#Gianni x Sandra
karenlacorte · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Macmillan Book of 366 Bedtime Stories.
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hauntedheroines · 2 years
You can not write “dysfunctional” without “fun”
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Texting / Max Lai 賴鵬翔
「時尚」動向,關乎設計師的想法和創造的新鮮話題,一舉一動影響到市場動脈和品牌走向發展。2017整年細數時尚大事件,令人震撼扼腕的是任職17年的創意總監Christopher Bailey將和Burberry說再見。值得一提的是,Salvatore Ferragamo則有大咖設計新血加入,而精品與潮牌或藝術家聯名,今年最火紅的就是紅透半邊天的Louis Vuitton x Supreme。另外,品牌收購動向Michael Kors以11.7億美元收購Jimmy Choo更是今年不可忽視的時尚焦點。回顧2017時尚圈,你不可不知的10件時尚大事。
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金童Christopher Bailey黯然揮別Burberry、MONCLER 高級男女裝系列畫下句點
今年10月底Burberry正式宣布任職創意總監17年的Christopher Bailey將離職,而他將任職到明年3月,2018秋冬系列將是他在Burberry所完成的最後系列,這也意味著Burberry的Christopher Bailey時代將過去,從2001年加入Burberry、2009年升任創意總監,在這一階段他與Burberry兩任 CEO Rose Marie Bravo、Angela Ahrendts 先後共事,參與了品牌的復興,及更創造了時尚圈即看即買風潮,讓所有買家能在秀後隨即下單,堪稱創造Burberry新輝煌時代的大功臣之一。
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而在宣布離職這項訊息後,Christopher Bailey則表示:「要離開這個工作了17年的品牌我並不難過,我很開心即將展開接下來的全新計畫。」其實,從2017年初開始,關於Christopher Bailey 可能離職的消息就已經傳出,5月,Christopher Bailey 卸下 CEO一職,由法國奢侈品集團 LVMH 旗下品牌 Celine 原首席執行官 Marco Bobbetti 接棒,似乎就預告了這個設計金童的告別。
至於品牌創意總監的繼任人選到底花落誰家呢?外界猜測英國當紅設計師、西班牙皮具品牌Loewe創意總監 Jonathan Anderson可能是Burberry創意總監的熱門人選,而其他可能的名單人選包括了Lanvin 的兩名舊將Alber Elbaz、Bouchra Jarrar,前Givenchy 創意總監Ricardo Tisci、前Saint Laurent 藝術總監 Hedi Slimane,但目前後續動態並不明朗,預計可能會在2018的秋冬系列發表後宣布該職位的繼任人選。
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另外,除了時尚金童Christopher Bailey將揮別Burberry之外,盟可睞MONCLER與浪漫代表Giambattista Valli與設計鬼才Thom Browne聯名設計的Moncler Gamme Rouge 高級女裝系列和Moncler Gamme Bleu高級男裝系列也在今年畫下句點, 3位設計師在過去共同打造了許多令人驚豔的作品,但未來將更專注在各自的品牌上,因此已分別於巴黎及米蘭時裝周發表的春夏2018 Moncler Gamme Rouge 以及 Moncler Gamme Bleu系列,為聯名設計畫下完美句點。
今年時尚圈收購合併趨勢持續在上演中,Michael Kors在7月宣布將以11.7億美元收購英國鞋履品牌Jimmy Choo,而據悉,Michael Kors將以每股230便士價格收購Jimmy Choo。出身鞋匠世家的馬來西亞華裔設計師周仰杰(Jimmy Choo)在1996年創辦Jimmy Choo,許多明星名人皆是品牌的愛好者,連已故的英國黛安娜王妃也是其顧客之一。其實早在2002年,周仰杰已經全售手上的Jimmy Choo持股,現在則是由他的侄女 Sandra Choi 擔任創意總監。
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面對未來的不確定性,許多精品選擇整併對抗大環境的逆勢,不只是Michael Kors收購Jimmy Choo,其實輕奢品牌Coach在5月時,已宣布斥資24億美元收購以童趣設計、親民價格深受小資女喜愛的紐約設計師品牌Kate Spade,雙方都表示,期盼兩方品牌結盟,可創造一個全面的精品生活風格集團。對於收購合併的未來動向如何?值得令人期待。
Salvatore Ferragamo重量級設計新血加入
Salvatore Ferragamo也在今年十月宣布Paul Andrew為女性商品系列創意總監。獲獎無數的設計師Paul Andrew也讓品牌非常有信心,集團首席執行官Eraldo Poletto先生表示:「Paul在女性商品上擁有精準獨到的眼光,在過去一年當中他為女性鞋履系列的貢獻及成功已證明了此點。他對於我們品牌的歷史和價值理念的回顧以及對高科技和精湛工藝的注重,重新演繹過去經典的鞋履,賦予當代靈魂活力。我非常有信心在他的任內能夠將所有女性商品類別重新整合,使品牌擁有更完整的一致性。」
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Paul Andrew接掌女性商品系列創意總監一職,能強化Salvatore Ferragamo作為以鞋類和皮革製品為主要營業項目的奢侈品牌於全球地位的基礎。身為創意總監,Paul將負責所有女性產品類別的發展,以及參與所有行銷、形象活動,而Paul Andrew首次發表的Ferragamo女性商品系列將於2018秋冬推出,也讓人十分期待其後續發展。
90'超模Versace 2018春夏驚艷
今年正逢 Versace 品牌創辦人 Gianni Versace 逝世二十周年,在藝術總監 Donatella Versace 的領導之下,透過作品向摯愛的哥哥 Gianni 致敬,而這次大秀最讓人驚喜的是,當整場秀進入尾聲,看秀嘉賓準備鼓掌離開前,Donatella Versace 意外帶給所有到場的嘉賓,最特別的謝幕驚喜,燈光再次點亮,而舞台上站著 Cindy Crawford、Naomi Campbell、Claudia Schiffer、Carla Bruni 以及 Helena Christensen,5位許久不見的 90 年代超模無預警現身回歸,她們穿著一襲俐落合身的金色洋裝,展現女性線條,並帶著女王般的霸氣重返時裝舞台,這也讓現場響起如雷的掌聲。
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其實回顧90年代,Cindy Crawford、Naomi Campbell、Claudia Schiffer、Carla Bruni 以及 Helena Christensen都是創辦人 Gianni Versace 當時伸展台上御用超模,在這次品牌創辦人 Gianni Versace 逝世二十周年之際,重返Versace 2018春夏大秀,也是表達對於該品牌的知遇之恩與感謝,這無疑也是創意總監Donatella Versace為Versace帶來最棒的一場時裝大秀之一,而這場秀上的新秀超模也包括了現在火紅的Kendall Jenner、Gigi Hadid、Bella Hadid以及 Kaia Gerber等人,與5位90年代超模現身同個時尚舞台,也意味著新舊世代的交替與時尚圈源源不絕的活力。
一年一度的2017英國時尚大獎( The Nominations For The Fashion Awards )入圍名單於10月底公布,而這個指標性的獎項,今年共有45位入圍者,其中設立9個獎項,每個單項獎入圍者有5位,他們代表了本年度最具創造力的時尚人物和最具創新的商業模式。
這次入圍四項大獎的Loewe現任創意總監Jonathan Anderson,以個人品牌JW Anderson及所屬的品牌Loewe入圍四項大獎,曾與UNIQLO 推出合作系列以及在中國購物網站天貓,針對中國市場訂製設計的LOEWE七夕愛心系列Barcelona手袋,設計觸角十分多元。
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其實這已經不是Jonathan Anderson第一次入圍英國時尚大獎了,早在2015年,Jonathan Anderson已經獲得過英國時尚大獎中年度女裝設計師和年度男裝設計師雙項大獎,今年再次提名年度國際設計師、年度女裝設計師、年度男裝設計師以及年度配飾設計師四個獎項,也被外界視為獲獎的熱門人選。
除此之外,Gucci創意總監Alessandro Michele也是最近時尚圈炙手可熱的火紅大人物,去年已經獲得過年度國際配飾設計師獎項,今年依舊以充滿文藝氣息的復古元素與濃郁色彩和自然界的花鳥蟲獸等設計元素,帶動GUCCI買氣,該品牌上半年財務數據顯示,銷售額為28.33億歐元,同比增長45.4%;營業利潤9.07億歐元,同比增長69%。出色的業績表現與市場影響力,也讓Alessandro Michele再次出現在英國時尚大獎的入圍名單上。
Céline創意總監Phoebe Philo因為建立品牌簡約、現代的設計風格,其設計理念與個人品味跟Céline的品牌面向十分吻合,進而取得品牌主顧客的品味信賴,並將Céline的年銷售額從2億歐元帶動至超過7億歐元,在商業上取得了驚人的成功,因此就商業觀點來看,獲獎機率也不小。
另外,CALVIN KLEIN創意總監Raf Simons也是相當受矚目的獲獎人選,自Raf Simons上任後,便開始大刀闊斧改革,先是將品牌名「Calvin Klein」改為全大寫「CALVIN KLEIN」,更與藝術家Sterling Ruby合作,重新定義了位於麥迪森大道654號品牌旗艦店形象,將大面積明黃色加入店鋪裝潢設計,改變了該品牌的刻板印象與定位,在去年發表首波系列後,Raf Simons一舉拿下2016 CFDA年度女裝設計師與年度男裝設計師雙項大獎,來勢洶洶也成為該獎項的熱門人選之一。
近年時裝界有不少品牌也加入反皮草之列,繼Calvin Klein、Giorgio Armani、Ralph Lauren、Stella McCartney、HUGO BOSS等品牌宣布停用動物皮草之後,精品品牌龍頭之一的GUCCI行政總裁Marco Bizzarri在10月也宣布自2018年春季系列起,全面禁用動物皮草的物料,其中包括貂、土狼、浣熊、狐狸、兔及羔羊毛等皮草,並成為國際反皮草聯盟的一員,用行動來支持時裝零皮草的目標。
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而許多動物保護組織,包括美國人道協會(HSUS)、義大利反活體解剖聯盟(LAV)及國際反皮草聯盟(Fur Free Alliance)都對這個決定樂觀其成,並表示極度歡迎與支持。但這個停用皮草的決定當然也有反對的聲浪出現,國際皮草聯盟(International Fur Federation)對GUCCI決定表示失望,聯盟主席Mark Oaten表示:「為了保育理由而棄用皮草的說法不合理,並強調真皮草的時尚性是仿皮草或其他物料無法取代,批評這個棄用皮草的決定,會破壞業界生態。」到底Gucci宣布停用所有動物皮草衣料的決定會為時尚圈帶來何等影響呢?會造成反皮草時代正式來臨、還是會引起皮草相關產業劇烈反彈?之後的相關漣漪效應值得繼續觀察。
聯名系列火紅上線!LOUIS VUITTON X Supreme
今年精品聯名風潮依舊,其中最火紅的應該就是炒熱各大時尚媒體話題、洗版社群網站,「紅」透半邊天的紐約潮牌Supreme與Louis Vuitton首度合作聯名系列,這個系列將Louis Vuitton經典Monogram印花與Supreme最具代表性的Box Logo標誌結合,不只掀起潮男型女的排隊風潮,網路上的轉手價格更是一飆再飆,以極為搶手的Leather Blouson Bomber Monogram Box Logo夾克4,350美元(台幣約13萬3,445元)為例,網路上轉手銷售喊價到4倍以上,東西方名人與明星、KOL都搶著穿上,並透過社群網站晒美照引起熱烈迴響,堪稱今年度勸敗威力最強大的聯名商品。
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其實Supreme原本是一間販售從世界各地搜來的優質潮牌小店,曾聯名過的品牌與跨界合作款更是五花八門,包括了Comme des Garçons Shirt、Undercover、Rolex、Aquascutum、日本情色大師荒木經惟、Air Jordan等,但都沒像這次合作反應來得熱烈。這次與Louis Vuitton聯名合作可以說是跨越了精品與年輕族群的對話,不只讓更多年輕人認識LV這個品牌的品味深度、也讓充滿距離感的精品更平易近人,皆是Louis Vuitton × Supreme聯名系列成功炒熱話題的原因。
女性主義今年也席捲時尚圈,像是由創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri 領軍的Dior春夏大秀,就以「Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?」(為什麼沒有偉大的女性藝術家?)這個印在條紋衫上的問題開場,以大膽的女性主義觀點出發,為女性建構出獨特鮮明的新風格,也點出本季的靈感來源:藝術史學家琳達諾克琳(Linda Nochlin)以及60年代女性藝術家妮基桑法勒(Niki de Saint Phalle)。
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其實迪奧先生當年以New look重新賦予女性身型優雅的體態與線條,在那個時代引爆時尚革命、而Maria Grazia Chiuri身為Dior首位女性設計創意總監。整個設計將女性視為設計主軸,例如採用西洋劍為主題,因為西洋劍比賽時男女服裝無明顯差別,Chiuri以如西洋劍術戰袍的襯衫與褲裝開場,或是將過往只在男裝出現的蜜蜂刺繡沿用到女裝上,可見其女性視野的時尚野心。而Dior本季火熱大賣的女性主義單品莫過於「WE SHOULD ALL BE FEMINISTS」印花白色棉麻T-shirt,這件女權主義濃厚的Statement T-shirt在街拍界引起一陣熱潮,名人與時尚部落客們都穿起這件T-shirt,挺女性主義之餘,也能展現時尚穿搭功力。
一分鐘百萬「讚」!Dolce & Gabbana把網紅送上伸展台
   在追求話題性與媒體曝光度的時裝周上,因為網路盛行,社群媒體的曝光顯得相當重要,除了邀請網紅名人,時尚部落客來看秀之外,曾經大膽嘗試過讓義大利西西里當地人走秀的Dolce & Gabbana,2017年也繼續啟用素人走秀模式,但伸展台上的可不是一般素人,他們全部都是社群網站上擁有幾百萬粉絲數的網路明星、富二代或是星二代,以及YOUTUBE走紅的網紅歌手,此舉讓網紅素人、甚至在網路上影響甚鉅的時尚部落客們能走上伸展台,展現網紅魅力與名人輻射效應。
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此外,Dolce & Gabbana大秀上精選150位模特兒走秀,其中不論職業、年齡和種族全走上伸展台,包括幾乎全家走上伸展台的超模Andrea Dellal和她的女兒、銀髮超模Lucky Blue Smith和姊姊們、網紅嫩模Sofia Richie、來自巴西、墨西哥與俄羅斯等各地的網紅們,走秀名單相當華麗。提起創意總監Stefano Gabbana 和Domenico Dolce請來這些網紅明星並不是沒有行銷策略的,這些網紅即時在他們的百萬社交網站上,分享他們在秀場上的照片,立即觸及數百萬的社群媒體追蹤者,並讓更多原本全世界不熟悉品牌的網紅粉絲們,透過他們的分享而感受到這場時裝大秀與品牌的獨特魅力。
Yves Saint Laurent創辦人Pierre Bergé離世
2008年Yves Saint Laurent離世,震驚時尚界,而今年這位20世紀偉大的設計師的品牌創辦人之一Pierre Bergé享年86歲,他們兩位相知相惜的故事也讓時尚界津津樂道,在1958年Pierre Bergé遇上Yves Saint Laurent,那時Saint Laurent先生還在Dior工作,而之後在Pierre Bergé的幫助之下,兩人一步一步創立了屬於他們的時尚帝國。
Pierre Bergé是Saint Laurent先生事業上的伯樂,同時也是他曾經的愛人,兩人於公司內各司其職,擁有設計才華的Saint Laurent先生負責設計,而擁有商業頭腦的Pierre Bergé則負責管理公司,雖然後來兩人分手,但仍舊是生意上的好夥伴,有許多設計大師包括了Tom Ford、Stefano Pilati和Hedi Slimane,都曾受到他的提拔與照顧,而在2002年Saint Laurent先生宣布離開時尚界時,Pierre Bergé則選擇一肩扛起了公司的營運,讓品牌繼續運作。
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在2017年9月8日,Pierre Bergé在睡夢中於法國普羅旺斯去世,Pierre Bergé生前的最大願望就是替Saint Laurent先生建造兩個博物館,而這個願望也將在近期於巴黎和摩洛哥的馬拉喀什實現,兩人於事業上與感情上不可分割的關係也成為時尚界的一個傳奇神話。
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Dysfunctional ships: Categories
Dysfunctional: Can’t keep a normal romantic relationship, at least initially. Aren’t the usual friendly or cute couple.
Inspired by TV Tropes page, but with divergent meanings.
Villain x Hero
A lot of differences between what one character would do and the other one wouldn’t. That difference can latter increase, usually through Love Makes You Evil, or shorten through a redemption arc for the villain or touch of ruthlessness for the hero.
Check TV Tropes Sliding Scale Of Antagonist Vileness
ASoIaF (Catelyn x Petyr)
Labyrinth (Jareth x Sarah)
Escrava Isaura (Isaura x Leôncio)
Gormenghast (Fuchsia x Steerpike)
Wicked Science (Elizabeth x Toby)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy x Nancy)
Inuyasha (Kikyo x Naraku)
Grisha Trilogy, The (Alina x Darkling)
Mary Reilly (Jekyll/Hyde x Mary)
Notre Dame de Paris (Esmeralda x Frollo)
OA, The (Hap x Prairie)
PotO, The (Christine x Erik)
Red Eye (Jackson x Lisa)
SoIaF, A (Sandor x Sansa)
Star Wars (Anakin x Padme)
Dating Catwoman
Ships in which both characters are gray, but still antagonists, constantly disagreeing or dubiously loyal. People who don’t like to be straightforward and prefer to play mind games. Stubbornness and fight for dominance probably involved.
Moral dubiousness is the key. They are presented as people chasing their own interest and the interest of those dear to them by means that, contextualized, don’t make them fall from the audience’s grace, meaning we are not suppose to despise them.
Cheating and manipulating is always ok, and even murder and kidnapping might be when we are talking about an asshole victim or minions that got in the way. Not to be confused with Bad boy x Good girl, which are always honest and loyal to each other, despite their disagreements. Neither they are Villain x Heroine in which one part has crossed a line, like killing innocents.
Tsundere friends are not included. Couples that express their love by biking and kissing, but hold an unquestionable loyalty, such as Han/Leia or Ron/Hermione, are functional. No matter how much they fight like an old married couple, by the end of the day, they are allies. In Dating Catwoman, that alliance must always be on check, like in Elizabeth/Sparrow, or don’t exist at all.
The Journey (Diana x Surov)
Pitch Black (Carolyn x Riddik)
Batman franchise (Batman x Catwoman)
Pedra Sobre Pedra (Murilo x Pilar)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Elizabeth x Jack)
Pride and Prejudice (Darcy x Elizabeth)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Jane x John)
Unholy couple
Codependent assholes who probably only have their love as a redeeming quality. Pet sociopaths who are terrifying except to that one person, who murder people for love, who love only ambition and one another. Characters whose morals and/or union are socially condemned, but despite being selfish and cruel most of the time, are capable of strong, deep affection.
Included unrequited love or resistance of one part to admit they are the same mess as the other, and doe he would like to be a better person, he always comes back to darkness, to him. He might think a heroine is his salvation, but she is too good or plain to get him, and realizes bitterly, in the end, he and his faithless friend deserve each other.
In rare cases that realization is not bitter, but driven through a deeper understanding of humanity and the duality of good and evil. Not to be confused with Villain x Heroine in which Love Redeems. Instead of attempts to bring a lost soul back to the light, the “hero” accepts the “villain” as he is, such as in Mary Reilly and Dracula (1992).
The “hero” might be naive at the beginning of the story and his journey is about getting into contact with his own inner darkness and realizing people (including himself) are more complex and relationships are more fucked up than what they seen.
Wuthering Heights (Catherine x Heathcliff)
ASoIaF (Cersei x Jaime)
Vaghe Stelle Dell'Orsa (Gianni x Sandra)
The Borgias (Cesare x Lucrezia)
Dangerous Liaisons (Merteuil x Valmont) [+ Unrequited love]
Dark Shadows (Barnabas x Angelique)  [+ Unrequited love]
Bad boy x Good girl
A character has a personal moral code that doesn’t let innocents get involved, doesn’t attack unless provoked and has a twisted sense of justice. He is silent and wants to be left alone or with his group of outcasts. His confidence is not arrogance - he doesn’t brag. Honest - maybe brutally so -, acts tougher than he feels. Most of all he is tortured by his past, emotionally unavailable, defensive and deeply lonely.
The other character is intelligent, optimistic and wants to break down his walls. If they are in danger, the bad boy will protect them. If they need help, the bad boy will help but through means the good girl might not approve.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Lisbeth x Mikael)
The Wild One (Johnny x Kathie)
Welcome to the Dollhouse (Brandon x Dawn)
Daredevil franchise (Frank x Karen)
Tragic love
Both good people who can’t together despise that there is no heated discord between them.
Possibly social expectations or stupid mistakes of youth separate them.
Characters might take ruthless actions, but never consciously harm innocent people. Which might have led them to fit in one of the categories above.
V for Vendetta (Evey x V)
Blood Plus (Saya x Haji)
Splendor in the Grass (Ace x Wilma)
Inuyasha (Inuyasha x Kikyo)
Kannazuki no Miko (Chikane x Himeko)
One Day (Dexter x Emma)
Os Maias (Carlos x Maria Eduarda)
ASoIaF (Lyanna x Rhaegar)
Unrequited love
Character A is a mostly nice person. He has been in love with Character B without reciprocation. This frustration could turn him into the dark side (See villain x hero above), and sometimes it does lead them close, but he never crosses that final line. If that is the case, take care not to confuse this dynamic with Dating Catwoman as well. Despite acting like a foe to his beloved for a while and being a gray character, the crucial element to this ship is that the other part is not interested, yet his devotion remains.
ASoIaF (Jorah x Dany)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Elizabeth x Norrington)
NBC Dracula (Mina x Lucy)
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Here’s All the Culture News You Missed This Week
Ryan Murphy released a first look at his upcoming series Halston Iconic American fashion designer Roy Halston—most closely associated with 1970s glitz and glam—is getting a biopic courtesy Ryan Murphy (the creator of The Assassination of Gianni Versace). Ewan McGregor plays Halston, who rose to prominence when he designed a pillbox hat for Jackie Kennedy in 1961, going on to launch his own ready-to-wear line in 1969 and becoming the designer of choice for the Studio 54 set in the decade that followed. In a since-deleted Instagram post that shared a teaser of the Netflix series, Murphy wrote, “After a long 20 years of twists and turns, the limited series Halston starring the fantastic Ewan McGregor began production today. I am so proud of our director and leader Dan Minahan, and Christine Vachon of Killer Films. I am thrilled to be producing this great and meaningful show with them and Alexis Martin Woodall and Pamela Koffler.”
Ewan McGregor as Halston and Rory Culkin as Joel Schumacher shooting Ryan Murphy's Halston series and OMFG WE ARE LIVING FOR THIS SHIT ARE YOU KIDDING ME?https://t.co/TZmbEmwkry
— Tom & Lorenzo (@tomandlorenzo) February 20, 2020
Sandra Oh announced a new project with Amanda Peet Award-winning BBC show Killing Eve may have been renewed for a fourth season but its star Sandra Oh has signed on to another concurrent project, this time on Netflix. Amanda Peet is set to write, produce and showrun the series, which will be co-executive produced by Peet’s husband David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the duo behind HBO’s Game of Thrones. Titled The Chair, the six-episode dramedy revolves around the head of a university’s English department, played by Oh.
'Killing Eve' star Sandra Oh (@IamSandraOh) will play the title role in a six-episode Netflix dramedy from Amanda Peet and the creators of #GameOfThones. All the details: https://t.co/7lMgFji2uv
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) February 21, 2020
Grimes released her new album After her last album back in 2015, Canadian musician Grimes is back with her highly anticipated fifth studio album, Miss Anthropocene, which she dropped at midnight on February 21. The album features 10 tracks, three of which had already been released as singles in 2019: “So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth,” “Violence,” and “My Name Is Dark.” Grimes calls the sound of this new album “ethereal nu metal,” and according to Pitchfork, the “convoluted” narrative of Miss Anthropocene is “about personifying climate change through a fictional cosmology of demons and villainesses giddily celebrating global warming as a force of good.”
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Miss Anthropocene is out everywhere now !!!!! Thanks everybody who put up with everything it rly means a lot 🥺 <link in bio> ___________________________________________ In loving memory of Lauren Valencia. Couldn’t have done it without you, glad you saw it to the end. Never Forget And special 🤍 to the team 🪐
A post shared by Grimes (@grimes) on Feb 21, 2020 at 12:02am PST
Gemma Chan received Max Mara’s Face of the Future award Following in the footsteps of Emily Blunt, Katie Holmes and Zoe Saldana, British-Chinese actress Gemma Chan is the latest recipient of the Women In Film Max Mara Face of the Future award. According to the brand, Chan was selected for her “confidence and poise with effortless glamour” for this prize, which is awarded annually to a woman “experiencing a turning point in her career.” Following her breakout role in Crazy Rich Asians, Chan’s upcoming projects include Marvel film The Eternals alongside Kumail Nanjiani, Salma Hayek and Angelina Jolie, and Let Them All Talk with Meryl Streep and Lucas Hedges.
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Honoured to be the recipient of the 2020 Women In Film x #MaxMara Face of the Future Award. Thank you for inviting me to your beautiful show @maxmara
A post shared by Gemma Chan (@gemma_chan) on Feb 20, 2020 at 12:14pm PST
Ottawa Bluesfest announced its full 2020 lineup Ottawa music festival RBC Bluesfest has revealed the full lineup for its 2020 program, which features Rage Against the Machine, blink-182, Daniel Caesar, Charlotte Day Wilson and Marshmello among many others. The 10-day festival in July also features one very special performer: Alanis Morissette, who will be making a stop in LeBreton Flats as part of her Jagged Little Pill anniversary tour. Tickets for the festival are now on sale.
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It's here! The #RBCBluesfest2020 lineup! 1-Day Presale starts Weds., Feb. 19th at 10AM. Stay tuned to www.ottawabluesfest.ca. ☝️link in bio • • • #RBCBluesfest #ottawabluesfest #musicfestival #summer #ottawa #rageagainstthemachine #jackjohnson #alanismorissette #marshmello #danielcaesar #thenational #boyz2men #vancejoy
A post shared by RBC Bluesfest (@ottawabluesfest) on Feb 17, 2020 at 9:35pm PST
The post Here’s All the Culture News You Missed This Week appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Here’s All the Culture News You Missed This Week published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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karenlacorte · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Macmillan Book of 366 Bedtime Stories.
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hauntedheroines · 4 years
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Siblings + Face touch:
“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
- Madeline Miller
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hauntedheroines · 5 years
Heavy pining and unresolved sexual tension
Shipping doesn’t have to be necessarily about sex.
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But come on, who are we kidding.
Here is a list of couples with moments that exhale sex and will murder you with sexual frustration.
I’ll be restraining myself to dysfunctional ships and with many UST scenes. Included one-sided attraction.
PS: Keep in mind dysfunctional not only means toxic and immoral. It also means people who can’t date normally bc, despise not being villainous, it’s their tragedy or bc they have too many differences (They maybe even enjoy bicking and teasing more than dating)
Batman franchise (Batman x Catwoman) {They are on opposites sides, but aren’t toxic}
BBC Robin Hood (Guy x Marian)
Boy, The (Brahms x Greta)
Carmilla (Carmilla x Laura)  [Female!Villain x Female!Hero] [Age gap]
Company of Wolves, The (Huntsman x Rosaleen) [Age gap]
Escrava Isaura (Isaura x Leôncio)
Grisha Trilogy, The (Alina x Darkling)
Guest, The (Anna x David)
Hannibal franchise (Clarice x Hannibal) [Age gap]
Juror, The (Anne x Vincent)
Labyrinth (Jareth x Sarah) [Age gap]
Mary Reilly (Jekyll/Hyde x Mary) [Age gap]
Nightmare on Elm Street, A (Freddy x Nancy) [Age gap] {UST is euphemism}
Notre Dame de Paris (Esmeralda x Frollo) [Age gap]
OA, The (Hap x Prairie) [Age gap]
Pedra Sobre Pedra (Murilo x Pilar)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Elizabeth x Jack)
PotO, The (Christine x Erik) [Age gap]
Princess Daisy (Daisy x Ram) [Incest]
Red Eye (Jackson x Lisa)
Schindler’s List (Amon x Helen)
SoIaF, A (Arya x Jaqen) [Age gap]
SoIaF, A (Petyr x Sansa) [Age gap]
SoIaF, A (Sandor x Sansa) [Age gap]
Story of a Man (Do Woo x Eun Soo) [Incest]
Uncle Adolph (Adolph x Geli) [Age gap] [Incest] [Every possible definition of wrong]
Vaghe Stelle Dell'Orsa (Gianni x Sandra) [Incest]
Wicked Science (Elizabeth x Toby) [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
Honorable mention
A Forfeit of Dreams (Labyrinth fanfic): Considered by the fandom to be the perfect Labyrinth sequel, A Forfeit of Dreams is better than all the fanfics you ever read and most books as well. It could also be called UST: The novel.
Complete list
(below the cut)
Ashes to Ashes (Alex x Gene)
Batman franchise (Batman x Catwoman) {They are on opposites sides, but aren’t toxic} [3]
BBC Robin Hood (Guy x Marian)
Bear and the Nightingale, The (Konstantin x Vasya)
Bedazzled (The Devil x Elliot)
Blood Plus (Haji x Saya) {It’s a tragic ship, not vxh}
Boy Next Door, The (Claire x Noah) [Age gap]
Boy, The (Brahms x Greta)
Carmilla (Carmilla x Laura)  [Female!Villain x Female!Hero] [Age gap]
Company of Wolves, The (Huntsman x Rosaleen) [Age gap]
Crush, The (Darian x Nick) [Age gap] [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
Daredevil (Frank x Karen)
Daughter of Darkness (Grigore x Katherine)
Death Machine (Hayden x Jack)
Dracula 2000 (Dracula x Mary)
Escrava Isaura (Isaura x Leôncio)
Gladiator (Commodus x Lucilla) [Incest]
Grisha Trilogy, The (Alina x Darkling)
Guest, The (Anna x David)
Hannibal franchise (Clarice x Hannibal) [Age gap]
Heart of Justice, The (Elliot x Emma) [Incest]
Heathers (J.D. x Veronica)
Jigoku Shōjo (Maho x Mikio) [Incest]
Journey, The (Diana x Surov) {They are on opposites sides, but aren’t toxic}
Juror, The (Anne x Vincent)
Labyrinth (Jareth x Sarah) [Age gap]
Legend of the Seeker (Denna x Richard) [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
Lost in Austen (Amanda x Wickham)
Mary Reilly (Jekyll/Hyde x Mary) [Age gap]
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Jane x John) {They are on opposites sides, but aren’t toxic} [2]
NBC Dracula (Lucy x Mina)  [Female!Villain x Female!Hero]
Nightmare on Elm Street, A (Freddy x Nancy) [Age gap] {UST is euphemism}
Notre Dame de Paris (Esmeralda x Frollo) [Age gap]
OA, The (Hap x Prairie) [Age gap]
OUaT (Emma x Every fucking villain that ever crossed her path) {I could only watch until half of season 3 doe. The show gets cheesier each season}
Pedra Sobre Pedra (Murilo x Pilar)
Peter Pan 2003 (Hook x Wendy) [Age gap]
Pirates of the Caribbean (Elizabeth x Jack)
Pitch Black (Carolyn x Riddik)
PotO, The (Christine x Erik) [Age gap]
Princess Daisy (Daisy x Ram) [Incest]
Prometheus (David x Shaw)
Red Eye (Jackson x Lisa)
Schindler’s List (Amon x Helen)
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (Eris x Sinbad) [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
SoIaF, A (Arya x Jaqen) [Age gap]
SoIaF, A (Petyr x Sansa) [Age gap]
SoIaF, A (Sandor x Sansa) [Age gap]
Story of a Man (Do Woo x Eun Soo) [Incest]
Sucker Punch (Babydoll x Blue Jones)  [Age gap]
Tokyo Mew Mew (Ichigo x Kishu)
Uncle Adolph (Adolph x Geli) [Age gap] [Incest] [Every possible definition of wrong]
Vaghe Stelle Dell'Orsa (Gianni x Sandra) [Incest]
Wicked Science (Elizabeth x Toby) [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
ATLA (Katara x Zuko)
Life With Derek (Casey x Derek)
Kim Possible (Kim x Shego) [Female!Villain x Female!Hero]
So Weird (Bricriu x Fiona) [Age gap]
World Without End (Carys x Edward)
Tesis (Angela x Bosco) {This one is very hot for a non canon}
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Any material you know with sexual tension?
I’ll be restraining myself to dysfunctional ships and with many UST scenes. Included one-sided sexual frustration. If you wanna normal ships or not so many scene, just ask.
PS: Keep in mind dysfunctional not only means toxic and immoral. It also means people who can’t date normally bc, despise not being villainous, it’s their tragedy or bc they have too many differences (They maybe even enjoy bicking and teasing more than dating)
Batman franchise (Batman x Catwoman) {They are on opposites sides, but aren’t toxic}
Boy, The (Brahms x Greta)
Carmilla (Carmilla x Laura)  [Female!Villain x Female!Hero] [Age gap]
Company of Wolves, The (Huntsman x Rosaleen) [Age gap]
Escrava Isaura (Isaura x Leôncio)
Grisha Trilogy, The (Alina x Darkling)
Guest, The (Anna x David)
Hannibal franchise (Clarice x Hannibal) [Age gap]
Juror, The (Anne x Vincent)
Labyrinth (Jareth x Sarah) [Age gap]
Mary Reilly (Jekyll/Hyde x Mary) [Age gap]
Nightmare on Elm Street, A (Freddy x Nancy) [Age gap] {UST is euphemism}
Notre Dame de Paris (Esmeralda x Frollo) [Age gap]
OA, The (Hap x Prairie) [Age gap]
Pedra Sobre Pedra (Murilo x Pilar)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Elizabeth x Jack)
PotO, The (Christine x Erik) [Age gap]
Princess Daisy (Daisy x Ram) [Incest]
Red Eye (Jackson x Lisa)
Schindler’s List (Amon x Helen)
SoIaF, A (Arya x Jaqen) [Age gap]
SoIaF, A (Petyr x Sansa) [Age gap]
SoIaF, A (Sandor x Sansa) [Age gap]
Story of a Man (Do Woo x Eun Soo) [Incest]
Uncle Adolph (Adolph x Geli) [Age gap] [Incest] [Every possible definition of wrong]
Vaghe Stelle Dell'Orsa (Gianni x Sandra) [Incest]
Wicked Science (Elizabeth x Toby) [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
Honorable mention
A Forfeit of Dreams (Labyrinth fanfic): Considered by the fandom to be the perfect Labyrinth sequel, A Forfeit of Dreams is better than all the fanfics you ever read and most books as well. It could also be called UST: The novel.
Complete list
Ashes to Ashes (Alex x Gene)
Batman franchise (Batman x Catwoman) {They are on opposites sides, but aren’t toxic} [3]
Bedazzled (The Devil x Elliot)
Blood Plus (Haji x Saya) {It’s a tragic ship, not vxh}
Boy Next Door, The (Claire x Noah) [Age gap]
Boy, The (Brahms x Greta)
Carmilla (Carmilla x Laura)  [Female!Villain x Female!Hero] [Age gap]
Company of Wolves, The (Huntsman x Rosaleen) [Age gap]
Crush, The (Darian x Nick) [Age gap] [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
Daughter of Darkness (Grigore x Katherine)
Death Machine (Hayden x Jack)
Dracula 2000 (Dracula x Mary)
Escrava Isaura (Isaura x Leôncio)
Gladiator (Commodus x Lucilla) [Incest]
Grisha Trilogy, The (Alina x Darkling)
Guest, The (Anna x David)
Hannibal franchise (Clarice x Hannibal) [Age gap]
Heart of Justice, The (Elliot x Emma) [Incest]
Heathers (J.D. x Veronica)
Jigoku Shōjo (Maho x Mikio) [Incest]
Journey, The (Diana x Surov) {They are on opposites sides, but aren’t toxic}
Juror, The (Anne x Vincent)
Labyrinth (Jareth x Sarah) [Age gap]
Legend of the Seeker (Denna x Richard) [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
Lost in Austen (Amanda x Wickham)
Mary Reilly (Jekyll/Hyde x Mary) [Age gap]
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Jane x John) {They are on opposites sides, but aren’t toxic} [2]
NBC Dracula (Lucy x Mina)  [Female!Villain x Female!Hero]
Nightmare on Elm Street, A (Freddy x Nancy) [Age gap] {UST is euphemism}
Notre Dame de Paris (Esmeralda x Frollo) [Age gap]
OA, The (Hap x Prairie) [Age gap]
OUaT (Emma x Every fucking villain that ever crossed her path) {I could only watch until half of season 3 doe. The show gets cheesier each season}
Pedra Sobre Pedra (Murilo x Pilar)
Peter Pan 2003 (Hook x Wendy) [Age gap]
Pirates of the Caribbean (Elizabeth x Jack)
Pitch Black (Carolyn x Riddik)
PotO, The (Christine x Erik) [Age gap]
Princess Daisy (Daisy x Ram) [Incest]
Prometheus (David x Shaw)
Red Eye (Jackson x Lisa)
Schindler’s List (Amon x Helen)
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (Eris x Sinbad) [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
SoIaF, A (Arya x Jaqen) [Age gap]
SoIaF, A (Petyr x Sansa) [Age gap]
SoIaF, A (Sandor x Sansa) [Age gap]
Story of a Man (Do Woo x Eun Soo) [Incest]
Sucker Punch (Babydoll x Blue Jones)  [Age gap]
Tokyo Mew Mew (Ichigo x Kishu)
Uncle Adolph (Adolph x Geli) [Age gap] [Incest] [Every possible definition of wrong]
Vaghe Stelle Dell'Orsa (Gianni x Sandra) [Incest]
Wicked Science (Elizabeth x Toby) [Female!Villain x Male!Hero]
ATLA (Katara x Zuko)
Life With Derek (Casey x Derek)
Kim Possible (Kim x Shego) [Female!Villain x Female!Hero]
So Weird (Bricriu x Fiona) [Age gap]
World Without End (Carys x Edward)
Tesis (Angela x Bosco) {This one is very hot for a non canon}
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hauntedheroines · 6 years
Me: a very bitch for stories of a villain in love with his childhood friend and idealizing their youth together as the only time he was truly happy
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