#Eyelss Jack
chacchao · 1 month
What are your top 5 creepypastas? (As in favorites) :3
i have a lot of favs that i love somewhat equally so putting them in a top is VERY hard
1. not sure if it counts but marble hornets
2. Whistleguy's day
3. ticci toby
4. ben drowned
5. EJ
thank you for the ask! ^^
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theundeadsnake · 1 year
Eyeless Jack - soulmates, the before and after
Jack is not the type of man that will go out of his way to seek love. He is a loner and very used to being by himself, thinking for himself and caring only for himself.
Being told by the universe how he must feel towards a person he does not even know irks and concerns him. It makes him feel trapped like an animal.
What is so special about a supposed lover you have never met?
Although Jack knows that he knows that having you around will give him that pleasure all those who meet their other half experience, he does not truly believe it.
Your differences, what he is and what you most likely are on his mind a lot. You're most likely human.
To him a human is a piece of meat, he is the predator. You are the prey. He has eaten countless humans and it's not like he can stop.
He knows that his fated lover will most likely be a normal, ordinary person- a weak creature in need of protection. Someone that may not be able to handle his needs and line of work.
And even if the bond somehow makes you accept his quirks, it won't guarantee your safety.
When he meets you, you will most likely be no different from all his other victims – lying there, below him, scared and begging for your life.
He has seen it a thousand times.
And yet there is something about you that makes him unable to do any harm to you. In fact, he wants to do the complete opposite to you. Jack does not see you as a quick meal.
He sees the confusion on your face and knows that you too feel something one would usually not feel with a knife to their throat.
This is not a good first impression he thinks to himself.
"Pardon me, love" he will say while helping you up
Regardless of what you may want, you do not have a choice. Your lifelines are now tied together and even if they were not, he would not want to let you go.
At first, you will move into a small cabin, a place far within the forest, deep enough that no one will come across you. This is where the boundaries of your relationship will start.
He won't be cruel and won't do anything against your will (apart from the kidnapping and imprisonment)
You will be isolated from others until things at the mansions get sorted
He will try to comfort you about the loss of your old life
But don't think that you will be able to convince him to go back. Ever.
Every day he will take you on a nice walk and will talk about you, him and your future.
The two of you will get along really well and feel a connection right away.
And yet it will take quite a while for him to be truly comfortable. While he will be respectful, expect him to be domineering, demanding and serious.
Jack will be extremely pleased when you start to seek out his touch. Imagine having his arm around you as you lay against him.
He will purr and rub his scent against you. Demons have a lot of cat qualities
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Sorry for the spam, I love eyelss jack 👺👺👺
How would he react to cute aggression? Let's say his s/o gets it often, and they just like violently pinch his cheeks or bite him or, like, violently pat him while being like, "I LOVE AND ADORE YOU👹👹👺👺👺"
Eyeless Jack x reader who has cuteness aggression!
no need to apologize for the spam! requests have been kind of slow lately and tbh youre requests got my brain juices flowing and theyre very yummu eheheheheh hope you enjoy this anon!!
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oh he would be so confused about it, bro literally hates himself and constantly wonders what you see in him. so if youre out here constantly gushing and praising over him hes going to have several questions
with that aside i think he might have an aversion to touch (mix of him just being more... to himself... and because of his whole demon deal) but i think overtime he would warm up to the idea of you touching him... though you're going to have to restrain yourself in the beginning until he grows more comfortable with being touched, you know?
kind of just watches you while you make the grabby scrunchy hands at him, resisting the urge to grab at his face and squish his cheeks... or play with his pointed ears... or playing with his hair... or poking and messing with his fangs...
if this is the first time you display your cuteness aggression to him he does that one face. the rock on, with the raised eyebrow/hj
literally he could be doing the most mundane thing, like cleaning up your place and boom, there you are just barely containing yourself off to the side
he finally gets comfortable enough to come and cuddle you and you have to fight your DEMONS in order to not make him uncomfortable by jumping on him
if you do decide to pounce on him before hes used to you his reaction depends on how hes currently doing since a lot of his mannerisms are based on how hungry this man is. comes with the demon curse
at best hes just going to be a little startled and scold you, at worst hes going to push you off real hard
though reaction aside its best not to do that regardless, especially if hes communicated that hes not ready for that sort of thing
though, i do think if he notices youve been having a hard time he would put his own discomforts aside briefly and let you do your thing, usually keeps it at petting and playing with his hair though
you think his ears flick when you hover your finger next to them (without actually touching them)? because i certainly do
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rakeshouseparty · 1 month
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found old giant sketchbook with eyelss jack doodled in it lol so here
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erark · 4 years
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absolute f tier meme because blue jack @eyelss​ is mr.man’s only friend
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fadeddana · 4 years
Finished fanart :
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EJ/Eyelss Jack is havin his food now 
Follow me on DA : Fadeddana
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CREEPY#1 Eyeless Jack: A Origem
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Jack era um adolescente que trabalhava em um jornal. Um dia seu chefe fez o anúncio de que os EUA entrariam na Segunda Guerra Mundial, então num ato de patriotismo Jack se dignou a entrar no exército para lutar por seu país. Em pouco tempo ele se tornou amigo de um inglês chamado Luis, que também tinha se alistado, já que seu povo foi atacado ele teve a necessidade de defendê-la. Jack e Luis se tornaram melhores amigos, todos os soldados se davam tão bem  que passaram a chamar-se de irmãos. Jack e Luis estavam prestes a lançar-se em linhas inimigas, mas descobriram que os inimigos haviam se movido antes deles chegarem lá. Uma emboscada! Um gás venenoso foi jogado ao redor da base, fazendo com que Jack ficasse cego. Durante o tumulto, Luis foi baleado. Ambos foram enviados para um hospital a poucos quilômetros de distância do local. Ao entrar no hospital, Jack começou a chorar pela dor insuportável que estava sentindo. Os médicos tomaram uma medida drástica:  removeram os olhos de Jack. Mesmo cego, Jack se recusou a abandonar seu amigo. Luis estava sendo tratado por uma enfermeira chamada Betsy, nascida nos EUA, mas que havia se mudado para a Noruega. Ela retornou aseu país de origem para ajudar os soldados feridos na guerra. Mas, infelizmente, não pôde salvar-lhe a vida. Luis agarrou a mão de Jack e poucos minutos depois soltou... Teve seu último suspiro na cama como se estivesse apenas dormindo. Jack queria chorar, mas ele não tinha olhos, então mordeu os lábios com tanta força que começou a sangrar. Os médicos o tiraram ele de perto do corpo inerte do amigo, ele não queria deixá-lo ir. Segurou-o até não conseguir mais... Depois disso Jack dormiu durante 3 dias. No dia seguinte, o médico recebeu um telegrama de Betsy, dizendo onde havia sido enterrado os corpos dos soldados mortos. Jack precisa ir até lá! De alguma forma encontrou o lugar onde foi enterrado Luis e foi se despedir de seu grande amigo. E então ele foi para casa, nos EUA. Mas somente mais tristeza o esperava lá. Quando ele chegou, sua mãe o recebeu com lágrimas ao ver que ele não tinha mais olhos, então Jack perguntou se tinha acontecido alguma coisa. Estava tudo tão quieto, ela geralmente era muito alegre e cheia de energia! Então ela disse que Marcos, irmão de Jack, tinha morrido por causa de umas 'partículas' que estavam contaminando o ar da fábrica onde trabalhava. Jack queria chorar pela perda de seu irmão, mas não pôde... Uma semana depois lamentou a perda de sua mãe, que morreu provavelmente devido a grande tristeza que sentira. Jack estava sozinho, pois seu pai morreu de tuberculose quando ele tinha apenas cinco anos. E agora Luis, Marcos e sua mãe também morreram. Ninguém estava lá para orientá-lo, para confortá-lo, oferecer-lhe comida, água ou abrigo... Um homem cego, sofrido e sozinho. Numa noite, Jack caminhou em volta de seu antigo quarto até que chegou a uma mesa velha de madeira onde guardava uma arma estava carregada e pronta para disparar, era para a proteção de sua família. Mas não havia mais 'família', havia apenas uma utilidade para essa arma agora. Jack abriu a boca, e apontou a arma em sua garganta e puxou o gatilho. Suas cordas vocais e traqueia foram destruídas em um milésimo de segundo. Seu corpo sem vida caiu no chão, mas, para sua surpresa, encontrou-se ainda de pé. O súbito lampejo de tiros, tinha provocado algo em sua mente que o fez esquecer tudo o que aconteceu antes de sua morte. Ele estava confuso não sabia por que decidiu fazer isso. Incapaz de escapar, ele estava em casa, à espera de uma resposta, até que lembrou da Segunda Guerra Mundial mais uma vez. Daquele dia em diante o fantasma sem voz e olhos perambula por ai tentando acalmar sua dor... Como? Me diga você, já que ele está em sua casa nesse exato momento...
NOTA: Quiz botar essa creepypasta do eyelss jack primeiro pq eu acho bem interessante a história dele, bem essa é a creepy de hoje, espero que tenham gostado <3
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by ~LinmirianJoyrex
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erark · 4 years
sb: why are you gay mr.man, gesturing to jack @eyelss like the will smith meme: have you seen this
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