papersak · 2 years
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Drawing my beauty boy son
and the squishy version loving dubbed Gionro
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 4 months
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I've returned to my roots of giorno art
also this is a bit bad bc I'm still getting used to the drawing software I'm using
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
So, before I get into some of the specific ideas I have about the StarSwap AU, I would like to get a general clarification first.
Specifically, when do the swaps happen? 
Because in the posts I’ve seen about Jotaro in Josuke’s body, the Jotaro involved is the one from the beginning of Stardust Crusaders, having just discovered Star Platinum. 
This matched my original assumption, that the Joestars were swapped to and from the beginning of their respective adventures.
However, in the many posts about Jospeh in Gionro’s body the writing suggests that this Jospeh has been already been through part of his bizarre adventure, at least to the point of getting the poison rings.
This goes against my initial assumption. 
So, when do the swaps take place? At what point in each bizarre adventure to the Joestar swap from, and where do they swap to?
(because I imagine Giorno won’t swap to partway through Jospeh’s adventure, since that would rob him of even more context for what is going on)
In addition to the Josuke/Jotaro and Giorno/Jospeh swaps, this will also have a pretty big effect on the Jolene/Jonathan swap. Depending on if the swap happens before or after Jolyne scratches herself with the stand arrow, either Jolyne or Jonathan won’t get a stand imeadiatley, and if Jonathan swaps away two early, he might never learn hamon. 
(Hope this doesn’t come of as me being too critical. I really like this AU. But I also like a consistent timeline.)
Don't worry, I'm honestly surprised it took someone this long to ask about it, I haven't been that clear about it jsrbvjsbrjvs-
The one solid consistency through all of them is that the Jojo in question is sent over at minimum a week before the adventure kicks off properly, and..... admittedly how much they remember from their respective parts is a bit more inconsistent, but this is the general outline for each:
Jonathan gets sent over sometime after his training with Zeppeli begins but before the fight with Tarkus and Bruford. I wanted the Hamon Users to be able to actually use their Hamon and to give them something to put them on equal footing with the Stand Users. When he's sent over into Jolyne's shoes, he's either in jail awaiting the trial, or he's sent over a day or two before the accident that landed her in jail in the first place
Joseph, similarly to Jonathan, is sent over pretty late in his training on Air Supplena. He also knows about the existence of the Aja, but it's still before the fight with Esidisi, which I think is about a 3ish day window. He then wakes up a week before Giorno would've met Koichi and Bucciarati and spends most of his time generally trying to figure shit out and doing what he can to make Giorno's life a bit nicer for when the kid gets back
I'll admit..... Jotaro's exact Send Over is a bit more difficult to pin down. I want it to be at least a few days into the journey to Egypt so he has at least a basic understanding of Stands but is still very very lost and inexperienced in the matter. He arrives in the Higashikata's house a week before the first episode and thus a week before the first day of high school starts
In contrast to that, Josuke's is much easier. He hasn't started any of Part 4 since he's already familiar with Crazy D, and wakes up a week before Holly gets sick. While he doesn't lock himself in a cell, his Off behavior and the minor things he does with Crazy D eventually get Holly to call her father because she knows he's more experienced with Magic Shit
Giorno's is also pretty easy, he gets sent over a few days before the start of Part 5 because he's also already aware of Stands, and wakes up a few days before Part 2 kicks off but after Joseph and Erina had moved to New York
Jolyne though....... that's where I'm a bit more unsure. Definitely a few days into the prison stay, so she's got Stone Free, but I'm torn between having her come from before or after Jotaro's visit. And then the exact when she arrives in the past is even more undecided. Definitely after Danny's died, but honestly it could be anywhere in between the days afterward and a few months before Dio attempts his second patricide (Jolyne's really getting the isekai experience isn't she-)
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Abbachio - black as dirt coffee this man just wants sludge
Narancia - his coffee is 2/3 sugar
Bruno - a Really flavored blend that’s probably a bit acidic
Mista - just sugar but it’s more cause it’s for Sex Pistols then him
Fugo - so rich boy family brand that tastes like ass but he thinks he’s cultured
Gionro - Dunkin’ doughnuts only
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kitsomito · 4 months
Gionro Giovanna + Child! Reader
#giorno #reader #jjba
Uh hi i'm Amina this is my very first time writing one i have a lot of stories to write because well i'm a shifter and too i hate when i'm looking for a good story and can't find any.
So without further or due here goes a very bad written brain dead story i'm hoping someone will like.
All your life you've lacked a mother figure due to your mother dying in the early stages of your life of course your father the don has always tried to make up for the lack of your mothers love along with his absences in your life by buying you very expensive stuff but in your life you wanted more, more than just expensive toys and what else.
Of course you were very appreciative of what your father gave you so you made a PLAN.
Here is how it would go you would get your father to find a women to love then ...MAYBE you could have the perfect famliy you've always wanted.
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cycktok · 4 months
Ma non si può ricominiciare la giornata respownando da dopo le 12 del gionro alle 6 di mattina??
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voglia-di-non-esserci · 7 months
Per essere innamorati ci vuole coraggio.
Per amare ci vuole coraggio.
Per avere un rapporto serio ci vuole coraggio.
Con me devi avere coraggio ed essere sincero SEMPRE. A prescindere da ciò che succederà tra di noi, che nasca qualcosa di serio o che ci mandiamo a quel paese tra 5 giorni.
Io sono l’opposto di quello a cui sei abituato.
Se mi passa una cosa per la testa, posso tenerla dentro di me per 1 gionro poi esplodo.
Così voglio che faccia te.
Se c’è una cosa di me che non ti piace dimmela.
Se vedi una bella donna dimmelo.
Se ti scrive una tua ex, dimmelo.
Io devo essere la tua migliore amica prima di qualsiasi altra cosa.
Se tu dovessi avere ripensamenti io voglio saperlo subito e stai certo che tu lo saprai da me.
Non voglio che ci diciamo le cose a decisione già presa, voglio saperle quando inizi a pensarle.
Non troverai mai urla, giudizio o litigate.
Troverai sempre comprensione, ASCOLTO e collaborazione
(Cioè non sempre, solo quando vedo che mi esponi i tuoi problemi o pensieri in modo sincero. Per il resto mi inca** come una bestia. Se scopro le cose che non mi dici sopratutto…)
Io vivo di verità.
Perché? Perché so di essere una persona buona e una persona consapevole e lineare nei pensieri che faccio.
Dunque, se penso una cosa, se provo delle sensazioni.. ci sarà sempre un perché, una spiegazione e non ci sarà mai niente di male o di marcio quindi non avrò mai problemi a dirla.
Una persona mi ha detto
“Penso che la verità sia un concetto sopravvalutato e che forse si è sinceri per avere la coscienza pulita, più che per salvare il giusto.Molte volte non sapere ti da la forza di andare avanti e combattere cosa non sai e magari vincere.”
È vero, dire la verità è difficile e brutto. Dire la verità non sempre premia. Ma io nei miei rapporti voglio la verità e se sono destinati a durare, dureranno. Sempre. A prescindere da quanto sarà difficile.
E se la verità separa, vuol dire che non era destino.
Ripeto, non so cosa succederà ma è giusto che tu sappia come sono e come vedo le mie relazioni (in generale)
Siamo in due.
Allo stesso pari.
Con lo stesso interesse.
Ci saranno periodi dove il mio uomo dovrà trascinarmi un po’ o dovrà prendermi in collo e dare il 100% del suo amore.
Ci saranno periodi dove lo farò io.
Ma l’importante è che per la maggior parte del tempo la mia paura di perdersi sia uguale alla sua.
Nessuno si deve sentire più forte perché amato o più debole perché ama.
Perché io voglio un uomo con coraggio, che mi vede al suo fianco, non che mi protegga perché in una situazione di più fragilità (in quanto innamorata) cioè..
Mi deve proteggere, certo che deve farlo, ma dagli altri non da se stesso.
Quindi se hai un rapporto con me.
Che sia di chicchera, che sia di amicizia, che sia amore della vita o semplice compagnia.
Devi pensarmi complice.
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iotnoitutti · 2 years
Il Sarchiapone dei nostri tempi
Il Sarchiapone dei nostri tempi
Ho letto che Putin vuole “denazistificare” l’Ucraina. Su un’altro giornale, Zelensky vuole “denazistificare” la Russia. Gli unici che si definiscono nazisti sono quelli del battaglione Azov che sono trincerati sotto l’acciaieria e che un giorno dicono di non lasciarli morire la sotto e il gionro dopo dicono che combatteranno fino all’ultimo uomo……ma….non e’ che ci troviamo sul set del divertente…
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sweetninjacherry · 3 years
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Giorno and Gold Experience
Manga cover redraw
This drawing took me about two days to finish and I am really happy with how it turned out 😁
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thekaiqueen · 3 years
Giorno: Your honor, I’m not trying to bribe you but would you like the other half of this cosmic brownie?
Judge: Dear God.... THIS PERSON GOES FREE!
Judge: *Hits gavel*
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greeb-grub · 4 years
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imagine after 4 days of on and off working on a drawing, you finally finish it lol,, this feeling,,, it’s so nice this is another background i made for myself lol
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biipbop · 4 years
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Daddies’ Little Boy
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logarto · 5 years
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Dimmi quel che mangi e ti dirò chi sei. (Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin)
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gallus-rising · 2 years
ok sorry but speaking of DISGUSTING FREAK INCEST SHIPS in jjba my favorite one(s) to watch ppl argue abt is Giorno/Josuke & Giorno/Jolyne bc whether or not you consider that to be incest depends on:
1: do you consider Gionro to be Jonathan or Dio’s son?
2: how many generations removed does it have to be for you to no longer consider it incest?
and 3: all of them were raised on different continents and seemingly have no idea the other two even exist. does that do anything to migrate the grossness?
Dio fucked up Jonathan’s bloodline so bad ppl have been debating this for actual decades i’m not kidding
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emoleviackerman · 3 years
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Hi I know I never post cosplay but here’s my take on Gionro Giovanna!! I know I don’t have blue eyes but that’s ok they are overrated anyways
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