#Google Alert - cervical spine
celatum-apis · 10 months
Symptoms and surgical intervention for cervical spinal stenosis | Parkview Health
Cervical spinal stenosis is a term used to refer to a narrowing of the spinal canal, or the nerve tunnels or small nerves found in the spine. from Google Alert - nerve surgery https://ift.tt/aZuc0hn
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celatum-apis · 10 months
To infer the probability of cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament and ... - Nature
Cervical spine surgery is a common treatment for spinal cord nerve ... surgery; however, common complications include injuries to the nerves, ... from Google Alert - nerve surgery https://ift.tt/CK21NmE
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salladbeth · 2 years
Researchers develop technique to improve anterior cervical discectomy and fusion by ...
The use of cages for ACDF are important postoperatively to the alignment of the cervical spine and to maintain the intervertebral disc height. Few ... from Google Alert - Spinal surgery https://ift.tt/pozQgTV
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