#English Diwali Wishes
adbanaoapp-india · 6 months
दिवाली की शुरुवात , गोवत्स द्वादशी / वसुबारस के साथ ।
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दिवाली की शान बढ़ाओ, लोकल ख़रीदारी अपनाओ। AdBanao Special Blog
गोवत्स द्वादशी / वसुबारस बनाओ ख़ास AdBanao App के साथ। 
वसुबारस क्या है और क्यूँ मानते है|
भारत में त्योहारों की कोई कमी नहीं होती है। यहां त्यौहारों में नई-नई रंगत भर जाती है और धूम-धाम से मनाया जाता है। इन त्यौहारों में भारतीय बहुत उत्साह से भाग लेते हैं। ऐसे ही एक त्यौहार है वसुबारस। यह त्यौहार दीवाली से एक दिन पहले मनाया जाता है। हम इस दिन को भगवान विष्णु और उनकी प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाली गाय के उपासना के रूप में मनाया जाता है। 
वसुबारस क्या होता है? इस दिन गाय और उसकी सहायक दूध पिलाने वाली बछड़े का पूजन किया जाता है।
भारत में अधिकतर हिंदू गाय को अत्यंत मूल्यवान व पवित्र मानते है।
इस त्योहार को अनेक राज्यों में अलग-अलग नामों से मनाया जाता है, लेकिन इसका महत्व सब जगह पूरी तरह से समान ही होता है। वसुबारस के दिन गायों की पूजा की विधि अनेक स्थानों पर अलग-अलग होती है। महाराष्ट्र में वसुबारस को गोवत्स द्वादशी के रूप में मनाया जाता है। गुजरात में बाघ बारस नाम से मनाया जाता है।
आंध्र प्रदेश राज्य में पीठापुरम दत्त महासंस्थान में श्रीपाद श्री वल्लभ के श्रीपाद वल्लभ आराधना उत्सव के रूप में मनाया जाता है। अन्य राज्यों में भी वसुबारस को उत्सव के रूप में आयोजित किया जाता है। 
         (ये पोस्टर फ्री डाउनलोड करने के लिए फोटो पर क्लिक करे। )
गौ माता को मातृत्व, उर्जा और स्थिरता का प्रतीक माना जाता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि जिनके घर गाय होती है उनके घर धन और लाभ की प्राप्ति होती है और इसलिए लोग अपनी गाय और बछड़ों को पूजते हैं, उन्हें वसुधा देवी का रूप मानते हैं और उनसे आशीर्वाद लेते हैं।
वसुबारस का महत्व
वसुबारस मुख्यतः देवी गौ माता की पूजा का दिन माना जाता है। गाय को माँ के रूप में मानी जाती है जो हमारे जीवन में अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। इसलिए इस दिन हमें एक मौका मिलता है भगवान शिव की तरह, देवी गौ माता की पूजा करने का। 
इसी के साथ देवी लक्ष्मी धन और समृद्धि की देवी मानी जाती है, जो अपने भक्तों के जीवन में खुशहाली और समृद्धि लाती है। वसुबारस के दिन गौ माता की पूजा करने से देवी लक्ष्मी सुख, समृद्धि और सफलता का वरदान देती हैं। वसुबारस के दिन भगवान कुबेर और देवी लक्ष्मी की प्रार्थना करने का एक और सुअवसर होता है। इस दिन अगर हम व्रत रखते हैं, तो यह हमारी मनोकामनाएं पूरी करने में मदद करता है। हमें उम्मीद है कि इस वसुबारस पर आप सभी गौ माता की पूजा कर, देवी लक्ष्मी की कृपा प्राप्त करें और हर एक से प्यार भरे रिश्तों की स्थापना करें।
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  (ये पोस्टर फ्री डाउनलोड करने के लिए फोटो पर क्लिक करे। )
वसुबारस में पूजा विधि
हिंदू धर्म में गौ माता को बड़ा महत्व मिलता है, और विभिन्न उत्सवों में गौ माता की पूजा की जाती है। वसुबारस उत्सव के दौरान भी गौ माता व उसके बछड़ों की पूजा की जाती है। गौ पूजा प्रातःकाल में कि जाती है। गौ माता की पूजा के लिए एक साफ़ थाली उसमें चावल, फूल, दीपक, पंचामृत, नारियल का पानी, शक्कर, हल्दी, कुमकुम आदि आवश्यक चीजें है। उसी के साथ भोग भी आवशक है, भोग स्वरूप गेहूँ के उत्पाद, चना और मूंग की फलियाँ खिलाई जाती हैं| 
श्री कृष्ण की पूजा भी वसुबारस में की जाती है। वसुबारस के दिन कर्म करने की महत्वता होती है। दिन के जल्दी सूर्योदय पर उठें और गौ माता की पूजा के बाद महिलाएँ घर के कोने-कोने से आकाश की ओर अभिवादन करती है| यह करने से बड़ी से बड़ी आपदाओं से बचा जा सकता है ऐसी मान्यता है। इसी के साथ दान का भी इस दें पर अनन्य साधारण महत्व है। 
गौ माता या कामधेनु जैसी स्वर्गीय गाय की पूजा करने से, हमारे घर सुख शांति और धन कि कभी कमी नहीं रहेगी यह धरना होती है, इसी लिए वसुबारस के दिन लोग अपनी इच्छाओं को पूरा करने के लिए गौ माता से आशीर्वाद लेते हैं।
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         (ये पोस्टर फ्री डाउनलोड करने के लिए फोटो पर क्लिक करे। )
वसुबारस पर आप अपना बिज़नस कैसे बढ़ा सकते हो?
हम सभी को पता है कि, वसुबारस दिवाली कि शुरुवात मानी जाती है, दिवाली भारत का सबसे बड़ा त्योहार है|
दिवाली खुशियों के साथ साथ बिज़नस बढाने का भी अवसर लेकर आती है|
इस दिवाली आप अपने बिज़नस कि ब्रांडिंग करके अपने बिज़नस को बढ़ा सकते हो| आपके बिज़नस कि ब्रांडिंग के लिए AdBanao ऐप सबसे प्रीमियम और कारगर है| 
AdBanao से आप वसुबारस के लिए सोशल मीडिया पोस्ट बना सकते हो उसी के साथ नरक चतुर्थी के बैनर्स, लक्ष्मी पूजा के बधाई पोस्टर, बलि प्रतिपदा के व्हिडिओ स्टेटस, दिवाली पाडवा के प्रोडक्ट ads, गोवेर्धन पूजा के स्टेटस के साथ WhatsApp स्टिकर्स, धनतेरस के लिए बिजनेस Ads, भैया दूज ब्रांडिंग पोस्टर्स,  तुलसी विवाह के सोशल मीडिया पोस्ट, देव दिवाली के व्हिडिओ स्टेटस, और भी बहुत कुछ आपको मिलता है AdBanao ऐप में|
तो चलो, दिवाली के साथ अपने बिज़नस ब्रांडिंग का भी उत्सव मानते है, AdBanao से ब्रांडिंग करके इस दिवाली अपना कारोबार बढ़ाते है|
क्लिक करे और डाउनलोड करे AdBanao App आज ही।  
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scatteredandcloudy · 11 months
Speak With Flowers
A marvelous sight is euphoria forever-this was the way the famous English writer John Keats portrayed the Lily. The Lily could live for a day yet is interesting to such an click here extent that daily's life is worth numerous lovely sights. Flowers are often portrayed as a lady's closest companion. They don't cost you a trillion and are lovely to the point that the entire reason for gifting is justified by their charm.
Roses, carnations, orchids, daisies and lilies are the most widely gifted flowers. Flowers might be gifted without fillers or a mix of fillers might be used to make outlandish looking flower bundles. Green filler's and blue daisies are often used as fillers. Aside from these flower bundles, flowers as laurels are used in Hindu relationships. New and naturally scented flowers are likewise used in embellishments in sanctuaries and other blessed places. However, flowers as gifts are special as the engaging looks expand the care of the promoter.
Seldom do you see a man being gifted flowers, for their delicate charm gels well with a female beneficiary. Flowers are gifted on various occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, achievement of an undertaking, to welcome a host or to say farewell. Flowers signify good will and agreeable wishes of the provider. The colors of flowers used in a bouquet connote the significance of the gift. Wedding bouquet, companionship flower bundles, celebration flower bundles are indispensable piece of the grouping. Bundle of flowers for occasions like ladies' day, mother's day, as a piece of Diwali gifts and furthermore for ideal occasions like appraisals and advancements are the various occasions that call for festivities with a lot of new and intriguing flowers.
Flowers might shrivel soon, unexpectedly early, such that the longevity of flowers can't be betted upon. However the allure and the idea which goes behind the gifting strategy make it a vital gift. It isn't just the blissful occasions where flowers are gifted however goodbyes which are often sorrowful are most frequently complete with flowers. Flowers have a natural quality to enliven dull minutes as well. A lot of new flowers might brighten up the spirits of a patient lying on the medical clinic bed for a really long time. It could go with a directive for a rapid recuperation.
Nowadays it is normal practice to buy flowers online. Send flowers to India to companions, family and associates who are isolated by distances. Numerous online shops have a wide cluster of flower bundles for practically all occasions. Try to avail the wide cluster of flowers and their various flower bundles from the online stores. It makes the entire course of getting and gifting so basic that you would believe should do so consistently. Gift roses, intriguing orchids and other bubbly flowers to loved ones and spread the cheer.
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
The Festival of Light
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9AMGWV5
by ReyAndor19
Rey discovers an ancient holiday and sets out to bring the celebration to the Resistance base.
Happy TROS-versary, y’all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Words: 3679, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Leia Organa, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kaydel Ko Connix
Relationships: Rey & Rose Tico, Leia Organa & Rey, Poe Dameron/Finn, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn & Rey (Star Wars), Poe Dameron & Finn & Rey & Rose Tico
Additional Tags: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Fix-It, Pre-Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Post-Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Dancing, Slow Dancing, Diwali, There's A Tag For That, not actual diwali though, Holidays, Holidays in Space, Minor Rey/Ben Solo, you can read it as friendship if you’d like idc, Minor Poe Dameron/Finn, POV Rey (Star Wars), BAMF Leia Organa, Leia Organa Deserves Better, Rey & Rose Tico Friendship, Rose Tico Deserves Better, Rey Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Party, Comfort Food, Alternate Canon, Fluff, Fluff without Plot, very little plot, mostly feels, Friendship, Force Bond (Star Wars), Fire, it’s a controlled fire there’s just no tag for lanterns, Candles, technically, again no lantern tag, Happy Ending, Wishes, Sad and Happy, sort of sad? but mostly happy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9AMGWV5
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artisanteseo · 18 hours
Have You Tried The Diwali Gift Box Suggestion From Artisante Yet?
Exchanging gift boxes during Diwali is a time-honored tradition that holds cultural, social, and symbolic significance. Here are some reasons why gift boxes are given during Diwali:
Expressing Good Wishes : Diwali is a festival that symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. Exchanging gift boxes is a way of expressing good wishes for prosperity, happiness, and success in the coming year.
Symbol of Affection and Gratitude : Giving and receiving gifts during Diwali is a gesture of affection, love, and gratitude. It reinforces the importance of relationships and the joy of sharing blessings with family, friends, and neighbors.
Tradition of Giving : Diwali is a time when people traditionally give and receive gifts as a token of appreciation and celebration. It has become a cultural practice deeply ingrained in the Diwali festivities.
Promoting Unity and Harmony : Exchanging gifts fosters a sense of unity and harmony within communities. It strengthens social bonds and creates a positive atmosphere of sharing and caring.
Auspicious Beginnings : The act of giving gifts during Diwali is considered auspicious. It is believed to bring good fortune and positive energy to both the giver and the receiver.
Spreading Joy and Happiness :Diwali is a time of joy and celebration. Gift boxes filled with sweets, goodies, and thoughtful items add to the festive spirit and bring happiness to those receiving them.
Acknowledging Relationships :Diwali gift boxes often reflect an acknowledgment of the importance of relationships. It's a way of saying "thank you" to those who have been a part of one's life.
Overall, Diwali gift boxes contribute to the positive and festive atmosphere of the occasion, embodying the spirit of sharing, joy, and goodwill. Below are some gift box options from artisante you can explore for making your Diwali moments special. Diwali Gift Box Options By Artisante :
Are you a sweet tooth, then below are the sweet suggestions you can explore of Artisante which are as follows :
Flavor Of India Gift Box
This gift box highlights chocolate bars and hot chocolate inspired by traditional Indian flavours and festivals. Saffron, Pistachios, and our favourite 'chai' spices feature in various forms across this selection. The perfect gift bix which contains Holi, White Chocolate with Delicate ‘Gulabi’ Rose Petals, Green Roasted Pistachios and sprinkles of Pink Salt x 1. Rajputana, Milk Chocolate with our in house Royal Chai blend of Indian spices, Cardamom, Ginger, Black Pepper and Star Anise, laced with Saffron threads x 1, Diwali Milk Chocolate with Saffron Threads and Delicately Roasted Pistachios x 1. Kaaju, Milk Chocolate, paired with caramelized cashew brittle and a delicate sprinkling of cardamon. x 1. And if you wish to try this diwali gift box set of 6 then you can find it at buy dark chocolate online india
Gift Box Of 18 Mini Chocolates
A tasting gift box of our entire range of miniature's ranging from Santorini, Dark 65% with Olive Oil, Rosemary, Sea Salt, Purple Haze, Ruby Chocolate with Blueberry, Cranberry, Cold Brew, Dark 65% with Coffee, Hazelnuts, Amore, Milk Chocolate with Strawberry. Midnight, Dark 70% with Mint, Zest, Dark 70% with Orange Peel, Almonds, Sao Thome, Single Origin, Dark 70% with Orange Peel, Madagascar, Single Origin Dark 67%. Ecuador, Single Origin Dark 70% with Roasted Hazelnuts, Botanist Dark 70% with Lavender, Diwali Milk Chocolate with Pista, Saffron, Fruit & Nut, Milk Chocolate with Almond, Hazelnut, Cranberry, Rajputana, Milk Chocolate with Royal Chai Mix, Saffron. Toffee & Nut, Milk Chocolate with Almond, English Toffee, Vanilla Latte, Milk Chocolate with Espresso, Vanilla, Tiramisu, Caramelized White Chocolate with Espresso, Cocoa Dust, Galactico, Caramelized White Chocolate with Toasted Almonds, Sea Salt, Holi, White Chocolate with Rose, Pista, Pink Salt. And if you wish to try this everything chocolate meets coffee. large gift box then you can find it at shop chocolate gift in india.
Textures Of Caramel Gift Box
A curated gift box of chocolates and hot chocolates highlighting different types and textures of caramel, featuring caramelized white chocolate, English toffee and a lot more. The perfect gift for to satisfy your sweet tooth the Gift Box comprises of Galactico, Caramelized White Chocolate with Toasted Almonds and Dash of Sea Salt x 1. Toffee & Nut, Milk Chocolate with Crunchy-Toasted Almonds and English Toffee x 1, Tiramisu, Caramelized White Chocolate with a shot of Espresso and Cocoa Dust x 1, Kaaju, Milk Chocolate, paired with caramelized cashew brittle and a delicate sprinkling of cardamom. x 1. And if you wish to try this diwali gift box set of 6 then you can find it at shop chocolate gift in india.
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To know more: https://artisante.in/collections/shop-chocolate-gifting-india
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indianmovielinks · 1 month
our goal is to only post links where movies can be watched free, legal, with the original language audio, and subtitled in english; any time one or more of these criteria is not met will be noted in the post.
if you'd like us to add a movie link to an existing post, drop us an @ and we'll see if we can find the link for you!
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for info regarding the blog itself, including the banner image and pfp, see indianmovielinks blog.
instructions for each movie-hosting website
- einthusan.tv: all that's required to make a free account is an email address and password. that's literally it. the only two drawbacks to a free account are: 1. during high-traffic times, priority is given to paid accounts, and 2. a very, very few movies are only available with a paid account. all that said, paid accounts are $25 a year, and i've literally only found one movie i wanted to watch that could only be accessed with a paid account. - youtube.com: all that's required to make a free account is a username and password. download firefox, get some add-blocking extensions (it's easy to find lists of the best ones), and watch any vid on youtube without ads. note that the youtube links we post here will be for free movies on youtube (not rent or buy) unless otherwise noted. that said, full free movies on youtube tend to be put up and taken down very fast, so if there's a movie you'd like to see, we suggest watching it asap once a link is posted.
incomplete tags masterlists: look for posts and movies by...
...general tags action | adventure | caste system commentary/critique | cultural commentary | dasara | diwali | drama | fairy tales | fantasy | family | feminism | fighting | fighting the british | funny | historical setting | history | holi | horror | humor | hindu or hinduism | non-hindu | political, politics, or political issues and commentary | rakhi | religion or religious | romance | retelling | sci-fi | sikh or sikhism | social commentary or issues | queercoded (all) | queercoded (gay) | queercoded (polyam)
...language hindi | malayalam | tamil | telugu
...post type clip | music | reblogged | trailer | video
...website einthusan | youtube
...movie title devadas | goliyon ki raasleela ram leela (aka ram leela) | pushpa: the rise | rab ne bana di jodi | RRR
...very occasionally we cannot help ourselves and post something awesome from a movie we do not have a link for. we don't tag these with any of the other tags used on the blog, so that they don't get mixed in with everything else. we do tag them with the movie title, but we don't add it to the above list of title tags. if you have a free and legal link for any of these movies, please send it to us. movies with no links :(((
if you're looking for fandom spaces for any indian movie, these are a good place to start:
if you run or know of a fandom blog for one or more indian movies, please send us an ask and we'll add it to the list!
this blog is not at all official in any way, and none of us are making a single cent off of any of it. we just really like indian movies and wish there were more fans on tumblr.
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prabhatjairam · 3 months
Indian Culture
It is well known that India is made up of multiple states where people of various religious backgrounds coexist. It is the birthplace of billions of individuals who embrace cultural variety among various cultures, languages, customs, geographical locations, and socioeconomic classes. But, regardless of caste, religion, or gender, there is something about Indian culture that binds people together with love, respect, and care.
In this blog post, we will cover the fascinating cultures of India that make the nation diverse and unique, along with their meaning and significance.
What is Indian culture?
India is one of the world's most spiritually and ethnically diverse countries, with strongly religious civilizations and cultures. It is a secular country, consisting of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians. Its citizens' lives are fundamentally shaped by their relationship with religion. However, India's culture is a conglomeration of smaller, distinctive civilizations, which include food, music, dancing, festivals, architecture, dialects, and other cultural aspects.
The significance of Indian culture
Due to the variety of Indian music, art, dance, language, food, costumes, philosophy, and literature, its culture is well-known around the world. It has several significant aspects, including civilized communication, beliefs, values, manners, and customs. Let’s summarize the following points that depict the significance of Indian culture.
It teaches people to coexist peacefully and without excessive aggression.
Many nations have acknowledged Indian cultural values to better their lives.
It makes it possible for people to treat one another with decency and respect.
Additionally, Indian wisdom enables people of all races to enrich their lives.
Individuals from other countries are beginning to appreciate the value of Indian heritage and are adopting positive aspects of Indian culture, such as the practice of yoga and meditation, the sages' wisdom and teachings, etc.
For more articles  Daily Booster Article| study24hr.com
Different cultures of India
Below are a few of the popular Indian civilizations that portray Indian culture.
Namaste: A salutation
One of the most widely used Indian rituals is namaste, also known as "namaskar." It is the greatest and most reverent form of greeting that can be found throughout the world. Namaste means "I bow to the divinity in you" in Sanskrit. When greeting someone with Namaste, one recognizes the other person's fellow spirit as being spiritually one with their own.
However, Barack Obama has been spotted doing it on numerous occasions, and on the first International Yoga Day in New York City, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon greeted everyone with a namaste in Times Square.
Joint families
India is a country where people follow traditions and rituals wholeheartedly. There is a concept of a joint family that stays together and eats together. However, the Indian joint family is composed of three to four living generations, including parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews, and nieces. These individuals reside in the same home, share a kitchen, and frequently contribute to a shared fund.
There is unquestionably always a festive season in India. The nation is home to many different religions and cultural traditions; therefore, thrilling festivals are always present. Everybody wishes each other well on every celebration, including Eid, Diwali, Christmas, Pongal, Gurpurab, Makar Sankranti, and others. Moreover, these days are designated as holidays by the Indian government.
As India is the second-most populated country in the world (behind China), it acts as the home to a wide variety of tongues. There are 15 regional languages recognized under the constitution, but Hindi and English are the only two that are acknowledged as official. Besides that, India has over 400 languages and dialects that are still undiscovered.
Religious symbols
There are several signs and symbols with varied meanings throughout Indian traditions and texts. The Aum or Om is the most prominent religious symbol for Hindus; the crescent and star are well-known representations of Islam; whereas, the Sikhism belief is symbolized by the Khanda, a sword with two edges.
Indian Dances
According to Hindu mythology, dance was initially created by the gods. It has always been a vital component of Indian religion and culture. Eight traditional dances symbolize a distinct culture from a distinct origin.
Bharatnatyam from Tamil Nadu
Kathak from North, West, and Central India
Kuchipudi is from Andhra Pradesh.
Manipuri from Manipur
Kathakali from Kerela
Mohiniyattam from Kerela
Oddisi from Odhisa
Sattriya from Assam
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Traditional dresses
Saris worn with choli tops, the lehenga or chaniya skirt worn with a choli and a dupatta scarf to make the ensemble known as a "ghagra choli," and pattu langa are all examples of traditional Indian apparel for women across the nation.
Historical monuments
The nation has a wide range of historical monuments. Tourists come to see these monuments from all over the world. The most well-known example of Indian architecture is the Taj Mahal. It is a white marble mausoleum in Agra, Uttar Pradesh that was constructed by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a memorial to his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, and as a sign of his love for her. Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid, Charminar, Ajanta Caves, and Gol Gumbaz are more examples of Indian historical sites.
The Epilogue
We sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this post because it was filled with interesting facts about Indian culture. No doubt, Indians come from a diverse spectrum of social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds, but they all coexist peacefully and pass on the same values to the younger generation. The only goal of Indian culture is to treat everyone with respect and the same level of dignity. The country takes pride in showing others respect and affection.
One of the most well-known quotes in India is "Athithi Devo Bhava," which means that people are equal to god. This indicates that Indians do not practice prejudice or inequality. As a result, India is a country where visitors are treated equally as fellow citizens.
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vipinjha · 6 months
O Pardeshi is Diwali Apne Ghar to Aa!!Diwali Whatsapp Status Shayari by ...
अब और कितना दर्द छुपायेगा तुहि बता ओ परदेसी इस दीवाली तो अपने घर को आ                 : VIPIN JHA #diwali #diwalispecial #poetry #DIWALIHINDISHAYRI #diwali2023 #diwalipoem #diwalipoetry #happydiwali #happydiwalistatus #shayari #shayaristatus #hindishorts #hindishayari #urdupoetry #urduquotes #Vipinjhahindipoem #diwalistatus #2linespoetry #2lineshayari #youtubeshorts #shortsvideo #short #shortvideo #shortsviral #viralshorts #viralvideo diwali shayari new, diwali shayari hindi diwali shayari video, diwali shayari photo diwali shayari in English, diwali sad shayari diwali shayari status 2021 happy diwali status shayari diwali ki shayari status diwali shayari , happy diwali shayari diwali status shayari, diwali 2023 shayari diwali WhatsApp status shayari killer attitude shayari video in hindi attitudes quotes in hindi, hindi attitude boy attitude in hindi, attitudes boy hindi best attitudes video status, bad boy WhatsApp status, killer status video, boys attitudes video, shayari collections, tuta dil status shayari, breakup shayari status, WhatsApp status, love shayari, attitudes sad shayari, #diwali #happydiwali #diwali2023 #diwali2018 #diwali2017 #shadiwaliinspirations #diwalidecor #diwalidecorations #diwaligifts #diwalicelebration #diwaliparty #diwalivibes #diwalivibes✨ #diwali2023 #diwalispecial #diwalioutfit #shaadiwaliinspirations #diwali2015 #diwali2k23 #diwalicelebrations #happy_diwali #diwali2k23 #happydiwali2023 #diwalishopping #diwalisale #happydiwali2023 #diwaligift #diwali2k23 #diwalilights #diwaligifting #diwalinight #diwalioffer #diwalicollection #bigildiwali #diwalisweets #diwalitime #sarkardiwali #diwalifestival #diwaliwishes #diwalirangoli Diwali whatsapp status shayari Diwali whatsapp shayari attitude diwali shayari in hindi diwali wishes diwali wishes in hindi shayari happy diwali shayari in hindi
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thefestivalwishes · 6 months
As the sun sets on the eve of Govatsa Dwadashi, the air fills with a sense of anticipation for the festival of lights, Diwali. In the vibrant cultural tapestry of India, Govatsa Dwadashi, also known as Vagh Baras, marks a day of reverence for cattle, symbolizing nourishment and abundance.
On this day, people take to various platforms to express their festive wishes, with personalized Govatsa Dwadashi Vagh Baras wishes in English becoming an increasingly popular way to reach out to loved ones.
These personalized wishes add a unique touch to the customary greetings. Incorporating a person's name into the write name on Govatsa Dwadashi Vagh Baras wishes in English, transforms a general message into a heartfelt, individual blessing. The act of personalizing your wishes underscores the thought and effort put into your gesture, making it stand out in a sea of generic greetings.
Read More : Happy Vagh Baras Wishes Greeting Card Images Pictures Pics And Photo With Name
In today's digital age, crafting these bespoke messages has become easier than ever. Websites and applications cater to the demand for personalized content, allowing users to swiftly create and share their own Govatsa Dwadashi Vagh Baras wishes. This personalization is not just about adding a name but also about forging a connection, about making family and friends feel special and remembered during this auspicious time.
Embracing the tradition of Govatsa Dwadashi in this personalized manner reflects a blend of cultural reverence and modern-day connectivity. As you send out Govatsa Dwadashi Vagh Baras wishes in English with a name, you're not just keeping traditions alive; you're also reinforcing bonds with a personal touch that resonates with warmth and affection. Let each wish to pave the way for a prosperous Diwali, wrapping your loved ones in the comfort of familiarity and the joy of the festive spirit.
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wishmessages · 6 months
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haruwrites21 · 7 months
Spread the Light: Personalizing Your Diwali Wishes
Diwali, the radiant festival of lights, is cherished for its spirit of togetherness, joy, and blessings. Central to this vibrant celebration is the exchange of Diwali wishes. These messages, filled with love and positivity, play a vital role in creating intimate connections with our loved ones. But how do we ensure that our wishes stand out and truly resonate? The answer lies in personalization. This article shares useful insights on personalizing your Diwali wishes, infusing them with your unique touch.
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Crafting with Genuine Emotion Start by pouring your heart into your Diwali wishes. Genuine emotion lends authenticity and depth to your words. So, whether you wish for happiness, prosperity, or health for your loved ones, make sure your sentiments are heartfelt and sincere. For instance, "May the brilliant Diwali lights brighten your life, just like you light up ours with your love," is a wish that echoes sincerity.
Including Personal References Personal references instantly make your Diwali wishes more unique and memorable. Maybe it's a shared memory, a cherished experience, or perhaps, an inside joke. These tokens of remembrance never fail to put a warm smile on everyone's face. Something along the lines of - "This Diwali, may your life be as sweet and colorful as our epic Rangoli competition," could be a lovely way to trigger fond memories.
Speaking their Language If the loved one you're sending a wish to is more comfortable or would appreciate a message in a language other than English, why not pen down wishes in that language? Sending wishes in someone's mother tongue or a language they resonate with can show your thoughtfulness, thus elevating the value of your message.
Mentioning Their Traits Real experiences and tangible details make your wishes warmer and more personal. Acknowledge the recipient's personal traits, attributes, or achievements that you admire or appreciate. A wish like - "This Diwali, may your kind spirit and boundless curiosity shine as bright as the festive lights," would be a unique sentiment that validates their individuality.
Encourage Personal Aspirations Reinforcing the hopes and dreams of the recipient in your Diwali wishes can make them more encouraging and empowering. Hearing something like, "As we celebrate the festival of lights, may you continue to shine and conquer new heights in your career," can reaffirm their belief in their goals and aspirations.
Being Creative with the Format Personalizing is not just about the message. It's also about the format. For example, your wish could be a beautiful hand-crafted card sent via post, a heartfelt video message capturing your sentiments, or an e-card filled with vibrant Diwali imagery. Experiment with different formats to express your creativity.
Spreading Positivity and Hope In the end, each wish should echo the festival's essence - victory of light over darkness, and hope over despair. Amid the personal details, keep the focus on sharing positivity and igniting hope.
With these small yet impactful gestures, you can personalize your Diwali wishes, adding an extra sprinkle of love and warmth to them. This Diwali, let's aim to make our messages special, for it's in these heartfelt sentiments that we truly light up lives and spread the joy of the festivities.
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Dhanteras marks the beginning of the much-celebrated Diwali festival, representing prosperity, well-being, and the welcoming of new beginnings. As we gear up to embrace the festivities in 2023, the tradition of exchanging wishes gets a personalized twist.
With the feature to write name on Dhanteras 2023 photo frame in English, every wish becomes not just a greeting, but a tailor-made expression of love and good fortune. Navigating the confluence of tradition and personalization is Makephotoframes, a portal dedicated to making moments memorable.
Through its vast array of intricately designed frames, the platform captures the essence and grandeur of Dhanteras. But what truly stands out is the write name on Dhanteras 2023 photo frame in English feature. This addition turns a simple frame into a cherished keepsake, intricately tied with the personal touch of a name.
Read More : Happy Dhanteras Wishes Greeting Card With Name Edit
The act of choosing to write name on dhanteras 2023 status photo frame in english ensures your Dhanteras greetings are not just a formality, but a testament to the care you hold for the receiver. Imagine the delight of loved ones when they see not just a beautifully crafted frame, but also their name, elegantly scripted, echoing your heartfelt wishes.
With Makephotoframes by your side, this Dhanteras, step into a world where tradition meets individual touch. Send out wishes that not only resonate with the spirit of the festival but also hold the distinct charm of personalized memories. Let every frame be a beacon of prosperity, love, and individuality.
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appbestrummy · 1 year
The Background of Teen Patti Apk Download's Fame in India
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You need to answer these questions: what is Teen Patti, how is it played, and how do you Teen Patti Apk Download?
India is the second most populous country in the world, with more than 1.39 billion people. Indians can work or be role models in many jobs in every country. In reality, India is doing more than any other country and is in the lead. As proof, many of the most successful companies in the world, like Google, have Indian CEOs.
In our country, people are eager to learn and take the lead. Indians make up 1.393% of the world's population and use many kinds of technology. Even though modern Indian life is busy, Indians like to play games whenever they can, like at parties, weddings, and Diwali.
The most popular game among friends is Teen Patti Apk, leaving the others in the dust.
If you want to learn more details, visit our website: Hobigames.
Just what is Teen Patti?
This is the name of the card game called Teen Patti Apk. In English, the word for three is "teen," and for playing cards is "patti." It says that the game's name in Hindi is Teen Patti, and its name in English is Three Cards.
The card game Teen Patti Apk. It's a game that can be fun or interesting and lets you gamble and win real money. Both "flash" and "flush" come from the Native American language. Teen Patti Apk is a card game with 52 cards that can be played by anywhere from two to seven people. At the start of the game, each player gets three cards.
The rules of this game are based on the history and way of life of the Indians. Players have agreed to take three cards, and the player to the left will make the first bet.
If everyone agrees, everyone will have to bet the same amount. Once all the changes based on the first player's bet have been made, the money is added to the pot in the middle of the table. Then the game can start.
How The Hands Are Placed
Here is a list of Teen Patti's hands, from most valuable to least valuable.
Three aces make up the best possible trio, and you need three aces to get a high ranking in the game. There are 52 playing cards in a deck; the lowest rank is a two.
A player must be dealt three cards to have a straight run. The best possible run is A-2-3, followed by A-K-Q, and so on. The same pattern repeats itself until it reaches the bottom two positions.
A regular run occurs when a player receives three cards in a row that are not all of the identical suits.
The game is over for you if you receive three cards of the same suit. In this case, A-K-Q is the best color rank, and 4-3-2 is the worst.
There is a chance of receiving three cards, two of which are identical and one of which is unique. For example, A-A-K is the best possible pair, while 2-2-3 is the least likely.
Getting the highest or lowest value card, but different or higher type. Begin with the highest-valued card and work your way down. The best possible cards for this type of hand are A-K-J and 5-3-2.
What Is the Best Way to Place a Bet?
The player to the left in Teen Patti Apk's table hierarchy bets first and plays, then moves clockwise around the table to the remaining players.
Waiting players can match the initial wager, folding, or passing. If you fold your hand, you give up your right to bet and forfeit any winnings you may have accrued up to that point.
The amount you have to bet depends on the current stake and the strategy you choose to employ.
Bet the same amount as the current stake if you want to play without seeing the cards, or double the stake if you're going to see the cards as you play.
Blind players have a significant advantage because they only need to wager the initial stake (what the first player wagers).
Each additional player must increase their wager by one when they see the first player's bet. When it's your turn to bet, you stake half as much as the person before you.
The betting continues in this manner, and anyone who wishes to participate in the game must place a wager equal to the current stake. The remaining player will get the entire pot if only three players are left and two withdraw.
How to Play Teen Patti: A Guide
To get the most out of any game, you must adhere to the Teen Patti rules. Teen Patti Apk has rules that must be followed like any other game.
Play will continue until at least two players give up.
If you're only responsible for the current bet, you can't see your cards and tell if the other player can see their cards or is playing blindly.
If one player can see the action and the other is playing blind, you cannot demand a show. The player being watched can choose to log out or keep playing. Either of those two options is available to them.
If both are regarded as players, anyone can pay twice for a performance, and the winner is determined by who holds the highest card ranking.
After the cards are revealed, the player with the highest cumulative value is declared the winner. So, choosing a program to watch requires careful consideration.
Live Patti Apk Teen
Teen Patti is a popular card game in India, whereas three-card poker is more prevalent in the United Kingdom. This kind of game is played the same way. Like classic casino games, Teen Patti Apk live is played against another player.
The primary distinction is using the Teen Patti Apk ranking rather than the poker ranking. Download the most recent Teen Patti Apk version from Hobigames; after installation, run the game and follow the on-screen instructions to play.
In the card game Teen Patti Apk, there can be two to seven players. Everyone is dealt cards at random and can play with their eyes open for a double chance or closed for a single event.
To win, the players must produce pairs of cards, perfect or imperfect sequences of cards, or both. Because there are numerous ways to win the game, you must be vigilant and constantly watch when your opponent has a firm hand.
To win the game by offering your opponent a trump card, keep your emotions under control and pay close attention to his responses. As you succeed and gain experience, your earnings will rise.
You are welcome to play any of the games. Hobi games are a great way to have fun and make some extra cash.
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artisanteseo · 5 months
Have You Tried The Diwali Gift Box Suggestion From Artisante Yet?
Exchanging gift boxes during Diwali is a time-honored tradition that holds cultural, social, and symbolic significance. Here are some reasons why gift boxes are given during Diwali:
Expressing Good Wishes : Diwali is a festival that symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. Exchanging gift boxes is a way of expressing good wishes for prosperity, happiness, and success in the coming year.
Symbol of Affection and Gratitude : Giving and receiving gifts during Diwali is a gesture of affection, love, and gratitude. It reinforces the importance of relationships and the joy of sharing blessings with family, friends, and neighbors.
Tradition of Giving : Diwali is a time when people traditionally give and receive gifts as a token of appreciation and celebration. It has become a cultural practice deeply ingrained in the Diwali festivities.
Promoting Unity and Harmony : Exchanging gifts fosters a sense of unity and harmony within communities. It strengthens social bonds and creates a positive atmosphere of sharing and caring.
Auspicious Beginnings : The act of giving gifts during Diwali is considered auspicious. It is believed to bring good fortune and positive energy to both the giver and the receiver.
Spreading Joy and Happiness :Diwali is a time of joy and celebration. Gift boxes filled with sweets, goodies, and thoughtful items add to the festive spirit and bring happiness to those receiving them.
Overall, Diwali gift boxes contribute to the positive and festive atmosphere of the occasion, embodying the spirit of sharing, joy, and goodwill. Below are some gift box options from artisante you can explore for making your Diwali moments special. Diwali Gift Box Options By Artisante :
Are you a sweet tooth, then below are the sweet suggestions you can explore of Artisante which are as follows :
Flavor Of India Gift Box
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A tasting gift box of our entire range of miniature's ranging from Santorini, Dark 65% with Olive Oil, Rosemary, Sea Salt, Purple Haze, Ruby Chocolate with Blueberry, Cranberry, Cold Brew, Dark 65% with Coffee, Hazelnuts, Amore, Milk Chocolate with Strawberry. Midnight, Dark 70% with Mint, Zest, Dark 70% with Orange Peel, Almonds, Sao Thome, Single Origin, Dark 70% with Orange Peel, Madagascar, Single Origin Dark 67%. Ecuador, Single Origin Dark 70% with Roasted Hazelnuts, Botanist Dark 70% with Lavender, Diwali Milk Chocolate with Pista, Saffron, Fruit & Nut, Milk Chocolate with Almond, Hazelnut, Cranberry, Rajputana, Milk Chocolate with Royal Chai Mix, Saffron.
Textures Of Caramel Gift Box
A curated gift box of chocolates and hot chocolates highlighting different types and textures of caramel, featuring caramelized white chocolate, English toffee and a lot more. The perfect gift for to satisfy your sweet tooth the Gift Box comprises of Galactico, Caramelized White Chocolate with Toasted Almonds and Dash of Sea Salt x 1. Toffee & Nut, Milk Chocolate with Crunchy-Toasted Almonds and English Toffee x 1, Tiramisu, Caramelized White Chocolate with a shot of Espresso and Cocoa Dust x 1, Kaaju, Milk Chocolate, paired with caramelized cashew brittle and a delicate sprinkling of cardamom. x 1. And if you wish to try this diwali gift box set of 6 then you can find it at shop chocolate gift in india.
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b12deficient · 1 year
Book Review: The Liberation of Sita by Volga (translated by T. Vijay Kumar and C. Vijayasree)
I wanted to read something translated from Telugu and Volga was one of the artists that I happened to come across first. Initially, I thought, wow, what an exotic pseudonym she has chosen for herself. It was the name of her elder sister who died when the author was sixteen.
It’s a lovely little book. The author highlights the problematic instances of the Ramayana, imagines how Sita’s conversations with the characters might have taken place, and traces her subsequent personal growth to liberation. Mild spoilers ahead, but the story itself if not inherently important here, but it’s themes and the way the author has tackled the concept that carry the book.
You’ll find Surpanakha, who had her face disfigured because she was a little horny. She’s now living her life to the full, with a magnificent garden and a handsome boyfriend. There’s Renuka, whose husband ordered his kids to kill her because she got horny (I’m sensing a pattern here). One of the kids, an avatar of Vishnu called Parshuram, decided to obey his father. There’s also some resurrection involved after though. The author imagines what Urmila, Lakshmana’s wife might have gone through, seeing her husband go into exile due to his unwavering allegiance to his brother. Without sparing any thought for her. She gets depressed, locks herself up, and consequently achieves enlightenment. And then there’s Ahalya. Wife of a sage, Indra haves sex with her while disguised as her sage husband, shenanigans and punishments follow. Volga focuses on her treatment, and how it does not matter whether she knew that it was Indra or not, with respect to the harsh judgement that she faced from society.
All of this is framed in the context of Sita and her devotion to Rama. The novella, despite being a fairly short read, covers all the beats of the Ramayana, from the beginning to the end. We see all the hardships that Sita had to endure, and how all the women above helped her cope with it. While vast sections of the society continue to push the dominant narrative, it is refreshing to see the other side of these “epics”. Only in recent times. I have come across works that highlight the various instances of misogyny and casteism in these works. The Ramayana, as told to most kids, tends to end at Diwali, with “good” triumphing over “evil”. When I read an abridged English translation with the complete story, I was shocked to learn about the events that transpire after the war is over, and how terribly Sita is treated by Rama and the society.
Amid all this, I have only one criticism, a major one at that. The translation has not been done properly, and hence the prose is sterile. So while I am thankful to the translators for introducing this gem of a work to a wider audience, I wish there was a better translation that perhaps captured more of the original Telugu prose, which I would like to assume is more lyrical. At least it isn’t in first person. I read it during the Diwali weekend, and would recommend that you do the same.
Tata, bye-bye, shubratri.
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Chhath Puja Instagram Captions, Quotes & Hashtags 20222
Chhath Puja Instagram Captions, Quotes & Hashtags 20222
We present to you the best collection of Chhath Puja captions for Instagram. To wish everyone a happy Chhath Puja, share these captions in Hindi and English. A four-day auspicious festival, Chhath Puja is celebrated across the country with much pomp. Diwali is celebrated six days after this festival, on the 6th day of the Kartik Shukla month. This year’s celebration will take place on October 30.…
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brightlandschool · 1 year
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The Festival of Light Was Celebrated in Brightland | Best School in Lucknow
The festival of light was celebrated in Brightland with gaiety and fervour on 22nd October 22' in the form of a special morning assembly. The whole campus was adorned with festive look and happiness & joy sparkle on the faces of the students. Diya and candles were illuminated in the premises, to celebrate the victory of good over evil. A skit was performed by the primary students spreading the message of peace, harmony & courage. An enthralling dance performance was presented by juniors. Brightians Showcased the spirit of Diwali through a rendition of a melodious song. After the recital of the poem the faculty member Mrs. Deepali delivered a speech signifying the relevance of the festival. She wished all happiness & prosperity on this pious festival and guided them to celebrate Diwali in its purest form with gratitude in hearts, helping the needful and to live in harmony.
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