#German Vocabulary
german-enthusiast · 6 months
In my L1-acquisition class two weeks ago, our professor talked about how only 9% of the speech a baby hears is single words. Everything else is phrases and sentences, onslaughts of words and meaning!
Thus, a baby not only has to learn words and their meanings but also learn to segment lots of sounds INTO words. Doyouwantalittlemoresoupyesyoudoyoucutie. Damn.
When she talked about HOW babies learn to segment words our professor said, and I love it, "babies are little statisticians" because when listening to all the sounds, they start understanding what sound is likely to come after another vs which is not.
After discussing lots of experiments done with babies, our professor added something that I already knew somewhere in my brain but didn't know I know: All this knowledge is helpful when learning an L2 as well:
Listen to natives speaking their language. Original speed. Whatever speaker. Whatever topic.
It is NOT about understanding meaning. It is about learning the rhythm of the language, getting a feeling for its sound, the combination of sounds, the melody and the pronunciation.
Just how babies have to learn to identify single words within waves of sounds, so do adults learning a language. It will help immensely with later (more intentional) listening because you're already used to the sound, can already get into the groove of the languge.
Be as brave as a baby.
You don't even have to pay special attention. Just bathe in the sound of your target language. You'll soak it up without even noticing.
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drlinguo · 9 months
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German …
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ich-bin-der-baer · 8 months
Journaling Vocabulary - German
der Aufkleber (pl. die Aufkleber) -- sticker der Bewusstseinsstrom -- stream of consciousness der Bleistift (pl. die Bleistifte) -- pencil das/der Blog (pl. die Blogs) -- blog die Dankbarkeit -- gratitude der Eintrag (pl. die Einträge) -- entry das Erinnerungsstück (pl. die Erinnerungsstücke) -- memento; souvenir das Erlebnis (pl. die Erlebnisse) -- experience die Frage -- question das Geheimnis (pl. die Geheimnisse) -- secret das Journal (pl. die Journale) -- journal die Kunst -- art die Liste -- list das Notizbuch (pl. die Notizbücher) -- notebook das Papier -- paper der Planer (pl. die Planer) -- planner das Reisetagebuch -- travel journal die Seite -- page der Stempel (pl. die Stempel) -- stamp der Sticker (pl. die Sticker) -- sticker der Stift (pl. die Stifte) -- pen das Tagebuch (pl. die Tagebücher) -- diary das Textverarbeitungsprogramm -- word processor die Übersicht -- overview die Zeichnung -- drawing
(etwas) aufschreiben -- to write (something) down beschreiben -- to describe einkleben -- to glue in (sich) erinnern -- to remember (über etwas) nachdenken -- to think (about something) (etwas) notieren -- to make a note (of something) planen -- to plan (über etwas) reflektieren -- to reflect (on something) schreiben -- to write tippen -- to type verarbeiten -- to work through; to process zurückverfolgen -- to trace back
ehrlich -- honest geheim -- secret kreativ -- creative persönlich -- personal therapeutisch -- therapeutic
alltägliches Leben -- daily life ein Tagebuch führen -- to keep a diary eine Liste führen -- to keep a list mit der Hand geschrieben -- handwritten
liebes Tagebuch -- dear diary
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Confusing German grammar
Dative case
auf jemandem stehen = to stand on top of someone
Accusative case
auf jemanden stehen = to have a crush on someone
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namiek-studies · 1 month
Vokabelliste - Tschick
ich habe angefangen, Tschick zu lesen! Hier sind ein paar Wörter aus den ersten paar Kapiteln, die ich nicht gekennt habe 🥳
schwindelig (adj.) - dizzy
mir ist schwindelig
hüpfen (v.) - to hop
foltern (v.) - to torture/beat
kratzen (v.) - to scratch
er hat sich am Bein gekratzt
erschöpft (adj.) - exhausted
geistreich (adj.) - witty
albern (adj.) - ridiculous, silly
verzweifelt (adj.) - desperate
die Narbe (n.) - scar
die Delle (n.) - dent
humpeln (v.) - to limp
die Schweigepflicht (n.) - oath of confidentialty/secrecy
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kutyozh · 1 year
One German composite I think is truly underrated is Lebensgefährte [ˈleːbn̩sɡəˌfɛːɐ̯tə] / Lebensgefährtin [ˈleːbn̩sɡəˌfɛːɐ̯tɪn] / Lebensgefährt:in [ˈleːbn̩sɡəˌfɛːɐ̯tʔɪn].
It means 'life companion' and it's a pretty mundane word but the word 'Gefährte' itself is pretty poetic and has an archaic flavour. To me it evokes a picture of beings who are inseparable, who go through thick and thin with each other, who are together in the most natural way but with an air of being aware of this great blessing.
It is a word that is used both in a non-romantic and a romantic way. It can be any two or more people. It can be a human and an animal. Dogs or horses are often referred to as 'treue Gefährten' (loyal companions).
Now, the composite 'Lebensgefährt:in' is strictly reserved for humans, as it also refers to a legal status that is an alternative to marriage. But again, it can mean both romantic and non-romantic partners. And I feel like adding 'Leben' to the equation it gives the whole concept even more intentionality, like, 'this is not only my trusted companion that I chose, but I also want this companion to stay in my life my whole life'.
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neristudy · 9 months
◦ Lets study some damn German ◦
A collection of my main online resources that have been found and sorted by me for my personal use. Feel free to steal it for yourself, though.
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To fully learn a language, you need to know and comprehend:
⊳ Reading;
⊳ Writing;
⊳ Listening;
⊳ Speaking.
But since I have ADHD, I add one more thing: learning through games. This will include literal computer games from German developers with German voiceovers, or just gamification of learning like Duolingo.
Because why the hell not?
°°••....••°° 〘Chapter one: Reading〙 °°••....••°°
➤ LingQ
There aren't as many non-political articles as I'd like (and certainly not enough articles on cooking!), but poor people can't be choosers.
➤ German.net
The site has a pretty decent library of resources not only for reading, but I put it in this category because of the presence of texts with comprehension tests at the end. It's a very nice way to see if you really understood what was written there or not.
➤  ... probably, some german book? Is there a comunity of german writers on AO3....
°°••....••°° 〘Chapter two: Writing〙 °°••....••°°
They all more or less focus on grammar, so I don't see the need to describe each one separately. However, pay attention to the last 3 links - those are  resources with avaliable Ukrainian language.
➤ Learn German online
➤ German with Laura
➤ Deutschbuch.com
➤ FluentU
➤ Easy-Deutch.com
➤ Lingvvozone
The only one that deserves further explanation, for this site is essentially a very thicc online dictionary. Very useful.
❥ Грамматика з нуля ❥ Golernen Akademia ❥ Deutsche Welle
°°••....••°° 〘Chapter three: Listening〙 °°••....••°°
Beware: mostly Youtube, so get your adblock up maties.
➤  Learn Languages With Isa
Cute short german stories.
➤  Easy German
The man, the myth, the legend.
➤ Learn German with Herr Antrim
He’s got whole courses and deserves a watch at least bc of his shiny personality!
➤  Learn German With Falk  
Great, slow podcast with managable pasing.
➤ Listen to German music, playlists are:
    - here
    - and here
    - and also here!
°°••••°° 〘Chapter three: Speaking 〙 °°••••°°
➤ Sing along german songs (even better if you have studied a song before and know what it is about);
➤ Start a voice diary: daily send yourself (on Telegram or wherever it is convenient and / or easy for you) a voice message in which you tried to talk about something (or on a specific topic) for x minutes.
➤ The most scary and/or hard one: get yourself a buddy who learn or already native to German language. Can also write to me, and we can study together!
°°••....••°° 〘Chapter four: Games〙 °°••....••°°
➤ Piranha Bytes & friends
For now the greatest sourse of my active german playing is games from Piranha Bytes & friends, ya can fing their bundle here on steam. Just scroll down a bit.
➤ Duolingo
The infamous legend. Acually quite helpful to study in casheer line, or on a 15-mins break. Not much helpful in other stuff.
For now it is basically all I have. Would add more later!
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imtryingtolearngerman · 11 months
German word of the day
der Berg
Meaning: mountain
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k0rvy · 1 year
112322 | Week 1 Day 4 of Langblr Reactivation Challenge by @prepolyglot
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Day 4: Create a vocab list for one of the topics you created yesterday, if you want to make more, feel free to make as many as you like! Share your list and reblog other people’s lists. And most importantly, make sure you study these words!
蔬菜 - shū cài / 野菜 - やさい / Gemüse / Vegetables
西红柿 - Xīhóngshì / トマト / Tomate / Tomato
洋葱- Yángcōng / タマネギ /Zwiebel / Onion
姜 - Jiāng / ショウガ / Ingwer / Ginger
土豆 - Tǔdòu / じゃがいも / Kartoffel / Potato
蘑菇 - Mógu /キノコ / Pilz / Mushroom
黄瓜 - Huángguā /キュウリ / Gurke / Cucumber
蒜 - Suàn /ニンニク / Knoblauch / Garlic
肉 - Ròu / 肉 - にく/ Fleisch / Meats
猪肉 - Zhū ròu / 豚肉 - ぶたにく/ Schweinefleisch / Pork
牛肉 -Niú ròu / 牛肉- ぎゅうにく / Rindfleisch / Beef
鱼 -Yú /魚- さかな / Fische / Fish
鸡肉 - Jī ròu /鶏肉 - ときにく/ Huhn / Chicken
香肠 - Xiāngcháng /ソーセージ / Würstchen / Sausage
虾 - Xiā / エビ / Garnele / Shrimp
蟹 - Xiè / カニ / Krabbe /
水果 - Shuǐguǒ /果物 - くだもの / Obst / Fruits
苹果 - Píngguǒ / リンゴ / Apfel / Apple
橙 - Chéng / オレンジ/ die Orange / Orange
梨 - Lí / 梨 - なし / die Birne / Pear
西瓜 - Xīguā / スイカ / die Wassermelone / Watermelon
柠檬 - Níngméng / レモン / die Zitrone /Lemon
葡萄 - Pútáo / 葡萄 - ぶどう/ die Trauben Grapes
日用品 - rì yònɡ pǐn / 日用品 にちようひん / Die täglichen Erfordernisse / Daily Necessities
香皂 - xiānɡ zào / 石鹸 - せっけん / die Seife / Soap
毛巾 - máo jīn / タオル / das Handtuch * Towel
洗洁精 - / 食器用洗剤 しょっきようせんざい / Geschirrspülmittel / Dish washing liquid
卫生纸 - wèi shēnɡ zhǐ /トイレットペーパー / Toilettenpapier / Toilet paper
牙刷 - Yáshuā / 歯ブラシ / Thootbrush
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lesbiangerman · 1 year
Langblr Reactivation Challenge | Week 1 Day 4
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WEIHNACHTEN | christmas german vocabulary list :
• christmas tree - der Weihnachtsbaum
• presents - Geschenke
• christmas balls - Weihnachtskugeln
• snow - der Schnee
• snowflakes - Schneeflocken
• angel - der Engel
• santa claus - der Weihnachtsmann
• reindeers - Rentiere
• chimney - der Schornstein
• sleigh - der Schlitten
• gingerbread - der Lebkuchen
• snowballs - Schneebälle
• elves - Elfen
• the north pole - der Nordpol
• christmas carol - das Weihnachtslied
• stars - Sterne
• wish - der Wunsch
• gift paper - das Geschenkpapier
• socks - Socken
• milk - die Milch
• cookies - Kekse
• fireplace - der Kamin
• christmas decoration - die Weihnachtsdekoration
• snowman - der Schneemann
( let me know if there are any mistakes! )
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german-enthusiast · 1 month
I think, broken down to its essence, learning a language can have three stages/goals, which can but needn't all be reached:
- Goal 1: have enough vocab and grammar to say stuff and have your message be understood
- Goal 2: have the grammar and vocab to say grammatically correct sentences
- Goal 3: be able to do creative/academic writing (meaning: have the skill+vocab to vary writing style according to the text type)
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drlinguo · 1 year
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ich-bin-der-baer · 3 months
die Blüte -- flower; bloom der Esel (pl. die Esel) -- donkey der Fehldruck -- misprint der (die) Fotograf(in) -- photographer das Hobby -- hobby das Kostüm (pl. die Kostüme) -- costume die Leidenschaft -- passion die Meerjungfrau -- mermaid die Orchidee -- orchid die Schwimmflosse -- flipper der Spielzug (pl. die Spielzüge) -- move [in a game] das Trikot -- [sport] shirt; jersey die Vielfalt -- diversity der Würfel (pl. die Würfel) -- die (pl. dice)
herstellen -- to make sammeln -- to collect schlagen -- to beat schwimmen -- to swim spielen -- to play trainieren -- to train; to practice wachsen -- to grow
faszinierend -- fascinating gehegt und gepflegt -- lovingly cared for schräg -- offbeat; odd
(die Freunde) so nehmen, wie sie sind -- to take (one's friends) as they are Spaß haben -- to have fun ein Foto machen -- to take a photo
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thatswhywelovegermany · 7 months
die Vergangenheit
gehen (past perfect: gegangen) = to go
ver- = prefix with a variety of functions:
marks the word in question as negative or difficult
marks the movement of an object
determines that a thing is provided with something
describes a change to the point of destruction
describes wrongdoing
designates that a strong, difficult to undo change will have a strong influence on the physical or mental state of someone or something
carries no special meaning with many verbs
vergehen (past perfect: vergangen) = to vanish, to decay, to elapse, to go by, to cease to be, to die away, to pass away
-heit = suffix turning a verb into a noun
die Vergangenheit = the past
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nuelangblr · 2 years
Reading Practice “Wie aus Furcht Märchen wurden: Der deutsche Wald und seine Fabelwesen“
der Märchenwald - fairy forest der Volksglaube - folk belief, folk religion der Aberglaube - superstition der Holzfäller - lumberjack der Schreiner - carpenter der Hain - grove
die Furcht - fright die Eiche - oak die Baumwurzel - tree root die Gebrüder Grimm - the Borthers Grimm die Gestalt - shape, figure die Schneiderin - female tailor die Wandlung - change die Hexe - witch
das Märchen - fairy tale das Mittelalter - the Middle Ages das Grauen - horror, terror das Gespenst - ghost das Faszinosum - an object of fascination das Zufluchtsort - shelter
jemanden beflügeln - to inspire someone jemanden überlisten - to out-think someone erdenken - to think up sth jemanden erschrecken - to frighten someone sich verlaufen - to get lost somewhere jemanden in die Irre führen - to lead someone astray
beklemmend - depressive, opressive urtümlich - old, primeval volkstümlich - folk (adjective) träumerisch - dreamy menschenähnlich - menlike numinos - eerie yet divine, numinous jemandem wohlgesonnen - symphatetic towards smn zwielichtig - false, two-faced
geschweige denn - (conjungtion) never mind
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languages-are-nifty · 25 days
Me downloading HelloTalk to practice my German:
My Austrian Boyfriend:
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I may or not be a pinch to nervous to talk to him in German rn. I'll get there I swear I'm just a bit rusty
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