I feel silly even asking, but I was wondering, why do jewish people tend to censor the word G-d? Do they also censor it in speech? I really have tried looking it up but I'm getting contradictory answers, and I think it's best to always ask someons of a certain community about their own culture if you can. Have a lovely day!
Hey, it’s not silly at all! Every question is valuable, it’s good to be inquisitive!
There’s much debate on the censoring of G-d, especially in the digital era— do we censor all of G-d’s names and titles? Does it count when recorded via audio? Such is the case for everything Jewish, there’s always an argument over the intricacies. You’ll see Rabbis have varied interpretations and thoughts on the handling of G-d’s names.
G-d is but a title, we do not know Their true name. The Eternal, HaShem (meaning “The Name”), G-d, Lord, the Universe. Whatever you call Them, Him, Her.
The prohibition itself of destroying the Lords name stems from a passage in Dt. 12:3-4, where we are commanded to obliterate the names of idols, "but you shall not do so to the Name of the Lord your G-d." It’s a gesture of respect and honouring G-d, to not write Their name in places where it can be perished or destroyed.
Here’s a piece on the handling of G-d’s name within the digital realm!
And more info here:
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fromgoy2joy · 3 months
So I’ve been spelling G-D without the O (as is evidenced here.) and it’s become engrained in me. So much so that whenever I see the full word in writing around the internet, I get a little bit of a jump scare.
Like “oh wow! We’re doing this! The full thing! Just spelt out. Okay, that’s fine! I’m going to be okay.”
And that’s not even describing when I have a religious question to search up and I need to spell it out. I feel so completely distorted by that, slowly typing in the middle letter and cringing.
But I love gaining the Jewish centric world view. Such a level up 💪🏻✡️💪🏻
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sappho-shalom · 3 months
question for jumblr!
hi!!! to start this off with a disclaimer, i am not jewish; i'm currently converting. i'm also in college right now and taking history of western civilization which involves learning about the hebrews in judea (i feel weird saying hebrews but i believe this is just the historical term and isn't offensive to jews - if it is, let me know! this is also something i was curious about). my professor is also christian so i don't really trust her judgement on this lol (i'll go into more detail about how much i don't trust her judgement later and why).
so, my professor (and most historians as far as i know) use the tetragrammaton to refer to the jewish g-d. personally i don't understand why they don't just say g-d as they would with the christian g-d (especially since it's, like, based on our g-d?) and so my anxiety-ridden ass somehow worked up the courage to ask my professor this and she replied with (kind of condescendingly but this might just have been my imagination) "because it's the hebrew term for g-d. it means g-d in hebrew" or something along those lines. at this point (i have awful anxiety) i was overheating just from asking the question so i didn't say anything else and was just like ok 🥴 and left. but, like, if you want to use a hebrew term why not use hashem or ad-nai (although this one could also be dicey but probably less so than The NameTM)? to me, it just seemed pointless and unnecessary to say the tetragrammaton when i feel like most people are aware of how jews feel about that name. (to be fair my professor isn't jewish so i suppose she is exempt from our ~frivolous beliefs~)
anyways, TL;DR: should historians/teachers/professionals use the tetragrammaton when referring to the jewish g-d? is this just me being chronically online and/or not knowledgeable enough on the subject? i'm genuinely curious.
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littlestpersimmon · 2 years
The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. 
- Ursula K Le Guin
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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slyandthefamilybook · 4 months
like sorry but holy shit. if you can't condemn mass murder without saying "well what about this other mass murder" maybe you don't care about mass murder and only care about politics?
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hold-me-witcher · 2 years
As somebody with religious trauma I just want to say that the line "cuz if we join our hands in prayer enough to G-d I imagine it all starts to sound like applause." Is a sick fucking line that hits really hard. Like h o w
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idonutcareforyou · 1 month
G-d is problematic because it is everyone but people hurt each other all the time . Did you ever even think of that ? canceled
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emiliosandozsequence · 6 months
g-d i rly don't know what i'm going to do with myself when i get to the order 66 scenes in clone wars.
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comfortsnow · 17 days
thought too hard about AI (2001)
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herprecioustreasure · 1 month
*clears throat*
that is all
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marlowe1-blog · 1 month
Job Chapter 28
I feel like Job is going to contradict this statement
And he said to the human race,     “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,     and to shun evil is understanding.”
The rest of this chapter is rather beautiful. Where does wisdom come from. Iyov really goes into a major discourse on how humanity digs into the earth for all the metals, all the diamonds. Food comes from the ground.
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It sounds like a very humanist chapter. Like Job is praising humanity for being able to find sapphires, grow food and dig into the earth.
But wisdom? How the fuck do you find that? It's not like you can just go exploring. It's not in the ocean. It's not in the sea. You can't buy it. "A pouch of wisdom is better than rubies."
It's an interesting question since there's an entire book of the Bible dedicated to the aphorisms of the society (Proverbs) and then a book of wisdom when you understand that life isn't about all the nice sayings (Qoheleth). And of course, the section of the Bible (Tanakh) is calls Kethuvim so all of it is considered Wisdom (basically Wisdom is everything that isn't Torah or Prophets. Prophets is history plus the Prophetic works - major and minor).
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And unlike in Dungeons & Dragons, intelligence and wisdom tend to be inversely proportional. Grow up gifted and you think you know everything. That is the opposite of wisdom.
But yeah, G-d makes rain and wisdom. G-d knows everything, so fear G-d. What does that mean on a symbolic level? Fear everything or fear whatever makes the rain and the waters.
Fear G-d. Because G-d is beyond the rest. If you fear G-d, you don't have to fear anything else - not fire, murder or zombies. G-d is running things.
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Also, it's ironic in the context of this book since G-d can always fuck with you, so you better fear g-d.
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yentling · 3 months
Gotten to the point of Requiem of a Dream where it hurts to read
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wisdom-and-such · 1 year
“[In regard to His knowledge] He is the Knower, He is the Knowledge, and He is what is known.
He is life; He is the one living, and He is the one who draws down life to Himself.
The same applies with regard to His other attributes. These concepts are difficult to comprehend. A person cannot expect to gain a complete understanding of the matter from two or three of my lines.”
—— Rambam; Rabbinic scholar, mystic, and court physician to Saladin. On the subject of the One, non-corporeal creator of the Universe
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benetnvsch · 10 months
it is a basement - some cats live some cats die -by musician and silly creature creator Covey lah-loyd freeman night tonight
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slyandthefamilybook · 4 months
and of course that post is from Native fucking News
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