#Frankfurt school
sictransitgloriamvndi · 5 months
“On the way from mythology to logistics thought has lost the element of self-reflection and today machinery disables men even as it nurtures them.” - Adorno/Horkheimer
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septictankie · 2 years
“He who stands aloof runs the risk of believing himself better than others and misusing his critique of society as an ideology for his private interest. While he gropingly forms his own life in the frail image of a true existence, he should never forget its frailty, nor how little the image is a substitute for true life. Against such awareness, however, pulls the momentum of the bourgeois within him.”
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Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, The Dialectic of Enlightenment
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Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, Hard to Be a God
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claudiosuenaga · 4 months
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"A Obsolescência do Homem", de Günther Anders
Foi em 1956 que o jornalista, filósofo e ensaísta alemão de origem judaica Günther Anders (1902-1992) escreveu esta reflexão em seu livro mais notável, A Obsolescência do Homem (Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen), e é incrível como ela se aplica aos dias atuais com uma precisão espantosa:
"Para abafar antecipadamente qualquer revolta, não se deve usar a violência. Métodos como os usados ​​por Hitler estão ultrapassados. Basta desenvolver um condicionamento coletivo tão poderoso que a própria ideia de revolta nem passará pela cabeça das pessoas. O ideal seria formatar os indivíduos desde o nascimento limitando as suas habilidades biológicas inatas... Então, continuaríamos o processo de condicionamento, reduzindo drasticamente a educação para trazê-la de volta a uma forma de integração no mundo do trabalho. Um indivíduo sem instrução tem apenas um horizonte limitado de pensamento, e quanto mais os seus pensamentos estiverem confinados a preocupações materiais medíocres, menos ele poderá rebelar-se. O acesso ao conhecimento deve ser cada vez mais difícil e elitista. O abismo entre as pessoas e a ciência deve ser ampliado. Todo o conteúdo subversivo deve ser removido das informações destinadas ao público em geral. Acima de tudo, a filosofia não deve existir. Uma vez mais, há que usar a persuasão e não a violência direta: transmitir-se-á maciçamente, através da televisão, entretenimento imbecil, lisonjeando sempre o emocional, o instintivo. Vamos ocupar as mentes com o que é fútil e lúdico. É bom ocupar a mente com conversa fiada e música incessante, para evitar que a mente se interrogue, pense, reflita. A sexualidade estará no topo dos interesses humanos. Como anestesia social, não há nada melhor. No geral, assegurar-nos em banir a importância da existência, transformar em escárnio tudo o que tem um valor elevado e manter um constante elogio à frivolidade; de modo que a euforia da publicidade, do consumo se tornem o padrão da felicidade humana e o modelo da liberdade. Deste modo, o condicionamento produzirá tal integração, que o único medo (que será necessário manter) será o de ser excluído do sistema e, portanto, de não poder mais ter acesso às condições materiais necessárias para a felicidade. O homem massificado, produzido dessa maneira, deve ser tratado como o que é: um bezerro, e deve ser vigiado de perto, como um rebanho deve ser. Tudo o que mitiga a sua lucidez é bom socialmente, e tudo o que pode despertá-la deve ser ridicularizado, sufocado e combatido. Qualquer doutrina que questione o sistema, primeiro, deve ser designada como subversiva e terrorista, e em seguida, aqueles que a apoiam devem ser tratados como tal."
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sivavakkiyar · 6 months
I don’t get the ouroboros anymore. Like think about it. That shit doesn’t go on forever. It just bites off the end and bleeds probably. Actually that would probably hurt it so it likely won’t do that either. The entire thing is based on faulty premises!!!!!!
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titleknown · 1 year
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...A meme drawn from experience.
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isofthing · 2 months
Today I learned:
So, Frankfurt School. Marcuse. Today's class was on the subjugation of the object by the concept.
I know what this sounds like:
Oh, some psuedo-logical abstract manipulation of words that leads to intractable language games.
But nah. Let me expound on this gold nugget of an idea. What does it mean to conceptualize an object? To categorize, abstract, generalize. It means that you subsume the object under the concept. The object's identity becomes a mere instance of the concept. What does this look like?
That's just a chair.
You just subsumed the object under the concept. The object is now reduced to the particular, chosen concept that was selected for the subjugation of the particularity of that object. But what does this mean? You might say. So what? It seems innocuous. But nah. It's not. It's actually the beginning of a rigid reification of thought. If that object is now JUST a chair, then all the meaning you associate and create will now be chair-related. Chair replaces the particularity of the object.
But it's JUST A CHAIR.
NO! You think it's JUST a chair because of the reification of concepts. The conceptual strata you live in is static and inflexible because of this type of reduction. It is a subjugation of particularity. It is not just a chair. It is also formerly a tree. And from Australia. And was home to some birds. And was your grandfather's. It's also a door stopper, an object that weighs some specific kilograms, etc.
Now. So what. What can we do about it? This seems like a feature of meaning making rather than a flaw, you might say. That's intelligent, but get this. What if we could liberate the particularity of the object? That's the goal of Marcuse and others in the Frankfurt school.
Ok. Maybe you're still unconvinced. Maybe you don't care about chairs or weight... But what about people? What about racism and sexism and all forms of stereotyping? All of these are instances of the subjugation of the individual under a concept. "They're X because they're Chinese. He's X because he's autistic. She's X because she's a woman." We are SUBJUGATING PEOPLE UNDER CONCEPTS. REDUCING THEM TO CATEGORIES.
Let's stop, people. Embrace the particularity of the particular. Create new categories. Recognise the limitations of all categories. Never believe in claims about exhaustive categorisation. Particularity always escapes exhaustive categorisation. Let us liberate the object from the concept and appreciate the particularities of the particulars all around us.
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senfonikankara · 3 days
Müziği Düşünmek | Adorno, Weber & Bourdieu
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toxounkapsei · 1 year
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If there was a trolley and its parts were gradually replaced until none of the original parts remained and there was no one there to hear it and it was a copy without an original
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dwagom · 4 months
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septictankie · 2 years
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"[I]n the most successful areas of automation, some sort of technological community seems to integrate the human atoms at work. The machine seems to instill some drugging rhythm in the operators... [T]he sociologist-observer believes this to be a reason for the gradual development of a 'general climate' more 'favorable both to production and to certain important kinds of human satisfaction.' He speaks of the 'growth of a strong in-group feeling in each crew' and quotes one worker as stating: 'All in all we are in the swing of things...' The phrase admirably expresses the change in mechanized enslavement: things swing rather than oppress, and they swing the human instrument--not only its body but also its mind and even its soul."
--Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man
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titusandronicusonice · 2 months
The archaic silence of pyramids and ruins becomes conscious of itself in materialist thought: it is the echo of factory noise in the landscape of the immutable.
Theodor W. Adorno, Reflections on Class Theory
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deepdrearn · 1 year
When something bad happens in my life, I usually think, “Adorno would have seen this coming.”
Kumars Salehi: What would the Frankfurt School Think of social media?
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sivavakkiyar · 10 months
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Martin Jay, Splinters In Your Eye: Frankfurt School Provocations
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clouds-of-wings · 9 months
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