thirdity · 9 months
There is nothing more natural than to consider everything as starting from oneself, chosen as the center of the world; one finds oneself thus capable of condemning the world without even wanting to hear its deceitful chatter.
Guy Debord, Panegyric
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philosophybits · 1 year
All actions may be traced back to evaluations; all evaluations are either original or adopted — the latter being by far the most common. Why do we adopt them? From fear — that is, we consider it more advisable to pretend they are our own — and accustom ourselves to this pretense, so that at length it becomes our own nature.
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Dawn
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scene-royaltylolz · 7 months
Uhh hey yall! I have a little announcement to make!
Tomorrow I'll be going to the ER to get evaluated so if I don't post or answer any asks, I'm in the ER! This is all for my mental health and everyone's wellbeing! I'll be back soon and better than ever and I'll share my journey <3
And don't be afraid to get help! I'll tell you all the ups and downs if you're anxious and we'll be getting better together ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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ambientyoutube · 8 months
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[Text: Wow never knew how much I actually needed this in my whorechata life]
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serpentartist · 6 months
(if i forgot smb tell me ps!! I don't remember!!)
Kankuro: 2/10
What the hell is wrong with you man
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Yamanaka Ino: 101992/10
Still hot strong woman bruh
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Yamanaka Sai: 2020/10
Inojin you have very sexy father bro, you're mom deserves it
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Shizune: 300101/10
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Tsunade: 9/10
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Temari: 10/10, very beautiful woman
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artists-madness · 6 months
Her biography will appear here soon
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fajaryangdiciptakan · 1 month
Gangguan itu cobaan untuk bisa kita taklukkan/hilangkan bukan dibiarkan kemudian menghabiskan umurmu berlahan tanpa disadar.
Setiap orang punya distractionnya sendiri, dan menurutku kita harus mampu menaklukkannya, jangan membiarkan ia terus menggangu kita dan kita terbiasa terganggu, kemudian memaklumkannya. Itu sudah pasti tidak bagus untuk diri kita, renungkanlah, berapa banyak lagi waktu yang akan kita sia-siakannya?
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janehaster · 8 months
I really think they should've waited at least one more month to launch Starfield. People are still riding the Baldur's Gate hype and will be for a while. There's still A LOT of content to peruse in the game and we haven't even scratched the surface.
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censemaking · 2 months
What Does Impact Look Like?
What does it mean to create impact? It's time to look at what it means and how we can tell when we achieve it.
Impact is the ultimate outcome for any social change initiative yet it’s also the most elusive and poorly defined of our evaluation metrics in practice. How do we change this? In this first post in a series, I bring us into the world of understanding impact. Non-profits are in the business of making a positive difference in spaces that are ignored or neglected by other institutions society.…
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itsjustfire4 · 28 days
So my friends have been telling me im autistic for fucking ever, and yesterdy, i got my results from my physc eval back. IM NOT AUTISTIC!! SUCK IT BITCHES!! HA!
I do have ptsd tho, that threw me for a loop 💀
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eric-sadahire · 2 months
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In the course of a day, a person is said to average between 12,000 and 70,000 thoughts.
That is a range. Even at the lower number, is it possible that all 12,000 thoughts are true?
You do not have to give credence to every thought you have.
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ga-wsc-fmp · 2 months
My FMP based on past projects
After reviewing my past projects, I believe I have good interest and strength in asset creation. Specifically pixel art sprites and voxel models. I also have decent video editing skills and am experienced in using Davinci Resolve. This opens up the opportunity for me to focus on assets for my FMP, however I do *really* want to make an actual playable game. I'm honestly unsure which to prioritise.
Problem is, if I focus on assets first, then that's pretty bad practice and may end up with stuff not working out well. On the other hand, if I focus on gameplay first, I may not have as much time to create these assets.
Whether it's a good decision or not, I do think I'm going to prioritise making a playable game, and then work on assets afterwards. That way I can be sure what kinds of assets I actually need. This does also have an extra challenge if I stick with using Unity, as I do not know Unity nearly as well as I do Unreal. This may very well lead to the game being unfinished, and I might not even have time to make many assets. This seems like a pretty bad situation and it'd probably be a good idea for me to move back to Unreal or focus just on creating assets.
I'm also fairly good at writing, but being able to write well and being able to write a story well are two different things. Whilst I do believe I could write something fairly compelling, I believe my other strengths are more prominent and I'd be far more invested in them.
I'm not going to solidify a decision until I've finished all my other prep, but I imagine it'll either be asset creation or making a game (ideally a good amount of both).
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Strategies for Conducting Effective Research for Essays: Finding Reliable Sources
In an age of abundant information, mastering the art of research is essential for crafting credible essays. This essay outlines five key steps to help researchers identify reliable sources amid the digital noise.
1. Defining the Scope: The initial step in any research endeavor is to precisely define the scope of the topic. This focused approach not only streamlines the search but also ensures that the selected sources align with the essay's objectives.
2. Leveraging Academic Databases: Reputable academic databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and PubMed offer a treasure trove of peer-reviewed articles, research papers, and scholarly publications. These platforms serve as reliable repositories for high-quality information.
3. Source Evaluation: The credibility of sources is paramount. Authors' qualifications, publication dates, and references should be meticulously examined to establish the reliability of the information presented.
4. Cross-Referencing Information: Ensuring accuracy involves cross-referencing data across multiple reliable sources. This practice not only confirms the veracity of the information but also provides a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.
5. Expert Consultation: Seeking guidance from experts in the field or instructors can provide valuable insights into identifying trustworthy sources. Their expertise aids in distinguishing reliable information from potentially biased or inaccurate content.
In essence, by following these steps, researchers can navigate the information landscape adeptly. This empowers them to produce essays that are not only well-informed but also trustworthy, ensuring a solid foundation for knowledge dissemination.
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serpentartist · 6 months
Boruto: 4/10
Don't like his design
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Sarada: 4/10
Idk it's not my type ..
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Mitsuki: 300/10
(sixteen years old Gaara's vibe, seriously..)
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Shinki: 310/10
Cutie pie 😭😭😭
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Inojin: 30020/10
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Himawari: 2020020220/10
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Shikadai: 292920/10
The copy of his father bruh already love him
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Results: most of kids great designed, but not main heroes bruh
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Significance In Shaping The Literary Concepts Of Villainy & Immorality: An Evaluation
There have been many tales of villainy and immorality which have shaped the world as it is today, spanning from allegorical verse like that of ‘Beowulf’ with a manuscript from the 10th century and a composition dating far earlier to modern day tales of white-collar crime as seen in Rebecca Harding’s investigative podcast ‘The Dropout’ from 2019. Throughout the years, the depiction of villainy and immorality has evolved significantly, beginning with the archetypal villain, an incarnation of evil personified, progressing to masterminds, henchmen, authoritarians, anit-villains, scam artists, machiavellian villains and more. In both ‘Richard III’ and the ‘Six Of Crows’ duology, the protagonists are depicted as archetypal machiavellian villains, meaning they satisfy the notions and criterion for a typical machiavellian villain. Machiavellian villains originated from Niccolo Machiavelli, a writer and diplomat from the Italian Renaissance. The term is used to describe someone whose sole purpose is to manipulate and corrupt others for the individual’s personal gain (Pearson, 2015). Both Richard from William Shakespeare’s play, ‘Richard III,’ and Kaz from Leigh Bardugo’s novel duology, ‘Six Of Crows,’ exhibit various characteristics of machiavellian villains, despite being written centuries apart.
'Richard III' By William Shakespeare (1592)
‘Richard III,’ a play written by Shakespeare in 1592, shapes the world as a text of villainy and immorality, with its protagonist possessing many traits of a machiavellian villain, considered one of the most notorious and well-known machiavellian villains from its time today. The text itself is significant, as despite being from several centuries prior, it is still popular in the present day, and is still studied widely in English schools (as well as the majority of Shakespeare’s collection of written works). The text provides insight into how villainy and immorality was perceived in the time, and the contextual influences of political turmoil and power struggle in society allude to the possible corruptness Shakespeare viewed politics in his world. Overall, the text is significant in shaping notions of villainy and immorality in the world today due to its significance in regards to literature, with it influencing many texts and the characterisation of machiavellian villains written in future years.
The 'Six Of Crows' Duology By Leigh Bardugo (2015-2016)
The ‘Six Of Crows’ duology, written by Leigh Bardugo from 2015 to 2016, satisfies the notion of texts of villainy and immorality which have shaped the current world as they provide an insight into the portrayal of machiavellian villains today, thus depicting what people today deem to be immoral and the values held in society as now. The duology was quickly popularised, with Times Magazine reporting it to be one of the best books of its genre. The text is important in shaping villainy and immorality as a concept as all of the villains in the text have concrete motivations justifying their villainous actions, and the protagonists, referred to as the Crows, are all highly morally ambiguous, portrayed to be acting criminally due to their past suffering. Despite being villains, the Crows are all able to form pure, meaningful connections with one another and treat each other with exceptional kindness, protecting them with their own lives. This is significant as it shows that they aren’t inherently evil or villainous and do not naturally have these tendencies, and that they have become what they have as a mechanism to protect themselves from enduring more suffering on top of what previously occurred when they were younger. Furthermore, the Crows still being teenagers between 16 and 17 years old begs the question of whether what they had done can be perceived as evil at all, as they only did it to survive at a time where they should never have needed to know anything bad in life. One of the main protagonists, Kaz Brekker, is depicted strongly as an archetypal machiavellian villain, possessing various traits of one. This consequently adds to the duology’s credibility in effecting notions of villainy and immorality by carrying on a centuries’ old concept of characterisation. Ultimately, the ‘Six Of Crows’ duology shapes villainy and immorality by transforming the centuries old concept of machiavellian villains, twisting their archetypes slightly and portraying them in a fresh perspective.
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fajaryangdiciptakan · 1 month
What is istiqomah?
Pengertian bebasnya, bisa di artikan: melakukan sesuatu dengan terus menerus.
Tapi, apakah manfaat dari istiqomah? Dan ketika sudah istiqomah, apakah seseorang pasti tidak akan meninggalkannya kebiasaan tersebut?
Aku sempet merenungkan hal itu, ketika timbul malas, dan berusaha memecahkannya di banak.
ketika sudah membaca Alquran di pagi hari, itu rasanya satisfied banget, bahagia, kayak di hati itu terlintas: yes I success. Ketika ga Baca Alquran itu rasanya kaya sedih dan ada sesuatu yang kurang. Kebiasaan yang baik menciptakan perasaan yang baik Dan ketika suatu hari kita meninggalkannya maka akan menimbulkan perasaan yang kurang tentram.
Then, apakah ketika sudah terbiasa, seseorang akan mudah meninggalkan?
Kebiasaan itu sangat membantu seseorang untuk bergerak mengerjakan hal tertentu karena sudah istiqomah, tapi ketika seseorang itu sudah punya kebiasaan maka itu tidak menjamin ia akan melakukannya seumur hidupnya.
Maka siapa yang akan menjamin kita akan selalu melakukan kebaikan? Ga ada.
Adakah yang akan menjamin aku bisa selalu sholat sunnah ba'diyah Dan witir setelah sholat isya'? Ga ada.
Adakah yang dapat membentuku untuk tetapi hoby melakukan yoga sampe aku menikah dan tua? Ga ada.
Tidak ada yang dapat menjamin, kecuali kita berusaha istiqomah,walau malas itu menggangu, terkadang was-was muncul, menunda itu merayu dll... kamu yang harus mengusahakannya.
Jadi punya kebiasaan itu tidak akan menangkal rasa malas yang datang, tapi itu akan membantu kita untuk bergerak dikarnakan sudah kebiasaan.
Mungkin akan kita mengingatkannya dikarnakan malas, menunda dll...
So keep your mind, your heart and your do'a. I believe you. I believe my self.
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