she was proud of her daughter for taking in her legacy and becoming a nurse. For the most part, you ignored Alexis’s speech, savoring the creamy mashed potatoes on your plate.
After dinner, most guests took to the expansive dance floor, waltzing with their partners. You were the only guest left at the table, as no one dared ask a royal to dance with them. Thus, you took the opportunity to unscrew the lid of your salt shaker and pour its contents into Lord Phantomhive’s flute of champagne. With the number of toasts the couple planned, the Earl was sure to finish his champagne by the night’s conclusion. 
You silenced any guilt by watching him waltz with Elizabeth. Her hand in his, his hand under her shoulder blade. Four natural turns, four side whisks. It was the Viennese waltz that you taught him. In response to your unadulterated rage, you took a long, calming drink out of your (unpoisoned) champagne. The acrid taste stung your tongue, but it was better than simply looking on. It was a miracle you didn’t break the stem of your glass.
“Care to dance, Your Highness?” a new voice asked, startling you. “You seem lonely. Too beautiful to be alone like this,” he said, reaching for your hand. He pressed a kiss to your family ring while he sank into a formal bow. The stranger’s accent sounded like Cornelia’s father. A New Yorker.
You raised an eyebrow, reclaiming your hand as soon as the American righted himself. “Who’s asking?”
“My name is Cooper Finley,” he said purposely as if he expected a German princess to know his surname’s ‘significance.’ But you knew, and it made you grin venomously, seeing that this was the avarice-ridden and the overly confident man you helped Lord Phantomhive outwit. This was the graverobber that stole bodies and sold them to medical students without familial consent. Your instincts told you to rebuff him as brutally as someone of your stature could, but you caught Elizabeth and Phantomhive again.
 She smiled, laughing as if her betrothed said something undeniably hilarious. 
“If you can keep up with a waltz,” you smarted, willing yourself to look playful. Dancing with someone like Cooper Finley was narrowly better than standing abandoned during a waltz. 
“Can I take this off your hands? I wouldn’t want you to overindulge,” Finley said, taking Lord Phantomhive’s poisoned champagne flute before you could protest. It had been close enough to look like yours, potentially a second round from a server. He finished the full flute in one go as if it were a common tavern beer. 
“Better not to be wasteful, correct?” he asked rhetorically, roving his tongue over his lips, locking eyes with you. It made sense, Finley’s shipping business was failing without Lord Phantomhive’s support, and now he was seducing a princess in an effort to become a German duke.
“Shall we?” you ignored him, offering your gloved hand to lead you to the middle of the dance floor when the previous song ended. Guests parted for you upon sight, giving you the necessary room to dance with your unexpected partner. 
Finley took your hand, and his free one sat below your shoulder blade, as custom dictated. He wasn’t a bad dancer, nor hard to look at. In fact, he carried a small resemblance to Cornelia and her father with his close-cropped brown hair and heavy-set eyebrows. If you weren’t aware of the selfishness and cruelty behind his hazel eyes and seductive grin, you might have found solace in dancing with him over the Earl. 
“What are you up to in England, Princess Marie?” Finley asked, leading you into a turn. You scoffed.
“Your Highness,” you corrected him, “and just what are you doing in England, Cooper Finley?”
He laughed as if he hadn’t expected you to correct him. “Sorry. Your Highness, Princess Marie. I’m here for business. But I managed an invitation because I’m the bride’s cousin. I’m a representative of her dead Mama’s side of the family.”
You wondered if Lord Phantomhive knew this. Regardless, Cornelia’s cousin was going to die in about a week due to lethal thallium ingestion. You doubted you would be the first to say that he deserved it. 
At least you understood where the familial resemblance came from, dead Mama’s side. 
Finley must have attributed the alarm on your face to his cavalier manner of referring to Cornelia’s deceased mother. He put a sad smile on his face, “it’s alright. She died when we were all in the crib. Not so near and dear to our hearts as Uncle Richard says.”
“Do you always speak of such unseemly things during a waltz?” you asked. 
“You’re too easy to talk to, Your Highness, Princess Marie,” Finley said, moving the hand from your back to fix your sash. His hand lingered on the royal decoration for a moment too long.  
The waltz was hardly halfway complete before Phantomhive intervened, forcing the both of you out of your natural turn. 
“Mind if I cut in?” It was the first time since he willingly looked at you in the past two days. His jaw was set. 
“Lord Phantomhive,” Cooper Finley said, any semblance of seduction melting off his face like a mask made of hot candle wax. “We were in the middle of a dance.”
“I wasn’t speaking to you, Finley,” the Earl snapped, each of his words clipped. “Your Highness?”
“What about Elizabeth?” you demanded, pulling away from the New Yorker to better face Lord Phantomhive. The rest of the guests danced around you, doing a convincing job of ignoring the drama amongst them. 
“She’s dancing with Lord Scotney,” his betrothed was laughing with her father as he twirled her around on the other side of the dance floor. Edward danced with his mother, and Cornelia with her father. They were hard to find through the various pairs of dancers; Phantomhive must have watched you the moment you left the dining table. 
“You’re excused, Mr. Finley,” you said coldly, dismissing him.
“But Princess Marie-”
“That is a direct order,” you insisted, finding the line extremely effective. 
“You will regret this,” Finley surrendered, crimson with embarrassment. He pushed past Lord Phantomhive to return to his seat or, more likely, seduce a bridesmaid. 
Lord Phantomhive wasted no time taking your hand and sweeping you into a turn. His movements were jagged, distracted by his anger. 
“What did he want with you?” he demanded, his grip much more potent than it needed for a dance. 
“He looked about ready to drop down on one knee for me,” you said dryly, keeping your face aloof, refusing to look at the Earl. You were far from the Earl’s property, a piece of property he needed to protect when it was threatened and ignored when he felt like it. He scowled at your response. “He wasn’t anything more than I can handle,” you added, and it was the truth. Cooper Finley was going to die, partially by your hand.
 “What is vexing you then?” Lord Phantomhive asked gruffly as if he hadn’t been ignoring you for the past two days. “You told me yourself not to look down during a waltz.”
“You,” you gritted honestly, “you are vexing me,” you admitted. “Are we or are we not friends?”
Phantomhive hesitated, struggling to pick the words he wanted to say. He was painfully close; you could smell his bay leaf scent. The hints of soap. The chandelier made his tiny diamond earrings sparkle. They were studs, easy to miss. 
He drew closer. You wondered if he could feel your heart at such closeness; your torsos were practically pressed together. 
“Ciel, my brother needs you in the powder room,” Elizabeth’s sudden presence forced you apart as if strong electric shocks suddenly sparked between you. Her voice quivered, and her eyes were glassy, “please,” she added as an afterthought, guiding Lord Phantomhive away with a hand on his shoulder. 
They left you alone in a sea of people. You saw Edward across the way, still engaged in a smooth waltz with Francis. Far from the powder room.
Your eyes stung, and you took a difficult breath in. Even your chest felt tight, and the tiara on your head pounds heavier than it was seconds ago. Without a second thought, you pushed past the dancing guests, making a beeline for the ballroom door and exiting the building. 
You leaned on the side of the building the moment you managed to get outside. The fresh air cleared your lungs, and you stared up at the night sky, a black abyss above you, speckled with stars. 
Everything in your life was complex, your job contradicting your heart, Lord Phantomhive clashing his duty with his. His commitment to the Queen, to his fiancée. That was probably why he couldn’t look at you. By embracing how he felt, he would betray almost every aspect of his life: his family and his responsibility to the crown. Differently, than Doña imagined, you were ruining Ciel Phantomhive’s life. Only, doing so by this means was almost more damaging and cruel than plunging a knife between his ribs. 
“Elizabeth!” you exclaimed as the blonde came through the same doors you did.
She jumped, startled by your outburst. Her eyes still looked glassy, filled with unshed tears. Her face was red.
“There you are, Your Highness. I was…looking for you,” Elizabeth admitted, her smile several degrees less vibrant since the ceremony, but genuine still. She was a kinder person than you. “I apologize for interrupting your dance with Ciel, but I wanted, needed, to talk to him. And you. Alone.”
“Please, I don’t deserve an apology from you,” you admitted, mouth running dry with guilt. Elizabeth trusted you to be her betrothed’s dear friend. And instead, you…you didn’t know what you were. Any label that could be put on it undoubtedly surpassed the bounds of friendship, which was a betrayal. 
“No, it’s all right,” Elizabeth’s voice was uncharacteristically strong as she rounded her back. She took your hands into hers, grasping them tightly to make you look at her. “He loves you how I wish he could love me,” she insisted, nodding at you as if the gesture would help you understand, “but he can’t love me like that. I love him and you, so I will… do what’s best for all of us,” Elizabeth had an actual princess’s grace.  “I don’t love him. We truly are friends, Elizabeth. I swear,” the words were heavy on your tongue and obviously false. You didn’t believe yourself. 
Elizabeth chuckled, likely appreciating your attempt to spare her feelings. “He fusses over you the same way my mother protects my father. And you look at him the way my brother looks at Cornelia. I know what love looks like, Your Highness. I can’t believe it took me so long to realize.”  “Call me Marie,” you stole her betrothed; the allowance was the least you could do. You ignored the nagging part of your brain that would’ve given anything to say Y/n.
“Lizzie,” she corrected, pulling you into a rib-crushing hug, to your surprise. Your back cracked in her robust embrace, but you didn’t care. Instead, you wrapped your arms around her as well, sighing. It felt as if you were Atlas, and the gods removed the weight of the sky from your shoulders. 
You relished Lizzie’s warm embrace for a few more seconds before she released you and helped smooth out your crooked sash and pinned brooches. When satisfied, she grinned again and linked her arm around yours.
“Come now, Marie, Cornelia should be preparing to throw her bouquet. If we’re to make Ciel propose to you soon, winning this is the best way to do it!”
All of the single women huddled behind Cornelia’s short frame like bees to honey. She stood with her back to the crowd, lifting her small bouquet of pink peonies, waiting for you and Lizzie to push past the women.
“Are all my ladies ready?” Cornelia exclaimed, casting a quick gaze over her shoulder at the eager throngs of cheering guests behind her. Dozens of arms around you sprouted up impatiently, the shorter women balancing on the tips of their toes. 
After a slow count down from three, the bride tossed the petite bouquet over her head with all her strength. It sailed straight down the middle of the crowd. If you were indeed Marie, the nudging ladies around you would have trampled you by then.
“Throw it here!” Samantha, one of the members of the bridal party demanded. She didn’t say much to you, but from what you gathered, she was also a heiress from the States. In front of you, she threw her arms up in the same determined way a soldier might shoot his bayonet.
However, as Lizzie requested, you held your ground and jumped for the flowers. Typically, you found such superstitious activities ridiculous, but there was no harm in participating, especially when you won.
With an uncharacteristic cheer, you caught the bouquet and immediately hugged it in your chest in case anyone attempted to take it from you. You looked down at the peonies in disbelief, laughing as the crowd around you dispersed. No one would fight a fully decorated princess for something so trivial. 
“A fantastic, unplanned victory for Her Highness, Princess Marie-Louise of Schleswig-Holstein!” Cornelia cheered, leading the applause around you. “We’re all looking forward to the invitations to your royal wedding in Germany,” she joked, lowering into an innocent curtsy when you rolled your eyes. 
“Congratulations,” Lizzie simpered in approval, only for the expression to melt when she spotted something over your shoulder. Her eyes turned stormy. “Now you must go to him,” she ordered, pointing at Lord Phantomhive as she pushed you toward the exit. 
As if he heard her, Lord Phantomhive turned to the both of you, meeting your eyes before tearing his gaze away again. He twisted the door handle and left. 
“Go!” Lizzie repeated, nodding towards the door. You shoved your bouquet into her arms and obeyed. 
It was the sloppiest attempt at a run you ever made. You picked up your heavy petticoat to make room for your frenzied steps, your heels echoing against the floor as you moved. Who knew numerous layers of tulle were this heavy? You had to let some of your skirts fall to keep your sash from falling down your arm. 
You opened the door and let it slam behind you, rapidly scanning the gardens outside for a hint of the nobleman. How hadn’t you noticed the beautiful outside scenery during your conversation with Lizzie? There was a water fountain and surrounding shrubbery and rose bushes lining the trail to it….
You could see his lean silhouette sitting on the concrete rim surrounding the opulent water fountain. With a curse, you pulled your skirts up once more and followed the cobblestone, yelling the moment you were in earshot. 
“You, Lord Ciel Phantomhive, are the worst!” You yelled, disturbing the peaceful, secluded area. The only previous sounds were the fountain’s running water, small squirrels chittering about, and the soft breeze rustling the greenery. Now, your enraged voice and winded pants distracted from the scene’s ambiance. You let your petticoat fall back to the ground and removed your gloves to air out your sweaty palms. Your heart drummed in your chest, anticipating his response. 
“What has you vexed so? Even now, you’re refusing to look at me, and yet you interrupted my dance,” you demanded, standing before his sitting person, arms crossed. 
“I interrupted your dance because Cooper Finley is a bastard!” Lord Phantomhive argued, standing to his full height.
“And as are you!” you refuted, jabbing your finger to his chest, right below the flower tucked in his jacket’s pocket. 
“Your Highness,” Lord Phantomhive spat your pretend title like a curse, like the lie it was; a far cry from his fond sarcasm. “You don’t understand, I know,” he said gravely, looking at you as if you’d committed a crime. All you did was allow your feelings to grow too deep. 
You stepped forward, forcing him straight against the water fountain’s rim. Cold droplets of water fell on you, but you ignored them. 
“Do not ‘Your Highness’ me! I know what you know, how you feel! Elizabeth told me so!” you yelled, eyes wild. Was it so terrifying that you could…like him? Were you so bad? Or was it his own feelings that terrified him?
“And I don’t care! I- we - can make it work! Don’t you understand?”
“What is there to understand, Princess?” Lord Phantomhive asked, all too calm. If anything, he looked tired and surrendered before the fight had even begun. 
It was as if a dam had broken within you, one that had been keeping all your resolve at bay, separating your undulating desire and forcing it into a mighty rush, unwithstandable. Irresistible. Omnipotent. 
You reached upwards, your bare hands cupping Lord Phantomhive’s face as you balanced on your tiptoes to kiss him. You squeezed your eyes to a close as you kissed him with the most false confidence you had ever employed. It was novice and uncoordinated, but you made up for it with sheer passion. His lips were just as soft as they looked. Your lungs burned, reminding you of the long breath you were holding, but you didn’t care. 
You wouldn’t have noticed that your tiara had slid off if it hadn’t fallen against the cobblestone with a sickening crack. The sound forced you back to the land of the living. The real world, where you kissed your target, Ciel Phantomhive. 
Breathlessly, you retreated, standing on your feet properly. You refused to look at the meaningless relic behind you, even if it had shattered into a million pieces. If Phantomhive wanted to break eye contact, he would have to. 
He panted, but his pained gaze didn’t move from yours. Instead, Ciel bent down, his slender fingers resting on either side of your neck. From where he positioned them, his fingertips could feel your drumming pulse. Ciel’s hands were cold, contrasting your warm skin, heated by chasing after him. It sent shivers down your spine. 
He kissed you long and hard and just as cluelessly. Your heart pounded. Your legs felt weak, as if they might give in at any moment. 
Ciel kissed you, and it was like nothing you had experienced before. Not even the stolen kisses you suffered years ago, the ones plucked from your lips like a defenseless flower. This kiss wasn’t stolen. It was shared, warm, and sacred. 
Your fingers tugged at his jacket, demanding Ciel remain close. He tilted his head, clumsy lips keeping a soft rhythm with yours. It was as natural as your midnight duets, his violin slotting with your harp. Only now, it was his soft lips sliding and pressing with yours. The fit was perfect, like two puzzle pieces destined to connect to form a bigger picture. 
All you wanted was to be as close to the nobleman as you could manage. You craved the expanse of soft skin; you wanted to hear the overlapping thoughts speeding through his sharp, intuitive mind. The caustic, genius mind you came to enjoy.
You didn’t care who you’d need to hurt or what you’d need to keep the brilliant warmth burning in your chest. You’d do anything to make the sweet taste of Ciel’s lips familiar. He tasted like the oolong tea they served before they cut the wedding cake. 
Besides, what was stopping you?   
Elizabeth gave you her blessing, and if you’d need to pretend to be a princess for the rest of your life, you could bear it with Ciel at your side…so long as he never found out the truth. 
You could find a way to convince him Y/n was dead or a construct the Undertaker confirmed as some kind of hoax to tease the Queen’s Guard Dog. 
Before the thought of stopping had even crossed your mind, Ciel pulled away. He cautiously removed your hands from his waist by the wrists (when they moved there, you were unsure).
“There is nothing to make work, Your Highness,” Ciel Phantomhive said grimly, releasing your wrists. His lips, stained by your pink lipstick, were pursed. He sidestepped from where you trapped him between your body and the fountain, abandoning you yet again. 
. . .
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What are your headcanons for the circus members being adopted by the midford family ?
Can do!
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Names go as follow:
Joker - Jester
Dagger - Haiden
Beast - Mally/Mia
Jumbo - Jumbo/Nicky
Peter - Peter
Wendy - Wendy
Doll/Freckles - Ellie-Mae/Mae/El
It happened just before the Phantomhive manor burnt down. The family were out in town and Edward happened to see the image of them cuddled with barely a blanket over their head to protect from the rain. He demanded the cart to stop and ran over with Lizzy who holds a coat to give, the parents ran after.
After seeing they all seem to be so sickly pale, thin, and some had fevers, Lizzy and Edward pleaded their parents to take them back to their home to protect them Francis agrees for the night and planned to take them to a home in the following day
They all ate the most they ever did, Doll burnt her tongue on some hot ham similar to Ponyo
The next day, after getting them fed, cleaned, and more clothes to wear, Francis and Alexis took them to the nearest group home they found available.
"Available" was a understatement! Children were everywhere and it's clear some of them were already doing the jobs of the East End. And picturing these people doing such things broke their hearts
So yeah, they came back with them and announced they'll be Midfords from now on
Names were given after Joker admitted to not know his name just called "Joker" by his smiles and Doll saying she doesn't remember her name
The nightmares the family had to comfort was hard at first
Shockingly, the family who accepted them more than the Midfords were the Phantomhives. Like Rachel's all smiles to them and the twins were like "WHOA~!"
Doll and little Ciel's small twin brother get along well
People simply call Doll "El" and Lizzy "Lizzy" or "Liz" a lot cause it's cute
They learned fencing so well and fast while Doll, Peter, and Wendy take ballet/dance lessons
Edward showed girls who picked on his siblings in dance class who they're related too fast-
The ones who had the hardest time accepting family was Beast, Dagger, and Peter. Everyone was high spirits but these guys were skeptical since they were old enough to remember mistreatment over something they couldn't control
Like with Sebastian, the Midfords made the prosthetic
When the Phantomhive manor burnt down they all grieved with them
They visited the graves a lot
Dude when Ciel came home-
Lots of tears and snot
When Ciel mentioned his twin died Doll just about cried all night through the weeks her friend is gone
Unlike what you would assume, Wendy got her dressed tailored fitting for a woman instead of a little girl. In the Victorian times, dresses length got longer and longer by a girl's age. Actually, funny enough, during that time and others afterwards women/girls who had their hair done in a updo style hinted they are married or ready for marriage. So one could argue Wendy's circus outfit's hair was done up to help with her circus tricks, but when I learned that fact it adds a little lair of Wendy hinting she's a woman who wants to be married with someone who loves her
Oh Gods. I just realized the talk with Alexis and Francis-
"You see children, when two people fall in love-" "Uhhh...father, we kind of know this" "Let him have this, El and Haiden are coming to that age soon"
There was one moment a man wanted to ask for Beast's hand in marriage then made fun of her leg and background. Yeah he got a good whack or five or six if you wanna count Doll
Edward's first day of school-
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Peter, Joker, and Dagger went to Weston with Edward while Wendy, Beast, and Doll went to whatever school Lizzy's in
Dagger gets a lot of noble men asking him to marry their daughters in which everyone teases over
Joker and Edgar meeting during a school event-
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As she undid the final lace of her corset, she tossed it to the ground before she fell back onto the bed between Ash’s legs. “Today was a long day, but I think it was one of the better days. Wouldn’t you agree, Ashy?” — Paula @ Ash
Wearing his night clothes already, the angel leaned back into the bed with a content sigh that today had come to an end. He never complained about being a butler to the Midfords, he adored being the butler to Elizabeth and Edward, but decorating the manor in Elizabeth's decorations while maintaining a human appearance was definitely not easy.
"I agree, my dear." His angelic fingertips were already running his fingers through her brown hair, feeling content to just hold the main in his arms.
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0 notes
Sebastian gently rubbed his skin while he was asleep, enjoying the soft feeling of it. It was a miracle that none of the servants had burned down the manor.
They were probably still asleep, actually. And though he didn't believe in days off, this was nice...
Looking back over this "project", The first three chapters seem kind of....eh, not necessarily important, or worthy. It's been quite a while and I didn't have as much of experience as I do now. Should those chapters be deleted?
Been thinking about changing my name on here but to what is the question?
Btw, don't be afraid to leave a comment and chat with me.
Also, I have a few social media accounts that you could follow along for this story.
Mostly, just art and possibly Q&As.
Instagram: earl_pantyhive_ (most likely to be on, "daily kuro art trash" FAQs can be asked too)
Tumblr: laidbackstack (Art wise, FAQ's can be available )
Chapter 6: His Master, Fucked.
It is not what you think.
I apologize for the late upload but, this chapter is to make it up and congratulate the new year!
Hope you guys enjoy!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
His Master, Fucked.
The little earl didn't wake up until the next day.
"Young master." He drew the curtains back. "It is time to wake up."
Ciel heard him and took a moment to rise, shielding his eyes from the sunlight with a tiny hand.
The butler walked over and leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead. "Did you sleep well, my lord?"
"Yes.." He gave a small smile.
"Very good." He poured morning tea, biscuits on the table stand. "Poached eggs and bread with apricot jam is breakfast this morning. I hope it is to your liking."
He recalled of his schedule today while waiting.
"As you know, you have Lord Trancy visiting today." He served him the cup of tea.
"Yes..unfortunately." he stared at the liquid for a minute before taking a small sip.
"Yes, I agree." He kneeled down and unbuttoned his nightgown.
"When is Elizabeth arriving?"
"This morning at ten."
He smiled and began dressing him.
Ciel allowed him as he finished his tea.
While tying a bow around his neck, he tilted his chin up and sighed at the marks on his neck.
"You're to blame~."
"I know." He smiled.
Phantomhive returned the gesture.
"Well, your collar should cover them mostly." He adjusted it.
"Either a scarf or a product of some sort can aid the rest."
He placed a kiss on his jaw before wrapping a wool scarf around his neck.
Ciel neatly ate his breakfast, trying not to chuckle at the demon.
"Elizabeth should be here soon, and I'm sure we'll know when she's here, won't we?" He smiled and stole another kiss, on the cheek this time.
He held his arms out.
He gave the young master a hug.
Ciel kissed Malphas' cheek.
He pulled back from the embrace and took the tray and the stand.
Phantomhive grabbed his eye-patch before going to the study.
He took the tray back to the kitchen before carrying on with next chore.
He took the remaining time to prepare himself. What was he going to say? Ciel didn't want to hurt her feelings and not only that, her parents were coming along as well.
It was right before noon when they arrived, Sebastian right behind Ciel as always to greet them.
The tiny earl had his infamous silver skull cane in hand, a bit anxious about the upcoming events. For the last minute, Ciel mentally collected himself.
He didn't feel the need to comfort him, it was now a formal environment. Ciel always very adequately held himself together.
Not only was the blonde's feelings could be near jeopardy...The judgment upon himself from Francis joined too.
Who knows how Alexis could possibly respond to such an offer.
Checking his watch, he opened the door at exactly 11:45 a.m. when a sharp knock sounded against the door.
The Midfords stood there, all stern expressions, except for Elizabeth who smiled at the sight of Ciel. Edward was busy elsewhere.
"Hello, Midfords. It is wonderful that you all could attend today's request."
Alexis' features drew into a warm smile at his future son-in-law and gave him a hug. "Of course, how could we not?"
"Yes, it would be rude to refuse." Francis held Elizabeth by the shoulder to keep her from hugging Ciel as well.
She cleared her throat to her husband to say that it was time for their embrace to end.
Alexis soon pulled away and folded his arms, features remaining the same.
Ciel gave a small smile before gesturing them to follow. "Come along."
The footsteps of the marchioness were silent as the followed the Earl, and her daughter mimicked the soundless steps. Sebastian walked behind the group.
He took them to the business meeting room to further discuss the reason of the call.
The door was opened for them by the butler and everyone entered, taking their seats quietly.
Once everyone was settled(including himself), Ciel begun to speak.
"I can assume that you're curious about the 'sudden' request but I'm going to keep it short....I want to break the engagement."
There was a quiet, sad gasp from Lizzy. "Ciel... surely you can't mean that..."
His expression wasn't dark nor happy. He was speaking truthful words.
Alexis tilted his head slightly at the earl's words, curious about the reason why.
Francis had a slight frown on the corner of her mouth. "Hmpf, so be it, then."
"Ciel." Elizabeth's eyes were watering. "Why?"
"Shush, Elizabeth. He is not expected to give any explanation."
He knew that very well but....Even if it wasn't proper, Elizabeth had the right to know why.
"...Let her speak if she wants too. Elizabeth..I wanted to break it because I don't want to end up hurting you.
You're my cousin, My path is something you want no business with.
Now you can cry and yell at how much you hate me but...Don't allow someone you care deeply about to cause conflict upon yourself."
"Ciel..." she couldn't help the tears down her face. "I could never hate you!"
Her mother knew it could be a lie, and he could be saying it to make himself look better.
But it seemed sincere... "Elizabeth, don't cry." Her voice wasn't comforting, but commanding.
Ciel left his cane and went over to give Lizzy a hug.
She returned the hug and sniffled, wiping her eyes.
"How long are you going to cry?" He pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. "Your face is a mess. Completely unsuitable for a lady. How could I possibly ask a lady
with a runny nose and puffy eyes to smile once again?"
She sniffled and wiped her tears away. "Can...Can I still see you?"
"Of course you can, You're my cousin aren't you?" He gave a smile.
Alexis shut his eyes while letting the corners of his mouth rise.
She nodded shakily. "O-Okay."
"Did you just invite us here to make my daughter cry?"
"Francis." Alexis stated.
Ciel glanced at Francis, expression remaining the same. "Are you going to keep sassing me all of my life?"
"Ciel." Alexis remarked out again.
"Yes I will, if you continue to bring my family into your antics."
"I'm part of your family as well, or did you forget."
"You make it difficult to forget."
She stood. "Is that all?"
"If you want to leave so bad, by all means a door is right there."
"I have things to do. Your tutors should teach you how to respect others. Come, Elizabeth."
The blonde girl stood and dried her eyes even more.
"I respect others that I deem worthy to obtain it. You always had a rather nasty approach to me and I never did anything of the sort to you. Can you explain that?"
The Marquess of Midford displayed a slight frown upon his face, Phantomhive's words were true.
"I needn't explain myself to you."
"Francis.." Alexis said.
"Concern for my family's well being is somehow deemed as a nasty approach."
"Oh so now you're concerned about me, interesting." He almost forgot that Sebastian was there.
"Not you. You're perfectly fine as you are, apparently."
"Maybe you just don't have a liking to me regardless."
"Keep in mind that you just made my daughter cry."
"Everyone cries. Whether you show or hide it. Besides, It least I acted like the adult to stop further future agony."
"You're the cause! Stop trying to deflect blame!"
"Precisely why I wanted to break it, I know who I am and what I do. I'm not attempting to deflect anything. You would've comprehended that if you were listening."
The earl remarked, folding his arms. "You're just heated because I broke it off and now you believe I wasn't good enough for Elizabeth.
Keep in mind that you all forced this whole engagement together. I honestly don't care whatever else you bark at me. It's entertaining how you can't see different of me."
Sebastian set a hand on his master's shoulder. "I think that is quite enough."
The bluenette glanced back at the butler before returning his gaze to his aunt.
Alexis felt wry about the whole situation.
"Ciel Phantomhive, you certainly are like your father."
"Probably the main reason as if to why you're so heated."
She simply smiled, relaxing with a sigh. "I'll admit that much. Vincent did always manage to make me lose my temper. I apologize."
Ciel kept his arms folded and frowned.
"But don't get me wrong, I am still cross with you for breaking the engagement."
"I do understand your reasons. We will return any gifts we may have received from you."
"There's no need for that, they were given for a reason."
"Are you certain?"
"If you insist."
Ciel went over to stand in front of his aunt. Almost hesitantly, He reached out and hugged her, murmuring. "...I'm sorry."
She was slightly surprised but hugged back. "You are forgiven."
Now that's the family Alexis knew they were. He placed a hand on Lizzy's shoulder while showing a simple smile. Phantomhive displayed a sort of similar expression.
"Phantomhive, take care of yourself. And if you ever change your mind..."
"I understand."
"We're always here for you."
"I know."
"Take care."
She kissed his forehead before letting go.
"Bye, Elizabeth, Alexis."
"Goodbye Ciel!" She hugged him happily.
He returned the the hug as Alexis gave a smile and a nod.
"I'll see you sometime soon I hope?"
"Of course."
"Happy early Valentine's Day!" Then she joined her mother.
"Same to you all."
"Enjoy the rest of your day." They waved and Sebastian escorted them back to their carriage.
Ciel trailed behind, watching the carriage leave.
The butler walked back and took Ciel into his arms. "That didn't go so bad."
He drew a sigh.
"Alois will be here soon... no point in going back to paperwork... Do you want to do anything to pass the time~?"
"Hmm, You tell me~."
"I'm supposed to take orders from my master, but allow me to suggest that we move from the door before we're seen intimately~."
"By all means, you're the one holding me~."
He picked him up and went inside, carrying him to a shadowed area away from windows.
His arms were folded around the demon's neck.
He gave him a kiss.
Ciel returned the gesture lovingly.
They exchanged a few more. "You know you're not supposed to do this until marriage, naughty boy."
"Oh well~."
He grinned, "I'll kiss you as much as you wish."
He bared a smile at him.
"It's so good to see you smile, young master." Another kiss.
"Is that so?" He asked whenever it broke.
"It is."
The bluenette kissed his cheek.
He checked his pocket watch. "It's almost time."
"I love you."
"Love you too~."
A knock at the door. "Go on, lead your servant."
Once he was placed down, the little earl went back to the door.
He followed behind.
Ciel opened the door slowly.
He was met with a slightly taller blonde boy and his equally as dark butler. "Hello Ciel Phantomhive."
"Faustus." Sebastian narrowed his eyes.
And the tensions rose.
"What brings you here today.."
"Let's discuss over tea, shall we?"
The demons glared at each other.
"Very well.."
"Wonderful. After you."
"Right away, sir." The raven nodded and swiftly made his way to the kitchen.
He led them to another room.
"It's a lovely manor you have here. Claude, don't you think the architecture is just fabulous?"
"Certainly, highness." The taller butler answered shortly.
The nobleman only looked at them in silence.
"So Phantomhive, let's talk business." He folded his arms and sat down in a comfortable chair with his legs crossed.
"I'm listening."
"Well, you know what I want already. I'm willing to negotiate for it, I think you'll find my offer reasonable. Claude, go check on our tea. I'm parched."
"Yes, highness."
He glanced at the other's butler before his mouth started to form a frown.
The demon bowed slightly and left the room.
"It's strange, how we're so similar. Don't you think?"
"Can you get to the point." Ciel said, folding his arms.
He hummed and looked at his butler's pocket watch, now in his hand. "Certainly. You know I want you.
I've wanted you since the day we met, Claude and I. And now I can have you."
"What gives you the idea of ownership over me so easily."
The blonde giggled and walked over to him, placing a kiss on his forehead. "I'll see you soon, Phantomhive." He waved with a small hand while walking out of the room.
He made a rather "disgusted" expression at the gesture and proceeded to follow him. Where was Sebastian? He should've returned by now...
He left out of the door and skipped happily to the carriage.
Ciel knew something wasn't right. Where was Claude?
The entire manor was silent, the only sound was the faint galloping of hooves that carried the vehicle away. There was no sign of any of the servants, not even Tanaka.
That's why he was so determined. Truthfully, it wasn't like Ciel's servants couldn't handle themselves. They are the servants of the Phantomhive Manor.
But, Alois was stubborn. Wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. Exhaling a long sigh, The tiny earl dialed Lau and requested if he could stay here until he returned.
Alois hummed and leaned his head on Claude's shoulder, nuzzling him and giggling hysterically. Unsurprisingly, the demon didn't enjoy it very much.
If someone was planning to assassinate Earl Phantomhive, today would've been great. Lau and Ran-Mao are the only form of defense he had at present time.
Knowing this was a bad choice of action, The bluenette left the manor.
When they arrived at the manor, the cheerful blonde walked in while the demons carried Phantomhive's servants, either bound or unconscious, inside.
Everything was going according to plan. Of course Sebastian struggled. The sedative hadn't been as effective as Claude liked, and he shot him up with another dose.
It was still daylight so he didn't have to worry about idiots, but that still meant he had to be careful.
The Earl prepared for Ciel's arrival, happy the entire time.
Some time passed before he could actually see the Trancy Manor ahead.
Trancy waited for him on the steps, adorning a familiar red fabric with golden spider webs.
Ugh, He despised him.
Alois felt the same way towards the bluenette.
Of course he left the door unlocked. A small rush of worry spread across him as he thought about his servants.
"Cieeeel~." He called sweetly.
"Just who do you think you are."
"Alois Trancy is who I think I am. Who do you think you are?"
The nobleman stood far away from the blonde. "Don't ask me such a question."
"Really, Ciel, can't we just be friendly for a moment?"
"I have no reason to behave in terms like that towards you."
"Pleease? Come on, just think, we could make friendship bracelets." He giggled.
"Release my servants."
"Oh Ciel, you're always so straightforward. No foreplay at all." He blew a raspberry at him. "Oh well, come sit, and we'll discuss."
"We'll discuss it like this."
He sighed, "So stubborn. Don't you know that's not how you accomplish anything?"
"It's how I do."
"Guess you don't want them back then."
"Guess you want me to leave then."
"Sure, I wouldn't be losing anything." The Earl of Trancy giggled at hearing Sebastian's scream.
"Losing your chance of 'capturing' me."
"Chances come and go. I'd get another."
"One and a lifetime opportunity."
"Sit, Phantomhive. I can't hear you well from over there."
"Yes you can."
Another scream.
"I won't sit unless you make your butler stop."
"Hm, protective over a servant? Lord Phantomhive, you're giving your weaknesses away."
"Do it now." He remarked sharply, narrowing his eyes.
"Fine, fine. Claude, stop. No more motivation needed."
The spider stopped, a bit disappointed. The screaming ceased.
Ciel slowly walked over, preferring to stand.
Hesitantly, he did.
"Honestly, it took all that to get you to take a seat?"
"Maybe I don't like you. Have you thought about that?"
"Surprisingly, the thought had crossed my mind, yes. The feeling is mutual, I assure you."
Don't necessarily care, you're not the only one."
"But even though I despise you, I do wish to possess you." He traced the bluenette's chin with his index finger.
He moved his head away.
"Oh, what's this?" He pulled the scarf down with the same finger and sucked his teeth at the marks made on cream colored skin. "Already claimed?"
Ciel bared his teeth and fixed the garment. "Mind your business."
"Don't worry, I won't tell. So who was it?"
Keeping his lips sealed, the earl only furrowed his brows.
"I'll take a wild guess and say your butler downstairs is the culprit?"
Silence with a mean expression.
"That's it, isn't it?" He laughed. "I don't want you in that way, I assure you."
He rolled his irises.
"Would you like to see him?"
"Come on then." He stood and adjusted the robe around his shoulders. It was light and loose.
All of this was stressful.
Alois led him down the stairs, to another set which they descended as well. He opened the heavy wooden door with a grunt, walking forward in the darkness.
Too dramatic.
He hummed when they came upon Sebastian in a set of chains. The other butler was standing in front of him.
There was a table with various instruments on it that did not look like fun.
A mutter of a 'no' escaped the earl and before he knew it, his pace quickened and he cupped his face. "Sebastian.."
"Young master, please step away. You'll get blood on your hands..." The demon was cut and bleeding, skin burned in some places and bruised in others.
There were sigils carved into the cuffs he wore. In such a short period, Claude had hurt him badly.
"I don't care.." He glared at Claude before sending daggers at Alois.
He received a blank expression from Claude and a grin from the blonde. He had figured out Phantomhive's weakness. Before now, he didn't know he had one.
"Go to safety, my lord, please..."
Truthfully he didn't but, Ciel did care about Sebastian and the other servants.
"I refuse." He remarked coldly.
"Ciel..." He whispered quietly, looking at him with a soft gaze. "Leave me."
"I...I can not do that.." Phantomhive replied.
"I'm just a servant, remember? Expendable."
"Trancy, I swear to you if you don't release my servants."
"What do you swear, Phantomhive? You know you shouldn't do that, it's improper."
"Look at me in the eyes and say that again." He sarcastically said.
"What do you swear?" He asked once more, leaning towards him.
"Honestly, you need more help then ever."
"I don't know what you're talking about." He crossed his arms.
"Of course you don't." His fingers wiped away any blood that was on his butler's face.
Claude dragged the tip of a knife down Sebastian's back. It was clear he was getting bored with nothing to do.
He winced at the feeling of a blade.
"Let. My. Servants. Go."
"Why should I? I want something in return, you know." The blonde twirled a strand of his hair.
"I'll take their place."
"Will you now? How noble." A sly smile gradually became visible.
"Master, no..."
Ciel's expression was neutral like usual as he looked at the other earl. When he glanced at the demon, he managed to make a tiny smile.
"Fine then. Let him go, Claude."
He looked slightly disappointed while unlocking the shackles.
There was no reason to thank him whatsoever. Ciel kept a gentle hold upon Malphas' face.
The demon slipped his feet and hands from the restraints. "You don't have to do this..."
"Tell the tart to cut them loose." The blonde instructed, Claude left soon afterwards.
"I know...but I want to." He replied gently.
"Then who am I to stop you?" He gently gave his hand a reassuring squeeze when he took it. "I shall be awaiting your return."
The touch didn't last very long. He let go just before he left.
He sighed slowly.
The servants would make it home okay, despite the rope burn and the drugs.
He glanced at the red upon his hand before looking back at Alois.
"So I guess you're mine now." He smiled, genuinely happy, even tempted to hug him.
"I only belong to one person."
"Aw. That's no fun."
"Mhm. Now." He paused for a moment before wiping the blood upon his sleeve.
He hated having to see his lover's blood.
"You don't care about that demon, do you?"
Ciel folded his arms again.
"That's a yes. Oh well."
"Why do you care."
"No reason."
"Has to be."
"Because I want you completely, but if I can't have your heart , there's nothing I can do about that..."
"How can you desired my heart if you 'despise' me."
"The heart isn't necessary for what I need you for. It's simply a want, not a need. I can live without it."
"Did I say that? No. I did not."
"There is no reason." He kept his arms crossed and strode past, taking his wrist. "Come on."
"Don't touch me."
"Then hurry it up."
He walked up the steps.
He followed.
"While you will be staying here, it won't be in chains." The door was opened and light flooded in.
He really didn't care.
"Couldn't do that to a guest. Not this early at least." He smiled innocently back at the shorter boy and stepped out of the dark basement.
Ciel simply kept quiet as he followed Trancy.
"You'll be treated as such guest. If you have any questions or needs, Claude or Hannah will take care of it. Just don't try to leave."
He turned and gave him a quick hug before running off.
Phantomhive sighed for a long while.
The blonde Earl considered taking a bath but decided he would reserve it for tonight. The servants were busy with chores.
All he could do was think of a certain demon.
Sebastian had made sure the servants were safe but he couldn't help but worry about his master.
-Instagram for this story is: _samanthian__
-Tumblr: Samanthian
It's an easier way for you guys to keep up with us, get more info about characters, see designs for outfits/characters, mess with us to upload another chapter quickly, and a more portable version of this story. So give us a follow and join the party!
-BTW, Still thinking about deleting like the first three chapters. Real indecisive about it...
Chapter 7: His Master, Apprehensive
Finally, the one and only god of love appears.
Ciel gets himself into a dreadful situation, which ends up with a very uncommon boundary of the Raven.
I know I said a week but I wanted to wait until Valentine's Day to update.
Unfortunately, there's not enough done as much as desired so, the rest should be updated sometime this week, for real this time. That is, if ht e length is long enough for a full chapter.
So, go on ahead and enjoy :)
See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
His Master, Apprehensive
Ciel removed the scarf as he went inside a room.
It was all white and silver, the sheets and pillows, the rug. The floorboards were a light wood.
The few bits of color were the blue rose wallpaper on the walls and the blue on the pillowcases.
Although he hated to admit, the room was rather pretty.
Quite a few of them were redesigned when Alois became the head of the household.
Ciel laid down and simply thought to himself.
There was a knock at the door.
"I'm sorry to bother you, Lord Phantomhive, but is there anything you require?" The Trancy maid stood in the doorway, looking almost scared.
Scared of him...? "No...I'm alright.." He spoke more calmly.
"Please let me know if I can assist." She curtsied and left promptly.
The bluenette messed with the segment of fabric that was previously around his neck. Ugh, how he missed Sebastian so.
Honestly, He could've called to go back home but...Phantomhive couldn't bring himself to do it.
The poor demon was terribly injured....that's all what he cared about at the moment.
The servants carried about their business until it was time for bed, knowing better than to irritate Ciel.
Hannah had knocked once more on the door around nine o' clock.
"Nightclothes, my lord." She was holding a neatly folded baby blue nightgown. "Would you prefer a bath before bed?"
"I honestly don't care..." The noble replied, sitting up.
"It would be me preparing it. I know I'm no replacement for your butler..." Oddly, she smiled. A soft, small smile that barely curved her purple lips upwards.
Of course he caught that, even finding himself returning it. "It's alright.." But then, it fell.
"I'll have it ready at once, my lord." She left the room with nightgown in hand.
Did he always come off as "scary" to his servants? Well, Maybe not to Sebastian but, the others? Perhaps they didn't need their master for one day.
He wanted to give them time to recover from that event earlier.
The maid soon came back to fetch him.
Ciel followed after her.
She led him to the bathroom, where a hot bath was running. She gestured for him to sit at the edge.
"...I can undress myself."
"Of course, my lord."
This was awkward..
She turned and messed with towels to give him time to undress.
"...Would it be alright if I bathed myself?"
She glanced at him strangely, but soon wiped the look from her face. "...Certainly."
He just wasn't comfortable with the idea of someone else seeing his body.
"Your clothes will be right here, lord." She bowed and walked to the door.
"Your Sebastian will be returned to you very soon." She said before leaving.
"I hope."
The door was shut and the curtains drawn for Phantomhive. He undressed and proceeded to take a bath.
There were many luxurious soaps, bath salts, lotions, moisturizers, and cleansers near the tub.
And he stuck to the most basic ones.
The linen towels were soft and fluffy.
Claude was changing the sheets in every room, while Hannah swept.
Soon he changed into the new clothes.
They were a baby blue color, ironed straight. Long pants and black shoes, a white shirt and blue bow for around his neck.
Ciel felt like a doll doing Alois' bidding and he despised it.
Claude came to check on him. "Are you doing alright, my lord?" He called from outside the door.
"I'm okay.."
"Let me know if I can be of any assistance." He said before walking away.
Ciel soon came out and went back to the room.
He really did look like a little doll, it was just adorable.
There was a visible frown upon his lips.
Alois came to visit him after a little while, sitting on the bed.
The earl was just laying down, making great use of time.
"Hi, Ciel." He smiled at him. "You look very cute."
Dual orbs glanced at him before looking elsewhere. "I don't need compliments from you."
"Surely not."
He went silent.
He slid up to lay beside him, his small hands reaching up to touch and play with his blue-silver locks. "Be good and let me touch you for just a moment, Phantomhive."
"If you don't refrain from giving me orders.." He slightly moved his head.
"Well, that's what you're supposed to do with a dog, isn't it? Pet them, feed them, and tell them what to do, right?" He gave an annoying grin.
"I'm not a dog. Preferably, Not your dog."
"Well, you're here aren't you?" He toyed with the bow around Ciel's neck.
"My plaything, my pet. It's just wonderful. You do look rather adorable in those clothes, Claude did a good job picking them out. Blue really is your color."
He moved his hand away and turned from the blonde.
Alois took his chance to cuddle up against the back of the smaller Earl. He wrapped his arms around him happily, purring.
Ciel was angry, desperately trying to get away. "Let go of me!"
"No, let me love you!" He held on to him tightly.
"I do not want your love."
"Yes you do~." He decided to end his struggling and promptly pinned him down to the bed, on top of him.
"Get. Off."
He just nuzzled his face into his neck. "Noo, Ciel..."
He huffed.
"You're very warm." He enjoyed the feeling of his arms around the small frame of the boy.
"Unhand me." he tried to push him away.
"So stubborn. I'll let go in a little while, just accept it right now."
"Or not..." he snuggled him.
Ciel kept moving.
"You absolutely must find a better way to cover these hickeys." He poked a few of them.
"Leave me alone!" He smacked his hand away.
"So stubborn...fine, if you must be kept in solitude, then I'll leave..."
He had a hint of disappointment in his voice, but moved off of him and out the door without another word.
He placed a hand over his neck.
The next person to check on him was Claude, to prepare him for bed. A sharp knock on the door requested his entrance.
"Who is it now."
"Claude Faustus. I have nightclothes for you, my lord."
He didn't answer.
"Apologies for the bother. If you prefer, I'll just leave them with you."
"I prefer so.."
He opened the door and set the clothes on the edge of the bed, smoothing the sheets and blankets of any wrinkles while he was in there.
The whole time, his eyes refused to even glance at the spider.
The tall demon glanced at the marks on his neck once, but decided not to say anything about it.
"It's none of my business. Just that you're so young to have such marks."
He was sitting up with his legs to his chest. Ciel folded his arms and lowered his head.
"It's only a matter of time." He sighed as he placed a white rose in a vase on the bedside table.
"What do you mean..?"
"It's only a matter of time until he convinces you that he is entitled to the very last thing that makes you pure." As he spoke, his voice darkened.
The white, pure color of the rose changed to a dead and withered black.
The golden irises of the spider demon glanced sideways at the boy. "And only at thirteen. Such a shame."
"Don't speak of such foolish things to me, Claude Faustus.
Despite my age, I know a lot of things a thirteen year old should never witness. So stop talking to me as if I'm some child."
"I certainly didn't mean it that way, Lord Phantomhive. I know you're no mere child. I'm aware that my master and yourself are different.
There is still some purity in you, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not. Don't let it be stolen away so easily.
I know that too well. I could go on, but it is not my place to speak of such things, especially not to my superior.
Good night, please place your discarded clothing in this basket and leave it outside the door, since you insist on dressing yourself."
He set a large basket on the floor beside the bed and gave a low bow. "I bid you a well rest, my lord."
"Even if so....you should know by now that isn't an important thing to me."
"Good night, Lord Phantomhive." He walked out, shutting the door behind him.
He sighed and changed his clothes.
Claude sighed and carried on with his business. Fucking Michaelis... He always ruins everything.
After doing the task, the earl laid back down.
The spider yawned. He hoped Ciel would leave soon. He just just another noble to take care of.
He didn't ask for his care.
The next morning, Alois woke him up. He shook his shoulder. "Ciel, wake up."
He was hoping this was a terrible dream. But when he woke up and saw the blonde, his eyebrows narrowed.
He smiled down at the bluenette. "Rise and shine."
"Go away."
"No, we have things to do."
"No we do not."
"If you do not get up, I'm going to lay on top of you again."
"Don't you fucking dare."
"Such a dirty mouth on such a little boy...It's Valentine's Day. Come on, please?"
"Don't call me little either."
"Ciellllllll." He whined quietly.
He laid in bed next to him.
Valentine's day was it? How he wished he woke up to his lover..
"Come on, Ciel...Why do you hate me so much?"
"Don't ask a question you know the answer to." He gave a baleful glare.
"Please...can't you just do this one thing for me? You...you already have your love...you don't know how it is..."
His face bared confusion for a moment and went neutral.
"You've always had someone to love you...Whether it's your parents, your cousin, your servants...
You've always been respected and cared for...I...don't even remember my own parents...all I remember is being hated...I lost the only person who ever loved me...
And then when I sell my soul, he doesn't even love me...he doesn't care, I see the way he looks at me.
I could die in a ditch tomorrow and he wouldn't bat an eye, just move on to the next person who needs someone. I'm not stupid...I know he's just hungry..."
"Then why would you make a deal.."
He laughed quietly. "The same reason as you. Revenge."
The mixed matched eyes glanced at icy blue ones. "Pitiful." It was hard to tell if the statement was suppose to be an insult but his mouth turned into an amused smile.
"Whatever...Its clear that I despise you... I don't even know why I bother."
"Hmpf. You say that now but all the stuff you've performed? Oh please, go tell that to a tree."
"At least I'll be able to make eye contact without looking down. I do hate you. You're all I need to get my revenge. I'm so close now."
He frowned at the insult thrown at him. "At least you'll simply adore it, since you have such hatred for little me."
"Hmpf...but right now, I need you to to do this for me. I just have to know."
"Whatever, the sooner I go home the better."
"That's the spirit. Get up and dressed. Quickly and quietly. I'll be outside." He got up and left the room silently.
"Hope you trip, Sweetheart."
"Don't call me sweetheart, save that for your butler."
0 notes
leekingsman · 3 years
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Lemme show you this real shit
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Edward Midford x reader
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Request by @yumeastreea
Summary: Francis forces Edward into an arranged marriage which he isn’t too thrilled about at first but kinda falls in love at first sight i guess. Kinda only his pov No Francis slander i love her ;-;
Wc: 850 words
Authors note: i had a vision i swear idk what happened.
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Edward always did everything to not anger his mother, the Marchioness Francis Midford, in any way, shape or form. He quickly learned that this would make life easier for him, the rest of the family and the whole staff. He had his duties as the eldest son of the Midfords and he fulfilled them as best as he could, but when a few weeks after his 18th birthday his mother started to make comments about finding him a suitable wife soon, he was stunned to say the least.
It wasn’t unusual that she would push such an issue now. Far from it. Most of the young gentleman his age were already in some sort of promised relationship, but somehow he always managed to avoid this topic. Its not like he didn’t like the idea of marriage, an own home and eventually some children, but he always imagined that he could choose the person to spend the rest of his life with himself. He must admit that his way of thinking is kind of naive for someone of his rank, but the fact that his sister already has a fiancé while he doesn’t always gave him hope. He thought that his parents might have forgotten about that part.
To his surprise his mother was already prepared and in contact with multiple other families that had a daughter his age and by the time he finally gave in to the idea of an arraigned marriage it only took a couple of letters to schedule a first meeting with his soon to be fiancé and her family. As expected he had no say at all in choosing the woman he was supposed to get engaged with. Which was probably better for him because he was a nervous wreck. He knew he could have never made a proper decision regarding this topic himself and even though he felt quite left out he was also very glad for is mothers assistance.
So after dozens of letters that were send between Francis and y/ns mother it was finally time for both family to meet in person. The two women agreed on nothing too fancy at the mansion of the midford family. Edward already heard a lot of good things about his future fiancé, but only from his mother so most of it was related to her status and reputation. Of course she reassured him that y/n was a lovely person, but that didn't calm him down one bit and the longer he waited for the day of the get together to arrive the more anxious he got.
What if he doesn’t make a good impression on y/n?
What if they have nothing in common?
Or even worse. What if Lizzy doesn’t like her?
The more he thought about y/n the more worried he got.
The day of their meeting finally arrived and Edward was even more nervous than expected. He was extremely tired due to the lack of sleep last night what made him look a little sick. His mother had to constantly correct his posture and at this point his father just felt really sorry for him. Luckily his dear sister had the brilliant idea to surprise her fiancé with a visit so there was one less factor he needed to worry about right now.
His family was already waiting for y/ns arrival in the mansion’s library and when they heard their carriage arrive Edward felt like his heart is going to stop. Even though the thought of running away crossed his mind he already saw servant rush to the front door to let the visitors in. Everything was happening so fast and he didn't even realise that his family including him stood up to greet the visitors.
At first an adult couple came through the huge door and quickly introduced themselves as the l/ns. Both seemed very friendly, but Edward couldn’t even look at them as his eyes were practically drawn to the other sound woman that entered the building shortly after them and in a matter of seconds his face turned from white into is very healthy pink. He quickly acknowledged y/n parents with a short greeting and made his way over to her. Normally he had no issue talking to women, especially after his time in the Phantom Five, but this felt different. He was grateful that he learned all of those skill so right now he could at least fake some confidence. With a light smile on his lips he looked directly into her eyes and reached for her hand.
“Its a pleasure meeting you miss l/n. I have been desperately awaiting your arrival. My name is Edwards Midford.“
His tone was very gentle, but a slight shakiness was still audible. The young man slowly takes her hand in his an raises it to give it a little kiss. He knew that this wasn’t the proper way and he knew he would be scolded later by his mother, but he genuinely hoped that he was able to make a remarkable first impression on his soon to be wife.
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undertaker1827 · 3 years
Hi again! How are you doing? Can you a scenario with Undertaker, Edward, Ciel and Sebastian with a s/o who is scared to love because in their life, they only see relationships that end up with both people end up hurt and they're afraid to be in one? Keep up your work! You're doing amazing! :)
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Hello! I’m good, hope you are too! And of course, (though I’m sorry, I kind of forgot about the tsundere-ish bit until the end) enjoy!
Undertaker had known for a while now that you loved him, and he loved you back. It took quite a bit of courage for him to even approach you to confess his feelings, even though he already knew you returned them, for fear of rejection. He had trust issues from various things that had happened to him throughout his long life and he also knew how short a human life was compared to his own, how quickly you could be ripped out of his arms by so little with him able to do nothing but watch. In the end, he decided to just go for it anyway, to tell you. And he felt like his chest had imploded when you rejected his advances.
Sadness radiated from you as you quietly told him you weren’t interested, then walked slowly away to his small kitchen where you put the kettle on for tea. He didn’t mention it again.
He worried over your reaction until he almost felt sick, worried that he’d upset you, that you would now want nothing more to do with him and that he had ruined this little piece of happiness he’d managed to scrape out of eternity. He’d never imagined your rejection came out of fear as well.
The mortician had been different since that day, try though he had to remain the same, and you too worked yourself up until you were fighting back tears as you tried to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, it was all down to you. He watched you spiral rapidly downwards for all of a few seconds before he realised where this was going, then did the only thing he could think of in that moment. Undertaker shoved his bangs to the side so you could see his eyes then kissed you, hard, for all of a few moments. It was enough to shock you out of your impending panic and with your chest still heaving, he gently told you that he was scared to love as well, scared to lose you. But if you were both scared of the same thing, you would could work through it together.
“I think,” you whispered, “I think I would like that.” The mortician offered you a small smile.
“I think I would too.”
Edward Midford
Edward had slowly come to the realisation that he loved you. He enjoyed your company, felt happier when you were there and was filled with an undeniable sadness when you left again. You had been walking through the streets of London together, talking animatedly about everything and nothing all at once. This was something you often did together, each taking comfort in the other’s presence and enjoying the escape from real life that your shared walks offered. This particular day though, you had not even made it halfway round your usual route before a friend came rushing up to you, needing your assistance for one thing or another, and you’d had to leave. You looked sad though, glancing over your shoulder at Edward as your friend chatted away, wishing you were still with him instead.
That led the knight to where he was now, wandering around one of London’s great parks and contemplating hi relationship with you. He was never one to beat around the bushes with regards to his personal feelings on any matter, least of all one where somebody else’s emotions were involved and they could potentially get hurt. As such, he decided that he would tell you everything as soon as he saw you again, which would be tomorrow’s usual morning walk.
Your heart leapt into your throat as soon as Edward asked if he could court you. You had both dreamed of and dreaded this moment for as long as you had held feelings for the man, which started to come about almost as soon as you met him. You swallowed once before politely declining his advances, the next few minutes of the walk continuing in silence. Upset as Edward was, he absolutely respected your decision. But he was sure you felt something for him, so he could help but ask you why. When he saw how that made you even more agitated, he immediately backtracked, apologising profusely and swearing never to bring it up again. Which in turn made you feel worse, because now you had inadvertently upset the man you loved even more.
That was how you ended up telling him, right there in the middle of your walk, that you would love nothing more than for him to court you, but you were too scared to say yes. You explained all of the relationships that you had seen go wrong and that you didn’t want you and him to become yet another one. He told you then that he’d seen much of the same as you, with friends and even some families, but he was still willing to give this a try if you were. After all; he loved you.
Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel too came to the realisation that he loved you slowly. There was no one moment where it just hit him, but more like he gradually came to the conclusion that he wanted to be with you for as long as he possibly could. He didn’t know if you returned his feelings or not, so he decided to wait a while before telling you, firstly to see how you behaved around him and try to decide whether your feelings for him went further than a strong bond of friendship, and secondly for him to get his courage up.
You were having tea in one of the Phantomhive manor’s many drawing rooms, Sebastian having left at Ciel’s request some time ago and no doubt going about his duties around the estate. This was the moment then; it was time to ask if you would allow him to court you. Of course, when you graciously and elegantly declined his request with an apology on your lips a light frown across your brow, he had no idea that in truth, your heart was breaking just as much as his. You loved him, you truly did, but you dared not admit it for the fear of any relationship ending in tears just as you had seen with those of your friends. Outwardly, Ciel took this rejection in a calm and collected manner, offering you his own apology, but it left a gaping hole in his chest in which there had been the hope for something more with you.
You each tried to continue like you had before, but with Ciel’s sadness and your fear, in the end you felt like he deserved the true explanation of why you refused. The moment you told the earl, a spark of joy lit up within him once more. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance that you would give this relationship a go, if the pair of you went slowly enough and if there was a solemn promise that your friendship would remain unchanged if and when your romantic partnership came to an end. 
Sebastian Micaelis
Sebastian could help but admit that he was a little surprised at his own feelings when he came to realise what they were. He was a demon after all; demons weren’t supposed to acquire romantic attachments for anyone, let alone a human of all beings. Any human’s lifetime was a blink of an eye compared to Sebastian’s and the thought did give him pause when it came to you, though only for a moment. He could at least enjoy a romantic partnership with you while it lasted, and surely some time spent with you in this way was better than none at all.
The demon was sure you felt the same way about him. Identifying the emotions of others when they were so clearly displayed in their every action was simple, it was dealing with one’s own thoughts and feelings that was the difficult part. Sebastian was visiting you at your house when he told you how he felt about you, a cup of your perfect tea in one hand but the drink long forgotten. He saw the panic rise in your features as soon as the words left his lips, but he asked anyway if you felt the same. He was again surprised at the bleak sadness that filled him when you said you did not. He was sure he could sense conflict in you, but he dared not comment on it lest he push you away entirely. A friendship was better than you not being in his life at all, he decided, and he was determined for your current friendship to remain the way it was. 
Sebastian carried on after that as if nothing had happened, simply hoping to maintain some sort of friendship with you after his impromptu confession. You, on the other hand, simply grew more concerned as the days passed by. You wanted to say you loved him back, because it was the truth, but you were scared that everything would go wrong as you had seen so many times before. Eventually, with trembling hands and a total lack of the courage you really wished you had, you told him everything. Sebastian was quietly overjoyed that you returned his feelings, though his only words to you were ones of comfort. He told you that he understood your fear and that it was perfectly normal even, but asked if you would give things a try anyway. For both your sakes, just in case things could really work out. It was hesitantly, if not with an air of excitement, that you agreed.
Ronald Knox
Ronald was well known amongst other reapers for being someone who moved very quickly between partners. He knew this about himself as well, it was just the way he was. That was why he was so surprised to find he was actually interested in you in the context of a long term relationship. You were interested in him too, though you didn’t expect him to feel the same way. On top of that, even in the unlikely event that he did feel the same way about you, you knew you would be too afraid of getting hurt and having any potential relationship end badly to try anything with him.
You felt a deep, aching sorrow in your chest when the one almost impossible scenario that you spent your time both dreaming and worrying about started to play out right in front of you. Ronald didn’t ask you out in a big room filled with lots of people, instead asking if he could walk with you after you both clocked off from work. The hurt was displayed clearly on the reaper’s face, much as he tried to hide it then brush it off entirely when you went to apologise. You felt awful when he made an excuse and went on his way not a few moments later, but what was worse was that when you went into work the next morning, a massive fire had broken out in the early hours somewhere in the centre of London and the night crew hadn’t been able to collect all of the souls. Which left you being paired up with Ronald to finish the job.
You each tried carrying on like nothing had happened the previous day, but found it was very difficult. Things changed though when you tripped over a charred piece of wooden beam and would have fallen straight through the fragile floor and down a storey to the ground below had Ronald not caught you.
“Guess you fell for me after all, huh?” He said this with a small yet sad grin, but the look quickly turned to a teasing smirk when your gaze dropped off to one side. “You did as well!” You grumbled something unintelligible as you still refused to look at him. “You know, you’re so pretty when you’re upset.” The reaper’s eyes were practically glowing with mirth and he knew full well you didn’t mean your next words.
“Oh, shut up!”
William T. Spears
William couldn’t really believe that he was about to do this. He always did his utmost to remain stoic and emotionless, void of attachments and only at work long enough to do his job and then go home. But then, along came you. He found quite quickly that he couldn’t keep his mind off of you,the way you acted and how you always seemed pleased to see him when nobody else was.
This was it, then. You tended to stay late and end up leaving around the same time he did, meaning you would both end up walking together until you left dispatch’s confines and went home your separate ways. You were coming out of your office at the same time as he was making his way down the corridor on this particular evening, and you gave the reaper a broad smile as he paused a minute to wait for you. He was collected as ever on the outside, even if internally his every nerve felt like it was on fire. Neither of you spoke as you headed towards the main exit from the office building, keeping pace with each other as though it was the most natural thing in the world.
William waited until you were outside to finally tell you how he felt, the soft and quiet confession feeling entirely foreign on his tongue. His apprehension steadily raised as the seconds went past until you finally answered, expression sorrowful yet decided. You looked up at him as you declined his offer, sadness settling in your chest as his characteristically stiff posture remained unchanged and he stared straight ahead.
“Alright, then. I apologise for having wasted your time.” With that, he was gone, long strides taking him away from you far too quickly. It was a decision made just as quickly that had you running after him, calling his name and asking him to wait. You were almost surprised to find that he did indeed stop and turn to face you.
“I - I’m sorry,” you attempted to explain yourself, “it’s just that I only ever see relationships end badly, and I just... don’t want it to be the same with you. You matter too much to me.” The reaper paused, an unexpected warmth settling in his chest at your words.
“Would you be willing to try?” William asked you cautiously, wondering if he could bear it if your answer was no. That worry dissipated, though, as he watched your lips curve up into a small smile.
“I think I would.”
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Little things the Kuroshitsuji boys would do?
Be the one who always listens to you talking, even if other people are losing focus on your words. He would pay a lot of attention to the details, even if he wouldn’t look like it.
Would bring you adorable gifts from wherever he would be—small rocks which reminds him of a funny face, double shells, weird cones or other apparently useless things. He tends to be unique, even with the gifts he’s giving.
Sebastian Michaelis:
Would mindlessly enjoy a slight physical contact between you two, trailing his fingers along your arm and elbow when you would be sitting next to each other, playing with your hair when you would be falling asleep on his shoulder, leaving quick kisses behind your ear in the break between doing the chores.
Would wake you up whenever feeling the change in aura of your soul during a nightmare; offer you a warm drink, an embrace and an ear to listen.
Ciel Phantomhive:
Be the one who waits for you when you have to tie your shoe when the rest of the group is heading forward. He might even leave some snarky comment later about them being rude.
Would leave the last piece of his favourite cake for you to eat and pretend that he did not want it at the moment.
Claude Faustus:
Would carry you piggy-back if you felt tired during a stroll. The distance wouldn’t bother him in the slightest, he could actually carry you all the way there and back.
Would secretly take care of your plants and pets to make sure that they are feeling as good as possible to reduce your eventual stress. Especially about the plants dying—with him by your side, they will all wonderfully bloom.
Alois Trancy:
Would often leave some surprise gifts for you, including your favourite candies, the pair of shoes which caught your attention one day, the perfume which smell you enjoyed, this overly expensive and completely unnecessary mug you spotted in the shop, the supplies needed for your passion.
Would run a bath for you, the one with a lot of candles, oils, foam or the most ridiculous bath bombs he could find. It is important that you would feel like a princess all the time and spoiling you is one of his favourite activities.
William T. Spears:
Would always bring a bottle of water, a candy bar and either a scarf or a sunscreen wherever you go together. Just in case you got thirsty or hungry or cold or if there was too much sun. Humans are so fragile, after all, and who else is going to take proper care of you if not him?
Would always scold the person who interrupted your speaking and point out the lack of good manners. When you’re talking, the others should listen, he always does.
Ronald Knox:
Would always know just the right place to have some fun and forget about the everyday troubles. You will be surprised about the knowledge he has, no bar could possibly hide from him. Still, if you would want to come back home, he wouldn’t insist on staying and would always respect your decision.
Would take you to the escape room for your birthday and then be the one who panics the most about not being able to find the way out. If you would find more clues than him, he would pout a little but compliment you and your wit nevertheless.
Wherever he would go, Snake would always leave you some sweet letters on the fridge. Sometimes they would lead to the breakfast he prepared for you when you were sleeping, sometimes they would only state the simple: ‘I love you.’
Would be the one to go the basement for that one jar of the strawberry jam you so adored, no matter how the chills on his back would tell him to go back.
Would carry all the groceries for you. He might leave one single bag so you wouldn’t feel left behind but that would be it, the rest is his. Moreover, he would carry them all in one hand, the other reserved to hold yours while you go to the home together.
Would never miss an opportunity to kiss you in the rain, even if it means waking you up at dawn. The idea comes from all the romantic movies he wanted to watch with you, all of them bringing him to tears and the overwhelming happiness of having you by his side.
Contrary to his usual driving style, he would be way too careful while driving with you, suddenly minding all rules and even using signals! He would shout at the other drivers and call them reckless if they outrun him. Your safety is top priority and he doesn’t want to look like a roadhog in your eyes.
Would send you a lot of random photos of things he finds nice, hoping to share his excitement with you. Sometimes it could be a cute dog, sometimes a limited edition package of cigarettes.
Edward Midford:
Would always offer his help in whatever thing you were currently doing, be it a laundry or some school/college/job project. Having a surprising amount of knowledge for many various subjects, he can actually be very helpful but if not, he would simply prepare your favourite beverage and keep an eye on you so you wouldn’t ruin your sleeping schedule.
Would always be a perfect gentleman around you, kissing your knuckles, holding the door for you and adressing you properly and speaking of you respectfully—even if you wouldn’t be around him at the moment. His attutude is not a game, after all, he simply is that way.
Prince Soma:
Would try and fail to prepare a breakfast to bed for you. It would look really nasty, toasts burnt, eggs almost raw and what is even that thing on the plate? Still, it’s the intentions that count, right?
Would often encourage you to dance in the middle of the room with him whenever your song would play. It doesn’t matter if you’re a good dancer or not, it would be all about fun and giggles and you’ll eventually forget about the eventual lack of skills or rhythm while being in his arms.
Would always ask how did your day go, if it was pleasant or not, and then he would listen to the whole story you gave him, no matter how long. He loves hearing from you and it’s important to know how do you feel. Naturally, he would comfort you if it was bad and would cook your favourite meal.
Would agree to watch the film of your choice, whether he enjoyed it or not and would never complain about it, even if he almost fell asleep during.
Charles Grey:
Would take you to McDonald’s at 2 a.m.
Would literally fight anyone who’d dare to catcall you on the street, you won’t be able to stop him, he’s throwing fists already. And winning!
Charles Phipps:
Would pay a surprising amount of attention to the way your bedroom or apartment is decorated. It’s all because of his intention to make it as comfortable as possible and so, he would often buy you some useful gadgets or pretty decor stuff. He has some really good taste.
Would make phone calls and schedule any doctor’s appointments for you, it doesn’t affect him in the slightest and if you’re having troubles with such, he’s happy to help.
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blackreapersreign · 3 years
I know this sound cruel but i don't want our earl to be saved by undertaker i mean smile has nothing right now and everyone hate him fo his lie if sebastian his only hope die how his life will be with nothing left for him he will be nothing but his older brother toy so i prefer he stay with sebastian rather than get more pain with undertaker and ciel
Hi there!
Hmm... I don’t think that will happen, under any circumstances. Meaning, that he would end up with Undertaker and real!Ciel. There is just no way. Sebastian wouldn’t let that happen, and our!Ciel doesn’t want it either. At all. So no, I don’t think that can happen. 
However, I also don’t think that he has nothing right now?  First of all, our trio of servants (leaving Snake aside for now) and Tanaka. These people are and will always be 100% on his side, for sure. No question about it. In fact, for the longest time I’ve been thinking that, if they’re not killed by the enemy, the servants might turn on Sebastian for our Ciel. It’s a conflict I’d be excited to see.
Also, the Midfords. It’s complicated here... The Midfords are his direct relatives. Yes, they might be disappointed and worried because of his lie and the accusations on him (which, for the 28419985th time, make no sense), but I’m pretty sure they don’t actually hate him. In fact, I lowkey believe that much of the conflict between the Midfords and our Ciel is due to plot conveniences and slight bad writing on that side. 
I mean, really now,  Edward has been with our Ciel the entire Blue cult arc, basically, trying to bring Lizzy back, while Lizzy, who is very much so confused at the moment (and it’s understandable because our Ciel did lie to her, after all), has been at the Sphere hall with the older twin. It really doesn’t add up in any way or form. Technically, the Midford siblings, or at least Edward first, should be back on our Ciel’s side as soon as possible.
What should happen with them is that we should have an actual, more realistic conversation between the two Midford siblings, and also several conversations between the Midford siblings and our!Ciel. And all problems would be solved. (And more character development for Frances, Lizzy and Edward. Please, sensei.)  
Back to the main topic, he also has other friends, like Sieglinde. He’s also very smart. So, I think he would have plenty of things to live for, if he were to get rid of his enemies, of the contract with Sebastian, and if he were to find some motivation to continue living. 
However... I also don’t think that is very likely to happen. I believe that Sebastian will actually get to eat his soul by the end of the manga, that is my personal opinion. Now, is that a good ending for our!Ciel? Does he deserve that kind of sad ending? Questionable! 
But still, I agree with you. Anything is better than being with Undertaker and real!Ciel, seeing as things are not exactly... safe and sane about them right now. Well, thanks for your message! Have a wonderful weekend and stay healthy! 
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saphireign-a · 3 years
(´ ∀ ` *) Lizzie’s here for grandma kisses!
The elder Phantomhive seldom visited her daughter Francis when she had time, but she had been personally invited to spend the summer; so most of her time had been filled with plenty of things. From talks to tea to fencing practice to dancing to simply listening to the stories of Elizabeth’s adventures. Claudia couldn’t remember a time when she’d surrounded herself with such light and comfort, and it was a strange feeling. 
And though Elizabeth had eventually drifted off to sleep against the former Countess ( much to Francis annoyance, though it wasn’t uttered due to how her mother seemed to adore her daughter ); Claudia couldn’t help but gently tuck away stray blonde locks from the young girl’s face. “She’s only fourteen.” She said softly, smiling at Francis’ vexation, “Let her be a girl a little bit longer.” 
“... Unlike me?” Francis asked after a moment. Tense silence, blue eyes drifting from her daughter’s green. 
“Unlike you.” Claudia agreed, leaving a small kiss to Elizabeth’s forehead, leaving her to the servants that had drifted in to help the young miss to bed. “But you’ve prepared her as much as you can. Unlike me. And for that I know I can’t repair our relationship.” 
“I don’t want you to.”
Claudia smiled, faintly, “I didn’t do right with you and Vincent. That is a regret I will carry to my grave.” A small scoff from Francis, but she allowed her mother to continue. “Elizabeth talks highly of you and your husband, and of Edward. I can see much of Cedric in both of them, in different ways. So, thank you Francis, for nurturing that light.”
“Hmph.” Francis muttered into her tea, looking away. The hintest sign of pink on her cheeks at her mother’s compliment and thanks. Elizabeth had been awake when the servant took her away, having wanted to hear their conversation. 
A tiny grin from the young Midford girl, as she then allowed herself to be taken away to bed.
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abybweisse · 2 years
what do you think of characters political compasses? ik Phantomhives are probably monarchist and Sebastian apolitical. But what about everyone else?
Political leanings in Kuroshitsuji?
I might have to disagree with your assumption for the Phantomhives and maybe also for Sebastian.
Though the Phantomhives work directly for the queen, they have a tendency to go against her wishes... even as they "obey" her orders. Also keep in mind that, by the time Queen Victoria ascends to the throne, Great Britain isn't a true monarchy; they have a Prime Minister and a Parliament... with the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The duties of the "queen's watchdog" isn't just to cover up the crown's private matters, it's also to protect polite society from the seething underground society. Occasionally, this might require protecting society from the crown's activities....
Sebastian, as a butler, does as his young master commands, regardless of how that affects politics. As a demon who enjoys chaos, Sebastian might personally prefer to support whatever causes the most disruption to society... whichever society that happens to be. Consider that he was somehow involved with the goings-on in Austria in the mid to late 1700's; this saw the end of the Hapsburg's dynasty in Austria. Not so much apolitical as into political upheaval; the demon might be more of an anarchist. Then again, he probably doesn't care too much whether he's the one causing the unrest or someone else is causing it... as long as the actions of others aren't getting in the way of his own goals (or his master's goals, when he's under contract). And when he's not under contract or being summoned, he might stay out of human politics simply because he's in the demon realm... asleep.
The others? Too many characters for me to go into it too much.
The Midfords probably tow the party line, though I'm not sure which party they support. Overall, I'd say they would be on the generally conservative side of things. I have a feeling that when the queen agrees with the Prime Minister and Parliament, the Midford couple heaps praises upon them all... and when the queen doesn't agree with the PM or Parliament, the Midfords hold their tongues as best they can. Edward and Lizzie probably stay out of it as much as possible.
Soma would want the British out of India and Bengal. Lau would want the British to stop taking advantage of the trade deals in China that were established because of the Opium Wars.
Generally speaking, the wealthy like things the way they have been, while the lower classes want better pay, better protections/safety at work, unions, etc. Though the less intelligent among the working classes will back the wealthiest people's political platforms, essentially shooting themselves in the foot. Just like the MAGA supporters in the USA of today....
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ladybug023 · 5 years
My revised version of the headcanons of the nameless woman in the aristocrats of evil
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Name: Renee DuPont
Born: 1853 in Bordeaux, France
Her family is very wealthy.
She was the youngest And only daughter and neglected by her parents.
She was a very smart girl. She learned many languages and loved reading detective and spy novels.
Her family owned a firearm company
She was sent to girl’s etiquette school when she was 13. This is where she met her long time best friend Francis Midford.
Even when she went back to France she and Francis remained pen pals.
As she developed into a beautiful young woman she realized how she could use her charms and looks to get what she wanted.
Unlike Francis Renee had no interest in marrying and having a family early. She wanted adventure.
In 1871 she escaped a forced marriage by becoming a spy for the French government. (Franco Prussian war) she finally got the adventurous life she’d always wanted
One mission she sent to work with the queen’s watch dog on a case involving France and Britain. Diedrich was sent to work with Vincent as well and this made things a little tense. Vincent had to make sure the two didn’t try killing each other.
Even though Diedrich and Renee did try killing each other multiple times throughout the mission. They did end up developing romantic feelings for one another.
She agreed to become a member of the aristocrats of evil and a informant .
Some personality headcanons:
The aristocrats of of evil call her Antoinette because of love of lavish parties, expensive jewelry, and fancy dresses.
Claudia Phantomhive was more of a parental figure to her than her own parents.
She was Francis’s maid of honor at her wedding.
She’s man crazy and a massive flirt.
Her favorite color is purple.
Her favorite flowers are Hydrangeas
She’s a skilled martial artist
She’s trained in any firearm
She’s a master sniper and even rivals Mey-Rin but her sight isn’t as good as hers.
She always calls Diedrich “Monsieur grumpy pants” or”Monsieur” for short.
She finds diedrich absolutely sexy when he was mad or jealous.
She and diedrich were lovers throughout the war until, he proposed to her. She wasn’t ready to settle down and their break up went pretty bad.
They’d bicker more at meetings and Vincent would have to play peace keeper.
Every time she’s in town she always takes time to visit the Midfords.
She’d bring gifts from. She loved to spoil them rotten much to Francis’s dismay.
She’s Edward’s god mother. (He’s always had a school boy crush on her)
She’s kinda favored Astre over Ceil. She’s the reason he’s fascinated with France.
She constantly tries to give Elizabeth advice on how to handle a man but Francis doesn’t let that shit fly.
She’s had many lovers in her life but Diedrich is the only man she could imagine spending the rest of her life with.
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fragmentedshards · 5 years
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The Final Curtain, Chapter Four 
Son of the Deceased 
Paula Abberline was confused. 
Lady Elizabeth was understandably upset over the news of what had really happened to Ciel Phantomhive, and at being suddenly engaged to another. Unable to be consoled by any of Paula’s efforts, the marquess’ daughter finally sent the maid out of the room in a fury. As she left, Paula had seen Prince Soma walking in the opposite direction towards Miss Elizabeth’s room, and she hoped that the Bengali prince might do her lady some good. 
Without a noblewoman to attend to and no chores to be done at the moment, Paula walked outside, thinking to benefit from sunlight and fresh air. She stood with her back against the closed door of the manor, shutting her eyes and soaking up the warmth of the outdoors. She stayed that way for a good five minutes before she heard footsteps nearby. Her eyes snapped open involuntarily, expecting a confrontation, but she was relieved when she discovered it was only the Indian khansama. 
“Miss Paula,” Agni came to her side. “I saw you leave the manor, and with Prince Soma keeping Miss Elizabeth company I thought it best to check on you. You seemed distressed, what with everything that has happened today.” the man spoke with a furrowed brow. 
Paula smiled. Agni had been most valuable since the day she met him, the day Sebastian gathered those closest to Ciel and informed them of the earl’s lost memories. Since then, no matter where they were, she saw him always protecting others around him. This calmed her around Agni, unlike around Sebastian. “I suppose I am fine,” she said. “I only wish I knew how to comfort Lady Elizabeth during this time. She loves her cousin, you know. His promising her to Prince Soma without any sort of warning is undoubtedly breaking her heart. I have high hopes that your Prince is cheering her up right now, though. Both of you bring so much happiness to others.” 
Agni turned slightly red and smiled in gratitude. “I am humbled that you think so, Miss Paula.”
“I prefer simply being addressed as Paula, Agni,” the maid replied. “Since we will be working together for the same household in future, I should think we ought to learn to speak comfortably with one another.” Paula clasped her hands together and smiled optimistically. “We have so much to learn from one another, will be friends in no time!” 
Agni nodded, and held out his hand to her. "In that case, I believe I should show you how to make curry. I am sure Lady Elizabeth will like it once she tastes it.” The two turned to enter the manor once more when Paula noticed a cab coming towards the estate. She and Agni stopped moving and watched it as it followed the path and came around to where they stood. The cabby pulled the reins, the horse slowed his trot to a stop, and the door to the carriage opened to allow a woman with a small baby to step down to the pavement. 
"Why… Maria?” Paula asked incredulously. She recognized her would-be sister-in-law, of course. Grief over the death of Fred Abberline had transformed her: her blue eyes were full of sadness, her brown hair had lost its shine, and her clothes looked as if she had been wearing them for days, yet Paula could still recognize her. 
“I’m sorry, Paula, I’m so sorry-” Maria began before breaking down in tears. She reached for Paula’s arm and grasped it tightly. 
“Whatever is the matter? Aren’t you well?” Paula asked, thoroughly alarmed. 
“Paula… you need to take my son!” the woman implored through shaky breaths. “Edward is taking me in, but he cannot take the baby. I cannot take care of this child, Paula. I can hardly do anything. Every waking minute of my life is consumed with grief, and no child should be raised that way.” Maria extended her arms holding her baby to the wide-eyed Paula, silently begging for her to take the child. “Fred and I had planned for you to be the godmother long before either of us thought you would ever find yourself in this situation; please, your brother trusted you this much.” 
Paula, on the verge of tears herself, took the baby boy in her arms and rocked him gently. "Take care of yourself, Maria, and tell my other brother that I miss him.” the maid gave a weak smile at Maria, who nodded wordlessly before hurrying back into the cab. Paula watched the horse trot back the same way it had come, lost in her thoughts before a cough reminded her that Agni was still present. 
“Fred Abberline was your brother?” the khansama inquired in surprise. 
Paula nodded her head once, fixing her eyes on the baby she held. “He and Edward are twins, my older brothers,” she explained, not looking at Agni. “They both went to work for Scotland Yard, but Fred was killed.” 
There was a moment of silence as Agni searched for the right words. Before he could speak again, the door to the manor opened and out stepped Lady Elizabeth and Prince Soma. They seemed to not notice the baby at first. 
"Paula? There you are, I was worried after I asked you to leave, and I’m sorry for-” Lady Elizabeth’s apology faded out of her mouth as she realized what Paula held. “Who…?” 
"Lady Elizabeth, Prince Soma… this is my godson,” Paula introduced them in a rather uncertain voice. The baby, who had been sleeping, suddenly began to stir, somehow freeing an arm from the swaddling blankets. Prince Soma reached out his hand to the child, touching the tiny hand with his forefinger. Almost instantly, the child wrapped its hand around the prince’s finger and held on tightly, causing the prince to laugh in joy. The baby boy looked at the four faces peering at him with curiosity rather than fear. 
Paula smiled at her godson, leaning down to kiss the fragile forehead. Lady Elizabeth grasped her maid’s arm and gave her an encouraging look. “We will do what we must to help you raise him, Paula,” she promised. Agni and Prince Soma simultaneously agreed. 
“Well…” Paula said at length. “I expect we had best be on our separate ways, us back to the Midford Estate and the two of you back to Lord Phantomhive’s townhouse. We each have a great deal of further change for which to prepare, I’m afraid.”
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thedarkestcrow · 5 years
It's quite saddening when the moment r/Ciel came back, everyone just turns their backs on o/Ciel (with the exception of the Phantomhive servants). Do you think r/Ciel will be able to handle the workload o/Ciel went through in order to restore his family name and pride? True that o/Ciel took his brother's identity, but all that hard work and the earning of the title 'Earl' is his, don't you agree? But it's going to be hard since he's now been branded as the 'imposter'.
Also, do you think the Midford's would listen to o/Ciel? Remember how Lizzy confided with Edward about the whole revelation with the twins? How she said that could've been cruel to o/Ciel if he hadn't lied to her about his identity. Or will they start pushing him away because r/Ciel's back? I'm kind of glad that o/Ciel has decided not to back down and lose everything he worked hard to restore since 3 years ago. What do you think will happen in Chapte 148?
Our Ciel needed to learn a lot in order to become the Earl he is now. Of course real Ciel was raised to become that Earl but I still think he won’t be able to just take over from our Ciel so easily. He has no experience. Our Ciel grew into his role over time so I doubt real Ciel will be able to do the same job immediately.
But I kinda feel that real Ciel isn’t worrying much about that. For him it was important to expose his brother’s lies and to take back what he believes to be his. And maybe all this is just in order to make our Ciel the weak, dependent younger sibling again who must rely on his brother. So the whole Watchdog and Earl duty may come only second to this.
Our Ciel will have a hard time to regain everything and to clear his name of the crimes he’s being accused of. So I think he will need to gather some allies which might be the intention of the chapters to come. He probably won’t immediately go to the Midfords but eventually they’ll have to talk and I’m sure they’re willing to listen to his side of the story too. I’m certain they won’t just abandon him now. 
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