#Guardians of Asgård
marcusmettalus · 2 years
Where Land and Myth Tread.
Part 3
(Continued from here)
Ostia Haldus coughed violently as she staggered off the elevator platform, gripping with one hand onto a convenient guard railing as she tried to clear out her lungs. The other elevator passengers were giving the outlander woman a wide berth as they made their way down the platform towards the various arrival terminals surrounding the Space Elevator.
Grand Dame Noémie Durand of Karseille was letting the Imperial guest go through their coughing fit in peace, the air here on Midgård was quite different in comparison to the smog choked Hive Cities that many Imperial were accustomed to, or the factory choked Forge Worlds. Midgård was the capital world of the Kingdom, the seat of power for not only the Riksdag but also High King Surtr.
"Frakk, urgh,, I feel like I might spew in a minute. What kind of machine spirit cursed contraption was that? You said it was an elevator, not a bloody dropper. My heart and stomach just swapped places!" Ostia glares at her supposedly benevolent guide during this trip to Midgård, and now she felt like Noémie was actively trying to make her sick or something.
"Oh do not be so dramatic, it is an elevator for all intents and purposes. It rather jarring for all people when they first take I assure you. The ride up to the space port is much more comfortable I dare say however. Now Ostia cheri, let's keep moving so we don't block traffic. Allonz, Allonz." Noémie hooks an arm with Ostia's free arm, helping the Scion back upright and making their way down the walkways to arrivals.
Ostia grumbled some more under her breath while using the back of her hand to rub off anything from her mouth, giving a short glare at Noémie's very nonchalant approach to everything in life. It's already been one heck of a joy-ride these past few months, and if the galaxy had anything to say about this, it was that the ride was not going to calm down anytime soon. No matter what came round the next bend, it was almost something either a pleasant surprise or a serious head-turner.
Ostia still recalled when Noémie did a tour of the various Knights the various Dynasties of Karseille had in their hold, before getting the real surprise of witnessing the Knight called Dominion move on its own volition and even spoke. Though calling it actual human speech is another thing, the substance and tone was there in its words regardless.
"There should be a little time before we are truly required to make our appearance with the Ambassadors and the High King, so we can take in some sights here within the Capitol. Surely you would like to see something of their unique culture and faith? You are clearly more open minded in comparison to those frankly uncouth Inquisitive types,," Noémie rattles on some more, breaking Ostia out of her thoughts and now aware the duo had already made it through the arrival halls and toll gates. Ostia turned her gaze round to see what Noémie pointed out prior, before freezing in her tracks.
The city outskirts spread out across the valley before Ostia, and perched on the horizon were great edifices of stone and iron, towers and buttresses dotted along various monuments and constructs. Nowhere near the sheer scale of Imperial Hives or the like,, but the breadth of colors and materials mixed in the streets and boulevards, the clearly newer homes and skyscrapers being neighbors with centuries old brick mansions and malls. Ostia felt as if she was looking at an old relic tapestry from a bygone age, a mural depiction of what a civilization from before the Emperor or his like ever came to power. Locked in a time before Imperial modernisation and culture shifts.
On Imperial worlds and stations, one was always reminded of the present wars across the Imperium: vox hailers and Ecclesiarchy priests crowing at the citizens, propaganda and recruitment billboards and vox-net, the flotilla of Imperial Navy patrolling to and from almost every port. But here,,
"Do they even know that there is war going on? Out there in the Galaxy?" Ostia finally spoke, her eyes following the miniatures of citizens milling through the avenues and workplaces. "They know. Every single one of them." Noémie nods solemnly, a more neutral tone in her voice this time as she senses Ostia's mood change.
"But,, this doesn't feel like one being affected by the war. It's almost,, idyllic, calming even. Is this really the capitol?" Ostia still held onto Noémie's for a bit longer as she looked across the expanse of the city. Broad roads of cobblestones, foot bridges of wood and steel crossing over streets and canals, heaving open-air markets dotted through the districts.
"In the eyes of Midgårds people, yes. Kalmaholm was never meant to become a metropolis, but with Surtr's reign and the love of his new people,, it went through changes to accommodate the new center of a growing power." Noémie sighs gently under her breath, a softer gaze across her face as Ostia tries to spot where the High King may have his Palace or such like.
"Grand Dame Durand! What a welcome sight on your return." Ostia and Noémie turned to find the owner of the new voice, and spot the approaching men. Ostia has another heart skip however,, the man in question addressing her guide was not only huge, but had clearly visible neuro-ports dotted along his bared forearms and under his vest collar. Was he an Astartes?
"Ah! Löjtnant Lukas Tøva, so good to see you in warm health. And so well groomed as always, I must compliment you Midgårdians on your spring outfits." Noémie quickly releases her guest and regales Lukas with praise. If Ostia didn't know any better, she might have guessed the Dame was interested in the guy.
This Tøva character stood tall over Noémie and Ostia, easily half a head above R'tan in height though the main difference was his build. A broader chest and shoulders, with an overall heftier stocky appearance than the usual Astartes chiseled image that Imperial Propaganda would have one imagine. Tøva was clad in simple clothing of a dyed leather vest with a long sleeved linen tunic beneath, thicker weave trousers and what appeared to be rubber-soled slippers or shoes. The only thing which made Tøva distinct from his attendets was the metal badge pinned to his vest, with the seal of office he held.
"Hahaha you flatter me Grand Dame. I trust your journey here was without trouble? And I was informed you had brought guests however, ones that were not formally announced till you had already traversed The Veil." Tøva changed his tone while addressing Noémie, while his eyes turned to focus onto Ostia some meters behind.
The hairs on the back of her neck immediately stood on end, breath catching a scant moment when Tøva's eyes locked onto Ostia's. She always felt the gaze from an Astartes was cold or distant, but with R'tan it was vastly different, those held warmth, mirth and tender care. Tova's was something else entirely.
It felt as though Ostia was staring down the barrel of a bolter, having caught the attention of some apex predator in the bushland and locking eyes with them. The eyes were amber jewels beneath the trimmed brow, glinting sharply with calculating intent and precision. Ostia needed to reach for her weapon, her bolt pistol, something in hopes to get those eyes off of her. Now.
"Löjtnant Lukas, please be at ease. No need to scare my friend like so, she is a representative of House Haldus from the Imperium! Her House are allies of mine in this conflict with the enemy. Our, Enemy." Noémie firmly jabs the Astartes in the chest with an scolding finger, not enough to jostle the man but plenty enough to break his gaze with Ostia and scowl a little at Noémie.
Ostia felt her lungs open up again, her sudden tension and axienty melt away just as quickly they were forced onto her. Not exactly the most heartwarming of greetings she has had on a new world, but it wasn't the worst welcome she's had either. Her time here on Midgård is going to be eventful she thought while she cursed under her breath.
(Ostia Haldus belongs to of course @rowscara!)
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divinacaptivus · 3 years
"You,, live? How can this be, no no, this must be a trick. I saw you, in my visions, trapped and broken upon ths Throne. Crippled husk of bone and ash-rot, every waking second an agony while you tried to reach out to your Companions, to have them release you, to let you pass on to join the Æsir. I was to free you! To break the bonds forced onto you, and let you bring back The Light to the shattered and divided Imperium! How is it you walk and breathe freely!" High King Surtr Muspelson of the Guardians of Asgård.
“I am unaware myself.” The god-king answered. 
“Though I have several hypotheses.” 
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askjenetiakrole · 5 years
Weaponmaster: Volkite Carronade. Your thoughts Lady Ancient? *A Guardian of Asgård Neophyte indicates to the FellGlaive parked nearby.*
Commander Krole: *hand gestures*
Melpomanei: “A most devastating weapon. Few can rival it when faced with a horde of monstrous xeno-beasts.”
(Send “Weaponmaster” and a weapon:My muse will analyse that weapon and say what they like/dislike about it and if they’d use it or not.
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bjekkergauken · 6 years
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Second batch of anthro-fied norse deities! Also experimenting with lighting and traditional/digital mixing. 
Time for an information text block!
Freyr, god of fertility and harvest
Frigg, goddess of love, motherhood and fate
Bragi, god of music and poetry
Hodr, god of winter and darkness
Heimdallr, guardian of Asgård 
Njord, god of sea and winds
Vidar, god of vengeance
Hermodr, messeger of the gods
Forseti, god of justice
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writinanon · 6 years
Here are small snippets into the life of Deputy Rook, Coy-Wolf and descendant of Fenrir I’ll be adding some of the head canons in a little bit.
 It is a warm summer day when the announcement comes ringing through the halls of Asgård. Ask has taken a Mate. And she is Mortal. And she is not a Wolf. And she is with Child because this was a while ago. Loki can’t exactly say that Odin is timely when it comes to announcements of the Wolf Children. When Loki locates his grandson to inform him he finds that Hati is already gone because Ask’s Mate was due to give birth on this day, also Ask was going by Ash now because modern speech made his name sound stupid. Loki was really going to get Odin back for this.
   The babe is bright and makes her displeasure at no longer being safely within her mother’s belly known with yips and yaps. Loki is stunned by her fur. He had seen many a normal wolf with similar stylings of patches of color and a light underbelly. His son, grandson, and great-grandson did not have these markings they were a solid color. But the little one looked like a ridge of clouds that progressed into inky blackness of a storm before abruptly shifting into a pure snowy white. Her mother’s grey, brown, and crème markings mimicked the patterns on the baby. Her mother is Coyote and that clued Loki in as to why Odin was so late in delivering the news. The Trickster lines had merged here though he could tell she wasn’t actually of natural Trickster Blood.
  “Have you thought of a name for her?” Loki ran a finger down her spine and she gave a small growl of approval.
  “None of the names we picked fit her.” Ash muttered sadly and Hati looked at her fur before smiling, that wolfish smile that meant trouble.
  “Rook is a wonderful name and it is fitting no?” Loki looked down at his first great-great-granddaughter and nodded.
  “Smoke indeed.”
   Hati adored his granddaughter, his only grandchild. Unlike his brother he was much more selective of breeding and mating. She was so tiny. He knew that she would grow, and grow, and grow, and grow but for now she was so tiny, looking more like a flea on her father’s paw than a pup. But his granddaughter was not why he was visiting this day. It was his son’s Mate, Adella that had him visiting. She was dying and he was going to make the final offer.
  “I know why you’re here.” She whispered as they watched Ash play with Rook. “My answer is the same.”
  “You do not wish to see her grow?”
  “Oh, I do. But she needs to be strong.” Hati looked at her. “She will need the reliance of herself alone or else she’ll never stand against them.” He didn’t question her, Adella had always been strange.
  “You’ll be gone in Winter.” She smiled and knelt as her daughter raced toward her.
  “We’ll make it memorable then, won’t we?” She pressed a kiss into the girl’s hair and passed her to Hati when she made grabbing motions.
   Hel understood Adella’s desire not to fight her mortality. The young girl had become quiet with her mother’s passing and was almost constantly in her father’s presence, that though she could protect him from Death. It made the Queen of Helheim smile. She hadn’t said anything but she had a feeling that her father, brother, and nephew were wrong about their little ball of smoke. Many of Sköll’s children showed better defense and it wasn’t until their magic developed as such that they understood. Though the magic had bled out of a few of Sköll’s bloodlines given they weren’t encouraged to wield it. Hel chuckled at her other nephew’s mourning of this. Sköll was a very superficial person. He saw a woman, he liked her, he courted her, he saw another and chased her now that he had caught the one he had previously desired. That didn’t mean he didn’t love all of his offspring. He simply didn’t want to be tied down as Hati and Ash did. He saw having a permanent mate, having a True Pack, as distraction from the Hunt. Only the strongest of his children joined the Hunt, most became Guardians or nothing at all. A yap drew Hel’s mind back to the present as she found herself with paws too big for the little body they were attached to in her lap.
  “Well Pup? What do you think?” She placed a crown of flowers into her hair. Hel had picked up the habit from Freyja, that troublesome Goddess that wouldn’t leave Hel to her gloom and Mansion. Rook considered before panting a smile and licking Hel’s fingers and then nudging them with her snout. “Greedy little thing.” She ran her fingers through her fur and Rook wagged her tail happily.
   Loki snuck his little Rook out into the warm sunshine. He made sure that they were protected from her father’s sight with several large trees. The five-year-old was more than ready to start taking up her mantle of Blood and Magic. She was a Trickster, by blood and half by association.
  “Now pay attention little one. These flowers and plants are some of your greatest weapons and allies.” She nodded with a seriousness that not many children her age held.
  “Grandpa Loki?” She hummed softly as she slowly made small figures of twigs and leaves come alive. “Why did aunt Hel take my mommy?” Loki knew that her mother’s death weighed very heavily on the pair. Ash was heartsick and could not recover while in the Mortal Realm for he could not distance himself from the pain.
  “Hel needed her for the company and to keep her safe.”
  “I could do that.”
  “Oh no little one.” Loki ran a hand through her hair, her little ears twitched but she rubbed closer. “We need you for the Hunt.” Her magic ran into healing and defense. She would be a great Hunter.
   Rook is not often visited by Thor. Thor doesn’t like to appear to be intruding on his adoptive Family on Odin’s behalf. Still he had not gotten a chance to meet the newest member of the Family since her birth and he had given his blessing of protection.
  “Really protection?” Loki sneered at him but Thor tossed the little girl with wolf ears up and down while she squealed happily. “Couldn’t you be more creative O’ Protector of Man?”
  “I think she’ll need someone big and strong when the time comes to scare off the unworthy. They’ll take one look at your ratty red hair or your scrawny muscles and laugh.”
  “Ah! You wound me Brother!” It eased Loki somewhat that Thor was truly acting on his own and not Odin’s Will. Thor could be nosy and not understand that some matters were privet even from Family but his heart was usually in the right place.
   Freyja smiled down at the little girl that was playing with her cats. She was getting much bigger. Hel huffed as another flower crown was placed on her head.
  “Oh, don’t be so upset.” The War Goddess teased. “She’ll be glorious one day. Truly I feel envy of your niece.”
  “It’s nice to have multiple people assure that yes you are powerful and beautiful. Constantly.”
   At the age of thirteen Rook is old enough to care for herself, provided that she checks in with the sheriff’s department constantly.
  “You have proved not only your strength and prowess in magic,” A dirty look was tossed at her Great-Great-Grandfather at this. “But that you have the drive of the Hunt. Would you serve me upon the coming time instead of Guarding the Family?” Hati asked as they knelt before her Great-Grandfather. She straightened her back and nodded.
  “It would honor me to serve my Patron. I will take the Hunt.” She stares into the bright sapphire eyes of her Patriarch before looking to the eyes of her Ancestor. They are a burning red, deep a smoldering like a cooled fire, still dangerous but the believed threat is diminished. Fenrir lets out a huff and licks her, baptizing her and granting his Blessing. From this point forward, she is Pack Blood. She shifts fully into her human form and lays down between his paws.
  “Here Pup.” Hel places a bone between her teeth and places her head in her lap, having borrowed Freyja’s newest batch of kittens to comfort her. Hati pulls the rib bone of Fenrir that was taken for this purpose and threads the lace into it. They all begin to chant and Rook bites down on the bone. She knows this will take until sunset. She passes out completely despite her best efforts when Hati begins to depict the Hunt, she can take no more.
   Katie is unsure about Rook at first until Rook fully shifts and looks more Coy than Wolf. After that Katie knows that Coy breeds true and there’s nothing to worry about with her friend.
   College is not exactly eye opening in the way that Rook was told it would always be. Thor is shuffling her into her dorm after breaking the nose and jaw of two Wolves.
  “Have those beasts no manners? And the Southerners claim you savage.” He is muttering as he puttered about and tucked her in like when she was a small child. Rook chuckled softly at that. A pair of French Wolves had thought they had an easy mark in her. This just proved to her that she belonged back in Hope. Hope even run by a Wolf Pack, was at least run by proper Wolves.
   Sheriff Whitehorse smiled at her when she walked in to apply. She grinned back. She was glad to be home, glad to finally be able to work for the land that had given her shelter.
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norsesuggestions · 6 years
bitch, please, Zeus wins hands down, he's fucking king of fucking gods. Guess where that hammer ends up. He fucked up the titans. He was not alone, but still. He also defeated Kronos, time itself. Thor has zero chances of winning. Zero.
well here is the is the massive weakness of Zeus. he is a massive dick, yes? and the other greek gods think so too! but the asagods all love and support eachother in the village of asgård. the only one that could create problems with defeating Zeus would be Loki, if they are in a bad mood.
but if we assume a good mood of Loki, Zeus would be in a battle of 1 little dick Zeus god vs an entire village of countless gods in asgård that all will protect Heimdall (who i might add, is always standing at the gate of asgård aka he will be close to the village no matter what Zeus would try to pull).
here is just some of the countless gods Zeus must go through to get to Heimdall, the gate keeper of the village of the asagods.
Odin: you call Zeus the king of the gods? well Odin created the current world, with all the 9 realms and being (minus the giants, they were not Odins creation) so how about that? Odin also is allseeing, and know all that will ever happen, or will happen etc etc. also got a spy network of ravens.
look Odin is that kind off god that rarely shows up personally in norse sagas, because he is just way too powerful to be running around doing sheningans. yeah also. Odin is the allfather of us all. are you 100% Zeus is not Odin son? cause tbh, Odin is the father of all (its in the name!).
Frigg: weaves the destiny, and therefore knows, the fate of all that lives. Frigg, time itself, at asagård service. defeated Kronos? pah! nothing against Frigg, eternal weaver of time! also Frigg will know if Zeus is coming. also, she creates the clouds, and rule the sky, so. how is Zeus going to rule the sky, when Frigg hand is heavy over it around at least Asgård sky? hmmmmm.
Thor: his hammer is the strongest weapon that exist in all the 9 realms. he is also the strongest in psychial strenght among the asagods. enough said.
Loki: if we assume Loki is in a good mood, Loki is the brains of the asagods, which they do tbh really need. Loki makes all smart plans, clever trickery etc. also. when the shackled Loki tries to escape his chains, the entire world shakes in earth quackes. so one can assume, they are somewhat strong, yes?  of course, Loki is also one of the best magic wielders in all of asgård.
Frej: rides on a galloping boar like a boss. also, if he becomes sad, all lands will be barren, and all reproduction will be stopped. that is one neat power, huh? no more bastards for Zeus! no more erections for Zeus! no more orgasm for Zeus! cause god of fertility, is feeling sad about Zeus bad intentions to harm Heimdall. though luck Zeus.
Freja: so like Odin is the emissary of death yeah, but their are more than one “reapers” of the norse mythology. half of all dead comes to halls of Freja. so Freja got magic through the damm roof (stronger than Odin!), and an entire army of loyal dead souls.
that reminds me!
the souls of the dead in valhalla: so Odin got this place called valhalla yes? he keeps all the souls of the most faithful to Odin there. and these souls, well they spend their after life non-stop fightning battles to prepare for ragnarök. if they die in these eternal after life battles, they arise again and laugh and keep fightning, cause they are just metal like that. so Zeus also have to get through that gigantic army of eternal dead souls too.
Heimdall: is himself not to shabby. he has the best eye sight and hearing of any beings in the 9 realms. he can hear the grass grow, even if was growing in another realm of the universe. and he could see all. I think he will notice of Zeus were to come. also! he got a horn to blow, which all asagods will hear, and appear for his aid. Heimdall is you see, the guardian of the village of the asagård gate. and the very best guardian he is!
etc etc etc I can not fit all the gods on this reply, cause that would risk me getting stuck here for eternity, cause that how many the beings of asgård is. but to say the least, Zeus is wastly outnumbered.
also if all else fails
jörmundgandr: son of Loki. a giant serpant so large that he circles the entire earth globe, can appear to crush puny little Zeus under his body. bye bye Zeus!
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heretic-deb · 7 years
Primarch Magnus, Lord of Prospero, my name is Chief Skald Woden Svartstorm. I hail from the Guardians of Asgård, the descendants of your brother Primarch Leman Russ, High King of Fenris. My Lord, what has become of this Imperium of ours? Our ancestors left during the days of the Great Crusade and we return now to find the realm in shambles and the people weak and fearful. When we hailed your children in warmth, they attacked us. They call we burned their home. My Lord, what happened?
His eye narrowed the moment he heard the name. A bitterflood rushed through him and he battled the strong urge to obliterate themwhere they stood. Their connection to the accursed Space Wolves was obvious. Helet them speak. Leaning back in his chair, he let out a snort, “You don’t knowwhat happened?” he asked, “You don’t know of Horus’ betrayal and the war thatfollowed? Our two legions have never seen eye to eye, however my father sentRuss to destroy us. Propsero was destroyed at the hands of your legion. It’s nowonder they attacked you, I instructed them to attack all Wolves of Russ whocome too close.”
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eloquent-cabbage · 7 years
Rules: put your music on shuffle and write down the first ten songs, then tag ten people Tagged by @fatcatben 1. Powerwolf - Resurrection by Erection (fitting start) 2. Septicflesh - Order of Dracul 3. Wardruna - Rotlaust Tre Fell 4. Sabaton - Shiroyama 5. Oceans of Slumber - Sunlight 6. Korpiklaani - Viinamäen Mies 7. Amon Amarth - Guardians of Asgård 8. Turisas - The Bosphorus Freezes Over 9. Epica - Universal Deathsquad 10.Carach Angren - Al Betekent Het Mijn Dood
Tags: @lady-nightmare @princessmeriwhite @docking-bay-94 @letwhatyoulovekillyouu @omnipotentwanderer @valhallstruevalkyrie @ollis-beard @slawischermarsch @valkyrie-of-the-north @mathiasismywhore @kayetastic @blazesinthenorthernsky @fullmetalriggy @wearekillgods
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marcusmettalus · 3 years
Foreign Shores in a Foreign Sea.
"For the Love of Terra, STOP!"
The entourage of Karseillains and guards blink a little at the sudden outburst from Ostia Haldus, Noémie Durand looking mildly miffed at the sudden disturbance while she was attempting to get her newly acquired friend to board the Light Cruiser.
It's been several months now, and much had been done and visited here on Karseille and it's twin moons, but now Noémie has been asked to visit her Vassal Liege, and thought this was a brilliant (if perhaps naive) moment to take along her friend. However, it seemed that Ostia was not fully onboard and clearly not well informed about all this dealigs.
"I thought you would be interested and welcome the distraction Ostia, and it's not a long jou-" Noémie began before getting cut off by Ostia again.
"Wait. Just,, can we start from the beginning. Who is, your Liege? I thought you were your own people and little monarchy, how is this,, Muspell-whatever your actual ruler? Or are you his servants?"
Noémie sighs deeply, before speaking sharply in the native tongue to her entourage. The guards give a sharp salute before they continue their way towards the docking bridge, the entourage from the various Dynasties hesitate for a brief moment before yielding, following the guards. One the pair are relatively alone, Noémie sizes up her silver haired friend.
Stubborn, not too unusual for an Imperial, but is not a glory seeker or grabs for power, scarred both from the campaigns,, and from her own family. Ostia can make strange friends, having spoken fondly of an Astartes on several occasions, and some members of a Rogue Trader dynasty. But,, still an Imperial.
"Ostia, High King Muspelson is my Liege, as he and my ancestors made an alliance many centuries ago. We would be under his protection as we gained out feet, trade resources, knowledge. And in times of war, we would lend our Knights should the need arise for them. But we are not his servants or slaves. Though,, some people within our Noblesse may see otherwise."
Ostia crosses her arms across her chest, her brow sinking slightly whilst Noémie spoke. "He's your protector liege then,, against what though? The outside world? The Imperium? Orks? Cause up untill a year ago, no one knew your monarchy existed."
"A little bit of the three, if I will be honest. When Muspelson came into power, the Imperium was in pieces, having lived through it's bloodiest civil war on a scale not seen since. Allies now were enemies, and those you'd call your family,, no longer wished for your health. The people clouded by superstitions and fear and Chaos. Muspelson, wanted none of that taint to reach his people, or his allies."
It was not Ostia to look surprised at was being told, her head acant with a more curious frown than judging. "Civil War? What are you on about? There hasn't been a civil war for centuries, fekk, millennia within the Imperium. The last time there was one it was th-"
Like a glo-light finally igniting to life, Ostia puts the odd shaped pieces of the puzzle together. The Heresy. That was in a totally different age all together, thousands of years ago when the Imperium was trying to forge something greater, and when the Emperor was still walking. 'When Muspelson came into power, the Imperium was in pieces..' Noémie's words echoed in Ostia's mind, not quite believing what was being said. No one could live that long, surely? It must be a title then, something inherited by each successor when they take the throne. Or?
"Ostia, I do not have all the answers to your questions. I too am still learning about Muspelson's people and history. But there is one truth that I have learnt from a young age, taught by my Uncle Julien. Si vous pouvez le voir, alors vous pouvez le croire."
Noémie smiles softly as she recalls her late Uncle's face and rolling laughter, the gaudy room he called his library. But the pearls of his philosophy still lived on.
"If you can see it, then you can believe it."
Noémie Durand turned round and made her way towards the docking bridge, leaving Ostia alone for her thoughts to gather. The Scion going though her tumbling thoughts for what felt like an eternity. But her eyes were set.
Metallic clicking was heard again, as Ostia climbed up onto the docking bridge, boarding the cruiser with a course set,, for Midgård.
(Edit. Forgot to tag @rowscara in todays drabble. woops)
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marcusmettalus · 3 years
Dramatis Persona
Surtr Muspelson; High King of the Guardians of Asgård, Praetor of the 13th Great Company during the Great Crusade, The Asgårdian, Will of the Nine.
Surtr Muspelson is a Terran born Astartes, born into a Scandinavis Tribe sometime around 770.M30. He and many others of the Tribes of the north was folded into the Imperium and their braves turned into the first warriors to make up the VIth Legion. Then, joining the other fleets of the Great Crusade began the hunt for the various Primarchs that were scattered across the galaxy. Surtr and the VIth found their King on Fenris in 807.M.30.
Surtr and many of his Tribes-Brothers (along with Russ’ Sword-Brothers) would join to create the 13th Great Company, with Jorin Bloodhowl as the first Jarl of the Dekk-Tra. Surtr rose in the ranks slowly and steadily, known to look out for those under his leadership, but always denying a promotion, saying only the High King should adorn him with command when it is called for.
In 870.M.30, during the Dulan Campaign where the Space Wolves and Dark Angels fought against the Faash, the Jarl and his Huskarl Buleye were killed in action during the ground battles on Dulan. Surtr rallied the 13th, and helped to the aide of both the 6th company and 8th, lending some assistance to their Dark Angel brothers as well. When the din of battle was gone, and the duel of the Wolf & Lion was concluded, Surtr was promoted to the new Jarl of the Dekk-Tra by King Russ.
His story continues on, but those tales shall come in time.
Woden Blackstorm; Chief Skald of the Guardians of Asgård, Conduit of the Nine.
Woden Blackstorm, while not a Jarl of any of the Warhosts, holds the rank of Chief Skald and Hesir to High King. Woden is Midgårdian, born on the new homeworld of the Guardians. He is the Headmaster of the Astartes training program, despite his youth Woden is a font of knowledge and history of his people. His duties within the warband is to help teach and educate the new Guardians who join the ranks. Each year, following the Mid-summer festivals, Woden receives either the most promising Initiates from the yearly selection, or the most troublesome.
He also helps train and moderate over the Neophytes who show greater Psychic potential, showing them the ways of communing with the Nine, and the powers they can grant. The power of the Warp is a fickle, and often dangerous thing, and the Guardians know this all too well.
Woden’s Master had developed the concept of building the "níu sinnum hlið", mental gates that are built into the Skald as they learn. This way the flow of power from the Warp is choked, reducing the risk of taint or corruption to minuscule levels.
The beginners would only be be capable of opening the First or Second gates, while Masters like Woden and Surtr are able to open even the Ninth gate, if only for a short period of time.
Marcus Mettalus; Arch-Magos of Forgeworld Muspelheim, Chief Architect of the Nidhogg.
Prior to becoming the chief designer and architect to the floating-void-worthy-city-totally-not-a-craft-world that is NIDHOGG, Mettalus used to be the Chief Magos Biologis in the Kingdom. He adores the beauty of Nature, and how various creatures have evolved over eons to be part of their niche of life.
He has, over the past ~900 years or so, documented and sketched out a myriad of species of mammals, flora, insects, mega-fuana and more. If one went to one of the many libraries in the Kingdom, a lot of the books of wildlife or the artist renditions of animals are probably his.
The Iron Lady; Arch-Magos of Forgeworld Gofannos, Keeper of The Black Ancients, "y to gwellt".
The Iron Lady, a follower of the gods of the Forge and Metal, she is possibly one of the oldest beings within the Kingdom apart from possibly High King Surtr and some of the Ancients. She has replaced almost all of her mortal flesh and bones, to that of sturdy steel, sacred silica, and hallowed mithril. Though she has crafted her new vessel to not resemble the bulky and looming figures that are commonplace with her fellow siblings of the Red Cloth.
Shaped to be like that of a sculpted statue, not of marble, yew or clay, but of wires, cables and armor plating. Like that of an elder artist of old, she carved her new body with her own hands, to be what she envisioned herself to be, or always was.
Moving with the usual fluid grace of her mortal serfs and citizens, but powered by gears, potentia coil, and synthetic muscle bundles. Clad but in her new inorganic flesh, and the robes of her Office, though this hides the veritable nest of cables, tethers and mechadendrites shadowed within the folds of the cloth.
The Iron Lady oversees a sacred charge, apart from her usual duties as Arch-Magos of Gofannos. The Black Ancients.
Ancients, the name given to the men and women interred into Dreadnought chassis, with time begin to deteriorate mentally. The process takes decades if not centuries before the mental state of the Ancients become borderline feral, or have taken on the name and persona of a figure of legend, the previous self gone forevermore.
These are the Black Ancients, feral beasts of adamantium and wroth. The Iron Lady is the seemingly only one able to corral and maintain these warriors, her unusual mannerisms and aura able to keep these Black Ancients focused, and more a danger to the enemy than their own brethren.
Eiyr Stormborn; Jarl of the Valkyries, The Matriarch, Spear of the Nine.
Lady Eiyr is an Ascended, a human who has been blessed by the Gods with powers and an augmented form to deliver the will of the Gods. Eiyr wields the powers of Frejya, Goddess of Magic, Lust and War. Her psychic abilities lets her control the minds and bodies of her enemies, forcing them to either do her bidding or perish.
Eiyr was born on Midgård and when she came of age, like many others, took the Trials to see if she may become a Vanir, or an Astartes as they are called. While she was not able to complete the third trial (out of the three), she was able to still continue her training in the human military.
Through numerous campaigns and perils, Eiyr served within the Soturit, earning some acclaim and several scars. Here was she seen by Freyja, Queen of the Valkyr, and was offered the gift of Ascension. Eiyr Hasseldottir, was remade under the darkened storm clouds, into the now Stormborn. Hair of red gold, tawny wings, and blood of a demi-goddess.
Erik Greyraven; Jarl of the Ulfsarks, Grey Ancient, Voice of the Nine.
The eldest on the seat of the Council (the collection of Jarls and Hesirs who command the Guardians of Asgård), Erik Greyraven grumbles and trundles around in his terminator armor, heavily reliant on the suit to keep his frame moving around. Almost 2,000 years old, he and a few others were responsible in the creation and success of the “Ascended” Project.
The project was responsible in finding a way to augment humans, and even Astartes to the next level with the aide of The Nine and their pantheon. Magis Biologis and Inquisitorial agents can not help but draw comparisons to the Chaos Chosen, mortal bodies that have been imbued with either Demons, or some other malefic powers.
Ascended must surely be no different.
Haralde Celtos; Chief Ambassador, Child of Bretannos, Dealbroker of Ultramar and Xerxes.
A middle aged Bretannos born man, having risen through the ranks among the noble trade of Wordsmiths, before applying to join the Embassy and plying his trade and expertise there. The ambassadors and their corps help with establishing trade routes, bettering relations with the neighboring kingdoms, Rogue Traders, and Xenos who live near/within the Kingdom. They have become more critical in years following the return of the Guardians into the greater Imperium, as they had to work with the horrors of the Administratum and Bureaucrats system and help smooth over the transition.
Now as Chief Ambassador, his skills and talents to handle the more sensitive and crucial situations, to save a situation where the worst outcome might lead into an unnecessary conflict or even war. (Currently working on solidifying a potential Alliance between the Kingdom of Midgård and the Empire of Xerxes)
Grande Dame Noemie Durand XIV; High Lord of House Chevailer, Scion Pilot of Dominon, Queen of Karseille, and Head of the Durand Dynasty.
Noemie Durand is the current figure head of House Chevalier, a small kingdom along the southern border of Midgård, near the edge of the Ultramar Segmentum. Only having been the leader of her people for barely a century, compared to many rulers near her lands who have governed for several centuries if nor millennia, Noemie has much to learn how to rule her people as they are slowly drawn into the wider conflict across the galaxy.
Karseille was a former Imperial Colony, founded some time during the Great Crusade Era, following the discovery and addition of the Ultramar Empire of Roboute Guilliman. However, given the sub-sector's location to the far north and near the Ghoul Stars, along with the lack of trade, Karseille soon became an isolated region and ended up being an independent realm.
For more information about the Guardians of Asgård, their history, their forces, please click on these: History 1, History 2, History 3, History 4, Short AU Explanation, Guardian Mythos
(Going to edit this properly when on PC. Mobile Tumblr be caught lackin'.)
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marcusmettalus · 3 years
Roboute Gulliman: "Marshal Karis Venner, I apologize for the abrupt summons that brought you this far from your front lines, but I needed your,, unique perspective to bring some much needed light on a matter of import."
Venner: *Raspy, slow intakes of air whilst speaking* "It is, nothing to worry of, Lord Commander. Not far to travel, from here to, Orpheus. But, why summon me? You have thousands of, so called educated, scholars to advise, you."
Roboute: "Because they are all seeing from their hardened points of view, they are,, conventional so to speak. I require a view that is more pragmatic, dare I say, unorthodox even, in the eyes of your peers and other regiments. Now, I want your opinion on this faction and it's action reports, I have not seen quite anything like them, and I wanted your thoughts on how they deal with a battlefield."
[Roboute hands a datapad over to Marshal Venner, while a few screens to the adjacent wall begin to play a few armor cam recordings and pict-captures, showing a heavy corps of carapace armoured soldiers in various conflicts with both xenos, chaos and some imperial forces. Venner slowly is reading through the datapad, digesting the info and it's comments while time from time taking a few seconds to watch a recording or three on repeat.]
Venner: "Curious."
Roboute: "Hmm?"
Venner: "They fight, not quite unlike, my people, or that of Tallarn. Little fear in their, actions or deployment, but not due to zeal, or fatalism. They also move, is if they know where, they are. They observe the world, it's people, their enemy, before they fire, a single shot. There is no doubt, in their focus."
Venner: "That,, and they use incendiary weapons."
Roboute: "You spotted that as well, hmm? I have rarely seen them use any fragmentation grenades, only these bright white incendiaries. From what Cawl and his acolytes can discern, it is some form of magnesium and iron oxide mix, with a third unidentified compound. But whatever it is,, it works very effectively."
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marcusmettalus · 3 years
Where No Imperial Has Gone Before.
(Continued from Here. with @some-old-psyker )
Sergeant scratches a little on his neck, though the enviro-underarmor makes it a little difficult to get at the itch. "Hmmm well Ex-Medic Ana, I'd like to inform you,, that you are the last thing alive on this ship, no one else made it. And no, you didn't hallucinate, there were,, what did you call them, Day-mons? Dee-mans? Your Imperial Languages are still a bit rough for us. Our word for these,, things, roughly comes to Voidborn, Voidlings, or there abouts."
Gunnar indicated over to the charred remains of one of the daemon-possessed crewmen, the incendiary grenade having reduced flesh, clothes and bone to charred ash, slowly crumbling into a stained pile on the scorched floor.
Jonatan has scooted closer now, about to try and clean up Ana with some antiseptic to get the worst of the gunk off of Ana's flak uniform, but is stopped by a motion from Gunnar.
"Karl. Medalj." The sergeant holds out a gloved hand to one of his troopers, who looks a bit bewildered, before the soldier reaches under his front breastplate, and pulls out a small metal icon. It appears to made from wrought iron, in the shape of an avian head in profile, its eye made from a polished piece of bone, held in a tight knotwork of jute in a loop.
Karl tosses the medallion over to Gunnar, the sergeant catching it and turning it over a few times in his hand. Then quickly tosses it into Ana's direction, everyone watching carefully what reaction will the medallion have, their guns ready in case Ana turns out to be a Possessed.
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marcusmettalus · 3 years
The Darkest Decades
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In the beginning of 950.M41, the observation outposts at the edge of The Veil, the warp storm that encircles the entirety of the Midgård Kingdom and majority of The Ghoul Stars, began to experience gravitational and spacial anomalies on various planets and moons. Freak weather phenomenon and wildlife found slaughtered to extinction. Something from the deep of space was effecting them, and was drawing closer every passing year.
Mid way through 960.M41 came the first tendrils of Hive Fleet Moloch, and the first taste of the Tyranid Threat for the Kingdom. The mobilization had begun.
What started as a defensive line, soon turned into a slow retreat, as more and more of the Hive Fleet converged onto the Kingdom, so ripe and full of Biomass and genetic diversity. As the brute weight of chitin and flesh was brought down onto the Guardians, the forces had to yield system after system to give themselves enough breathing room to come up with a better plan to deal with the Tyranids.
High King Surtr Muspelson called on his vassal, Knight House Chevalier and Grand Duc Marc Lyonesse. Lyonesse was honorbound to aide the High King, and came with most of his Knights and House Guard to aide in the defense of the Kingdom. Over the next years, many of the Knights, House Guard, and Midgårdians would die.
House Chevalier had almost a hundred and fifty Knights, by the end of The Darkest Decades, they only had thirty-five left, and the death of Marc Lyonesse.
The combined forces of the Kingdom and House Chevalier, barely could stem the seemingly never ending tide of Moloch, and the death toll was only getting higher.
At the behest of his council of Jarls, the Riksdag, and the successor of House Chevalier, High King Surtr allowed the use of the recently constructed super flagship of the Kingdom, NIDHOGG.
The vessel dwarfed even a Gloriana Class Battleship, a floating fortress and weapons platform, the NIDHOGG left it's moorings around Svartalfheim and made the jump to the front lines, it's baptism in fire as macro gun batteries and volkite cannonades tore into the Hive Fleets numerous bio ships, but this was only to give it's main weapon time to prepare.
The main weapon was a warp based cannon that ran the length of it's central axis, the bore large enough for a wing of Stormbirds to pass through with ease. The cannon charged to only 50% before it fired, no one was sure what sort of damage it could cause and thus fired early to contain the damage.
Public knowledge of the weapon and it's workings are non-existent, only that it's a last resort weapon that the entire Council must unanimously agree to employ. But for everyone who knows even an inkling, that it drains fuel from the closest star, feeding the concoction of plasmafied Helium, Hydrogen and other exotic elements into the weapon's core, then firing a cascading anti-warp field that creates both a vacuum in the Warp, and eats away at organic matter, leaving ashen husks behind. A weapon befitting a ship named after the ancient Terran mythic being, who ate and tore at the roots of the World Tree, the very foundation of all Life.
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marcusmettalus · 3 years
Where No Imperial Has Gone Before.
"How did this ship even make it through the Veil? Every Imperial Ship who has tried prio-"
"I know Medic Jonatan, I know. I paid attention in Høgstadiet for one,, and have seen some of the ships in question. The fact that even a few decks still hold atmo is a miracle in and of itself,, now, how far to the life sign?"
The young combat medic gave a short glare at her superior before checking the info on her data pad strapped to her forearm, the faint blue glow coloring the hoarfrosted corridor. The 25 man team of Soturit, clad fully in their Fenrir Carapace kit, environmental masks secured tightly even if there is a thin atmosphere in this section of the ship.
This transport vessel, some sort of Imperial Class Clipper or other, turned up near the outskirts of the Kingdom's outermost reaches. Hemvaktet, the military forces tasked with securing matters within the borders, were quick to move in and investigate the scene. It's hull broken, leaking plasma and atmo into the void, and only faint life signs onboard. A seek and destroy, turned search and rescue.
Sergeant Gunnar and his team were closing in whatever was still left alive, already having found the crew and many other passengers,, dead.
"In here it looks like,, seems to be some sort of cargo bay, maybe transporting the goods and food stuff? Ship manifest?" The young medic turned again to her officer who only shook his head.
"Data was corrupted, what Magos Theta could extract is garbled and,, tainted was her description. Still up in the bridge and rooting around, left her to her own devices. Let's see if we have any better luck here. Soturit, i position, brott, sök och rensa."
The fire team quickly stack around the cargo bay doors, ballistic weapons at the ready, while the team's techie gets the doors to open up on emergency hydraulics.
(For @some-old-psyker to get to see a new world beyond Imperial borders once more, and find more human contacts, maybe even allies for future adventures)
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marcusmettalus · 2 years
"Your people honor their elders. Warriors, Sages, Saints and Wardens. You worship them at their altars. Regardless if decades, centuries old. Dante and Björn, almost myth, for being millennia old. By this logic, I know what I am in your eyes. I am a GOD."
998.M41. High King Surtr Muspelson, addressing Ecclesiarch Eos Ritira
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marcusmettalus · 3 years
"What does one seek in one's life? Is it Glory? To make a great Saga? To slay a King? Explore the world made by the Gods? Witness a miracle?"
"I,, I do not know. I came of age just this Winter, and the Summer Games are only a few months away. The whole Kingdom will be watching,, do they expect already such great things of us?"
"Some yes, some no. They will see a great number of youths, from across the Kingdom, all vying to be witnessed, to be noticed for their strength, their agility, their will to keep going, but there is one thing above all others they look for."
"Spirit? How does that mean more?"
"If you show your Spirit, bare your Soul for all to see, even if you do not walk home with trophies and medals, they will see greatness. It shows everyone that you possess a character that will not be bowed by defeat or falsehoods, you kept your head high, and remained humble before all. Your Spirit preserved even if you did not have the strength of a bear, or the agility of the Ældar, or psychic potential."
"Spirit,, but that's not something you train,,"
"Hahaha, no no, that is true. It's just something you possess, but not everyone has similar character. Some are darker, others brighter,, some scarred. But no one is better than the other when it comes to Spirit, just more bared to the world. If you hide nothing of your soul,, then there is nothing to fear, and you are able to perform great feats."
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