#Greg Kent AU
Fine is a Four-Letter Word (Chapter One)
Summary: This is Part Twenty-Two of my series A Herrmann/Halstead Production. It is an AU where Christopher Herrmann's mom had an affair with Pat Halstead resulting in a baby. The series follows this OC character (Rebecca "Bex" Herrmann) as she grows up and gets to know her brothers and the various Chicago teams. It is very much an AU, just to underscore that. It doesn't follow the same timeline and characters will follow different paths.
Click here for the Series Rundown where you can find the links to read all of the previous installments (which I highly recommend you do so that this one makes sense.)
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Christopher Herrmann & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Original Female Character, Will Halstead & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Will Halstead, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz/Original Female Character, Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Assorted OC Couples
Warnings: Injury Recovery, Trauma Recovery, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Protective Siblings, Family Feels, Team as Family, Road Trip, Kissing, Romance, Mild Sexual Content, Swearing, Eventual Happy Ending
Chapter One
Monday, August 31st, 2015
Dr. Fredericks sat in the cushy armchair across from him; the picture of calm compared to Sam’s jiggling knee and hands that didn’t seem to know what to do with themselves.
“Why don’t you tell me why you’re here, Officer Kent,” she began. That was probably supposed to be some kind of a soft lob of an opener, but god, what a loaded question.
“Well, uh—” Sam took a shaky breath. “Sergeant Platt said that, uh, the department had someone for people to talk to after—after tough calls and that I might want to consider it. And that…”
Dr. Fredericks nodded gently. “And?”
“She said that walking in on a scene like that—you saw the file, right?” Sam slumped back in relief at her nod. He knew they’d be going over it all eventually, but knowing that she’d read it made starting this conversation that much easier. “She said walking into a scene like that is hard enough, but it’s that much worse when—when your loved ones are involved. Your family.”
He swallowed hard against the painfully fresh memories of that day.
“She said it wasn’t required or anything and maybe I was fine, but, uh—” Sam gripped at the armrests of his chair, hoping that would make his hands stop shaking. “But in her experience, it could be helpful and I talked to my partners about it and we all thought it would be a good idea for me to try because—because I’m not.”
“You’re not what, Sam?” The question was asked so softly, he could almost forgive it for how thoroughly it was cracking him open.
“I’m not fine,” he choked out. “None of us are and it feels like—like we never will be again.”
“What constitutes as fine is always a bit of a moving target after a trauma like you and your family have been through,” she said.
Images of Emery in her hospital bed flashed through his brain.
Still going through, really.
“Being willing to talk about it is a good first step,” Dr. Fredericks continued. “And not an easy one, either. You might not be okay right now, Sam, but be proud of yourself for that.”
He jerked his chin in a nod, not trusting himself to speak as he let that sink in.
A first step.
One of many, probably.
“So, how, uh—how do we do this?”
It was early, seven am or so, but time never really meant much in a hospital anyway. The sounds of people bustling around in the hallway was muffled slightly by the door.
And by the snores coming from Jay on the couch.
Connor had left a few minutes ago to check in on Emery. Bex was asleep in the bed beside him—a bit restless, but that was better than what he’d seen of her every time he’d woken up throughout the night. The stomach issue side effects of a concussion were hitting her hard.
Chris and Mouse were sitting in chairs beside her, talking quietly. Probably trying to make plans since she was scheduled to be discharged today.
Will was not.
And look—he was a doctor! He understood all of the hows and whys of this, but holy hell was he already tired of staying in bed and resting.
He was tired.
He was in pain which was also pissing him off.
…and he was really thirsty.
Will snuck another glance at Mouse and Chris, but they both looked exhausted and very wrapped up in their intense little conversation.
Jay was still completely sacked out.
His cup was right there on the bedside table. He knew there was water in it. Connor had poured some for him before he left.
It wasn’t that far. Will could reach it…if he stretched…carefully…just a little bit more and maybe if he twisted—
There was a little pop as a ripple of pain went through Will’s abdomen. He looked down to see a small patch of red bloom through his hospital gown.
Well, shit.
No one was allowed to say anything about Jay being a bad patient ever again.
“Stay in bed means stay in bed, Dr. Halstead,” Jenna, their nurse for the day chastised Will as she finished administering his medication. “You know that better than most patients.”
“I was just trying to get my cup,” Will began, cut off by Jay’s snort.
“There’s three people in here who could’ve grabbed it for you, man,” Jay said. “You didn’t have to pop a stitch—”
“Two stitches,” Connor piped up from where he was sprawled in the arm chair, eyes half closed as his head lolled against the arm rest.
Jenna flashed two fingers at Will with a pointed look.
“Right,” Jay said. “Two stitches. They’re gonna take your doctor cred if you keep this up.”
“It’s actually pretty on brand for doctors,” Jenna muttered.
“I know! Okay? I’m sorry.” Will slumped back against his pillows with a wince. “I’ll be more careful.” He gave Jenna a contrite little grin that actually seemed to work on her. “I promise.”
“We’ll be holding you to that,” she said, smiling back at him. “Now rest.”
Will raised his arm to give her a salute, only to lower it quickly, curling his hand into a fist as he hissed. “Ow.”
Idiot. Jay barely managed to hold back an affectionate snort. He and Jenna had to maintain a united front.
Jenna shook her head, shooting a glance at Jay as she headed out the door. “Keep an eye on him, will you?”
Jay managed to knock off an actual salute, ignoring the sneaky middle finger Will was giving him. “You’re getting me in trouble with the nurses,” he whispered at Will. “Aren’t we supposed to be trying to stay on their good side?”
“Yes,” Will and Connor replied in unison.
“So, no more messing around, okay?” He pointed a stern finger at Will who nodded sheepishly.
Seriously. He was so much worse than Jay had ever been. At least Bex was behaving herself.
Although that might be the concussion.
Jay frowned to himself, peeking at the other side of the room where Chris was talking with Bex while Mouse hovered close by. His radar started pinging at how serious they both looked.
“Psst.” Will motioned for him to come closer and Jay made his way around to the left side of the bed. Will ‘pssst’d at him again so he leaned in a bit.
“Jay.” Will looked up at him with wide, definitely drugged up eyes.
“Yes, Will.”
“Pass me my cup?”
Jay shook his head at the sound of smothered laughter coming from Connor’s chair. “Yes, I’ll pass you your friggin’ cup,” he said. “I’ll even put more water in it for you.”
“Thank you, Jay.”
He watched to make sure Will didn’t spill all over the place before taking the cup back and returning it to the bedside table.
“Chris, you’re not listening to me!” Bex’s raised voice caught both of their attention.
“I am, but you’re not thinking straight—”
A groan from Bex cut him off as she closed her eyes, rubbing at her forehead. “Just stop.”
“Hey.” Jay made his way over to their side of the room. “What’s going on?”
“Bex’s being stubborn,” Chris sighed and Mouse exchanged an uneasy look with Jay behind his back.
“I’m not—” Bex took a shuddery breath and started again. “I just want to go home, Chris.”
“You can’t,” he said, gearing himself up. “Not alone. You’re in no shape to take care of yourself. We can move the kids around temporarily and get you set up—”
Chris jerked back at Bex’s tone and Jay stepped closer to the bed, making room for Connor to come and join their little huddle.
Bex looked up at the four of them, tears forming in her eyes as she let out a frustrated huff. “I just—I can’t—”
Jay crouched down beside her, reaching out to take her hand in his. “Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.”
“…I don’t want the kids to see me like this,” she whispered. Chris deflated, as gut-punched by her words as the rest of them. Jay understood. She—she looked rough still. Almost worse now that all of her bruises were blooming across her skin. “And I love you guys, Chris, but I need to be in my own space. My own bed. I’ll be okay. I can—”
Jay made eye contact with Mouse and knew without a word they were on the same page. “Mouse and I will stay with her,” he said. “We can talk to Voight and do whatever we need to make our schedules work so that one of us is always there.”
“Don’t you need to be here with Will?” Chris asked, shaking his head, already dismissing the idea. “Connor’ll need help—”
“Uh, I’m pretty sure I can handle him on my own.” Connor jerked a thumb over at Will who was completely passed out and drooling on his pillow. He grinned when that got a little giggle out of Bex. “We’ve got people here who can help out,” Connor said. “Jenna’s probably going to tie him down at some point so that’ll make things easy.”
“I know you’re joking,” Jay said. “But I think she actually might.”
“Oh, I’m only like, fifty percent joking about that,” Connor laughed. “But I’m serious about it being fine. We’ll be okay.”
“Okay, okay, fine,” Chris said, raising his hands in surrender. “If you can make sure someone’s always there, I’ll trust you and leave you to it. But—” He pointed a stern finger at Jay, Mouse, and then Bex. “Cindy and I’ll be stopping by regularly. No arguments about that.”
“No arguments,” Bex agreed.
“Alright.” Chris slapped at his knees as he stood. “Let’s break you out of this joint.”
Chris left the room under the excuse of tracking down Bex’s discharge paperwork, but ducked down the first quiet hallway he found. He tried to take a slow and steady breath as he leaned against the wall, but it came out in one harsh exhale.
He pressed his palms against his eyes and cursed at himself. Get it together, Herrmann.
Bex was the one who went through a trauma. He had to respect her needs—respect her choices—even if the thought of not being able to keep an eye on her 24/7 until every one of those horrific bruises faded away made him feel like his heart was being ripped out of his chest.
He rubbed at his face, swiping away any evidence of tears. He could be okay with this because this was Jay and Mouse they were talking about. They were probably going to be even bigger…what was it Bex and Jay always say?
Mama chickens.
Chris chuckled to himself as he straightened up, shaking his head.
Right. Jay and Mouse were going to be huge mama chickens about this and he and Cindy could check in as often as they needed.
Which he would be doing with that key that Bex gave him when she first moved it.
So there.
His brain settled as numerous plans for check-ins and meal drop-offs began to form. Maybe he could talk Cindy into making a spreadsheet or something. Chris nodded. Yeah, they could make this work.
But first, the promised discharge papers.
He set off with renewed purpose, ready to get the ball rolling on his promise to spring Bex.
Jay left shortly after Chris, saying something about packing up enough stuff to stay at Bex’s for awhile and promising to stop by Mouse’s place to grab some things for him as well.
She waved him off and settled back against her pillows, trying not to wince as she was well aware of the two sets of eyes still on her.
“Hey.” Mouse pulled up a chair and sat beside her. “Are you okay with this plan?” he asked quietly. “We kind of steamrollered you there.”
“No, it’s good,” she said. “I just—I can’t be at Chris and Cindy’s, but Chris is right. I probably shouldn’t be alone. If you and Jay don’t mind—”
“Not even a little bit.” Mouse jumped right in with that. He reached out to squeeze the fingers the were poking out of her cast. “I’m glad, uh, you—thank you for letting us. For letting us help.”
“Will, no—” Connor’s voice cut through their moment. “Let me get your cup. You are ridiculous. Don’t make those eyes.”
Bex met Mouse’s eyes and they both barely managed to push back their giggles.
“Hey,” Mouse whispered, leaning in. “Can I sign your cast?” He pulled a black Sharpie out of his pocket and waggled it at her.
“Where'd you get that?”
He grinned. “I have my ways.”
“Okay, keep your secrets.” Bex stretched her arm out along the bed. “Have at it.”
She closed her eyes, listening to him hum softly as the marker scratched over her hard cast. They’d finally put it on last night after another round of being poked and prodded and scanned. They weren’t worried about her internal bleeding anymore—yay—but her concussion symptoms were rearing their ugly head.
Chris and Cindy had picked up a pile of delicious food and she hadn’t been able to eat any of it. Her stomach was off. Everything tasted weird and gross. Jay even went and grabbed her more French fries, but she couldn’t even make it through one bite.
It was like, everything from Friday to Sunday felt so unreal and now reality was creeping back in, sharpening everything up, and Bex was completely weighed down.
By pain and exhaustion and all of the medication and now freaking nausea. She couldn’t wait to go home to her own bed and, well, probably continue to have crap sleeps, but at least it would be quieter and comfier there.
“There.” She opened her eyes to see Mouse capping the marker and gesturing at her cast with a proud flourish. On the inside of her wrist was a doodle of a tiny mouse.
“I love it,” Bex said and he quirked his little grin at her.
“Okay, campers,” Chris said, charging back into the room. “It’s go time.”
“Finally,” Will sighed and both Chris and Connor were on him in a flash.
“Not you,” Chris said, shaking his head.
“If you move from that bed,” Connor began. “I swear—”
“Jeez, can’t a guy make a joke?” Will help up his hands.
“Probably would have landed better two stitches ago,” Mouse said.
“Now that,” Chris grinned, pointing at Mouse. “That’s a joke.”
“You guys are jerks,” Will grumbled. “Bex, remember me when you’re on the outside.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute when you pout,” Connor said. He leaned in to kiss Will’s forehead, giving him another on the lips when he tilted his face up for more. “Now cut it out.”
Will didn’t stop pouting, but at least he stayed in bed while Mouse and Chris helped Bex out of hers. Cindy had already helped her get cleaned up and dressed earlier that morning. She was definitely going to have to figure out some kind of system for that once she got home.
Moving slowly, because wow walking didn’t feel that great, she made her way over to Will and gave him a careful hug goodbye.
“I’ll see you soon,” she promised. If he could manage to keep himself out of trouble, he should be out in a few more days. Then they could all be at home together.
She was in the middle of hugging Connor when Jenna showed up at the door with a wheelchair. “Hospital policy,” Jenna said cheerfully. “We take you right to the door.”
Mouse and Chris hovered as she carefully got into the chair, giving her a flash of what the next week or two was going to be like. She might as well put the hovering to good use.
“Chris.” Bex reached out to touch his arm before he could move around and start pushing the wheelchair. “I want to make to see her before we go. Please.”
Every single person around her got a pinched look on their face at that request and she knew, okay? She knew that Emery was in bad shape and seeing her was going to be hard, but there was no way she was leaving her before doing that.
She needed Emery to hear her voice. To know they were both still here.
And that she had to keep it that way.
“Okay,” Chris sighed. “Hold on tight. Herrmann Express is leaving the station.”
He looked down at her expectantly.
“Yeah, I’m not—”
“Choo choo,” Mouse offered helpfully.
“Good enough for me,” Chris said as he wheeled them out of the room.
Watching Bex sit beside Emery’s bedside, holding her friend’s limp hand as she talked to her—it was…rough. Mouse couldn’t stop thinking about how that could have been Bex too.
Or worse, that Bex might not have even made it to the hospital.
But she did make it, he reminded himself. And she was hurt, but she was going to be better and he and Jay would be there every step of the way.
“Her stats are better,” a voice popped up beside him. He looked over to see Kira, Bex and Emery’s friend standing between him and Chris. She’d given up her seat when they’d arrived so Bex could have a visit, claiming it was a good time for a coffee run.
“Emery’s stats,” she clarified, sipping at her to go cup. “They’re not great, but they’re better so…that’s something.”
“Have they said anything about when they’ll start bringing her off the sedation?” Chris asked.
“Maybe in the next day or two,” Kira said. “I’ll keep you guys posted.”
“Appreciated.” Chris wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a little squeeze. They kept watch for a while longer, clocking when Bex started to flag and starting the slow process of actually getting her to leave.
Eventually, they managed to get her out of the hospital and into Mouse’s car. There was no way they would have been able to get her into Jay’s truck which was he drew the ‘go pack up their shit’ short straw.
After Chris had triple-checked that Bex was safely buckled in, he finally stepped back and shut the car door. He gave Mouse a measured look. “Take care of her,” he said.
“Every minute,” Mouse promised.
“I’ll be stopping by too so no funny business or walking around in your underoos or anything like that,” Chris said, jumping when Bex banged on the car window, scowling up at him. “Ooh, I did not think she could hear me. Okay, okay, I’m going.” He blew a quick kiss at Bex before quickly jogging off to the van. “Be seeing you!”
Mouse waved him off and got into the driver’s seat, ignoring the grumbling coming from the passenger side. “Let’s get you home.”
Bex let out a quiet sigh at that. “Please.”
The drive was surprisingly quiet. They were in that after-commute window and it seemed like a light day for construction. Mouse kept the radio off, mindful of Bex’s headaches, and focused on getting them there. Bex didn’t make a peep for the longest time. When he glanced over at the next red light, she was slumped against the back of the seat, totally passed out.
He was tempted to just keep driving and let her sleep for as long as she could, but she had to have some kind of internal radar because as soon as they got close to her street, she started to stir.
“We almost there?”
“Almost,” Mouse said, turning down her road and pulling into the parking lot. “Hang on, I’ll help you out.” He got out and dashed around to her side of the car. Working too quickly for her to argue about it, Mouse opened the door and undid her seatbelt. He carefully helped her out of the car, cataloguing every wince she tried to hide. Getting her upstairs was going to be a battle.
“Bex,” Mouse said, trying to figure out how to broach the subject as best he could. “I think, uh, don’t get mad, okay?”
“What?” She frowned faintly at him, swaying a bit before leaning against the car.
Crap. He did some quick math in his head. She was definitely due for another round of pain pills too. He really needed to get her upstairs. “Will you let me carry you in?” he asked, biting the bullet and putting it out there. “It’s far and I know—”
“You want to what?” “Uh, carry? You?”
Bex squinted at him and then groaned. “You know what? Go for it.” She raised her good arm and Mouse didn’t wait for her to second guess it before scooping her up gently into his arms.
“This okay?” She’d winced again when he’d picked her up, but she settled, wrapped her good arm around his neck and laying her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah,” she said. “Hurts, but not as bad as walking did.”
Jay chose that moment to pull into the lot, doing a double take as he drove past them. He parked quickly and jogged over to meet them at the front door. “Everything okay?”
“Just getting Bex upstairs,” Mouse said. “Figured we could come down for everything else later.”
Understanding crossed Jay’s face as he checked his own watch, realizing where they were in the schedule. “Good idea.” He went ahead, getting the doors and managing the elevator, then opening the apartment door.
The place was a little musty after not having anyone around for the last couple of days, but Jay turned the air on and it started to clear up quickly.
Mouse set Bex down and she already seemed more relaxed by being in her own space.
“You hungry?” he asked and she made a face. “Bex, you need to eat.”
“I know, but everything tastes awful and I feel so pukey—” She stopped when she looked up and met his eyes, sighing at whatever she’d seen in them. “I’m sorry, I know I need to eat.”
He didn’t want to guilt trip her, but she really did need to eat, especially with the kind of meds she was one. “Maybe a bit of toast now? And we could try soup later?”
Between the two of them, they managed to gently bully her through a piece of toast, taking her medicine, and into trying for a nap. After getting her tucked into bed, Mouse closed the door to her room, leaning against it with a sigh. Jay was waiting for him in the hall.
“She asleep?”
“Not yet,” Mouse said. “But close.”
They stood there in silence for a moment.
“Think we can do this without fucking up?” Jay asked.
“Gonna try.” Mouse pushed away from the door and headed toward the kitchen because that was it. He was gonna try. No matter what. “You have any idea how to make real soup?” he asked Jay over his shoulder.
“No, but that’s what Google’s for, yeah?”
Mouse laughed, smiling as Jay hip-checked past him into the kitchen and started rooting around the cupboards.
Okay. Plan of attack.
Figure out how to make soup. Bring their stuff up. Make soup. Feed the soup to Bex.
It was a start, at least.
“Hey, do you think this carrot is salvageable?”
Right, soup.
A quiet knock on her door was the only warning she got before Jay poked his head in. “Hey,” he whispered. “Ready to get up?”
“Not really,” she grumbled, keeping her eyes closed.
“So, does that mean you don’t want to go see Emery and Will?”
He laughed when she shot up out of bed. “I’m up, I’m up,” she said. “Give me two minutes to change.” He left her to it and she changed into fresh clothes in record time. She grabbed the door handle, pulling it open and stepped out—
Into the hallway of the hospital. The ICU floor. “Jay?” she called out, but there was no answer. The only sound was a flat whine coming from one of the rooms.
A sound she was way too familiar with.
One that made her stomach fill with dread and panic and—
She found herself moving toward the noise, pulled toward a doorway, into a room.
“No,” Bex whispered.
Will and Emery, lying side by side in twin hospital beds, motionless as the monitor screamed out the flatline behind them.
“You did this.” Connor stepped toward her from the side of the room. “You were too slow. Too weak. You didn’t save them.”
“I tried—”
“You let them die,” Connor snapped out at her. He looked down at his own chest where growing patches of red were forming, blood starting to run down it in little rivers. “This is your fault.”
“Connor!” She screamed as he fell to his knees, eyes staring out at nothing. “No. No, no, no! Help!” Bex turned back out to the hall, searching for someone, anyone. She spotted someone lying on the floor a few feet away.
It looked like—
Bex ran, falling to her knees beside him and carefully turning him over. Chris flopped back, dried blood crinkling the side of his shirt. His lips were blue. Eyes as empty as Connor’s.
And Will’s.
And Emery’s.
“I need HELP!” Bex yelled into the empty hallway. “Please. Someone, please help!”
“It’s too late, Bex.”
She whirled around to see Mouse falling to his knees as blood poured out of his mouth.
“There’s no one left to help,” he gasped before collapsing to the floor. Behind him, the hallway was filled with bodies.
Jay. Cindy. Uncle Bo. Uncle Mouch. Trudy. Matt. Gabby. Shay. Kelly. Kevin. Adam. Kim. Sylvie. Otis. Joe. Kira. Malia. Sam. Everyone.
All of them.
Every single person she loved.
“This is your fault,” Ty said, slamming a knife into her chest and pinning her to the wall.
Bex woke up with a gasp, doubling over as pain throbbed through her at the sudden movement. She couldn’t—where was—they were all—
She took a shaky breath.
Then another.
Waiting out the panic.
It was a dream. It wasn’t real. They were all alive.
It wasn’t real.
Bex carefully let herself lie back against her pillows and ran her good hand over her cheeks, wiping away the tears. “It wasn’t real,” she reminded herself.
A knock on her door had her jolting again. Heart pounding.
“Bex?” Jay called before he cracked the door open. “You awake?”
“Um, yeah,” she croaked out. “Just now.”
He poked his head inside, peering at her. “You okay?”
She took in the sight of him, alive and okay, but with massive bags under his eyes and concerned lines etching across his face. Stress and exhaustion seeping out of his bones.
This is your fault.
“Yeah,” she said. “I’m fine.”
He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Sure about that?”
“Yes,” Bex said firmly, willing away her headache and sore ribs for long enough to flash him a convincing smile. “I’m okay…and I believe I was promised soup?”
He grinned back and started in on what had apparently been an epic soup-making adventure with Mouse. Bex let his words wash over her, pushing away the remnants of her nightmare.
Click here to read Chapter Two.
Click here to read Fine is a Four-Letter Word on ao3:
And here is the tag list (let me know if you wish to be added or removed):
@sorry-i-spaced, @iunnowatuwant, @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived, @ivyalmighty, @thewannabewriter, @lexhalstead3, @multifandomgrl08, @foxes-and-cats, @sensitivemallysix, @thebewingedjewelcat, @emme-looou,
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lilimariposawrites · 1 year
The Ghoulie Gals! present: The Ghosts of Aubrey Hall.
Join the Internet's favorite pair of ghost-hunting sisters, Kate and Edi, as they visit Colin-the-Cameraman's childhood home — a spooky manor in Kent with ghosts all the way up to the chandeliers. This season, we're spending a week at every location and we even got the grumpy host to hunt with us for a night. Will we find evidence that finally gets Kate to crack? Will Edi make it out of the hedge maze? Catch the Season Four premiere on Halloween on YouTube!
Kate doesn't believe, Edwina very much does, Colin might, Anthony definitely doesn't, Greg pretends he doesn't, Tom and Sofia are just trying to do their jobs, and Hyacinth might be the ghost.
The Ghoul Boys AU that fell into my head where, so far, the biggest problem isn’t the ghost but rather the author attempting to keep the main couple from jumping each other too soon.
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silverhallow · 2 years
Hello it’s me again back with AMD because I am addicted:
So I had this idea that like when Francesca elopes with Micheal (even that even still happens) Edmund is like strangely cold about the whole thing. Like yes everyone is shocked and it take time, but Edmund is not just distant with Micheal but even Francesca a little. Eventually someone is like hey what’s up with you and Edmund is like
“Every time one of kids gets married it is one the happiest days of my life. Seeing their face light up and knowing they are in love… they will always be the small children I tucked into bed and kissed in the head… but I know they have grown up. I just… I liked being a big part of their wedding because it meant they still needed their old man… but Francesca didn’t need me. She doesn’t and that fine she’s grown up and that’s fine… I’m jsut a little sad that the little girl that used ti sneak into my office after bedtime doesn’t need her dad for anything anymore.”
and idk that’s just a little bit of angst that exists in my head. Also I am sorry if this in intruding on your au I just like to think about it
I had thought about each of the other siblings and how that would happen with Edmund alive and how they would go about their HEA... and this is sort of how I see it going...
Colin would still take an age to work out that Penelope was the one from him, despite the fussing and matchmaking attempts of BOTH his parents and his sisters-in-law... the whole "I will not marry penelope" fiasco happens but his father hears... and he marches Colin around to apology to Penelope and then allows him to go travelling... but he and Penelope stay in contact. When he comes back, he sees Pen in another light and the whole LW drama happens but it is Edmund Colin goes to for help... but the whole thing
Eloise was writing to Sir Phillip as was in the books, but when Marina died, Edmund also wrote to Sir Phillip, she was the daughter of one of his cousins after all... so when Eloise decides, shortly after Penelope's marriage to go find him... it's not the whole band of idiots that goes, but Edmund with his two eldest son's, mainly because Romney Hall was close to My Cottage. The Earl also assists as he knew the former Sir Crane... and didn't like him... they marry (and Phillip still helps save Charlie and literally becomes the favourite over night with Edmund and Richard)
Francesca: Francesca attempts to run away but Edmund catches her and they have a heart to heart and she stays in London and all the wicked things happen in Kilmartin House in London rather than Scotland and she agrees to marry him but they go to Kent and marry there. Edmund doesn't give his daughter away this time around, Francesca asked if Janet could. Edmund cried at the thoughtfulness of his daughter. it was a small wedding with just her parents, Helen and Janet in attendance. it is here that Edmund gets word that Eloise had gone to Gloucester...
Hyacinth: goes pretty much as it does in her book... but Edmund cries for 3 hours after Gareth leaves... Gareth also speaks to ALL of Hyacinth's brother's after speaking to Edmund to ask for permission. (Edmund punches Gareth's father in the face at the wedding reception... Richard was being held back by his son in law...)
Gregory: by the time Gregory meets Lucy... Edmund is just done with the drama and begs his youngest son, and after Kate caught the young Lord Abernathy and Miss Watson in his orangery, and he saw the way Greg was watching Lady Lucinda, he knew the dopey in love expression... but when he heard Lucy was to marry Arthur Hasbley... Edmund did not expect the drama to unfold as it did...
so when he saw his youngest son barge into the church and then the reception... he had to go home and have a stiff drink... it was the next day he had found out what occurred from an excited Hyacinth and when he sat and had a drink with Richard and Miles two days later after dealing with the drama he groaned "and here i thought Anthony and Benedict were going to be the ones to give me the biggest headache..."
He did find it rather fun to watch his son's and daughter's dealing with their children as they entered society...
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greg-kent-au · 3 years
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Martha meets baby Greg for the first time. <3
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Hi Steph! I used to be really into the DC fandom a while back, but stopped as comics were Like That and I also couldn't keep up with the reboots and bad writing. I've recently started writing a superhero AU fic for another fandom, and I was curious to know if you had any Year One -type comic recs as I trust your judgment.
LOL okay:
Comics you can read without knowing Comics
Blue Beetle Volume 1 by John Rogers, etc. - yes he’s a legacy, but Jaime’s story is really self-contained, and even the cameos are explained.
Batgirl Vol. 3 by Bryan Q. Miller - a solid intro in Batman Reborn, and while it needs more Cass, it’s an excellent starter comic
Wonder Woman Rebirth by Greg Rucka - it’s literally a kick-start for everything, and while I like Year One better than The Lies, both are worth reading.
Superman: Last Son of Krypton by Richard Donner & Geoff Johns - this is self indulgent but it WILL give you feelings, and it works as an intro to Kara and Chris Kent.
Batman: Year One by Frank Miller - it’s Miller, so grain of salt, but it’s very good bare-bones, layout how it works)
Superman: Birthright by Mark Waid - Superman feelings ahoy!
Flash: Born to Run by Mark Waid - I’m a fan, what can I say, it’s essentially his Flash Year One, but with a new name!
But really, the key to getting into comics, is just... form an emotional attatchment to something, be it a writer, a story, or a character, and then just. throw yourself into all of it. The series that started me on my latest DC comics spiral was Justice League International, which is hardly a book I’d suggest as an intro comic to anyone else, but sometimes... you do what you’ve got to do.
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gr8shrimp · 3 years
y’all I need ducking help bc I’m suddenly desperate to write like a check please/king falls fusion AU situation but I just can’t get an image out of my head of tiny little Ben as our little baking hockey player in the Bitty shaped role and even though I don’t really ship PB&J and am generally Kent Parson-negative I want Sammy as Jack and King Falls Jack as Kent and what?? And I don’t really like Ben/Sammy fics I want to make a throuple for this ??? Why ????? LITERALLY WHO IS THIS FOR. IS LARDO LILY
OKAY OR BITTY AND JACK HOSTING KING FALLS AM. SMH boys as our regular callers, LAX bros as a collective Greg. Ransom calls in with sorority girl ghost sightings!!! Shitty with Doyle-like high-jinx!
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
It’s spooky season.
Got a Halloween request? Send it In
Headcanons, preferences, imagines, oneshots, fics, drabbles, blurbs, smut, angst & fluff.
You can request as many as your heart desires. FEM!READER ONLY!
Create A Candy Wreath
Bob For Apples
Scavenger Hunts
Local Psychic
Palm Reader
Werewolf Tag
Flashlight Tag
Lantern Making
Playdough monsters
Pumpkin Patch
Haunted House
Halloween Costume Party
Corn Maze
Pumpkin Carving
Matching Costumes
Trick Or Treating
Decorating The House
Roleplay According To Costumes
Tricksters Watching
Halloween Candlelit Dinner
Bake Halloween -Inspired Treats
Visit A Haunted Attraction
Go See A Horror Movie
Jump Scare
Scary Stories
Play Sexy/Scary Dress Up
Watch Scary Movies
Late Night Corn Maze
Ghost Tour
Picnic At A Graveyard
Tell Scary Stories By The Campfire
Scary Movie Marathon
Late Night Walk In The Cemetery
Jump In A Pile Of Leaves
Make Candy Apples
Pick Pumpkin From Pumpkin Patch
Bobbing For Alcohol
Camp In The Backyard
Surprise s/o With Sexy Costume
Haunted Hayride
Ghost Hunt
Costume Shopping
Smores By The Fire
Paint Pumpkins
Make Jack O’Lanterns
Road Trip To Spooky Destinations
Alien AU
Angel AU
Affair AU
Amnesia AU
Angel/Demon AU
Apocalypse AU
Assassin AU
Asylum AU
Alien Invasion AU
Alpha/Beta/Omega AU
Betrayal AU
Banshee AU
Blackmail AU
Bonnie & Clyde AU
Cabin In The Woods AU
Castaway AU
Criminal AU
Crossroad Demon AU
Cowgirl AU
Cowboy AU
Criminal And Accomplice AU
Dragon AU
Dark Fantasy AU
Demigod AU
Double Agent AU
Demon AU
Dead/Death AU
Demon Hunter AU
Damsel In Distress AU
Demon Slayer AU
Dimension Hoping AU
Dark Angel AU
Enemies To Lovers AU
Enemies AU
Fantasy AU
Fae AU
Fake Relationship AU
Fake Dating, AU
Fake Marriage AU
Forbidden Love AU
Fairies AU
Fairy AU
Fugitive AU
Fallen Angel AU
Guardian Angel AU
Ghost AU
Greek Gods AU
Genie AU
Goddess AU
God AU
Hero/Villain AU
Hanahaki Disease AU
Hitman AU
Hunter AU
Heat {also known as Mating Cycle} AU
Hunters Dating
Hybrid AU
Horror Film AU
Imaginary Friend AU
Immortal/Human AU
Immortal AU
Incubus AU
Jealousy AU
Kidnapped AU
Lost In Space, AU
Love Affair AU
Love/Hate Relationship AU
Love Triangle AU
Love Spell AU
Love Turns Them Evil AU
Lured Into A Trap AU
Lost In The Woods AU
Mob!Boss AU
Mafia AU
Medium AU
Mutant AU
Mistaken Identity AU
Magic AU
Maid AU
Merman AU
Mermaid AU
Murder Mystery AU
Merpeople AU
Mythological Creatures AU
Mobster AU
Mad Scientist AU
Mythology AU
Medieval AU
Nephlim AU
One Sided Love AU
Outlaw Couple AU
Pirate AU
Protector AU
Prisoner AU
Post Apocalypse AU
Possessed AU
Possessive AU
Roaring 20s AU
Rivals To Lovers AU
Resurrection AU
Rival AU
Reincarnation AU
Runaway AU
Reapers AU
Supernatural AU
Superpowers AU
Secret Identity AU
Secret Admire AU
Spell AU
Soulmates AU
Secret Relationship AU
Spy AU
Space AU
Stalker AU
Stripper AU
Siren AU
Succubus AU
Secret Agent AU
Secret Spy AU
Superhero AU
Telepathy AU
Time Traveller AU
Thief AU
The Little Mermaid AU
Time Travel AU
Time Travelers AU
Unrequited Love AU
Vigilante AU
Vampire/Werewolf AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Vampire AU
Vampire Hunter AU
Villain AU
Weakness Turns On Lover AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Taking The Kids Trick Or Treating
Fandoms I write for
Adam Cole
Aj Styles
Andrade Cien Almas
Buddy Murphy
Bobby Fish
Drew McIntyre
Elias Samson
Finn Balor
Kyle O’Reilly
Roderick Strong
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
The Miz
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Triple H, 
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Billie Kay
Candice LeRae
Charlotte Flair
Dakota Kai
Mickie James
Peyton Royce
Sasha Banks
Stephanie McMahon
Tegan Nox
Zelina Vega
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Sylvie Brett
Gabby Dawson
 Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg Gerwitz
Kevin Atwater
Kim Burgess
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
 Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Ella Lopez
Dan Espinoza
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Bruce Banner
Sam Wilson
Carol Danvers
 Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
 Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate
Jordan Parrish
Chris Argent
Isaac Lahey
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
 Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
 Freya Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Kai Parker
Damon Salvatore
 Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Bonnie Bennet
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Harry Styles
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jensen Ackles
30 notes · View notes
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It’s that time again: let’s feast from 2019′s Grapevine That Is Never Pruned with 21 (+ approximately 277 more) of the BEST OF THE BEST REASONS TO WRITE FUCKIN’ RECORD REVIEWS IN 2019!    ✰ 7th ANNIVERSARY ✰ 
<All long playing vinyl records unless otherwise noted...& many cassettes>
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ TOP 21 ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
✰ TAIWAN HOUSING PROJECT  Sub-Language Trustees  (ever/never) ✰
✰ SAMANTHA RIOTT  Bloodletting download (self-released)
✰ PAULA GARCIA STONE  Undercurrent  cd (Linear Obsessional, UK) 
✰ POSSIBLE HUMANS  Everybody Split (Trouble In Mind)
✰ WILLIAM HENRY MEUNG cassette FMerror (chemical imbalance., Australia)
✰ LEILA BORDREUIL  Headflush  (Catch Wave Ltd)
✰ LEIGHTON CRAIG Diamond Eye (Bruit Direct Disques, France) 
✰ KNITTED ABYSS   Bad Lassies (Paradise Daily, Australia)
✰ WEAK SIGNAL  LP1  (Mag Mag)
✰ TOM OF ENGLAND  Sex Monk Blues (L.I.E.S.)
✰ DRY CLEANING  Boundary Road Snacks And Drinks & Sweet Princess LP (It’s OK, UK)
✰ 75 DOLLAR BILL  I Was Real  double LP (Thin Wrist Recordings) 
✰ DARK BLUE Victory Is Rated (12XU)
✰ KALI MALONE  The Sacrificial Code 3 cd (iDEAL Recordings, Sweden)
✰ SHABAZZ MYSTIK Chant D’Lâme (Off, Belgium)
✰ LONG HOTS Give And Take 7” (Third Man)
✰ AMIRTHA KIDAMBI & LEA BERTUCCI  Phase Eclipse cassette (Astral Spirits)
✰ CHRIS BROKAW  End Of The Night (VDSQ)
✰ SPIRAL WAVE NOMADS Spiral Wave Nomads (Twin Lakes/Feeding Tube)
✰ HAMA Houmeissa (Sahel Sounds)
✰ YL HOOI  Untitled  cassette (Altered States Tapes, Australia)
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JEANINES Jeanines (Slumberland)
ARTEFACTOS DE DOLOR  La Niña double LP (Pain Artifacts)
U-BAHN  U-Bahn  (Future Folklore, France)
MDOU MOCTAR Ilana: The Creator (Sahel Sounds)
STEFAN CHRISTENSEN The Upcoming Flame (bruit direct disques, France) 
TYSHAWN SOREY & MARILYN CRISPELL  The Adornment Of Time cd (Pi Recordings)
ALE HOP Apophenia (Buh Records, Peru)
TIM PANARETOS  Submergence cd-r (chemical imbalance., Australia) & Opposites End download (self-released, Australia)
KATE CARR City Of Bridges download (Longform Editions, Australia)
WRITHING SQUARES  Out Of The Ether (Trouble In Mind)
MY NORTH EYE  (My) North Eye (2011) cd-r  (Reverb Worship, France)
PINOCCHIO  Pinocchio ep (Toxic State)
BRIDGET HAYDEN Soil And Song cassette (Synchronise Witches, UK) [comes with Karen Dalton fanzine!]
The COWBOYS The Bottom Of A Rotten Flower  (Feel It Records)
OLUMPUS  Caucus & Surplus downloads (both stabbies, etc., New Zealand)
CHUCK CLEAVER  Send Aid (Shake It!)
JOSÉ DIAS  After Silence, Vol. 1. cd (Clean Feed, Portugal)
KNIFE WIFE  Family Party cassette (Sister Polygon)
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TRAMPOLINE TEAM  Trampoline Team (HoZac)
KATE CARR  Heatwave cassette (self-released, UK)
SEBASTIEN STH BISET  Islæd cd (Mnóad, Belgium)
PHAROAH CHROMIUM  Eros + Massacre  (Scum Yr Earth, France)
JOSEPH ALLRED Aspirant cassette (Garden Portal Tapes) & O, Meadowlark (Feeding Tube)
ANDREA BORGHI Tistre cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
MOPE GROOVES Desire (See My Friends Records)
SOFIE BIRCH  Island Alchemy cassette (Constellation Tatsu) 
VOYAGE DATA  Voyage Data cassette  (Econore, Germany)
JONNY COUCH  Mystery Man  (Damages Sofa)
FISCHERLE  Gmatwacz cassette (Czaszka, UK)
ROCKET 808  Rocket 808 (12XU)
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LINDA TRIP  Sad Bangers cassette (Superdreamer) 
MATTHEW J. ROLIN  Matthew J. Rolin (Feeding Tube Records)
STEKKERDOOS  Kalendar cassette (No Rent)
IAN HAWGOOD  光 (Home Normal, Japan)
ÀLEX REVIRIEGO • DISCORDIAN STRING ENSEMBLE  Incerto For Doublebass And Strings download (Discordian, Spain)
JULIA KENT Temporal cd (The Leaf Label, UK)
NAPS  Better To Give cassette (Gertrude Tapes)
TERROR OF THE DEEP  The A-Team cassette (Melted Ice Cream, New Zealand)
CLAIRE ROUSAY Friends cassette (Never Anything)
ANNA SUBIRIANA • POL PADRÓS • JOAN ANTONI PICH Brull’s Bet download (Discordian, Spain)
HAKOBUNE  A Fan, Strings, and Two Guitars cassette (Patient Sounds)
LORI GOLDSTON Things Opening (Second Editions, Germany)
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The RESONARS  No Exit (Trouble In Mind)
URANIUM CLUB The Cosmo Cleaners: The Higher Calling Of Business Provocateurs (Fashionable Idiots/Static Shock, UK)
THE COOL GREENHOUSE  “Crap Cardboard Pet” 7” (Hidden Bay Records, France)
ROB NOYES “You Are Tired”/“Nightmare Study”  7” (Market Square Recordings, UK)
TOM LÖNNQVIST  Häviävän Pieni Osa (Guggenhavn Archive, Sweden)
GOTOBEDS  Debt Begins At 30 (Sub Pop)
GREG KELLEY/ROB NOYES  Greg Kelley/Rob Noyes split cassette (self-released)
DEAD SEA APES  The Free Territory  double LP (Feeding Tube Records) 
DRAGGS  Draggs cassette (Slime Street, Australia) 
SPRAY PAINT Into The Country (12XU)
SPF Paul’s McCartney 
2 CHEVRONS No Rules In Outta Space cassette (Albert’s Basement, Australia)
DARK TEA Dark Tea (Fire Talk)
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TERRINE  Live At Home cassette (Econore, Germany)
The SNAKES  The Snakes (Anti Fade, Australia)
LIVE SKULL  Saturday Night Massacre  (Bronson Recordings, Italy)
ELKHORN  Sun Cycle/Elk Jam 2 LP (Feeding Tube)
MESSRS  Messrs 12” (Heel Turn Records)
VIRGINIA PLAIN  Strange Game (All Hands Electric)
JEN KUTLER  Dismbodied (EyeVee)
MOR AIR  Life Behind Glass cassette (Genot Centre, Czech Republic)
CIA DEBUTANTE  The Landlord (Siltbreeze)
JOSÉ DIAS  After Silence, Volume 1 cd (Celan Feed, Portugal)
LAURA LUNA CASTILLO  Folksonomies cassette (Cudighi Records)
THE GIRL IN TIMES NEW VIKING  The Girl In Times New Viking (The Fah-Q Catalog)
43 ODES  43 Odes cassette (Eiderdown)
OOF Vanity Plate cassette & EGO cassette  (both Fuzzy Warbles cassettes)
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ORGUE AGNÈS A Une Gorge (three:four, Switzerland; Standard In-Fi - 2018)
MICHAEL MORLEY Heavens Idleness Awaits 2 LP (Thin Wrist Recordings)
CHRISTINA KUBISCH  Schall Und Klang cd (Fragment Factory, Germany)
HUNTED CREATURES Sleep Weed cassette (White Reeves Productions)
UNITED WATERS  Coma To Coma (Drawing Room Records)
JULIUS MENARD  Hr  cassette (Econore, Germany)
GEE TEE Chromo-Zone download (self/released, Australia)
AARON RUSSELL  Coral Music cassette (Gertrude Tapes)
9TH HOUSE  Planetary EP 12” (Hot Haus, UK) 
SCAN  Scan 7” ep (Drugfront)
The HECKS  My Star  (Trouble In Mind)
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ALINA PETROVA & KIRA WEINSTEIN  Sad Ko cassette (Never Anything)
HIEROPHANTS  Spitting Out Moonlight (Anti Fade, Australia) 
NOTS  3  (Goner)
P WITS The Desire and Pursuit of The Whole cassette (chemical imbalance., Australia)
GOLDEN PELICANS Grinding For Gruel (12XU)
M. SAGE  Catch A Blessing (Geographic North)
ECHO OHS  Wild Weeds 12” (1:12 Records, New Zealand)
CIVIC  Selling, Sucking, Blackmail Bribes 7"  (Total Punk)
WENDY EISENBERG & SHANE PARRISH  Nervous Systems (Verses) 
KNEELING IN PISS  Tour De Force cassette (The Fah-Q Catalog)
s.soo Tyman download (New York Haunted, Netherlands)    
WSCHÓD  Wschód cd (Clean Feed, Portugal)
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PREENING Gang Laughter (Digital Regress) 
CLARICE JENSEN  Drone Studies  cassette (Geographic North)
MARBLED EYE  Beat Sessions, Vol. 8 cassette (Shout Recordings)
STEVE MOORE  Steve Moore 12” (L.I.E.S)
The SELVA  Canícula Rosa cd (Clean Feed, Australia)
PROGRAM Show Me 12” (Anti Fade, Australia)
SLUMB PARTY Spending Money (Drunken Sailor, UK)
EUN-JUNG KIM & CHARLIE COLLINS  Shining Days cd (Linear Obsessional, UK)
NEON  Neon 12” (Square One Again)
CUCINA POVERA Zoom (Night School, Scotland)
PAULA SHOCRON & PABLO DÍAZ with GUILLERMO GREGORIO Díalogos cd (Fundacja Słuchaj, Poland)
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MY NORTH EYE / LE GOÛT ACIDE DES CONSERVATOURS  MNE • L / G / A / D / C split cassette ([Equilibre Fragile], France)
The WOOLEN MEN Human To Human (Dog’s Table)
Phonotypic Plasticity cassette (Astral Spirits)
BIG QUIET Interesting Times (Unblinking Ear)
SEAN ALI • LEILA BORDREUIL • JOANNA MATTREY I Used to Sing So Lyrical cassette (Astral Spirits)
POWDER  Powder In Space cd (Beats In Space)
MUKQS Jaki Crush cassette (No Rent)
DENNIS GONZALEZ & DEREK ROGERS Certain Aspects cd (Marginal Frequency) 
PONT-À-MOUSSON Bye Bye Mirello! cassette (ABrecords, France)
AKI  ONDA  A Method To Its Messiness (Thalamos, Greece)
ALEXANDER  Untitled cassette (Garden Portal)
BRANDY  “Clown Pain”/“Rent Quest” 7” (Total Punk)
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MAJOR STARS  Roots Of Confusion, Seeds Of Joy  (Drag City)
LORI GOLDSTON & JUDITH HAMANN Alloys cd (Marginal Frequency) 
JEANS BEAST  Unearthly Gardens Of The New Gods cd-r (Econore, Germany) & Attrition cassette (self-releases, Germany)
SKULL PRACTITIONERS  Skull Practitioners 12” (In The Red)
UROCHROMES  Trope House (Wharf Cat)
LIVINGDOG & MIKE JOHNSON CRO$$ cassette (Constellation Tatsu)
HEADROOM  New Heaven 12” (ever/never)
JEFF HENDERSON  The Charming Clarinet download (III Records, NewZealand)
GRAHAM DUNNING & EDWARD LUCAS End Of A Cable cassette (tsss tapes, Italy)
VILDE CHAYE Demos cassette (Brainplan)
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Heavy Space Records - Anthology Volumes I & II cassettes (Ikuisuus, Finland)
KYLE EYRE CLYD Eggshell cd (Yew)
NEUTRALS  Kebab Disco (Emotional Response)
FREDDIE DOUGGIE Freddie Douggie: Live on Juneteenth cassette (International Anthem)
AGUSTÍ FERNÁNDEZ • WILLIAM PARKER • SUSIE IBARRA  One Night At The Joan Miró Foundation cd (Fundacja Słuchaj, Poland)
HUGO MASSIEN  Dance Trax Vol. 21 (Unknown To The Unknown) 
RRILL BELL Vagabond Laws cassette (Gertrude Tapes)
GAMARDAH FUNGUS  Natural Storm cd (Hidden Vibes, Ukraine)
WAYNE ROGERS  The Air Below (Twisted Village)
UNKNOWN SENDER Unknown Sender  (Colonel Records) 
BLUES LAWYER  Something Different (Mt.St.Mtn) 
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DURA  Reverberation Hymns cassette (Garden Portal)
JODIE LOWTHER  The Cat Collects download (self-released)
WOLKOROTS Dan Manialogism cassette (Magma Tones, Finland)  
CEREAL KILLER  The Beginning And End Of Cereal Killer (Anti Fade, Australia)
The CAVEMEN  Lowlife 7” EP (Slovenly) 
FRANCISCA GRIFFIN  The Spaces Between cd (CocoMuse, New Zealand)
ANDY HUMAN & THE REPTOIDS  “Psychic Sidekick” 7” (Total Punk)
SEI A Mode Static 12” (Aus Music, U.K.)
JOHN SAINT PELVYN  Improvisation 7.7.18 download (Southern Jukebox Music) 
REBEL SCUM The Descent cassette (chemical imbalance., Australia - 2018) 
S. ARAW TRIO XIII Activated Clown cassette (NNA Tapes)
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FERRAN FAGES & VASCO TRILLA  Gestell cd (Raw Tonk, UK)
HUA LUN  Wanderlænd + 2 cassette (Katuktu Collective)
VIRVON VARVON  Mind Cancer cassette (Girlsville)
PHILIPP OTTERBACH  The Rest Is Bliss (Knekelhuis, Netherlands)
EDITRIX Talk To Me download (self-released)
PAVLOV’S PUSS  Comfort Food  (Melted Ice Cream, New Zealand) 
NATHALIE STERN  Nerves And Skin cassette (Cruel Nature, UK)
AKI TAKASE  Hokusai  cd (Intakt, Switzerland)
MOORDDROOM  Deep VR Edits bandcamp DL (New York Haunted, Netherlands)
EXEK Some Beautiful Species Left (Digital Regress)
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CLAIRE BIRCHALL  “Dead Air” bandcamp DL (it, Australia)
JUDY & The JERKS  Bone Spur cassette (Earth Girl) & Music For Donuts ep  (Thrilling Living) 
POWER STEERING  Power Steering cassette (chemical imbalance., Australia)  
RASMUS TIETCHENS  HOBOTPAHC cd-r (New York Haunted, Netherlands) 
UTINUTIN  Black Cat, Anyeurism, And Simian Politics download (no label)
GUY BIRKIN  Yemen Data Project cassette (New York Haunted, Netherlands)
LINUS VANDEWOLKEN  Het Vlier Een Hommel Op Aarde 10”x 2 (Okraïna, Belgium)
JOHN CHANTLER  Tomorrow Is Too Late  (Room40, Australia)
JENNIFER VANILLA  J.E.N.N.I.F.E.R. EP 12” (Beats In Space)
WOW  Come La Notte  (Maple Death, Italy)
KATE MOHANTY  Disappear Here  cassette (Friendship Tapes) 
ASTRO SOCIAL CLUB & GRUMBLING FUR  Plasma Splice Trifle (vhf)
SANR  Kesif cd (Flaming Pines, UK)
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ANDREW TASSELMYER & PATRICK SPATZ  Interior Currents cassette (Constellation Tatsu)
AHMEDOU AHMED LOWLA Terrouzi cassette (Sahel Sounds)
SKRU  Count Zero cassette (Bedouin, UAE)
PUGILIST Blue 06 12” (Whities, UK)
ULAAN  KHOL  Collapsing Hymns cassette (Worstward) 
L.$.D. FUNDRAISER  No Peace Without Tranquility (no label, New Zealand)  
COCHONNE  Cochonne (self released)
LE POUFS À CORDES Le Poufs À Cordes cd (Pagans, France)
FRET!  A Vanity Spawned By Fear cassette (Cruel Nature, UK) 
UNWAR  Other People cd-r (Magma Tones, Finland)
WOJCIECH RUSIN  The Funnel (Akashic, Scotland)
SLEEPER AND SNAKE Junction And High (Aarght, Australia)
The OILIES Psychic Dog (Fruits & Flowers)
ELI KESZLER Empire 12” (Shelter Press, France)
HAIDER 10961 12” (Aus Music, UK)
FOSTER CARE El Abuso (Total Punk)
TORN HAWK Time Is A Scam 2x 12” (L.I.E.S.)
The LICE Nancy Spungen download (self-released)
DJ XNX  ATX  (Get Busy!, Russia)
SHITTY LIFE Vinyls Discography (Lo-Fo Lo-Life, Germany)
GONG GONG GONG  幽靈節奏 = Phantom Rhythm (Wharf Cat)
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SARAH LOUISE  Nighttime Birds And. Opening Stars (Thrill Jockey)
MYRIAM BLEAU Lumens & Profits (Where To Now?, UK)
TV DUST  Forget (MyOwnPrivateRecords / Occult Gang, Italy)
PRIMORJE Reference Path  cassette (Thalamos, Greece)
JUNE CHIKUMA Ler Archives LP + 7” (Freedom To Spend)
dMyanche  Ergonomie cassette (Indian Redhead, France)
EQUIPMENT POINTED ANKH Live (Sophomore Lounge)
VIV CORRINGHAM  Until I Learn The Language Of Mineral Vegetable  cassette (Linear Obsessional, UK)
JACOB WICK feel (Thin Wrist)
AMATEUR HOUR Framtiden Tillhör Inte Oss (Happiest Place, Sweden)
The FICTIVE FIVE  Anything Is Possible cd (Clean Feed, Portugal) 
DANKETSU 9  Towards A Walk In The Sun cd (Patient Sounds (intl))
IVAN THE TOLERABLE  Rations 2LP (Stolen Body, UK)
DANA  Glowing Auras And Black Money (Heel Turn)
NATE YOUNG  Volume 3: Dance Of The Weeping Babe 12” (Lower Floor)
SHOLTO DOBIE & MARK HARWOOD  The Blue Horse  cd (Penultimate Press, UK)
HEAVY METAL 4  (Statik Age Music, Germany)
WET TUNA  Water Weird (Three Lobed Recordings)
CARRAGEENAN Invisible Design cassette (Czaszka, UK)
PRIVATE ANARCHY  Central Planning  (Round Bale Recordings)  
HIDEO NAKASAKO  Texture Of Days cassette (Muzan Editions, Japan)
PRANA CRAFTER  Bodhi Cheetah’s Choice (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond)
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PATRICK SHIROISHI & NOEL MEEK  Break Your Eyes cassette (Sploosh)
ANDY HUMAN & The REPTOIDS  Psychic Sidekick (Total Punk)
SLAG QUEENS  You Can’t Go Out Like That (Rough Skies Records, Australia)
ALIAS G Natural Love 12” (Unknown To The Unknown, UK)
NIVHEK  After Its Own Death / Walking In A Spiral Towards The House cd (W.25th)
GARCIA PEOPLES Natural Facts (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond)
HOUSEWIVES Twilight Splendour  (Blank Editions, UK)
CLOUDWATCHERS  Cloudwatchers cd (Unexplained Sounds Group, Italy)
CATHERINE LAMB Shade/Gradient  (Black Pollen Press -2018) 
UNITED BIBLE STUDIES  Porti Sepolti cassette (Sloow Tapes, Belgium)
ÚJ BÁLA Diacritical Marks And Angels cassette (Baba Vanga, Czech Republic)
STRENGTH N.I.A.  Do Televisions, Frankie Moore ritual cassette (Stength N.I.A., UK)
DAVID LIPTAK David Lipton: Dove Songs [Tony Arnold, soprano/Allison D’Amato, piano] cd
ANNĒE ZĒRO  La Coolitude (Indian Redhead, France)
MELENAS “Ya Me No Importa Si Tú Quieres”/“Si Tú Me Quieres” 7” (El Nebula Recordings, Spain)
WHIRLING HALL OF KNIVES  Knukke cassette (Cruel Nature, UK)
PROTRUDERS  Poison Future (Feel It)
MOTHER JUNO  Commit cassette (popnihil)
LEFT HAND CUTS OFF THE RIGHT Purge cassette (Fractal Meat Cuts, UK)
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CLAIRE ROUSAY  t4t  cassette (No Rent)
IQ+1  Conversaphone Plus (mappa, Slovenia)
DELPHINE DORA  Dunkles Zu Sagen (self-released)
SOOT  Pockmarked With...Soot!  cassette (Eternal Soundcheck, Australia) 
DAN MELCHIOR BAND Negative Freedom (In The Red)
TÔLE FROIDE  Tôle Froide (Le Turc Mecanique, France - 2018)
AHMED AG KAEDY  Alkaline Kidal  (Sahel Sounds)
DUNNING & UNDERWOOD The Blow Vol. 5 cassette (Front & Follow, UK)
TAKAHIRO MUKAI Super Annoying cassette (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
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ANTONIO  High Voltage! cassette (Altered States Tapes, Australia) 
CUBE Decoy (W.25th)
The PLAINS  The Plains cassette (chemical imbalance., Australia)
KA BAIRD  Respires (Rvng Intl.) 
GINO & The GOONS  Do The Get Around (Drunken Sailor, UK)
VIVIEN LE FAY  Ecolalia  (Boring Machines, Italy)
DUKE  Uingizaji Hewa  (Nyege Nyege Tapes, Uganda)
ARIAN SHAFIEE  Arabic Voice cassette (unifactor)
MOUNT TROUT  Shelter Belt  cassette (Rough Skies, Australia)
OCEAN FLOOR  Vernalis cassette (Eiderdown)
CURRENT AFFAIRS “Buckle Up”/“World In Crisis” 7” (dotx3, Germany)
AARON SNOW  Instrumentals  ‘15-‘19  cassette (Surf Shop)
MELKINGS  Movement Music cassette (Regional Bears, UK)
DECIMUS  DECIMUS 6 (self-released)
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SYLVIE COURVOISIER and MARK FELDMAN  Time Gone Out cd (Intakt, Switzerland) 
DANIEL HOLT Daniel Holt 12” (L.I.E.S.)
BEAT DETECTIVES  NYPD Records Volume 3: Nefertiti Abstract Movie cassette (NYPD Records)
DIRE WOLVES  Grow Towards The Light (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond)
FAMOUS LOGS IN HISTORY  Memories Of the Space Age cassette (Fuzzy Warbles Cassettes)
HAND & LEG Lust In Peace (Black Gladiator)
DEE DEE & The FUZZ COFFINS Three Golden Hits cassette (Earth Girl Tapes)
RAZORLEGS  Skip Skool cassette (Fadensonnen)
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Neil Morris, speaking to Alan Lomax in 1959:
“Well, when I was just a small boy, Old Uncle Milt Oldfield…Billy Oldfield, the Congressman from Arkansas for so long, it is his father. He and my father are awfully close friends. And they were discussing music. They were music teachers both of them.
“And uh, and they said, dad did and Uncle Milt sanctioned what he said, that MUSIC HAD NO END. That you could learn all the other guy [or girl] learned, and after you got that done they would then, something else would crop up. That uh, that you, that was the reason why that uh, music advanced. That’s why that you would get a better music in one generation maybe that is, uh, IT WOULD FIT THE TIMES IN WHICH THEY LIVED.”
[Lomax: “What about music on the grapevine?”]
“Welllll, they said that MUSIC GREW LIKE THE GRAPEVINE THAT IS NEVER PRUNED. That each year it’d…it’d put on a little bit more. That was what they said, now, about it. Any further questions?”’
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astral-space-dragon · 4 years
HAHAHAAAA! After having this character on the back burner for a bout a month, I’m ready to share her with the world!
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 After chatting it up with @harlot-of-oblivion​ yesterday, I got the courage to flesh out this character and I’ve gotten really invested.
She’s a character from a crossover AU that I’ve been playing with for a while and I hope you like her as much as I do. A DC Universe and Devil May Cry corssover. I’m calling the series “Of Bats and Devils”.
Under the cut cuz is a really long fuckin post lol
Name: Viviane “Viv” Mercer-Wayne
Age: 25
Immediate Family:
Bruce Wayne (adoptive father)
Richard “Dick” Grayson (adoptive brother)
Jason Todd (adoptive brother)
Tim Drake (adoptive brother)
Damian Wayne (adoptive brother, Bruce’s bio-son)
Cassandra Cain (adoptive sister)
Alfred Pennyworth (considered a grandfather)
Misc. Family:
Duke Thomas (honorary brother)
Barbara Gordon (honorary sister)
Stephanie Brown (honorary sister)
Kate Kane (technically cousin, but everyone just calls her Aunt Kate)
Clark Kent, Hal Jordan, Diana Prince, Arthur Curry, Barry Allen, Dinah Lance, Oliver Queen, Carter Hall, J’onn J’onzz, and the rest of the supers (honorary aunts and uncles)
[Friends through her siblings]
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Kyle Rayner
[Friends from school days]
Greg Mackaye
Rudy Forester
Kristy Ving
[Current friends]
Nicoletta “Nico” Goldstein
Base of Operations:
Red Grave City 
Physical Description:
Height: 5’3
Hair color: Brown, cut short, usually an undercut. Either way, kept very short for convenience.
Eye color: “Vale Green”
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Personality: Punkish, blunt at times, serves sarcasm with a side of a middle finger, dark humor, underneath brutish exterior: a heart of gold, will fight for what’s right, even if it means breaking some rules, inquisitive, a bit of a sentimentalist, prefers to not stand out but will raise hell if necessary/wanted, bit of a history nerd
Skills and who trained her:
Skills for the field:
Top-notch detective skills (courtesy of the Bat)
High martial arts skills (the Bat and her brothers)
Misc. Athletic skills (i.e. climbing, running speed, etc) (trained by Bat, honed by Trish and Lady)
Computer skills (the Bat and her brother, Tim)
Marksman skills (trained by her brother Jason, skills were honed by Dante)
Swords/Blade skills (Dante and Vergil)
Survival skills (again, the Bat)
Misc Skills:
Cooking/baking (Alfred)
Bass guitar (self-taught)
Intimidation (the Bat)
Some hair cutting skill (the Bat and her brothers)
Battle Theme (y’know as devil hunters have): “Demon’s Are A Girl’s Best Friend” - Powerwolf
Backstory: Viviane “Viv” Mercer was born on a rainy November 5th to two parents who were into the punk and occult scene in Gotham in their youth. For the few years of her life, she lived in a small apartment in the Old Gotham district. Her father, Tristan worked as an employee at the Botanical Gardens (courtesy of his old friend Bruce) and her mother, Mina worked as a manager at an “occult shop” that specialized in selling occult books, crystals, oils, and other products for the then emerging “witch scene” in Gotham.
Growing up in Old Gotham, there was the constant threat of Two-Face and his men as the district was, and still is, his territory. Still, the small family made the best of a tense life. Then one night, during a standoff between Batman and Two-Face, Two-Face had two hostages held at gunpoint, Tristan and Mira. With a flip of his coin, Two-Face ordered his men to execute them. In that moment, Batman watched his old friends die. 
After taking care of Two-Face and his men, Batman watched as a coroner placed Tristan and Mina’s corpses in body bags. He overheard Commissioner Gordon talk about placing the now orphaned, Viviane into a home. Wrought with the guilt of not saving the two, Batman took it upon himself to take the young girl in. After filling out some paperwork (and a couple of friendly donations), 6 year old Viviane was adopted by the billionaire.
From then on, she lived in Wayne Manor with Bruce Wayne, her new big brother Dick Grayson, and Alfred Pennyworth. It wasn’t long after when she found the Batcave by complete accident. She had no desire to be a vigilante but she DID have the desire to as the small child said, “Kick some ass!”, causing poor Alfred to nearly faint.
So throughout her childhood, she learned how to defend herself and was taught a variety of detective skills from Bruce. She was also eager to learn what she lovingly dubbed his “Batglare”. Despite the training, she still carried on her life as normal. She’d attended galas (though she and Dick would run off to hide and eat pastries), went to school,made a couple of friends at school, made friends through her brother, and met her honorary aunts and uncles of the JLA. Along the way, she got more siblings: Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne.
During her senior year of high school, she was waiting for a cab to take her home when she heard a noise from the alley behind her. Growing up in Gotham made her hyper-aware of danger, so upon hearing the noise she immediately went into a defensive position. A goat-looking demon charged out and got a taste of an aluminum baseball bat. Two more demons came skulking from the alley. Thanks to her training, she managed to hold her own before the fight started to wear her down. A demon was about to blindsight her when gunshots rang out and all the demons were shot down and killed. Viviane looked around until her eyes landed on a man with white hair in a red coat(his DMC4 outfit) on top of a fire escape. That’s when she met Devil Hunter Dante. She didn’t know at the time, but he would be her boss years later.
Dante took her home and before leaving, he gave her his business card. On the card was the name: Devil May Cry. He told her to consider it a job offer and he disappeared into the night. She pocketed the card and went inside.
Years later when she had turned 24, she got into a nasty spat with Bruce. While this wasn’t the first one, this particular argument was a very nasty one. Harsh words were said by both and this fight was the straw that broke the camel’s back. While the family was out for patrol, Viviane was packing her belongings. She had gotten sick of Gotham and “Bruce’s shit”. For a quick moment she wasn’t sure where she would go. Then while clearing her desk, she spotted the business card, Dante gave her all those years ago.
Red Grave City. She had made her decision. After packing a suitcase of clothes, toiletries, and such, she removed the tracker from her phone, got on her bike and rode at top speed for Red Grave. When she arrived at Red Grave, it was 3am the next day. She decided to book a quick and cheap hotel room for the night. Upon arriving at the hotel, she spotted demons in the parking lot; this time, they were nasty bug-looking ones. Just like last time, she held her own for a good while until a flash of blue and red swooped in and they took down the demons together.
Viviane eyed her two rescuers and immediately recognized the one in red, Dante. And that was the start of her new job and life.
I know the backstory may be somewhat vague, but I’m already working on fics for just about everything. From the early life, the death of her parents, adjusting to life as a Wayne, meeting her siblings throughout her life, meeting Dante, the fight that between Viv and Bruce, all of it.
I will be posting them here but, I will also be posting them under the series “Of Bats and Devils” since Tumblr’s navigation is fuckin abysmal.
Anyways here a pretty good idea of what my little shitlord looks like:
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(Y’know with that last one, if you put a knife in the pic like that one meme, it’s be perfect)
Also here’s a pretty good idea of what her character
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Anyways, I hope you grow to like Viviane as much as I do. I’ve grown so attached to her, honest to god, I’m happy.
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Demon Hunter AU (Submission)
The basic gist of it is Jakson is a demon overlord trying to take over an unnamed (as of yet) city, and various other Jackbox characters are part of The Syndicate, an organisation dedicated to fighting back the invasion. Some are part of Vigilante groups, while they do kill demons, The Syndicate sees them as a threat to humanity due to their methods. Others are actively helping the demonic forces. Anyway, here’s some info on The Syndicate.
General Info
The Syndicate is the main governing body in a city overrun by Demons. They have several ‘Units’ which have various roles. Training for Standard Units (Hunter, Designer) is handled by The Syndicate, while training for Specialist Units (Armitage, Heavy, Mentalist, Med) is handled by the specific Unit the Rookie is hoping to join.
The members of a Unit tend to live together in or near their base.
Unit Types
Standard Unit types-
Hunter- The most common Unit type. Their role is to locate and neutralize Occult Entities. Tend to have 3-10 members
Designer- Their role is to develop weapons to be used by Hunter Units. Specific Designer Units specialize in specific weapon types. Can have anywhere between 2-100 members.
Specialist Unit types-
Armitage- Similar to Designer Units (as in, they design weapons), with one major difference- They can mobilize into a Hunter Unit at a moment’s notice, if needed, usually entering the fray with prototypes. Armitage Units tend to be led by veteran Hunters. They usually have 2-10 members.
Heavy- Use primarily heavy, cumbersome weapons that Standard Hunter Units deem impractical. Tend to have 2-5 members.
Mentalist- Specialize in interrogation through psychological means. They tend to have 2-6 members.
Med- Specialize in evacuation of civilians and providing medical aid to those who need it.
Naming Conventions
Units have 2 names, Formal and Informal. Formal names have a simple formula-
[Unit Type] [Designation Number]
Designation Numbers are always 3 digits. Occasionally, this is followed by the Unit’s Informal Nickname. Example-
Hunter Unit 774 (‘Killer Queens’)
Notable Units
Hunter Unit 932 (‘Jackasses’)
Lead by- Nate Shapiro
Members- Buzz Lippman, Guy Towers, Josh ‘Schmitty’ Schmitstinstien, Cookie Masterson.
Armitage Unit 151 (‘Bomb Corp’)
Lead By- Greg Edan
Members- Meegan Z’lorgan, Gavin Smith, Linda Mavin, ‘Old Man’, Kent, Bomb Defusal Robot (BDR), Trevor Z’lorgan-Edan.
Specialises in- Explosives.
^^^^ Oh my gosh, Jackbox is turning into a WAR!
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magicalrocketships · 6 years
This will hopefully make some sense even if you haven’t watched any of BBC’s Mum series, but here is a snippet of a Harry Potter Mum AU, which I wrote for precisely no good reason at all.  
Dad (Draco/Harry, past Draco/Astoria - Astoria has passed away before the story starts).
"Dad!" Scorpius yells, from somewhere in the vicinity of the front door. "Gran and Grandad are here!"
"Get the door, then," Draco calls back, flicking his wand so that the water starts to boil for tea. He pops the tea towel over the back of the chair and reaches for the tea pot. "Scorpius. The door!"
He doesn't hear the door open, but that's hardly surprising since Scorpius's attention is firmly focused on Kelly, who's upstairs and reading anyone who'll listen the contents of this week's Closer magazine. Draco knows a lot more about muggle celebrities and their relationships than he did before Scorpius's Muggle-born girlfriend moved in with them. He sighs, checks the lasagne in the oven, and goes into the hall to open the door to his parents.
They're not, in fact, waiting on the doorstep. They're getting out of Harry Potter's car, which is, quite frankly, ridiculous.
"Hello, Father," he says, as Lucius Malfoy makes his way up Draco's driveway, bent over his cane. Time was, that snake-topped cane was just for effect, but time has waged its war on Draco's father, and now the stick is a necessity.
"They've got me on new potions," Lucius tells him, without saying hello. He taps past Draco and into the hallway, heading for the living room.
"They're the same potions, Lucius," Draco's mother says in exasperation. "They're the same potions, Draco."
"They're not the same potions," Lucius says. "You're all trying to kill me."
Draco smiles. "Hello, Mother."
"He's not dead yet," she says, and follows Lucius into the living room. "They're the same potions."
"They're not the same potions."
Draco sighs. Harry's coming up the drive with a couple of bags. "Hello, Harry. What are you doing here?"
Harry rolls his eyes. "You invited me."
"For lunch, yes. Didn't think you were picking up my parents."
Harry hands him over a bag. There are yogurts inside. "Greg flooed me. Apparently Pauline thinks side-along apparition is the only way to arrive for lunch, so he couldn't pick them up. I said I'd get the car out." Draco's parents refuse to apparate anymore, and nor will they floo. They're too old, they say. Draco suspects they just like being difficult and making people go out of their way.
"Yogurts?" Draco asks.
"It's that brand you like," Harry says. "They were on special offer. Got too many for just me."
"Right," Draco says. "Do you want tea?"
"Of course," Harry says, and Draco closes the front door after Harry and calls up the stairs. "Scorpius, Kelly. Gran and Grandad and Harry are here. I'm making tea."
"Hiya, Harry," Scorpius calls. "Hiya, Gran and Grandad."
"Come down and say hello properly," Draco says. Sometimes he remembers growing up in Malfoy Manor with all of its endless staircases and echoing hallways and multiple reception rooms. Scorpius has been brought up in a three bedroom detached house in Kent, carefully warded, and - at Astoria's wish - went to primary school with Muggles before going to Hogwarts. The manor seems a lifetime ago, and indeed it was, for Scorpius is an adult now, and Astoria is— Astoria is gone, and Scorpius hasn't even ever seen the outside of the manor, let alone inside. Draco's parents live fifteen minutes down the road, in a bungalow that forever requires more and more adjustments.
Draco sighs, and goes to put the yogurts somewhere cold before he finishes making everyone tea.
"Draco," Lucius calls. "Draco. What have you done to the windows? Why have you changed them?"
Draco sticks his head around the door. "I haven't changed anything. They're the same windows."
"Narcissa, why's he changed the windows?"
"I wouldn't have changed the windows," Narcissa says.
"I haven't changed anything," Draco says. "They're the same windows."
Over by the fireplace, Harry catches his eye and gives him a ghost of a smile.
Draco gives him one back, and goes back to finish making the tea.
"All right, Harry," Scorpius says, coming in just as Draco was handing out the tea. "Grandad, Gran. Kelly's just coming down."
"Who's Kelly?" Narcissa asked.
"Who's who?" Lucius says. He's quite deaf, but refuses to do anything about it.
"Kelly," Draco says loudly. "Scorpius's girlfriend. You've met her lots of times."
"Are there biscuits?" Lucius asks.
Draco goes to find the multipack from the supermarket so he can decant them into a tin and pretend he's not gone Muggle and got them from Sainsbury's. They — he, it's he now that Astoria has gone, and it's been a while now but Draco still can't quite get used to her being dead - he hasn't had an House Elf since Scorpius was six months old and Astoria had pointed out that they were never going to redeem themselves if they were still acting the same as they had before the war. Astoria had negotiated Tiggy's move to the Hogwarts Elf staff, and Draco and Astoria had spent the next few months getting a crash course in household spells.
When he gets back into the living room, Kelly's knocked over a lamp, got mud on the carpet after catching one of Draco's plants before it ended up splatted on the floor, and is in the middle of explaining to Draco's uncomprehending parents about her new loyalty card for the coffee shop in town.
"You get a stamp every time you buy a cup of coffee," she says, showing them both her card. "And then, after you buy nine coffees, you get the tenth one for free."
"They import the coffee from Peru," Scorpius says, from where he's standing next to Harry. He's smiling at Kelly. He always looks like that at her, kind of dopey. Draco doesn't remember looking like that with Astoria, but he suspects Astoria wouldn't have stood for it if he had.
"Peru, huh," Harry says, catching Draco's eye and stealing a bourbon biscuit.
"My first coffee was what they call a latte," Kelly goes on.
"Is she talking to us?" Lucius asks loudly.
Narcissa looks at Draco. "Why's she telling us this?"
"Have a biscuit," Draco says, instead of dealing with anything at all. "Kelly, have two."
Kelly takes three, then sits down in the armchair, on Scorpius's knee. "I think I'm going to try a macchiato next."
Draco takes the opportunity to escape into the kitchen, Harry on his tail.
"Harry," he says, carefully. "I think I'm going mad."
"Nah," Harry says. "You've been mad for years."
Draco laughs. "Thanks for picking them up."
"Like getting the car out," Harry says. "Don't get the chance much anymore."
"Don't say that," Draco says. "You'll be picking them up every Sunday if you say that."
"I don't mind," Harry says. "If it's helpful."
"You're a good friend," Draco says, and if Harry's eyelid flickers, then Draco puts that down to a trick of the light.
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mychakk · 7 years
For the Shipping Meme! (yay!)
tagged by @penaltywaltz with numbers 10, 31, 32, 35 & 36!  Thank you!
10) Do you ship any characters that have never met?
Usually, no. I need to see/read/feel the chemistry to start shipping. But! There is slight exception: Ever since I read The Ruddest Man in London by @hobbitsdoitbetter I ship Sally with Henry Knight and they hadn’t met in to show, so does it count? :) (although I don’t mind Mystrade and they hadn’t met on show either, but not really shipping them)
31) Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love.
My theory is that Mrs H knows perfectly well who lies in Sherlock heart and has reasons to understand his deep rooted need to protect her. That’s why she makes all the innuendos at John and Sherlock for she wants to help Sherlock protect his heart and the one woman who matters the most and it’s hidden there. Later on she’s just having so much fun at John’s expanse, lol. 
Also, Mrs and Mr Holmes know of Molly, had for years, and love her as the daughter they lost. 
It’s all a part of my detailed Sherlolly background story, in which they meet as teenagers during summer before Sherlock’s off to uni while she has still two years left in secondary school, keep in touch (he buys her a pager and sets her email account to make the contact more bearable but still writes her letters during painfully boring lectures); he takes her to her prom and her Dad approves of him, not that Sherlock realises it at the time; they end up sharing lodgings during uni (for Molly forgot to send an application for dorms as it fell behind a cupboard, and no Sherlock had nothing to do with it), then Sherlock ends up in drug dens for he fell with bad crowd before Molly come to live with him at uni, and while Molly finds it out she loses her dad. So to get away form it all they leave to Florida, Molly as an exchange student (thanks to Myc’s meddling) while Sherlock must accompany her (cause he can’t let her go on her own, duh), there they meet Mrs H, SH helps her, while Molly gets kidnapped and hurt by Mr H cartel which in turn make Sherlock decided to let Molly go while Mrs H seeing his pain and love etc and feeling indebted goes by his wishes to minimizing the common knowledge of their Sherlolly acquaintance (hence making those gay innuendos about SH later on). Sherlock’s another venture to drugs dens ends with his decision to take Myc’s offer as a secret service agent (the best they had) while Molly finishes her studies and start at Barts. Sherlock’s MI-5/6 (depending on his skills needed) carrier ends with another drug dens period (although he’s still kind of a freelance agent and they can’t help but turn to him when in dire need). Sherlolly meet once more as she’s at Barts and he start lodging at Mrs H, she introduces him to Greg and the rest is history as his crime solving career starts. They rebuilt their friendship but he’s wary for she’s been hurt before yet can’t never let her go, and so that’s what we see on screen as the rest kind of plays out the way it did in the show. (I have a variation of this background story with a secret marriage/secret child with lots of drama and angst and happiness too while still managing to keep canon unchanged, but this is getting long enough as it is.). 
32) Share five must-read fics.
Sherlolly ones can be find on my posts for Sherlolly Fanfic Week here and here, (and more to come) so I’ll try to share some for other fandom:
For How to Train Your Dragon:  Becoming Lífþrasir by Midoriko-sama (the first part in a Trilogy) a story of learning that choices have consequences, but if given a chance everything can be redeemed. A story of growing up, of taking up your responsibilities, of learning to love and be loved. Of learning to yeld one’s independence to become a part of two. Wonderful, amazing, extremely well written story. No childish writing, dilemmas etc. 
Trigger warning, but I’m going to do it for this story deals with a deep trauma of rape: for Sailor Moon Fandom:  Love, Labors, Lost » by Claidi Winter - Usagi leaves without explanation and is found years later by chance by Mamoru. She’s running away from the horrible things that happened to her and now she needs to learn to trust and believe in those who has never stopped loving her. Wonderful even though painful at times story. I read it years and year ago, but it still left it’s mark on me. A good one. (if you want other marvellous SM stories let me know, I’ll put a list, nothing childish, but good all drama/angst/romance)  
For Harry Potter:  Finding Why's » by B. A. Ware - A totally different look at the story of Harry Potter. He’s one who changes the view of world of many, mine included. If I could have a developed a crush on an author based on the story they’ve written - here it is. I laughed out loud, I cried a lot, I pondered and rethought some of my views. And all while Harry changes the world around him while being afraid to face the truth about himself. Itis Harry/Hermione (my otp), but it’s not the focus of the story. (if you want other marvellous HP stories let me know, I’ll put a list, but be aware they’ll be all H/Hr)
For Man of Steel Cinematic Universe: The Girl of Two Worlds » by LadyEnterprise - ThePatriette - Fifteen years later Claire Kent starts experiencing strange abilities and wonders if her Mom has affair with Superman. And what her poor lovable Dad will say to it? Claire focused story as she learns about family secrets, her heritage and what it means to forgive, and be a true friend. With Batman cameo, Superman close-up and school play where she’s the lead. 
It’s been a while since I visited Bones page, but here is a story that caught my eye the moment I checked my fav list: For Bones:  Buried with the Bones » by Lesera128 - a story of impossible coming by miracle to be possible. An au with kinda supernatural elements, but still very down to earth. Lots of feelings, self-searching and in the end a happy ending. (if you want other marvellous Bones stories let me know, I’ll be glad to refresh my acquaintance with this fandom ;))
Hope those helps. :D and Are something different 
35) Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs.
@celticmoonbeam @sherlollian2016m @incorrectsherlollyquotes @hobbitsdoitbetter @miz-joelys-sherlollilists
36) Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships?
I’m more of appreciator of others’ works than creator myself. But someway along the years, I’ve cumulated around 40 fics for my various fandoms, can be find here. Also I might have created two vids for Sariol Moon universe... But won’t link them cause I’m too lazy. But I have the same internet name on all the sights, including YT, oh, damn, there have been some fanarts for Harry Potter as well, on deviant art? Gosh, I don’t even know if they are still there....lol. 
Hope you enjoyed this!
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redrobin-detective · 7 years
Sherlock AU: Sherlock Holmes - Tim Drake (parents - Alfred Pennyworth and Leslie Thompkins) John Watson - Conner Kent Mary Morstan - Cassie Sandsmark Mrs. Hudson - Bart Allen Mycroft Holmes - Bruce Wayne Molly Hooper - Stephanie Brown Jim Moriarty - Ra's al Ghul Greg Lestrade - Dick Grayson Sally Donovan - Barbra Gordon Anderson - Jason Todd Ella the therapist- Harley Quinn Redbeard - Titus "The Other Brother" - Damian Wayne Charles Augustus Magnussen - Lex Luthor Irene Adler - Rose Wilson
Tim is such a little Sherlock nerd, that’d be wonderful. Him and his Watson out solving crimes, Mary tagging along cause she’s a BAMF, Bruce sitting at home in an armchair being lazy and extra. It’s clear you’re thinking of BBC Sherlock cast but ok wow Ra’s as Jim Moriarty has me cracking up.
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greg-kent-au · 3 years
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lordnochybaty · 7 years
at least megan still loves me
even if she’s tumblr-less nerd and sends my boredom killer via email XD
“I'm sending you a list of tropes for the fanfic trope meme from tumblr XD - huddling for warmth
Well, since I sort of got inspired by a prompt I plan/hope to write it for Billy/Abigail (Black Sails)
- bodyswap
Again, this turn into “what is in my to write list” meme. I finally need to re-do (it got eaten when my comp died) bodyswap fic for Sherlock. With Mycroft and Sherlok swap bodies. (With background mystrade, because obviously.)
- hurt/comfort
tricky tricky, at this point I think I’m going to go with Percival/Credence (Fanstastic Beasts...) They just both need a lot of comforting. (And the angst is so lovely!)
- high school AU
I’m a sick addict to Mystrade (Sherlock) high school (or as close as one can do that), so yeah. I probably will never ever write it though XD 
- werewolf AU
Teen Wolf. What? XD I kind of want to go with Mystrade again? There’s just something about werewolf!Greg that just gets me. I would be interested silverflint (Black Sails) take on this though. (Bonus points if Thomas is a werewolf for whatever reasonXD) I don’t think I will ever attempt it though.
- curtain!fic
I low-key hate curtain!fics? But I think I could enjoy one with  Thomas/Miranda/James (Black Sails).
- bed sharing
Since that meme we talked about, dear Megan, I kinda totally want to read about Joe Chandler (Whitechapel) sharing bed with anyone. It doesn’t even have to lead to any ship. Just Joe sharing a bed. XD
- marriage of convenience
Sherlock, again, I’m afraid. Mycroft/Irene or Mycroft/Molly, but let’s face it, Mycroft/Irene would rule the world. And I would happily watch that. Also, I kind of love this trope for Sterek.
- pining
Sherlock/Lestrade. Both at the same time preferably. But also literally any other ship you can name. I have even some notps in which i love unrequited pining. Pining <333 Fave trope or what?
- missing scene
Does 8th year in HP fandom counts as a missing scene? Or, like, a missing book? Because yes. And mostly for drarry, but just on principle too. Also, every tiny ship that re-tells canon, bending it for their use. ALSO, thanks to that one perfect fic: Martin/Douglas (Cabin Pressure). You know a missing scene fic is good if then you re-watch canon remembering the missing scenes.
- undercover as a couple
I’ve read a great Sherlock/Sally fic like that, but I would literally pay (in crappy graphics and even maybe money if i ever have any) for well written, slow burn Sherstrade. (Did I mention I love pining?) Although, as much as I dislike that pairing, I would love to see Joe undercover like that, so it can be with Kent. Though if we’re speaking Whitechapel, just imagine Joe and Miles pretending to be a couple. XD
- recasting (as in changing the actor who plays some character) “
Richard Ayoade is Q. That is just a fact. (And it always weird me out in fics, when something goes against this fancast, ‘cause I’m stuck on it.)
put a fanfic trope in my inbox
and I will tell you:
how likely I am to write it
what character(s) or pairing I’d most likely write it for
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afaimsblog · 4 years
“Superman & Lois” rückt näher - Was uns und die Serie erwarten könnte
Dieses Wochenende gab es im Rahmen des DCFandome das erste Panel zu “Superman & Lois”. Der Pilot hätte eigentlich schon längstend gedreht werden sollen, doch so Gott will wird er endlich in September gedreht, gefolgt vom Rest der 1. Staffel. Da der Vancouver-Shutdown direkt vor Drehbeginn des Pilots stattfand, bestellte The CW die Serie nur auf Skriptbasis, was doch eher ungewöhnlich ist und zeigt wie dringend der Sender den “Supergirl”-Spin-Off in sein Programm aufnehmen wollte. Immerhin ist die Serie schon seit den Zeiten von “Elseworlds” geplant und spint direkt von den Ereignissen von “Crisis on Infinite Earths” of. Tatsächlich warten eingefleischte (und etwas ältere) DC-Fans schon viel länger auf diese Serie, immerhin hätte die Prämisse Lois und Clark als Eltern die Handlung der nie gedrehten 5. Staffel von “Lois and Clark” sein sollen, und nun wird sie endlich Realität, wenn auch etwas anders als gedacht - auf Earth Prime haben Superman und Lois zwei Teenager-Söhne anstatt eines Babys. Damit fließen Elemente der Supersons genauso in die neue Serie ein wie Elemente aus “Lois and Clark”, wobei letztere zumindest zu Beginn weniger präsent sein dürften als gehofft, da der Daily Planet Clark zu Serienbeginn entlassen hat. Trotzdem, Clark Kent ist zwar in erster Linie Superman, aber dass er Reporter ist war für den Charakter immer mindestens genauso wichtig, nun ist er auch Vater, etwas das in den Comics erst seit einigen Jahren näher erforscht wird, das aber mit Erfolg - anders als im Fall von “Marvel” dürfen DC-Charaktere älter werden und Familien gründen, und gerade Lois und Clark sind lange genug dabei um endlich Eltern sein zu können. Wenn man von “Superman Returns” absieht wurde dieser Aspekt der Charaktere bisher in anderen Medien so gut wie nicht erforscht, es wird also höchste Zeit.
Da das Pilotskript vollständig geleakt wurde, denkt jeder bereits zu wissen, was genau zu Serienbeginn passiert. Da die Tatsache, dass es vor langer Zeit geleakt wurde, bisher aber noch nicht abgedreht wurde, aber natürlich auch bedeuten kann, dass das Skript inzwischen umgeschrieben, wenn nicht sogar vollkommen verworfen werden konnte, von der Mehrheit des Internets ignoriert wird, sollten wir diesen Fehler aber nicht ebenfalls machen. Falls aber nicht zu viel geändert wurde, deutet einiges darauf hin, dass die Auswirkungen von “Crisis” in dieser Serie deutlicher behandelt werden als in den meisten anderen Arrowverse-Serien, da eigentlich nur “The Flash” wirklich darüber nachgedacht hat, was Earth Prime und das Ende des alten Multiversums eigentlich bedeutet. Das könnte vielleicht auch erklären warum Morgan Edge scheinbar umbesetzt wird, andererseits könnte es wie im Fall von General Lane aber auch einfach mit Darstellervefügbarkeit und Willen zu tun haben - so seltsam man sich in Fall von “Batwoman” gebärdet hat, die Macher von “Superman & Lois” sehen kein Problem darin Charaktere, die sie für ihre Story brauchen, einfach umzubesetzen, wenn es eben sein muss.
Aber was für eine Story wird das sein? Die Macher haben dezitierte Pläne, keine Frage, aber wenn man sich die Geschichte des Arrowverses ansieht, dann drängt sich eine Frage auf: Wird “Superman & Lois” auch wirklich die Geschichte erzählen, die die Verantwortlichen in Wahrheit erzählen wollen? Denn eigentlich haben das aus all den anderen Serien heraus gerade mal “The Flash” und “Black Lightning” getan.
“Arrow” dauerte drei Jahre länger als geplant, musste die Geschichte darüber, was Oliver Queen in seinen fünfjährigen Abwesenheit widerfahren ist, also künstlich um drei Jahre verlängern. Schlimmer noch die zentrale Romanze, die zum Vigilanten-Liebespaar Green Arrow und Black Canary als gleichberechtigte Partner hätte führen sollen, wurde verworfen und durch eine andere sehr schlecht funktionierende Romanze ersetzt, die letztlich ebenfalls ins Nichts verschwand, da die entsprechende Darstellerin die Serie ein Jahr zu früh verließ. Und zu allem Überfluss wurde die weibliche Hauptdarstellerin Mitte der Serie getötet und aus der Serie entfernt  - auf “Fandruck” und Senderdurck hin - und ihre Darstellerin musste als eigene böse Doppelgängerin zurück in die Serie geschummelt werden. Letztlich blieben aus der Pilotfolge nur zwei Charaktere erhalten: Oliver Queen und John Diggle, der damals sicherlich nicht als das geplant war, was er später wurde.
“Supergirl” hat ebenfalls sehr viele Veränderungen durch gemacht, in diesem Fall aber vor allem wegen Veränderungen hinter den Kulissen. Nach der ersten Staffel wanderte die Serie von CBS zu The CW und von Los Angeles nach Vancouver - und verlor einen ziemlich großen Teil seines Budgets so wie Screen Time von Melissa Benoist. Das führte dazu, dass die Serie mit Staffel zwei mehr zu einer Ensemble-Show als zu einer “Supergirl”-Show wurde, was der Serie zunächst aber ganz gut tat, so konnten die großteils durchaus überaus interessanten Nebencharaktere ebenfalls näher erforscht werden und mehr zu tun bekommen. Supergirls Adoptivschwester Alex konnte sich als zweites “Supergirl” der Serie etablieren, das DEO wurde mehr in den Handlungsmittelpunkt gerückt, und vielschichtigere Storylines konnten erforscht werden. Staffel 2 brachte auch eine neue Love Inerest für Kara mit sich, die tatsächliche Chemie mit ihr besaß, die so gut war, dass die Darsteller sogar heirateten. Leider hielt das Glück aber nur zwei Staffeln, in jeder Hinsicht, denn Staffel 4 und 5 erhielten dank #Metoo neue Showrunner und wieder veränderte sich alles. Aus diversen Gründen wurden Supergirl mehr zum Randcharakter ihrer eigenen Show, ihr Liebesleben musste verschwinden bis es sich in Staffel 5 in Zeitlupe langsam wieder aufrollte, Alex bekam eine neue Love Interest, das DEO geriet immer mehr aus dem Fokus und wird in Staffel 6 wohl wenn nur noch eine sehr untergeordnete Rolle spielen, und die Handlung verschob sich immer mehr in Richtung Superfriends, wobei mit diesem Wort nicht mehr die Einheit aus Kara, James, und Winn gemeint ist (auch weil die beiden Männer inzwischen nicht mehr in der Serie sind), sondern die Helden Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, Dreamer, Alex Danvers, und in Zukunft wohl auch bald wieder Brainiac-5. Fast alle Storylines aus den ersten drei Staffeln wurden mehr oder weniger verworfen und durch neue ersetzt. Die Serie befindet sich also bereits in ihrer dritten Inkarnation - von Supergirl als Mitarbeiterin des DEOs an der Seite ihrer Adoptivschwester und Kara als Assistentin von Cat Grant, Besitzerin eines Medienimperiums, ist so gut wie nichts mehr übrig geblieben. Was auch daran liegen kann, dass die Erfinder der Serie alle nicht mehr Teil von dieser sind - oder in Greg Berlantis Fall nur noch nominell ihren Namen leihen.
“Legends of Tomorrow” begann als Spin-Off um die Hawks und Vandal Savage. Die Zeitreisegeschichte und die gesammelten Arrowverse-Nebencharaktere sollten eigentlich nur der Hook sein. Stattdessen wurde mit Staffel 2 der Hook zum Main Event. Nachdem die erste Staffel Potential hatte und nicht so wirklich funktionieren wollte, wurde das Konzept für Staffel 2 noch einmal überarbeitet, und die Serie begann sich weniger ernst zu nehmen. Dieses weniger ernst nehmen wurde in den folgenden Jahren konsequent immer weiter gepusht und der sich ständige wechselnde Cast tat sein Übriges. Wurde die Serie zu Staffel 1 Zeiten noch als Rip Hunter-Serie gehandelt, ist es heute eindeutig eine Sara Lance-Serie. Von dem erste Staffel-Cast sind für Staffel 6 neben K.I. Gideon nur noch Sara Lance und Mick Rory übrig, ja selbst aus der zweiten Staffel ist nur noch Nate Heywood bzw. Nick Zano vorhanden, aber der sich wechselnde Cast ist genau wie der Wahnsinn längst Teil des Konzepts geworden - “Legends of Tomorrow” hat sich gefunden, aber erst in seiner zweiten Staffel und ist seit dem eine vollkommen andere Serie als sie ursprünglich hätte sein sollen, aber auch eine viel bessere Serie, die Humor und verrückte Ideen umarmt, aber trotzdem immer wieder tiefsinnig ist.
Am Schlimmsten aber hat es “Batwoman” erwischt. Denn die Arrowverseserien hängen an ihren Titelhelden -” Arrow” war immer “Arrow” weil Stephen Amell immer Oliver Queen war, nachdem er bekannt gab, dass er aufhören wollte, wurde das Ende der Serie beschlossen, ähnliches steht dem “Flash” und “Supergirl” bevor - sie laufen solange Grant Gustin und Melissa Benoist Lust auf ihre Rollen haben. “Batwoman” aber hat ihre Hauptdarstellerin schon nach der ersten Staffel verloren. Und anstatt Kate Kane einfach neu zu casten, wie jeder normale Serienmacher das tun würde, wird der Charakter komplett aus der Serie entfernt und durch einen neuerfundenen Charakter ersetzt. Damit sind natürlich auch alle andere Hauptcharaktere überflüssig geworden, da sie alle durch ihre Relation zu Kate Kane eine spezielle Funktion in der Serie hatten. “Batwoman” hatte im Grunde also nur eine Staffel, den Namen erbt jetzt eine neue Serie, um eine neue Heldin, die vom Markennamen profitieren möchte. Ob das klappt ist zu bezweifeln, aber der Sender wird alles tun um die Serie am Leben zu erhalten, immerhin war es seine dritterfolgreichste Serie in der letzten Season.
Ledlglich “The Flash” hat seine Story durchgezogen. Die für 2024 geplante Krise wurde zwar auf 2019 vorgezogen, was aber durch die diversen Zeitlinienveränderungen der Serie nicht wirklich überraschend ist. Zwar hätte die Krise auch das Serienende sein können/sollen, aber letztlich war eine der Hauptfragen auch immer was nach dieser Krise mit dem Flash passiert ist. Das romantische Pairing hat wie geplant zu einander gefunden, geheiratet, und erfahren, dass sie in der Zukunft Eltern sein werden. Barry wächst als Held, beschützt seine Freunde und seine Familie, reist durch die Zeit und in alternative Dimensionen, bekämpft Meta-Menschen - an all dem hat sich nicht viel geändert - sogar der Großteil des 1. Staffel Casts ist auf die eine oder andere Weise bis heute, also Staffel 7, in der Serie vorhanden.
“Black Lightning” hingegen ist keine Berlanti-Serie und funktioniert daher auch sehr anders. Mit dem Ende von Staffel 3 wurde eigenltich erst der erste große Arc beendet. Das Staffelfinale hat sich mehr wie ein typisches Finale einer ersten Staffel angefühlt als wie eines einer dritten - da es nicht das Serienfinale gewesen ist und auch nie als solches geplant war, ist es also eher so als würden wir gerade erst in Staffel 2 treten und nicht in Staffel 4. Der Cast ist bis auf den üblichen “sympathischer Charakter stirbt Ende der 1. Staffel”-Twist  (in diesem Fall eben 3.) vollständig vorhanden, und die Erzählstruktur hat sich (leider) nie wirklich verändert. In Staffel 4 wird uns weiterhin weniger Grace als es geben sollte erwarten, Khaleel werden wir wieder nicht loswerden trotz Androhungen des Gegenteils, und Tobias Whale wird nach wie vor der Hauptfeind sein, und die Handlung wird auch in Freeland spielen, trotz der irrigen Annahme sie würde nach Gotham verlegt werden, weil die letzte Szene der dritten Staffel dort gespielt hat. Hier hat sich also wirklich nichts verändert, nur die meisten Handlungsstränge der ersten drei Jahren wurden endlich beendet.
Wie also wird es “Superman & Lois” ergehen? Wird die Serie die Geschichte, die sie erzählen will, durchziehen dürfen und können? WIrd sie sich anpassen wie “Legends of Tomorrow” oder gar alles verwerfen müssen wie “Batwoman”? Wir können es nicht wissen. Wir können uns ein “Flash”-Szenario wünschen und beten, dass es kein “Batwoman”-Szenario wird. Aber wer weiß wie lange sie diese Serie überhaupt machen dürfen bis Warner wieder einmal einfällt, dass sie Superman nur in ihren Filmen sehen wird? Hoffentlich zumindest ein paar Jahre lang.
Aber für’s Erste müssen wir erst mal abwarten wann und ob die erste Staffel überhaupt gedreht werden kann und was dabei herauskommen wird. Wir halten auf jeden Fall die Daumen und vergesst eines nicht:  Zumindest sind Superman und Lois schon miteinander verheiratet - damit bleibt uns das “Love Interest wechsel dich”-Spiel zumindest bei ihnen erspart. Was allerdings ihre Söhne angeht ... Nun das ist eine andere Geschichte.
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