Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.
Kahlil Gibran
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-Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
“self is a sea boundless and measureless.”
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Non amare i mezzi amanti
Non intrattenere mezzi amici
Non vivere mezza vita
e non morire di mezza morte
Se scegli il silenzio, allora taci
Quando parli, fallo finché non hai finito
Non tacere per dire qualcosa
E non parlare per tacere
Se accetti, allora esprimilo schiettamente
Non mascherarlo
Se ti rifiuti, sia chiaro
perché un rifiuto ambiguo non è altro che una debole accettazione
Non accettare mezza soluzione
Non credere alle mezze verità
Non sognare mezzo sogno
Non fantasticare sulle mezze speranze
Metà strada non ti porterà da nessuna parte
Mezza idea non ti porterà alcun risultato
Metà vita è una vita che non hai vissuto,
Una parola che non hai detto
Un sorriso che hai rimandato
Un amore che non hai avuto
Un'amicizia che non conoscevi
La metà è un mero momento di incapacità
ma tu sei capace per te non sei un essere a metà
Sei un tutto che esiste per vivere una vita
non mezza vita.
Khalil Gibran
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ruminiscence · 3 months
Jacques Prévert (1900-1977) - La Lune
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“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity: For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen, And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.”
This profound quote from Khalil Gibran's book 'The Prophet' reflects some thoughts I've been having recently surrounding the nature of pain (& time) and its role in our lives. Pain is not punishment; we mustn't torment ourselves further by allowing it to dictate our minds and, thus, our lives. It is an inevitable aspect of the human experience, including time running its course. Why do we accept that time will inevitably run its course but not that pain is a very natural way of life too? Time is a healer, not only in the future but also in the present. Through pain, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, the world, and the people around us. 
We have the power to alleviate our pain; should we choose to trust the physician that resides within us. It may be a bitter remedy, but much like our ability to trust doctors to heal our sick selves with medicine, we can trust ourselves. This should be second nature, but sadly, we tend to neglect ourselves (inwardly, for the most part). How sad is that?
Trust the physician within you, even when it feels heavy and hard, for you can gain inner wisdom. There is a higher power at work during the healing process; find peace amid this process! 
Are you truly gaining inner wisdom since it's already within you? It is incredible to think that we already possess this wisdom and power; it just takes suffering and experience to bring it to light. Which makes me think of a quote by Albus Dumbledore:
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - How lovely to think of happiness as something that can be found? Sort of like an easter egg.
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
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Rolando por el bosque de Tláhuac
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estellaestella · 1 year
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zarabinwa · 3 months
Melihat kampanye capres dari sisi “Marketing”
kali ini kita bahas paslon 02 karena yang paling mencolok dan viral
• Branding : Gemoy.
branding ini berhasil membuat visualisasi Pak Prabowo lebih terkesan ramah dan lucu, sehingga orang jadi lupa kalau dia sebenarnya seumuran dengan kakek kita (beliau saat ini 72 tahun), namun wajahnya memang awet muda. Branding “gemoy” juga membuat beliau lebih merakyat sehingga menghilangkan kesan dari masa lalunya sebagai jenderal tegas dan kasus terdahulu. Untuk maskot yang dibuatpun berupa ilustrasi atau kartun sehingga visualisasinya lebih ramah.
•Gaya Kampanye
Gaya kampanyenya lebih mudah diterima di masyarakat, terutama “joget”, kebanyakan masyarakat lebih suka bersenang-senang. nggak semua orang suka kalau disuruh berpikir kritis seperti gaya kampanye Desak Anies atau MalminGan Ganjar (lah disuruh baca aja banyak yang masih males kok apalagi suruh mikir keras). Sehingga gaya kampanye seperti ini memiliki target masyarakat yang lebih banyak dan memiliki daya tarik kebanyakan masyarakat karena lebih ringan dan menyenangkan.
•Viral di media sosial
Menguasai FYP masyarakat, influencer-influencer besar sampai mikro-nano banyak terjun mengkampanyekan paslon ini dengan “soft selling” menggunakan narasi-narasi yang lebih menggunakan perasaan karena lebih mudah diterima dan mudah dipancing. Paslon lain juga banyak bertebaran di FYP, namun paslon 02 lebih banyak dan menguasai beranda tiktok jika dilihat dari jumlah hastag di tiktok.
Disclaimer tulisan ini dibuat dari persepsi “marketing” dan justru menghargai keberhasilan marketing politik mereka karena berhasil merangkul target terbanyak.
Pilihlah secara rasional jangan asal ikut-ikutan, lihat prestasinya, rekam jejaknya, dan lebih open-minded dalam melihat fakta dan mengambil keputusan karena jika hati sudah ditutupi suatu kefanatikan ataupun kebencian maka akan sulit menerima kebenaran. Stop makan berita hoax dan mudah terpancing oleh opini, carilah dulu kebenarannya karena fitnah bertebaran dimana-mana.
Jangan sampai harga dirimu ditukar oleh serangan fajar untuk lima tahun kedepan.
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"Look at the Darkness, giving birth to the Sun."
Khalil Gibran, Peace XVIII
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philipchircop · 6 months
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And God said love your enemy and I obeyed him and loved myself.
Kahlil Gibran
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“And Man, whom you deem so small and ignorant, is God’s messenger who has come to learn the joy of life through sorrow and gain knowledge from ignorance.”
-Kahlil Gibran, The Voice of the Master
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dottssapatrizia · 1 year
E una donna disse:
Parlaci del Dolore.
E lui disse:
Il dolore è lo spezzarsi del guscio che racchiude la vostra conoscenza.Come il nocciolo del frutto deve spezzarsi affinché il suo cuore possa esporsi al sole,così voi dovete conoscere il dolore.E se riusciste a custodire in cuore la meraviglia per i prodigi quotidiani della vita,il dolore non vi meraviglierebbe meno della gioia;accogliereste le stagioni del vostro cuore come avreste sempre accolto le stagioni che passano sui campi.E veglieresti sereni durante gli inverni del vostro dolore.Gran parte del vostro dolore è scelto da voi stessi.È la pozione amara con la quale il medico che è in voi guarisce il vostro male.Quindi confidate in lui e bevete il suo rimedio in serenità e in silenzio.Poiché la sua mano,benché pesante e rude,è retta dalla tenera mano dell'Invisibile, e la coppa che vi porge, nonostante bruci le vostre labbra, è stata fatta con la creta che il Vasaio ha bagnato di lacrime sacre.
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mrapaz · 8 months
Entre aspas
“Assim como o amor os coroa, ele também os crucifica. E da mesma forma que auxilia em seu crescimento, trabalha também para sua poda.” (Khalil Gibran)
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absurdlakefront · 1 year
Yes, in my youth I was a thing, sad and yielding, and all the seasons played with me and laughed in their hearts.
And life took a fancy to me and kissed my young lips, and slapped my cheeks. 
Today I play with the seasons. And I steal a kiss from life’s lips ere she kisses my lips. 
And I even hold her hands playfully that she may not strike my cheek. 
In my youth I was sad indeed, and all things seemed dark and distant. 
Today, all is radiant and near, and for this I would live my youth and the pain of my youth, again and yet again.
Kahlil Gibran, from Youth and Age
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poesiatriste · 1 year
Sei stata, sei e sarai per sempre la mia anima gemella...🫀🥺
@occhicastanitristi-blog @cuoregelidoo-blog @delusa-da-tutti
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