filmaticbby · 1 year
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Gandu (2010) dir. Qaushiq Mukherjee
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14 June '23 morning rays penetrating
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0856-4863-2193 Rumput Odot Pakan Kambing Bagor Nganjuk
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ORDER/ TANYA klik https://wa.me/6285648632193, Benih Rumput Odot, berapa lama rumput odot tumbuh, Bibit Rumput Gajah Odot, Bibit Rumput Odot, bibit rumput odot jawa tengah BINPRES AGRO SEJAHTERA Supplier Bibit Rumput Odot Pakan Ternak Terbesar di Blitar Dikirim dari Tulungagung
PEMBELIAN ECER/ PARTAI BISA HUBUNGI : CALL/WA 0856-4863-2193 Atau Klik WA : Wa.me/6285648632193 [Klik Disini]
Tentang Kami ;
Bibit Rumput ODOT untuk pakan ternak.
Panjang stek batang odot 15-20cm standar Dinas Pertanian
Protein 17%, tekstur daun lunak dan tidak kasar sehingga disukai ternak.
1 ha membutuhkan 15.000-20.000 stek.
Tiap 1 stek bibit mampu menghasilkan hingga 25 batang anakan dan semakin lama semakin lebat
Panen pertama 70 hari [2 bulan] panen seterusnya per 40 hari sekali, mampu bertahan hidup hingga 10 th lebih tergantung perawatan
Rumput odot memiliki kandungan nutrusi yang cukup baik yaitu : kadar lemak daun 2.72%, kadar lemak batang 0.91%, CP daun 14.35%, CP batang 8.1 %, Digestibility daun 72.68%, digestibility batang 62.56%, dan protein kasar 14%.
Stok Bibit Rumput Odot Kami menyediakan dalam jumlah besar untuk proyek penghijauan dan pengadaan pakan alternatif ternak Anda, apapun jenis ternaknya baik sapi, kerbau, kambing (etawa, kacangan, jawa, gembel, gibas, domba, domba batur, texel, dan lain-lain), ataupun itik, ayam, angsa, dan kalkun, termasuk juga ikan nila dan gurami maupun lele serta jenis ikan pemakan segala tanaman.
PEMBELIAN ECER/ PARTAI BESAR BISA HUBUNGI : CALL/WA : 0856-4863-2193 Atau Klik WA : Wa.me/6285648632193 [Klik Disini]
Kami siap Kirim Ke Kecamatan :
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hehehuhuhihi · 3 months
Ghar aai hu lekin 2 -3 ghante ki special attention Milne ke baad wahi mummy k tane shuru ho gye 😿
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motherianite · 9 months
okay going back to mianitian isles but i believe that ianite and gandus should’ve been a thing . . hear me out ..
we know that gandus knew that ianite was planning to overthrow her brothers, which takes place some time before the heroes occupy the isles.
what if they were in a relationship and gandus was able to convince ianite to overthrow her brothers. ianite having a change of heart decides against overthrowing them which ends up with her breaking up with gandus. so ianite disappears completely, gandus has blackmail material on her..
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kiwibirdlafayette · 9 months
ive been brainrotting pirates SMP jordan with kaye on twt and im really tempted to make a whole masterpost explaning everything i talked about with them and then the mianite related stuff. I shouldn't. but I shouldnt
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katanamasako · 1 year
(Gandus) "Yank her tail and I swear to God I will string you by your fucking TOES from the highest skyscraper I can find."
Yuki is gonna scale Gandus and hide in his shirt collar. Kat is gonna laugh "Easy big guy, i think they were just asking. all the same... we are of a like mind on that sentiment."
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traitorsinsalem · 2 years
i still don't understand how people were/are able to not only draw mianite with light skin, but now dianite in isles as darker than him.
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ye age old digital art of the color picking tool shows not only that mianite has always had notably darker skin than ianite (who has the standard light skin of most s1-s2 mianite npcs) but that mianite and dianite not only have the exact same skin color in ises--they have the same base character model.
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the uncovered portions of their skins perfectly correlate. same exact colors/patterns. (obviously go ahead with whatever you want to do with ianite, i just used her as an example to highlight that canonically, neither mianite nor isles dianite is pale.)
also standard disclaimer that i have light skin myself and there's a clear difference between someone making dianite darker than mianite to project their own appearance on dianite in particular and a light person subconsciously deciding that the evil->chaotic god is darker than the good->lawful god with the same skin tone. the mianite community is small but if someone started a dogpile on the former i would to beat them to death with a stick.
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orgasming-caterpillar · 8 months
Being a trans boy in India is so hard btw,, aside from the regular transphobic shit you also have to face the problem of your fashion choices. You have to REALLY, REALLY balance the chacha and the chapri aesthetic or you'll just end up looking like a chakka
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snowydawn17 · 8 months
Me: Hm… how would I phrase this as a sensitivity question…
Me: “if a lady burst into your (previously fairly sheltered) life and declared her intent was to kill your mom, who you have a complicated-leaning-on-negative relationship with, how would you react?”
Me: yeah okay
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anachronisims · 2 years
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Junia:  “... and so, now that I can trade horses, we’re going to start seeing a lot of things improving around this cave.  We might even get out of the cave and into a real house before you know it!”
Gandu:  “Yes, and I’ll build it!  That would be incredible!”
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Nehorai:  “Mom, what if you make a fake horse costume and go to one of the villages you trade with and gather up all their real horses at night after everybody’s asleep and bring them home?”
Junia:  “Uh, well, that’s called ‘stealing,’ Nehorai.  And it’s not a good thing to do.”
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Nehorai:  “Well but if you outsmarted them with your horse costume isn’t it more like winning them?  It costs a lot less to make a horse costume than buying real horses.  It just makes sense, Mom.”
Junia:  “What - ?”
Gandu:  “Birdie, I’ve got this.  Nehorai, you’re going to learn as you get older that just because you can outsmart some other sims doesn’t mean you should.”
Junia:  “Exactly, it’s not resp- ”
Gandu:  “Sometimes they fight back, and it ends up being more trouble than it was worth.”
Junia:  “That’s not - !”
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hausaloaded · 2 months
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thecoachingdirectory · 3 months
Need help to fulfill your career and personal dreams faster and easier than you ever thought possible? Look no further than Tracy Gandu Founder of Life Craft Coaching. She is a leadership and transformation coach, trainer, and speaker on a quest to help others. She partners with organizations, emerging leaders, and people managers to support a more diverse and inclusive workforce for a brighter tomorrow. Reach out and connect with her today!
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BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0852-1533-9500, Jual Kompor Stainless Melayani Gandus
MELAYANI PENGIRIMAN KE SELURUH INDONESIA, ORDER KLIK WA https://wa.me/6285215339500, Kontraktor Kompor Stainless Melayani Gandus, Jual Kompor Stainless Melayani Gandus, Harga Kompor Stainless Melayani Gandus, Produsen Kompor Stainless Melayani Gandus, Supplier Kompor Stainless Melayani Gandus
Pusat Kompor Stainless
Kami Produsen Mesin Kompor Stainless Yang sudah banyak melayani klien seluruh Indonesia dan kami juga melayani jasa pembangunan Pabrik untuk produksi Tahu, Kelapa sawit, Kecap dan peruntukan produksi lainnya
Hubungi : WA 0852-1533-9500
MELAYANI ORDER Kirim ke Seluruh Kota Indonesia
Untuk Pemesanan Dan Janjian Ketemu Di Kantor
Hubungi : WA 0852-1533-9500
Bapak Hendra Firmansyah S.Pd,I
Posting by Eva Restiawati SMKN 1 CARIU
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BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0852-1533-9500, Jual Alat Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus
MELAYANI PENGIRIMAN KE SELURUH INDONESIA, ORDER KLIK WA https://wa.me/6285215339500, Kontraktor Alat Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus, Jual Alat Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus, Harga Alat Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus, Produsen Alat Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus, Supplier Alat Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus
Pusat Alat Dapur Stainless
Kami Produsen Mesin Alat Dapur Stainless Yang sudah banyak melayani klien seluruh Indonesia dan kami juga melayani jasa pembangunan Pabrik untuk produksi Tahu, Kelapa sawit, Kecap dan peruntukan produksi lainnya
Hubungi : WA 0852-1533-9500
MELAYANI ORDER Kirim ke Seluruh Kota Indonesia
Untuk Pemesanan Dan Janjian Ketemu Di Kantor
Hubungi : WA 0852-1533-9500
Bapak Hendra Firmansyah S.Pd,I
Posting By Neng Rida Kania Fauziah SMK Negeri 1 Cariu
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BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0852-1533-9500, Jual Peralatan Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus
MELAYANI PENGIRIMAN KE SELURUH INDONESIA, ORDER KLIK WA https://wa.me/6285215339500, Kontraktor Peralatan Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus, Jual Peralatan Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus, Harga Peralatan Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus, Produsen Peralatan Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus, Supplier Peralatan Dapur Stainless Melayani Gandus
Pusat Peralatan Dapur Stainless
Kami Produsen Mesin Peralatan Dapur Stainless Yang sudah banyak melayani klien seluruh Indonesia dan kami juga melayani jasa pembangunan Pabrik untuk produksi Tahu, Kelapa sawit, Kecap dan peruntukan produksi lainnya
Hubungi : WA 0852-1533-9500
MELAYANI ORDER Kirim ke Seluruh Kota Indonesia
Untuk Pemesanan Dan Janjian Ketemu Di Kantor
Hubungi : WA 0852-1533-9500
Bapak Hendra Firmansyah S.Pd,I
Posting By Syahlah Sabiilah Najah SMK Negeri 1 Cariu
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