#English study
anordinaryarchitect · 2 months
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I love my study area 🫶🏻 I pray and I believe that by this time next year I will be speaking English quite fluently ✨
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chendaiwei · 2 months
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Time to bring humanity back to the classroom
COVID 19 has had a profound effect. It really goes without saying. But I am not talking about the heart-shattering loss of life or the cabin fever inducing 3 years we spent locked in our homes. I am talking about the way business is conducted and how foreign language training has evolved here in Japan. With an increased acceptance of video meeting software such as Zoom, Teams or Meet, the classroom shifted into the virtual world as well.
Companies were forced to move the office to people's homes while the pandemic raged and after companies grew to accept that style, many have stuck to Work From Home. Nikkei Asia estimates that nearly 40% of workers are still doing a hybrid style of work (link), saving transportation and even electricity costs for businesses. This shift to video meetings also impacts on the number of business trips as communication can be achieved for a fraction of the cost. This research positively talks about how 64% of companies still find business travel important, but that means that 36% don't.
Of course, what I am leading up to here is that this has impacted the general attitude towards studying foreign languages, particularly English. More private students or companies are turning to more reasonably costing online English training meaning there has been a step back from the beneficial environment of face-to-face English lessons. Aside from the obvious lack of technical issues that sometimes crop up, there are many benefits to a more intimate training environment. A teacher can have quicker reaction times to questions or problems and has a better capability of reading learners' body language. There is a better sense of connection between all members when you are in a live environment, with more live tools at the teacher's disposal. Last, but not least, there are less chances of succumbing to distractions such as pets, children or that temptation to turn the TV on. This website also talks about motivation and focus as a couple of benefits of being in a classroom as some other potential benefits.
Companies offering English training need to embrace a commitment to quality lessons with practical contents set up in a way that is enjoyable for the students. And most importantly, we need to bring the humanity back to the English study environment and get back in the same room. The teacher needs to work closely with the students to help them realize their goals and use all the tools and signs at their disposal. This is at the heart of what Lowrey Global Consultants strives to do.
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scenetherapy · 2 years
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ihateurbancity · 1 year
The man who I liked once would married a rich woman and they planned wedding party that hold at bottom of a shallow sea.
I was hired to clean up the bottom. I wore a diving suit and carried oxygen tank, and removed all sea urchins. There were nothing but white sands and deep blue waters, that’s so beautiful.
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tamago-toji · 2 years
What pushing on me to get English
There are two phrases echoing and repeating in my mind in these days that is “Find about possibilities while running” and “Enjoy changing”.
I’m going to not use English in business so don’t be interested the TOEIC or others. I wish only to drink and talk about Bob Dylan and anything with someone who I got friendly when I had English.
I’ve been learning English with no teacher and no schooling. So I don’t know a systematic way of study so I feel that the way is not smooth. It’s like mountaineering that blind to the summit, watering on the desert like so I can be lost the way or the purpose honestly.
I’ve loved the phrase of “You ‘re just present” since teenage. So those phrases “Find about possibilities while running” and “Enjoy changing” echoing and repeating are maybe pushing me on.
I think the real reason I make a decision to get English that is to find my possibilities. Getting English is a step taking to an unknowing world surely. I’m excited to meet or experience there.
最近、とみに「Find about possibilities while running」と「Enjoy changing」いう言葉が頭ん中でグルグルする。
「私はただの現在に過ぎない」という言葉がティーンのころから好きでかっこよくて、いまだに好きで、そんな自分だから「Find about possibilities while running」と「Enjoy changing」なんて言葉がグルグルするのは、目的を見失いそうになっても、立ち止まったり逡巡したり、考えても答えの無いこと自問自答したりしてんじゃねえよ!ってことなのかも。 グルグルする言葉に突き動かされています、私。
自分は中学時代から英語の勉強というものが嫌いで嫌いでサボってたのに、今になって英語を身につけたいと思った本当の理由は、オノレの可能性を探る目論見だったんだと思う。 英語を身につけることは、未知の世界に踏み出すきっかけになるはずだと。 英語っていうやつが喋れるようになったら、はてさてどんな出会いや経験をするんだろ。ふふふ、楽しみ。
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studtea · 1 year
good morning everyone!!
i have been terribly inactive mostly because life, work and study have been hectic and i wasn’t finding the studyblr community as motivating as previously, instead using it as a distraction.
i’ve just started my honours year though and have a thesis and portfolio on the horizon so i believe i will be more active and document my progress to stay accountable!
as a music and english student and professional, i’m also interested in documenting my progress in study and career as i think there isn’t much arts content. i’d like to show what it’s like as an academic and creative discipline! 🌱🖌🎶
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ci-lan · 2 years
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susanhorak · 4 months
#spoken_english #تعلم #learn_english #تعلم_الانجليزية دراسة اللغة الانجليزية - ديكورات منازل - مكونات غرفة النوم بالانجليزي قد لا تجد الثقة الكافية بنفسك لحجز غرفة في فندق لعدم معرفتك مكونات غرفة النوم بالانجليزي، لكن لا تقلق فالأمر بسيطٌ جداً. سنتحدّث اليوم عن الطريقة المثلى التي يمكنك من خلالها قضاء أفضل إجازة عن طريق تذكيرك ببعض الكلمات والمصطلحات الأساسيةعن مكونات غرفة النوم بالانجليزي لتنعش بها ذاكرتك. فى هذا الفيديو سوف نعرض لكم اهم مصطلحات ديكورات منازل والتى تهم كثيرا من الدارسين او من العاملين فى مجال ديكورات منازل
لو عجبك الفيديو اعمل مشاركة من اللينك ده دراسة اللغة الانجليزية - ديكورات منازل - مكونات غرفة النوم بالانجليزي https://youtu.be/QcXfOy1XaBE
ليصلك كل جديد اشترك بالقناه http://bit.ly/2HQGd4q
يمكنك الاستفادة من الدروس التالية دراسة اللغة الانجليزية - ديكورات منازل - مكونات غرفة النوم بالانجليزي https://youtu.be/QcXfOy1XaBE
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - اخبار الطقس - درجة الحرارة غدا https://youtu.be/VZA5JLMgiZg
تعليم انجليزي - المشاعر باللغة الانجليزية - كيفية التعبير عن المشاعر https://youtu.be/W0G2ZJ1vyi4
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بطلاقة للمبتدئين - تحدث الانجليزية بطلاقة https://youtu.be/-YKWz6Rm1aQ
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - شرح الظرف فى اللغة الانجليزية - الظرف فى اللغة الانجليزية https://youtu.be/RHgl3rS3LDA
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - رد الفعل بالانجليزية - رياكشن بالانجليزي https://youtu.be/qvJKA3cewZY
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - الصفات فى اللغة الانجليزية - الصفات بالانجليزي وضدها https://youtu.be/x7gfkydHh4k #مواقع_تعليم_انجليزي #برامج_تعليم_انجليزي #تعلم_اللغة_الانجليزية #تعلم #spoken_english #english_speaking_course_online #spoken_english_in_telugu #نهي_طلبة , Noha Tolba
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smartway2000 · 8 months
🎯 Anglais Facile - 20 Phrases pour tester votre anglais
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🌟 Vous voulez tester votre niveau d'anglais ❓
🎥 Cette vidéo vous propose un quiz de 20 phrases en français que vous devrez traduire en anglais. Vous aurez 6 secondes pour trouver la bonne réponse. Alors êtes-vous prêt ❓
🚀 Pour voir cliquez ici 👉 YouTube
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ingopolka · 9 months
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I'll be doing my best to help you with your study of English as a second language ... Winnie-the-Pooh, showing you how to slow down audio to make it easier to listen to, my poems, jokes, and stories ... a LOT of English for you!
If you don't understand something in a post, I recommend Google Translate. It's quick, and astonishingly accurate. But think about what I've written before you get it translated, and try to understand as much as you can. Doing that will help you to remember!
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joytri · 3 months
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weak and weary
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Are movies good for English study?
Many students over the years asked if it is good to use watching movies as a way to study. Essentially I would say that it is a good thing. I have always believed that we need to enjoy studying English which acts as a self motivator. So interacting in English in a way that we enjoy is a great enabler for your language skills.
That's the key though. There has to be something active to the process. You could, for instance watch the movie once purely for entertainment and at that time you can pick up some listening practice and basic comprehension if you aren't focused on the Japanese subtitles. But they you should watch the movie again. Either with English subtitles or none at all. Have a notepad nearby and take notes of words, difficult to hear points or idioms that you encounter as you go. Pause the movie. This time you are studying. After you finish, watch it again, purely in English with no subtitles at all and just practice listening and use the points you took notes about as review opportunities.
The key to any study success is to do it actively and to review what you have learned, or even better use the new expressions. Studying passively can get some results but it will take far longer for them to be noticeable than if you actually approach it as a learning opportunity.
That being said, just watching the movies with English voices and hopefully subtitles is better than not doing it all. This is just my suggestion for how to get the best results.
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mikoenglish · 1 year
📖 오늘의 레슨 📖
우리의 인생은 끝없는 선택의 연속인데요🤔
"~할지 말지 고민 중이야" "할까 말까?" 등 선택장애‼️가 온 적 많지 않으신가요? 영어로는 과연! ✔️고민된다✔️는 표현을 어떻게 할 수 있을까요?
✅ ”on the fence“ 라고 하면 됩니다.
➡️ I'm on the fence about buying this new dress.
(이 원피스를 살지 말지 고민중이야.)
➡️ I'm on the fence about dating the guy.
(그 남자랑 사귈지 말지 고민중이야.)
마지막에 퀴즈도 한번 풀어보세요! ㅎㅎ
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ihateurbancity · 6 months
Two cats sneaked into my house. I pet them, and then I noticed that one of them had a zipper on his back.
I feel a bit scared, but I unzipped it. There was an other animal body (it may be a fawn?) but that’s head was gone, and that also had a zipper. I unzipped again, and found other animal body which had a zipper, and I unzipped again, and… I repeated that for few times, and I unzipped the last one, I found huge size of an octopus.
The octopus crawled out from the body. It looked harmless, but I called for police office just in case.
And next moment, I noticed that I was in a Laundromat. I didn’t know if someone took me or not, but I felt I needed to get out from here. I looked around, and I found the octopus in washing machine. And while I approached exit, other washing machine opened automatically, and a human came out. I run into the exit.
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tamago-toji · 1 year
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My best partner from long ago
I have to repair my mountain climbing boots. The stitch has loosed and the shoe bottom has worn down. The boots have been with me for 30 years ago. I had a specialty shop of mountain climbing boots made. I had on so heavy weight boots which can use for snow mountain climbing until then but I wanted ones which were lighter than them. I put on them and went up to high mountains or low ones too and they guarded my foot in the rain and for solid rocks and they always have been fitting my foot just and my foot can't pain. They are my best partners from long ago I don't want to let go.
登山靴を修理に出さねば。 縫い目がほつれ、靴底が磨り減ってしまった。 この靴とは30年以上前からの付き合い。 それまでは縦走や雪山にも履いていけるクソ重たくてクソ頑丈ないわゆる重登山靴というやつで山に登っていたのだけれど、低山を歩くにはオーバースペックで、とにかく軽快に歩ける靴が欲しくなって山靴の専門店で自分の足に合わせて作ってもらったのだ。 この靴で低山だけでなくアルプスにも登った。雨に降られても一切水が染み込むことはなく、ガシガシの岩場でもパーフェクトに足を守ってくれた。しっかりと馴染んで足が痛むなんていうことはこれっぽっちもない。 古い古い靴だけど、最高の相棒です。
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